10 Multiple-Choice Cloze Tests

September 2, 2017 | Author: 梁凱程 | Category: Leisure
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MULTIPLE-CHOICE CLOZE TESTS Read the following passages and choose one suitable word or phrase to fill in each blank.

PASSAGE (1) People spend a lot of time and money (1) physical activities. The object of these activities (2) not only enjoyment. Doctors have found that vigorous exercise keeps people healthier and (3) them look better. So, those who are doing exercise or playing sports are also maintaining or recapturing their (4) and vigor. Many people do their exercise at health club, (5) has exercise equipment, and (6) for tennis or table tennis. Other people (7) . clubs with golf courses and swimming pools. Those who want privacy (8) their homes with exercise bicycles or walking machines to work out in their bedroom or family room. Walking, running, and jogging are also popular (9) of keeping the body fit. Many people jog a few mi les before (10) to work in the morning, using jogging trails in parks or simply running around their house several times. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

A. for A. are A. makes A. young A. that A. fields A. approach A. set up A. roads A. go

B. on B. will be B. lets B. younger B. which B. stadiums B. arrive B. make up B. ways B. to go

C. in C. is C. causes C. youngest C. who C. courts C. come C. decorate C. paths C. going

D. at D. was D. does D. youth D. what D. yards D.join D. provide D. trails D. went

PASSAGE (2) Is it worth reading books, since nowadays there are so many other forms of (1) ? Some people say that even paperback books are expensive, and not everyone can (2) books from a library. They might add that television is more (3) and that viewers can relax as they watch their favorite (4) . All that may be true, but books are still very (5) . They encourage the reader to use his or her imagination for a start. You can read a chapter of a book, or just (6) pages, and then stop. Of course, it may be so fascinating that you can't stop! There are many different kinds of books, so you can choose a crime (7) or an autobiography, or a book which gives you interesting information. If you find it (8) to choose, you can read reviews, or ask friends (9) ideas. Personally, I can't do without books, but I can (10) up television easily enough. You can't watch television at bus stops! 1. A. sport 2. A. borrow 3. A. exited 4. A. plans 5. A. public 6. A. a little 7. A. film 8. A. hard 9. A. with 10. A. put

B. entertainment B. lend B. excitable B. programs B. live B. a few B. poetry B. hardly B. on B. set

C. research C. buy C. exciting C. periods C. popular C. many C. history C. hardship C. for C.look


D. study D. take D. excitement D. volumes D.lovely D. enough D. novel D. hardy D. about D. give

PASSAGE (3) Shopping in Mappstone is a must if you are visiting the area. There (1) many shops and services all within walking distance (1) the central square. The city is particularly busy during (1) summer months of June, July and August when tourists visit Mappstone from all over the (1) . One of the main streets off the central square- Cedar Avenue - is the most popular shopping area for not (1) visitors but residents too. Stores line both sides of the avenue are often (1) open late into the evening. Most of the shops in this avenue are small and expensive (1) in nearby streets shoppers can find almost anything at more reasonable (1) . Tourists will find that many of these shops offer an export service and goods (1) be posted direct to the buyers' home country. Shops are usually closed on Mondays but otherwise open from 9 am in the morning (1) 8 pm in the evening. 1. A. is

B. are

C. have

D. be

2. A. of

B. in

C. by

D. to

3. A. some

B. a

C. the

D. one

4. A. earth

B. ground

C. space

D. world

5. A. same

B. just

C. exactly

D. very

6. A. stay

B. go

C. make


7. A. since

B. so

C. but

D. because

8. A. costs

B. numbers

C. values

D. prices

9. A. can

B. would

C. might

D. should

10. A. with

B. up

C. until

D. for

PASSAGE (4) Modern medicine has done wonders for the world. Many (1) . that used to be classified as incurable can now be (2) . However, (3) advancements in science, cures for some diseases have not yet been found. In desperation, some people with terminal illnesses often turn to traditional healers for (4) . Every country has its own (5) of traditional healing. Most often, this (6) the form of shamanism, with witch doctors and medicine men trying to cure the sick (7) prayers and rituals. Although these methods have not proven to be very (8) , many scientists are beginning to wonder why some of these techniques have succeeded when modern medicine has (9) . Some people believe that deities and spirits can help in healing the sick. Scientists have discovered that in some (10) , this torm of healing works although they do not know why and how. 1.

