08 Inspection & QC

June 7, 2018 | Author: Antony Bruno Genewin | Category: Materials, Applied And Interdisciplinary Physics, Manmade Materials, Industries, Industrial Processes
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Short Description



Inspection and control & Related Standards

Paint School

What is QA - QC ?

QA = Quality Assurance (A documented management system) QC = Quality Control (Inspection and testing routines)

Paint School

What is QA - QC ?

QA = Quality Assurance (A documented management system) QC = Quality Control (Inspection and testing routines)

Paint School

The tasks of the paint inspector  • To ensure that the requirements of the coating specification are met. • Verify the quality of or! carried out "y the contractor#yard. • $repare ritten records of the standard of or! % Appro&al ('atisfactory  # Conforming ) % on%conformance Paint School

An inspector’s work includes: • *e capa"le of interpreting the specifications

• +nderstand the o",ecti&e of the inspection

• • • •

Inspect all structures to "e painted -nsure that all specified requirements are met ocument the results from the inspections In case of non%conformance/ Issue ritten reports

Paint School

Daily logs • • • • • • •

'teel temperature Air temperature 0 1elati&e 2umidity e point 3",ect no. and name -4act specification $re%treatment5 specified and actually conducted.

• 6ilm thic!ness (to "e measured also at spot repair)

• Area5 m7 • $roduct name5 place of production and "atch no.

• ame of rele&ant persons • 8hat as discussed • on conformance report (remem"er signatures)

• 3ther comments Paint School

An inspector needs to know • All paints that ill "e used • All rele&ant inspection methods and inspection tools

• 1ele&ant standards • 1ele&ant T' and 9'' • 9ethods in&ol&ed in cleaning5 pre%treatment and paint application

• The equipment used for pre%treatment and application/ *enefits and limitations

Paint School

What needs to be inspected ? If relevant, the following stages  of the production need to be inspected

:'hop%priming of the steel :The steel or! ($re%"lasting preparation)

:Cleaning and surface preparation prior to paint application :Application of paint :The applied paint film curing#drying conditions. Paint School 7



nspection tools


Paint School

nspection tools! "irror and flash light • Visual inspection • Important tools for inspecting areas difficult to access • For inspection in confined spaces: se !" appro#ed e$uipment


Paint School

#sing nspection tools! "irror and flash light

• •

Visual inspection Important tools to &e a&le to inspect areas difficult to access Cd-4932-84

Paint School 1%

"agnifier  • •

Visual inspection 'and( tool )*en loo+ing for defects, to #erif( cleanliness and roug*ness of t*e su&strate


Paint School

Tools for $arking areas with defects • • •

-*oto: .*al+ for mar+ing areas during inspection /o &e used &ot* after pre0treatment and painting reas )it* defects must &e mar+ed properl(

NOTE: Chal! might "e considered as contamination for some paint systems/ 1emo&e Paint School 12


nspection of steel work %&re-blasting preparation' "he following ite#s need to be inspected during construction •  Rounding of sharp edges. •  Smoothing of rough welding seams. •  Removal / grinding of weld spatter and beads.

•  Cracks and pittings. •  Surface faults like laminates etc. •  ISO 12944 - 3 , or ISO 8501 - 3 Paint School

nspection of cleaning and surface preparation prior to application If relevant, the following conditions #ust be inspected $ verified • Cleanliness (salt5 oil5 grease and dust#dirt) •  -&aluation of present condition (rust grade) • 'urface preparation (e.g. "last cleaning) •  Cleanliness of prepared surface  (salts5 oil5 grease5 dust and dirt)

•  Climatic conditions (temperature5 relati&e humidity etc.)

Paint School

(ele)ant standards for assessing surfaces prior to paint application Standard


IS& 8!'

(isual assess#ents of surface cleanliness)

IS& 8!2

"ests for the assess#ent of surface cleanliness)

IS& 8!3

Surface roughness characteristics of blast-cleaned steel substrates)

IS& 8!4

Surface preparation #ethods)

Paint School

*+ ,./-/ 0)aluation of rust grades ust grade %


ust grade C Cd-*3'-!+

Paint School

ust grade .


ust grade  Cd-*3'-!*

*+ ,./ - /

*tandard for deciding preparation grades Sa/

last cleaning grades 1, 2, 2  and 3


'and and po)er tool cleaning grades 2 and 3


Paint School

Flame cleaning one grade

*+ ,./ - / *tandard for deciding preparation grades

• •

eft: last standard agreement ig*t: 'and tooling of . steel to t 2


Paint School


*+ ,.1 Assess$ent of surface cleanliness

%/ of 1'

Part ' Field test for solu&le iron corrosion products Part 2 a&orator( determination of c*loride on cleaned


Part 3 ssessment of dust on steel surfaces prepared for pressure0 sensiti#e tape met*od


Part 4 uidance on t*e estimation of t*e pro&a&ilit( of condensation prior to paint application Part ! ;easurement of c*loride on steel surfaces  painting Ion detector tu&e met*od

Paint School

prepared for

*+ ,.1 Assess$ent of surface cleanliness Part * !"traction of solu&le contaminants for anal(sis

/*e resle met*od Part 9  .onductometric measurements of solu&le salts  Part +, 8 and ' are not prepared

Paint School

%1 of 1'

*+ ,.1-2 Assess$ent of dust teel urfaces -repared for -ainting /ape

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