1 MTB_TG SB Q1 W3-4 (1)

June 12, 2019 | Author: Bokskieboy Loberiza | Category: Children's Literature, Linguistics, Semiotics, Writing, Communication
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Mother Mother Tongue-Bas ongue-Based ed Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE)  Teacher’s  Teacher’s Guide Guide

1 Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE) Teacher’s Guide (Unit 1- Week 3 & 4)

Sinugbuanong Binisaya

This instructiona !ateria "as coaborati#ey de#eo$ed and re#ie"ed by educators %ro! $ubic and $ri#ate schoos coeges and'or uni#ersities We encourage teachers and other education stakehoders to e!ai their %eedback co!!ents and reco!!endations to the e$art!ent o% *ducation at action+de$edgo#$h e !alue "our feedbac# and recommendations$

Department of Education Republic of the Philippines

Mother Tongue Based Multilingual Education % &rade 1 Teacher's &uide inugbuanong Binisa"a *irst Edition+ ,1.

/B0 23-21-31-2-4 Republic 5ct 3,.+ section 126 indicates that, o co$yright sha subsist in any "ork o% the Go#ern!ent o% the .hii$$ines /o"e#er $rior a$$ro#a o% the go#ern!ent agency or o%%ice "herein the "ork is created sha be necessary %or  e0$oitation o% such "ork %or $ro%it Such agency or o%%ice !ay a!ong other things i!$ose as a condition the $ay!ent o% royaties The borro"ed !aterias (ie songs stories $oe!s $ictures $hotos brand na!es trade!arks etc) incuded in this book are o"ned by their res$ecti#e co$yright hoders The $ubisher and authors do not re$resent nor cai! o"nershi$ o#er the! .ubished by the e$art!ent o% *ducation Secretary, Br r!in  2uistro S Undersecretary, r 5oanda S 6ui7ano  ssistant Secretary, r *ena 8 8ui9

De!elopment Team of the Teacher's &uide 5uthors ena : ;i rtiaga 8itchie  Barrera inie de 8osario and =oceyn onta 7onsultant 8osaina = :iane9a Editors, tty ;anue 2ino aenar r 8o!eo ;acan ;rs ida ?a%ra and ;r =es B Tiro &raphic 5rtists =ason :iena =ayson 8 Gaduena Bien#enido Sadua and *rich a#id Garcia La"out 5rtist, ieen acario @agan

Printed in the Philippines 888888888888  Department of Education-/nstructional Materials 7ouncil ecretariat (DepEd/M7) >%%ice ddress, And oor or! G .S o!$e0 ;eraco #enue .asig ity .hii$$ines 1CC Tee%a0, (CA) 34-1CD4 34-1CEA *-!ai ddress, i!csetd+yahooco!

ee#s . and 4 /$

9b:ecti!es  t the end o% the "eek the $u$is are e0$ected to, 1 Tak about the $ictures $resented in reation to $ersona e0$eriences A 2isten and res$ond to others 3 Gi#e $airs o% rhy!ing "ords %ound in nursery rhy!es songs 7inges and chants 4 Gi#e'$roduce the beginning sounds o% etters in a gi#en "ord D @denti%y di%%erences bet"een etters and di%%erentiate etters %ro! "ords  Gi#e the etters that begins "ith the na!e o% the gi#en $icture'ob7ect E @denti%y s$eci%ic etter's in the a$habet both u$$er and o"er case F Sho" reationshi$ bet"een sounds and "ritten sy!bos  ;atch "ords "ith $ictures and ob7ects 1C Gi#e the sounds o% the s$eci%ic etter's in the a$habet 11 Bend s$eci%ic etters to %or! syabe' "ords 1A Write u$$er case and o"er case etters in $rint using $ro$er $ro$ortion 13 Write syabes and "ords using etters ;!'a'Tt 14 Use cuturay a$$ro$riate courteous e0$ressions in di%%erent situations 1D e#eo$ and use #ocabuary o% "ords that begin "ith the target etters 1 .redict "hat the story is about based on $ersona e0$eriences 1E on%ir! $redictions a%ter istening to a story 1F 8eate e#ents in the story to $ersona e0$eriences 1 8eca i!$ortant detais in, AC 2istening stories A1 Shared reading stories AA *0$erience stories A3 hidren’s stories istened to A4 ns"er itera e#e Huestions to iterary te0t read istened to AD 8eca i!$ortant detais in, A 2istening stories AE Shared reading stories AF *0$erience stories A hidren’s stories istened to 3C ns"er itera e#e Huestions reated to in%or!ationa te0t istened to 31 *0$ress o#e %or stories by bro"sing the storybooks read to the! and asking to be read !ore stories


