0One's Blueprints Backdrops the Golden Eel Inn

March 15, 2017 | Author: Jeffrey Dean | Category: N/A
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The Golden Eel Inn Written by Tim Hitchcock Graphic Design by O’Bully Cartography by Guido Barbati Artwork by Raffaele Marinetti Software Authoring by Anna Fava Front text editing by Scott Haring Requires the use of the Dungeons & Dragons® Player’s Handbook, Third Edition, published by Wizards of the Coast® Dungeons & Dragons® and Wizards of the Coast® are Registered Trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, and are used with Permission.

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Welcome to Blueprints Backdrops! This new set of products is based on Øone’s popular Blueprints. In Blueprints Backdrops, you will find a fully developed version of one of the locations from the Blueprints line. The Backdrop features a complete description of the location, and its NPCs and monsters (if any), penned by one of our talented writers, and portrayed by skillful artists. You also get a simpler version of the map found in Blueprints and a complete detailed 3D map of the location. The 3D view will help you to visualize the area and better describe it to your players. You can even show it to them, if you wish. The product is suitable for use with any fantasy RPG system. We have separated the d20 stats from the main text, allowing you to print out either a generic description or a fully d20-statted version. But the good stuff is just beginning. This product takes full advantage of PDF technology, joining old-fashioned style with the most advanced electronic features. In order to use this product you must use Adobe Acrobat 6 or later. Using the exclusive “Rule the Dungeon©” feature (look for a big, blue-n-white button – don’t worry, it won’t print) you will be able to fully customize this product. The 3D map can be changed to show only one floor (for example), with or without walls (for another), with or without furniture, only an external view, and on and on, with many combinations possible! This product has also been designed to help busy referees prepare adventures – or even single encounters. Instead of spending extra time scaling the encounters to your party, the d20 stats are scaled in three different versions suitable for low, mid, and high levels of play, using a “Rule the Dungeon©” button. This button lets you choose which level to play, and all the relevant text will change accordingly: monsters will scale, DCs and traps will change, behaviors of the villains will change, all according to the level of play you choose. Note: The original map of the Golden Eel Inn appears in Øone’s Blueprints: The Great City, Dock Ward

Summary Summary Overview Ground Floor Gf 1. Grand Foyer GF2. Formal Dining Area GF3. The Waiting Room GF4. The Washroom GF5. The Stairwell GF 6. The Kitchen GF7. The Storage Room GF8. The Stables First Floor FF1. Stairwell FF2. Washrooms FF3. Private Conference Room

3 4 4 4 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7

FF4. Master Suite FF5. Single Bedroom NPCs, Villains and Monsters Marcoso Kval Chef Panobla Admir Mira Durn  Edram Adventure Seeds Designer’s Notes Author’s Bio NPCs Statblocks (d20) Objects Statblocks (d20) 3d Map

8 8 8 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 14 15

The Golden Eel By Tim Hitchcock

Overview Located on a prime spot facing the harbor prominently rests the Dock Ward’s most celebrated and most expensive inn, The Golden Eel. Golden Eel caters to the pleasure of the port’s wealthier clientele, particularly traveling merchants and rich nobles who come to sample its exquisite cuisine. It is also a favored spot of higher-ups within the local navy, who often rent its private conference room to discuss strategies over a fine cooked meal and imported brandy. For several generations now, the inn has been owned and operated by the Kval family. Immigrants from a neighboring land, they bought the establishment from the local navy and converted it from rundown barracks into a glorious inn. The current owner is Marcoso Kval.

At the far end of the room is a long counter top of veneered with a heavily burled wood. Behind it stands a fair-haired woman in her early thirties. She wears a long burgundy-hued cotton dress and bodice and a white blouse. On top of the desk rests a small silver bell, a leather-bound writing book, and a quill and ink set. As you enter, she looks up and asks in a polite voice, “May I help you?” Note: Object statistics are listed in the statistics section. Mira runs the front desk for the in during the day and early evening. Mira invites guests into the check in room located behind and to the left the counter. Here she sits behind a large chestnut desk. Clients sit opposite of her while she takes their deposits and gives them a room key. During this time, she also summons a bellhop, her 13-year-old son Edram to take their belongings upstairs.

Ground Floor Gf 1. Grand Foyer Note: The description below assumes PCs have entered the inn during the day on Mira’s shift. Light night, the desk is run by Admir Two massive oak doors swing inward opening to a spacious and lavishly decorated foyer. The walls are striking, deep lacquered wood paneling set in finely carved frames offset by a rich-hued ebon-wood floor, decadently covered with a large, rich-hued carpet. Wide open arches to the left and right lead to other areas of the inn. There are no windows in this room, however it is brightly lit by a massive overhead chandelier, hanging down from the high, 15ft ceilings.

