Under$alanced drilling is an acti'it# em%lo#ing a%%ro%riate e&ui%ment and controls )here the %ressure e*erted in the )ell$ore is intentionall# less than the %ore %ressure in an# %art of the e*%osed formations )ith the intention of $ringing the formation fluid to surface+ !'er$alanced Drilling ,!BD-
Under$alanced Drilling ,UBD-
P ,f- . P ,$h%- / P ,h#d- 0 P ,af%-
P ,f- 1 P ,$h%- / P ,h#d- 0 P ,af%-
"h# Under$alanced drilling
Reser'oir Benefits
Pre'ent formation damage
arl# %roduction
Reduced stimulation
nhanced reco'er#
Drilling Performance
2igh R!P
Fractured3Loss formation
Reduced 4D for e*tended reach )ells
Differential stic5ing %rone formation
Under $alance t#%es 2#drostatic head ma# $e induced or ma# $e naturall# less than the formation %ressure Natural
6 A%%lications for normal to a$o'e normal %ressured reser'oirs utili7ing fluid s#stems in a controlled flo) drilling techni&ue+ Induced
6 De%leted Reser'oirs: adding natural gas8 nitrogen or air to li&uid %hase of drilling fluid
UBD Design consideration
B2P re&uirement 6 2#draulics 9 ho) much under $alance
Drilling fluid o%tion 6 Gaseous 3 4om%ressi$le fluids ,air8 mist or foam drilling6 Single %hase fluid ,clear li&uid8 "B;8 !B;6 Gas lift s#stems ,Natural gas8 N< 8 4!< and !
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