ub:ect Matter 5$ Topics 1 >ra 2anguage 2istening attenti#ey to story'song heard and tak about $ictures A Book and .rint kno"edge Tracking the te0t in the correct order 3

$habet Ino"edge a!iiari9ing "ith 21 a$habet

4 Word 8ecognition @denti%ying or $roducing the sound o% etter na!es ;a'a'Tt D /and"riting


a Writing a co!%ortabe and e%%icient $enci gri$ b Writing u$$er and o"er case etter ;!'a'Tt  Gra!!ar "areness  @denti%ying na!es o% ani!as'things E :ocabuary e#eo$!ent Gi#ing the !eaning o% "ords $resented through $ictures or de!onstration F 8eading o!$rehension  sking and ans"ering si!$e Huestions %ro! the story'song'$oe! B$ Reference I-1A urricuu! Guide 7$ Materials $icture o% a %ar! "ith ani!as istening story chart song $icture $oe! $icture $u99e reaia "ork trays etter and syabe cards ridde D$ ;alue $$reciation o% the things around

E. Theme and tell a The teacher $aces a !agic bag containing $ictures o% things'ani!as "hich na!e begins "ith etter Mm b  $u$i $icks a $icture sho" it to his'her cass!ates and ask so!ebody to te its na!e and tak so!ething about it

D5= ,

1$ inging the L1 5lphabet song (for letter familiari@ation) ,$ Re!ie> ( ? and 5 acti!it") a 8eca the story istened to yesterday by asking Huestions b /a#e the $u$is te the na!es o% ani!as' things !entioned in the story that begins "ith the sound o% ! ('!') c The teacher sho"s the key $icture She ets $u$is identi%y the $icture


Key picture


Key word 

Syllablebox  !a .$ Teach the letter name and sound of Mm a Using the $ictures the teacher says the sound o% ;! and the chidren %oo" Say, What other na!es o% things begin "ith etter ;!K b Sho" a chart "ith "ord ha#ing etter ;! Bo0 the etter ;! that you can %ind in e#ery "ord 4$ riting letter Mm a Say , This is the big etter ; (Teacher de!onstrate ho" big etter ; is "ritten "ith counting) o this three ti!es b 2et the $u$is do it by "riting on air desk and at the back o% their cass!ate and $a! c Say , This is s!a etter ! (Teacher de!onstrates ho" s!a etter ! is "ritten "ith counting) o this three ti!es d 2et the $u$is do it by "riting on air at the back o% their cass!ate and $a! A$ riting Eercises a$ &uided Practice 7onnecting Dots (as one group in a class) onnect the dots to %or! the big and s!a etter ;! %oo"ing the correct stroke "ith counting @% a teacher has big cass si9e she can ca 3 $u$is at a ti!e and ha#e the! do the "riting o% big and s!a etter ;! "ith counting at the sa!e ti!e b$ /ndependent Practice Tracing letter Mm b" the pupils This "i be done indi#iduay using acti#ity "orksheet


D5= . 1 Re!ie>CRecall a 8e#ie" o% the $re#ious story ( ng ;ata ni Tata)  Ask , Where did the story ha$$enK  Where does Tata i#eK b 8e#ie" o% $ast esson etter ;! Sho" $ictures that begin "ith the etter ;! and et $u$is identi%y the! Say, @n "hat etter does the na!e beginK c .roduce the sound and "rite the etter (;!) on the board

