1º Ano E.M

January 28, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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QBJMOM = BIXN \BJÍ\IAN3 Ubabpçán b [rnluçán lb tbxtns nrmis b bsaritns lb gãobrns tbxtumis vmrimlns bj `êogum bstrmogbirm. \BJM/\Ñ[IAN3   \BJM/\Ñ[IAN3 \bjm =3 lidbrbotbs. Anjprbbosán bsaritm (`biturm) / \ñpian rbprbsbotb il:5

a) Whiah mrtist stmrtbl m lbgrbb io monthbr monthbr mrbm> mrbm> Io whmt mrbm> mrbm>

l) Whbrb lil thby thby hmvb hmvb thbir thbir dirst bxpbriboa bxpbriboabb with thbir mrt>

b) Whmt lil Qmj Tbrb Tbrb ln mdtbr hb jnvbl tn Eirjio Eirjioghmj ghmj mol stulibl Tisum` Anjjuoiamtino> Anjjuoiamtino >

d) Whbo lil D`ívin Jb`n pue`ish his lrmwiogs>



< ‑ @nnf mt snjb wnrfs eb`nw mol lbailb whn thb muthnrs mrb. Ubml thb eingrmphibs mgmio id obabssmry.

^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ 2 ‑ Writb thb anrrbat anjeiomtino nd oujebrs‑`bttbrs tn jmtah bmah pibab nd wnrf tn its tit`b.

[MUM QMEBU JMIQ3 N qub vnaãijbosm mahm lb snerb m`guéj qub tbjpbssnm aurinsilmlb b mprnvbitmr bstulmrbj3 Iog`ãs anj ujm vmriblmlb lb`br prítiams> Bsan`hm ujm b lã ujm n`hmliohm!pmrm Lispnoêvb` 0https3//dmjnuspbnp`b`bssnos.anj/?. Mabssn bj3 5< jmin 5;5=. [nrqub [rmatiab Jmfbs [brdbat! Bsan`hm uj bxbraêain iotbrmtivn mol gn dnr it. Lispnoêvb` bj3 0https3// www.`ivbwnrfshbbts.anj/wnrfshbbts/bo/Bog`ish^ms^m^Qbanol^@mogumgb^(BQ@)/Eingrmphibs?. Mabssn bj3 5< jmin 5;5=.



QBJMOM 1 BIXN \BJÍ\IAN3 Ubabpçán b prnluçán lb tbxtns nrmis b bsaritns lb gãobrns tbxtumis vmrimlns bj `êogum bstrmogbirm. \BJM/\Ñ[IAN3 \bjm =3 Anjprbbosán bsaritm (`biturm) / \ñpian3 2. Amrmatbrêstiams `bxiamis b siotítiams lns tipns tbxtumis. HMEI@ILMLB(Q)3 2.5. Ubanohbabr ms amrmatbrêstiams eísiams lm "iocuoçán". ANO\BÓLNQ UB@MAINOMLNQ3 \ijb bxprbssinos6 Msfiog mol mol moswbriog iodnrjmtino qubstinos. IO\BULIQAI[@IOMUILMLB3 Histñrim lm mrtb6 Mtum`ilmlbs.

\BJM33 OMUUM\IOG [MQ\ BTBO\Q \BJM Hb``n, thbrb! Obstm sbjmom vnaã prmtiamrí n Qijp`b [mst om dnrjm m﬍rjmtivm, obgmtivm b iotbrrngmti-

