10 Maxims of Equity1

January 21, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Add`xur`  ‒  1;  1; Icimcbam Naxcns fh @qucty  ‒  Icim`  Icim` LOX 1811

1; Icimcbam Naxcns fh @qucty? Ug` hudean`dtam amr`aey `staimcsg`e prcdbcpm`s ade pr`b`pts fh udcv`rsam bfnn`rbcam maw tgat gav` hfr ncmm`ddca hfrn`e tg` ude`rpcddcdjs fh bcvcmcz`e maw fd tgcs pmad`t ar` iftg icimcbam ade dfd-icimcbam, c.`. tg`cr trutg ade vamcecty cs a hudbtcfd fh tg`ns`mv`s ade tg` mfdj-abb`pt`e usaj` ade prabtcb` iy nady bumtur`s ade p`fpm`s, cd ecv`rs` hfrns, tgrfujgfut tg` wfrme hfr tgfusades fh y`ars. Ug`s` hudean`dtam Naxcns fh Bfnn`rb` ar` tg` v`ry hfudeatcfds fh trutg cd bfdtrabts, trusts, amm bfnn`rbcam efbun`dts, cdstrun`dts, ade prfb`ss`s< tg` hfmmfwcdj Icim` quft`s ar` hrfn tg` peh Lcdj Oan`s X`rscfd 1811<

1. A wfrlnad cs wfrtgy fh gcs gcr`?   M`v. 13?12 Ugfu sgamt dft e`hraue tgy d`cjgifur, d`ctg`r rfi gcn? tg` waj`s fh gcn tgat cs gcr`e, sgam dft aice` wctg tg`` amm dcjgt, vdtcmm tg` nfrdcdj. Natt. 1;?1; Dfr sbrcpp` hfr yfur cfurd`y, d`ctg`r twf bfats, d`ctg`r sgff`s, dfr y`t stau`s? (hfr tg` wfrl`nad cs wfrtgy fh gcs n`at.)

Mul` 1;?: Ade cd tg` san` gfus` r`nacd`, `atcdj ade ercdlcdj subg tgcdjs as tg`y jcu`? Hfr tg` maifur`r cs wfrtgy fh gcs gcr`. Jf` dft hrfn gfus` tf gfus`. Ofgd 5? 20 Ray dft y`, Ug`r` ar` y`t hfur` nfd`tgs, ade tg`d bfnn`tg garu`st6 I`gfme, C say vdtf yfu, Mcht vp yfur `y`s, ade mffl` fd tg` hc`mes? hfr tg`y ar` wgct` amr`aey amr`a ey tf garu`st. 28 Ade g`` tgat r`ap`tg r`b`cu`tg waj`s, ade jatg`r`tg hruct` h ruct` vdtf mch` `t`rdamm? tgat iftg g` tgat sfw`tg, ade g` tgat r`ap`tg, r `ap`tg, nay r`cfyb` tfj`tg`r. 2: Ade g`r`cd cs tgat saycdj sa ycdj tru`? Fd` sfw`tg, ade adftg`r r`ap`tg. 27 C s`dt yfu tf r`ap` tgat, wg`r`fd y` i`stfw`e df maifur? ftg`r n`d maifur`e, ade y`` ar` `dtr`e cdtf tg`cr maifurs. CC Ucn. 9?8 || Ug` gusiadenad tgat maifur`tg, nust i`` hcrst partal`r fh tg` hruct`s. M`jam naxcn? "Ct cs ajacdst `qucty hfr hr``n`d dft tf gav` g av` tg` hr`` ecspfsam fh tg`cr fwd  prfp`rty."    prfp`rty."

9. Amm ar` `quam ude`r tg` Maw ?  (Jfe's Maw? @tgcbam ade Daturam Maw). @xfeus 91?92 Ade ch ady ncsbgc`h` hfmmfw, tg`d tgfu sgamt jcu` mch` hfr mch`, 95 @y` hfr `y`, ` y`, tfftg hfr tfftg, gade hfr gade, hfft` hfr hfft`, 90 Iurdcdj hfr iurdcdj, wfude hfr wfude, strcp` hfr strcp`. 98 Ade ch a nad snct` tg` `y` fh gcs s`ruadt, fr tg` `y` fh gcs naye, tgat ct  p`rcsg, g`` sgamm m`t gcn jf` hr`` hfr gcs `y`s sal`. M`v. 92?1 Ugfu sgamt dft racs` a hams` r`pfrt? put dft tgcd` gade wctg tg` wcbl`e tf i`` ad vdrcjgt`fus wctd`ss`. 9 Ugfu sgamt dft hfmmfw a numtctue` tf ef` `ucmm? d`ctg`r sgamt tgfu t gfu



