0708 UAS Ganjil Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

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SMP NEGERI 3 LAWANG ULANGAN SEMESTER GANJIL TAHUN PELAJARAN 2007/2008 Mata Pelajaran Kelas Hari, tanggal Waktu

: BAHASA INGGRIS : IX (Sembilan) : Rabu, 9 Januari 2008 : 90 menit

PETUNJUK UMUM: 1. Tulis nama, kelas, nomor peserta, Anda pada lembar jawab. 2. Arsirlah atau hitamkan huruf A, B, C, dan D yang menurut Anda merupakan jawaban yang paling tepat. 3. Gunakan pensil 2B, dan penghapus karet yang baik. 4. Apabila ingin mengganti jawaban hapuslah jawaban tersebut dengan karet penghapus dan arsir/ hitamkan jawaban yang benar.

Choose the right answer by crossing a, b, c, or d Indonesia is an agriculture country. Most of the population are farmers. Most of them are still traditional ones. They still use animals to cultivate their ricefields. For example, they still use traditional plough pulled by cows or buffaloes. They dig the soil with hoes and spades. Then women plant the rice seeds by putting the seeds one by one into the ground. They use “ani-ani”, special knives, to cut the rice stalks. They also grind the unhulled rice with wooden rice grinders. Now is some certain areas farmers begin using tractors to cultivate the rice and the rice milling machines to grinol the rice. Farmer the Indonesia rammers fertilized third rice filed with the animal waste or compost. But now they spread artificial fertilizer, such as urea, NPK, etc to increase their rice products. They also plant new varieties of rice, such as IR-R, BP 5. (for number 1-4) 1. Indonesia is an agricultural country because…. a. it has a lot of rice b. most of its population are farmers

c. it has a fertile soil d. it is located in Asia

2. The farmers usually use a…to dig the soil a. plough b. grinder

c. hoe

d. ani-ani

3. The fertilizer which is made of animal waste is called…. a. compost b. NPK c. pesticide

d. clorophil

4. They still use animals to cultivate their ricefield. (paragraph 1) The word they in this sentences refers to…. a. population b. traditional farmers c. modern farmers

d. buffaloes

For number 5-9 According to the …(5) lesson we know that we live on the planet earth. The earth in miniature is called….(6). The earth has a north and south…(7). The weather is very…(8) in both north and south poles. There is a continent in the south pole. It is…(9). 5. a. history

b. psychology

c. folk tale

d. geography

6. a. big picture

b. a globe

c. a map

d. a little world ball

7. a. poles

b. equatorial lines

c. continent

d. longitude

8. a. cool

b. warm

c. cold

d. pleasant

9. a. Arctic

b. Atlantic

c. Antarctic

d. Africa

10. Ucok : ….? Uchan : Indeed, is it a flute? Ucok : Yes, Nadya is playing it. Do you want to play it? Uchan : Can I? I’love to a. What a terrible sound? c. What an awful noise? b. How beautiful the sound is? d. How is the terrible sound?

11. Endi : Did you greet me just now? Evi : No, I didn’t Endi : But I heard clearly someone who said “Good Morning.” Evi : I think that’s my parrot. It can say “Good Morning.” Endi : Wow!.... a. How clever is your parrot? c. What a clever bird it is b. What bird is clever d. How do you train it? 12. I am sick,….? a. am not I

b. isn’t I

13. Suwarno can’t speak French,… a. can he? B. can’t he?

c. aren’t I

d. wasn’t I

C. could he?

D. couldn’t he?

14. Arrange these sentences into a good paragraph 1. After that you can cover the hole with soft soil 2. Then dig a hole and put the soil mixed compost 3. You should water it every afternoon 4. First prepare the flower seeds 5. When you finish it, plant one seed in each hole The correct order is…. a. 4-1-2-3-5 b. 4-5-2-1-3 c. 4-5-2-3-1

