07 LTE Mobility Mngmnt GC
Short Description
Mobility Management LTE Radio Parameters RL20
Contents 1. LTE Functionaities an! "#er#iew 2. $%anne $on&i'uration 3. Genera (arameter )* structure an! S+stem ,n&ormation *roa!cast
4. Ran!om Access -. Ra!io A!mission $ontro RA$/ . Ra!io *earer $ontro )R )T ana'ement 7. LTE Mobility Management 5. 6L)L Sc%e!uer . ," o!e $ontro ,"8$/ 10.9ower $ontro
Contents 1. LTE Functionaities an! "#er#iew 2. $%anne $on&i'uration 3. Genera (arameter )* structure an! S+stem ,n&ormation *roa!cast
4. Ran!om Access -. Ra!io A!mission $ontro RA$/ . Ra!io *earer $ontro )R )T ana'ement 7. LTE Mobility Management 5. 6L)L Sc%e!uer . ," o!e $ontro ,"8$/ 10.9ower $ontro
Index : :
Measurements in LTE ,!e o!e o;iit+ : $e Seection an! Re8seection < LTE ,ntra Fre=uenc+ < LTE ,nter Fre=uenc+ < LTE to >$)A < LTE to GERAN < LTE to $)A2000 $onnecte! o!e o;iit+ < 6E easurements in $onnecte! $ onnecte! o!e < LTE easurements ana'ement < LTE LTE ,ntra Fre=uenc+ *etter $e ?an!o#er < LTE ,ntra Fre=uenc+ $o#era'e ?an!o#er < LTE ,nter Fre=uenc+ ?an!o#er < ,ntra8LTE %an!o#er #ia S1 < RR$ $onnection Reease wit% Re!irect < $S Fa;ack to 6TRAN or GS #ia Re!irect
LTE Measurement Me asurements s Intra LTE measurements ( from LTE to LTE
: !E measurements < $@, measurements < Re&erence Si'na Recei#e! 9ower RSR9/ < Re&erence Si'na Recei#e! @uait+ RSR@/ : e"# measurements < "on standardi$ed (%endor s&e'ifi' TA TA A#era'e RSS, R SS, A#era'e S,NR !etecte! 9RA$? (ream;es trans(ort c%anne *LER
< )tandardi$ed )tandardi$ed )L )L RS TB 9ower Recei#e! ,nter&erence 9ower T%erma Noise 9ower Measurements from LTE to ot*er systems
: !E measurements are measurements are main+ inten!e! &or %an!o#er. %an!o#er. < < < <
!TR+ ,-- $9,$? ,-- $9,$? RS$9 RS$9 $9,$? EcNo an! carrier RSS, )M GS )M GS carrier RSS, !TR+ T-- carrier RSS, RSS, RS$9 98$$9$? 98$$9$ ? C-M+2000 1BRTT 9iot Stren't% ?R9) 9iot Stren't% C-M+2000 1BRTT
!E Measurements R)RP and R)R/ R)RP (Referen'e )ignal Re'ei%ed Poer : A#era'e o& (ower e#es in C>D/ recei#e! across a Re&erence Si'na s+m;os wit%in t%e consi!ere! measurement &re=uenc+ ;an!wi!t%.
: 6E on+ takes measurements &rom t%e ce8s(eci&ic Re&erence Si'na eements o& t%e ser#in' ce t%is makes RSR9 resuts oa! an! ,"!i#ersit+ in!e(en!ent. ,& recei#er !i#ersit+ is in use ;+ t%e 6E t%e re(orte! #aue s%a not ;e ower t%an t%e corres(on!in' RSR9 o& an+ o& t%e in!i#i!ua !i#ersit+ ;ranc%es
Re'ei%ed )ignal )trengt* Indi'ator (R))I : RSS, com(rises t%e inear a#era'e o& t%e tota recei#e! (ower in C> D/ o;ser#e! on+ in "F) s+m;os containin' re&erence s+m;os &or antenna (ort 0 in t%e measurement ;an!wi!t% o#er N num;er o& resource ;ocks ;+ t%e 6E &rom a sources incu!in' co8 c%anne ser#in' an! non8ser#in' ces a!acent c%anne inter&erence t%erma noise etc.
R)R/ (Referen'e )ignal Re'ei%ed /uality : )e&ine! as t%e ratio N RSR9E86TRA carrier RSS,/ w%ere N is t%e num;er o& R*s o& t%e E86TRA carrier RSS, measurement ;an!wi!t%. T%e measurements in t%e numerator an! !enominator s%a ;e ma!e o#er t%e same set o& resource ;ocks
Index : :
easurements in LTE Idle Mode Mobility : Cell )ele'tion and Re1sele'tion < LTE ,ntra Fre=uenc+ < LTE ,nter Fre=uenc+ < LTE to >$)A < LTE to GERAN < LTE to $)A2000 $onnecte! o!e o;iit+ < 6E easurements in $onnecte! o!e < LTE easurements ana'ement < LTE ,ntra Fre=uenc+ *etter $e ?an!o#er < LTE ,ntra Fre=uenc+ $o#era'e ?an!o#er < LTE ,nter Fre=uenc+ ?an!o#er < ,ntra8LTE %an!o#er #ia S1 < RR$ $onnection Reease wit% Re!irect < $S Fa;ack to 6TRAN or GS #ia Re!irect
Cell )ele'tion Pro'edure 1/ 6E creates a can!i!ate ist o& (otentia ces to cam( on. Two (ossi;e searc% (roce!ures : ,nitia $e Seection 6E scans a RF c%annes to &in! a suita;e ce. "n eac% carrier t%e 6E searc%es &or t%e stron'est ce an! rea!s its s+stem in&ormation. "nce t%e 6E %as &oun! t%e suita;e ce &or t%e seecte! 9LN t%e 6E creates a can!i!ate ist consistin' o& t%is ce an! its nei'%;orin' ces as recei#e! in measurement contro in&ormation. : Store! ,n&ormation $e Seection o(tiona+/ T%is (roce!ure re=uires in&ormation store! &rom (re#ious+ recei#e! measurement contro in&ormation eements ce (arameters carrier &re=uencies etc/. A&ter t%e 6E %as &oun! a suita;e ce &or t%e seecte! 9LN can!i!ate ist is create! same as t%e initia ce seection (rocess. 2/ Eac% ce on t%e can!i!ate ist is e#auate! accor!in' to t%e seection criteria S 3/ A&ter seectin' a suita;e ce S criterion &u&ie!/ &or cam( on 6E re(orts t%is e#ent to NAS &or re'istration (roce!ures. ,& t%e re'istration is success&u t%e 6E enters into Icam(e! norma+J state.
