10 Okanran Osa

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Lagos, Nigeria. October, 2010



OKANRAN ADISA 1. Ifa says that this person is right in the midst of enemies. enemies. There is the need for him/her to use his mouth as weapon to protect himself/herself himself/herself against against this enemy. He/she also needs to propitiate his/her Ori in order to have protection and respect from his/her enemies. enemies. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo with two roosters, two hens, 20 needles and money. On this Ifa says: Okanran saa  Awo ejo lo difa f’ejo Ejo nbe laarin ota Ebo ni won ni ko waa se O gb’ebo, o ru’bo Nje itakun lejo Ti o ba si ori  A ba mejo digi Itakun lejo Translation Okanran saa The awo of Ejo the Snake cast Ifa for the Snake When the snake was in the midst of enemies He was advised to offer ebo He complied The snake is but a mere creeper  If not for his Ori He would have being used to tie wood The snake is but a mere creeper 


2. Ifa advises this this person to offer ebo in order not to miss his/her opportunities opportunities in lif life. e. Ifa also advises this person to take his business more seriously in order for him/her not to have difficulties in finding his/her daily bread. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo with 10 blades, 10 needles, three stones and money. money. he/she also needs needs to feed feed Ifa as appropriate. On this, Ifa says: Okanran saasaa  Awo Asa lo dia fasaa  Asa nlo soko iwaje Ebo ni won ni ko waa se O gb’ebo, o ru’bo Oko asa kii bale ko sanwo Translation Okanran saasaa The Awo of Asa, The Hawk cast Ifa for the Hawk When he was going search of his daily bread He was advised to offer ebo  And he complied The stone thrown by Asa will never miss its target

3. Ifa says that this person is still struggling to succeed the way he/she desired in life. Ifa advises him/her him/her to offer ebo so that his dreams shall come through. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo with plenty of money. on this, Okanran Okanran Osa says:


Okanran gan-an-ran awo Awo Dia fun Awo Won ni ko rubo Ki oro re le yori sir ere O gb’ebo, o ru’bo Ko pe, ko jinna E wa ba nib a wowo ire Translation Okanran gan-an-ran the Awo of Awo, the Sported Guineafowl He cast Ifa for the Guinea-fowl He was advised to offer ebo So that his struggling may end up becoming successful He complied Before long, not too far  Join us in the midst of success

4. Ifa advises three three people to offer ebo in order to avoid avoid untimely death. Each of this this people are advised to of offer fer one matured he-goat he-goat and money. on this, Ifa says: Okanran sale sakuuta  Awo oko lo dia foko Omo Oniree Sanbe Okanran sale Sakuuta  Awo Aso lo dia f’aso Okanran sale Sakuta  Awo Ile lo dia f’ile Ebo ni won ni ki won waa se


Won gb’ebo, won ru’bo  A kii gboku oko  A kii gbo’ku Aso  A kii gbo’ku Ile afi bo sa Translation Okanran sale sakuuta The awo of oko the hoe cast Ifa for the hoe The offspring of Onire sanbe Okanran sale sakuuta The awo of Aso the Clothe cast Ifa for the Clothe Okanran sale sakuuta The Awo of Ile, the mother Earth cast Ifa for the Mother Earth They were all advised to offer ebo against untimely death They complied We cannot hear of the death of the hoe We cannot hear of the death of the clothe We cannot hear of the death of the Mother Earth It is only if they fade off 

5. Ifa says that that all what the the people are are striving striving for are just materializing now. Ifa says th that at it is the ebo that will make their effort to continue to succeed that they need to offer where this Odu is revealed. Ifa advises this this people to offer ebo with one matured he-goat, one matured she-goat, one Iroke, one Irukere, Irukere, and money. money. They also need to feed Ifa Ifa as appropriate. appropriate. On this, this, Ifa says: Komu gege lu gege


 Awo ile Alakooko Igbin o tara ina yiya  Awodi ni o pa saa gb’adie gb’adie ro Oluwo meta, irukere mefa Ogun ti a f’esin si Ta o lee si Ogun ti f’oko ja Ta o lee ja Irukere l’Edu fi n’tumo o won Translation Let us strike gege against gege The resident Awo of Alakoko The snail does not have the power to warm itself near fire  And the hawk cannot cannot grab a fowl and suspend suspend it in the mid air  Three Oluwo and six Irukere The war that we use Javelin to execute Which was not successful  And that which we use spear to fight Which was also unsuccessful It is Irukere that Edu used to dismiss the war 6. Ifa says that the person for for whom this O Odu du is revealed shall be blessed with free gift and comfort. Ifa advises him/her him/her to offer ebo with four guinea-fowls, eight land snails, eight pigeons, one matured pig and money. after this he/she needs to use part of this this ebo material to feed Ifa. Ifa. On this, Ifa says: O tu sooro awo Opa Dia fun Opa


