1- LET - General Education - EnGLISH 1-38

February 10, 2017 | Author: Rogen Hemodo | Category: N/A
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COMPETENCIES 1. ENGLISH 1 – STUDY AND THINKING SKILLS 1.1 Use English language correctly and appropriately. 1.2 Comprehend written text. 2. ENGLISH 2 – WRITING IN THE DISCIPLINE 2.1 Use accurate, meaningful and appropriate language in written discourse. 3. ENGLISH 3 – SPEECH AND ORAL COMMUNICATION 3.1 Use accurate, meaningful and appropriate language in oral discourse. 4. LITERATURE 1 – PHILIPPINE LITERATURE 4.1 Apply knowledge gained from local literary pieces 4.2 Manifest comprehension to extract elements in major literary genres 4.3 Relate insights to given situation 5. LITERATURE 2 – MASTER WORKS OF THE WORLD 5.1 interpret passages from master works of the world

6% 3% 3% 5% 5% 5% 3% 4% 1% 2% 2% 2% 2%

NOTES Subject-verb agreement The rules of the subject-verb agreement are used to properly determine whether the singular or plural form should be use in a sentence. 1) An intervening phrase or clause between subject and verb does not change the number of the subject. Margarita, together with her brothers, likes to party. The gentlemen who attended the meeting are very punctual. 2) Singular indefinite pronouns take singular verbs. Plural indefinite pronouns take plural verbs. Each student in this school does not pay for his tuition. Many students perform well in surprise quizzes. 3) Compound subjects joined by and are always plural. Miguel and Monica spend their free time at the gym Chona and Fernan set aside a small percentage of their income for their children’s educational plan. 4) With a compound subjects joined by or/nor, the verb agrees with the subject nearer to it. Either alice or her badminton buddies are bringing the deserts. Neither the students nor the teacher recognizes the strange markings. 5) Inverted subjects must agree with the verb. There are 15 students in my class. How is Maria handling a news of her grandfather’s death.. 6) Collective nouns (group, jury, crowd, team, etc.) are always singular. The jury decides that you are guilty of the crime. The jury have been arguing for 5 days regarding the case.


LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS) 7) Titles of single entities (books, organizations, countries, etc.) are always singular. The grapes of wrath by john Steinbeck takes quite some time to read. The Philippines strengthens its diplomatic ties with ASEAN nation. 8) Plural form subjects with a singular meaning take with a singular verb. (E.g. news, measles, mumps, physics). Plural form subjects with a plural meaning take a plural verb. (E.g. scissors, trousers). Measles is a contagious disease that spread among school children. Scissors are used to cut the props for the stage play. 9)

With subject and subjective verb complement of different number, the verb always agree with the subject. My favourite topic is short stories by Edgar Allan Poe. Short stories by Edgar Allan Poe are my favourite topic.

10) With one of those ______ who, use a plural verb. With the only one of those ______ who, use a singular verb. Pocholo is one of those people who like to watch DVDs. Patricia is the only one of those people who likes to read novels. 11) With the number of _____, use a singular verb. With a number of ______ use a plural verb. The number of students who fail the exam increases at an alarming rate. A number of students continue to fail the exam. 12) With every ______ and many a _____, use a singular verb. Every driver knows his away around Makati. Many a Filipino dreams of winning the lottery




NOTES LITERARY DEVICES Proper interpretation and understanding of literature requires familiarity with literary devices, idioms and figure of speech. Literary devices are also called literary techniques, literary methods or literary motifs. This pertains to identifiable rules of thumb, conventions or structures employed in literature and storytelling. Some common literary devices are presented in the table below.

Literary Device



Concise statement that contains a cleverly stated subjective truth or observation.

Chekhov’s gun

Insertion of an apparently irrelevant object early in a narrative for a purpose only revealed later


The narrative ends unresolved, to draw the audience back to a future episode for the resolution


Forcing the reader to recognize common things in an unfamiliar or strange way, to enhance perception of the familiar


Representing an object or character with abundant descriptive


Detail, or mimetically rendering gestures and dialogue to make a scene more visual and imaginatively present to an audience


A sudden revelation or an insight-usually with a symbolic role in the narrative


General term for altering time sequences, taking characters back to the beginning of the tale, for instance


Also called prolepsis, an interjected scene t5hat temporarily jumps the narrative forward in time

Foreshadowing Juxtaposition paradox Parody Poetic License

Stream of consciousness

Symbolism Ticking Clock

Hinting an events to occur later Using two themes, characters, phrases, words, or situatuaions together for comparison, contrast, or rhetoric A phrase that describes an idea composed of concepts that conflict Ridicule by overstated imitation, usually humorous Distortion of facts, alteration of the conventions of grammar or language, or rewording of pre-existing text made by a writer to improve a piece of art Technique where the author writes down their thoughts as fast as they come, typically to create an interior monologue characterized by leaps in syntax and punctuation that trace a character’s fragmentary thoughts and sensory feelings Applied use in symbols: iconic presentations that carry particular conventional meaning Threat of impending disaster-often used in thrillers scenario where salvation and escape are essential elements


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Idioms are expressions, words, or phrases that have figurative meaning. They are comprehended in regard to a common use of that expression that is separate from the literal meaning or definition of the words of which it is made up of. Some common idioms are presented in the column below.



Lend a hand

To help

In hot water

In trouble

Put a lid on it

Be quiet

Lose your shirt

To lose all of or most of your money

Lose touch

To fail to keep in contact/communication

Get the ball rolling


Once in a blue moon

Once in a while, occasionally

Blow one’s own horn

When a person boasts about how great he/she is

Hit the books

To study, prepare for class

Poker face

A face with no expression

A dime dozen

Very common, easy to find

Curiosity killed the cat

It’s not good to be too curious

The cat’s out of the bag

The secret is not a secret anymore

It’s raining cats and dogs

It’s raining hard

A penny for your thoughts

Friendly way to say “what are you thinking about?”

Money talks

Money has power/influence

Born with a silver spoon

Born rich

Figures of speech are moods of expression in which words are used out of their literal meaning or out of their ordinary use in order to add beauty or emotional intensity. They transfer the writer’s sense impressions by comparing or identifying one thing with another that has a meaning familiar to the reader. Figure of speech



The repetition of an initial consonant word.


Breaking off discourse to address some absent person or thing, some abstract quality, an inanimate object, or a no existing character.


Identity or simi9larity of the sound between internal vowels in neighboring words.


The substitution of an inoffensive term for one considered offensively explicit.


An extravagant statement; the use if exaggerate terms for the purpose of emphasis or heightened effect.



Metaphor Metonymy

Onomatopoeia Oxymoron Personification Rhetorical question




The use of words to convey the opposite of their literal meaning. An implied comparison between two unlike things that actually have something important in common. One word or phrase is substituted for another with which it is closely associated. Use of words that imitate the sounds associated with the objects or actions they refer to. Incongruous or contradictory terms appear side by side. Inanimate object or abstraction is endowed with human qualities or abilities. Question posed for its persuasive effect without the expectation of a reply. A stated comparison (usually form with “like” or “as”) between two fundamentally dissimilar things that certain qualities in common. A part is use to represent the whole (for example, ABCs for alphabet) or the whole for a part (“England Won the World Cup in 1996”)



LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS) ENGLISH 1 – STUDY AND THINKING SKILLS 1.1 use English language correctly an appropriately

PRACTICE TEST: choose the letter that corresponds to the best answer. For numbers 1-10, select he letter of the pronoun which best completes each sentence. 1. Despite his parents’ complaints, she decided to live by ____ in Manila. A. her C. oneself B. herself D. himself 2. If you happen to see Adolfo this Friday, please give ____ my warmest regards. A. her C. it B. herself D. Them 3. I can never understand_____ when Rita speaks Spanish with ____. A. her, me C. their B. him, me D. him her 4. Cheaters should be ashamed of ____. A. himself B. him

