10 Playful Teases That Women Secretly Love

March 10, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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10 Playful Teases That Women Secretly Love

Being from Boston (the city of sarcasm), I’ve always been a teaser at heart. Fortunately, it’s a critical aspect of flirting with women. When done well, it can create immense attraction and bring your conversation to the next level. It’s fun and shows her that you’re able to enjoy yourself so she can do the same. s ame.   To understand teasing you must first understand rapport…  rapport…  Rapport is when two people relate and connect with each other. As you talk about commonalities, share stories, and learn more about one another, you are building that rapport. These are typically safe conversations. Flirting is the essence of creating cr eating tension and ―breaking‖ rapport. You’re saying something a potentiall y unsafe (but all great little edgy. She could tell you you to go screw yourself and it’s potentially endeavors are risky to begin with!). By nature, teasing is jokingly offensive. You’ve got to bust her balls, sarcastically criticize her, and make her feel vulnerable in a lighthearted way. Just keep in mind these five points: 






Make fun of her, not yourself. Self-deprecating Self-deprecating,, cynical, and negative humor might get a laugh but it won’t get you a date.  date.   Be expressive. Smile, use your hands to gesture, and vary your vocal tonality. At the end of playful phrases, inflect your voice upward. Get passionate and physical. Exaggerate and be absurd at times. Also…laugh with her, damn it!  it!   Ramp it up. Start with something less intense and get more personal as the interaction progresses. You could say say something something sexual very early on but if she’s not invested in you, it’s probably going to backfire.  backfire.   Have real conversation, too. Don’t tease her constantly, mix it up with more substantial or meaningful talk. Listen and avoid making fun of her when she’s telling you something serious. As you get to know her, tease less but never stop completely –  completely –   the spirited attitude keeps her attracted. Flirt with everyone. Get in the habit of joking with women you meet daily. It’s innocent, harmless, and good practice. Plus, you’ll you’ll get a lot of numbers  numbers in the process. 

The following 10 examples aren’t only for girls at the bar. They can and should  be used on dates, at parties, and occasionally over text.


Note: I wouldn’t get too forward when first  first meeting a woman during the day. day. Keep it to a couple light and non-sexual teases unless you take her on an instant date right then and there.

1.  Give her a silly nickname. ―You’re such a little brat/punk!‖ (smiling)  (smiling)   ―Don’t worry sweetie/babe/pumpkin/cupcake, everything will be just fine.‖ (jokingly comforting her) ―I like that you’re always laughing, I’m officially officiall y calling you giggles.‖ giggles.‖   2.  Point out something embarrassing or nerdy about her. ―OMG, your dimples are so adorable.‖  adorable.‖   ―You have the cutest freckles on your nose.‖  nose.‖   If she does something clumsy, ―This is why we  we can’t have nice things Mary!‖  Mary!‖   ―You’re such a nerd, where’s your pocket protector?‖  protector?‖   3.  Mimic or mock her. If she gets jokingly mad, huff at her and make an upset face. Playfully exaggerate her accent. Repeat her words back to her with your hands on your hips. 4.  Challenge her. Thumb wrestle her. If you’re at a bar or club, have a silly sil ly dance off.  off.  ―Please girl, I would so whoop your ass in X.‖  X.‖   ―First one to get served at the t he bar pays for the other’s drink.‖ drink.‖   5.  Treat her like a child.   ―Oh god, you’re so fired.‖  fired.‖   ―I think somebody needs a timeout.‖  timeout.‖  ―Go sit over there and I’ll get you some crayons to draw with.‖ with.‖   ―Don’t make me spank you missy!‖  missy!‖  ―I think you’re too young to be drinking that young lady.‖ lady.‖   6.  Roleplay with her.  ―You like Dr. Who? We’re officially best friends now.‖ (put your arm around her)  ―That’s it, we’re breaking up —  I want my letterman jacket back!‖   ―Where are we running away to for our honeymoon? I was thinking Fiji.‖  Fiji.‖   ―I can’t believe we’ve been dating for three years now. Do you remember our first date?‖‖  date? 7.  Stereotype her in a humorous way.  ―A Brooklyn girl, you packing heat?‖  heat?‖   ―Uh oh, a lawyer…I got to be careful what I say sa y around you.‖ you.‖   ―You’re from Tennessee? You must listen to songs about whiskey and tractors.‖  tractors.‖   ―Oooh a musician, can you write a love song about me?‖  me?‖   8.  Tell her you wouldn’t get along.  along.  ―I can’t believe you like Twilight, we can’t be friends frie nds anymore.‖  ―We could never be friends, we’re both too stubborn.‖  stubborn.‖   ―You are such bad news, I don’t know if we can hang out.‖  out.‖   ―You’re too nice, I would corrupt  corrupt  you.‖ you.‖   9.  Disagree with something she said.  Playfully turn your back to her. After she says she dislikes something say that you do like it or vice versa. Call her out for being rude or shallow. ―No way, lame!‖  lame!‖  ―Pssh, I disagree, there’s definitely good rap out there.‖  there.‖  