Late night, the front desk is run by an ex-con brute named Admir. He conducts business at the front counter, though he still requests a room deposit. There is no bellhop after 10 pm The richly-woven foyer carpet has been enchanted. Upon command, it animates and attempts to smother targets, as designated by Marcoso or the desk clerk. It acts likewise if a patron suddenly bears arms and threatens or charges aggressively towards the desk clerk. The carpet’s statistics are listed in the NPC sidebar. To the left of the counter is a small private room with an oak check-in desk and some chairs. Within the desk is a locked panel containing 36 sets of keys, three sets for each room. Both Mira and Marcoso possess a key to open the panel. Customers receive one key with the room; a second key can be requested for an additional fee of 5 sp. The desk keeps a third key in case of

Kitchen hours run from one hour before noon, until five hours past sunset. The dining room remains open a few hours after the service closes, but offers nothing but drinks during this time. The NPC description section contains a sidebar of possible patrons.

5 7



2 3


2 - The Golden Eel Inn, ground floor


emergencies. The establishment charges a fee of 50gp to replace lost keys (citing client safety, they claim the cost is needed to replace the locks.)

GF2. Formal Dining Area The dining 5 area 5 is relatively 5 small 5 and private, with only ten tables. Still, its lavish décor is overwhelming. The floors and lower half of the walls are set 5 inlaid with 5 blue-5 with terra5cotta tiles green glass mosaic. The upper walls and ceiling are white washed stucco framed by thick chestnut 2 - The Goldentimbers. Eel Inn, The firstcenterfloor piece of the room is a dais that supports a massive glass tube aquarium surrounded by four white marble pillars. The pillar is some how light from inside, illuminating a life-size copper-oxidized statue of a mermaid and two-dozen live baby golden eels. The room is finished with brass fixtures, velvet and chintz upholstered furniture, and blood-red gossamer tablecloths.

equals 5ft.

The north and south walls each share a pair of large, intricately patterned, 4 windows 4 stained-glass that look as though imported from an abandoned 1 monastery. Their heavy glass panes allow little light to pass through them, safeguarding the privacy of dining 2 the 5 5light comes from patrons. Instead, aquarium and the small, tastefully 3 ornate brass candelabras centerpieces at each table. A large swinging door to the 2west leads to the kitchen. Available equals 5ft.upon reservation only, the formal dining room only accommodates forty people, and then only if seated in groups of four. Serviced by four attractive servers (two females and two males). Though there are a few exceptions made to regular patrons, guests of the inn generally have priority over walkins. Regardless, only those with proper attire (a noble’s outfit) are permitted into the dining room.

Tipping the Staff The Golden Eel is a high end Inn and as such, its servants expect tips, usually in the form of silver pieces for adults and coppers for the boys. If the boys aren’t tipped, Durn in particular, they perform slightly under par. Perhaps not promptly removing bedpans or more likely not replacing them with clean ones.

There is no menu at the Inn, instead Chef Panobla prepares four dishes for the afternoon and six for the evening, based on whatever strikes his fancy during the day, Afternoon is a two course meal, while dinner is a full four courses. Food here is extremely pricey, but extraordinarily good. Regardless of the fare, all ingredients are incredibly fresh and the spices and seasonings are exquisitely rare. Examples include the following: Raw deep crab legs cold marinated in hand-pressed limejuice and spicy sea peppers. Thrice backed tojanida stew over a bed of fresh seaweed greens and sprinkled with fresh sea cat’s milk cheese. Baby octopus in aspic and drenched with octopi eggs. Black pepper crusted, grilled walrus steaks braised with oyster sauce. Flambé urchin stuffed with orange fey berries and set with honey-glazed lotus petal-wrapped shrimp. Whole cracked chuul claw boiled in a broth of clams, onions, saffron, and clover mead. © Øone Games, permission granted to print for personal use only



Afternoon meals cost 50 gp each including coffee, while evening meals cost 100gp each including coffee. Drinks are extra and Panobla only serves the finest wines and brandies (between 100 to 1000gp a bottle). For this reason, lower level characters will most likely require a patron to pay for their meals. The DM can easily accommodate this a bonus to a reward for prior services well done.

GF3. The Waiting Room This is a waiting room for those patrons who have arrived early for their reservations. At any time during business hours, up to six patrons may occupy the room. Any of the patrons described in area GF 2 might also be found here. This small waiting room contains four oversized chairs thickly upholstered in brocade tapestries depicting the struggles between heaven and hell. Patterns of clouds drip into twists of orange and

Marcoso Kval

silver threaded flames while weaves of golden haired angels thrust swords into leering demons and snarling toad-like beasts that swim in rivers of fire. The walls are wood-paneled like those of the lobby, as is the wooden plank floor. Portraits of stoic looking nobles, all with dark hair hang on three of the walls. Four are men, one is a woman, but all are depicted as lean and pale, painted with the same angry brush strokes. They rest in frames of gilded plaster, but the nameplates are blank. A large stainedglass window occupies the fourth wall. Light creeps against it but refuses to enter, instead throwing the shadow of passing street pedestrians into the room to dance like ghosts in the candlelight. In the center of the room is a small wooden cocktail table.

