OB(E)TI*ES A. Conten Contentt Standa Standard rds s B. Perf Perfor orma mance nce Standards C. Lear Learni ning ng Competencies/ Objectives (Write the LC code for each
)ONTENT LEARNING RESO#R)ES A. efer eferen ence ces s $. !eacher eachers s 0)ide 0)ide pages &. Learni Learning ng Materi Materia"s a"s pages 4. !e+tbo e+tboo o pages pages 1. Addit Addition iona" a" Mater Materia" ia"s s from Learning eso)rces(L porta" B. Othe Otherr Lear Learnin ning g eso)rces
I*' 7RO)ED#RES A. evie evie9ing 9ing previ previo)s o)s "esson or presenting the ne9 "esson B. *stab" *stab"ish ishing ing a p)rp p)rpose ose for the "esson
O+,ectives !he "earners sha"" be ab"e to#
O+,ectives !he "earners sha"" be ab"e to#
O+,ectives !he "earners sha"" be ab"e to#
O+,ectives !he "earners sha"" be ab"e to#
O+,ectives !he "earners sha"" be ab"e to#
$. 'isc)ss crossing over and recombination in meiosis.
$. *+p"ain the signi,cance or app"ications of meiosis.
$. -dentif% disorders and diseases that res)"t from the ma"f)nction of the c e"" d)ring the ce"" c%c"e.
$. 'escribe the str)ct)ra" componen
$. Can identif% the stages of meiotic ce"" division. &. 'escribe the events taing p"ace in each stage.
(STE".BIO11/10- Id--43
(STE".BIO11/10- Id--53
(STE".BIO11/10- Id--163
Ce""# Meiosis
Ce""# Meiosis
Ce""# Meiosis
Ce""# Meiosis
!0 pp. 12314
!03 pp.12314
!0 pp. 14315
!0 pp.11315
!0 pp3$23
Bio. pp. $&63$41
Bio. pp. $&63$41
Bio. pp. $453$47
Bio. pp. $413$45
Bio. pp. &&3
Boos8 !08 Mani"a paper8 pente" pen8 cha"8 materia"s needed in the activit%. activit%. Pict)res/-"")strations/"aptop8 projector
Boos8 !08 Mani"a paper8 pente" pen8 cha"8 materia"s needed in the activit%. activit%. Pict)res/-"")strations/"aptop8 projector
Boos8 !08 Mani"a paper8 pente" pen8 cha"8 materia"s needed in the activit%. activit%. Pict)res/-"")strations/ "aptop8 projector
(STE".BIO11/10- Id--23
Grade level Learning Area !arter
Mitosis: signi,cant events taing p"ace in each stage of mitosis 'escri 'escribe be 9hat 9hat meiosi meiosis s is: sign signi,c i,can antt even events ts tai taing ng p" ac ace i n e ac ach s ta ta ge ge of meiosis.
Meiosis: signi,cant events taing p"ace in each stage of mitosis *+p"ain ho9 crossing over and recombinant in meiosis happen.
Boos8 !08 Mani"a paper8 pente" pen8 cha"8 materia"s needed in the activit%.8 i"")strations
Ce""# Meiosis
Boos8 !08 Mani"a paper8 pente" pen8 the activit%8 i"")s
Crossing over: recombination in meiosis
Signi,cance or app"ications of meiosis.
'isorders and diseases that res)"t fr e"" d)ring the ce"" c%c"e.
ecogni;e and appreciate the importance of meiosis in their "ife.
-dentif% disorders and diseases that res)"t from the ma"f)nction of the ce"" d)ring the ce"" c%c"e.
'isc)ss the str)ct)ra" components o
C. Presenting e+amp"es/instances of the ne9 "esson
Cite speci,c e+amp"es of signi,cance or app"ications of
Short video c"ip abo)t a concrete e+amp"e of disorders and diseases that res)"t from the ma"f)nction of the c e"" d)ring the ce"" c%c"e.
Pino% hen%o# Str)ct)ra" components
0. ?inding practica" app"ication of concepts and si""s in dai"% "iving
Prod)ction of gametes: necessar% for the contin)it% of "ife
Prod)ction of gametes: necessar% for the contin)it% of "ife
Signi,cance/ importance or app"ications of meiosis.
-mportant ro"e p"a%ed b% str)ct)ra" c especia""% d)ring meiosis process.
. Maing genera"i;ation and abstractions abo)t the "esson
>enn diagram#
Pictograph ana"%sis# Crossing over and recombinant
>ideo c"ip presentation# Signi,cance/ importance or app"ications of meiosis.
Behavior of cancer and other disorder/ diseases are a deviation from those norma" ce""s. What ind of m)tation has occ)rred in their ce""s@ What is the primar% reason for this@ >ideo c"ip presentation# 'iseases and disorders.
A M) "t ip "e Ch oi ce !es t 9 i" " be given: o9chart. St)dents 9i"" disc)ss the diEerence bet9een mitosis and meiosis in tab)"ar form
A M)"tip"e Choice !est 9i"" be given. Additiona" video/ sim)"ation of crossing over and recombinant in meiosis.
A M)"tip"e Choice !est 9i"" be given. Cite more e+amp"es of signi,cance or app"ications of meiosis.
A M)"tip"e Choice !est 9i"" be given. Pict)re p);;"e. Case st)d% ana"%sis# 'isorders and diseases that res)"t from the ma"f)nction of the ce"" d)ring the ce"" c%c"e.
A M)"tip"e Choice !est 9i"" be given.
'isc)ssing ne9 concepts and practicing ne9 si""s=& 'eve"oping master%
* va ") at in g " ea rn in g Additiona" activities for app"ication or remediation
*' RE&LE)TION A. Fo. of "earners 9ho earned G2H in the eva")ation. B. Fo. of "earners 9ho re)ire additiona" activities for remediation 9ho scored be"o9 G2H.
Ans9er g)ide )estions
'ra9 the str)ct)ra" components of t f)nction/ ro"e in meiosis process.
C. 'id the remedia" "essons 9or@ Fo. of "earners 9ho have ca)ght )p 9ith the "esson. '. Fo. of "earners 9ho contin)e the re)ire remediation *. Which of m% teaching strategies 9ored 9e""@ Wh% did these 9or@ ?. What diIc)"ties did enco)nter 9hich m% principa" or s)pervisor can he"p me so"ve@ 0. What innovation or "oca"i;ed materia"s did )se/ discover 9hich 9ish to share 9ith other teachers@ Checed b%# Prepared b%#
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