10. Accuse her of hitting on you or being sexually aggressive. ―Are you hitting on me?‖  me?‖  ―Get your mind out of the gutter!‖  gutter!‖  ―I see what you’re doing, your feminine wiles won’t work on me.‖  me.‖   ―No I will not hook up with you right here!‖  here!‖  ―Can you please  please stop checking out my ass?‖  ass?‖   ―Don’t look at me like that, I’m not a piece of meat!‖  meat!‖   ―Stop trying to seduce me, I know what you’re up to.‖  to.‖   ―Hey, stop thinking those dirty thoughts —  we just met.‖  met.‖  Remember, teasing comes down to enjoying yourself and creating a playful dynamic. Use the examples as a guideline but start trying out your own ideas based on  your  personality. You’ve got to take some chances — the — the guys who always play it safe usually go home alone.  –   What are some of your favorite ways to tease? Share your ideas below!

Are You a Real Man or Just a “Nice Guy”?  

For the first 20 years of my life, my m y relationships fell into a similar patter pattern. n. I’d start dating a girl, we’d be amazing together, and next thing you know, I’m single again.  again.  When I entered a long-term relationship during college, I thought she was the one. Two years later she broke it off and I spent months pissed off about how it was all her fault. What kind of person would leave a man who treated her so well? Who would be so heartless to throw two years away just like that? I was w as so good to her and this is what I get in return?


I eventually found the book  No More Mr. Nice Guy  Guy and realized I had been lying to myself  for years. I was anything but  nice in my relationships. I was emotionally manipulative, insecure, and a downright asshole. The truth is that most ―nice guys‖ don’t think they’re doing anything wrong. For years they struggle to attract women and when they finally date one, they end up losing her down the line. They either keep following this path of frustration or do a 180° and try tr y to become a douchebag to have success with women. I’m here to tell you that the opposite of the ―nice guy‖ is not a jerk, far from it. Jerks have short-term success and are miserable in life. I want to show you how to be the t he best kind of  man you can be: a true gentleman. Read the contrasting lists below and see where you fall. Try to be as honest with yourself as po possible. ssible. Understand that mostly everyone will have a mix and nothing is absolute. But, it’s a good reference to see what you can work on. Note: I stumbled upon this  this brilliant picture  picture which inspired me to write my own, updated version of this. I cut out some stuff I disagreed with, added important points, and elaborated on others. If you know the original author, please contact me and I will gladly give full credit. The “Nice Guy”:  1.  Has low self-esteem, self-esteem, doesn’t value himself highly. Might be out of past failures or other deep-rooted emotional issues. 2.  Constantly seeks approval, validation, or attention from others, usually out of a low selfworth. Cares what everyone else thinks of him, fears disapproval. 3.  Insecure with himself, doesn’t feel that a high quality person (women especially) should like him. He is constantly afraid of abandonment. 4.  Exhibits controlling, possessive, jealous, domineering, clingy, or suffocating behavior. Overtexts, over-calls, needs to be with that person 24/7. Makes people feel guilty when they enjoy time without him. 5.  Idealizes potential mates and overlooks their flaws f laws aka “puts them on a pedestal”. Does the same with relationships and devotes large amounts of emotion, time, energy, and money early on. 6.  Doesn’t take responsibility for his actions. Never admits fault and wrongly blames others.  others.  7.  Claims he’s victimized, attributes his own flaws and shortcomings to external circumstances and/or other people. 8.  Kisses-up and is totally agreeable to try and “score points” with people, especially women. Will never disagree for fear of upsetting her. Places his needs last and tries to satisfy everyone else before him. 9.  Never leads, is submissive, and always wants to make sure everything he does is okay with her. Overly apologetic and says sorry when there’s nothing to apologize for.  for.  10.  Doesn’t draw boundaries, gives women whatever they want in return for love, sex, or approval. Accepts second-class behavior for the possible reward of the aforementioned. Doesn’t say “no” even when he knows it’s the right thing to do.  do.  11.  Often hides his true feelings and bottles them up inside. Afraid to speak his mind and may lie or omit things. 12.  Immature and throws tantrums when he doesn’t get his way. Lacks social etiquette and awareness.