GF4. The Washroom Only open during dining hours, this small washroom is attended by Mira’s second son Durn. The boy sits outside the room and when approached, offers his services. He keeps a small cart with brass bedpans and hot wash towels near him, as well as a small mirror. Patrons come to wash up or preen themselves while he holds a mirror and flatters them. Likewise, he offers bedpans to those requiring use of the washroom. This plain white-tiled room is completely empty except for a small, neatly carved sign with an arrow pointing to the far corner that says, “Place Pans Here When Finished”.

GF5. The Stairwell In this section of the inn, a gorgeously curved walnut stairwell winds around an alcove, climbing to the second floor. The banister and elegantly curved handrail are about three feet-tall. A dark green and brown carpet runs the length if the stairs and the path is illuminated by large white candles that rest on sconces along the outer wall. A open hallway, blocked only by the rail overlooks the staircase.

GF 6. The Kitchen The text below assumes the kitchen is in operation when the characters enter. If not, unlit and locked-up and the stove is not hot. This room is obviously a tremendously large, well-stocked and fastidiously cleaned kitchen. Directly in front of you, a large black iron stove belches heat into the room, slightly cooled by the draft of the propped door opening into a back alley. Strong but pleasurable smells waft throughout the air, particularly the sweet scent of roasted garlic. Deeply scarred butcher-block counters line the walls and you count dozens of racks from which hang rows of spoons and whisks, graters, small pots, and sauté pans. Several mixing bowls are laid out, and the plucked and cleaned carcasses of dozen small game birds lie on a well floured board. Nearby a lank chef whistles as he pounds away at a thick paste inside a hefty granite mortar. Note: Items in the room are listed in the item section The lank man with the mortar and pestle is the incomparable Chef Panobla. Genuinely engrossed with his craft, he is slow to notice anyone entering as he works. The strong garlic scent that wafts from the kitchen is not actually garlic,



equals 5ft.


the pans out back and dumps them into the nearby sewage drain before shoveling out the stables.

First Floor


FF1. Stairwell








5 3





2 - The Golden Eel Inn, first floor

but a mixture of specially prepared herbs. The scent leaves guests talking about the rich garlicy aromas of the inn, immediately dissuading all thoughts of vampires.

GF7. The Storage Room This large pantry is stocked full of casks of imported wine, dried grains, and rare pickled vegetables. Smoked meats, peppers, and other spices hang from the ceiling. All in all, there are several thousand dollars worth of rare spices, herbs and wine. In addition to the food and wine, Chef Panobla keeps a regular supply of blood available to Marcoso’s special patrons in a special locked crate. In a secret compartment in the floor beneath two 50 lb crates of coarse grain are two iron strong boxes.


This is the same stairwell as described in area G5. At the top of the stairs is a small lobby, 15-ft above the ground floor. A 10-foot-wide door lined hall leads west and to the south, a smaller 5-foot-wide arch opens to a small alcove opposite a door, © Øone Games, permission granted to print for personal use only

2 - The Golden Eel Inn, ground floor

FF2. Washrooms

equals 5ft.

Each holds one of Panobla’s prize possessions, two recipe books, one for exotic foods and one for exotic poisons (see treasure section)

GF8. The Stables Around the back of the Golden Eel you detect the unmistakable smell of horse stables. Attached to the main building, they have both a large, barred entrance for animals and a small side door for the stable hand. Overall, the stables look small as if they’d only accommodate a half-dozen animals. The stables are small and poorly equipped for more than a single nights stay. Primarily used by dining patrons coming from the other side of town, anyone staying longer is better off finding a proper livery. The stables are watched over by Durn, who once finished with his bedpan duties takes

Marcoso’s Coffin Marcoso keeps his coffin in the captain’s nest directly on top of the Inn. In stark contrast to the rest of the inn, the small room is little more than a dusty, cobwebbed attic and is only accessible by a small, long ago sealed hatch in the corner ceiling of the first floor lobby. Marcoso himself accesses the room by turning gaseous and slipping through the cracks in the walls.

Both these washrooms are identical to the washroom on the ground floor. Each also contain a small basin of hot fresh water with towels soaking in it, and a hamper for used towels. Edram occasional drops hot rocks from kitchen stove into the water in the basin to keep it warm. A sign on the basin says, “Please, No Double Dipping.”

FF3. Private Conference Room At the end of this hall, a secret door is built into the wood paneling. The panel slides back to reveal a nicely sized conference room complete with a massive 10-foot-long ebony lacquered table polished to an obscene glossy sheen. Surrounding the table are a dozen ebony captain’s chairs with dramatically red silk cushions. Running the length of the two walls on either side the table are huge coastal maps of the surrounding lands. Another stained-glass window takes up the far wall that facing the street. Ironically, his conference room is frequently used both by Marcoso’s cabal, Pyrelle’s Privateers, and the royal navy. Special: When Geshard needs to

discuss his findings with Marcoso, the two convene here.

