10 Raspberry Pi Projects Made Easy

January 27, 2017 | Author: alarue | Category: N/A
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WorldMags.net 10 amazing Raspberry Pi projects

Everything you need to make technology come to life with our amazing ideas to try with your Pi! Around six months ago we put together an article featuring ten of the most amazing Raspberry Pi projects in the world. Those projects featured lofty goals (like taking pictures from the edge of space) achieved by some devilishly clever people that we could only dream of emulating. As well as proving the power and versatility of the Raspberry Pi, these projects served as inspiration for the rest of us. This time we’re getting practical. We want you to pick up the gauntlet and actually get building and we’ve hand-picked another ten amazing projects, but each one of these can be put

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together in a day – some in just an afternoon of light tinkering. In fact, most need little more than the technology you’ve already got in your home – a TV, a camera, a mobile phone or videogame controller. Even for the few projects that do need a bit more practical hacking, the bits and bobs you need are unlikely to cost much more than £10 or £15 – a small price to pay for the gadgets you’ll get in return. Hopefully these projects will give you just enough expertise and practical experience to allow you to take things even further and come up with projects of your own. Perhaps you could

monitor the temperature of your bedroom and trigger an electric blanket to come on for an hour in those chilly winter evenings. Or maybe you could sample the soil moisture of a houseplant and have it tweet you when it’s thirsty. Many of the techniques featured in the following pages (and even entire chunks of code) would translate perfectly to projects just like these – all you need is an idea and a little bit of know-how. In another six months we’re going to lay down the gauntlet all over again, but next time we want to show off your projects in these pages. Get hacking and show us what you can do!



10 Raspberry Pi projects made easy

Practical Raspberry Pi projects to amaze and inspire

028 - 029 Portable internet radio

030 - 031 Always-on torrent box

026 - 027 Complete media centre

032 - 033 Time-lapse camera trigger

034 - 035 Retro games console

040 - 041 VoIP server

042 - 043 Wireless access point

036 - 037 File server


038 - 039 Security camera

044 - 045 Voice-control Your Pi

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WorldMags.net The complete Pi media centre

Create a complete media centre

Turn your Raspberry Pi into the perfect media centre with some simple software and tweaks There are a few ways to use the Raspberry Pi as an HTPC, with some of the best being XBMC-powered distros. OpenELEC is a great, lightweight way to use the Pi for that sole purpose, but we’re going to cover the more customisable Raspbmc, based on Debian.



Rob models complex systems and is a web developer proficient in Python, Django and PHP. He loves to experiment with computing

WHAT YOU'LL NEED » Internet connection » External hard drive

The Raspberry Pi makes the perfect media centre, and there’s software to take advantage of it

Choose between different HTPC solutions with different advantages and disadvantages

» VESA mount

Watch local and network videos at full 1080p resolution, along with music and pictures

Get popular streaming apps for web-based video to run directly from your Raspberry Pi

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10 Raspberry Pi projects made easy

Practical Raspberry Pi projects to amaze and inspire

Raspbmc will download the

01 Install Raspbmc

Raspbmc has a downloadable installer that always gets the latest image for your Pi. Create a new directory and then download it with:

$ wget http://svn.stmlabs.com/svn/ raspbmc/release/installers/python/ install.py Make it executable with:

$ chmod +x install.py And then run it with:

04 Scrape your media

After selecting a source, you can choose what service to scrape information from. This gives you more info on the files you’re watching, such as episode summaries and proper names. Make sure your films have the year appended to them, and that your TV shows do too.

$ sudo python install.py

07 AndroidRemote

There’s an official Android Remote app on the Google Play Store that can control XBMC once the web server is enabled. Download it to your phone and launch it. Go to the Settings, add new host, and enter the IP address and port (80 by default) like in the previous step.

Follow the on-screen instructions and it will then install onto your Pi.

05 Get some apps

02 Setup

By installing Raspbmc this way, the distro will then download the latest image and updates to run on your Pi on first boot. This will take a while, and involve a couple of restarts, but will only happen the first time. Select your language in XBMC and you’re done.

On any content tab, go to Add-Ons. It will display the apps you already have, which is none by default. By selecting Get More, the full list of available apps will be shown and you can install them with one button click from there.

08 Using CEC

If your TV supports it, CEC can be used over HDMI to control your XBMC-powered Pi. CEC should be enabled by default, which means you can control your entire setup with only one remote control. Refer to the XBMC wiki to see if your TV supports CEC, and how you can take advantage of it: bit.ly/18kdVHf

09 Traditional remotes 03 Network sharing

You can add file sources to XBMC by first of all going to Video, then Add Source. Go to Browse and you can add local or networked files. For network shares, choose either UPnP or SMB shares to see what’s visible on the network, or ‘Add network location’ if you know the direct path. This works the same for Music and Pictures.

06 Web remote

In Settings, go to Services and then Webserver. Enable it and you will now be able to control your Raspberry Pi using a web browser. To access the web browser remote, enter the IP address – found in System Info under the home screen’s Settings tab – into your browser, followed by ‘:80’.


XBMC supports a large number of universal remotes that include, or support, USB IR receivers. One of the best devices for this is the FLIRC, a fully programmable USB IR receiver that allows you to use any remote with the Pi.