C. themselves D. them

5. Nene was worried about the children, so she told ____ husband not to accept the job. A. his C. their B. her D. my 6. Anna and I met a friend of ____ at Robinson’s yesterday. A. ours C. ourselves B. us D. them 7. I can’t find ____ ballpen. Can I use ____, Tristan? A. my, yours C. your, yours B. mine, yours D. yours, mine 8. I hurt ____ when I was slicing the onions. A. me C. you B. myself D. My 9. This condominium is too expensive for ____. You know we can’t pay such a high monthly payment. A. us C. them B. we D. We 10. Each plan has ____ merits. A. It B. Its

C. it’s D. Their

For numbers 11-15, select the most appropriate words to complete its sentence. 11. Igor’s nipa hut was destroyed ____ by typhoon Peping. A. altogether C. altogether B. all together D. at all



12. The buttered wife is seeking ____ separation from her husband. A. judiciary C. judicious B. morale D. jurisdical 13. The ____ of the story is not to count your eggs until they are hatched. A. moral C. moralism B. morale D. morality 14. The ancient people made a _____ that the end of the world is near. A. Prophecy C. prophet B. Prophesy D. prophetic 15. ____ wiring is the cause of the sudden blackout. A. lose C. losing B. lost D. loose For numbers 16-20, select the word which means the SAME as the underlined word in each sentence. 16. Your findings are impertinent to the results of this investigation. A. malicious C. important B. violent D. irrelevant 17. Several elements must be transmuted to see the real implications of this event. A. surpassed C. changed B. estimated D. summed 18. You should be ashamed of yourself for having such carnal desires. A. Spiritual C. worldly B. Bold D. guilty 19. The president showed great aplomb while dealing with the reporters. A. agitation C. composure B. nervousness D. perturbation 20. Thank you for your candor, Mr. Secretary. A. honesty B. frankness

C. shyness D. courage

For numbers 21-30, select the most appropriate form of the verb to complete the sentence. Be guided by rule subject-verb agreement. 21. The price of this sneakers ____ reasonable. A. Is B. are

C. seem D. aren’t

22. Bread and butter ____ our daily food. A. is B. are

C. were D. am



LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS) 23. The famous singer and composer ____ arrived. A. have C. will B. has D. is 24. Collecting stamps ____ one of his favorite pastimes. A. are C. has B. were D. is 25. Neither his father nor his sister ____ mahjong. A. play B. was

C. are play D. are plays

26. Neither parent ____ fond of playing cards. A. is B. are

C. am D. were

27. Some of my friends ____ here. A. are B. was

C. will D. were

28. Many a man ____ to be rich and famous. A. desire B. desires

C. is desiring D. desiring

29. The pair of scissors ____ on the table. A. was left B. were left

C. was leaving D. is leaving

30. Mathematics ____ the most difficult subject in the board exam. A. remain C. remaining B. remains D. has remain

For numbers 31-35, select the best preposition to complete each sentence. 31. Joan lives ____ Santillan road. A. in B. on

C. at D. to

32. Maggie will be ready to leave ____ about thirty minutes. A. in C. on B. at D. where 33. Mince he met his new girlfriend, Mico never seems to be ____ home. A. on C. in B. at D. towards 34. Jeremy responded to his mother’s demands ____throwing a tantrum. A. with C. from B. by D. through



35. I think Carmen spent the entire afternoon ____ the phone. A. on C. at B. in D. with

For numbers 36-40, choose the letter of the correct answer. 36. The nearest post office is on ___________________. A. Twenty-second street C. Twenty Second Street B. Twenty second Street D. Twenty-second Street 37. Have you ever been to my ___________________? A. Brothers-in-law’s repair shop, Gus’s Garage B. Brother-in-laws repair shop, Gus’ Garage C. Brother’s-in-law repair shop, Gus’ Garage D. Brother-in-law repair shop, Gus’s Garage 38. Please the chapter __________________________. A. Filing your Income Tax Returns. B. Filing Your Income Tax Returns. C. “Filing your Income Tax Returns.” D. “Filing Your Income Tax Returns.” 39. New students at the shop should bring ________________________. A. Hammers wrenches and screwdrivers. B. Hammers, wrenches, and screwdrivers. C. Hammers, wrenches and screwdrivers. D. Hammers wrenches, and screwdrivers. 40. Mrs. Navarro said that ____________________________________. A. “The Chemistry II exam will be next wednesday.” B. the Chemistry II will be next Wednesday. C. the chemistry II exam will be next Wednbesday. D. “The chemistry II exam will be next Wednesday 41. The test was hard for Paul and _____. A. me B. I

C. myself D. himself

42. The flower smells _______. A. sweetly B. sweet

C. sweeter D. himself

43. The suggestion of the employees _____ appropriate. A. seems C. is B. seem D. is very 44. He is the ______ of the two brothers. A. most tall B. tallest

C. very tall D. taller



LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS) 45. After ______ all day, she finally see the lake. A. walking C. having walked B. had walked D. have walked

46. We had the ______ news when he came. A. latest C. very last B. last D. last of all 47. I _______ gone with you. A. have B. should

C. had D. am

48. I ________ walked two kilometers by the time you catch up with me. A. have C. will have B. would have D. had 49. If I _____ President, I would live in Malacañang. A. Was C. should be B. Am D. were 50. The means of transportation _______ dramatically since the end of the 20th century. A. Have changed C. will change B. Has changed D. will have changed 51. If I _____ the same problems you had as a child, I might not have succeeded in life as well as you have. A. Should C. have B. Had D. would have 52. If I could speak English well, I ______ next year studying in the states. A. Has spend C. would spend B. Would have spent D. will spent 53. We should work for the total ban _______ of pesticides. A. With ` C. on the use B. On using D. by the use 54. The Rizal Day celebration reminds us about Heroes worth ______. A. Appreciating C. reading about B. Emulating D. studying




1.2 Comprehend Written Text TEXT A Read the selection below. Select the letter of the best answer to questions #55-59. Medical knowledge in ancient Egypt had an excellent reputation, and rulers of other empires would ask the Egyptian pharaoh to send them their best physician to treat their love ones. Egyptians have some knowledge of human anatomy, even though they never dissected the body. For example, in the classic mummification process, they knew how to insert a long hooked implement through a nostril, breaking the thin bone of the brain case and remove the brain. Egyptian physicians also were aware of the importance of the pulse and of the connection between pulse and heart. They develop their theory of “channels” that carried air, water and blood to the body by observing the River Nile. If the Nile became blocked, crops became unhealthy. They applied this theory to the body – if a person is unwell, they would use laxatives to unlock the channels. 55. What is the main idea of this selection? A. B. C. D.