vm. Ln ynur ebst! EUBTB M[UBQBO\MÇÁN Tnaãã prbaismrí lns anoabitns snerb n Qijp`b [mst, sbus usns b sum bstruturm, ns qumis bstán mprbsbotmTna lns om prijbirm mtivilmlb lbstm sbjmom qumoln, lb jmobirm iotbrmtivm anj ns bxbraêains, vnaã bxtrmirí ms lbdioiçòbs obabssírims. obabssírims. @bjerb-sb3 pmrm dnrjmr n pmssmln lb vbrens rbgu`mrbs, rbgu`mrbs, marbsabotb -bl -bl mn  mn vbren, anjn bj ‐shb hb`pbl hb`pbl   jb‚6 marbsabot marbsabotbb -l -l mns  mns vbrens tbrjiomlns bj -b -b,, anjn bj ‐thby lmoabl lmoabl m `nt‚6 mns vbrens tbrjiomlns bj anosnmotb + y, anjn stuly, suestitum n -y -y pnr  pnr -i -i b  b marbsabotb n -bl -bl anjuj  anjuj mns vbrens rbgu`mrbs on pmssmln, anjn ‐wb stulibl stulibl hmrl  hmrl `mst wbbf‚. Cí pmrm n pmssmln lb vbrens irrbgu`mrbs, oán sb marbsabotm n -bl, jms amlm vbren mssujb ujm dnrjm listiotm, anjn bmt (prbsbotb) - mtb (pmssmln), gn (prbsbotb) wbot (pmssmln). Ubdbrãoaim lms mtivilmlbs, tbxtns, anotbólns b ijmgbos lbstm sbjmom3 EUMGM, Cuoim6 UMAI@MO, Jmrans6 GNJBQ, Unom`ln. Obw M`ivb High3 High3 bosion jélin. Qán [mu`n3 Bliçòbs QJ, 5;5;. Roit \hb wnrls io en`l tb`` us thmt thb matinos, stmtbs mol bvbots hmppbobl...

 M … mt m anotiounus pbrinl nd tijb io thb pmst. E … mt m spbai﬍a tijb io thb pmst.   A … io mo uolb﬍obl tijb mt thb pmst.

Wb usb thb Qijp`b [mst tn tm`f menut matinos, stmtbs, mol bvbots thmt hmppbobl mol ﬍oishbl mt m spbai﬍a tijb io thb pmst. M`thnugh thb tijb is ont obabssmri`y jbotinobl, it amo eb ijmgiobl ey thb

spbmfbr. Whbo wb wmot tn jbotino thb tijb, wb usb bxprbssinos suah ms ‐`mst wbbf‚, ‐ybstbrlmy‚, ‐io + ybmr‚, mjnog nthbrs. e) Mrb thb wnrls io en`l rbgu`mr vbres nr irrbgu`mr vbres> vbres> Hnw ln ynu fonw>

a) Mrb thb vbres io sbotboab III dnrjbl thb smjb wmy ms thb nobs io thb nthbr bxmjp`bs>

Io thb Qijp`b [mst, [mst, rbgu`mr vbres m`wmys bol io -bl , lil , ont , lilo’t . \n jmfb obgmtivbs, usb lil + ont + emsb dnrj nd thb vbre. Io nrm` `mogumgb, wb usum``y usb thb anotrmatbl dnrj lilo’t lilo’t.. D`ívin Jb`n lilo’t dioish thb anursb nd Qnain`ngy Qnain`ngy..

l) Writb thb anrrbat anjeiomtino anjeiomtino nd oujebrs-`btt oujebrs-`bttbrs brs mol try tn iodbr iodbr thb ru`bs3 ru`bs3 I. shnwbl/pue`ishbl II. stulibl III. Ioa`ulbl M. Whbo thb vbre bols io anosnomot + -y, -y, wb rue nut -y mol mll -ibl -ibl.. E. Whbo thb vbre bols io -b -b,, wb cust mll -l -l.. A. Whbo thb vbre bols io m anosnomot snuol, snuol, wb mll -bl -bl..



5 ‑ Onw, mom`yzb thb sbotboabs menut Moly Wmrhn` mol put thb wnrls/phrmsbs

io thb mlbqumtb s`nt tn shnw hnw tn msf qubstinos3 I. ‐Why lil Wmrhn` pmiot Amjpeb`` Qnup >‚ >‚ II. ‐Lil Moly Wmrhn` `ifb tnjmtn snup>‚ Mvmi`me`b mt https3//www.msfthbjnostbrs.anj/thb-=2-jnst-pnpu`mr-qubstinos-menut-mrt/. Maabssbl no Mpri` ==, 5;5;.

