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Authority 正 官
比 Siblin(
hmm.... let me explain abit on this doc regarding 10 gods. gods. 1) The 1st column explains how the gods are with reference to yourself. hmm... let me draw something here for easier reference to ho w u get all the so-called relation between self elements n other elements (pls refer to my attachment). 2) 2nd column refers to what the gods represents. 3) 3rd column refers to ying n yang ! which means ying "s yang ! refers to opposite gender (well# to exactly explain how h ow to deri"e the gender# u gotta ma$e reference to the hea"enly stem n earthly stem# and it gets abit complicated if combinations are in"ol"ed) %) %th column refers to ying n ying or yang n yang ! refers to same gender (same as 3rd column) &) &th column refers to the 'people' 'p eople' representation of the gods. e.g if u are a man# direct wealth can represent ur wife. seriously# these are the basic of iing. Though i n"r read the boo$ u mentioned before# i seriously tin$ u shld try other boo$s to impro"e ur $nowledge on these area a rea as they are the fundamentals. *+,* / ong +hen (用 神) is *seful /od. t is the element that is fa"orable to the 4 4.. ou can find some reading in this forum on ong ong +hen by 5edhaw$. n the case of special chart types we use the concept of 6ong (從) to identify the element that the 4 4 should should follow. The ob7ecti"e in this case is not to balance the chart but to
follow the dominant element# hence 6ong. nly then we $now which Ten /ods are fa"orable or unfa"orable to the chart. f the chart is totally balance then the uc$ illars or 8nnual illars may throw the chart off balance. n this case we may ha"e to consider the influence of the Ten /ods in the uc$ illar or 8nnual illar to the chart 4. 8ny of the Ten /ods that is o"erly strong is "iewed as unfa"orable unless the chart can absorb the influence and of course if the chart fa"or the dominating /od as in special chart types. The element which is the most fa"ourable# is referred as *seful /od# or ong +hen 用神. The element which is the most unfa"ourable# is referred as 8nnoying /od or 9i +hen 忌 神.
6hang +heng 長 生 /rowth : This indicates an exceptional le"el of competence and excellence in one;s youth# who will also be pri"ileged to be born into an affluent family# with wealthy parents. 4u u 沐 浴 orse still# her firstborn may not sur"i"e its childhood. /uan ai 冠 帶 outh?8ttire : This indicates that when a person reaches his?her twenties# the time has come to tie the $not# start a business# or attain stability in his?her career. @e?she may ha"e to wor$ hard initially# but will e"entually succeed and become wealthy by middle age. Aetwor$ing with helpful persons will play a pi"otal role in ensuring this person;s success at an older age. Ae"ertheless# those born into affluent families will be able to inherit when the time comes. in /uan 臨 官 fficer?6oming to 8ge ? i >ang 蒂 旺 rosperity ea$ : These are positi"e indicators that when a person reaches his?her forties or fifties# he?she will en7oy a good reputation# which is accompanied by status# authority and wealth. +huai 衰 >ea$ening?8ging ?
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