13.  Displays poor/weak body language. Makes little or no eye contact, leans forward out of  nervousness, and has fast/jerky movements. Possesses nervous ticks/fidgety habits, keeps hands in his pockets, exhibits bad posture, posture, and doesn’t stand up straight.  straight.   14.  Is easily emotionally destabilized, gets worked up over meaningless m eaningless things. “Loses his cool” and has outbursts of anger. 15.  Constantly uses self-deprecating humor to get approval, sympathy, or pity. 16.  Feels guilty for his natural sexual desires, even for simply looking at a woman. Represses his sexuality and ends up in the friend zone. Gets frustrated, angry, and misogynistic towards women because of it. 17.  Whines and complains, usually to get pity or sympathy. Has a negative attitude and a cynical outlook on life. 18.  Favors instant gratification and short-sighted short- sighted thinking. He’s not willing to put in the effort or dedication needed to accomplish tasks. Does not give credit to what others achieve and thinks he could easily “do it better  better than them”.  them”.  19.  Feels the need to compensate for himself through gifts or expensive restaurants. Needs to prove his worth by showing his money or status early on. 20.  Always has “strings attached” or motives for being generous or doing favors. Expects something in in return and gets angry or guilt trips when it doesn’t happen – exhibits manipulative behavior. 21.  Judges people based on external factors such as appearance or material items. 22.  Sees women primarily as sexual objects. His main goal is to have sex with them and does not care or actually listen. 23.  Dependent, needs a woman to feel happy or fulfilled in life. Hates being alone and will jump into relationships that are not right for him just to be with someone.

The ―nice guy‖ is the personification of the attributes in i n a man that women ultimately do not   feel attracted to. The Real Man: 1.  Has high self-esteem, self-esteem, considers himself valuable and worthy, a “catch”.  “catch”.   2.  Enjoys the company of others but does not seek their approval or attention to be happy. Doesn’t let people’s opinions opinions emotionally destabilize him. 3.  Is self-confident and never arrogant or insecure. Possibly slightly cocky and may tease women in a friendly way. Believes he’s a great person that people will love to be around.  around.  4.  Understands personal freedom and boundaries. Doesn’t experience unnecessary jealousy –  –  encourages a woman to exercise her independence. 5.  Appreciates the qualities in potential mates but does not over-romanticize them. Takes new relationships day by day and lets them grow naturally. Doesn’t invest all his emotions, time, or money into a relationship too soon and remains a challenge. 6.  Takes responsibility for all his actions ac tions and realizes when he’s done something wrong. He’s not afraid to apologize and doesn’t take it out on others.  others.   7.  Accepts his flaws and does not make excuses for them. Works to actively improve and fix them rather than complain. 8.  Will agree when he legitimately agrees but has his own thoughts and values. He stands up for them without being argumentative or causing a scene. Makes fulfilling his needs a priority before trying to satisfy everyone else’s.  else’s.  9.  Isn’t afraid to lead and take control of a situation. Doesn’t hesitate to move forward, but is willing to let others take charge if needed. His apologies are meaningful because they’re used sincerely and when necessary.


10.  Understands his boundaries and doesn’t tolerate disrespect to himself, his property, or his time. Doesn’t let women use their sexual power to get anything (whether it be money or self-respect) from him. Not afraid to put someone in their place when they are out of line. 11.  Can be brutally honest (while still being respectful) with everyone, including himself. Isn’t afraid to speak his mind. 12.  Mature in every sense of the word. Compromises, respects social etiquette, and is aware of  other people. 13.  Displays strong,  strong, confident body language. language. Holds good eye contact, stands tall with his shoulders back and arms open. He moves deliberately with purpose and speaks with a clear, confident voice. 14.  Is in control of his emotions, doesn’t let meaningless issues bother him. Stays calm under pressure and doesn’t lash out against others.  others.   15.  Makes people laugh without always resorting to tearing himself down. 16.  Never feels ashamed for his sexual desires and needs. Always sexually confident. Shows his intentions while generating attraction and sexual chemistry c hemistry with the opposite sex. Loves women and has no ill feelings towards them. 17.  Doesn’t feel the need to to complain for attention or sympathy. Accepts the world as it is while keeping a positive attitude. 18.  Goal-oriented thinker, favors long-term gratification over short. Has a purpose in life and proactively works towards it. Challenges himself regularly to achieve what he wants out of  life. Enjoys it when others o thers shine and is inspired by their accomplishments. 19.  Enjoys giving gifts and sharing expensive meals out of confidence, high-value, and because he genuinely wants to. Doesn’t try to buy a girl’s affection early e arly on. 20.  Is generous out of the kindness of his heart. Does not expect anything in return and is happy to share value. 21.  Judges people based on meaningful internal qualities such as character and personality. 22.  Sees women as human beings and wants to genuinely connect with them, even if it’s a casual hookup. Is compassionate. 23.  Is proudly independent and perfectly happy being single. Sure, he’d like to find an attractive/beautiful/intelligent woman to spend time with, but he doesn’t need  it.

