0625 Scheme of Work (For Examination From 2023)

August 3, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Sc`hnh la ]lri

Cbnjrofmh OMCSHK / Cbnjrofmh OMCSH (?–2)  41:8 /4?=:  Alr hxbnoebtole arln :4:3

Qhrsole 2



Oe lrfhr tl `hkp us f hvhklp t`h `om`hst qubkoty rhslurchs, wh brh uefhrtbioem b cletoeulus prlmrbnnh la rhvohw9 elt leky tl nhbsurh t`h succhss la lur rhslurchs jut bksl tl `om`kom`t brhbs alr onprlvhnhet bef tl ofhetoay ehw fhvhklpnhet ehhfs. ]h oevoth ylu tl clnpkhth lur survhy jy vosotoem t`h whjsoth jhklw. _lur clnnhets le t`h qubkoty bef rhkhvbech la lur rhslurchs brh vhry onplrtbet tl us. www.survhynleihy.cl.ui/r/MK1WEGJ   www.survhynleihy.cl.ui/r/MK1WEGJ

]lukf ylu koih tl jhclnh b Cbnjrofmh clesuktbet bef `hkp us fhvhklp supplrt nbthrobks< Tkhbsh alkklw t`h koei jhklw tl rhmosthr ylur oethrhst. www.cbnjrofmhoethrebtolebk.lrm/cbnjrofmh-alr/thbc`hrs/thbc`hrclesuktbets/

Clpyrom`t © XCKHS Gbeubry :4:2 Cbnjrofmh Bsshssnhet Oethrebtolebk Oethrebtolebk Hfucbtole os pbrt la t`h Cbnjrofmh Bsshssnhet Mrlup. Cbnjrofmh Bsshssnhet os t`h jrbef ebnh la t`h Xeovhrsoty la Cbnjrofmh Klcbk Hxbnoebtoles Syefocbth (XCKHS), w`oc` otshka os b fhpbrtnhet la t`h Xeovhrsoty la Cbnjrofmh. XCKHS rhtboes t`h clpyrom`t le bkk ots pujkocbtoles. Zhmosthrhf Chetrhs brh phrnotthf tl clpy nbthrobk arln t`os jllikht alr t`hor lwe oethrebk ush. @lwhvhr, wh cbeelt movh phrnossole tl Chetrhs tl p`ltlclpy bey nbthrobk t`bt os bcielwkhfmhf tl b t`orf pbrty, hvhe alr oethrebk ush wot`oe b Chetrh.



Clethets Oetrlfuctole ................................................... .............................................................................. ...................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ............................. .. 6  2. Nltole, alrchs bef hehrmy ........................................... ...................................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ..................................................... ..................................................... ...................................................... ...................................... ........... =  :. V`hrnbk p`ysocs............................................................................ ....................................................................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ............................................. .................. :0  3. ]bvhs ........................ ................................................... ..................................................... ..................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ................................ ..... 62  6. Hkhctrocoty bef nbmehtosn......................................................... .................................................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ................................................. ......................81  8. Euckhbr p`ysocs ........................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ..................................................... ..................................................... ......................................... ..............=1   1. Spbch p`ysocs......................... .................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ............................................. .................. 08 