]ubstino wnrl WH-

Muxi`imry Tbre


Emsb dnrj nd thb jmio


vbre \hb qubstino with thb WH-wnrl msfs dnr anotbot anotbot,, whi`b thb nthbr msfs dnr ‘ybs ybs’’ nr ‘on’ ‘on’.. 1 ‑ \hb dn``nwiog moswbrs mrb rb`mtbl tn thb tbxts io ‐Qbjmom 5‚. Writb qubstinos tn thb sbotboabs usiog

thb wnrls io pmrbothbsbs pmrbothbsbs.. m) \hb pmiotbr mol bogrmvbr Hbrjmon Cnsé. (Whn)

e) Huolrbls nd vigobttbs. (Whmt) a) Hb ioa`ulbl jnrb jnlb`s io his wnrfs. (Whmt)

l) Io Ubaidb, Uin lb Cmobirn, mol Qán [mu`n. (Whbrb)

b) Mt thb mgb nd =4. (Whbo)

[ibabs nd mrt amo anst m `nt nd jnoby. \hb jnrb dmjnus m pibab nd mrt is, thb jnrb jnoby it ansts. Ms nthbr vm`ume`b thiogs, pibabs nd mrt mrb stn`bo jnrb mol jnrb. Ubml thb tbxt ‐Hnw anu`l snjbnob stbm` m pmiotiog drnj m jusbuj>‚, ey Cu`im @mytno, menut thb lismppbmrmoab nd @bnomrln lm Tioai’s Jnom @ism mol rbp`mab thb `bttbrs with thb mpprnprimtb dnrj nd thb vbres io thb enxbs. http3//pbnp`b. hnwstuddwnrfs.anj/stbm`-pmiotiog-drnj-jusbuj.htj. Maabssbl no Jmy 5, 5;5;.

Jnom @ism,a. =2;1-=2;4 (ni` no pmob`)

2 ‑ Diol snjb bxprbssinos thmt amo eb usbl tn rbdbr tn pmst tijb io thb tbxt. \hbo, writb thbj eb`nw.

[MUM QMEBU JMIQ3 Bstruturm bog`ish-grmjjmr-rbdbrboab/pmst-sijp`b






QBJMOM < BIXN \BJÍ\IAN3 Ubabpçán b prnluçán lb tbxtns nrmis b bsaritns lb gãobrns tbxtumis vmrimlns bj `êogum bstrmogbirm. \BJM/\Ñ[IAN3 \bjm =3 Anjprbbosán bsaritm (`biturm) / \ñpian3 2. Amrmatbrêstiams `bxiamis b siotítiams lns tipns tbxtumis. HMEI@ILMLB(Q)3 2.1. Ubanohbabr ms amrmatbrêstiams a mrmatbrêstiams eísiams lm "lbsariçán". ANO\BÓLNQ UB@MAINOMLNQ3 \m`fiog menut rnutiobs mol hmeits6 Giviog [brsnom` Iodnrjmtino Iodnrjmtino.. IO\BULIQAI[@IOMUILMLB3 Histñrim lm Mrtb6 @itbrmturm Ermsi`birm.

\BJM3 [UB[NQI\INOQ Hb``n, thbrb! Obstm sbjmom, vnaã irí ilboti﬍amr anjn ms prbpnsiçòbs nanrrbj bj anotbxtn. Qtuly hmrl!

  EUBTB M[UBQBO\MÇÁN N anotbóln bxp`iamtivn snerb prbpnsiçòbs é mprbsbotmln cuotn mns bxbraêains. Enms lbsanebrtms! Ubdbrãoaim lms mtivilmlbs, tbxtns, anotbólns b ijmgbos lbstm sbjmom3 EUMGM, Cuoim6 UMAI@MO, Jmrans6 GNJBQ, Unom`ln. Obw M`ivb High3 High3 bosion jélin. Qán [mu`n3 Bliçòbs QJ, 5;5;. Roit

Ubp`mab thb `bttbrs with thb prbpnsitino io io,, no nr mt tn anjp`btb thbsb shnrt

eingrmphibs. I Mrtist, pmiotbr, enro M^^^^^^^^ =821 io Suolbrt, Obthbr`mols. His dmjnus wnrfs ioa`ulb Qtmrry Oight , \hb Eblrnnj , Irisbs , Quod`nwbrs . E^^^^^^^^ m ynuog mgb, hb wms jb`moahn`y ‑ hb shmrbl thb omjb mol eirthlmtb with his lbml ernthbr. Hb libl A^^^^^^^^ Cu`y 59, =89;. ([nst-Ijprbssinoisj)  II Mrtist, iovbotnr, saibotist enro L^^^^^^^^ Mpri` =2, =v:d5JfzeRpt-a?. Mabssn bj3 5< jmin 5;5=. [rbpnsitinos with \hb Huogbr Gmjbs. Lispnoêvb` bj3 0https3//bs`vilbn.anj/quiz.php>il:5;858?. Mabssn bj3 5< jmin 5;5=. Whbrb mrb jy thiogs> Lispnoêvb` Lispnoê vb` bj3 0https3//bs`vilbn.anj/quiz.php>il:=714 0https3//bs`vilbn.anj/quiz.php>il:=7147?. 7?. Mabssn bj3 5< jmin 5;5=.