Optional Patrons At any given time during business hours there are between 20 + d20 patrons eating in the dining room. These are typically wealthy nobles from the city, however they may also include one or more of the following patrons:

Geshard (diner patron only) Sitting alone at a table in the corner is an unnervingly quiet nobleman with greasy black hair and deep-set hazel eyes. Contrary to the evening’s menu, he is eating steak tartar. He seems preoccupied and aloof. This patron is Geshard, one of Marcoso’s spawn (LE male vampirespawn). He has come to bring him news that a powerful vampire hunter has discovered some of the organization’s enclaves in the neighboring kingdom and to prepare for betrayal. If approached, he is curt and excuses himself almost immediately to use the bathroom. Instead, he goes to his room, locks the door and exits through the window. If followed, he informs the pursuer that he is in grave trouble and needs to meet with them later that evening, alone in mouse alley with an important message. He attacks anyone foolish enough to show up.

Pyrelle and the Privateers Seated at this table are two couples in their early thirties. All of the patrons are dressed in an amalgam of garishly decorated naval finery collected from top ranking officers of several bordering ports. A muscular woman with a noticeably milky left eye dominates their conversation, though the majority of it is on the subject of the ruthless commandeering pirate ships. The muscular woman is Pyrelle (NE female half-elf fighter), a hardened privateer whose mercenary avarice has made her and her crew the scourge of pirates everywhere. She has a fierce reputation for burning ships along with their crew, and draw-and-quartering survivors in lieu of taking prisoners. She cares little for who patronizes her ventures, provided they pay her well. Over the years, she has fought for neighboring kingdoms, with equal relish. Her associates are her skipper and her first and second mates (all NE human fighters). They are in port to pick up a few new contracts and to sample Panobla’s fine cuisine before heading back out to sea. If intruded upon, catch some one listening in on their conversation or are otherwise offended, they refuse to fight within the restaurant. Instead, Pyrelle challenges the offender to a duel outside the restaurant following dinner. Scale the encounter so that Pyrelle is one level greater than character she challenges. Scale her cronies 3 levels lower.

Shalan Harlack At this table sits a well-dressed elf with long silver hair and bright blue eyes is cheerfully enjoying his meal with an equally well-dressed female human. The elf is Shalan Harlack, a vampire hunter investigating the Golden Eel and Marcoso. The female is a local prostitute, whom he has paid to make him appear engaged, while he studies the place. Shalan also has room upstairs. If characters confront him he is cordial and well-spoken. He asks happily if the PCs are staying at the inn or in the nearby area and invites them for a game of darts at another tavern nearby later in the evening. Should any PC meet him later, he explains who he really is and alerts them to his suspicions. At this point he leaves on his own and never returns, mysteriously vanishing into the night. (see Adventure Seeds)

The maps are quite exquisite (see treasure section), however anyone attempting to steal them triggers the map trap (see trap section).

FF4. Master Suite This well-furnished room contains a large dresser, two private hope chests, and separate queen-sized beds. Everything in the room is luxurious. The sheets are satin, and the mattresses are overstuffed with goose down. Beneath each bed is a brass bedpan. At the far end of the room, a lead-paned window faces a back alley. If given the corresponding room key from the front desk, it works on the room door from both inside and outside. Room doors open inward. (see doors section for details).

FF5. Single Bedroom This well furnished room contains a large dresser, a hope chest, and a single queen-sized bed. Everything in the room is luxurious. The sheets are satin, and the mattress is overstuffed with goose down. Beneath each bed is a brass bedpan At the far end of the room, a leadpaned window faces out into the streets below. If given the corresponding room key from the front desk, it works on the room door from both inside and outside. Room doors open inward (see doors section for details).

NPCs, Villains and Monsters The following NPCs either inhabit or frequent the Golden Eel:

Marcoso Kval Use scaled statistics Once the family blacksheep, Marcoso ran away from home at the age of ten. As rumor has it, he stowed away on a ship and eventually became a royal privateer. After years at sea, he returned home to mourn the passing of his father Mardano Kval and stayed on with his mother to keep the business going. She eventually passed as well, though he had at one time threatened to sell the establishment, he has since kept on with it for the last decade. At least, this is the impression he has given the locals. In truth, Marcoso is a vampire. He has never left the city but instead, simply faked his death as Mardano and returned as his own wayward son. In the interim, a demonic cohort of his agreed to a pact whereby she would act as Marcoso’s mother for a few short years, until he could re-establish himself. Marcoso maintains an excellent front. His inn is so expensive, it keeps him from prying eyes and he does a remarkable job of maintaining a low public profile. Those he has contact with are largely important political figures and naval officers; and with them, he is never less than cordial. The rest of the time, he is rarely seen. Instead, he trusts the Inn’s caretaking to his small but able-bodied staff, which consists of Mira the widow and her three sons, the renowned Chef Panobla, and a tough ex-con named Admir. Marcoso is a high-ranking member of a demonic cabal, thus the Golden Eel provides them with a valuable location within the city, as well as access to the Port and a direct line on the many private conversations high society members share within its walls. He largely hunts elsewhere, traveling far outside of town to avoid suspicion, or has feasting on special items brought in by Panobla. Still, he is master over several vampire spawns around the dock ward. His primary motivation is to keep the inn

running smoothly and accommodate his guests, therefore allowing its secondary function as a meeting place for his cabal to continue undetected.