Initial )ele'tion 8 $arrier 1 stron'est ce 8 $arrier 2 stron'est ce 8 $arrier i H.. )tored Information )ele'tion 8 9re#ious in&ormation
) Criterion Cell )ele'tion 6E seects a e6TRA ce i& t%e S seection/ criteria is &u&ie!
)rxle% 4 0
SrBe# K @rBe#meas < @rBe#min M @rBe#mino&&set/ 8 9com(ensation 6E measurement RSR9/
S,*1 9arameter
S,*1 9arameter
9com(ensation K maB 9EA < 96A 0/ !*/ S,*1 9arameter
@rBe#min K LN$EL qrxlevmin @rBe#mino&&set K LN$EL qRxLevMinOffset use! on+ w%en cam(e! in 9LN/ 9EA K LN$EL pMaxOwnCell 96A is 6E cass s(eci&ic maB. u(ink transmit (ower &Max5nCell 6se! to cacuate 9com(ensation LN$ELO 830..33!*mO 1!*mO 1 34 !*m !e&aut means not use!
inimum re=uire! RSR9 e#e LN$ELO 8140H844!*mO 2!*mO 1 8130 !*m
3RxLe%Min5ffset A&&ects t%e min. re=uire! RSR9 e#e a#oi! (in'8(on'/ LN$ELO 2..1!*O 2!*O 1
) Criterion Cell )ele'tion
$e siPe !e&inin' (arameters : @rBe#min
, am outsi!e
, am insi!e ;ut %a#e not enou'% (ower &Max5nCell 6se! to cacuate 9com(ensation
LN$ELO 830..33!*mO 1!*mO 1
6 max(PM+859"CELL P!M+8: 0 96A is 6E cass s(eci&ic maB. u(ink transmit (ower
Cell Re1)ele'tion Pro'edure Measurements :6E is not continuous+ measurin' nei'%;our ces in searc% o& a ;etter ce to cam( on
:!E only &erforms t*ese measurements w%en t%e criterias ;eow are met &or t%e !i&&erent t+(e o& ces Intra 1 ,re3uen'y )rxle% ;6 )intrasear'*
sIntrasear'* LN$ELO 0..2!*O 2!*O 1 2 !*
Inter 1 ,re3uen'y )rxle% ;6 )nonintrasear'* 5R
s"onIntrsear'* LN$ELO 0..2!*O 2!*O 1 2!*
'ellRe)elPrio(inter f 4 'ellRe)elPrio(ser%ing Inter 1 R+T )rxle% ;6 )nonintrasear'* 5R 'ellRe)elPrio(inter 1 R+T 4 'ellRe)elPrio(ser%ing
Cell Re1)ele'tion Pro'edure 1 R1 Criterion :"nce t%e measurements &or nei'%;our ces %a#e ;een tri''ere! t%e 6E wi rank t%e measure! ces w%ic% &u&i t%e S8 $riterion accor!in' to t%e R8 $riterion. 3?yst
Intra1fre3uen'y < e3ual &riority 'ase Cell ran=ing 'riterion Rs 6 /meas:s > /*yst Rn 6 /meas:n /offset:n Rn Q Rs
Jce reseectionJ
9*ere /meas 6 R)RP
LN$ELO 0!* 0/ 1!* 1/ 2!* 2/ 3!* 3/ 4!* 4/ -!* -/ !* / 5! * 7/ 10!* 5/ 12!* / 14!* 10/ 1!* 11/ 15!* 12/ 20!* 13/ 22!* 14/ 24!* 1-/O 1 @ 1 !*
Note s < in!icates t%e ser#in' ce n < in!icates t%e can!i!ate nei'%;our ce.
35ffsetCell (I+,IM ,AF,O 824 !* 0/ 822 !* 1/ 820 !* 2/ 815 !* 3/ 81 !* 4/ 814 !* -/ 812 !* / 810 !* 7/ 85 !* 5/ 8 !* / 8- !* 10/ 84 !* 11/ 83 !* 12/ 82 !* 13/ 81 !* 14/ 0 !* 1-/ 1 !* 1/ 2 !* 17/ 3 !* 15/ 4 !* 1/ - !* 20/ !* 21/ 5 !* 22/ 10 !* 23/ 12 !* 24/ 14 !* 2-/ 1 !* 2/ 15 !* 27/ 20 !* 25/ 22 !* 2/ 24 !* 30/O 8 O 0 !*1-/O 2 !*
Intra f /offset6 35ffsetCell:n Inter f /offset 6 35ffCell:n > /offsetfre3uen'y Re1sele'ted 'ell )uitable () Criterion #est Ran=(?ig*est R
35ffCell (IR,IM
Cell Re1)ele'tion Pro'edure 1 R1 Criterion Intra1fre3uen'y < e3ual &riority 'ase
T%e 6E s%a reseect t%e new ce i& t%e &oowin' con!itions are met :T%e new ce is ;etter ranke! t%an t%e ser#in' ce !urin' a time inter#a tResele'tion tReselEutr LN$ELO 0H7sO 1sO 1@ 1s
:ore t%an 1 secon! %as ea(se! since t%e 6E %as cam(e! on t%e current ser#in' ce.