Sc`hnh la ]lri

Oetrlfuctole V`os sc`hnh la wlri `bs jhhe fhsomehf tl supplrt ylu oe ylur thbc`oem b ef khssle pkbeeoem. Nbioem aukk ush la t`os sc`hnh la wlri wokk `hkp ylu tl onprlvh jlt` ylur thbc`oem bef ylur khbrehrs‟ plthetobk. Ot os onplrtbet tl `bvh b sc`hnh la wlri oe pkbch oe lrfhr alr ylu tl mubrbethh  t`bt t`h sykkbjus os clvhrhf aukky. _lu cbe c`llsh w`bt bpprlbc` tl tbih bef ylu ielw t`h ebturh la ylur  oestotutole bef t`h  khvhks la bjokoty la ylur khbrehrs. ]`bt alkklws os gust leh plssojkh bpprlbc` ylu clukf tbih bef ylu s`lukf bkwbys c`hci t`h sykkbjus alr t`h clethet la ylur clursh. Summhstoles alr oefhphefhet stufy (O) bef alrnbtovh bsshssnhet (A) brh bksl oeckufhf. Lpplrtueotohs alr foaahrhetobtole brh oefocbthf bs Hxthesole bctovotohs9 bctovotohs9 t`hrh os t`h plthetobk alr foaahrhetobtole jy rhslurch, mrlupoem, hxphcthf khvhk la lutclnh, bef fhmrhh la supplrt jy thbc`hr, t`rlum`lut t`h sc`hnh la wlri. Vonoems alr bctovotohs bef ahhfjbci brh khat tl t`h gufmhnhet la t`h thbc`hr, bcclrfoem tl t`h khvhk la t`h khbrehrs bef sozh la t`h ckbss. Khemt` la tonh bkklcbthf tl b tbsi os belt`hr plssojkh brhb alr foaahrhetobtole.

Muofhf khbreoem `lurs Muofhf khbreoem `lurs movh be oefocbtole la t`h bnluet la cletbct tonh ylu ehhf t l `bvh wot` ylur khbrehrs tl fhkovhr b clursh. Lur sykkbjushs brh fhsomehf brluef 234 `lurs alr Cbnjrofmh OMCSH clurshs. V`h eunjhr la `lurs nby vbry fhphefoem le klcbk prbctoch bef ylur khbrehrs‟ prhvolus hxphrohech la t`h sujghct. V`h tbjkh jhklw movhs slnh muofbech bjlut `lw nbey `lurs wh rhclnnhef ylu sphef le h bc` tlpoc brhb. Vlpoc

Summhsthf thbc`oem tonh (% la t`h clursh)

2 Nltole, alrchs bef hehrmy

Ot os rhclnnhefhf t`bt t`os s`lukf tbih bjlut :1% la t`h clursh.

: V`hrnbk p`ysocs

Ot os rhclnnhefhf t`bt t`os s`lukf tbih bjlut 24% la t`h clursh.

3 ]bvhs

Ot os rhclnnhefhf t`bt t`os s`lukf tbih bjlut 20% la t`h clursh.

6 Hkhctrocoty bef nbmehtosn

Ot os rhclnnhefhf t`bt t`os s`lukf tbih bjlut :=% la t`h clursh.

8 Euckhbr p`ysocs

Ot os rhclnnhefhf t`bt t`os s`lukf tbih bjlut 0% la t`h clursh.

1 Spbch p`ysocs

Ot os rhclnnhefhf t`bt t`os s`lukf tbih bjlut 22% la t`h clursh.



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Zhslurchs _lu cbe aoef t`h up-tl-fbth rhslurch kost, kost, oeckufoem heflrsh heflrshf f rhslurchs tl supplrt Cbnjrofmh OMCSH T`ysocs le t`h Tujkos`hf rhslurchs tbj la t`h sykkbjus pbmh le lur pujkoc whjsoth  whjsoth `hrh. `hrh.  Heflrshf thxtjllis  thxtjllis `bvh jhhe wrotthe tl jh cklshky bkomehf tl t `h sykkbjus t`hy supplrt, bef `bvh jhhe t`rlum` b fhtbokhf qubkoty bssurbech prlchss. Bkk  thxtjllis heflrshf jy Cbnjrofmh Oethrebtolebk alr t`os sykkbjus brh t`h ofhbk rhslurch tl jh ushf bklemsofh t`os sc`hnh la wlri bs t`hy clvhr hbc` khbreoem ljghctovh. Oe bffotole tl rhbfoem t`h sykkbjus, ylu s`lukf rhahr tl t`h upfbthf sphconhe bsshssnhet nbthrobks.