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WorldMags.net Portable internet radio

Connect your speaker(s) to the 3.5mm audio out jack on the Pi

The completed project, with momentary switches to control stations

The circuit is very straightforward with just two buttons We’ve used the Pi Cobbler, but it’s not a requirement

Build a portable internet radio

Turn your Raspberry Pi into a portable Wi-Fi streaming radio There are thousands of free radio stations on the internet, and with this project you can listen to all of them from one tiny little box. So let’s build our streaming radio using a Raspberry Pi, a speaker and a few odds and ends…

01Let’s get set up

02 Install some extra packages


OCCUPATION: FREELANCE SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR Les has been a strong advocate of Linux and free software since 1999 and loves to tinker with hardware and software projects

WHAT YOU'LL NEED » A wireless internet connection » 2 x momentary switches

Firstly, we need to prepare our Pi. Using Raspbian, and a Pi connected to the internet, open a terminal and switch to the root user:

We need to install the Python packages to access the GPIO. In a terminal, logged in as root, enter the following.

sudo su

apt-get install python-rpi.gpio

» 2 x 220-ohm resistors

And update your list of packages, then upgrade your Pi to the latest software:

Now install MPlayer, which is what will be playing our audio.

» 4 x male-to-male leads

apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y

apt-get install mplayer

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» 4 x female-to-male leads (to connect your Pi to a breadboard)

» Speakers connected to 3.5mm headphone jack


10 Raspi projects made easy

Practical Raspberry Pi projects to amaze and inspire

This code is the glue that links the GPIO to MPlayer, which handles audio playback We import the RPi GPIO library and set it to use BCM numbering system Here we set up pins 23 and 24, which control the radio station selection

Here we say that if the button is pressed for 23, run the command below Here we see the script kill any open MPlayer processes and then load the radio station

#!/usr/bin env python import time import sleep import os import RPi.GPIO as GPIO # I found loads of BBC Radio streams from http://bbcstreams.com/ GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(23 , GPIO.IN) GPIO.setup(24 , GPIO.IN) while True: if GPIO.input(23)==1: os.system(‘sudo killall mplayer’) os.system(‘mplayer -playlist http://bbc.co.uk/radio/listen/live/r1.asx &’) if GPIO.input(24)==1: os.system(‘sudo killall mplayer’) os.system(‘mplayer -playlist http://bbc.co.uk/radio/listen/live/r6.asx &’) sleep(0.1); GPIO.cleanup()

03 Make the files executable and Install 06 Configure the radio to start at boot

To install the tools, we need to navigate to PiAUISuite-master/Install. We now need to make InstallAUISuite.sh executable for all users, so use:

In a terminal, as root, navigate to /etc/init.d/ and then create a file called radio using nano.

chmod 777

In that file, type in the following:


Now that the file is executable, let’s install:

sudo ./ InstallAUISuite.sh

04 Set up the software

nano radio #! /bin/bash modprobe snd_bcm2835 amixer cset numid=3 1 python /home/pi/radio.py

There are thousands of free radio stations on the internet, and you can listen to

Copy radio.py from the cover disc to your home directory – we’ll use the code as is for this guide, but feel free to edit the code to suit your needs later on. Now open a terminal and switch to root, and edit your network interface config:

This loads the kernel module for the sound card Amixer sets the output to the 3.5mm headphone jack (that’s what 1 means, HDMI is 2). Lastly it calls the Python script.

nano /etc/network/interfaces

Save and exit radio in /etc/init.d by pressing Ctrl+X and then answering yes to the prompt. Now make radio executable by typing (as root):

–a terminal is all we need, as the project will not require a screen for future use.. Once complete, reboot the Pi and watch as the output from boot whizzes across the screen.

chmod 755 radio

09 First test

05 Wi-Fi configuration

We want the Pi to automatically connect to your router via Wi-Fi during boot. Edit your /etc/network/interfaces file to resemble this:

auto lo iface lo inet loopback iface eth0 inet dhcp allow-hotplug wlan0 auto wlan0 iface wlan0 inet dhcp wpa-ssid “ssid” wpa-psk “password” Replace the “ssid” and “password” with your own details, but keep the quotation marks.

07 Make it executable

Then, as root, register radio to start on boot by typing in a terminal:

update-rc.d radio defaults

08 Raspi-config

In a terminal as root, use raspi-config to change the boot behaviour of your Pi. We don’t want it to load the desktop,


Once the Pi has finished loading, press one of the buttons on your breadboard. In a few seconds you should hear the audio come through the speakers that you attached to the 3.5mm headphone jack. That’s it, you have a wireless internet radio. Why not add a mute function using amixer (manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/gutsy/ man1/amixer.1.html) and another momentary switch. Or even add an LCD screen (www.rpiblog. com/2012/11/interfacing-16x2-lcd-withraspberry-pi.html) to show the station details.

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WorldMags.net Always-on torrent box

Build an always-on torrent box

Get the latest distros, packages and test builds faster with a low-power, mini torrent box


OCCUPATION: Torrenting your open source software has a number of advantages – it can be faster, alleviates bandwidth and allows you to share back with the community. Distros, packages and more are available via torrents, and the Raspberry Pi makes for a tiny, low-wattage, always-on torrent box to better manage your files.

WHAT YOU'LL NEED » A portable hard drive » Raspbian www.raspberrypi.org/ downloads » PC with a desktop environment and Deluge installed

Faster, alleviates bandwidth and allows

Rob models complex systems and is a web developer proficient in Python, Django and PHP. He loves to experiment with computing

Store completed files on an external hard drive, for more space or easy transport

An always-on torrent box you can hide in a (wellventilated) small space

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You’ll be transferring large amounts of data, so wired networking is a must


10 Raspi projects made easy

Practical Raspberry Pi projects to amaze and inspire

01 Install Raspbian

Raspbian works just fine for our torrent box. Install the image on an SD card and go through the basic setup process, making sure to enable SSH in the advanced options and to disable the desktop.

Basic configuration 05 $ nano ~/.config/deluge/auth Edit the file with:

And add to the bottom:

[user]:[password]:10 …to restrict access. Now start it up with:

$ deluged $ deluge-console

access 02 Remote ifconfig

Type into your Pi’s command line to find the IP address. At this point you can unplug the monitor and set it up remotely, but either way you can now access the Pi by typing:

$ ssh [user]@[IP address] …and entering your password to log in.


