1. THW Ban Plastic Surgery

April 17, 2019 | Author: MayaYuliyaMahdarika | Category: Plastic Surgery, Surgery, Breast Cancer, Self Esteem, Cancer
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1. TH THW W ban ban pl plas asti tic c sur surge gery ry I will begin the debate by defning the motion, which is: "That we should ban cosmetic surgery," I defne "we," in a global context, as is relating to eery single democratic nation in the world that can be assured o! diplomatic aid by their worldly counterparts. I defne ban as the remoal o! all practices o! this discipline, unless specifed explicitly by a goerning body. I defne "cosmetic surgery" as plastic surgery that modifes a person"s appearance. I will now moe on to presenting a model !or my case: I moe that cosmetic surgery should be banned in all areas and practices except !or those in which it is medically acceptable and benefcial to a patient, in order to fx or repair the damage that had been inicted on the patient through any means o! in#ury, examples being car accidents and !acial burns. I will now show that cosmetic surgery promotes negatie role models and thus adersely a$ects !ans o! common public fgures and role models, who are commonly in the public spotlight. %s a surey collected about Hollywood actors and actresses shows, oer &'( o! actors and actresses hae had some !orm o! cosmetic surgery, during their frst 1' years o! acting. This same group represents oer young actors and actresses sere as role models !or oer )'( o! teenagers. This sends out a message that cosmetic surgery is the path to achieing an ideal o! physical beauty. It ma*es them insecure and coneys an idea that our natural bodies, as determined by pro+ creation, creation, are not beauti!ul enough on their own, and must be artifcially supplemented in order to attain physical attraction. In a world where publicity runs rampant more than it eer has be!ore, we must be cautious about the message that celebrities send out to their adoring !ans. We must be cautious about the limits to which we encourage artifcial supplementation supplementation o! what should be determined in a natural manner, and we must be most cautious, about how much celebrities are able to modi!y themseles in order to suit the public ideals, !or in truth, it should be these celebrities who should modi!y the public ideals in order to suit themseles. I hereby conclude my armatie speech !or the frst round, and inite the negatie spea*er to present his case"  Than* you.

1. Cosmetic surgery can be psychologically damaging Point The compulsion to change one's on e's body is often a symptom of a deeper mental instability. It It should be treated as a  problem, not encouraged with surgery. Research indicating that breast augmentation patients are four times more likely to commit suicide compared to other plastic surgery patients raises questions about the mental health of women who choose implants1. It's only a plaster patched oer a much deeper problem. There are also studies that show negatie psychological effects on patients after their surgery has been completed. !or e"ample, a recent analysis #$ studies on patients' psychological and psychosocial functioning before and after cosmetic surgery by social worker Roberta %onigman and psychiatrists &atherine hillips, (), and )aid Castle, (), found seeral predictors of poor outcomes, especially for those who hold unrealistic e"pectations or hae a history of depression and an"iety. The researchers found that patients who are dissatisfied with surgery may request repeat procedures or e"perience depression and ad*ustment problems, social isolation, family problems, self+destructie behaiours and anger towards the surgeon and his or h er staff .

. The dangers inoled in electie surgery are not worth the risk Point -ometimes we must accept those dangers, as they come in the course of necessary necessar y medical procedures. ut with electie surgery/ procedures people don0t need, but rather merely want / the risks can0t be *ustified. These risks apply both to the surgery itself, and to the long term. !or e"ample, leaking silicone breast implants hae been a widespread problem and can lead to death. -ilicone gel can leak from the implant into healthy breast tissue and go other parts of your body, bod y, such as the lungs and lymph nodes, where it could be impossible to remoe. -tudies  published in 1 by scientists at the 2ational Cancer Institute raised raised questions about the long+term safety of  breast implants. 3ne study found that women who had breast implants for at least eight years were twice as likely to die from brain cancer, three times as likely to die from lung cancer or other respiratory diseases, and four times as likely to commit suicide, compared to other p lastic surgery patients 4 second study found that women with breast implants for at least eight years were 15 more likely to be diagnosed with cancer

compared to other women their age.617 There is also the risk that the person haing the surgery will be dissatisfied with the results.

#. Cosmetic surgery is unfair, for only those who can afford it hae access to it Point 3nly those that can pay for it get it. The most popular surgeries include breast augmentation, liposuction, nasal surgery, eyelid surgery and abdominoplasty.617 There surgeries cost between 8#, and 89, between 8,9 and 8:,, between 8#,9 and 8;, and between 8, to 8:, respectiely.67 -o if it has the adantages the opposition claims, the rich will look go od, and the poor will not.

;. 4n outright ban would be easier than the partial bans that hae been enacted in some places. Point The state of
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