A. symptoms

B. treatments

C. illnesses

D. viruses


A. developed

B. found

C. studied

D. cured


A. because of

B. despite

C. with

D. without


A. help

B. directions

C. information

D. decisions


A. point

B. law

C. action

D. way


A. gains

B. takes

C. describes

D. chooses


A. without

B. in addition to

C. through

D. for


A. effective

B. active

C. comfortable

D. convenient


A. changed

B. failed

C. improved

D. developed


A. sorts

B. manners

C. kinds

D. cases


PASSAGE (5) Not getting enough sleep is apparently one of the most worrying problems of the late twentieth century. (1) of sleep makes us tired at work and bad-tempered at (2) ; it causes accidents, makes us feel (3) and damages our health. In one recent survey, 82% of shift workers said they did not get enough sleep and 72% of train drivers said they sometimes (4) asleep while driving their train. According to experts, people are now getting about 1.5 hours less sieep per night than they (5) . Studies show that most people need (6) seven and eight hours of sleep a night but evidence suggests that they are certainly not getting it. There are mail (7) for this: some shops stay open 24 hours a day; TV and radio (8) us awake; life itself is busier. The streets where I (9) are full of traffic at three in the morning, and after that you can still hear some (10) . 1.

A. Plenty

B. Lack

C. None

D. Lots


A. school

B. home

C. night

D. weekends


A. bored

B. excited

C. depressed

D. unhappy


A. felt

B. remained

C. became

D. fell


A. used to

B. should

C. need

D. All are correct


A. between

B. up to

C. from

D. about


A. evidence

B. results

C. reasons

D. problems


A. stays

B. gets

C. keeps

D. makes


A. live

B. stay

C. work

D. sleep


A. sound

B. cars

C. people

D. noise

PASSAGE (6) According (1) international media, the famous Beatles song censored, 'A Day in the Life', which was recognized by Rolling Stone magazine among the (2) songs in history, was sold for over 1.2 million dollars in New York. The buyer was an American, who (3) $1,202,500, with the charges included in the auction organized by Sotheby's. The song is (4) with erasures and corrections, which documents the evolution of one of the greatest hits of rock music from the original idea (5) the final version. 'A Day in the Life' is the final song of the legendary Beatles album 'St. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band', (6) for 27 weeks remained at number one in the charts in Britain and for 15 weeks on the U.S. Billboard (7) . The manuscript began with a value (8) $ 500,000 and for a time was (9) by Mal Evans, agent for the tour of the Beatles. John Lennon was inspired by (10) death in a traffic accident of the Irish Tara Browne, heir to the Guinness group and a friend of Lennon and Paul McCartney. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A.

to most sold write until which rank in owned a

B. on B. highest B. bought B. writing B.as B. that B. ranking B. of B. had B. the

C. for C. best C. got C. wrote C. when C. what C. ranked C. by C. obsessed C. an 3

D. in D. least D. paid D. written D. during D. whose D. ranks D.and D. known D. no article

PASSAGE (7) The Hollywood sign in the hills that line the northern border of Los Angeles is a_____(1) landmark recognized the world over. The white-painted, 50-foot-high, sheet metal letters can be____(2) from great distances across the Los Angeles basin. The sign was not constructed, as ____ (3) might suppose, by the movie business as a means of celebrating the importance of Hollywood to this industry; instead, it was first ____ (4) in 1923 as means of advertising homes____(5) sale in a 500acre housing subdivision in a part of Los Angeles called " Hollywoodland". The sign____(6) was constructed at that time, of course, said" Hollywoodland". Over the years, people began referring to the area by the shortened version U Hollywood". And after the sign and its site were donated to the city in 1945, the last four ____ (7) were removed. The sign suffered from years of disrepair, and in 1973 it needed to be ____ (8) replaced, at a cost of $27,700 per letter. Various celebrities were instrumental in ____ (9) to raise needed funds. Rock star Alice Cooper, for example, bought an 0 in memory of Groucho Marx, and Hugh Hefner of Playboy fame held a benefit party to ____ (10) the money for the Y. The construction of the new sign was finally completed in 1978. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