Remote connection

Now you’re in the client, type the following three commands:

config -s allow_remote True config allow_remote exit Restart the Deluge daemon with:


Mount hard drive

Unless you plan to reformat your portable drive, you’ll need to install NTFS support onto your Pi. Type:

08 Downloadlocation

Go again to Edit then Preferences, and change to the Downloads tab if it’s not on there already. Set the download location to the directory we mounted the hard drive to, and enable ‘Auto add .torrents’, setting it to any destination if you plan to dump torrent files to the Pi.

$ sudo pkill deluged && deluged Now open the graphical client on your Linux PC.

$ sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g Add the hard drive to /etc/fstab (open it with sudo nano /etc/fstab) by adding the line:

/dev/[hard drive address] [mount point] auto noatime 0 0 Use fdisk to find the name of the storage, and create a mount point such as /home/pi/torrents with mkdir. Reboot for it to mount.


09 Startonboot

Install Deluge

An init script from Ubuntu can be used to have Deluge start on boot. Download it with:

We’ll use Deluge for our torrents. Install

it with:

$ sudo wget -O /etc/default/delugedaemon http://bit.ly/13nKOSj

$ sudo apt-get install deluged deluge-console Now start and then stop Deluge so it creates a config file we can edit with:

$ deluged $ sudo pkill deluged And finally, run the following to copy the config file in case we mess up:

$ cp ~/.config/deluge/auth ~/.config/ deluge/auth.old

07 Remoteinterface

Go to Edit>Preferences>Interface, then disable Classic Mode and restart Deluge. Click Add on the Connection Manager, and enter the IP in Hostname and the user we set up earlier. Click Connect to see any torrents you have downloading or uploading.


Open /etc/default/deluge-daemon with nano and change the username to the one we set up earlier. Save it, then download the full init script and update with:

$ sudo wget -O /etc/init.d/delugedaemon http://bit.ly/13nKKlz $ sudo chmod 755 /etc/init.d/delugedaemon $ sudo update-rc.d deluge-daemon defaults

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WorldMags.net Time-lapse camera trigger

We wont be controlling the autofocus with our Python app, so set the focus to manual and select your camera settings in advance of the shoot

Using a basic 3.5mm audio jack, we can pulse the shutter trigger simply by applying voltage to the cable ‘head’

We’re using a cheap Canon EOS DSLR, so to trigger the shutter with the Raspberry Pi, all we need is a simple 2.5mm to 3.5mm cable

We’re using the Pi Cobbler as a breakout for the Pi’s GPIO pins, making the build process easier (though it’s not required)

Create a time-lapse camera trigger

Make shooting time-lapse video with your DSLR camera a cinch with our expert advice You’d be forgiven for thinking that creating mesmerising time-lapse videos like those of Vincent Laforet (www.laforetvisuals.com) or John Eklund (www.theartoftimelapse.com) might be out of reach of the Average Joe, but with the help of

the Raspberry Pi and a sprinkling of Python code, that’s no longer the case. In this guide we’re going to use our Raspberry Pi to trigger our run-of-the-mill DSLR camera (in this case a Canon EOS) to create pixel-perfect timelapse imagery for little more than £10. Here’s how…

01 Set up the Raspberry Pi

02 Install the RPi.GPIO library

For this tutorial we’re assuming you’re using a recent build of Raspbian, available both on the disc and via www.raspberrypi.org/downloads. With the Raspberry Pi set up with a keyboard, mouse and monitor, open the terminal and type:

sudo apt-get update

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Next we want to make sure your development environment is set up. Users of Raspian should be set up already, but you should follow these steps anyway to make sure. In the terminal, type:

suda atp-get install python-dev Then: sudo apt-get install python-rpi.gpio




Russell has been an open source advocate and technology writer for 15 years. He is a keen RasPi and Arduino project maker

WHAT YOU'LL NEED » Breadboard, connectors, jumper wire » DSLR camera » Compatible shutter cable » Raspbian with Python 2.7


10 Raspi projects made easy

Practical Raspberry Pi projects to amaze and inspire

03 Set up the Pi Cobbler

With the development environment set up, we can turn our attention to the hardware. For this tutorial we’ve used a cheap prototyping breadboard and an Adafruit Pi Cobbler (learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-pi-cobbler-kit/ overview) to give us easy access to the Raspberry Pi’s GPIO pins. As you can see from the picture, the Cobbler straddles the centre-point of the breadboard and a ribbon cable connects the two.


Configure the breadboard

For the Raspberry Pi’s GPIO to control the camera, we need to create a circuit between a pin on the GPIO (in this case pin 23 on the Cobbler – but it’s actually physical pin 16) and the pin that connects to the ‘head’ or ‘tip’ of the camera cable that activates the shutter when connected. We’ve also used a resistor, but it isn’t required. The base of the connector cable is always ground, so make sure you ground the ‘GND’ pin on the Cobbler and the middle pin on the audio jack. It’s very simple stuff. With the circuit complete, we can focus on the code.

Linux User Time-lapse 05 The Photography Tool We’ve created a small 55-line Python utility called The Linux User Time-lapse Photography Tool, which asks the user to input how many shots they’d like to take and the frequency they’d like them taken. It then takes that information and uses it in a For loop to activate the shutter using GPIO pin 16 . If you’d like to use the project ‘in the field’ we’d recommend using the Android app ConnectBot to SSH into your RasPi for input and feedback. Don’t forget to start your script with sudo python time_lapse_camera.py

06 Creating a video from the images

With your camera packed with images, we need to now collect and output them as a video file. While it’s technically possible to do on the Pi, we’d recommend copying them to an easily accessible folder on a separate Linux PC since there will be quite a lot of heavy lifting involved. We’re going to use FFmpeg. With the terminal open in the folder where your images are stored, type: ffmpeg -f image2 -i image%04d.jpg -vcodec libx264 -b 800k video.avi. This obviously assumes you have libx264 installed on your machine and the ‘image%o4d.jpg’ assumes the file format and the number of digits it’s dealing with (in this case: ‘picture0001.jpg’). See ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.html for full documentation of FFmpeg’s incredible capabilities, but the flags we’ve selected should make for good results.