d. 4-2-5-1-3

For no 15-16 Jakarta, 15” March, 2007 Dear Ahmad, Thank you for your letter. I am very sorry that I couldn’t write to you for quite a long time. I am doing fine and I hope you are too. Well Ahmad, it is true that I am very busy lately. I will have examination in June. I join extra lessons outside schools. I leave home early in the morning and get back home in the evening. I don’t have any plans yet after finishing school. I just concentrate on my coming exam so I can do it well. Pray for me back, ok? Well, it’s the end of my letter. Keep writing. Yours, Anita 15. What is the letter about… a. asking for the information b. Complaining

c. Anita’s feeling d. how is Anita lately

16. Anita concentrate on her coming exam in order to… a. can join extra lesson c. fail the exam b. pass the exam d. meet Ahmad soon For no 17-18 In Indonesia, there are a lot if TV station. Most of them are broadcasted nationally, and some are broadcasted locally. Formally, there was only one station. TVRI, but now we can tune a lot more, namely, RCTI, SCTV, ANTV, Trans TV, etc. The existence of a TV station is supported by advertisement. 17. What is the text about? a. TV station in Indonesia b. TV national TV station

c. TV station d. The special program of TV

18. What is the oldest station TV in Indonesia? a. RCTI b. Trans TV



TEXT FOR NO 19-22 The seasons in Indonesia are described as wet and dry. It is usually warm and humid with sunshine most of the time. However, it also rains frequently. Sometimes, the heavy rain causes flood these, in turn lead to traffic jams. Fortunately they are usually not very serious. Unlike some countries such as Thailand and the Philippines, the flood can cause great damage and hardship. Sometimes, crops are destroyed and lives are lost. In the tropical climate like our country, we have air conditioner and fan at home, they help to keep us cool. On a bright sunny day, many people like to go to the beach to have a cool dip in the water. It is great relief for the heat. Many countries have four seasons. Foreign people from these countries visit Indonesia to get away from the cold winter. While we complain about the heat, they come here to enjoy the sun and return home with a nice condition.

19. What seasons does Indonesia have? a. four seasons b. two seasons

c. cool and hot

d. wet and dry

20. How bad is the flood in Thailand and the Philippines? a. They causes great damage and hardship c. Crops are destroyed b. They heavy rain causes flood d. Lives are lost 21. There are three ways mentioned in the text that help to keep us cool, except: a. air conditional b. fan c. refrigerator d. dipping in the water 22. “They come here to enjoy the sun and return home with a nice condition. What does the word “they” refer to? a. people b. we c. foreign people d. Indonesian For no. 23 WE ARE READY TO SERVE YOU





Wherever you go, what you choose We are ready to help you! Call us 430966 or…. Just walk across the bus terminal You will get the best! 23. The article above is a/an…. a. job vacancy b. advertisement

c. brochure

24. We can contact the agency by…. a. telephoning or visiting b. sending letters

c. visiting only d. telephoning only

25. Laila Elsa a. eat

: Let’s go to the canteen! : I’m sorry. I …..rice. My stomach is full. b. ate c. have eaten

d. time table

d. am eating

26. Look at the picture. What happening in the pictures ? These sentences tell you. Arrange them into the right order based on the picture 1 2 3 2




What happening in the pictures ? These sentences tell you. Arrange them into the right order based on the picture above 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

A man is standing at the window. He is looking at the bag. Mrs. King can’t find her bag, and so she can’t go shopping. The bag is on the table in the dining room. Now, everything is all right. A policeman is bringing back the bag Mrs. King is cooking in the kitchen. Now, he is in the dining room. He is taking the bag

a. 1 – 3 – 2 – 4 – 5 – 6 b. 5 – 1 – 3 – 6 – 2 – 4

c. 2 – 3 – 1 – 4 – 5 - 6 d. 5 – 1 – 6 – 3 – 4 - 2


Indonesia-modern- Have –in- technology-farmers- ?- used –before 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 The best arrangement of these words is… a. 3 -6 -4- 1 -8 -2- 5 -9 -7 c. 3 - 6 -4- 8 -1 -5 -2- 9- 7 b. 1- 3- 6 -4 -8 -2 -5 -9 -7 d. 1- 6 -4 -8 -2- 5- 3 -9 -7


lunch – They – entered – room – having – I - were – the – when - dining 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 The best arrangement of these words is… a. 2 -7 -5 -1 -9 -3 -6 -8 -10 -4 b. b. 6 -5 -7 -9 -8 -1 -2 -10 -4 -3 d.