Chef Panobla

Chef Panobla Use scaled statistics Chef Panobla appears to be in his early forties, he keeps lightly graying hair close cropped and has a thin, neatly waxed mustache. While at work, he always wears a white chef’s coat. Strangely, Panobla always carries a cleaver and a set of four chef knives, which on occasion he has been spotted speaking to pleasantly about the preparation of the coming evening’s dishes. A cheery personality Chef Panobla greets almost every on he encounters with a welcoming hello. Over the years, he has become a local celebrity, and his innovative recipes are the talk of the town. Once a year (at New Year’s), Panobla prepares his most exquisite and famous recipe–whole stuffed baby dragon turtle. The inn closes a week in advance for Panobla to prepare the feast, and it is rumored that he uses over 1,000 different rare ingredients in the stuffing. This even is usually booked solid month in advance and often is by invitation only. The cost to attend is usually upwards of 5,000gp. However, Marcoso has given out free invites in the past to individuals that he desired to sample personally. In addition to being a master chef, Panobla is also an accomplished assas-

sin who maintains a high profile public persona to mask his involvement in the nefarious trade. He has occasionally used the conference room to broker assassinations, and is a unsurpassed poisoner. He works closely with Marcoso and is the vampire’s key connection to the assassin’s guild. Panobla is fully aware that his patron is a vampire, though this troubles him little as he is both capable of protecting himself and has tasted human flesh on several occasions, considering its preparation one of the most distinguished cuisines (second only to fey). His primary motivation is to continue cooking for the Golden Eel and building his reputation as a master chef. During most hours of the day, Panobla single-handedly mans the kitchen and happily does his own purchasing and prep-work. Thankfully, the dinning area is small.

He remains a few hours after closing to clean his kitchen, before retiring for the evening or running a special errand. In either case, he leaves for his small but modest house several blocks away on Westerly Lane. In the morning, he usually goes shopping for fresh meats, fish, fruits, and vegetables for the afternoon and evenings fare. He usually returns to the Inn before the afternoon rush.

Admir Use scaled statistics Admir is a burly ex-con whose eyes fall too long on individuals before he speaks. This quality makes his presence somewhat unsettling. Marcoso has cleaned Admir up nicely, and he wears a black silken tabard over wellpolished chainmail. He is clean-shaven (both face and pate) though, he has a tiny near his right temple indicating he has been in at least one scrap. Careful observation (Search DC 20) reveals a faded ring tattoo of skulls and roses on the ring finger of his right hand. A Knowledge (local) skill check (DC15) denotes it as a prison tattoo that one gets for shiving a fellow inmate. Allow Admir to make an opposed Sense Motive check (+3) against the PC’s Search check to see if he catches anyone noticing his tattoo. Admir works the front desk late nights, following which, he retires to one of the rooms upstairs, sleeping from early morning just past noon. After that, PCs can encounter him patrolling the inn, or occasionally working security for unloading cargo ships down at the docks. Marcoso isn’t above dominating Admir for use in special projects under the assumption that the convict is replaceable if the law should find him guilty of any crimes. Admir’s primary motivation is to keep a steady job, but he’s capable of almost anything if offered the right amount of money; including betraying

Marcoso, whom he doesn’t realize is a powerful vampire.

Mira N female human commoner 5. Mira is a fair-haired woman in her early thirties. She has light green eyes and only a few fine wrinkles just beginning to blossom in her soft peach complexion. She wears a long burgundy-hued cotton dress and bodice and a white blouse. Widowed young, Mira began working at the Golden Eel to help support her two sons. While she suspects more to Marcoso and the Inn than is readily apparent, she has done her best to avoid prying. Marcoso respects this quality and has kept her well paid for it, as she lends the place an air of normalcy. Mira’s primary motivation is to support her children and as far as she’s concerned, Marcoso has always helped her accomplish that. While she won’t defend him over her children (unless dominated by the vampire), she consistently remains extremely supportive on his behalf.

Durn N male human commoner 1 Durn is a small skinny boy with dirty blonde hair, about the age of 10 or 11. He wears knickers and a nice jacket with a high starched collar, which appears unbearably itchy. Durn manages the washrooms and runs other small errands. He has grown accustomed to good


tips and his services become steadily less unreliable to those who do not tip well. Durn is typically encountered by the downstairs washroom during resturant hours and services the upstairs twice per day, once in the early evening and once in the morning Durn’s primary motivation is to get silver tips.