Time-lapse trigger code listing import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import time

It’s a simple script so the imports are meagre. We need to import the GPIO module to control the shutter pin and the Time module helps us deal with the interval between shots

print ‘\nWelcome to the Linux User Time-lapse Photography Tool.’ print “Just tell us how many shots you’d like to take and the interval between them.\n” print “Try googling ‘time-lapse interval calc’ if you need help deciding.\n” def main(): shots = raw_input(‘How many shots would you like to take?\n ->’) interval = raw_input(‘How frequently do you want to take them (in seconds)?\n ->’) if shots.isdigit() and interval.isdigit(): shots = int(shots) interval = int(interval) print “You’ll be shooting for %d minutes.\n” % (shots * interval / 60) answer = raw_input(‘Are you ready to proceed?(yes/no):’) confirm = answer.lower() in [‘yes’, ‘y’]

Be mindful of (GPIO.BOARD) – this if confirm: tells you we’re using GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) physical pin number 16, as GPIO.setup(16, GPIO.OUT) opposed to the documented taken = 1 number (which in this case is 23) print print ‘Starting a run of %d shots’ % (shots) for i in range(0, shots): print print ‘Shot %d of %d’ % (taken, shots) This is the main taken +=1 loop of the script GPIO.output(16, GPIO.HIGH) that loops over your time.sleep(0.5) total shot count GPIO.output(16, GPIO.LOW) and factors in your time.sleep(interval) time interval GPIO.cleanup() else: print “Let’s try again (or press Ctrl + C to quit):\n” main() else: print “Oops - You can only enter numbers. Let’s try again:\n” main() print print ‘Done. Thanks for using the Linux User Time-lapse Photography Tool!\n’ again = raw_input(‘Would you like to do another time-lapse? (yes/no):\n -> ‘) proceed = again.lower() in [‘yes’, ‘y’] if proceed: main() else: print ‘\nSee you next time!\n’ quit() if __name__ == ‘__main__’: main()


With the main If and For loops complete, the script uses a further If / Else to ask if you’d like to shoot again, or quit

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WorldMags.net Retro games console

Configure RetroPie for more power control

Turn your Raspberry Pi into the ultimate portable retro games console

Properly configure USB and PS3 controllers out of the box

Install drivers to use the Xbox 360 controller

Make your own retro games console Get your retro gaming fix with RetroPie, a distro for getting the games of yesteryear onto your Raspberry Pi

There’s a growing trend for people to create their own arcade cabinet or hack together their own retro console, and the Raspberry Pi’s size and power makes it perfect for this. Follow our tutorial to turn your Pi into a fully functional emulating powerhouse.

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Rob models complex systems and is a web developer proficient in Python, Django and PHP. He loves to experiment with computing

WHAT YOU'LL NEED » RetroPie blog.petrockblock.com/download/ retropie-project-image/


10 Raspi projects made easy

Practical Raspberry Pi projects to amaze and inspire

01 Install RetroPie

Download the latest RetroPie image from the website and unzip it. Like installing other Raspberry Pi distros, you simply need to write the image to the SD card with:

$ sudo dd bs=4M if=[path to image] of=/dev/[path to sd card]

02 Initial setup

On the first boot, you’ll be asked to configure a controller, which can be done with a keyboard, a standard USB controller or a PS3 controller. The initial setup on RetroPie is for very limited controls, and you’ll need to launch a separate tool for better config.


07 Navigate RetroPie

Calibrating controllers

Press the menu button you set up, and go to exit. You’ll get to a command line. Connect a USB controller and enter the following:

$ cd RetroPie/emulators/RetroArch/ tools …and then:

05 Recognising the 360 controller

Add the 360 pad to your configuration file by first going to tools with:

$ cd ~/RetroPie/emulators/RetroArch/ tools

$ ./retroarch-joyconfig >> ~/ RetroPie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg

Then type in the following:

Follow on the on-screen instructions to properly configure your controller.

And finally add the files to RetroArch with:

04 Using an Xbox 360 pad

Save and reboot.

RetroPie will automatically know if there are games for a specific emulator and allow you to access it. Pressing left or right will move between the emulators, which then have options to load the games on the SD card.

$ ./retroarch-joyconfig -o p1.cfg -p 1 -j 0 $ sudo cat p*.cfg >> ~/RetroPie/ configs/all/retroarch.cfg

To use a wired or PC-compatible Xbox 360 controller, you’ll first need to install the correct drivers:

$ sudo apt-get install xboxdrv Then edit /etc/rc.local by adding:

xboxdrv --trigger-as-button --wid 0 --led 2 --deadzone 4000 --silent & sleep 1 …before exit 0. Change --wid to --id if it’s a wired controller. Reboot.

06 Add some games

Adding games to your Raspberry Pi is fairly simple. Grab the SD card from the Pi and put it in your PC. Move any ROMs or compatible PC files to the relevant folders in: [path to SD card]/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/

08 Two players

For multiplayer gaming, it’s best to use two controllers of the same type to avoid config issues. Go to the bottom of ~/RetroPie/configs/ all/retroarch.cfg and copy and paste the code from input_player1_joypad_index = “0” to the bottom. Change each instance of player1 to player 2, and a second controller will now work.