Add`xur`  ‒  1;  1; Icimcbam Naxcns fh @qucty  ‒  Icim`  Icim` LOX 1811 sp`al` cd a baus`, tf e`bmcd` aht`r nady, tf wr`st cuej`n`dt? 2 D`ctg`r sgamt tgfu bfudt`dadb` a pffr` nad cd gcs baus`. E`ut. 1?1: S` sgamm dft r`sp`bt p`rsfds cd cuej`n`dt, iut yfu sgamm g`ar` tg` snamm as w`mm as tg` jr`at? yfu sgamm dft i`` ahrace fh tg` hab` fh nad, hfr tg` cuejn`dt cs Jfes? ade tg` baus` tgat cs tff gare hfr yfu, ircdj ct vdtf n`, ade C wcmm g`ar` ct. ct . E`ut. 13?91 Ade ct sgamm i` a p`rp`tuamm statut` vdtf tg`n, tgat g` tgat sprcdlm`tg tg` wat`r fh s`paratcfd, sgamm wasg gcs bmftg`s? ade g` tgat tfubg`tg tg` wat`r fh s`paratcfd, sgamm i` vdbm`ad` vdtcmm @u`d. 99 Ade wgatsf`u`r tg` vdbm`ad` p`rsfd tfubg`tg, sgamm i` vdbm`ad`? ade tg` sfum` tgat tfubg`tg ct, sgamm i`` vdbm`ad` vdtcmm @u`d. Natt., 99?28 Nast`r, wgcbg cs tg` jr`at Bfnnade`n`dt cd tg` Maw6 2: C`sus saye vdtf gcn, Ugfu sgamt mfu` tg` Mfre tgy Jfe wctg amm tgy g`art, ade wctg amm tgy sfum`, ade wctg amm tgy ncde`. 27 Ugcs cs tg` hcrst ade jr`at Bfnnade`n`dt. 23 Ade tg` s`bfde cs mcl` vdtf ct, Ugfu sgamt mfu` tgy d`cjgifur as tgy s`mh`. 5; Fd tg`s` twf Bfnnade`n`dts gadj amm tg` Maw ade tg` [rfpg`ts. Mul` 1;?1: Ade tg` s`u`dty r`turd`e ajacd` wctg cfy, saycdj, Mfre, `u`d tg` e`ucms ar` suic`bt vdtf vs tgrfujg tgy dan`. Bfm. 2?90 Iut g` tgat ef`tg wrfdj, sgamm r`b`cu` hfr tg` wrfdj wgcbg g`` gatg efd` ? ade tg`r` cs df r`sp`bt fh p`rsfds. M`jam naxcn? "Df fd` cs aifv` tg` maw."  maw."  M`jam naxcn? "Bfnn`rb`, iy tg` maw fh datcfds, datc fds, fujgt tf i` bfnnfd, ade dft tf i` bfdv`rt`e cdtf a nfdfpfmy ade tg` prcvat` jacd fh a h`w."

2. Cd Bfnn`rb` trutg cs sfv`r`cjd?  @xfeus 9;?18 Ugfu sgamt dft i`ar` hams` wctd`s ajacdst tgy d`cjgifur. [s. 11:?9 Hfr gcs n`rbchum lcded`ss` cs jr`at tfware vs? ade tg` tru`tg fh tg` Mfre `deur`tg hfr `u`r. [racs` y` tg` Mfre. Natt. 8?22 Iut s``l` y` hcrst tg` lcdjefn` fh Jfe, ade gcs rcjgt`fusd`ss`, ade amm tg`s` tgcdjs sgami` aee`e vdtf yfu. Ofgd 7? 1: Ct cs amsf wrctt`d cd yfur Maw, tgat tg` t`stcnfdc` fh twf n`d cs tru`. Ofgd 7? 29 Ade y` sgamm ldfw tg` Uru`tg, ade tg` Uru`tg sgamm nal` yfu hr``. Ofgd 7? 28 Ch tg` Rfdd` tg`rhfr` sgamm nal` yfu hr``, y` sgamm i` hr`` cde``e. CC Bfr. 12? 7 Hfr w`` bad ef` dftgcdj ajacdst tg` tru`tg, iut hfr tg` tru`tg. @pg. 7? 90 Zg`r`hfr` puttcdj away mycdj, sp`al` `u`ry nad trutg wctg gcs d`cjg-ifur ? hfr w` ar` n`ni`rs fd` fh adf-tg`r. 98 I` y` adjry ade scdd` dft, m`t dft tg` Rudd` jf efwd vpfd yfur wratg? 9


Add`xur`  ‒  1;  1; Icimcbam Naxcns fh @qucty  ‒  Icim`  Icim` LOX 1811

M`jam naxcn? "Uf mc` cs tf jf ajacdst tg` ncde."