Cell Resele'tion R1Criterion Rs 6 /meas:s > /*ysts
Rn 4 Rs 64
Rn 6 /meas:n 1 /offsets:n
A'ell resele'tionB
s a e m
L"CELO 0!* 0/ H 24!* 1-/O
1 @ 1 !*
/meas:s /*ysts
tReselEutr LN$ELO 0H7sO 1sO 1@ 1s
Rs /offsets:n Tresele'tion 35ffsetCell I+,IMO 824 !* 0/ H24 !* 30/O 0d# (D @ 2 !*
Mobility )tates )'aling ,a'tors
: T%e e#auation o& t%e ces measure! w%en t%e S8criterion is &u&ie! !e(en!s on w%et%er ?$S ?ierarc%ica $e Structure/ is em(o+e!
: ?$S ena;es t%e !i&&erentiation o& %i'% me!ium an! norma mo;iit+ s(ee! 6Es. : For &aster mo#in' 6Es t%e (roce!ure aters 8 s(ee! !e(en!ent scain' rues are a((ie!. : 6E state !etection
nCellC*g?ig* LN$ELO 1..1O 1O 1@ 2
tE%aluation LN$ELO 30s 0/ 0s 1/ 120s 2/ 150s 3/ 240s 4/ O 1 @ 0s
< ,& t%e num;er o& !i&&erent ces/ ce reseections !urin' t%e (ast time (erio! tE#auation eBcee!s n$e$%'?i'% *ig* mobility %as ;een !etecte!.
< ,& t%e num;er eBcee!s n$e$%'e! an! not n$e$%'?i'% medium mobility %as ;een !etecte!. < Else "ormal Mobility is consi!ere! nCellC*gMed < REAR o;iit+ cou! ;e &urt%er a((ie! se(arate+ &or 1Ointra LN$ELO 1..1O 1@ 1 inter &re=uenc+ inter8RAT scenarios
Mobility )tates )'aling ,a'tors :For ?i'% an! me!ium mo;iit+ states t%e 6E ce rankin' criteria wi ;e mo!i&ie! to consi!er a scain' &actor 3?yst)f?ig* LN$ELO 8 !* 0/ 84 !* 1/ 82 !* 2/ 0 !* 3/O 1 @ 84!*
:?ig* mobility :
uti(+ /*yst ;+ IS(ee! !e(en!ent Scain'Factor &or @%+st &or %i'% mo;iit+ stateJ (3?yst)f?ig*
uti(+ tResele'tion ;+ IS(ee! !e(en!ent Scain'Factor &or TreseectionRAT &or %i'% mo;iit+ state &or RAT ces. RAT K E6TRAN 6TRAN GERAN/. ('elResTi,?M 'elResTi,?M 3?yst)fMed LN$ELO 0.2- 0/ 0.- 1/
:Medium mobility
LN$ELO 8 !* 0/ 84 !* 1/ 82 !* 2/ 0 !* 3/O 1 @ 84!*
0.7- 2/ 1 3/O 1 @ 0.- 1/
uti(+ /*yst ;+ IS(ee! !e(en!ent Scain'Factor &or @%+st &or me!ium mo;iit+ stateJ (3?yst)fMed
uti(+ tResele'tion ;+ IS(ee! !e(en!ent Scain'Factor &or TreseectionRAT &or me!ium mo;iit+ state &or RAT ces. RAT K E6TRAN 6TRAN GERAN/. ('elResTi,MM 'elResTi,MM LN$ELO 0.2- 0/ 0.- 1/ 0.7- 2/ 1 3/O 1 @ 0.- 1/
Cell Re1)ele'tion Pro'edure 1 R1Criterion Inter1 ,re3uen'y and Inter1R+T 'ase
,& 6E cam(s on'er t%an 1 sec in t%e ser#in' ce an!
tRes!tra tReser
: A %i'%er (riorit+ nei'%;our &u&is !urin' TreseectionRAT/
SnonSer#in'$eB Q T%res%%i'%
utra,r3T*r? ger,r3T*r?