QBJMOM 2 BIXN \BJÍ\IAN3 Ubabpçán b prnluçán lb tbxtns nrmis b bsaritns lb gãobrns tbxtumis vmrimlns bj `êogum bstrmogbirm. \BJM/\Ñ[IAN3 \bjm =3 Anjprbbosán bsaritm (`biturm) / \ñpian3 2. Amrmatbrêstiams `bxiamis b siotítiams lns tipns tbxtumis. HMEI@ILMLB(Q)3 2. Obstm sbjmom, vnaã anohbabrí m`gujms liams snerb issn. M`` thb ebst io ynur stulibs!   EUBTB M[UBQBO\MÇÁN Tnaã vbrí anjn lmr liams b sugbstòbs anj n usn ln Ijpbrmtivn. [nr jbin ln tbxtn, vnaã sb rbanrlmrí lb anjn usí-`n b an`naí-`n bj prítiam on ó`tijn bxbraêain. bxbraêain.

M\ITILMLBQ = ‑ Ln ynu fonw hnw tn prntbat ynursb`d mgmiost pntbotim` no`iob lmogbr>


Whmt ln ynu ln>


Ubml thb mrtia`b eb`nw mol diol nut hnw smdb`y ynu mrb ernwsiog thb Wbe.

5 ‑ Aira`b thb nptinos whiah rbdbr tn thb duoatinos nd thb tips io thb tbxt.

m) e) a) l) b) d)

mlviab. nrlbrs. suggbstinos. iostruatinos. rbanjjbolmtinos. wmroiogs.

1 ‑ Diol io thb tbxt m wnrl dnr bmah lbdioitino eb`nw mol writb thbj.

m) M sndtwmrb sndtwmrb usbl tn diol mol rbml rbml iodnrjmtino iodnrjmtino no thb Wbe3 Wbe3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ e) Ubm` nr bxistiog3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ a) M drmul3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ l) Rousum`3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ b) \np `mab m pniotbr pniotbr nvbr nvbr mo mrbm mrbm nd m sarbbo withnut withnut a`iafiog3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^



< ‑ Whiah tip sujjmrizbs bmah nob nd thb pmrmgrmphs io thb tbxt> Writb thb moswbr.

m) M`wmy M`wmyss usb m strnog pmss pmsswnrl. wnrl. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ e) Mvnil lnwo`nmliog di`bs ynu amoont trust. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ a) Lno’t maabpt strmogbrs ms dribols dribols no snaim` jblim. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ l) Lno’t npbo npbo m `iof id ynu mrb ont surb it is smd smdb. b. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ b) Bxpmol `iofs tn tn ilbotidy id thby thby mrb smd smdb. b. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ d) Hnvbr nvbr tn ilbotidy thb Iotbrobt mllrbss. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ g) Obvbr givb ynur emofiog iodnrjmtino iodnrjmtino tn strmogbrs. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2 ‑ Ubml thb dn``nwiog prne`bjs. Whmt mlviab wnu`l ynu givb tn thbsb stulbots>

m) Jy dribol mol I smil snjb eml thiogs menut monthbr gir` no \wittbr mol shb dnuol nut. Wb lilo’t jbmo dnr hbr tn sbb it ‑ wbrb wb wrnog> V...Z ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ e) Qnjb gir`s mrb sboliog jb jbmo tbxts mol Dmabennf jbssmgbs. I lno’t rbspnol, eut it’s stmrtiog tn hurt. Whmt ln I ln> V...Z ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ a) Jy gd anostmot`y wmots tn gn thrnugh jy phnob mol whbo I tb`` hbr on shb thiofs I’j hiliog snjbthiog. Qhb hms thb pmsswnrls tn enth jy Dmabennf mol Jyspmab mol gnbs thrnugh thbj bvbrylmy. Id I ahmogb thbj shb smys I’j hiliog snjbthiog mol jmfbs jb givb hbr thb obw nobs nr thrbmtbos tn `bmvb mol smys shb lnbso’t trust jb id shb lnbso’t hmvb thbj. Whmt shnu`l I ln> V...Z ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mvmi`me`b mt http3//www.mthio`iob.nrg/q-mol-m/5;-snjb-gir`s-mrb-sboliog-jb-jbmo-tbxts-mol-dmabennf-jbssmgbs-i-lno-trbspnoleut-it-s-stmrtiog-tn-hurt-whmt-ln-i-ln. Maabssbl no Mpri` 9, 5;5;.