5. Urutg cs `xpr`ss`e iy n`ads fh ad ahhceavct?  M`v. 0?5 Fr ch a sfum` sw`ar`, prfdfudbcdj wctg gcs mcps tf ef `ucmm, fr tf ef jffe, wgatsf`u`r ct i` tgat a nad sgamm prfdfudb` wctg ad fatg, ade ct c t i` gce hrfn gcn, wg`d g` ldfw`tg fh ct, tg`d g` sgami` jucmty cd fd` fh tg`s`. 0 Ade ct sgami` wg`d g` sgami` jucmtc` cd fd` fh tg`s` tgcdjs, tgat g` sgamm bfdh`ss` tgat g`` gatg scdd`e cd tgat tgcdj.

M`v 13?11 S` sgamm dft st`am`, d`ctg`r e`am` hamsmy, hams my, d`ctg`r mc` fd` tf adftg`r. 19 Ade y` sgamm dft sw`ar` iy ny Dan` hamsmy, d`ctg`r sgamt tgfu prfpgad` tg` Dan` fh tgy Jfe? C an tg` Mfre. 12 Ugfu sgamt dft e`hraue tgy d`cjgifur, d`ctg`r rfi gcn? tg` waj`s fh gcn tgat cs gcr`e, sgam dft aice` wctg tg`` amm dcjgt, vdtcmm tg` nfrdcdj.  Dun. 2;?9 Ch a nad vfw` vfw` a vfw vdtf tg` Mfre, fr sw`ar` ad ftg` tf icde gcs sfum` wctg a  ifde? g` sgamm dft ir`al` gcs wfre, g`` sgamm ef` abbfrecdj tf amm tgat prfb``e`tg fut fh gcs nfutg. Natt. 0?22 Ajacd`, y`` gau` g`are tgat ct gatg i``d` sace iy i y tg`n fh fme tcn`, Ugfu sgamt dft hfrsw`ar` tgy s`mh`, iut sgamt p`rhfrn` vdtf tg` Mfre tgcd` ftg`s. Nat. 0? 28 D`ctg`r sgamt tgfu sw`ar` iy tgy g`ae, i`baus` tgfu badst dft nal` fd` gacr` gacr ` wgct` fr imabl`. 2: Iut m`t yfur bfnnudcbatcfd i`` S`a, S`a, y`a? Day, day? Hfr wgatsf`u`r cs nfr` tg`d tg`s`, bfnn`tg fh `ucmm. Ofgd 1? 1: Hfr tg` Maw was jcu`d iy Nfs`s, iut jrab` ade tru`tg ban` iy C`sus Bgrcst. Ofgd 2? 9; 2? 9; Hfr `u`ry fd` tgat ef`tg `ucmm, gat`tg tg` mcjgt, d`ctg`r bfnn`tg tf tg` t g` mcjgt, m`st gcs e``es sgfume i` r`prfu`e. 91 Iut g`` tgat ef`tg tru`tg, bfnn`tg tf tg` mcjgt, tgat gcs e``es nay i` nae` nadch`st, tgat tg`y ar` wrfujgt cd Jfe.   Oan`s 0?19 Iut aifu` amm tgcdjs, ny ir`tgr`d, sw`ar` dft, d`ctg`r iy g`au`d, d`c-tg`r iy tg` `artg, d`ctg`r iy ady ftg`r ftg`r? iut m`t yfur y`a, i` y`a, ade yfur day, day? m`st y`` hamm cdtf bfde`nda-cfd.

0. Ad udr`iutt`e ahhceavct stades as tg` trutg cd Bfnn`rb`? [rfv. 9;? 1; Ecu`rs w`cjgts, ade ecu`rs n`asur`s, iftg fh tg`n ar` amcl` amc l` aifncdatcfd tf tg` Mfre. 11 @u`d a bgcme` cs ldfw`d iy gcs efcdjs, wg`tg`r gcs wfrl` i` pur`, ade wg`tg`r ct i` rcjgt. 19 Ug` g`arcdj `ar`, ade tg` s``cdj `y`, tg` Mfre gatg nae` `u`d iftg fh tg`n. 12 Mfu` dft sm``p`, m`st tgfu bfn` tf pfu`rtc`? fp`d tgcd` `y`s, ade tgfu sgamt i` satcshc`e wctg  ir`ae. 15 Ct cs dfujgt, ct cs dfujgt dfujgt (sactg tg` iuy`r?) iut wg`d g` cs jfd` jfd` gcs way, tg`d g`  ifast`tg. 10 Ug`r` cs jfme, ade a numtctue` numtctue` fh Yuic`s? iut tg` mcps fh ldfwm`ej` ar` a  pr`bcfus c`w`mm.  c`w`mm.  [rfv. 93? 1 G` tgat i`cdj fht`d r`prfu`e, gare`d`tg gcs d`bl`, sgam suee`dmy i` e`strfc`e, ade tgat wctgfut r`n`ey. 9 Zg`d tg` rcjgt`fus ar` cd autgfrctc`, tg` p`fpm` r`cfyb`? r`c fyb`? iut wg`d tg` wcbl`e i`ar`tg rum`, tg` p`fpm` nfurd`. 2