@uj  Sc`llk Supplrt @uj  V`h Sc`llk Supplrt @uj  @uj www.cbnjrofmhoethrebtolebk.lrm/supplrt www.cbnjrofmhoethrebtolebk.lrm/supplrt  os b shcurh lekoeh rhslurch jbei bef clnnueoty alrun alr Cbnjrofmh thbc`hrs, w`hrh ylu cbe flweklbf sphconhe bef pbst quhstole pbphrs, nbri sc`hnhs bef lt`hr rhslurchs. ]h bksl laahr lekoeh bef abch-tl-abch trboeoem9 fhtboks la alrt`clnoem trboeoem lpplrtueotohs brh plsthf plsthf lekoeh. V`os sc`hnh la wlri os bvbokbjkh bs TFA bef be hfotbjkh vhrsole oe Nocrlslat ]lrf alrnbt9 jlt` brh bvbokbjkh le t`h Sc`llk Supplrt @uj bt  bt www.cbnjrofmhoethrebtolebk.lrm/supplrt www.cbnjrofmhoethrebtolebk.lrm/supplrt.. Oa ylu  brh uebjkh tl ush Nocrlslat ]lrf ylu cbe flweklbf Lphe Laaoch arhh la c`brmh arln  arln  www.lphelaaoch.lrm www.lphelaaoch.lrm  

]hjsoths V`os sc`hnh la wlri oeckufhs whjsoth koeis prlvofoem forhct bcchss tl oethreht rhslurchs. Cbnjrofmh Bsshssnhet Oethrebtolebk Hfucbtole os elt rhsplesojkh alr t`h bccurbcy lr   clethet la oealrnbtole cletboehf oe t`hsh soths. V`h oeckusole la b koei tl be hxthrebk whjsoth s`lukf elt jh uefhrstllf tl jh be heflrshnhet la t`bt whjsoth lr t`h soth's lwehrs (lr t`hor prlfucts/shrvochs). V`h whjsoth pbmhs rhahrhechf rhahrhechf oe t`os sc`hnh la wlri whrh shkhcthf w`he t`h sc`hnh la wlri wbs prlfuchf. Lt`hr bsphcts la t`h soths whrh elt c`hcihf bef leky t`h pbrtocukbr rhslurchs brh rhclnnhefhf.

www.jjc.cl.ui/jothsozh www.abkstbf.cln/nbt`p`ysocs.`tnk www.nbt`sosaue.cln/p`ysocs/oefhx.`tnk `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu www.p`ysocsckbssrlln.cln `ttps7//spbri.olp.lrm www.sthn.lrm.ui   www.sthn.lrm.ui



Sc`hnh la ]lri

@lw tl mht t`h nlst lut la t`os sc`hnh la wlri – oethmrbtoem sykkbjus clethet, siokks bef thbc`oem strbthmohs ]h `bvh wrotthe t`os sc`hnh la wlri alr t`h Cbnjrofmh OMCSH T`ysocs 41:8/4?=: sykkbjus bef ot prlvofhs slnh ofhbs bef summhstoles la `lw tl clvhr t`h clethet la t`h sykkbjus. ]h `bvh fhsomehf t`h alkklwoem ahbturhs tl `hkp muofh ylu t `rlum` ylur clursh.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs `hkp ljghctovhs `hkp ylur khbrehrs jy nbioem ckhbr t`h ielwkhfmh t`hy jy brhhxprhssoem tryoem tl juokf. Tbss t`hsh le tl ylur khbrehrs t`hn bs ‐]h brh khbreoe khbreoe tl / bjlut… bjlut…‟. ‟.

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs  bctovotohs movh ylu klts la ofhbs bjlut `lw ylu cbe prhshet khbrehrs wot` ehw oealrnbtole wot`lut thbc`hr tbki lr vofhls. Vry nlrh bctovh nht`lfs w`oc` mht ylur khbrehrs nltovbthf bef prbctosoem ehw siokks.

Zhslurch Tkus prlvofhs Vhbc`oem Tbcis Alrnbtovh bsshssnhet (A) os (A) os lemloem bsshssnhet w`oc` oealrns ylu bjlut t`h prlmrhss la ylur khbrehrs. Fle‟t alrmht tl khbvh tonh tl rhvohw w`bt ylur khbrehrs `bvh khbret7 ylu clukf try quhstole bef beswhr, thsts, quozzhs, ‐noef nbps‟, lr ‐clechpt nbps‟. V`hsh ioefs la bctovotohs cbe jh aluef oe t`h sc`hnh la wlri.

bef hxphronhet vofhls tl fhvhklp ylu khbrehrs‟ prbctocbk scohech siokks. bvbokbjkh alr ylu tl vohw bef flweklbf bt7 www.cbnjrofmhoethrebtolebk.lrm/supplr t. 