manifesta tion of traits in a man The real man is the polar p olar opposite of the ―nice guy‖. He is the manifestation that women universally and naturally feel attracted to. This is the man women are talking about when they say, ―I wish I could just meet a nice guy.‖  guy.‖   So…who are you going to be?  be?  

5 Legendary Barney Stinson Quotes to Help You With Women


  part y) and I’m I just started watching  watching How I Met Your Mother  Mother  (I know, I’m late to the party) constantly inspired by Neil Patrick Harris as Barney Stinson. His fearlessness, brutal honesty, unrelenting optimism optimism,, and impeccable sense of style make him a character I can look up to (most of the time.) Granted, I don’t agree with him on certain points, but damn he has some nuggets of wisdom. Granted, If you’re ready to take advice from the epic NPH, then suit s uit up!  up!   A week? That’s That’s like a year in hot girl time. 

The longer you wait to take action with a girl, the less likely it is tthat hat something will happen. If you get her number, hit her up  up  within 24 hours. hours. If you want to get her on a date, ask her. If  you like a girl you’ve been friends with, show her. If you think she looks cute in her dress, tell t ell her. If you want to  to kiss her, her, go for it. Why play play the waiting game and ―hope it happens‖? That rarely r arely works and you’ll end up losing more opportunities than you’ll gain. Strike when the iron is hot — before —  before someone else does and while she’s still interested. Great women don’t wait around.  around.   Dude, lots of chicks think that architects are hot. Think about that, you create something out of nothing. You’re like God. There is no one hotter than God.  

Be proud of what you do! It doesn’t matter if you’re a software developer, d eveloper, an aspiring writer, ever y job and you should never downplay y your  our  a barista, or a male nurse. There’s value in every abilities. Speak with passion in your voice. Software developers influence influence everything we do. Writers fill our hearts and minds with imagination and have the power to change the world. world. Without baristas we’d all be tired all the time (well, most of us.) And nurses, save lives. How does your job benefit society? Who do you help? What’s exciting about it? Own your  career path and I guarantee she’ll find fi nd it sexy.  sexy. 


Suits are full of joy. They’re the sartorial equivalent of a baby’s smile. 

You don’t have to suit up every time, but always looking good is a must. Dressing well conveys a powerful message: it shows you care about your appearance and take care of  yourself. You look put-together and disciplined –  disciplined – both both extremely attractive qualities in a man. Most of fashion is about good fit, matching colors, and tailoring to your personality.  personality. This out Reddit’s Male Fashion article  lays down the basics and if you haven’t seen it yet, check out  article Advice  community. The sidebar is full of great stuff and they have some of the most helpful Advice people around. Up your looks and watch how differently women respond. Remember, it’s not about scoring. It’s about believing you can do it, even though you probably can’t. 

Believe you’re awesome, awesome, because you are. Seriously, there’s no reason to think you can’t kick  ass at anything you put your mind to. Confidence is the belief in your own abilities. abiliti es. And even if you can’t do something now, you can always practice and lear n how. Always introduce yourself to the beautiful girl. Assume it’s it’ s going to go better than you can imagine.  Assume she’s so into you  imagine. you  she can’t wait to see you again. Go into every interaction expecting the best. The truth is, some of the time you’re going to get rejected. Don’t take it personally, we’ve all  been there and it sucks but you’ll get over over it. Without those learning experiences, you can’t grow to your full potential. To succeed you have to stop being ordinary and be legen—wait for it —– —–dary!

Exceptional women want exceptional exceptional men. It has nothing to do with being super fit or having  perfect teeth, it’s all about your character. Are you a man of your your word? Do you have class and respect? Do you hold yourself to the highest standard? How often do you step outside your comfort zone? Are you positive? Do you give a shit about people? Expect nothing less of yourself than the t he best, always. Yes, she deserves that much but you  deserve that much, too. That’s the true meaning of a  a  legendary man man..   –   wingman..  Haaaaave you met me? Wherever you are,  are,  I’m your next wingman

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