09 Safe restart

Some of the emulators can’t be quit out of, meaning you’ll need to physically reboot your Pi by unplugging it each time. We can add a hotkey to exit the emulators by again going to retroarch.cfg and adding to the end:

input_enable_hotkey_btn = “X” input_exit_emulator_btn = “Y” …with X and Y being the corresponding numbers of buttons on your controller.


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WorldMags.net File server

The Raspberry Pi will automatically advertise its shares on the network – no need to remember IP addresses

Each Samba user gets access to their home folder, as well as a folder shared between all users

Access your shares from Windows, Linux or Mac!


OCCUPATION: Programmer and Sysadmin at Web Hosting company Liam is the creator of the RaspberryPiTutorials YouTube series and volunteers as a Linux server administrator for the Raspberry Pi Foundation

Build a file server


Sick of using flash drives or email to share files between computers? Turn your RasPi into a server and your problem’s solved!

» A router or switch on your network to plug your Raspberry Pi into » (Optional) External storage – an external hard drive or flash drive » Powered USB hub (if using external hard drive)

Having a central file server in your house will make life easier. You’ll no longer have to struggle to share files between computers, as you can just save everything in your own mini-cloud on your home network. The Raspberry Pi is perfect for this!

01Installing the required software

Log into the Raspbian system with the username Pi and the password ‘raspberry’. Get the latest package lists using the command sudo apt-get update. Then install the required packages with the command sudo apt-get install samba. Samba will be used to serve files and also comes with software to advertise file shares on the network.

02 Connect external storage

If you have any external storage, you’ll need to prepare it for use with Linux. Note that

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you will only be able to read the storage device on other Linux computers unless you reformat it. If you connect the device, you’ll be able to use the dmesg command to find out what the device is called. (Piping that into tail -n 3 prints the last three lines.) It’s probably /dev/sda.

» Raspbian latest version

Attached SCSI removable disk

pi@raspberrypi ~ $ dmesg | tail -n 3 [ 1707.371370] sd 1:0:0:0: [sda] No Caching mode page present [ 1707.371403] sd 1:0:0:0: [sda] Assuming drive cache: write through [ 1707.371422] sd 1:0:0:0: [sda]



10 Raspi projects made easy

Practical Raspberry Pi projects to amaze and inspire

03 Format external storage

Use Parted to create a new partition table on your external storage device and make a single partition the full size of the device. Then run partprobe to reload the partition table, and make an ext4 file system on the new partition. This will destroy all existing data on the disk.

pi@raspberrypi ~ $ sudo parted /dev/ sda (parted) print Disk /dev/sda: 16.1GB (parted) mktable msdos Warning: The existing disk label on /dev/sda will be destroyed and all data on this disk will be lost. Do you want to continue? Yes/No? Yes (parted) mkpart Partition type? primary/extended? primary File system type? [ext2]? ext2 Start? 0GB End? 16GB (parted) quit pi@raspberrypi ~ $ sudo partprobe pi@raspberrypi ~ $ sudo mkfs.ext4 / dev/sda1

04 Mount external storage

We’re going to move /home onto our external storage. We’ll do that by mounting it on /mnt/storage, moving the files from /home to /mnt/storage, and then mounting the partition on the now empty /home.

pi@raspberrypi ~ $ sudo su root@raspberrypi:/home/pi# cd / root@raspberrypi:/# mkdir /mnt/home root@raspberrypi:/# mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/home/ root@raspberrypi:/# mv /home/* /mnt/ home/ root@raspberrypi:/# umount /mnt/ home/ root@raspberrypi:/# rmdir /mnt/home/ root@raspberrypi:/# echo ‘/dev/sda1 /home ext4 defaults 0 1’ >> /etc/ fstab root@raspberrypi:/# mount -a root@raspberrypi:/# mount | grep sda1 /dev/sda1 on /home type ext4 (rw,relatime,data=ordered) root@raspberrypi:/# ls /home lost+found pi root@raspberrypi:/# exit

05 Create users for Samba

We now need to create some users to log into Samba shares with. Do the above steps for as many users as you’d like to have on the server. Only do the usermod step if you want the user to be able to use a shared directory for all users.

pi@raspberrypi ~ $ sudo adduser liam Adding user `liam’ ... Adding new group `liam’ (1002) ... Adding new user `liam’ (1001) with group `liam’ ... Creating home directory `/home/liam’ ... Copying files from `/etc/skel’ ... sh: 0: getcwd() failed: No such file or directory Enter new UNIX password: Retype new UNIX password: passwd: password updated successfully Changing the user information for liam Enter the new value, or press ENTER for the default Full Name []: Liam Fraser Room Number []: Work Phone []: Home Phone []: Other []: Is the information correct? [Y/n] Y pi@raspberrypi ~ $ sudo usermod -a -G sambashare liam pi@raspberrypi ~ $ sudo pdbedit -a -u liam new password: retype new password: Unix username: liam Full Name: Liam Fraser Home Directory: \\raspberrypi\ liam

06 Create a shared directory

We’re going to create a directory that any users in the sambashare group can access and change. Setting the setgid permission on a directory (chmod g+s) causes new files and subdirectories created within it to inherit its group ID. This means that each user in the sambashare group can access and change the files.

pi@raspberrypi /home $ sudo mkdir / home/allusers pi@raspberrypi /home $ sudo chown


root:sambashare /home/allusers/ pi@raspberrypi /home $ sudo chmod 770 /home/allusers/ pi@raspberrypi /home $ sudo chmod g+s /home/allusers/

07 Configuring Samba

Open /etc/samba/smb.conf in an editor using sudo. Scroll down to the Authentication section and uncomment the security = user line. Then scroll down to the Share Definitions section and change read only to no in the [homes] section. Finally, scroll down to the bottom of the file and add a section for the shared folder.