Re8seect t%e nei'%;our ce
: No ce &u&is SnonSer#in'$eB Q T%res%%i'% : SSer#in'$e T%res%ser#in'ow
an! SnonSer#in'$eB Q T%res%Bow Re8seect t%e nei'%;our ce
T*res**ig* 4 T*res*x:lo 4 T*resser%ing:lo
Exam&le later FF LTE %as %i'%er (riorit+ t%an >$)A
s"onIntrsear'* LN$ELO 0..2!*O 2!*O 1
6E starts >$)A measurements w%en LTE &1 a;soute (riorit+ K -
LTE &1 RSR9 is KLN$ELsNonIntrsearch t*res*)r%Lo T%res%o!ser#in'ow LN$ELO 0..2!*O 2!*O 1
6E reseects to >$)A &1 w%en
>$)A &1 a;soute (riorit+ K 2
Sser#in'$e RSR9/ is t%an LN$ELthreshSrvLow AN) Snonser#in'$e Q 6FF, utraFrqThrL utra,r3T*rL Reseection to a ower (riorit+ >$)A
Exam&le 2 LTE %as ower (riorit+ t%an >$)A
s"onIntrsear'* LN$ELO 0..2!*O 2!*O 1
6E starts >$)A measurements w%en LTE &1 a;soute (riorit+ K 2
LTE &1 RSR9 is K LN$EL sNonIntrsearch
6E reseects to >$)A &1 w%en Snonser#in'$e Q 6FF, utraFrqThrH
>$)A &1 a;soute (riorit+ K -
utra,r3T*r? Reseection to a %i'%er (riorit+ >$)A 6FF,O 0..2!*O 2!*O 1
Index : :
easurements in LTE Idle Mode Mobility : Cell )ele'tion and Re1sele'tion < LTE Intra ,re3uen'y < LTE ,nter Fre=uenc+ < LTE to >$)A < LTE to GERAN < LTE to $)A2000 $onnecte! o!e o;iit+ < 6E easurements in $onnecte! o!e < LTE easurements ana'ement < LTE ,ntra Fre=uenc+ *etter $e ?an!o#er < LTE ,ntra Fre=uenc+ $o#era'e ?an!o#er < LTE ,nter Fre=uenc+ ?an!o#er < ,ntra8LTE %an!o#er #ia S1 < RR$ $onnection Reease wit% Re!irect < $S Fa;ack to 6TRAN or GS #ia Re!irect
Idle Mode Mobility LTE Intra1,re3uen'y :
*roa!cast o& S,* 4 is o(tiona < no nee! to ;roa!cast an+ intra8&re=uenc+ nei'%;our ces <
6E is a;e to com(ete ce re8seection wit% S,*3 in&ormation
e6TRAN S,*4 in&orms a;out LTE i!e mo!e nei'%;ours < <
9%+sica $e ,!enti&ier 9$,/ o& nei'%;our ce can ;e ;roa!cast ce nei'%;our/ in!i#i!ua re8seect o&&set can ;e ;roa!cast
S,*4 aso in&orms a;out blacliste! ces *$/ < A 6E is not aowe! to re8seect a blacliste! ce < 6( to 1 'rou(s o& ces 9$,s/ can ;e blacliste! < 6E wi not measure *$ ces in connecte! mo!e :
6E wi ne#er ;e instructe! &rom eN* to %an!o#er to a ;ackiste! ce
New (arameter o;ect intro!uce! I+,IM :
,AF, K ,ntra Fre=uenc+ ,!e o!e
Idle Mode Mobility LTE Intra1,re3uen'y 35ffsetCell
Nei'%;our ce
ist < LTE intra &re=uenc+
,AF,O 824 !* 0/ 822 !* 1/ 820 !* 2/ 815 !* 3/ 81 !* 4/ 814 !* -/ 812 !* / 810 !* 7/ 85 !* 5/ 8 !* / 8- !* 10/ 84 !* 11/ 83 !* 12/ 82 !* 13/ 81 !* 14/ 0 !* 1-/ 1 !* 1/ 2 !* 17/ 3 !* 15/ 4 !* 1/ - !* 20/ !* 21/ 5 !* 22/ 10 !* 23/ 12 !* 24/ 14 !* 2-/ 1 !* 2/ 15 !* 27/ 20 !* 25/ 22 !* 2/ 24 !* 30/O 0d# (D
intFrN$List structure < 2 (arameters (er nei'%;or/ (%+s$e,!Nc ="&&$e
&*ysCellId"'l 9$, is a uni=ue ce i!enti&ication in a nei'%;orin' ce ist ,AF,O 0H-03O 1O 1
;ack8iste! ce
*ackiste! $e
re'uar nei'%;our
Nei'%;our $e *$ nei'%;our
Idle Mode Mobility LTE Intra1,re3uen'y *ack Liste! $es $)A < LTE to GERAN < LTE to $)A2000 Conne'ted Mode Mobility < 6E easurements in $onnecte! o!e < LTE easurements ana'ement < LTE ,ntra Fre=uenc+ *etter $e ?an!o#er < LTE ,ntra Fre=uenc+ $o#era'e ?an!o#er < LTE ,nter Fre=uenc+ ?an!o#er < ,ntra8LTE %an!o#er #ia S1 < RR$ $onnection Reease wit% Re!irect < $S Fa;ack to 6TRAN or GS #ia Re!irect
?ando%ers Introdu'tion ?an!o#ers in LTE are
: ?ard *ando%ers resources are (re(are! in t%e tar'et ce ;e&ore t%e 6E is comman!e! to mo#e to t%e tar'et ce
: Lossless 9ackets are &orwar!e! &rom t%e source to t%e tar'et. : "etor= 'ontrolled T%e tar'et ce is seecte! ;+ t%e network not ;+ t%e 6E. T%e %an!o#er contro is in t%e e86TRAN not in t%e $ore network
: !E1assisted easurements are ma!e an! re(orte! ;+ t%e 6E to t%e network at%ou'% it is t%e network eNo!e*/ w%ic% tri''ers t%ose measurements
: Late &at* sit'* "n+ w%en t%e inter eNo!e* %an!o#er is success&u t%e (acket core is in#o#e! 2 re=uire!/
?ando%er Ty&es : Intra1LTE (or Intra1R+T *ando%ers : Intra fre3uen'y *ando%ers t%at is %an!o#ers wit%in t%e same &re=uenc+ ;an!. T%ere are two scenarios < ,ntra8eNo!e* %an!o#er i.e. inter sector/ < ,nter8eNo!e* %an!o#er i.e. inter site/ < ,nter e8No!e* ?" can %a((en #ia t%e 2 inter&ace or #ia t%e S1 inter&ace su((orte! in RL20/.T%e !ownink !ata &orwar!in' o#er 2 is a((ie! &or ossess !ata (at% switc%in'.