Ancient Egyptian physicians Medical knowledge in ancient Egypt The Nile river in Egyptian medical knowledge Infection in ancient Egypt

56. What would happen if the Nile River was blocked? A. Egyptians would have problems washing their clothes. B. Fermentation and molds became problem. C. The diet of Egyptian would drastically change. D. Crops would wither and die. 57. Why did Egyptians practiced brain removal? A. To aid in mummification B. To unblocked “channels” in the body C. To purge the body of infection D. To free the dead of the burdens of the human mind 58. Which of the following is an evidence that Egyptians were masters of human anatomy even if they did not perform dissection of human bodies? A. They have detailed drawing of the anatomy of the human body. B. They knew how to remove brains during mummification. C. Egyptians physicians prescribed laxatives to cleanse the body of infections. D. They correlated the human body with the behavior of the Nile River. 59. Who did the Egyptians plead to when their loved ones had grave illness? A. Best Egyptian physician B. Prime Minister C. Moses D. PharaoH


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TEXT B Read the selection below. Select the letter of the best answer to question # 60-64. Orville and Wilbur Wright built their own wind tunnel to test airfoils and measure how to lift a flying machine into the sky. They were the first to discover that a long, narrow wing shift is ideal for flight. They figured out how to move the vehicle freely, not just across land but up and down on a cushion of air. They built the movable part of the tail to control the pitch of their craft as it nosed up and down. They fashioned a pair of twin rudders in back to control its tendency to swerve off course. They devised a pulley system that warped the shape of the wings in midflight flight to turn the plain and to stop it from rolling from side-to-side. They used the data from windtunnel experiments to design the first effective airplane propellers. When they discovered that a light-weight gas powered engine did not exist, they design and built their own. 60. What is the main idea of the text? A. Wright brothers and the first airplane B. How the Wright brothers thought C. Wright brothers’ knowledge D. The genius of the Wright brothers 61. What does pitch mean in the context of this rate? A. plunge forward C. deviation from the horizontal B. move abruptly D. throw or toss horizontally 62. What are airfoils? A. the surfaces of an airplane B. the force of air on an airplane

C. blades that turn D. parts that react against the air

63. A major problem that the article mentions is an airplane’s tendency to _______. A. be unsteady C. lack power B. be too heavy D. break part 64. Which of this terms best describes the best shape for an airplane? A. Long, curved C. Short, narrow B. Long, narrow D. Long, circular TEXT C Read the text carefully then choose the correct answer for questions #65-67. Many factors play a role in determining a students’ learning style. Among those most often cited in the research literature in learning style are Environmental, Emotional, Sociological, Physiological, Psychological factors. Environmental factors include students’ reactions to research stimuli as sound, light, temperature and room design. Emotional factors include motivation, persistence, responsibility, and structure. Some students are motivated intrinsically; they undertake and complete tasks because they see in value of doing so. Sociological factors include whether or not students are social learners-preferring to work in pairs or in groups-or whether they are independent learners-preferring to work alone. Physiological factors include student’s preferences for food or drink, what time of day they learn best, and their mobility needs. Physiological factors include identifying student’s perceptual strengths like learning modalities such as they are visual, auditory, tactile, or kinesthetic learners.




65. What factor is involved in learning situation when students prefer indirect lighting than bright? A. Physiological C. Psychological B. Emotional D. Environmental 66. When students are observed to be non-conforming and doing the unexpected what factor is involved? A. Psychological C. Sociological B. Physiological D. Emotional 67. Some students learn best by seeing, hearing, and doing. When they perform a task well on what they have read, what is their perceptual strength? A. Tactile C. Auditory B. Visual D. Kinesthetic TEXT D Read the text then answer questions #68-69. Measures of learning outcomes have a special significance as indicators of quality in education, as a basis for setting targets for improvement, and in monitoring progress towards educational goals. From the point of view of classroom teachers, systematically-collected information on student learning can be useful both for classroom decision making and for wider reporting purposes. All teachers, especially beginning teachers, are capable of benefiting from the reliable information about what is being expected of, and achieved by students of a given age. When teachers have access to explicit frame of reference in the form of achievement targets at particular grade levels, and receive feedback on how their classes are performing in comparison with students in other schools, they have a powerful basis for structuring and evaluating individual and classroom learning. 68. What I the importance of measuring learning outcomes? A. As factor for planning future programs and projects B. As the reference for the implementation of programs and projects C. As the basis of defining the vision, mission, and objectives set D. As basis for setting targets for improvement and monitoring progress of goals set 69. How may a teacher use the information on learning outcomes? A. Reporting to the parents and redesigning instructional plan B. Restructuring the classroom environment C. Redesigning the classroom environment D. Making classroom decision and for reporting to stakeholders


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TEXT E Read the text then answer questions #70-73. An international education initiative, known as global competence, was first noted in 1988 in a report published by the Council on International Education Exchange. Higher education institutions were enjoined to send students in exchange programs to universities abroad where Americans are not the majority population and where English is not a dominant language. Educational scholars have proposed definitions for the term global competence and postulates regarding the required knowledge, skills, attitudes, and experience necessary to become globally competitive. Cross-cultural awareness and interaction, familiarity with an environment, intercultural facility, effective two-way communication, interconnectedness of people and systems, acceptance of people and of their different cultural values, and attitudes are integral components of global competence

70. Which publish a pioneer report on the concept of global competence? A. Council on International Scholars Exchange B. Council on International Educators C. Council on International Educationists D. Council on International Education exchange 71. Are all overseas Filipino Workers globally competitive? A. Yes C. No, partially B. No D. Yes, partially 72. What are the integral concepts/components of global competence? A. Communication knowledge skills, experiences and cultural awareness B. Two-way communication, intercultural facility, cross cultural awareness and systems C. Cultural values, interconnectedness with people, cultural awareness and systems D. Acceptance of peoples’ values, attitudes, language, culture and environment. 73. Which country pioneered in conducting research on global competence? A. United Arab Emirates C. United Kingdom B. United States of America D. United Republic TEXT F Read the text then answer the questions # 74-79 Water The most important source of sediment is Earth and Rock material carried to the sea by the rivers and streams; the same materials may also have been transported by the glaciers and winds. Other sources are volcanic ash and lava, shells and skeletons, of organisms, chemicals precipitates formed in seawater, and particles from outer space. Water is the most unusual substance because it exists on the surface on the Earth in its three physical states: ice, water, and water vapor. There are other substances that might exist in solid and liquid or gaseous state at temperatures normally found at the Earth’s surface, but there are no other substances which occur in all three states. Water is odorless, tasteless, and colorless. It is the only substance known to exist in a natural state as a solid, liquid, or gas on the surface of the Earth. It is a universal solvent. Water does not




corrode, rust, burn, or separates to its components easily. It is chemically indestructible. It can corrode almost in metal and erode in the most solid rock. A unique property of water is that it expands and floats in water when frozen or in the solid state. Water has freezing point of 0 degree Celsius and a boiling point of 100 degree Celsius. Water has the capacity for absorbing great quantities of heat with relatively little increase in temperature. When distilled, water is a poor conductor of electricity but when salt is added, it is a good conductor of electricity. Sunlight is the source of energy for temperature change, evaporation, and currents for water movement through the atmosphere. Sunlight controls the rate of photosynthesis for all marine plants, which are directly or indirectly the source of foods for all marine animals. Migration, breeding, and other behaviors of marine animals are affected by light. Water as the ocean or sea, is blue because of the molecular scattering of the sunlight. Blue light, being of short wavelength, is scattered more effectively than light of longer wavelengths. Variations in color may be caused by particles suspended in the water, water depth, cloud cover, temperature and other variable factors. Heavy concentrations of dissolved materials cause a yellowish hue, while algae cause the water to look green. Heavy of plant and animal materials will cause the water to brown. 74. Which of the topics best organizes the information in the text? A. Properties of seawater, photosynthesis oceans and seas B. Water as substance water and plants C. State of water as a vapor, ice, solid D. Properties of water, its physical states, effects of the sun in water 75. According to the passage, what is the most unique property of water? A. Water is a poor conductor of electricity. B. Water is odorless, tasteless, and colorless. C. Water exists on the surface of the Earth in three physical states. D. Water is chemically indestructible. 76. Which of the following beast defines the word distilled as it used in the last sentence of the third paragraph? A. Dehydrated soil C. Free of electrical energy B. Free of salt content D. Containing wine 77. The writer’s main purpose of this selection is to ______. A. Define the properties of water B. Explain the colors of water C. Examine the effects of the sun on water D. Describe the physical states of liquids 78. Which of the following statements summarizes best the text? A. Water is too unpredictable for most scientists. B. Water may be used to serve many different functions. C. Water should not be consumed in its most natural state. D. Water may be found in most other liquids in this planet. 79. What is the unique property of soil? A. It is odorless and colorless. B. It expands in solid state. C. It is chemically indestructible. D. It can absorb great quantities of heat.


LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

TEXT G Read the text then answer questions # 80-84. Building an institution, not just one individual is involved. An institution is perceived in terms of the people who infuse it with life and ideas. In fact, an institution is the product of an evolutionary process, shaped and transformed in complex and subtle ways by the collaboration of several minds working under a common vision. Those who are very much involved in building an institution, like true founding fathers, understand too well the pains of birth. They create a foundation not so much for themselves but for the generations who will follow them. It takes a tremendous amount of dedication, patience and energy to build an institution. It is bigger than any person or group of individuals. Like an edifice, it is created by brick by brick, day after day. Persons come and go. But the institution, for the sake of the greater good, must remain.

80. The writer’s main purpose of the text is to ______. A. Underscore the lifespan of an institution B. Emphasize that an institution is a product of a commo0n vision C. Lay the foundation of as structure D. Perpetuate an institution 81. That an institution is the product of an evolutionary process means it is the result of ___________. A. Instant change C. abrupt decision B. revolutionary process D. serious study

82. What is the reason for the institution to remain and not to be fade? A. For the sake of the donors B. For the sake of the founders C. For the sake of the greater good and benefits D. For the sake of progress 83. What institution is referred to in the passage/text? A. Industrial B. Educational

C. Entrepreneurial D. Political

84. Which statement best expresses the effort involved in building an institution? A. It takes a tremendous amount of dedication, patience and energy to build an institution. B. It is created brick by brick, day by day. C. It is not created not so much for themselves but for the generations who will follow them. D. It is perceive in terms of the people who infuse it with life and ideals.




Read the statement and answers questions # 85-87. 85. “You can’t make children grow faster by pushing them, just as you can’t make flowers bloom faster by pulling them.” What message does the statement have for teachers? A. Just look at the flowers when you are tempted to hurry up the development of a child. B. Games will help develop children naturally. C. Avoid comparing a child with other children. D. Provide children with developmentally appropriate practices. 86. What is/are the best ways to a child’s development according to the statement? I. Meet the child where the child is. II. Allow the child develop according to his/her pace III. Compare a child to another to motivate her/him to “hurry up” to catch up with other children’s development A. I and III B. I, II and III

C. I and II D. II and II

87. Which statement is in support to the given text? A. Each child is unique and vastly different from one another. B. We can’t make the child learn an abstract concept by pulling them along to complete the right text. C. It is the early childhood educator who has the responsibility of creating the learning environment that will intrigue stimulate the whole child. D. A teacher’s moment-by-moment actions and interactions by children are the most powerful determinant of learning outcomes and development. Situation –read the short paragraph and answers # 88-90. Too much reliance on concrete experience may actually obstruct the process of meaningful generalization. The best will be striking a balance between concrete and abstract, direct participation and symbolic expression for the learning that will continue throughout life. 88. Which idea is NOT expressed by the paragraph? A. Direct and symbolic experiences are important for lifelong learning. B. Concrete and abstract experiences are necessary for lifelong experiences C. Do away with concrete experience because it is a stumbling block to the development of generalization skill. D. There is such a thing in learning that lasts for life. 89. The content of the paragraph is intended for teachers regarding ___________________. A. the use of educational technology in the classroom. B. symbols and their meanings C. developing a skills of drawing a generalization D. the importance of lifelong education 90. Striking the balance between the concrete and the abstract, the direct and the symbolic follows the principle of ______. A. “both-and” C. “neither-nor” B. “either-or” D. “and-or”


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Situation – Read the paragraph and answer questions # 91-93. School-based management (SBM) is in line with the spirit of decentralization. It aims to: 1) empower the school heads to lead their teachers, students and the member of the society in a continuous school improvement process leading to higher learning outcomes and improved health and nutrition status of students; 2) bring resources within the control of the schools to support the delivery if the educational services in the spirit of transparency; 3) strengthen school partnerships with the communities, local government units to encourage them to invest time, money and other resources in providing a better school of learning environment; and 4) institutionalize participatory and data-based school improvement process.

91. In SBM, who is empowered to lead the school and the community for improvement? A. School head C. Teachers B. Supervisor D. Parent leaders 92. Which word/phrase does NOT go with school-based management? A. Transparency C. Authoritarian leadership B. Partnership D. Continuous improvement 93. What kind of an improvement process is in keeping with SBM? I. Data-driven II. Continuous III. Participatory A. I, II and III C. I and II B. II and III D. I and III 94. “It is only with the heart that one can see rightly”. This line means_________________. A. B. C. D.

important things are invisible to the heart only the heart can see the beautiful in life the heart is always correct of everything the heart is visible if one is kind

95. Our favorite song goes: No man is an island, no man stands alone. Earth man’s joy is joy to me Each man’s grief is my own. What does this song express? A. Solitude B. Independence

C. Brotherhood D. Individualize

96. What does the expression “love begets love” mean? A. Love is offered, not waiting for love in return. B. If you offer love, you will be loved in return. C. Don’t expect love, though you love others. D. Love not freely expected from everyone.




2.1 Use accurate, meaningful and appropriate language in written discourse For numbers 97-100, read the selection below. For each numbered blank, select the word or group of words that best completes the sentence. Select your answer from the options provided. Fingerprinting [1] a significant role in the investigative work ever since the late nineteenth century, when Sir Francis Galton, a British Anthropologist, determined that [2] identical fingerprints. Building on the research of Galton, Juan Vucetich of Argentina and Sir Edward R. Henry of Great Britain [3] fingerprint classification systems during the 1980s. Fingerprints are one of the [4] of identification because a person‘s fingerprints are unlikely to change during [5] lifetime.

97. The best verb for [1] is? A. has played Because a personB. played

C. plays D. had played

98-A. The best phrase for [2] is? A. no two people never have B. two people don’t have

C. no two people don’t have D. no two people have

98-B. The best phrase for [3] is? A. introduced his B.introduce their

C. had introduced their D. have introduce their

99. The best phrase for [4] is? A. more useful types B. less useful types

C. most useful types D. useful types

100. The best pronoun for [5] is? A. his or her B. his

C. there D. their

For numbers 101-107, read the complaint letter below. Pay close attention to the numbered items. Choose the answers shows the correct capitalization, punctuation, and spelling of the numbered parts.

2665 Pateros Street Sta. Cruz, Manila 100 [6]

January 15 2011 Mail-order Sales Manager Direct Electronics, Inc. 214-C Roxas Boulevard Malate, Manila 1004



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Dear Sales Manager, The modem that I ordered from your company arrived today in [8] _______. The package was [9] ________, ________ not to have been sealed properly. In addition, I have not received the computer game that I also ordered. Please send me a new [10] ______ broken modem is enclosed. Thank you! Sincerely yours, Benny Villar


The proper form for [6] is _______________. A. January 15, 2011 C. January 15th 2011 B. January, 15 2011 D. 15 January, 2011


The proper form for [7] is _______________. A. Dear sales manager; C. Dear Sales Manager: B. dear sales manager: D. My dear Sales Manager:


The proper form for A. pieces B. piece’s

[8] is _______________. C. piece. D. pcs.