Add`xur`  ‒  1;  1; Icimcbam Naxcns fh @qucty  ‒  Icim`  Icim` LOX 1811

Ofi. 92? 12 Iut g`` cs cd fd` ncde`, ade wgf bad turd` gcn6 ade wgat gcs sfum` e`scr`tg, `u`d tgat g` ef`tg. _`b. 7? 18 Ug`s` ar` tg` tgcdjs tgat y`` sgamm ef`< Rp`al` y`` `u`ry nad tg` trutg tf gcs d`cjgifr? `x`but` tg` cuejn`dt fh tru`tg ade p`ab` cd yfur jat`s. M`jam naxcn? "G`, wgf ef`s dft e`dy, aencts."  aencts."  

8. Ad udr`iutt`e ahhceavct i`bfn`s tg` ouejn`dt cd Bfnn`rb`?  Ofi. 92? 8 Zcmm g` pm`ae ajacdst n` wctg gcs jr`at pfw`r6 Df, iut g`` wfume put str`djtg cd n`. : Ug`r` tg` rcjgt`fus ncjgt ecsput` wctg gcn< sf sgfume C i` e`mcu`r`e hfr `u`r hrfn ny Cuej`. Ofi. 92? 1; Iut g` ldfw`tg tg` way tgat C tal`? wg`d g` gatg trc`e n`, C sgamm s gamm bfn` hfrtg as jfme.   jfme. G`i. 8?12 Hfr wg`d Jfe nae` prfncs` tf Airagan , i`baus` g`` bfume sw`ar` iy df jr`at`r, g` swar` iy gcns`mh`, 15 Raycdj, Ra ycdj, Rur`my, im`sscdj C wcmm im`ss` tg``, ade numtcpmycdj C wcm numtcpmy tg``. 10 Ade sf aht`r g` gae patc`dtmy cdeur`e, g` fitacd`e tg` prfncs`. 18 Hfr n`d v`rcmy sw`ar` iy tg` jr`at`r, ade ad fatg hfr bfdhcrnatcfd cs tf tg`n ad `de fh amm strch`. 1: Zg`r`cd Jfe wcmmcdj nfr` aiudeadtmy tf sg`w` vdtf tg` g`yr`s fh prfncs` tg` cnnutaicmctc` fh gcs bfuds`mm, bfdhcrn`e ct iy ad fatg? 1 Ucn. 1? 7 Iut w` ldfw tgat tg` Maw cs jffe, ch a nad vs` ct mawhummy. 3 Ldfwcdj tgcs, tgat tg` Maw cs dft nae` hfr a rcjgt`fus nad, iut hfr tg` mawm`ss` ade ecsfi`ec`dt, hfr tg` vdjfemy, ade hfr scdd`rs, hfr vdgfmy, ade prfhad`, hfr nure`r`rs fh hatg`rs, ade nure`r`rs fh nftg`rs, hfr nadsmay`rs,  nadsmay`rs,  Ady prfb``ecdj cd a bfurt, trciudam, fr arictratcfd hfrun bfdscsts fh a bfdt`st, fr "eu`m," fh bfnn`rbcam ahhceavcts wg`r`cd tg` pfcdts r`nacdcdj udr`iutt`e cd tg` `de stade as tg` trutg ade tg` natt`rs tf wgcbg tg` ouejn`dt fh tg` maw cs appmc`e.

:. A natt`r nust i` `xpr`ss`e tf i` r`sfmv`e?  Abt. 8? 3 Ug`d tg`r` arfs` b`rtacd` fh tg` Rydajfju`, wgcbg cs bamm`e tg` Rydajfju` fh tg` Mci`rtcd`s, ade Byr`dcads, ade Am`xadercads, ade fh tg`n fh Bcmcbca, ade fh Asca, ecsputcdj wctg Rt`u`d. 1; Ade tg`y w`r` dft aim` tf r`scst tg` wcs`efn` ade tg` spcrct iy wgcbg g` spal`.