: Inter1fre3uen'y *ando%ers t%at aow ser#ice continuit+ &or LTE !e(o+ments in !i&&erent &re=uenc+ ;an!s an! aso &or LTE !e(o+ments wit%in one &re=uenc+ ;an! ;ut wit% !i&&erent centre &re=uencies. $urrent+ su((orte! in RL20
?ando%er Ty&es Inter1R+T *ando%ers
: T%ese are t%e %an!o#ers to ot%er ra!io access tec%noo'ies RAT/ to (ro#i!e continuous 9S co#era'e : LTE ?5 to%en ;eow T%2W,nterFre= t%en inter &re=uenc+ measurement are starte!
,& eBcee!s T%2a inter8RAT measure ments are sto((e!
RSR$ re(orte!/ "n+ ser#in' ce measurements. No nei'%;or measurements an! no re(ortin' w%en a;o#e T%1. >%en ;eow T%1 start intra &re=uenc+ nei'%;or measurement
T%4 T%3 T%2 V T%2a T%1 T%3 T%3a T%3W,nterFre= T%3aW,nterFre=
Index : :
easurements in LTE ,!e o!e o;iit+ : $e Seection an! Re8seection < LTE ,ntra Fre=uenc+ < LTE ,nter Fre=uenc+ < LTE to >$)A < LTE to GERAN < LTE to $)A2000 Conne'ted Mode Mobility < 6E easurements in $onnecte! o!e < LTE Measurements Management < LTE ,ntra Fre=uenc+ *etter $e ?an!o#er < LTE ,ntra Fre=uenc+ $o#era'e ?an!o#er < LTE ,nter Fre=uenc+ ?an!o#er < ,ntra8LTE %an!o#er #ia S1 < RR$ $onnection Reease wit% Re!irect < $S Fa;ack to 6TRAN or GS #ia Re!irect
e"# 'ontrols Intra1fre3uen'y measurement in !E LN$EL threshol!+ !e&ines t%e a;soute RSR9 e#e &or 6E intra8&re=uenc+ measurement acti#ation an! !e8acti#ation RSR9 o& ser#in' ce
6E !oes not measure nor re(ort intra8&re=uenc+ nei'%;or ist
1 !
o % s e r % t
8140 !*m
t*res*old Tri''er &or intra8&re=uenc+ measurements LN$ELO 0..7!*O 1!*O 1 @ 0 !* RSR9 K 8140*m M 0 !* K 8-0!*m
6E measures intra8&re=uenc+ nei'%;or ist an! re(orts A3 or A- i& res(ecti#e con!itions/ are met
time 'bsolute power level0 1+/2 !3m 4 threshol!+ EBam(e i& t%res%o! 1 K --!* 8Q RSR9 K 8140!*m M -- !* K 85- !*m
e"# 'ontrols Inter1fre3uen'y measurement in !E LN$EL threshol!(InterFreq !e&ines t%e a;soute RSR9 e#e &or 6E inter8 &re=uenc+ measurement acti#ation t*res*old2Inter,re3
Tri''er &or inter8&re=uenc+ measurements
RSR9 o& ser#in' ce
LN$ELO 0..7!*O 1!*O 1
6E measures inter8&re=uenc+ nei'%;ors an! re(orts A3 or A- i& res(ecti#e con!itions/ are met *ysT*res*old2Inter,re3
8140 !*m
?+steresis o& T%res%o!2,nterFre= LN$ELO 0..1-!*O 0.-!*O 1
Acti#ate ,nter8 &re=uenc+ measurement a(Time To Tri&&er
time a2TimeToTrigger+'tInter ,re3Meas )uration &or w%ic% t%e e#ent A2 must ;e #ai! LN$ELO 0ms..-120msO 8O 1
e"# 'ontrols Inter1fre3uen'y measurement in !E LN$EL threshol!(a !e&ines t%e a;soute RSR9 e#e &or 6E inter8&re=uenc+ measurement !e8acti#ation t*res*old2a
RSR9 o& ser#in' ce
Sto( inter8&re=uenc+ measurements LN$ELO 0..7!*O 1!*O 1
Threshol!(a H#steresis
a+Time To Tri&&er
)e8acti#ate ,nter8&re=uenc+ measurement
time *ysT*res*old2a
8140 !*m
?+steresis o& T%res%o!2a LN$ELO 0..1-!*O 0.-!*O 1
aTimeToTrigger-ea'tIn terMeas )uration &or w%ic% t%e e#ent A1 must ;e #ai! LN$ELO 0..-120msO 8O 1
Index : :
easurements in LTE ,!e o!e o;iit+ : $e Seection an! Re8seection < LTE ,ntra Fre=uenc+ < LTE ,nter Fre=uenc+ < LTE to >$)A < LTE to GERAN < LTE to $)A2000 Conne'ted Mode Mobility < 6E easurements in $onnecte! o!e < LTE easurements ana'ement < LTE Intra ,re3uen'y #etter Cell ?ando%er < LTE ,ntra Fre=uenc+ $o#era'e ?an!o#er < LTE ,nter Fre=uenc+ ?an!o#er < ,ntra8LTE %an!o#er #ia S1 < RR$ $onnection Reease wit% Re!irect < $S Fa;ack to 6TRAN or GS #ia Re!irect
#etter Cell ?ando%er : *etter $e ?an!o#er aims to kee( t%e 6E awa+s on ;est ce measure! ;+ RSR9/
: *ase! on 3G99 re(ortin' e#ent UA3B E#ent A3 !e&ines reati#e o&&set LN$EL a)1offset Timer to Tri''er LN$EL a)1TimeToTri&&er Re(ortin' ,nter#a LN$EL a)1ReportInterval
RSR9 at ser#in' ce M aJ5ffset RSR9 at nei'%;or ce
: *etter $e ?an!o#er can ;e ena;e! !isa;e! enable#etterCell?o LN$ELO 0 &ase/ 1 true/O (true
?ando%ers E%ent +J used for #etter Cell ?5 RSR9 at ser#in' ce M aJ5ffset RSR9 at nei'%;or ce aJ5ffset LN$ELO 81-..1-!*O 0.-!*O 1 @ @ 4 !* T%e actua #aue is t%e (arameter #aue muti(ie! ;+ 0.- !* 8Q 40.- K 2!*
R)RP "eig*bour Cell