[allusers] comment = Shared Folder path = /home/allusers read only = no guest ok = no browseable = yes create mask = 0770 directory mask = 0770 Restart Samba with

sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart

08 Connecting to the shares

The Raspberry Pi will advertise its shares automatically. Each user will get access to their home folder, as well as the allusers directory. If the user isn’t in the sambashares group, they won’t be able to get it. The syntax for accessing Samba shares is as follows: Windows: \\raspberrypi\share_name Mac:




The share name is optional – you should be able to browse for them. In fact, you shouldn’t even need to use these; you just need to go to the Network section of your file manager and select ‘raspberrypi’.

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WorldMags.net Security camera

Build a security camera Want to keep an eye on something from the comfort of your web browser? All you need is a Pi and a webcam!

This article will teach you how to use the MJPG-streamer software to stream video straight from a webcam to your web browser. You could record the stream, and also display multiple streams from multiple Raspberry Pis on one page. The streams can also be viewed from mobile devices and tablets.

01 Network investigation

We’ll want to investigate the network that the Pi is on, so we can assign it a static IP address. That way, we’ll always know where it is on the network.

pi@raspberrypi ~ $ ip addr show dev eth0 | grep inet inet brd scope global eth0 pi@raspberrypi ~ $ ip route | grep default default via dev eth0 pi@raspberrypi ~ $ cat /etc/resolv. conf nameserver

02 Assign a static IP address

Now that we have the network configuration, we can assign a static IP address. Open /etc/network/interfaces in an editor such as nano, and change the line:

iface eth0 inet dhcp to a configuration similar to our expert’s. Reboot to load the new configuration.

iface eth0 inet static address netmask network broadcast gateway


Installing the required software

Log into the Raspbian system with the username ‘pi’ and the password ‘raspberry’. The MJPG-streamer software isn’t packaged for the Raspberry Pi, so we’ll need to compile it ourselves. Update the package index with the command sudo apt-get update. We need to install Subversion, which we’ll use to download source code. We’ll also need libjpeg,

38 www.linuxuser.co.uk

You have to export the library path variable to the current directory (.) so that the various input and output plug-ins can be used. Type your Raspberry Pi’s IP address followed by :8080 into a web browser. Click the Stream tab to view the stream. If the Stream tab doesn’t work, try the example that uses JavaScript, as that should work on most browsers, including the Android browser.

06 Start MJPG-streamer at boot

Edit the /etc/rc.local file (you’ll need to

Programmer and Sysadmin at Web Hosting company Liam is the creator of the RaspberryPiTutorials YouTube series and works as a Linux server administrator for the Raspberry Pi Foundation


» Latest Raspbian Image www.raspberrypi.org/downloads

Download and compile MJPG-streamer as shown below:

./mjpg_streamer -i “input_uvc.so” -o “output_http.so -w ./www”


» Powered USB hub (the webcam might not have enough power without one)

04 Compile MJPG-streamer

Start MJPG-streamer as follows:

Liam Fraser

» A Linux-compatible webcam (we used a Logitech C270)

sudo apt-get install subversion libjpeg8-dev imagemagick

Testing it out 05 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.


» A router or switch on your network to plug your Raspberry Pi into

and imagemagick, both of which are required by MJPG-streamer. You can install these with

pi@raspberrypi ~ $ svn checkout svn:// svn.code.sf.net/p/mjpg-streamer/code/ mjpg-streamer-code pi@raspberrypi ~ $ cd mjpg-streamercode/mjpg-streamer pi@raspberrypi ~/mjpg-streamer-code/ mjpg-streamer $ make clean all


use sudo) to include the following lines, ensuring that it still ends with exit 0:

export STREAMER_PATH=/home/pi/mjpgstreamer-code/mjpg-streamer export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$STREAMER_PATH $STREAMER_PATH/mjpg_streamer -i “input_uvc.so” -o “output_http.so -w $STREAMER_PATH/www” &s Reboot the Pi to check that it comes back up happily and starts the stream.

07 Recording the stream

You can easily download a motion JPEG stream and convert it to a more useful format using VLC:

cvlc on=stream --sout file/mp4:stream.mp4 Alternatively, you can just download the stream URL with wget like so:

wget ion=stream



10 Raspi projects made easy

Practical Raspberry Pi projects to amaze and inspire

Most USB cameras should work pretty much ‘out of the box’, but it’s worth checking compatibility first

Depending on your webcam, you may need a powered USB hub to get it working

It even works from mobile devices and tablets!

MJPG-streamer also allows you to capture still images, which could be useful if put in a script MJPG-streamer comes with many different methods of accessing the stream, with examples for each Stream from a webcam straight to your web browser

…if you want the raw data. However, playing it back is tricky because you need to specify the number of frames per second to display.

08 Multiple streams at once

Here is an example of how to put multiple streams on a single webpage. These streams could come from a number of different Raspberry Pis all over the house.

Streaming Example

Stream 1 Stream 2


09 Extensions and improvements

This example setup is very basic and has a few flaws. There is no authentication or SSL encryption, which means the streams are insecure and shouldn’t be shared over the internet. The HTTP module that comes with MJPG-streamer is quite simple, so you could get SSL by using a reverse proxy, such as Pound. You’d be able to do SSL for each Pi you had with a single Pound instance and access the different Pis by having something like ‘stream1, stream2’ in the URL.

39 www.linuxuser.co.uk

WorldMags.net VoIP server

Build a VoIP server


Use your Raspberry Pi as a voice over IP server, perfect for phone calls in the home or a small business

OCCUPATION: Programmer and Sysadmin at Web Hosting company Liam is the creator of the RaspberryPiTutorials YouTube series and volunteers as a Linux server administrator for the Raspberry Pi Foundation

RasPBX is a project that brings Asterisk – industry-standard voice over IP software – to the Raspberry Pi. There are VoIP clients for many platforms, including hardware that converts VoIP to a conventional telephone line. Each client gets a phone number and can call other clients. You can also have conference calls, perfect for meetings over the phone. As an extension of this article, you could also share the VoIP server over the internet, allowing remote clients to connect.