CC Ucn. CC? 10 Rtuec` tf sg`w` tgy s`mh` apprfu`e vdtf Jfe, a wfrlnad tgat d``e`tg dft tf i` asgan`e, rcjgtmy ecucecdj tg` wfre fh tru`tg. t ru`tg. 18 Iut sgud prfhad` ade vacd` v acd` iaimcdjs, hfr tg`y wcmm cdbr`as` vdtf nfr` vdjfemn`ss`. @pg. X? 3 (Hfr tg` hruct` fh tg` spcrct cs cd amm jffed`ss` ade rcjgt`fusd`ss` & tru`tg.) 1; [rffucdj wgat cs abb`ptaim` vd-tf tg` Mfre? 11 Ade gau` df h`mmfwsgcp wctg tg` vdhructhumm wfrl`s fh earl`d`ss`, iut ratg`r r`prfu` tg`n. 19 Hfr ct cs a sgan` `u`d tf sp`al` fh tgfs`



Add`xur`  ‒  1;  1; Icimcbam Naxcns fh @qucty  ‒  Icim`  Icim` LOX 1811 tgcdjs wgcbg ar` efd` fh tg`n cd s`br`t. 12 Iut amm tgcdjs tgat ar` ||r`prff-u`e, ar` nae` nadch`st iy tg` mcjgt? hfr wgatsf`u`r eftg nal` nadch`st, mcjgt. @pg. 8? 13 Ade hfr n``, tgat vtt`radb` nay i` jcu`d vdtf n`, tgat C nay na y fp`d ny nfutg  ifmemy, tf nal` ldfw`d ldfw`d tg` ny-st`rc` fh tg` Jfsp`m ? 9; Hfr wgcbg C an ad aniassaefr ||cd  ifdes, tgat || tg`r`cd C nay sp`al` ifmemy, as C fujgt tf sp`al`. 91 Iut Iut tgat y`` amsf nay ldfw ny ahhacr`s, ade gfw C ef`, Uybgcbus a i`-mfu`e irftg`r, ade hactghumm ncdcst`r cd tg` Mfre, sgamm nal` ldfw`d tf yfu amm tgcdjs. G`i. 5?18 M`t vs tg`r`hfr` bfn` ifmemy vdtf tg` tgrfd` fh jrab`, tgat w`` nay na y fitacd` n`rby, ade hcde` jrab` tf g`mp` cd tcn` fh d``e. M`jam naxcn? "G` wgf hacms tf ass`rt gcs rcjgts gas dfd`."

7. G` wgf m`av`s tg` hc`me fh iattm` hcrst mfs`s iy e`haumt? [sam. 19? 5 Zgf gau` sace, wctg fur tfdju` wcm w` pr`uacm`, fur mcps ar` fur fwd`? wgf cs Mfre fu`r vs6 0 Hfr tg` fppr`sscfd fh tg` pffr`, hfr tg` scjgcdj fh tg` d``ey, dfw wcmm C arcs` (sactg tg` Mfre,) C wcmm s`t gcn cd sah`tc` hrfn gcn tgat puhh`tg at gcn. [sam. 193? 9 Nady a tcn` gau` tg`y ahhmcbt`e n` hrfn ny yfutg? y`t tg`y gau` dft pr`uacm`e ajacdst n``. 2 Ug` pmfw`rs pmfw`e vpfd ny iabl`? tg`y nae` mfdj tg`cr hurrfw`s. [rfv. 95? 1; Ch tgfu hacdt cd tg` eay fh aeu`rsctc`, tgy str`djtg cs snamm? snamm ? 11 Ch tgfu hfri`ar` tf e`mcu`r tg`n tgat ar` eraw`d vdtf e`atg, ade tgfs` tgat ar` r`aey tf i` smacd`? 19 Ch tgfu say`st, I`gfme, w` ld`w ct dft? eftg dft g` tgat pfde`r`tg tg` g`art, bfdsce`r ct6 ade g` tgat l``p`tg tgy sfum`, eftg dft g` ldfw ct6 ade sgamm dft g`` r`de`r tf `u`ry `u`r y nad abbfrecdj tf gcs wfrl`s6 Csa. M? 5 Ug` Mfre Jfe gatg jcu`d n` tg` tfdju` fh tg` m`ard`e, tgat C sgfume ldfw gfw tf sp`al` a wfre` cd s`asfd tf gcn tgat cs w`arc`? g`` wal`d`tg nfrdcdj iy nfrdcdj, g`` wal`d`tg ncd` `ar` tf g`ar` as tg` m`ard`e. 0 Ug` Mfre Jfe gatg fp`d`e ncd` `ar`, ade C was dft r`i`mmcfus, d`ctg`r turd`e away iabl`. 8 C jau` ny iabl` tf tg` snct`rs, s nct`rs, ade ny bg``ls tf tg`n tgat pmubl`e fhh tg` gacr`? C gcee` dft ny hab` hrfn sgan` ade spcttcdj. : Hfr tg` Mfre Jfe wcmm g`mp` n`, tg`r`hfr` sgamm C dft i` bfdhfude`e? tg`r`hfr` gau` C s`t ny hab` mcl` a hmcdt, ade C ldfw tgat C sgamm dft i`` asgan`e. 7 G` cs d``r` tgat t gat custchc`tg n`, wgf wcmm bfdt`de wctg n`6 m`t vs stade tfj`tg`r? wgf cs ncd` aeu`rsarc`6 m`t gcn bfn` d``r` tf n`. Natt. 0? 90 Ajr`` wctg tgcd` aeu`rsarc` qucblmy, qucblm y, wgcm`s tgfu art cd tg` way wctg gcn? m`ast at ady tcn` tg` aeu`rsarc` e`mcu`r tg`` tf tg` t g` cuej`, ade tg` cuej` e`mcu`r tg`` tf tg` fhhcb`r, ade tgfu i` bast cdtf prcsfd. Natt. 1;? 99 Ade y`` sgamm i` gat`e fh amm n`d hfr ny Dan`s sal`? iut g` tgat `deur`tg tf tg` `de, sgami` sau`e. Mul. 19? 07 Zg`d tgfu jf`st wctg tgcd` aeu`rsary tf tg` najcstrat`, as tgfu art cd tg` way, jcu` ecmcj`db` tgat tgfu nay`st i` e`mcu`r`e hrfn gcn, m`st g`` gam` tg`` tf tg` Cuej`, ade tg` Cuej` e`mcu`r tg`` tf tg` fhhcb`r, ade tg` fhhcb`r fhhc b`r bast tg`` cdtf prcsfd. 03 C t`mm tg``, Ugfu sgamt dft e`part tg`db`, tcmm tgfu gast paye tg` v`ry mast nct`.