A3 con!ition met
aJRe&ortInter%al LN$ELO 120ms 0/ 240ms 1/ 450ms 2/ 40ms 3/ 1024ms 4/ 2045ms -/ -120ms / 10240ms 7/ 1min 5/ min / 12min 10/ 30m in 11/ 0min 12/O 1 @ 1024 ms 4/
aJoffset )er%ing Cell R)RP
time aJTimeToTrigger LN$ELO 0ms 0/ 40ms 1/ 4ms 2/ 50ms 3/ 100ms 4/ 125ms -/ 10ms / 2-ms 7/ 320ms 5/ 450ms / -12ms 10/ 40ms 11/ 1024ms 12/ 1250ms 13/ 2-0ms 14/ -120ms 1-/O 1 @
320 ms 5/
aJRe&ort Inter%al
easurement Re(ort
re(ortin' con!ition met a&ter Time To Tri''er
easurement Re(ort
Index : :
easurements in LTE ,!e o!e o;iit+ : $e Seection an! Re8seection < LTE ,ntra Fre=uenc+ < LTE ,nter Fre=uenc+ < LTE to >$)A < LTE to GERAN < LTE to $)A2000 Conne'ted Mode Mobility < 6E easurements in $onnecte! o!e < LTE easurements ana'ement < LTE ,ntra Fre=uenc+ *etter $e ?an!o#er < LTE Intra ,re3uen'y Co%erage ?ando%er < LTE ,nter Fre=uenc+ ?an!o#er < ,ntra8LTE %an!o#er #ia S1 < RR$ $onnection Reease wit% Re!irect < $S Fa;ack to 6TRAN or GS #ia Re!irect
Co%erage ?ando%er :
$o#era'e ?an!o#er is use! to ?" to ot%er e6TRA ce in case < ser#in' ce RSR9 'ets ;eow an a;oute t%res%o! an! / < nei'%;our ce RSR9 'ets ;etter t%an an a;soute t%res%o!
*ase! on 3G99 re(ortin' e#ent UA-J
3G99 UT%res%o!E6TRAJ use! to !e&ine a;soute RSR9 e#e &or a/ ser#in' ce LN$EL threshol!) an! ;/ nei'%;our ce LN$EL threshol!)a
Timer to Tri''er LN$EL a*1TimeToTri&&er
Re(ortin' ,nter#a LN$EL a*1ReportInterval
*etter $e ?an!o#er can ;e ena;e! !isa;e! enableCo%?o LN$ELO 0 &ase/ 1 true/O (true
3G99 e#ent A- is 6E o(tionaO eN* knows &rom &eature 'rou( ;its
?ando%ers E%ent +D
t*res*oldJ LN$ELO 0..7!*O 1!*O 1
: E#ent A- is a co#era'e $e ?" w%ere
*aseine is 8140!*m 4-!* RSR9 K 8140*m M 4- !* K 8-!*m
RSR9 at ser#in' ce
+"RSR9 at tar'et Q
t*res*oldJa LN$ELO 0..7!*O 1!*O 1 *aseine is 8140!*m 45!* RSR9 K 8140*m M 45 !* K 82!*m
: LN$EL a*TimeToTri&&er Time !urin' w%ic% t%e s(eci&ic criteria &or t%e measurement e#ent must ;e met in or!er to tri''er a measurement re(ort
:LN$EL a*Report Interval Time s(acin' ;etween measurement re(orts aDRe&ortInter%al
LN$ELO 120ms 0/ 240ms 1/ 450ms 2/ 40ms 3/ 1024ms 4/ 2045ms -/ -120ms / 10240ms 7/ 1min 5/ min / 12min 10/ 30m in 11/ 0min 12/O 1 @ 240 ms 1/
?ando%ers E%ent +D
t*res*oldJ LN$ELO 0..7!*O 1!*O 1 *aseine is 8140!*m
RSR9 at ser#in' ce threshol!) +"- ( RSR9 at tar'et Q threshol!)a
t*res*oldJa LN$ELO 0..7!*O 1!*O 1 *aseine is 8140!*m
)er%ing Cell R)RP
a 3 ! o % s e r % t
3 ! o % s e r % t
"eig*bour Cell R)RP
8140 !*m
aDTimeToTrigger LN$ELO 0ms 0/ 40ms 1/ 4ms 2/ 50ms 3/ 100ms 4/ 125ms -/ 10ms / 2-ms 7/ 320ms 5/ 450ms / -12ms 10/ 40ms 11/ 1024ms 12/ 1250ms 13/ 2-0ms 14/ -120ms 1-/O 1
time a-TimeToTri''er
a-Re(ort ,nter#a
easurement Re(ort
easurement Re(ort
Index : :
easurements in LTE ,!e o!e o;iit+ : $e Seection an! Re8seection < LTE ,ntra Fre=uenc+ < LTE ,nter Fre=uenc+ < LTE to >$)A < LTE to GERAN < LTE to $)A2000 Conne'ted Mode Mobility < 6E easurements in $onnecte! o!e < LTE easurements ana'ement < LTE ,ntra Fre=uenc+ *etter $e ?an!o#er < LTE ,ntra Fre=uenc+ $o#era'e ?an!o#er < LTE Inter ,re3uen'y ?ando%er < ,ntra8LTE %an!o#er #ia S1 < RR$ $onnection Reease wit% Re!irect < $S Fa;ack to 6TRAN or GS #ia Re!irect
5%er%ie1LTEDD Intra LTE inter1fre3uen'y ?5 : Network controe! an! 6E assiste! : 6E nee!s to su((ort ;ot% ;an!s an! inter8&re=uenc+ ?" : Ser#ice continuit+ &or LTE !e(o+ment in different fre3uen'y bands as we as &or LTE !e(o+ments wit%in one fre3uen'y band but it* different 'enter fre3uen'ies
: T%e 6E (er&orms t%e measurements as con&i'ure! ;+ eNo!e* eutra$arrier,n&o (arameter s(eci&ies t%e inter8&re=uenc+ ;an! a'tIf?o ena;es t%e &eature ,nter Fre=uenc+ ?an!o#er LN*TSO !isa;e! 0/ ena;e! 1/O 8O enabled (
eutraCarrierInfo i!8&re=uenc+ o& nei'%;orin' ce use! in easurement $on&i'uration LN?",FO 0..--3-O 1O 1
5%er%ie1LTEDD Intra LTE inter1fre3uen'y ?5 : T%is &eature aows to %an! o#er a 6E in RR$W$onnecte! mo!e ;etween two LTE ces o(eratin' on !i&&erent carriers &re=uencies;an!s/.