c. 6 -7 -5 -1 -9 -2 -3- 6 -10 -4 d. 2 -7 -5 -1 -9 -6 -3 -8 -10- 4

For questions 29 - 31, choose the most suitable words for the numbered spaces ! Before 1999 flying in Indonesia was too expensive for many people. If you wanted to visit a friend or relatives you would probably face long …29……………..on buses or boats or both. In 1999 Lion Air was established. And this was Indonesia’s first low-cost airline. Low-cost (no –frill budget airline had began in 1990’s in the USA. The term low cost doesn’t always refer to the price of the ……30…….Low-cost refers to the operating costs of the airline. This airline can operate more cheaply than other airline because they usually only use one or two types of aircraft, so the cost of training staff is heaper. If you book very early especially using the internet ticket can be very cheap. Usually there in no free in-flight ……31…….or drink. Employee sometimes have to work in two jobs- flight attendant sometimes clean the inside of the aircraft after each flight.. Since 1999 several more budget airlines have begun flying in Indonesia including Adam Air and Batavia Air. 29.

a. road

b. destination

c. journey

d. flight


a. energy

b. ticket

c. plane

d. pilot


a. food

b. clothes

c. seat

d. Juice


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Put noodles into two glasses of briskly boiling water. Your delicious noodles are ready to be served. Put the seasoning, vegetable oil and chili powder in a bowl. Mix the noodles well with all of the seasoning. Cook the noodles and simmer for three minutes.

The best arrangement for cooking delicious noodles is ……………… a. 3 – 5 – 1 – 4 – 2 c. 4 – 3 – 5 – 1 – 2 b. 2 – 1 – 5 – 3 – 4 d. 1 – 5 – 3 – 4 – 2 33. 1. If the number is right 2. Wait until someone is speaking 3. Say hello and tell your name 4. First pick up the phone holder 5. You can continue your speaking 6. Then push the numbers you want The best arrangement for making a phone is ……… a. 3 -6 -4 -1 -5 – 2 c. 5 -1 - 6 - 3 - 2 -4 b. 4-6 - 2 -3 -1 – 5 d. 4 – 2 – 6 -3 - 5 -1

34. How to Make a Pencil Box What you need :  An empty plastic bottle of mineral water  A sharp cutter  A piece of white or colorful paper  Some paint  Some glue How to make it : 1. Wash the plastic bottle. Make sure it is clean when you use it. 2. Cut the bottle into two halves. 3. ………………………………. 4. If you use plain paper, use the paint to make a drawing on it. 5. Now your pencil box is ready to use. a. You have to prepare the materials b. Clean the bottle c. Wrap the bottle with a piece of colorful paper d. Fill the bottle with some of water 35. Arrange these sentences to explain how to operate a TV set 1. Press the power button 2. Choose the best program you want to watch 3. Adjust the volume 4. First, plug the cable into an electric outlet 5. Watch and enjoy the program a. 1 – 4 – 3 - 5 – 2 b. 1 – 2 – 3 – 5 – 4 36.

c. 4 – 2 – 3 – 5 – 1 d. 4 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 5

1. switch on the blender 2. cut the apples into small pieces 3. plug the blender 4. put them into the container 5. wait for a few minutes 6. close it 7. switch off and unplug the blender 8. pour the apple juice into the glass. The right procedure of how to make a glass of apple juice is : a. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 b. 2-4-6-3-1-5-7-8 c. 2-3-5-4-6-1-7-8 d. 3-5-4-6-2-7-1-8 Surabaya ( Jawa Pos ) : Thirty – five elementary students of Karangpilang Surabaya have been taken to the nearest hospital because of milk poisoning and the school was closed for a while, an official said on Thursday. Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan , East Java has a program to give an extra food, milk, to elementary school students in order they are healthy and grow well. The program is sponsored by a famous milk company. Unfortunately, it become a disaster. After drinking a milk, some of them feel dizzy and get vomit then fall unconsciously. Some say that the milk is expired date. The school in Surabaya’s southern district, was due to reopen tomorrow, said the school principal, Kelana Sahid