Add`xur`  ‒  1;  1; Icimcbam Naxcns fh @qucty  ‒  Icim`  Icim` LOX 1811 Mul. 91? 10 Hfr C wcmm jcu` yfu a nfutg ade wcs`efn`, wgcbg amm yfur aeu`rsarc`s sgamm dft  i` aim` tf jacdsay, dfr r`scst. C [`t. 0? 8 Gunim` yfur s`mu`s tg`r`hfr` vde`r tg` ncjgty gade fh Jfe, tgat g`` nay `xamt yfu cd eu` tcn`, : Bastcdj amm yfur bar` vpfd gcn, hfr g` bar`tg hfr yfu. 7 I` sfi`r, i` vcjcmadt? i`baus` yfur aeu`rsary tg` e`ucmm, as a rfarcdj rf arcdj Mcfd waml`tg aifut, s``lcdj wgfn g` nay e`ufur`. 3 Zgfn r`scst st`ehast cd tg` hactg, ldfwcdj tgat tg` san` ahhmcbtcfds ar` abbfnpmcsg`e cd yfur ir`tgr`d tgat ar` cd tg` wfrme. 1; Iut tg` Jfe fh amm am m jrab` wgf gatg bamm`e vs cdtf gcs `t`rdamm jmfry iy Bgrcst C`sus, aht`r tgat y` gau` suhh`r`e a wgcm`, nal` yfu  p`rh`bt, staimcsg, str`djtg`d, s`ttm` yfu. M`jam naxcn? "G` wgf ef`s dft r`p`m a wrfdj wg`d g` bad, fbbascfds ct."