01Initial setup

RasPBX is good to go as soon as the image is flashed to your SD card: there is a web interface for configuration, and SSH is included for remote login. As this will be a server, we’ll log in with the user ‘root’ and password ‘raspberry’ and change the IP address to a static one so we always know where it is on the network.

root@raspbx:~# ip addr show dev eth0 | grep inet inet brd scope global eth0 inet6 fe80::ba27:ebff:fef3:9016/64 scope link root@raspbx:~# ip route | grep default default via dev eth0 root@raspbx:~# cat /etc/resolv.conf nameserver nameserver nameserver a static IP address 02 Assign iface eth0 inet static

40 www.linuxuser.co.uk

WHAT YOU'LL NEED » A router or switch on your network to plug your Raspberry Pi into » Smartphones, computers, or VoIP phones on the same network to use as clients

address netmask network broadcast gateway

» Powered USB hub (if using external hard drive) » The latest RasPBX image www.raspberry-asterisk.org/ downloads

Now that we have the network configuration, we can assign a static IP address. Open /etc/network/interfaces in an editor such as nano, and change the line:

iface eth0 inet dhcp to a configuration similar to our expert’s. We don’t have to worry about DNS as Google’s nameservers are being used. You can load the new network config using

sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart

03The web Interface

Type the static IP address of your Raspberry Pi into a web browser. You’ll be taken to the FreePBX web interface for configuring Asterisk. Click the FreePBX Administration button and use the username ‘admin’, and password ‘admin’. The User Control Panel allows users to listen to their voicemails.

04 Add extensions

Each device that will be connected needs its own extension. To add an extension, hover over the Applications tab, then select Extensions. Select Generic SIP Device as the device type and click Submit. The User Extension is the number to call to get to that device. The Display Name can either be the name of a person or just the same as the User Extension. The only other thing that you need to fill in is the secret, which is a passphrase that allows the device to connect. One of these will have been generated, but you can change it if you like. Scroll to the bottom and click Submit. Add as many extensions as you like.



10 Raspi projects made easy

Practical Raspberry Pi projects to amaze and inspire

Call other VoIP numbers and have their phone ring just like a normal call

We recommend using wired networking, especially if you want to ‘set and forget’ your VoIP server

The Raspberry Pi makes the perfect server for this kind of project

05 Add a conference extension

Go to the Applications section and select Conferences. Choose a number and name for the conference, and a PIN number if you’d like users to require a PIN to join. Click Submit Changes once you’re done.

Each client gets a phone number and can call other clients.

06 Apply config

Changes such as adding extensions and conferences are not made until the Apply Config button is pressed, so be sure to do that before closing the web interface.

07 Trying it out

If you’re using an Android phone, we recommend CSipSimple, which can be found on Google Play. We recommend Linphone for Linux clients. We’ll use two Android phones as an example. When adding an account in CSipSimple, scroll down to the Generic wizards section and select Basic. Then fill in the information as shown in the image (right). Once you have two devices set up, try calling between the two.

08 Trying a conference call

Call the conference number that you set up from one of the devices. You’ll need to enter the PIN code you set followed by the # key. You’ll be told that you are the only person in this conference, and will hear a notification whenever anyone else joins and leaves the conference.


41 www.linuxuser.co.uk

WorldMags.net Portable wireless access point

Create a portable wireless access point

With the help of a Wi-Fi adaptor, you can turn your Raspberry Pi into a wireless access point for other devices


For this project, we can use Raspbian to power our access point. Install the image on an SD card and go through the basic setup process, making sure to enable SSH. You can also turn off the desktop during setup as well if you don’t plan to use it.

through SSH 02 Connect ifconfig

Find the IP address of your Raspberry Pi by typing into the command line,

Enter your password to then log in.


Install DHCP Install a DHCP server to your Pi with:

$ sudo apt-get install hostapd iscdhcp-server


WHAT YOU'LL NEED » Compatible Wi-Fi adaptor www.adafruit.com/products/814 » Raspbian www.raspberrypi.org/downloads

Now we need to set it up. Edit the configuration file with:

$ sudo nano /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf And start by putting a # in front of the two option domain-name entries, then remove the # in front of ‘authoritative;’, seven lines down

Use a Wi-Fi adaptor to turn your Pi into a wireless access point

Create wireless internet wherever there’s an available internet connection

42 www.linuxuser.co.uk


» Model B Raspberry Pi

and make a note of it. Turn off the Pi, plug in your wireless adaptor, and turn it back on. In a networked computer’s terminal, type:

$ ssh [user]@[IP address]


Rob models complex systems and is a web developer proficient in Python, Django and PHP. He loves to experiment with computing

The Raspberry Pi’s portability makes it ideal for carrying around as an emergency wireless router and access point – great for some hotels and visiting less tech-adept friends and family.

Install Raspbian



No need for extra setup with a monitor once configured


10 Raspi projects made easy

Practical Raspberry Pi projects to amaze and inspire

The Raspberry Pi’s portability makes it ideal for carrying around address netmask Save and exit, then set wlan0’s address with:

$ sudo ifconfig wlan0

04 Server address

At the end of the configuration file, add these lines:

Now create a new file to use to start creating the wireless network:

$ sudo nano /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf

server Set INTERFACES to ‘wlan0’ and save. Now open:

$ sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces Put a # in front of ‘iface wlan0’ and the following lines with ‘wpa roam’, ‘iface default’ and any others affecting wlan0.