What is the purpose of the text above ? a. to show us that the school principal is Kelana b. to invite elementary student c. to describe an extra food. d. to inform us that expired date milk is dangerous


The program is sponsored by a famous milk company. What does the word famous here mean? a. dangerous c. b. grow well d.

39. Billy : Sarah : Billy : Sarah : Billy : Sarah : a. agreement

popular unconscious

Did you see Jack? Jack? Haven’t you heard about him? Not yet. What’s up He’s got avian flu. And he has been hospitalized for a week Oh..I’m so sorry to hear that. Have you paid a visit? Not yet b. certainty c. sympathy

d. dislike

40. Tumini : OK. Let’s visit him after school Parman : Good idea Why did Billy say “ Oh..I’m so sorry to hear that”? a. Because he made mistake to Jack b. Because he missed Jack c. Because he couldn’t visit him d. Because he wanted to show his sympathy to Jack 41. .Adri : Mom, may I go to the theatre with my friends tonight? Mother : ……. . You have a important test tomorrow. a. Of course you may c. Yes, please b. I’m afraid you can’t d. I don’t have any objection 42. Mia : Ida will join the student exchange program. Dea : …… She will enjoy herself during the program. a. I’m afraid b. I don’t think 43. X Y a. b.

c. Yes, I do mind d. I hope

: Can I have two tickets for eight o’clock train to Bandung ? : ……………. There are no more seats. I’m sure c. Do you think so I’m afraid d. I’m confident

44. Teacher : Do you know what buffaloes and goats eat ? Yeni : They eat grass. Teacher : Is it true , Ramdan ? Ramdan : Yes , Sir. _______ a. Buffaloes are mammals and so are goats c. Buffaloes are mammals , but goats are not b. Buffaloes eats grass , but goats do not d. Neither buffaloes nor goats eat grass 45. VASACON – A Sterile eye drops Each ml contains : Active : Antazoline Phosphate 5 mg Naphazoline HCl 1 mg Preservative : Benzalkonium Chlorid 0, 20 mg Inactive : Boric Acid, Sodium Carbonate anhydrous, Sodium chloride, Purified Water Dosage : Instill 1 or 2 drops into each eye every 3 to 4 hours or less often as needed to relieve symptoms. Indication : Tropical treatment of bacterial infection of the eye and itching due to allergies


What illness can be relieved by Vasacon - A ? a. eye ache b. backache

c. stomachache d. toothache

47 Bill : What do you think of Indonesia ? Clark : Indonesia is ___ rich ____ a beautiful country . Bill : That’s right . I agree with you a. and - so c. . neither - nor b. not only - but also d. either - or

48. Andra Amalia Andra Amalia a. So

: : : :


: : : : :

Bell boy Guest Bell boy Guest Bell boy

Has your uniform for the show been ready ? Not yet. How about you ? I haven’t……….. Let’s go to the tailor to sew it. No, thanks. Mommy will do it tomorrow. b. neither c. Either Here is your room and this is your suitcase, Sir. Thank you. …, sir? No thanks. I just want to have a rest for a while. Sure. Have a nice day.

a. May you help me b. What else can I do for you 50

c. too

c. What do you think if you help me d. Do you mind if I help you URGENTLY REQUIRED 1. Pre-school teacher 2. Receptionist (English/Mandarin) 3.

Piano teacher **must speak English

Fax your CV & Photo to: HRD (031-734 8581 What do the applicants have to do to get the job? a. They must be teachers b. They must speak English c. They have to call HRD d. They can play piano

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