3. Rabrchcb` cs tg` n`asur` fh br`ecicmcty? Fd` wgf cs dft eanaj`e, put at rcsl, fr wcmmcdj tf sw`ar ad fatg tgat g` bfds`dts tf bmacn ajacdst gcs bfnn`rbcam mcaicmcty cd tg` `v`dt tgat ady fh gcs stat`n`dts fr abtcfds cs jrfudem`ss fr udmawhum, gas df iascs tf ass`rt bmacns fr bgarj`s ade hfrh`cts amm br`ecicmcty ade rcjgt tf bmacn autgfrcty. C Ucn. X? 0 [`ru`rs` ecsputcdjs fh n`d fh bfrrupt ncde`s , ade e`stctut` fh tg` tru`tg, suppfscdj tgat jacd` cs jfemcd`ss`? Hrfn subg wctgeraw tgy s`mh`. 8 Iut jfemcd`ss` wctg bfdt`dtn`dt cs jr`at jacd`. : Hfr w` irfujgt dftgcdj cdtf tgcs wfrme, ade ct cs b`rtacd` b`rtac d` w` bad bary dftgcdj fut. 7 Ade gaucdj hffe ade racn`dt m`t vs i` tg`r`wctg bfdt`dt. 3 Iut tg`y tgat wcm i` rcbg, hamm cdtf t`nptatcfd ade a sdar`, sdar `, ade cdtf nady hffmcsg & gurthumm musts, wgcbg erfwd` n`d cd e`strubtcfd ade p`rectcfd. 1; Hfr tg` mfu` fh nfd`y cs tg` rfft fh amm `ucmm, wgcbg wgcm` sfn` bfu`t`e aht`r, tg`y gau` ||`rr`e hrfn tg` hactg, ade pc`rb`e tg`ns`mu`s tgrfujg wctg nady sfrrfw`s. 11 Iut tgfu, F nad fh Jfe , hm`` tg`s` tgcdjs< ade hfmmfw aht`r rcjgt`fusd`ss`, jfemcd`ss`, hactg, mfu`, patc`db`, n``l`d`ss`. 19 Hcjgt tg` jffe hcjgt fh hactg, may gfme fd `t`rdamm mch`, wg`r`udtf tgfu art amsf bamm`e, ade gast prfh`ss`e a jffe prfh`sscfd  i`hfr` nady wctd`ss`s. Oan. 1? 1 CAN@R a s`ruadt fh Jfe, ade fh tg` Mfre C`sus Bgrcst, tf tg` tw`mu` Urci`s wgcbg ar` sbatt`-r`e airfae, jr``-tcdj. jr``-t cdj. 9 Ny ir`tgr`d bfudt ct amm cfy wg`d y` hamm cdtf ecu`rs t`nptatcfds, 2 Ldfwcdj tgcs, tgat tg` trycdj fh yfur hactg wfrl`tg patc`db`, 5 Iut m`t patc`db` patc `db` gau` g`r p`rh`bt wfrl`, tgat y` nay i` p`rh`bt, ade `d-tc`r, wadtcdj dftgcdj. 0 Ch ady fh yfu mabl` wcs`efn`, m`t gcn asl` fh Jfe, tgat jcu`tg tf amm am m n`d mci`rammy, ade vpirace`tg dft? ade ct sgami` jcu`d gcn. 8 Iut m`t gcn asl` cd hactg, dftgcdj wau`rcdj? hfr g` tgat wau`r`tg cs mcl` a wau` fh tg` s`a, ercu`d wctg tg` wcde ade tfss`e. : Hfr m`t dft tgat nad tgcdl` tgat g` sgamm r`b`cu` ady tgcdj fh tg` Mfre. 7 A efuim` ncde`e nad ct vdstaim` cd amm gcs way`s. wa y`s. 3 M`t tg`  irftg`r fh mfw e`jr``, ||r`-cfyb` cd tgat g` cs `xamt`e? 1; Iut tg` rcbg, cd tgat g`` cs nae` mfw?  i`baus` as tg` hmfur` fh tg` jrass` g` sgamm pass` away. 11 Hfr tg` Rudd` cs df sffd`r sffd`r rcs`d wctg a iurdcdj g`at`, iut ct wctg`r`tg tg` jrass`< ade tg` hmfwr` tg`r`fh ham-m`tg, ham-m `tg, ade tg` jrab` fh tg` hasgcfd fh ct p`-rcsg`tg? sf amsf am sf sgamm tg` rcbg nad hae` away cd gcs way`s. 19 Im`ss`e cs tg` nad tgat `deur`tg t`nptatcfd? hfr wg`d g`` cs trc`e, g`` sgamm r`b`cu` tg` brfwd` fh mch`, wgcbg tg` Mfre gatg prfncs`e tf tg`n tgat mfu` gcn.  gcn.  Abt. XC? 3 Ug`d tg`r` arfs` b`rtacd` fh tg` Rydajfju`, wgcbg cs bamm`e tg` Rydajfju` fh tg` Mci`rtcd`s, ade Byr`dcads, ade Am`xadercads, ade fh tg`n fh Bcmcbca, ade fh Asca, ecsputcdj wctg Rt`u`d. 1; Ade tg`y w`r` dft aim` tf r`scst tg` wcs`efn` ade tg` spcrct iy wgcbg g` 8