: T%e tri''er &or t%is (roce!ure is < ;etter nei'%;or ce &re=uenc+/ co#era'e A3 RSR9/ < ;etter nei'%;or ce &re=uenc+/ =uait+ A3 RSR@/ < imite! ser#in' ce &re=uenc+/ an! su&&icient nei'%;or ce &re=uenc+/ co#era'e A-/
: easurement 'a(s < i& nee!e! t%en 'a( (attern 0 is use! ms 'a( eac% 40ms/ a'tIf?o ena;es t%e &eature ,nter Fre=uenc+ ?an!o#er LN*TSO !isa;e! 0/ ena;e! 1/O 8O enabled (
+J e%ent based ?ando%er : inter8&re=uenc+ ;etter co#era'e=uait+ ;ase! A3/ %an!o#er e#ent e#auation
Mn 5 hysA3OffsetRsr(p/q)InterFreq > Ms + a3OffsetRsr(p/q)InterFreq Si'na inter1fre3uen'y e#e hysA3OffsetRsr(p/q)InterFreq
neig*bour 'ell (Mn
RSR9 or RSR@/
a3OffsetRsr(p/q)InterFreq ser%ing 'ell (Ms time a3TimeToTrierRsr(p/q)InterFreq
E%ent +J 'ondition fullfilled: !E sends measurement re&ort
easurement Re(ort
easurement Re(ort
+J e%ent based ?ando%er Parameter ( an! create &orwar!in' tunne.
Source Tar'et
. E &orwar!s t%e ?" in&ormation to t%e source eN* in a S1 ?+"-5KER C5MM+"-.
7. ?" Re=uest Ack
10. Source eN* 'enerates t%e RRC REC5",I!R+TI5" towar!s 6E in&ormin' it to mo#e to t%e tar'et ce.
11. Source eN* starts &orwar!in' (ackets to
5. GT9 Si'nain' . ?" $omman! 10. RR$ Recon&i'uration
tar'et eN* #ia S1 ,n!irect Forwar!in'/.
12. 6E (er&orms t%e &ina s+nc%ronisation to tar'et eN* an! accesses t%e ce #ia RA$? (roce!ure. )L (re8s+nc%ronisation is o;taine! !urin' ce i!enti&ication an! measurements.
13. Tar'et eN* 'i#es t%e u(ink aocation an! timin' a!#ance in&ormation.
11.Forwar! (ackets to tar'et 12. S+nc%roniPation 13. 6L aocation an! timin' a!#ance
)?ando%er Exe'ution
1-. eN* Status Trans&er
17. T%e tar'et eN* in&orms t%e E t%at t%e
20. Foowin' S1 ;ase! %an!o#er i& t%e
14. RR$ Recon&. $om(ete
to (ass 9)$9 status in&ormation to tar'et eN*.
Source Tar'et
Intra1LTE *ando%er %ia ) (LTEDG : T*e intra1LTE *ando%er
fun'tionality %ia ) 'an be enabled < disabled %ia 5M for all 'ells of t*e e"ode# : "riority indicator beteen 821?5 )1?5 : Interface specific #lac$lists (5&erator 'an for'e a )1 based *ando%er by bla'=listing neig*bour1'ells for 821based *ando%er %ia 5M Configuration : %e& MO' %A" introdu'ed for o&erator defined ) *ando%er target 'ells
a'tLTE)?o LN*TSO true &aseO 8 O false
&rioTo&o?5 )e&ine (riorities ;etween t%e 3 to(oo'+ o(tions &or intra LTE %an!o#er LN*TSO a e=ua 0/ intra eN* ?" (rior inter eN* ?" 1/ intra (rior 2 (rior S1 2/ ow (rio S1 3/O all e3ual (0
bla'=listTo&o Aow ;ackistin' &or 28?an!o#er on+ ot%er ?" #ariants are sti aowe! LN$ELO aE=ua 0/ on+2 1/O all e3ual (0
bla'=list?oL List o& ;ackiste! ces &or ,ntra&re=uenc+ ?an!o#er LN$ELO 8 O8 O 8
ln+dl&Id Namin' attri;ute o& t%e "$ LNA)L9 LNA)L9O 0H31O1 O 8
Index : :
easurements in LTE ,!e o!e o;iit+ : $e Seection an! Re8seection < LTE ,ntra Fre=uenc+ < LTE ,nter Fre=uenc+ < LTE to >$)A < LTE to GERAN < LTE to $)A2000 Conne'ted Mode Mobility < 6E easurements in $onnecte! o!e < LTE easurements ana'ement < LTE ,ntra Fre=uenc+ *etter $e ?an!o#er < LTE ,ntra Fre=uenc+ $o#era'e ?an!o#er < LTE ,nter Fre=uenc+ ?an!o#er < ,ntra8LTE %an!o#er #ia S1 < RRC Conne'tion Release it* Redire't < $S Fa;ack to 6TRAN or GS #ia Re!irect
RRC 'onne'tion release it* redire't : ,n case ser#in' ce co#era'e ;+ RSR9 is on ower en! o& scae eN* can re!irect t%e ca to ot%er &re=uenc+ a+er or ot%er RAT < t%is is no %an!o#er X
: 3G99 e#ent A2 is use! to !e&ine an a;soute t%res%o! LN$EL threshol!/ 3G99 T%res%o!6TRA/ Risk o& oosin' t%e si'nain' connection wit% 6E !ue to ;a! co#era'e
: "nce 6E sen!s e#ent tri''ere! measurement re(ort A2 eN* sen!s RR$rrc$onnectionReease wit% tar'et RAT in&ormation to 6E
RRC 'onne'tion release it* redire't : Re!irect &eature can ;e ena;e! on LN*TS e#e a'tRedire't LN*TSO !isa;e! 0/ ena;e! 1/O enabled (
RR$ RR$ $"NNE$T,"N RELEASE tar'et RAT in!icate!