The proper form for [9] is _______________. A. open and appeared C. appeared B. appeared open D. open-appeared


The proper form for [10] is ________________. A. modem, the C. modem; the B. modem; the D. modem. The

For numbers 106-110, select the most appropriate form of the adjective for each sentence. 106. Those are probably the A. least fancy B. fanciest

blankets in the store. C. most fanciest D. most fancy

107. Lolo Jorge is really man. A. an old sweet B. a sweet, old 108. The Mustang used to be A. a fine German B. a German, fine

C. a sweet old D. a sweety oldy sportscar. C. a fine, German D. fine German

109. Everyone was home for the holidays. What could make for A. a merry C. a merrier B. the merriest D. a merriest 110. Magdalena and Marilyn grew up in A. a comfortable, little B. a little, comfortable

Christmas than that?

house in Tacloban City. C. a comfortable little D. comfortable a little




For # 111-115, select the choice which corresponds to the proper usage of adverbs. 111. In which sentence is the wrodl well used correctly? A. The airplane trip was not well. B. The time they had in Florida was well. C. Aecee and Ekee are a well team. D. Julia and Elenita work well together. 112. In which sentence is the word good used correctly? A. Melissa ran good to the car. B. Melissa planned good for her wedding. C. The chocolate cake tasted good. D. Melissa danced good with the groom. 113. In which sentence does the adverb tell how the action is done? A. Chrisitne wrapped the present carefully. B. Then Christine came home to wrap the present. C. Christine went to the store yesterday. D. Christine ate ice cream after she was done. 114. Today we practiced A. hardest B. harder

than we did last Friday. C. more hard D. most hard

115. The kitten play with each other happily. Which word in the sentence is an adverb? A. kittens C. play B. each D. happily For # 116-125, select the sentence that clearly and effectively states the idead and has no structural error. 116.

A. Teaching is my career first. B. Teaching is my first choice as a career.

C. Teaching is my ambition D. Teaching is my ambition as a career.


A. I lacked the ways and means for my room and board so I depended on my parents for money and support in college. B. I depended on my parents for financial support in college. C. I lacked the ways and means to support myself in college so my parents provided me financial support. D. I depended on the means for board and lodging on my parents for financial support.


A. I visited the Teacher’s Camp in Baguio during my vacation. B. I had the occasion to visit the Teacher’s Camp when I was vacationing in Baguio. C. In my vacation, I visited the Teacher’s Camp in Baguio. D. I had the occasion to visit the Teacher’s Camp while I was on vacation in Baguio.


A. The job fair is filled with talented highly motivated and well educated young people. B. The job fair is flooded with talented, highly motivated, and well-educated young people. C. The job fair is crowded with talented, highly motivated, and well-educated young people. D. The job fair entertains only talented, highly motivated, and well-educated young people.


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A. The examinees need pencils, a calculator and a ball pen. B. The examinees need double pencils simply a calculator and a ball pen. C. The examinees need two pencils a simple calculator, and a ball pen. D. The examinees need two sharpened pencils, calculator and a ball pen.


A. The weather service expects temperatures not to rise. B. The weather service expects temperatures to rise. C. The weather service expects temperatures not to increase. D. The weather service expects temperatures to not increase.

122. The Teacher instructed the pupils, A. “Open your books to page 8” B. “Open your books on page 8”

C. “Open your books to page 8” D. “Open your books page 8”


A. I learned the distance of the sun from the earth was 90 million miles. B. I learned that the sun was 90 million miles from the earth. C. I learned that the sun is 90 million miles from the earth D. I learned that the earth and the sun are 90 million miles apart.


A. the interest at a loan company is higher than a bank. B. The interest of loan Company is higher than with a bank. C. the interest of a loan company is higher than in a bank. D. The interest at a loan company is higher than at a bank.


A. The teacher explain that the Mean Percentage Score (MPS) in English of high school students was much lower than it had been in previous years. B. The teacher explained that the Mean Percentage Score (MPS) of high school students in English was much lower than the previous years. C. The teachers explained that the Mean Percentage Score (MPS) of high school students in English was much lower than it has been in previous years. D. The teacher explained that the Mean Percentage Score (MPS) of high school students in English was lowest than the previous years.

For # 126-135, which passage is expressed effectively and has no structural error? 126.



A. Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless. B. Kind words can be easily said, but their meanings are real endless. C. Kind words easily spoken but their echoes are reverberate. D. Kind words are brief and easy but their meanings are really endless. A. you make a living by what you get, but you make a life by what you give. B. you make a living by working, but you make a life by what you do. C. you make a living by earning, but you make life by doing the beat. D. you make a living by getting your wage, but you make life by living. A. The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge with it, and join the dance. B. The only way to cope with change is to get involved and join the dance. C. The only way to understand change is to participate actively in the dance movement. D. The only way to dance with change is to understand and move with it dancing.





A. Good teachers possess a capacity for connectedness, not in the methods but in their hearts – a place where intellect, emotion, spirit, and will converge in the human self. B. Good teachers possess a capacity for cooperation; not in the methods but in their hearts where they knowledge, spirit, and emotion converge. C. Good teachers are capable to promote interrelationship among learners, parents, school heads, and community. D. Good teachers habe the capacity to develop interpersonal relationship among the factors in the learning environment.


A. Luciano Pavarotti was one of the great natural operatic talents of 20th century. He boasted a bright, ringing tone with high notes that could sound effortless clarity, and there was a sensual beauty to his singing that penetrated the heart. B. Luciano Pavarotti was one of the great opera singers of the 20th century. He had a bright, ringing voice with high notes and there was beauty in his songs appearing to the heart. C. Luciano Pavarotti was talented as a great operatic singer. He had a clear, effortleaa voice and sang with high notes appealing to the heart. D. Luciano Pavarotti was a natural operatic singer and talent. He had a singing voci with a high notes which appealed to the heart.


A. The students could not understand pronoun reference handout, which annoyed them. B. The students, because they could not understand handout on pronoun reference, were annoyed. C. The students were annoyed because they could not understand the pronoun reference handout. D. The students got annoyed because the pronounce reference handout could not be understand.


A. The fans thought the best player to be him. B. The fans thought the best player to be himself. C. the fans thought the best player to be he. D. The fans thought the best player to be his.


A. I would not want to be he/she. B. I would not want to be himself/herself. C. I would not want to be themselves. D. I would not want to be theirselves.


A. Having called the other students and ourselves, the secretary went home. B. Having called the other students and we, the secretary. C. Having called the other students and they, the secretary went home. D. Having called the other students and us, the secretary went home.


A. A strange car keep blinking the lights us as he followed closely. B. A strange car followed closely, and he kept blinking his lights at us. C. A strange car followed us closely, and its driver keeps blinking his lights. D. A strange car, blinking the lights at us, followed closely.

For # 136 – 141, select the letter corresponding to the correct answer. 136. _______ are activities which a heart patient must forego. A. Heavy smoking and overeating C. To smoke heavily and overeating B. Smoking heavy to overeat D. Smoking heavy and to overeat 137. In the small town of Tubao, _____ to the green hills and plains. A. One can quickly walk C. where one can quickly walk, B. Where one can quickly walk D. one can, quickly


LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

138. One method of ending discrimination in business and industry is ________. A. to demand that employers must meet quotas B. to demand to be met by employers C. that employers be demanded to meet quotas D. that of demanding employees to meet quotas 139. Which word or phrase is nearest in meaning to italicized word? He has been very feeble since his illness? A. Unwell C. Foolish B. Thin D. Weak 140. Which word or phrase is nearest in meaning to be italicized word? Jose was contemptuous of the effects of the efforts of his rival to show greater ability. A. Appreciative C. Scornful B. Angry D. Deep in thought 141. Which word or phrase is nearest in meaning to be italicized word? Considering that nothing had been organized, confusion seemed in evitable. A. Unnatural C. Evident B. Unlikely D. Certain

For # 142 -145, select the correct word/phrase. 142. It’s now two hours past his schedule; the facilitator may not come anymore, but we’ll still ready in case he ________. A. does C. May B. will come D. Is coming 143. Your sister is paying for your tuition fee, ________? A. aren’t C. Is she B. isn’t it D. Why 144. These towels are _______ to use to dry the dishes. A. very wet C. Too wet B. so wet D. Very dry 145. ______ not making the most ______ opportunities. A. You’re – your C. You – your B. You’re – you’re D. You’re – you 3.1 Use accurate, meaningful and appropriate language in oral discourse For # 146-147, which is the correct option? 146. His ____ reasons for resigning were his _____ of right and wrong. A. principal – principle C. principles – principle B. principle – principal D. principals – principles 147. The book tells us about the disease and how it ______ the patient and what ______ it has on the patient’s family. A. affects – affect C. affects – effect A. effects – affect D. effect – effects




For # 148-157, choose the sentence that expresses the thought clearly and that has no error in structure/spelling. 148.