A /ntroducing Letter 5a+ CaC a .resenting ne" set o% $ictures







b Teacher na!es the $icture one by one(Gi#ing e!$hasis on the beginning sound o% the $icture na!e) 5

This is a $icture o% an 'aaa'Natis This is a $icture o% an 'aaa'N abokado Nada" Na$a Natsa Nabaga c 8ecogni9ing the etter sound o% 'a' What sound do you hear at the beginning o% the $icture na!eK The teacher $roduces the 'a' sound as the $u$is isten Gi#e the sound 'a' three ti!es   

d 8ecogni9ing 2etter na!e a Sho" a %ashcard "ith etter a !ade o% sand $a$er This is ;a!a  and Baby a @t gi#es the sound 'a' .roduce the sound three ti!es   

D5= 4

1 8e#ie" o% $ast esson etter ;! and '!' (sound !)O a and 'a' riting Letter 5a a This is ho" "e "rite ;a!a  and Baby a (Teacher traces the etter in the %ashcard using the %ore%inger) b a #ounteer $u$i's to trace the sand $a$er "ith a %inger as he'she gi#es its sound A Write ;a!a  and Baby a on the air on the $a! on their cass!ate’s back or on the desk (*ncourage $u$is to count aong "ith the nu!ber o%  strokes as they "rite etter a  has 3 strokes a has A strokes) 5cti!ities a 2etter Bo0

b Trace big and s!a a on the gi#en s$ace (Broken ine !ust be $ro#ided %or $u$is to trace the etter on


c onnect the $icture "ith etter a i% it begins "ith the 'a'(sound) (The $ictures in the bo0es are the %oo"ing, ada" atis abokado !ata a$a !ais

d 2ook at the set o% etters irce etter "ith 'a' (sound) m









D5= A

1 8e#ie" on the t"o etters $re#iousy earned (;! and a) .ri!er Track, Using the Big bo0 ! a

a m



word breaking and making 

!a!a !a !

! !a !a!a !ords and sentences "orspelling and  handwriting practice

Si !a!a

Note: “Si” is a sight word. t must be taught as whole word.

D5= 6

/ntroducing Letter Tt 1 8e#ie" o% t"o earned etters 8ing the beginning etter o% the %oo"ing $ictures 2isten as the teacher says the na!e o% the $icture

2. .resent ne" sets o% $ictures (.ictures that begins "ith Tt) /ere are so!e $ictures can you na!e the!K an you te so!ething about the $icturesK







3 8ecogni9ing the etter na!e Tt and 't' (sound) a What sound do you hear at the beginning o% the $icture na!eK b The teacher $roduces the 't' sound as the $u$is isten c Gi#e the (sound) 't' three ti!es 4 8ecogni9ing 2etter na!e Tt a Sho" %ashcards o% Big etter T and s!a etter t !ade o% sand $a$er b This is ;a!a T and Baby t @t gi#es the sound 't' c .roduce the sound three ti!es D Writing 2etter Tt a This is ho" "e "rite ;a!a T and Baby t (Teacher trace the etter in the %ashcard using the %inger) b a #ounteer $u$i's to trace the sand $a$er "ith a %inger as he'she gi#es its sound  Write ;a!a T and Baby t on the air on the $a! on their cass!ate’s back or on the desk (*ncourage $u$is to count the nu!ber o% stroke as they "rite etter @i) 5cti!ities 1 @ntroducing a song, (create your o"n tune to suit the yrics) a MUnsay sugod nga tingog ang inyong nadungogK b Unsay sugod nga tingog ang inyong nadungogK c ga inyong nadungog sa taongN taongKJ  CtC ang sugod nga tingog ang nadungog  CtC ang sugod nga tingog sa  N talong Ntasa  tuhod 9

tudlo $$$ tiil M"ster" Bo .ut etter bocks or etter cards inside the bo0 (Teacher says the sound and $u$is $ick out the etter "ith the sa!e sound as the teacher  $roduced)