[MUM QMEBU JMIQ3 M. Wmys tn givb mlviab. Lispnoêvb` bj3 0https3//bog`ish`ivb.bd.anj/e`ng/bog`ish-io-thb-rbm`-wnr`l/ 2-sijp`b-wmys-givb-mlviab-bog`ish/?. Mabssn bj3 5< jmin 5;5=. E.Bxprbssinos tn givb mlviab. Lispnoêvb` bj3 0https3//www.bog`isha`ue.anj/vnameu`mry/d`-giviog-mlviab.htj6 https3//www.jybog`ishpmgbs.anj/bog`ish/anjjuoiamtino-`bssno-mlviab.php?. Mabssn bj3 5< jmin 5;5=. A. Tilbn mol Qpbmfiog mativity. Lispnoêvb` bj3 0https3//`bmrobog`ish.eritishanuoai`.nrg/ 0https3//`bmrobog`ish.eritishanuoai`.nrg/sfi``s/spb sfi``s/spbmfiog/ mfiog/ uppbr-iotbrjblimtb-e5/giviog-mlviab?. Mabssn bj3 5< jmin 5;5=. L. Iotbrmativb [rmatiab. Lispnoêvb` bj3 0https3//www.amjerilgbbog`ish.nrg/`bmroiog-bog`ish/mativitibs-dnr-`bmrobrs/m5w;;1-giviog-mlviab-tn-m-dribol?. Mabssn bj3 5< jmin 5;5=. Ubdbrãoaim lms mtivilmlbs, tbxtns, anotbólns b ijmgbos lbstm sbjmom3 EUMGM, Cuoim6 UMAI@MO, Jmrans6 GNJBQ, Unom`ln. Obw M`ivb High3 High3 bosion jélin. Qán [mu`n3 Bliçòbs QJ, 5;5;. Roit 13 pp. 28-4;.



QBJMOM 4 BIXN \BJÍ\IAN3 Ubabpçán b prnluçán lb tbxtns nrmis b bsaritns lb gãobrns tbxtumis vmrimlns bj `êogum bstrmogbirm. \BJM/\Ñ[IAN3 \bjm =3 Anjprbbosán bsaritm (`biturm) / \ñpian3 7. Iodbrãoaims om anjprbbosán ln tbxtn bsaritn lb gãobrns tbxtumis lidbrbotbs. HMEI@ILMLB(Q)3 7.= Iodbrir bnon sigoidiamln lb pm`mvrms b bxprbssòbs lbsanohbailms emsb `bxiamis. om tbjítiam ln tbxtn, on usn ln anotbxtn anohbaijbotn mlquiriln lb rbgrms grmjmtiamis b lbanj mspbatns ANO\BÓLNQ UB@MAINOMLNQ3 Ijpbrmtivb dnrj. IO\BULIQAI[@IOMUILMLB3 Étiam oms rblbs nu Obtiqubttb.

\BJM33 NOGNIOG BTBO\Q \BJM Hb``n, thbrb! Obssm sbjmom, vnaã rbvismrí lb lnis tbjpns vbremis b irí sb mprnduolmr on usn ln [rbsbot Anotiounus. Qtuly hmrl! EUBTB M[UBQBO\MÇÁN N [rbsbot Anotiounus sbrí mprbsbotmln m sbguir anj amixm bxp`iamtivm b bj anotbxt anotbxtn. n. Ubdbrãoaim lms mtivilmlbs, tbxtns, anotbólns b ijmgbos lbstm sbjmom3 EUMGM, Cuoim6 UMAI@MO, Jmrans6 GNJBQ, Unom`ln. Obw M`ivb High3 High3 bosion jélin. Qán [mu`n3 Bliçòbs QJ, 5;5;. Roit 13 p. 4=,4

e) Whmt mlviab wnu`l ynu givb tn thb \hrbb @itt`b [igs>

a) Io whmt wmys lnbs thb amrtnno aritiaizb pbnp`b whn usb thb Iotbrobt> Ln ynu mgrbb>



5 ‑ Ubml thb dn``nwiog sbotboabs mol moswbr thb qubstinos.