Ka ti iwaju buu Ka tie yin buu  Awo Aje lo dia f’Aje Emi yin-in awo Oko Dia fun Oko  Agbebikan-jifa ao elebuute elebuute Dia fun Elebuute Ebo ni won ni ki won waa se Won gb’ebo, won ru’bo Boko ba rokun, rosa Dandan ni ko foru fun Elebuute Translation Otusoro the awo of Opa the Pole Cast Ifa for the Pole Let us row it from the front  And row it from behind The Awo of Aje the Paddle Cast Ifa for the Paddle Emi yin-in the awo of Oko the Canoe Cast Ifa for the Canoe He who stay in a place to acquire all the gifts The awo of the Harbour  He cast Ifa for the Harbour  They were all advised to offer ebo of success They all complied If a boat goes to the sea and the lagoons It is compulsory for it to come and pay homage to the harbour   


7. Ifa advises this person never to forget his/her his/her supporter and backbone at anytime. He/she needs needs to remember remember always that there is no one who can succeed in anything unless Olodumare has a hand in it. He/she also need need to remember remember that Olodumare will never come from heaven to support but human being like him/her will be used as instruments of success. This person must never for once once think that it was his/her might, power, wisdom or understanding that gave him/her success in life. Ifa advises him/her him/her to offe offerr ebo with four guinea-fowls, guinea-fowls, four hens, hens, four roosters and money. on this, Ifa says:  Awo oko, bi won ti gboju gboju to Won o lee da oko ro  Ada, bi won ti mu to Won o lee da igbo san  Amusu-wale ko lee da iyangun iyangun Eeyan ni nse elegbe leyin-I won o Dia fun Omo Eniyan Won ntorun bow aye Ebo ni won ni ko waa se O gb’ebo, o ru’bo Nje tani n se elegbe leyin eniyan  Ayafi Ajalorun  Ayafi Ori  Ayafi Olodumare Translation  As bold as the hoe is It cannot till the land by itself   As sharp as the cutlass cutlass maybe It cannot cut down the forest by itself 


The person who brought yam tubers to the house cannot pound all the yam by himself/herself  Other human beings are their supporters Ifa’s message for human beings When coming from heaven to earth They were advised to offer ebo They complied Now, who are the supporters of human beings It is Ajalorun It is Ori  And it is Olodumare

8. Ifa says that this person must never over estimate his/her his/her worth in life. He/she must never never be greedy or ask for what he/she did not deserve. Ifa also says that there is something here that people think that it was impossible to achieve. With appropriate appropriate ebo and determination determination he will succeed. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo with one matured he-goat, three pigeons, three guin guinea-fowls ea-fowls and money. He/she also needs to feed feed Esu and Ogun with one rooster each. On this, Ifa says:

 Awoon oko won lee funran funran won roko  Afawa eeyan tin se elegbe elegbe leyin i won Nje tani nse elegbe leyin eniyan  Aya fii Ajalorun  Aya fi eniyan Dia fun Erin Won ni ko rubo Ki omo Eeyan ma lee mu


O koti ogbonyin sebo Won ni ko rubo Nitori ija Ogun O gb’ebo, o ru’bo Nje a o m’erin joba o Eweku ewele Translation The hoes cannot clear the farm on their own It is we human beings who are behind them  And who is the supporter supporter behind human being being It is Ajalorun  And also fellow human beings beings Ifa’s message for Erin the Elephant He was advised to offer ebo So that human beings will not capture him He refused to comply The same message was giving to human beings They were advised to offer ebo In order not to face the wrath of Ogun They complied Behold we shall make the Elephant an Oba  All shout Eweku, Ewele

9. Ifa says that this person shall shall be happy and content contented ed in life. Ifa says that his/her matter shall turn to joy and he/she shall have cause to to celebrate. Ifa advises this person to offer offer ebo with two rats, two fish, two birds, two beast and money. he/she needs to feed Ifa as appropriate. On this, Okanran Osa says:


 Apa nla awo ode Igbori Igbori Lanrokun awo ode Ijesa Dia fun Orunmila Baba nsunkun oju oun o bare Ebo ni won ni ko waa se O gb’ebo, o ru’bo Ifa ni n reku meji Mo ma reku meji Mumuumu Ifa oro mi dayo Mumuumu o Ifa ni n reja meji Mo ma reja meji Mumuumu Ifa oro mi dayo Mumuumu o Ifa ni n reye meji Mo ma reye meji Mumuumu Ifa oro mi dayo Mumuumu o Ifa ni n r’eran meji Mo ma r’eran meji Mumuumu Ifa oro mi dayo Mumuumu o Translation The big Apa, the Awo of Igbori land Lanrokun, the awo of Ijesa land They cast Ifa for Orunmila When lamenting his inability to secure four great Ire


He was advised to offer ebo He complied Ifa advises me to offer two rats as ebo  And I offered two rats Mumuumu Ifa my matter has turned to joy Mumuumu Ifa advises me to offer two fish as ebo  And I offered two fish Mumuumu Ifa my matter has turned to joy Mumuumu Ifa advises me to offer two birds as ebo  And I offered two birds Mumuumu Ifa my matter has turned to joy Mumuumu Ifa advises me to offer two beasts as ebo  And I offered two beasts Mumuumu Ifa my matter has turned to joy Mumuumu

10. 10. If Ifa a say says s th that th this is perso erson n sha shall ll overc verco ome his enem enemie ies. s. This person shall shall not be de defeated feated in any any endeavour. Ifa says that there is a particular issue i ssue that looks very daunting to this person. person. He/she needs needs not entertain any any daunt because he/she he/she shall succeed. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo with two cow tails, two Iroke, two Irukere, and money. one Iroke and and one Irukere Irukere will be return to this person after the the ebo had been offered. offered. This person n needs eeds to


dress very well and use Iroke and Irukere when going to confront the issue. This person does does not need gun, sword, spear, javelin, arrow or any dangerous weapon to overcome his/her problem. On this, Ifa says: Okanran Osa Eleru  Are nse Igun, Igun Igun o yana  Ara nse akala, akala o yaarun Babalawo meta, Irukere mefa  Awo olu lo dia f’Olu Olu ngbogun lo ilu gombu gombu Ebo ni won ni ko waa se O gb’ebo, o ru’bo Ogun ti won fesin si ti won o le si Eyi ti won foko ja ti won o lee ja Iroke, Irukere ledu fi tumoo won Tumo iku, arun tuntun wele Translation Okanran Osa Eleru Igun the Vulture is nursing an ailment  And he could not warm warm himself by the fire side  Akala is also nursing an ailment ailment  And he too could not not warm himself with the heat heat of the sun Three Babalawo and six Irukere They were the Awo of Olu who cast Ifa for Olu When he was going on military campaign to Gombugombu land He was advised to offer ebo He complied The war that we wage with javelin without success


The one that we waged with spear that we failed It was Iroke and Irukere that Edu used to dismiss the war  Please dismiss death  And dismiss all evil principalities

11. 11. If Ifa a adv advis ises es thi his s per perso son n to to g go oa an nd e ent nter er in intto a co coven venan antt with Esu Odara Odara in order to have the support support of Esu. Ifa says that if this person does this, he/she will be blessed with all the Ire of life without any exception. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo with one matured he-goat, three pigeons, three guinea-fowls and money. he/she also also needs to enter into covenant with Esu with one matured he-goat. he-goat. On this, Ifa says: Waa sere awo Olohun loo je Iwa re e wu mi awo Akodi O ti okeere wa gba ota a re loju  Awo taniwo ru fun Taniwo ru fun lo dia fun Abesupinwa Ti nsawo lo ile e Ketu Oojo a ba b’Esu pinwa Nii fire gbogbo towo eni o Translation Come and play, you are the Awo of the owner I love your style and character  The awo of Akodi He who comes from afar to slap his enemy in the face The awo of whom did you offer your own ebo for 


Whom did you offer your own ebo for, was w as the one who cast Ifa for Abesupinwa He who enter into covenant with Esu When going on Ifa mission to Ketu land He was advised to offer ebo He complied The day that one enters into covenant with Esu That was the day that he releases all Ire of life for one