Edram N male human commoner 1 Edram is Mira’s eldest son. Edram remembers life before the inn and isn’t nearly as spoiled as Durn, though he still appreciates tips. He has brown hair cut just above his shoulder and green eyes, and the awkward posture of a teenager growing into his body. He is dressed as Durn in knickers and a jacket with a high collar. Edram works two jobs– one as


the bellhop during check in hours, the other as Panobla’s dishboy (after the dining room closes). Edram’s primary motivation is to help his mother and his little brother, keeping them safe and out of trouble.

Adventure Seeds On the Vampire Trail A noble patron of the Golden Eel seduced by tales of Panobla’s incredible talents, offers to send characters to the Golden Eel for dinner as an addition a prior reward. While having dining at the restaurant, they are approached by Shalan Harlack, the vampire hunter who, after informing them of his suspicions, mysteriously vanishes into the night. Shalan’s comrades track down the PCs as being his last known contact, and hire them to finish his work.

Where’s the Master? A PCs is attacked by Geshard, one of Marcoso’s spawn. They track him

down only to discover that Geshard’s insidious master runs a reputable restaurant in town.

Double Villain Authorities suspect the lovable Chef Panobla of leading a double life and pay them to investigate him without offending his reputable employer Marcoso Kval. Unbeknownst to the PCs, Kval is quite partial to his Chef and is more than willing to use his powers to protect both of their secret identities.

Designer’s Notes Just prior to the Golden Eel, I’d worked on several projects with seedy dockside inns. As is my nature, I like to try to make things different. In this case, I went for a really fancy inn, run by a really fancy vampire; perhaps because here in New York, we put some of our most exclusively posh nightclubs in really seedy areas. One of the things I tried to downplay


is the vampire’s direct involvement in the inn’s affairs. I also deliberately made it ridiculously expensive. These two factors allow the DM to insert the inn early on in the campaign, and still conceal its inner workings for a later time. The intent was to hide a powerful villain in plain sight.

Author’s Bio Tim has been doing freelance game design for half-a-decade. In this amount of time, he has almost paid himself back for the amount of money he’s spent on roleplaying books and minis (aww, who am I kidding, I’m not even close!)



NPCs, Villains and Monsters Statblocks Room GF 2 Animated Carpet CR5 N huge construct Init -1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., lowlight vision ­­­­ 13, touch 7, flat-footed 13 AC hp 84(8HD) Immune Construct traits Fort +2 Ref +1 Will -3 Spd 20 ft. Fly 10ft (clumsy) Melee Slam +9 (2d6+7) Space 15ft ; Reach 15ft Base Atk +6; Grp +19 Atk Options Constrict Special Atk Blind Abilities Str 20 Dex 8 Con — Int — Wis 1 Cha 1 Blind (Ex): The carpet can grapple an opponent up to three sizes larger than itself. It makes a normal grapple check. If it wins, it wraps itself around the opponent’s head, causing that creature to be blinded until removed. Constrict (Ex): The carpet deals damage equal to its slam damage value plus 1- 1/2 times its Strength bonus with a successful grapple check against a creature up to one size larger than itself. It can make constriction attacks against multiple creatures, provided they all are at medium or smaller and can fit under it.

[High] Admir CR12 Male Human Fighter 7/Rogue 5 NE medium human Init +1; Senses Listen +4, Spot +4 Languages Common ­­­­AC 18, touch 11, flat-footed 18; uncanny dodge hp 75 (12HD) Resist evasion Fort +8 Ref +8 Will +6 Spd 30ft. Melee +3 battleaxe +20 (1d8+10/x3) Base Atk +10; Grp +15 Atk Options sneak attack +2d6 Combat Gear dust of dryness (filled with water), horn of fog, potion of bull’s strength, 2 potions of cure moderate wounds, ring of feather falling Abilities Str 20, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 10 SQ trapfinding, trap sense +1 Feats Diehard, Endurance, Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave, Greater Weapon Focus (battleaxe), Improved Sunder, Iron Will, Weapon Focus (battleaxe), Weapon Specialization (battleaxe) Skills Appraise + 5, Balance +6, Bluff +2, Climb +10, Disable Device +2, Escape Artist +3, Forgery +2, Gather Information +4, Handle Animal +2, Hide +3, Intimidate +6, Jump +8, Knowledge (local) +5, Move Silently +6, Open Lock +5, Ride +5, Search +6, Sense Motive +2, Sleight of Hand +3, Swim +9, Tumble +6, Use Rope +3 Possessions +3 battleaxe, +2 chainshirt, light darkwood shield, potion of bull’s strength, 2 potions of cure moderate wounds, dust of dryness (filled with water), horn of fog, ring of feather falling, Chef Panobla CR14 Male Human Expert 5, Assassin 10 NE medium humanoid (human) Init +6; Senses Blind-Fight, Listen +6, Spot +4