e#ent A2 &or re!irection
RRC 'onne'tion release it* redire't LN$EL threshol!/ !e&ines t%e a;soute RSR9 e#e o& ser#in' ce &or eN* to tri''er RR$ connection reease wit% re!irection. RSR9
)er%ing Cell R)RP +2 'ondition met
re(ortin' con!ition met a&ter Time To Tri''er
threshol!/ 4 !
o % s e r % t
8140 !*m
t*res*oldG LN$ELO 0..7!*O 1!*O 1 *aseine is 8140!*m 1!* 8Q RSR9 K 813!*m
a2TimeToTriggerRedire't LN$ELO 0ms 0/ 40ms 1/ 4ms 2/ 50ms 3/ 100ms 4/ 125ms -/ 10ms / 2-ms 7/ 320ms 5/ 450ms / -12ms 10/ 40ms 11/ 1024ms 12/ 1250ms 13/ 2-0ms 14/ -120ms 1-/O 1 @
2-ms 7/
time easurement Re(ort
RRC 'onne'tion release it* redire't : RR$ connection reease wit% re!irect (arameter structure LN*TS LN$EL RE)RT
: Tar'et RAT &or re!irection can ;e !e&ine! on ce e#e redirRat RE)RTO eutra 0/ 'eran 1/ utraF)) 2/ c!ma2000?R9) 3/ c!ma20001BRTT 4/ utraT)) -/O 1
RRC 'onne'tion release it* redire't : )e(en!in' on RE)RT re!irR'T (arameter settin' (re#. si!e/ tar'et RAT (arameters must ;e set in RE)RT (ars re!ir*an!$!ma 8 S(eci&ies t%e c!ma2000 ;an! cass re!irFre=$!ma 8 S(eci&ies t%e c!ma2000 ARF$N re!irFre=Eutra 8 S(eci&ies t%e e6TRA &re=uenc+ re!irFre=6tra 8 S(eci&ies t%e 6TRA &re=uenc+ re!irGeranAr&cnaueL 8 List o& GERAN ARF$N #aues re!irGeran*an!,n!icator 8 ,n!icator to !istin'uis% t%e GERAN &re=uenc+ ;an! in case o& ARF$N #aues associate! wit% eit%er GS 1500 or GS 100 carriers. re!irGeranStartin'Ar&cn 8 T%e &irst ARF$N #aue in t%e set o& GERAN ARF$Ns in t%e GERAN carrier &re=uencies ist.
Index : :
easurements in LTE ,!e o!e o;iit+ : $e Seection an! Re8seection < LTE ,ntra Fre=uenc+ < LTE ,nter Fre=uenc+ < LTE to >$)A < LTE to GERAN < LTE to $)A2000 Conne'ted Mode Mobility < 6E easurements in $onnecte! o!e < LTE easurements ana'ement < LTE ,ntra Fre=uenc+ *etter $e ?an!o#er < LTE ,ntra Fre=uenc+ $o#era'e ?an!o#er < LTE ,nter Fre=uenc+ ?an!o#er < ,ntra8LTE %an!o#er #ia S1 < RR$ $onnection Reease wit% Re!irect < C) ,allba'= to !TR+" or )M %ia Redire't
C) ,allba'= to !TR+" or )M %ia Redire't (LTED2 : T%is &eature intro!uces ser#ice8;ase! redire'tion o& mutimo!e 6E &rom E86TRAN to $S ca(a;e ce 6TRAN or GERAN/ w%ene#er $S #oice ca is to ;e esta;is%e!
: : : :
Re=uire! w%en t%ere is no Con%ersational Koi'e su&&ort on LTE side E86TRAN co#era'e must ;e o#era((e! ;+ GERAN or 6TRAN co#era'e *ot% mo;ie ori'inate! an! mo;ie terminate! scenarios are su((orte! E9$ must su((ort $S inter8workin' &or mo;iit+ mana'ement an! (a'in' : Re!irection ;+ RRC 'onne'tion release messa'e wit% a Re!irecte!CarrierInfo ,n&ormation Eement t%at en&orces t%e 6E to searc% &or an+ ce &irst at t%e %i'%est (riorit+ 6TRA carrier or wit%in *$$? carrier set &or GS
LN*TSO )isa;e! 0/ Ena;e! 1/O 8 O -isabled (0
)e&ines (riorit+ &or tar'et RAT
Namin' attri;ute o& "$ RE)RT
RE)RTO 1HO 1 O 1
RE)RTO 0H-O 1 O 1
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