(O)   Oefhphefhet stufy (O) movhs ylur khbrehrs t`h lpplrtueoty tl fhvhklp t`hor lwe ofhbs bef uefhrstbefoem wot` forhct oeput arln ylu.

bctovotohs prlvofh  prlvofh Hxthesole bctovotohs ylur nlrh bjkh khbrehrs wot` aurt`hr c`bkkhemh jhylef t`h jbsoc clethet la t`h clursh bef `hkp prhpbrh t`hn alr B Khvhk stufy bef jhylef.

pbphrs  bef nbri sc`hnhs Tbst pbphrs, sphconhe pbphrs bef sc`hnhs   brh bvbokbjkh alr ylu tl flweklbf bt7 www.cbnjrofmhoethrebtolebk.lrm/supplrt   www.cbnjrofmhoethrebtolebk.lrm/supplrt Xsoem t`hsh rhslurchs wot` ylur khbrehrs bkklws ylu tl c`hci t`hor prlmrhss bef movh t`hn cleaofhech bef   uefhrstbefoem. uefhrstbefoem.  1


Sc`hnh la ]lri

2. Nltole, alrchs bef hehrmy Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs

2.2.2 T`ysocbk qubetotohs bef nhbsurhnhet thc`eoquhs

Fhscrojh t`h ush la rukhrs bef nhbsuroem cykoefhrs tl aoef b khemt` lr b vlkunh

Foscuss t`h onplrtbech la nhbsurhnhets. ]`y fl wh tbih nhbsurhnhets< @lw fl wh hesurh nhbsurhnhets brh bccurbth bef prhcosh<


Fhscrojh `lw tl nhbsurh b vbrohty la tonh oethrvbks usoem cklcis bef fomotbk tonhrs


Fhthrnoeh be bvhrbmh vbkuh alr b snbkk fostbech bef alr b s`lrt oethrvbk la tonh jy nhbsuroem nuktopkhs (oeckufoem t`h phrolf la lscokkbtole la b phefukun)

Sht up stbtoles brluef t`h kbjlrbtlry wot` foaahrhet nhbsuroem oestrunhets, bs whkk bs othns a lr nhbsurhnhet, alr khbrehrs tl nlvh brluef oe snbkk mrlups lr pbors. Khbrehrs cbe tbih nhbsurhnhets la t`h alkklwoem7 woft` la b jlli, brhb la kbjlrbtlry akllr, t`ociehss la b pohch la pbphr (t`hy s`lukf clesofhr nhbsuroem nuktopkhs), vlkunh la b snbkk rlci, tonh tl mht ylur btthetole, tonh tl wbki bcrlss t`h kbjlrbtlry, tonh la leh phefukun swoem (nhbsuroem nuktopkhs), htc. Nbih surh khbrehrs uefhrstbef t`h onplrtbech la tbioem nuktopkh rhbfoems bef cbkcukbtoem b nhbe. Alr b vb kuh la b snbkk fostbech lr b s`lrt oethrvbk la tonh, khbrehrs s`lukf nhbsurh nuktopkhs bef cbkcukbth b nhbe (oeckufoem t`h phrolf la b phefukun). Oethrbctovh whjsoths s`lwoem t`h scbkh la t`h rhbk wlrkf7 www.eoile.cln/bjlut/sp/ueovhrscbkh/scbkh.`tn   www.eoile.cln/bjlut/sp/ueovhrscbkh/scbkh.`tn `ttps7//scbkhlaueovhrsh.cln   `ttps7//scbkhlaueovhrsh.cln Hxthesole7 Strhtc` bef prhpbrh alr B khvhk Oetrlfuch prhcosole, bccurbcy bef hrrlr oe nhbsurhnhets. V`h jukk‟s-hyh bebklmy nby `hkp ylu hxpkboe t`h foaahrhech jhtwhhe t`hn. Foscuss systhnbtoc hrrlrs bef rbefln hrrlrs.  hrrlrs.   Jukk‟s-hyh bebklmy la prhcosole bef bccurbcy7 `ttps7//www.nbt`sosaue.cln/bccurbcy-prhcosole.`tnk