Languages Common ­­­­AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 12; improved uncanny dodge, uncanny dodge hp 63 (15HD) Resist Poison +5 Fort +4 Ref +11 Will +8 Spd 30ft. Melee +2 keen cleaver (throwing axe) +13/+8 (1d6+3/19-20x2 plus poison); or +1 returning chef knife (dagger) +12/+7(1d4+2/19-20x2) Ranged +2 keen cleaver (throwing axe) +14 (1d6+3/19-20x2 plus poison); or +1 returning chef knife (dagger) +13/+8(1d4+2/19-20x2) Base Atk +10; Grp +11 Atk Options Blind-Fight, death attack, Far Shot, Point Blank Shot, poison (2 medium spider venom, DC 14, 1d4 Str/1d4 Str), poison (purple worm poison, DC 24, 1d6 Str/2d6 Str), Precise Shot, Quick Draw, sneak attack +5d6 Combat Gear oil of magic vestment +5, potion of haste, potion of fly Class Spells Known CL 10th 4th (4/day) clairaudience/clairvoyance, dimension door, modify memory, poison. 3rd (4/day) deep slumber, deeper darkness, false life, nondetection. 2nd (4/day) cat’s grace, spider climb, undetectable alignment 1st (4/day) disguise self, detect poison, sleep (DC 14), true strike Abilities Str 13, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 14 SQ poison use, hide in plain sight Feats Far Shot, Point Blank Shot, Improved Initiative, Precise Shot, Quick Draw, Skill Focus (Craft (cooking)) Skills Bluff +9, Climb +2, Craft (alchemy) +10, Craft (cooking) +25, Craft (poisonmaking) +15, Craft (winemaking) +11, Decipher Script +7, Diplomacy +9, Disable Device +7, Disguise +6, Escape Artist +6, Forgery +7, Gather Information +14, Hide +10, Intimidate +6, Jump +2, Move

Silently +10, Open Lock +4, Search +5, Sense Motive +3, Sleight of Hand +4, Swim +3, Tumble +4, Use Magic Device +7, Use Rope +5 Possessions +2 keen cleaver, four +1 returning chef knives, oil of magic vestment +4, potion of haste, one dose purple worm poison, 2 doses medium spider venom Death Attack Sneak attack can kill target or paralyze it for 1d6+4 rounds (Fort DC 19 negates) Marcoso Kval CR 19 Male Humanoid Fighter 17 LE medium undead (augmented human) Init +11; Senses darkvision 60ft.; Listen +13 Spot +13 Languages Common ­­­­AC 30, touch 17, flat-footed 23; Dodge, Mobility hp 132(17 HD); fast healing 5; DR10/silver and magic Immune undead traits Resist cold 10 and electricity 10 Fort +10 Ref +15 Will +9 Weakness vampire weaknesses Spd 30ft.; Spring Attack Melee rapier of puncturing +27/+22/+17/+12 (1d6+8/1520x2 plus puncturing) and +21/+16/+11/+6 slam (1d6+4 plus energy drain) Base Atk +17; Grp +28 Atk Options Combat Reflexes, Improved Disarm, Improved Feint, puncturing rapier (3/day-touch attack drains 1d6 Con) Combat Gear bracers of armor +5, ring of protection +2, gloves of Dexterity +4 Special Atk blood drain, children of the night, create spawn, dominate, energy drain Abilities Str 19, Dex 26, Con -, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 19 SQ alternate form, gaseous form, spider climb, turn resistance +4 Feats Alertness, Combat Expertise,

Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Greater Weapon Focus (rapier), Greater Weapon Specialization (rapier), Improved Critical, Improved Disarm, Improved Feint, Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Multiattack, Persuasive, Spring Attack, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (rapier), Weapon Specialization (rapier) Skills Bluff +18, Climb +8, Craft (painting) +9, Diplomacy +7, Handle Animal +6, Hide +13, Intimidate +15, Jump +10, Move Silently +13, Ride +9, Search +10, Sense Motive +10, Swim +6 Possessions bracers of armor +5, gloves of Dexterity +4, rapier of puncturing, +2 ring of protection, a black adamantine ring intricately cast into wreath of thorny roses (350gp) Blood Drain (Ex): Marcoso can suck blood from a living victim with its fangs by making a successful grapple check. If it pins the foe, it drains blood, dealing 1d4 points of Constitution drain each round the pin is maintained. On each such successful attack, the Marcoso gains 5 temporary hit points. Children of the Night (Su): Marcoso can command the lesser creatures of the world and once per day can call forth 1d6+1 rat swarms, 1d4+1 bat swarms, or a pack of 3d6 wolves as a standard action. These creatures arrive in 2d6 rounds and serve him for up to 1 hour. Dominate (Su): Marcoso can crush an opponent’s will just by looking onto his or her eyes. This is similar to a gaze attack, except that Marcoso must use a standard action, and those merely looking at it are not affected. Anyone he targets must succeed on a Will save (DC22) or fall instantly under his influence as though by a dominate person spell (caster level 12th). The ability has a range of 30 feet. Create Spawn (Su): A humanoid or monstrous humanoid slain by a Mar-