06 Enable access

After the line ‘allow-hotplug wlan0’, enter the following:

iface wlan0 inet static

And then add:

/etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf to DAEMON_ CONF=”” Network Addressing 08 $ sudo nano /etc/sysctl.conf And add net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 to the bottom of the file. Save this, and then finish by running:

$ sudo sh -c “echo 1 > /proc/sys/ net/ipv4/ip_forward” Run the following three commands to make sure the internet is forwarded correctly:

Save and exit. Edit the server more with:

$ sudo nano /etc/default/hostapd


subnet netmask { range; option broadcast-address; option routers; default-lease-time 600; max-lease-time 7200; option domain-name “local”; option domain-name-servers,; }

Disable Wi-Fi 05 $ sudo nano /etc/default/isc-dhcp-

Save and exit. Now edit hostapd to point it to this new file with:

07 Wireless networking

Create your wireless network with the following code:

interface=wlan0 driver=rtl871xdrv ssid=[access point name] hw_mode=g channel=1 macaddr_acl=0 auth_algs=1 ignore_broadcast_ssid=0 wpa=2 wpa_passphrase=[password] wpa_key_mgmt=WPA-PSK wpa_pairwise=TKIP rsn_pairwise=CCMP


sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o wlan0 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i wlan0 -o eth0 -j ACCEPT Finish up 09 $ sudo sh -c “iptables-save > /etc/ So that this works after a reboot, type:

iptables.ipv4.nat” Then add up iptables-restore < /etc/ iptables.ipv4.nat to the end of the /etc/network/interfaces file. Finally, set it up as a daemon with:

sudo sudo sudo sudo

service hostapd start service isc-dhcp-server start update-rc.d hostapd enable update-rc.d isc-dhcp-server enable

43 www.linuxuser.co.uk

WorldMags.net Voice-control your Pi

We recommend using a powered USB hub for your microphone and any storage you might use Practically any USB microphone should work, but always check compatibility

We’ve used a VESA mount to fix the RasPi to the back of the monitor. See shop.pimoroni.com

Voice-control your Pi

Control your Raspberry Pi using just your voice Ever since Captain Jean-Luc Picard first spoke to the Enterprise computer, there has been a fascination with verbally interacting with a computer by voice alone. Now you can do the same with your Raspberry Pi. Special thanks to Steve Hickson and his PiAUISuite…


Download the software

We start by downloading the suite of software from the repository on GitHub: https://github.com/StevenHickson/PiAUISuite/ archive/master.zip What you are downloading is a suite of software for the Pi; however, we will focus solely on voicecommand. In a terminal, navigate to the download folder and unzip the file using unzip master.zip. You will now have a folder called PiAUISuite-master.


Download the dependencies

You will need to install a few dependencies to build your project, so open a terminal and run the following:

44 www.linuxuser.co.uk

sudo apt-get install libboost1.50dev libboost-regex1.50-dev youtubedl axel curl xterm libcurl4-gnutlsdev mpg123 flac sox libboost1.46 This will take a bit of time, so go grab a drink.

03 Make the files executable and install

To install the tools, we need to navigate to PiAUISuite-master/Install. We now need to make InstallAUISuite.sh executable for all users, so use

chmod 777


Now that the file is executable, let’s install:

sudo ./ InstallAUISuite.sh



OCCUPATION: FREELANCE SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR Les has been a strong advocate of Linux and free software since 1999, and loves to tinker with hardware and software projects

WHAT YOU'LL NEED » USB microphone (check compatibility – your expert used a Zoom H2) » Powered USB hub (particularly if using an external hard drive) » Source code available from https://github.com/ StevenHickson/PiAUISuite


10 Raspi projects made easy

Practical Raspberry Pi projects to amaze and inspire

Voicecommand listens for a

07 Plug in the microphone

Plug in your powered USB hub and then attach your USB microphone. Give the Pi a few seconds, then use the command lsusb to ensure that your mic is listed. Your expert used a Zoom H2, which has superb Linux compatibility. Your microphone should just work with the Raspberry Pi, but if you need to check, install Audacity (sudo apt-get install audacity) and do a test recording.


The install process

Once you run the script, you will be asked to install dependencies, answer yes to this and it will install them. You may get an error about libboost – ignore it. You will next be asked what tools you would like to install; answer No to all, except voicecommand, which is the last choice.

the command:

voicecommand -e Read the text shown, before pressing Enter.

06 Setting up our commands

You will now see an empty nano session. Commands take the format of: WORD==COMMAND

08 Little bit of housekeeping

There are a few files that need to be made executable by everyone to work. In a terminal type in the following.

sudo chmod 777 /usr/bin/voicecommand sudo chmod 777 /usr/bin/speechrecog.sh sudo chmod 777 /usr/bin/X11/speechrecog.sh This now completes the configuration.

So, for example, to open a browser use

Internet==midori & Or a new terminal using

Terminal==xterm &


Configuring voicecommand

The script will ask you if you wish to automatically configure the tool; answer No to this. The script will now end and leave you at the terminal. Now we can edit the config file using

Try those both out, then use Ctrl+O to save, and Ctrl+X to exit nano. Note: Appending a command with ‘&’ will make it run in the background.

09 Our first words

Voicecommand listens for a keyword to work; by default, that keyword is Pi, so in a terminal type in voicecommand -c. This will launch voicecommand in continuous mode. Now say “Pi” clearly; you will see the terminal print Found Audio followed by Recording WAVE ‘stdin’… – this means that it has acknowledged your voice. Now clearly say “Internet”.

10 Taking it further

Your Raspberry Pi should now launch the Midori web browser. Congratulations, you just used your voice to control your Pi! Remember we said that this was a suite of voice-based tools? Well, head on over to stevenhickson.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/voicecommand-v20-for-raspberry-pi.html and learn more about what these tools can do to enhance your future projects. Good luck!


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