2.2.6 T`ysocbk qubetotohs bef nhbsurhnhet thc`eoquhs


Xefhrstbef t`bt b scbkbr qubetoty `bs nbmeotufh (sozh) leky bef t`bt b vhctlr qubetoty `bs nbmeotufh bef forhctole Ielw t`bt t`h alkklwoem qubetotohs brh scbkbrs7 fostbech,

Oetrlfuch t`h fhaoeotoles la scbkbrs bef vhctlrs. Xsoem qubetotohs khbrehrs `bvh clnh bcrlss jhalrh alr t`hn tl ofhetoay w`oc` brh scbkbrs bef w`oc` brh vhctlrs. Bff nlrh hxbnpkhs la scbkbrs tl oeckufh7 fostbech, sphhf, tonh, nbss, hehrmy, thnphrbturh bef prhssurh. Bff nlrh hxbnpkhs la vhctlrs tl oeckufh7 fospkbchnhet, alrch, whom`t, vhklcoty, bcchkhrbtole, hkhctroc aohkf strhemt` bef mrbvotbtolebk aohkf strhemt`. Xsh b jbkk tl hxpkboe t`h foaahrhech jhtwhhe fostbech bef fospkbchnhet, rhkbtoem jbci tl t`h foaahrhech jhtwhhe scbkbrs bef vhctlrs. V`rlw t`h jbkk tl b khbrehr bef bsi t`h ckbss tl hstonbth t`h fostbech t`h jbkk `bs trbvhkkhf. ]`bt os t`h fospkbchnhet< Khbrehrs s`lukf elth t`bt oe t`os cbsh t`h fostbech os t`h sbnh bs t`h fospkbchnhet. V`h khbrehr wot` t`h jbkk cbe t`he t`rlw t`h jbkk jbci tl ylu bef t`h khbrehrs cbe hstonbth t`h fostbech bef t`h fospkbchnhet. Khbrehrs s`lukf elw elth t`bt t`h fostbech bef fospkbchnhet `bvh foaahrhet vbkuhs.



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.



Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs

sphhf, tonh, nbss, hehrmy bef thnphrbturh   thnphrbturh

Hnp`bsosh t`bt bey qubetoty t`bt koeis wot` b forhctole wlrf os b vhctlr. Jlt` b alrch la 3.4 E upwbrfs upwbrfs bef  bef b fospkbchnhet la 4.68 n whst  nbih  nbih shesh9 jut b t hnphrbturh la 6= ´C sofhwbys sofhwbys flhs  flhs elt.

Ielw t`bt t`h alkklwoem qubetotohs brh vhctlrs7 alrch, whom`t, vhklcoty, bcchkhrbtole, nlnhetun, hkhctroc aohkf strhemt` bef mrbvotbtolebk aohkf strhemt`   strhemt` Fhthrnoeh, jy cbkcukbtole lr mrbp`ocbkky, t`h rhsuktbet la twl vhctlrs bt rom`t bemkhs, konothf tl alrchs lr vhklcotohs leky  leky 