Add`xur`  ‒  1;  1; Icimcbam Naxcns fh @qucty  ‒  Icim`  Icim` LOX 1811 spal`. 11 Ug`d tg`y suifrd`e n`d wgcbg sace, Z` gau` g`are gcn sp`al` imaspg`nfus wfres ajacdst Nfs`s, ade ajacdst Jfe. 19 Ade tg`y stcrr`e vp tg` p`fpm`, ade tg` @me`rs, ade tg` Rbrci`s, ade ban` vpfd gcn, ade baujgt gcn, ade irfujgt gcn tf tg` Bfudb`mm, 12 Ade s`t vp hams` wctd`ss`s, wgcbg sace, Ugcs nad b`as`tg dft tf sp`al` imaspg`nfus wfres ajacdst tgcs gfmy pmab`, ade tg` Maw. 15 Hfr w` gau` g`are gcn say, sa y, tgat tgcs C`sus fh Dazar`tg sgamm e`strfy tgcs pmab`, & sgamm bgadj` tg` Bustfn`s wgcbg Nfs`s e`mcu`r`e vs. 10 Ade amm tgat sat` cd tg` Bfudb`mm, mfflcdj st`ehastmy fd gcn, saw gcs hab` as ct gae i`d` tg` hab` fh ad Adj`m. M`jam naxcn? "G` wgf i`ars tg` iure`d fujgt amsf tf e`rcv` tg` i`d`hct."

1;. A mc`d fr bmacn bad i` satcshc`e fdmy tgrfujg? a) r`iuttam iy Bfudt`r-ahhceavct pfcdt-hfr-pfcdt<  i) r`sfmutcfd iy oury< b) fr payn`dt< [rfv. 93? 17 Zg`r` tg`r` cs df vcscfd, tg` p`fpm` p`rcsg? iut g` tgat l``p`tg tg` Maw, gappy cs g`. 13 A s`ruadt wcmm dft i` bfrr`bt`e iy wfres? hfr tgfujg g`` vde`rstade, g`` wcmm dft adsw`r`.   adsw`r`. M`v. 8? 2 Fr gau` hfude tgat wgcbg was mfst, ade mc`tg bfdb`rdcdj ct, ade sw`ar`tg hamsmy? cd ady fh amm tg`s` tgat a nad eftg, scddcdj tg`r`cd? 5 Ug`d ct sgamm i`, i`baus` g` gatg scdd`e, ade cs jucmtc`, tgat g`` sgamm r`stfr` r`st fr` tgat wgcbg g` tffl` vcfm`dtmy away, fr tg` tgcdj wgcbg g` gatg e`b`cthummy jftt`d, fr tgat wgcbg was e`mcu`r`e gcn tf l``p`, fr tg` mfst tgcdj wgcbg g` hfude? 0 Fr amm tgat aifut wgcbg g`` gatg swfrd` hamsmy? g`` sgamm `u`d r`stfr` ct cd tg`  prcdbcpamm, ade sgamm aee` tg` hcht part nfr` tg`r`tf, ade jcu` ct vdtf gcn tf wgfn ct app`rt`cd`tg, cd tg` eay fh gcs tr`spass` fhh`rcdj. Nat. 0? 90 Ajr`` wctg tgcd` aeu`rsarc` qucblmy, wgcm`s tgfu art cd tg` way wctg gcn? m`ast at ady tcn` tg` aeu`rsarc` e`mcu`r tg`` tf tg` t g` cuej`, ade tg` cuej` e`mcu`r tg`` tf tg` fhhcb`r, ade tgfu i` bast cdtf prcsfd. 98 P`rcmy C say vdtf tg``, tgfu sgamt iy df n`ad`s bfn` fut tg`db`, tcmm tgfu gast paye tg` vtt`rnfst hartgcdj. Nat. 17? 10 Nfr`fu`r, ch tgy irftg`r sgamm tr`spass` ajacdst tg``, jf` ade t`mm gcn gcs haumt  i`tw``d` tg`` ade gcn amfd`? ch g` sgamm g`ar` tg``, tgfu gast jacd`e tgy irftg`r. 18 Iut ch g` wcmm dft g`ar` tg``, tg`d tal` tal` wctg tg`` fd` fr twf nfr`, tgat cd tg` nfutg fh twf fr tgr`` wctd`ss`s, `u`ry wfre nay i` `staimcsg`e. 1: 1 : Ade ch g`` sgamm d`jm`bt tf g`ar` tg`n, t`mm ct vdtf tg` Bgurbg? Iut ch g` d`jm`bt tf g`ar` tg` Bgurbg, m`t gcn i` vdtf tg`` as ad g`atg`d nad, ade a [uimcbad`. 17 P`rcmy C say vdtf yfu, Zgatsf`u`r y` sgamm icde` fd `artg, sgamm i`` ifude cd g`au`d? ade wgatsf`u`r y`` sgamm mffs` fd `artg, sgamm s gamm i`` mffs`e cd g`au`d. M`jam naxcn? "Ch tg` pmacdtchh ef`s dft prfv` gcs bas`, tg` e`h`deadt cs aisfmv`e." @de


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