A. The farmer did plow, plant harvest his corn in second time. B. The farmer plowed, has planted and has harvested his corn in second time. C. The farmer has plowed, planted and harvested his corn in second time. D. The farmer plowed, planted, and harvested his corn in second time.


A. Because repairs were being made on potholes for a kilometer, traffic was stalled for a kilometer. B. Traffic was stalled for a kilometer. Because repairs were being made on potholes. C. Traffic was stalled for a kilometer because repairs were being made on potholes. D. Because repairs were being made on potholes for a kilometer, traffic was stalled.


A. While taking a shower, the doorbell rang. B. While I was taking a shower, the doorbell rang. C. While taking a shower, someone rang the doorbell. D. While I was showering, the doorbell rang.


A. Everyone agreed that she had either the voice or /nor the skill to be a speaker. B. Everyone agreed that she had either the voice nor the skill to be a speaker. C. Everyone agreed that she had neither the voice or the skill to be a speaker. D. Everyone agreed that she had neither the voice nor the skill to be a speaker.


A. It is a privelege to be a member of the prestigious organization. B. It is a priviledge to be a member of the prestigious organization. C. It is a privilege to be a member of the prestigious organization. D. It is a privilege to be a member of the prestigos organization.


A. One of the examinees were not registered. B. One of the examinees was not registered. C. One of the examinees were not in the registry list. D. One of the examinees have not been in the registry list.


A. You are a professional teacher, isn’t it B. You are a professional teacher, aren’t you? C. You are a professional teacher, ain’t you D. You are a professional teacher, weren’t you.


A. The criterion was finalized for judging the candidate. B. The criteria for judging the candidate has been finalized C. The criteria has been finalized for judging the candidate. D. The criteria for judging the candidates have been finalized.


A. A many gases are invisible and they have no odor and taste. B. Many gases are invisible, odorless, and have no taste. C. Many gases are invisible, odorless, and they have no taste. D. Many gases are invisible, odorless, and tasteless.


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A. The teacher education institutions, as well as the Department of Education, collaborates in teacher education and training. B. The teacher education institutions, as well as the Department of Education and training. C. The teacher education institutions, as well as the Department of Education, coordinates in teacher education and training. D. The teacher education institutions as well as the Department of Education, coordinates in teacher and training.

Choose the correct option. 158. He is an ______ member of the community. A immanent C. eminent B .imminent D. eminent 159. Which of the correct sequence of the sentence in the text below? (1) It cannot guarantee financial security. (2) These are the moments I teach for. (3) Teaching may not be a lucrative position. (4) Sometimes it means disappointments, heartaches and pains. (5) But touching the hearts of people and opening the minds of children can give you joy and contentment which money could not buy. A. 2, 3, 1, 4, 5 C. 3, 1, 4, 5, 2 B.1, 2, 4, 3, 5 D. 3, 2, 5, 4, 1 160. Which is the correct sequence of the sentence in the text below? (1)The image of a good teacher is one who is constantly reflecting about how best to help different types of learners learn. (2) The National Competency-based Teacher Standards (NCBTS) defines a new paradigm of teaching where the teacher is viewed as the knowledge professional who is responsible for facilitating learning. (3) Good teaching is defined in terms of these practices that help students learn better. (4) Competency – based means that the standards or criteria for characterizing good teaching are defined in terms of what the teacher is competent to do. (5) The NCBTS can be used as self-assessment tool for professional development. A. 2, 4, 3, 1, 5 B. 1, 2, 4, 5, 3

C. 3, 4, 5, 1, 2 D. 4, 1, 3, 5, 2

161. Choose the correct answer. A. The number of students in Boracay increases every year. B. The number of students in Boracay increase every year. C. The number of students in Boracay have increase every year. D. The number of students in Boracay are increasing every year. 162. Susan _____ in bed so long that she missed her class. A. lays C. lied B. lay D. laid 163. Everyone is wondering _____ her successor will be. A. whom C. who B. whose D. who’ll 164. Both Randy and _____ plan to go. A. my C. myself B. me D. I




165. Choose the correct answer. A. Albert himself told me it was true. B. Albert, himself, told me it was true. C. Albert told me it was true himself. D. Albert told me himself it was true. 166. The spider isn’t an insect, _____? A. does it C. is it B. isn’t it D.’no 167. The daughter sings sweetly as the mother _______. A. is C. does B. can D. do 168. She _____ the laundry every other day. A. is doing C. will do B. does D. is going to do 169. Wise people can ______ with frustrations. A. cope in C. cope B cope up D. cope on 170. Which sounds like “when”? A. Pin B. Whine

C. While D. Pet

171. They visited _____ children where _____ are pursuing post-baccalaureate degrees. A. their-there C. their-they’re B. there-their D. there-they’re 172. “Blessed are ____ sorrowing for _____ shall be comforted”. A. you-they C. they-they B. the-they D. the you 173. in his despair, Judas ______ himself. A. hang C. hunged B. hung D. hanged 174. “_______, _______ have to make do with what we have if we have to accomplish something”. A. We’ll – well C. We’ll – well B. Well – we’ll D. Will – will 175. The words “accentric, anesthesia, atypical” begin with the prefix “a” which means ______. A. not or without B. with

C. feeling D. common

176. The words “inappropriate, illegal, irresponsible and unaware” have prefixes which are classified as ________. A. Neutral C. negative B. Positive D. common 177. A good writer supports his generalizations with _______ examples. A. unfamiliar C. abstract B. convenient D. concrete


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178. Students _______ near the registrar’s office to ask for their schedule. A. crowd C. stay idling B. congregate D. disperse 179. She will retire soon because she _______ working hard so long. A. has been C. have been B. had been D. was 180. “He is the black sheep in the family.” Which figure of speech is used? A. Synonym C. Metaphor B. Simile D. Hyperbole 181. The hostages are free. They paid their way. What does this statement tell us. A. They escape after paying B. After paying ransom they were released C. They negotiated peacefully. D. They were freed without ransom. 182. October 10 is a “red letter day” for the Chinese. Classify the quoted expression. A. Idiom C. Metaphor B. Simile D. synonyms 183. Space age _______ on October 21, 1975 when Sputnik was launched by the Soviet Union. A .commenced C. ended B. cited D. flourished 184. The slow traffic ______ me. A. aggravates B. irritates

C. worsens D. maddens

185. He was as helpless as a child. Classify this statement. A. Simile C. Synonym B. Idioms D. Metaphor 186. The statement, “She is a rose” is an example of _________. A. Idiom C. Simile B. Metaphor D. Hyperbole 187. Because the moon rotates on its axis as the same time as it ____________ around the earth, we see the same side always. A. revolve C. has been revolving B. is revolving D. revolves 188. Children who have been exposed to TV suffer from unusually short __________. A. learning C. concentration B. understanding D. attention span 189. People who are too _________ are liable to be deceived by unscrupulous individuals. A. demanding C. cynical B. credulous D. wary