12. 12. If Ifa a say says s th that it fore forese sees es the Ire Ire of of c ch hil ildr dre en a an nd IIre re of personal property for the person for whom this Odu is is revealed. Ifa assures this person that it is his/her own children that will fill his/her house house.. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo with eight rats, eight fish, two hens, two pigeons, two guinea-fowls guinea-fowls and money. on this, Ifa says: Okanran waara Okanran waara  Awo Ayo lo dia f’Ayo O nmoni oju sungbere omo Ebo ni won ni ko waa se O gb’ebo, o ru’bo E wole Ayo, ewomo Eeyan kii bale Ayo, laikun Translation Okanran waara Okanran waara The awo of Ayo, the Waree game Cast Ifa for the Ayo game When lamenting her inability to have her own children


She was advised to offer ebo She complied Come and see the house of Ayo, and see her children No one can see the house of Ayo that is not filled with children 13. 13. If Ifa a assu assure res s this this pers person on ne neve verr to en ente tert rtai ain n an any y fe fear ar.. Th This is person will have have cause to celebrate. celebrate. Ifa however says that this person may be feeling reluctant to offer this ebo but it is in his/her interest to do so. Ifa says that that it foresees foresees all ire of life for this person. person. Ifa advises this this person to offer ebo with eight rats, eight fish, four hens, four guinea-fowls, four pigeons, four four roosters and money. on this, Ifa says: Isin ni o won nile oluwo Ikoro nio won lodo ojugbona Lapami ni won sefa fun Eyi to sefa kan sile tin je okanran O wa tu puru sekun O wa sare tete, o kori sinu igbo O tun wa pade awon Isin o won nile oluwo Ikoro o won lodo ojugbona Won ni Lapami kinlo nsa fun O ni oun sefa kan Okanran-Osa ni Won se o ti rubo O ni oun o ru Won wan so fun wipe Ifa alaje werere lokanran Osa o werere Ifa alaya werere lokanran-Osa o werere Ifa olomo werere lokanran-Osa o, werere


Ifa alaiku kangidi lokanran-Osa o, werere O waa pada sile O waa gb’ebo, o ru’bo Ko pe, ko jinna E wa ba ni wowo ire gbogbo Translation Isin fish is it that is never scarce in the home of an Oluwo  And Ikoro fish is never scarce in the home of Ojugbona Ojugbona These were Ifa’s messages for Lapami He who cast one Ifa that is known as Okanran Osa  And he burst into tears tears He ran into the forest  And he met again Isin fish is it that is never scarce in the home of an Oluwo  And Ikoro fish is never scarce in the home of Ojugbona Ojugbona They said Lapami, what are you running away from He responded that he cast one Ifa called Okanran Osa They demanded to know if he had offered the ebo He said he had not They told him that; Ifa of great prosperity is Okanran Osa Ifa of compatible spouse is Okanran Osa Ifa of great children is Okanran Osa Ifa of long life is Okanran Osa Lapami returned home  And he went to offer offer his ebo Before long, not too far  Join us in the midst of all Ire of life


14. 14. If Ifa a say says s th that it fore forese sees es the ir ire e of of a sp spou ouse se for for tthe he person for whom this Odu is revealed. revealed. Ifa also says that the relationship will be blessed with children. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo with four rats, four fish, two hens and money. he/she also needs needs to feed feed Ifa with two rats, two fish and one hen. On this, Ifa says: Igbin ni o ka rugudu wona  Awodi ni o pa ranyin g’aja g’aja Dia fun Orunmila Ti nloo gbe Iwa niyawo Ebo ni won ni ko waa se O gb’ebo, o ru’bo Iwa n gbe lowo Iwa n pon leyin E wa, e wa w’omo Iwa werere Translation Igbin the snail will never roll itself into fire The hawk will never swirl and land on the ceiling Ifa’s message for Orunmila When going to have Iwa as wife He was advised to offer ebo He complied Iwa is carrying are babies in a her hands Iwa is also stripping her babies to her back Come and see the many children of Iwa 15. 15. If Ifa a say says s th that th the ep pe erson rson fo forr w who hom m tth his Odu is reve revea ale led d shall succeed in a mission that the person is going for outside his/her his/her normal domain. domain. He/she shall become very


popular and accepted were h he/she e/she is going. going. Ifa advises th this is person to offer ebo with four pigeons, four guinea and money. on this, Ifa says:

Okanran sansa  Awo ile Agbonniregun Dia fun Agbonniregun Baba nsawo lo Ereke Ado Ebo ni won ni ko waa se O gb’ebo, o ru’bo Ko pe, ko jinna E wa ba ni ni wowo ire gbogbo Wowo ire gbogbo lere ope nife Translation Okanran sansa The resident Awo of Agbonniregun He cast Ifa for Agbonniregun When going on Ifa mission to Ado land He was advised to offer ebo He complied Before long not too far  Join us in the midst of all Ire of life It is in the midst of all Ire that we reside

16. 16. If Ifa a say says s th that th the ep pe erson rson fo forr w who hom m tth his Odu is reve revea ale led d shall be blessed with children. Ifa says that Osun will help this person to be beget and raise the children. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo with 8 rats, 8 fish, 2 hens, and


money. he/she also needs needs to feed feed Osun with one hen, plenty of akara and sekete beer. beer. On this, Ifa says:

Okanran Adisa Eleru Dia fun Yeye mi Otoro Efon Omo Ejigbojo Ile ode Ido O feyinti moju ekun sunrahun omo Ebo ni won ni ko waa se O gb’ebo, o ru’bo E lo ba mi sipe f’Osun  Alakole o fagada rela rela E lo ba mi sipe f’Osun Iyami toki n bi toki moro l’Efon Iyami toki Iyami talade n bi talade moro l’Efon Iyami talade Omukemuke  Ajemo bi itale Eporogun to ki o Translation Okanran Adisa Eleru He cast Ifa for my mother the Otoro Efon Offspring of the rain that took over the day in Ido land When weeping in lamentation of her inability to beget a baby She was advised to offer ebo She complied Please help me plead with Osun  Alakole who never uses a broad sword to cut o okra kra Please help me plead with Osun Is my mother worthy being given salutation or not


My mother is worthy of being given salutation Is my mother up to a crown owner or not My mother is worthy of being crowned Omukemuke She who sucks a baby like an insect Eporogun is worthy of being given salutation

 Aboru Aboye


 AFFILIATED ORISA/IRUNMOLE OF OF OKANRAN OSA 1. Ifa – for support, direction, victory, protection, elevation elevation and success 2. Esu-Odara – for all ire of life, protection and and sanctuary 3. Ori – for for actualization of destiny, victory, protection protection and support 4. Ile – for for long life life and strong strong health health 5. Egbe –for –for support support and and leadersh leadership ip 6. Ogun – for for victory victory and protection protection 7. Sango – for victory victory and and protect protection ion 8. Osun – for for childbearin childbearing g and child child rearing rearing 9. Obatala Obatala – for protection, protection, elev elevation ation and and success

TABOOS OF OKANRAN OSA 1. Must never be reticent where he is suppose to speak out – to avoid unconsummated fortune 2. Must never never violence violence to confront confront any issue issue – to avoid unconsummated fortune 3. Must never never be in the military, paramilita paramilitary ry of security organization – to avoid failure or disappointment 4. Must never be greedy – to avoid failure and unconsummated unconsummated fortune 5. Must never use Apa tree for anything – to avoid failure failure and unconsummated fortune 6. Must never never exercise exercise fear or daunt daunt in any undertakin undertaking g – to avoid failure or unconsummated fortune



1. Ifa/Orisa Ifa/Orisa Priest/Prie Priest/Priestess stess 2. Transporte Transporterr especially especially in the maritime maritime area 3. Nego Negoti tiat ator  or  4. Counseling Counseling Office Officer, r, Peace Delegat Delegate e 5. Sport/ Sport/ Political Political Commentato Commentatorr of Analysist Analysist POSSIBLE NAMES OF OKANRAN OSA MALE 1. Adisa – a well well trained trained and well well groomed groomed person person 2. Ifapelumi Ifapelumi – Ifa is besides besides me 3. Ifasegbe Ifasegbe – Ifa Ifa supports supports me 4. Abesupinwa Abesupinwa – he who enters enters into into covenant covenant with Esu FEMALE 1. Ifasayo Ifasayo – ifa brings brings joy 2. Osunyemi Osunyemi – Osun befits befits me 3. Osunriyike Osunriyike – Osun Osun has has this to pamper  pamper 

 Aboru Aboye Solagbade Popoola Lagos, Nigeria October, 2010

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