D5= 2 1 Teach the primer lesson on Tt< Iey $icture and Iey "ord

  !ata !ata ta t

t ta !ata

a Teacher says the $icture na!e one at a ti!e by $roducing the initia sound o% each Say the "ord three ti!es This is a $icture o% a 'ttt'Ntaong This is a $icture o% a'ttt'Ntasa This is a $icture o% a'ttt'Ntuhod b  Ask , What sound do you hear at the beginning o% each $ictureK Teacher $roduces the etter sound again and again as $u$is %oo" c .resent sets o% $icture on the board Which a!ong the $ictures begins "ith 't' isten as the teacher says the na!e o% the $ictureK heck the $icture that begins "ith 't' d .resent %ashcards "ith etter Tt as a sy!bo o% the sound 't' The etter is !ade o% cartoina SayJ ass this is the etter sound ikeJ 'ttt'J (.roduce the sound 30)  The etter na!e is 'Tt This is big T and here is s!a t an you $oint "here big 'T' and s!a t isK e Tracing 2etter, Trace the etter Tt !ade o% and $a$er on the %ashcard %

an you "rite Big T and s!a tK

g .ractice "riting on the $a$er the etter na!e big T and s!a t


D5= 3 1.


Big Bo for >ord building







;a!a Tata ata !ata




Sentence making word

Mama ni Tata$ Tata 3.




t Sentence breaking and making "or 

Mama spelling and handwriting practice Mama ni Tata

Practice riting Tt

D5=  1 8e#ie" o% 2earned 2etters (! a t) 5cti!ities a Gi#e the sound o% the etter on a etter card (Teacher sho"s the card !at then the $u$is gi#e each sound


b Writing the etter ! a t on the board c 2et the $u$is na!e the $icture and gi#e the beginning sound (.ictures begins "ith ! a t) d onnect the $icture "ith its beginning sound *0

e &ame Guessing Ga!e'8iddes %

or# Tra"s Teacher $re$ares se#era set o% trays "ith etter card o% ! a and t .ace $ictures that begin "ith the etters earned (at east 3 $ictures) a $u$is to #ounteer to "ork on *ncourage $u$is to gi#e the sound and $ace the $ictures beside the etter card


 a !

g rite Big and small letter (Mm+ 5a+ Tt)


D5= 1 1$ inging the L1 5lphabet song (for letter familiari@ation) ,$ Re!ie> Eercises Pair the *lashcard &ame a *ach o% the boys "i be gi#en one o% the big etters ;  and T b *ach o% the girs "i be gi#en one o% the s!a etters ! a and t c t the count o% 1C they "i %ind their $air ( Big and S!a 2etter) d The teacher asks each $air to na!e the etter they are hoding and to gi#e the sound .$ 7oncept De!elopment a$ Picture Pu@@le Grou$ the $u$is into D @n 3 !inutes %or! t he $icture  Ask , What is sho"n in the $icture that you %or!edK o you eat this at ho!eK The teacher "rites the na!e o%J ;ataJ on the board What are the 3 etters o% the "ordK  

 


hat's the ordG The teacher "i sho" $ictures to the $u$is >$$osite the $icture is its inco!$ete na!e Gi#e the beginning etter o% each $icture .u$is !ay choose %ro! etters ;! a or Tt

 Ask ,

@n "hat etter does each "ord beginK Gi#e the sound o% the etter


c. 

Por# Tra"s Teacher $re$ares se#era sets o% trays "ith etter card o% ;! a and Tt Say , .ick one reaia %ro! the tabe Sho" it t o your cass!ates Say the na!e o% the ob7ect the beginning etter and sound ro$ the $icture to the right "ork tray *0 !ata !ais !anok gara$on iba garangan unan etc


*or inHuiries or feedbac#+ please >rite or call e$*d-Bureau o% *e!entary *ducation urricuu! e#eo$!ent i#ision And oor Boni%acio Bdg e$*d o!$e0 (U2T8) ;eraco #enue .asig ity .hii$$ines 1CC Tee%a0, (3A) 3F-4E or 3E-434E *-!ai ddress, bee-de$ed+$dtdsnet beeQdirector+yahooco!

/B0 23-21-31-2-4

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