I. ‐It is gbttiog ebttbr m`` thb tijb‚ (Nemjm’s twbbt) I. ‐It II. I mj amrbdu` whbo I mj ernwsiog thb Wbe. III. ‐No`y lnwo`nml ﬍`bs mol mpp`iamtinos drnj wbesitbs thmt ynu trust trust‚.‚. (‐Rsb smd smdbb ebhmvinur‚) IT. Is snaim` jblim ahmogiog thb wmy wb anjjuoiamtb> T. Ln ynu hmvb jnrb dribols io snaim` obtwnrf rmthbr thmo io rbm` `idb> TI. Jy gd anostmot`y wmots tn gn thrnugh jy phnob… m) Whiah nd thbj prbsbot mo matino io prngrbs prngrbsss nr m tbjpnrmry matino> matino>

e) Whiah nob rbd rbdbrs brs tn m hmeitum` matino>

a) Whiah nd thbj rbdbr rbdbr nr ioquirb menut m gbobrm` trub stmtb>

1 ‑ Moswbr thb qubstinos3 Whmt’s no thb wbe>

m) Whmt is aurrbot`y aurrbot`y gniog gniog no no io ynur snaim` obtwnrfs obtwnrfs>>

e) Whmt mrb pbnp`b lisaussio lisaussiogg no Dmabennf this wbbf>

a) Whmt mrb pbnp`b twbbtiog tnlmy>

l) Whmt vilbns mrb pbnp`b shmriog this wbbf> wbbf> b) Whmt gmjbs mrb ynu p`myiog no ynur ab`` phnob>

d) Whmt no`iob rbsnurab rbsnurabss mrb mrb stulbots stulbots usiog usiog this wbbf tn `bmro Bog`ish>

g) Whmt fiol nd jbjbs mrb ynu shmriog>

h) Whn mrb ynu iotbrmatiog thb jnst with>



< ‑ @nnf mt thb ijmgb eb`nw mol moswbr thb dn``nwiog qubstinos.

m) Whiah snaim` jblim mrb rbprbsbotbl io thb piaturb> e) Whiah nd thnsb snaim` jblim ln ynu usb jnst ndtbo>

a)   Emsbl no thb qubstinos, givb dnur rbanjjbolmtinos a) tn usbrs nd mt `bmst thrbb liddbrbot snaim` jblim. Qbb mo bxmjp`b. F : Is it fiol>  Lno’t pnst mggrbssivb jbssmgbs. jbssmgbs.

[MUM QMEBU JMIQ3 M. Obtiqubttb dnr tbbos3 http3//bltbah5.enisbstmtb.blu/wb`tys/2;5/obtiqubttb. htj` E. \hb \bo Anjjmoljbots nd Anjputbr Bthias3 0https3//www.bluamtinownr`l.anj/m^tbah/tbah/ tbah;22.shtj`? A. \ips dnr Fils3 shnrtur`.mt/frON; L. [rbsbot Anotiounus Gmjb3 0https3//www.ynutueb.anj/wmtah>v:TmLQ;9^DCpY? & 0https3//www.jbs-gmjbs.anj/vbres=.php?. Iotbrmativb3 0https3// `bmrobog`ishfils.eritishanuoai`.nrg/ `bmrobog`ishfils.eritisha nuoai`.nrg/grmjjmr-prma grmjjmr-prmatiab/prb tiab/prbsbot-sijp`b-mo sbot-sijp`b-mol-prbsbot-a l-prbsbot-anotiounus?. notiounus?. Mabssn bj3 5< jmin 5;5=.

Lbspblilm3 Ahbgmjns mn diom` lb jmis uj aia`n. ]ub vnaã tbohm tnln dnan b bstrmtégim pmrm tirmr n jb`hnr lb si jbsjn sbjprb! Hugs.


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