coso’ energy drain rises as a vampire spawn 1d4 days after burial. If he instead drains the victim’s Constitution to 0 or lower, the victim returns as a spawn if it had 4 or less HD and as a vampire if it had 5 or more HD. In either case, the new vampire or spawn is under Marcoso’ command and remains enslaved until his destruction. At any given time a Marcoso may have eight enslaved spawn; any spawn he creates that would exceed this limit are created as free-willed vampires or vampire spawn. A vampire that is enslaved may create and enslave spawn of its own, so a Marcoso can control a number of lesser vampires in this fashion. Marcoso may voluntarily free an enslaved spawn in order to enslave a new spawn, but once freed, a vampire or vampire spawn cannot be enslaved again. Energy Drain (Su): Living creatures hit by a Marcoso’ slam attack gain two negative levels. For each negative level bestowed, Marcoso gains 5 temporary hit points. He can use his energy drain ability once per round. Alternate Form (Su): Marcoso can assume the shape of a bat, dire bat, wolf, or dire wolf as a standard action. This ability is similar to a polymorph spell cast by a 12th-level character, except that Marcoso does not regain hit points for changing form and must choose from among the forms mentioned here. While in its alternate form, he loses his natural slam attack and dominate ability, but gains the natural weapons and extraordinary special attacks of its new form. Marcoso can remain in that form until he assumes another or until the next sunrise. (If the base creature is not terrestrial, this power might allow other forms.) Gaseous Form (Su): As a standard action, Marcoso can assume gaseous form at will as the spell (caster level 5th), but it can remain gaseous indefinitely and has a fly speed of 20 feet with perfect maneuverability.

Spider Climb (Ex): Marcoso can climb sheer surfaces as though with a spider climb spell.

Traps, Mechanical Devices, Doors, and Objects Statblocks Room GF 1

Oak Backdoor: 2 in. thick; Hardness 8; hp 20; Break DC 23*, Open Lock DC 34* *only locked at night.

Room GF7 Locked Crate: 4 in. thick; Hardness 8; hp 20; Break DC 28, Open Lock DC 30

Oak Front Doors: These doors swing inward and are almost never locked as the inn is open 24 hours. Still all the Inn’s employees have a key to the front door.

Treasure Inside the locked crate are total of 24 pint bottles containing human blood. Each bottle was enchanted with a gentle repose spell. Also in the box is a wand of gentle repose (10th) with 26 charges.

Oak Front Doors: 4 in. thick; Hardness 8; hp 40; Break DC 28; Open Lock DC 35

Secret Compartment Search DC30

Check-in Desk: 2 in. thick; Hardness 8; hp 25; Break DC 23; Open Lock DC 26

Iron Strong Boxes(2): 2 in. thick; Hardness 10; hp 60; Break DC 28, Open Lock DC 35 Both books are easily worth 10005000gp to the proper buyer.

Room GF2 Glass Tube Aquarium: 1 in. thick; Hardness 1; hp 2; Break DC 10 If the tank breaks, it spills water and eels across the floor in a 40-foot-radius centered on the aquarium. Anyone trying to move in this area must move at half speed or make a successful Balance Skill check (DC20). A failed save results in slipping on an eel and falling prone. Anyone falling into the glass is dealt 4d6 slashing damage from shards of glass. Marcoso demands 5000 gold pieces from whoever breaks the glass tube aquarium, to replace it.

Room GF 6 Hot Iron Stove: 1/4 in. thick; Hardness 10; hp 10; Break DC 24; Special: anyone touching the stove while it is in use is dealt 4d6 points of fire damage cumulative per round touched

Room FF3. Room Secret Door 3 in. thick; Hardness 8; hp 30; Search DC 22, Break DC 28; Open Lock DC 26 (the secret door can be locked from the inside only). Heightened Suggestion Map Trap: CR 9; magic device; touch trigger; automatic reset; spell effect (9th-level heightened suggestion, 20thlevel wizard, DC 24 Will save negates); Search DC 34; Disable Device DC 34. Anyone affected by the trap wakes in the middle of the night and feels the need to go for a midnight stroll alone and unarmored around the town (making them an easy target for vampires).

Upstairs Hall Sealed Hatch: 4 in. thick; Hardness 8; hp 40; Search DC 35; Break DC 38


Rooms FF4/FF5 Bedroom Door: 2 in. thick; Hardness 8; hp 20; Break DC 23, Open Lock DC 28

© Øone Games, permission granted to print for personal use only


1 square equals 5ft





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