190. News travels as fast as the wind. This statement is a/an ________. A. Simile C. Idiom B. Metaphor D. Synonym 191. She wrote a “first-rate” report. What does it say about the report? A. Ordinary C. Mediocre B. Excellent D. Run-of-the-mill 192. “A man is known by the company he keeps”. This is an example of a __________. A. report C. poem B. rule D. proverb 193. His apocalyptic view seemed to doom the human race. This is to be taken as ________. A. apathetic C. prophetic B. lethargic D. spiritless 194. Our guest of honor was a loquacious speaker. This means ___________. A. reserved C. reticent B. verbose D. spiritless 195. Except for the profanity, I like the story. What is the story about? A. Shamelessness C. Worldliness B. Kinds words D. Obscenities 196. She has a penchant for red accessories. This indicates ___________. A. strong aversion C. fondness B. Kind words D. avoidance 197. Stop shilly-shallying and make up your mind. This serves as warning not to _________. A. go ahead C. decide B. hesitate D. continue 198. “I prefer a government run like hell by Filipinos rather than one run by foreigners”. Who said this famous statement? A. Manuel L. Quezon C. Apolinario Mabini B. Jose Rizal D. Emilio Aguinaldo 199. Who said “The Filipino is worth dying for”? A. Benigno Aquino Jr. C. Andres Bonofacio B. Jose Rizal D. Carlos P. Garcia 3. ENGLISH 3 – Speech an Oral Communication 3.1 Use accurate, meaningful and appropriate language in oral discourse

200. “She is the vision of feminine pulchritude”. This stands for _______. A. homeliness C. plain B. loveliness D. simple 201. The statue was erected in ________ to war heroes. A. protection C. irreverence B. defense D. homage



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202. She was a “Phantom of Delight” connotes that the woman is __________. A. real C. an illusion B. lovely D. virtuo 203. The line, “ under the bludgeoning of chance, My head is blo0ody but unbowed” depicts the person’s ________. A. determination C. confidence B. courage D. optimism 4. LITERATURE 1 – Philippine literature 4.1 Apply knowledge gained from local literary pieces PRACTICE TEST: choose the letter that corresponds to the best answer. Read the excerpt below. Select the letter that corresponds to the best answer to questions # 204-208. Exerpt from Like the Molave Not you alone , Rizal. O souls And spirits of the martyred brave, arised! Arise and scour the land! Shed once again Your willing blood! Infuse the vibrant red Into your thin anemic veins; until We pick up your Promethean tools and, strong, Out of depthless matrix of your of your faith In us, and on the silent cliffs of freedom, We carved for all time your marmoreal dream! Until our people, seeing, are become Like the Molave, firm, resilent, staunch, Rising on the hillside, unafraid, Strong in its own fibre, yes, like the Molave! - Rafael Zulueta Da Acosta 204. Which of the following best describes the form of literature employed in the excerpt? A. Poem C. Sonnet B. Essay D. Cinquain 205. What literary device is employed in the underlined portion of the excerpt? A. Chekhov’s gun C. poetic justice B. Aphorism D. Poetic license 206. Which of the following describes the figure of speech utilized in the last line of the excerpt? A. Metaphor C. hyperbole B. Personification D. simile 207. What figure of speech is employed when the author states, “O souls and spirits of the martyred brave, arise!”? A. Metaphor C. Onomatopoeia B. Apostrophe D. Metonymy




208. Which of the following best describes the true meaning that the author wants to convey in this literary piece? A. Filipinos should learn from the lessons of Rizal. B. Filipinos should pray to God I terms of trial and tribulations. C. Filipinos have forgotten the true meaning of bravery. D. Filipinos should stop illegal logging and plant more Molave trees. Read the poem below. Select the letter that corresponds to the best answer to questions # 209-213. Trees I think that I shall never see A poem lovely as a tree A tree whose hungry mouth is rest Against the sweet earth’s flowing breast; A tree that looks at God all day, And lifts her leafy arms to pray; A tree that may in summer wear A nest of robins in her hair; Upon whose bosom snow has lain; Who intimately lives with rain. Poems are made by fools like me, But only God can make a tree - Joyce Kilmer

209. What is the predominant figure of speech employed by the author of this poem? A. Simile C. Personification B. Metaphor D. Hyperbole 210. Which literary device is exemplified by this poem? A. Defamiliarization C. Stream of consciousness B. Dramatic visualization D. Parody 211. What part of a tree does the underlined portion of the poem pertain to? A. Roots C. Leaves B .Stems D. Fruits 213. What is the subliminal message of the author of this poem? A. Trees are the best creations among all of God’s creation. B. Trees are the most religious and the most prayerful among God’s creation C. Man should highly regard the dedication and devotion of trees D. To inscribe of the minds of man the importance of trees 214. Archimedes shouted “Eureka”! What did we take this to mean? A. Wonderful C. Mystery B. Enjoyment D. Discovery 215. Shakespeare once said “My honor is my life, both grow as one, take honor from me and my life is gone.” What is the correct interpretation of this? A. His life is determined by his honor. B. He values honor as much as his life. C. He prefers honor instead of life. D. He values life before honor.


LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS) 4.2 Manifest comprehension to extract elements in major literary genres Read the excerpt below. Select the letter that corresponds to the best answer to questions # 216-220. Excerpt from I am looking for a Filipino Is it so hard to believe that we can remain Filipinos and still march onward, ever onward to our national destiny? Are our minds so narrow, is our intelligence is so limited that we cannot realize this truth? Can we not see that we can adopt foreign ways and yet retain the enduring, the admirable qualities that can make the Filipino great? Have we been so westernized that we find the Filipino way alien to our mode of living? The Filipino way is our legacy. It is found in the determination and fortitude, the determination that made it possible for our brothers in the mountains to build breath-taking rice terraces. It is found in our courage that sustained us at Mactan, at Tirad pass,in bataan. It is found in our simplicity and modesty, in the beauty of Angelus at twilight, and in the sincerity of our devotion to our god and our country. These qualities are still in us – in all of us. They are still in our minds and in our hearts. We can still dig them out if we would only forget about our obsessions with brown Americanism. We can still dig out if we would only dig hard enough. I am looking for a Filipino. I cannot find him among those who shout self-righteously about nationalism and nationalization. I cannot see him among those who preach about Filipinism but whose preachings are empty and meaningless. Will may search be long and vain? It will be. I am afraid unless we make in time. It will never and unless we realize the sacredness of our heritage, unless we see the richness and the beauty, the glory and the wonder, the promise and the fulfillment of the Filipino vision. -

Professor Felix Bautista

216. This narrative mentions about the bravery of Filipinos in battles of the past. Which among the following is a site of a historic battle NOT mentioned in this poem? A. Cebu C. Cordillera B. Bataan D. Isabela 217. According to the author, which value have the Filipino people at present lost? A. Utang na loob C. Honesty B. Nationalism D. Hospitality 218. What trait among Filipinos of the present is exemplified by the underlined portion of the excerpt? A. Ignorance C. Hypocrisy B. Sacrilege D. Moral absolutism 219. What is the predominant figure of speech utilized by the author of this literary piece? A. Poetic justice C. Onotomatopoeia B. Rhetorical question D. Hyperbole




220. Which of the following literary endeavors is this piece most suited? A. Dramatic monologue C. Extemporaneous speech B. Declamation D. Debate 4.3 relate insights to given situations

Read the excerpt below. Select the letter that corresponds to the best answer to questions # 221-225. Boys: In our veins, pulses blood with traces of Chinese and Spanish and American, but it does not stop being a Filipino, because of this. Girls: Our culture is tinged with foreign influences, but it has become rich thereby. All:

This mingling, in fact could speed us on the road, to national greatness. Look at America, it is a great country, and yet it is the melting pot of Italian, and German, British, an French, or Irish and Swedish.


Filipinism after all, is in the heart.


If that heart beats faster, because the Philippines making progress, If it fills, with its compassion because its people suffering, then it belongs to a true Filipino, And if it throbs, with pride in our past, if it pulses with awareness of the present, if it beats with a faith in the future, then we could ask, for nothing more, all other things are unimportant.

Boys: I have an American first name. Girls: And I have a Chinese last name. All:

And I am proud, very, very proud, because underneath these names beats a Filipino heart.