A. famous A. see A. one A. construct A. of A. where A. moments A. complete A. help A. take

B. ugly B. saw B. it B. constructed B.on B. what B. letters B. completed B. helps B.do

C. hidden C. seen C. he C. constructing C. for C. that C. sounds C. completing C. helping C. raise

D. remote D. sight D. she. D. to construct D. by D. who D. words D. completely D. helped D. give

PASSAGE (8) Television and video can be very (1) to people who (2) choose the movies and shows that they watch. With high quality programs in various fields (3) study, such as science, medicine, history, arts and so on, TV increases the viewers' (4) ; it can also improve thinking ability. Moreover, TV (5) elderly people who cannot go out often, as well as patients in hospital. Additionally, it offers language learners the (6) of "real-life" audiovisual instruction and aural comprehension practice (7) any time of day and night. Television and video can also (8) almost everyone with good (9) - a pleasant way to relax and spend free time (10) . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

A. helpful A. careless A. for A. practice A. gives A. advantage A. of A. give A. chores A. at home

B. harmful B. carelessly B. of B. experiments B. offers B. use B. at B. bring B. exercise B. at work

C. unnecessary C. careful C. in C. knowledge C. provides C. application C. with C. provide C. task C. in the office 4

D. unimportant D. carefully D. among D. lessons D. benefits D. disadvantage D. into D. take D. entertainment D. at the cinema

PASSAGE (9) Earth Day, Every Day Earth Day is on April 220d every year. Earth Day is a day to (1) to take care of our planet, Earth. We can take care of our planet by keeping it clean. We can keep Earth clean by (2) the rule of "reduce, reuse, recycle". Reduce means use (3) . We can reduce our use of resources like water or gasoline. Reuse means use again, rather than (4) things away. We can reuse many things, such as jars, plastic bags, and boxes. Recycle means make something (5) from something old. We can keep Earth clean by recycling materials such as aluminum, paper, and plastic. If we (6) these materials to a recycling center, they can be used again in a(n) (7) way. On Earth Day, we remind (8) and everyone on Earth that we must do these things. We must do these things every day, not just on Earth Day. We (9) all do our part, and we can make a (10) . On April 2200, remind everyone you know that Earth Day is every day! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

A. miss A. following A. least A. discard A. beautiful A. leave A. different A. us A. ought A. day

B. remember B. saying B. most B. blow B.new B. throw B. difficult B. ourselves B. may B. world

C. imazine C. understanding C. more C. throw C. fashionable C. take C. immediate C. ourself C. might C. difference

D. memorize D. breaking D.less D. get D. complete D. move D. quick D. ours D. must D. heart

PASSAGE (10) In the (1) ten years the world has witnessed a computer revolution. There is now hardly any aspect of everyday life that does not (2) us into contact with computers, whether it be in shopping at the supermarket, or using them at work, school, or play. Computers have (3) a vital tool for governments, the armed forces, banks, businesses and industries. The first electronics computer, built over 30 years (4) , took up the space of a large basement room. Today, the essence of a computer of equal calculating power can be built onto a piece of silicon smaller than a postage (5) . The computer's great (6) over human beings is its ability to store vast amounts of information and the incredible speed at which it can work. This makes it ideal for repetitive, detailed work, (7) as keeping company accounts, analyzing statistics, and monitoring production in factories. (8) they work at such speed, it is important to remember that computers are not 'intelligent'. They are only (9) that perform the tasks they have been instructed to undertake. Without instructions and information supplied by their operators, computers are no more intelligent than the metal and plastic of which they are (10) . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

A. passed A. bring A. turned A. before A. paper A. advantage A. so A. However A. machines A. done

B. already B. set B. changed B. together B. stamp B. expense B. this B. Although B. pieces B. made

C. past C. lead D. become C. since C. note C. price C. such C. Despite C. parts C. turned 5

D. before D. carry C. done D. ago D. sheet D. reward D. like D. When D. subjects D. changed

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