221. Which of the following could be a possible name of the person speaking in this piece? A. Pedro Sandoval C. China Anderson B. Chona Shih D. Pamela Go 222. Which country is regarded as a great country in this literary piece? A. Philippines C. Germany B. America D. Pamela Go 223. Which among the following countries does NOT have a significant contribution to the Filipino bloodline? A. Chinese C. American B. Spanish D. Japanese 224. For which of the following literary endeavors is this piece most suited? A. Oration C. Stage play B. Dramatic monologue D. Speech choir

225. Which among the following is most suitable as a title for this literary piece? A. Where The Filipino Heart Should be B. What True Filipinism Means C. The Multicultural Heritage Of Filipinos D. The Anatomy of a Filipino


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226. “Run from everything that gives you the evil thought….. but stay close to anything that makes you want to do right.” It is about defeating __________. A. wrong decisions C. temptation B. righteousness D. faith 227. Thomas Carlyle said “The man without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder-awaif……” It could be interpreted as ___________. A. there should be sufficient energy in one’s life. B. one’s life doesn’t need to be controlled. C. direction can never come into one’s life. D. there should be a strong driving force in one’s life. 228. The Bible tells us, “There is a right time and a right way to do everything.” A. Plan well what you say and do. B. You can determine your own time. C. Your time is yours and nobody else. D. Say and do things anytime. 229. Our commitments can develop us or they can destroy us, but either way, they will define us. Choose the line below that has the same meaning. A. Our lives are shaped by what we are committed to. B. Our commitments need not be planned way ahead. C. We must make full commitment to worldly goals. D. Half-hearted commitment is what we need today. 230. What season is it, with the line, “He ruffles every lily-pond? Where blossoms kiss and parts”. A. Spring C. Autumn B. Winter D. Summer 231. The line from the Korean, “Woe to every backbiter,” talks of __________. A. anguish for those who defend unrighteousness B. misery to those who talk ill of others C. punishment to those who say good things D. sorrow for those who oppose other’s opinion 232. “The lord is my shepherd; I shall not want…….” Is an expression of one’s ___________. A. love for self C. blind ignorance B. poverty D. total submission to God 5. Literature 2- Master works of the world 5.1 Interpret passages from master works of the world Read the excerpt below. Select the letter that corresponds to the best answer to questions # 233-237. Excerpt from the Cask of Amontillado The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as I best could, but when he ventured upon insult I vowed revenge. You, who so well know the nature of my soul, will not suppose, however, that gave utterance to a threat. At length I would be avenged; this was a point definitely, settled –but the very definitiveness with which it was resolve precluded the idea of risks. I must not only punish but punish with impunity. A wrong is unredressed when retribution overtakes its redresser. It is equally unredressed when the avenger fails to make himself felt us such to hi who has done the wrong.




It must be understood that neither the word nor deed had I given Fortunato cause to doubt my good will. I continued, as was my wont, to smile in his face, and he did not perceive that my smile now was at the thought of his immolation. He had a weak point – this Fortunato – although in other regards he was a man to be respected and even feared. He prided himself in of his connoisseurship in wine. Few Italians have the true virtuoso spirit. For the most part their enthusiasm is adopted to suit the time and opportunity, to practise impostures upon the British and Australian millionaires. In painting in gemmary, Fortunato, like his countrymen, was a quack, but in the matter of old wines he was sincere. In this respect I did not differ from him materially; --I was skillful in the Italian vintages myself, and bought largely whenever I could. -

Edgar Allan Poe

233. For which of the following statements best describes the theme of this literary piece? A. Good never triumph over evil. B. The ends must justify the means. C. Getting even only counts if you get away with it. D. Revenge drives human beings to great lengths. 234. From which viewpoint is this story conveyed? A. From the murderer’s C. from a third party B. From the victim’s D. From an unknown narrator’s 235. Why did narrator use to bait Fortunato into his plan for retribution? A. Expensive European jewelry C. Millions of British and Australian money B. Rare Italian vintage drugs D. A pipe of a rare old wine 236. What did the author mean with “A wrong is unredressed when retribution overtakes its redresser. It is equally unredressed when the avenger fails to make himself felt as such to him who has done the wrong.?” A. Might makes right. The ends must justify the means. B. If you rectify something, you should not get in trouble for doing so. C. We should learn to forgive and forget and not be concerned about revenge. D. Performing acts of revenge can justify a wrongful act. 237. What is the figure of speech used in this selection? A. Metonymy C. Oxymoron B. Irony D synecdoche Read the excerpt below. Select the letter that corresponds to the best answer to questions # 238-232. Excerpt from the divine comedy And lo! Almost where the ascent began, A panther light and swift exceedingly Which with a spotted skin was covered o’er? And never moved she from before my face, Nay, rather did impede so much my way, That many times I to return had turned. The time was the beginning of morning, And up the sun was mounting with those stars That with him were, what time the Love Divine


LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS) At first in motion set those beauteous things; So were to me occasion of good hope, The variegated skin of that wild beast, The hour of time, and the delicious season; But not so much, that did not give me fear A lion’s aspect, which appeared to me. - Dante Alighieri

238. What do you think is the main character of this literary piece? A. Dante C. Panther B. Virgil D. She-wolf 239. Which of the following wild beasts blocked the main character’s ascent to the top of the hill? A. Leopard C. Lion B. Panther D. She-wolf 240. Where in the world did the events of this excerpt probably take place? A. Heaven C. Hell B. Purgatory D. Earth 241. What is the main characters predicament in this selection? A. Wild beasts are going to eat him. B. he cannot find his loved ones. C. He is running out of time. D. He does not know where to go. 242. What is the allegorical meaning of “The Divine Comedy”? A. Good people go to heaven while evil people go to hell. B. Man’s soul must undergo a long journey towards God. C. God sees the truth but waits before helping man. D. Heaven, hell and purgatory do not exist. Read the text below then answer questions # 243-248. The Brook First time I passed by the brook , it filled my eye. The second time, it was a tiny snake. The next few times, I only heard a cry. Behind me and I was afraid for my own snake. - G. Bruce Bunao 243. The first line tells us that the brook _________. A. has gotten into the speaker’s eyes C. has much water B. has delighted the speaker D. has less water 244. The second line tells us that the brook _________. A. has a tiny snake C. has much water B. is dangerous D. has almost no water 245. The third line tells us that the brook _________. A. has no more water C. has less water B. glides on D. cries in pain




246. What figure of speech is present in the second line? A. Simile C. Personification B. Metaphor D. Apostrophe 247. What figure of speech is present in the third line? A. Metaphor C. Personification B. Simile D. Apostrophe 248. Which among these ideas may best fit in “The Brook”? A. Love the Brook C. Conserve your money B. Take care of our waters D. Kill the snake in the brook 249. In Psalm 23 otherwise a Psalm of David, which meaning is closest to the line, “He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadth me beside the still waters” A. He will be provided peace and prosperity. B. He will be given riches and mercy. C. He will be known throughout the land. D. He will always obey his master for his glory. 250. The lion from the Koran, “Woe to every backbiter, defamer” talks of _______. A. anguish for those who defend unrighteousness B. misery who talk ill of others C. punishment for those who give unsolicited advice D. sorrow for those who oppose the opinion of their fellow 251. Herodotus, a Greek historian wrote: “All Egypt is the gift of Nile.” He talks of ________? A. geography, the Nile gives abundance to Egypt B. then Nile is the capital of Egypt geography C. the Nile gives abundant water to Egypt D. Egypt and Nile are one and the same 252. Shakespeare once said: but love is blind and lovers cannot see; the pretty follies that they themselves commit. What do the underlined words mean? A. Beautiful thoughts C. Careless act B. Amazing facts D. nonsense words 253. What figure of speech is used in the line “I wondered lonely as a cloud…” A. Alliteration C. Simile B. Personification D. Metaphor


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