Hxpkboe t`bt scbkbrs bkwbys bff tl crhbth b kbrmhr vbkuh. Foscuss t`h hxbnpkh la mloem alr b rbnjkoem wbki. V`h wbkihr nom`t wbki 2in elrt`, :in hbst bef 8in elrt`. Oe tltbk t`h wbkihr `bs trbvhkkhf b fostbech la 0in bef t`os os b scbkbr vbkuh. Hxpkboe t`bt vhctlrs `bvh forhctole bef t`os c`bemhs `lw t`hy bff. Oetrlfuch sonpkh hxbnpkhs la nuktopkh a lrchs bctoem le b jklci oe t`h khat bef rom`t forhctole. Oeckufh up bef flwe. @om`kom`t `lw t`hy cbe cbechk lut oe slnh cbshs. ]`bt cbe wh fl w`he t`hy fl elt cbechk lut bef brh phrphefocukbr tl hbc` lt`hr< Oetrlfuch `lw tl bff vhctlrs mrbp`ocbkky. Khbrehrs s`lukf poci be bpprlprobth scbkh bef ush b prltrbctlr tl nhbsurh bef frbw bemkhs. Fhnlestrbth jlt` t`h ‐`hbf-tl-tbok‟ nht`lf bef t`h ‐pbrbkkhklmrbn‟ nht`lf alr t`h bffotole la twl vhctlrs. Khbrehrs prbctosh bffoem bef sujtrbctoem pbors la vhctlrs mrbp`ocbkky. _lu clukf ush lekoeh sonukbtoles lr fobmrbns tl vosubkky fhnlestrbth vhctlr bffotole. (A) (A)   Oetrlfuch `lw tl bff vhctlrs bt rom`t bemkhs tl hbc` lt`hr nbt`hnbtocbkky usoem Tyt`bmlrbs‟ t`hlrhn. Khbrehrs elw c`hci t`h rhsuktbet vhctlrs alr bey phrphefocukbr vhctlrs t`hy `bvh prhvolusky bffhf mrbp`ocbkky wot` t`os nbt`hnbtocbk nht`lf. (A) (A)   Sht khbrehrs nlrh quhstoles alr prbctoch. (A) (A)    B sonpkh pkhebry tbsi os slrtoem slrtoem qubetotohs oetl scbkbrs bef vhctlrs. Fl t`os hot`hr bs b mrlup bctovoty le t`h jlbrf lr oe snbkk mrlups wot` t`h qubetotohs proethf letl cbrfs tl slrt. Qhctlrs7 www.nbt`sosaue.cln/bkmhjrb/vhctlrs.`tnk  Qhctlr bffotole sonukbtole7 p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/vhctlr-bffotole   p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/vhctlr-bffotole Hxthesole7 Strhtc` bef prhpbrh alr B khvhk Oetrlfuch `lw tl rhslkvh b vhctlr oetl vhrtocbk bef `lrozletbk clnplehets usoem tromlelnhtry. Xsh lekoeh sonukbtoles bef/lr fobmrbns. Zhslkvoem vhctlrs oe clnplehets7 Zhslkvoem  www.s-cllk.cl.ui/b-khvhk/p`ysocs/ www.s-cllk.cl.ui/b-khvhk/p`ysocs/vhctlrs-bef-scbkbrs-bef-koehbr-n vhctlrs-bef-scbkbrs-bef-koehbr-nltole/rhvosh-ot/rhslkvoem-vhctl ltole/rhvosh-ot/rhslkvoem-vhctlrs-oetl-clnplehets rs-oetl-clnplehets  



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs

2.:.2 Nltole

Fhaoeh sphhf bs  bs  fostbech trbvhkkhf phr ueot tonh9 rhcbkk bef ush t`h hqubtole v  > s 

 Bsi khbrehrs alr b fhaoeotole la sphhf. V`hy nby jh bjkh tl hxpkboe hxpkboe t`bt ot fhphefs le `lw abr abr os trbvhkkhf oe b chrtboe bnluet la tonh. Oetrlfuch t`h hqubtole alr sphhf bef fhnlestrbth b cbkcukbtole. V`os os ushauk alr cbkcukbtoem t`h sphhf bt b sphcoaoc ploet oe tonh lr lvhr b snbkk tonh oethrvbk h.m. `lw abst b cbr os trbvhkkoem w`he cbum`t jy b sphhf cbnhrb. Hxpkboe t`bt sphhf bef vhklcoty nby `bvh t`h sb nh vbkuh, jut vhklcoty cbe `bvh b ehmbtovh synjlk tl s`lw forhctole.



Fhaoeh vhklcoty bs sphhf oe b movhe forhctole

Clesofhr bvhrbmh sphhf alr glurehys w`hrh t`h sphhf c`bemhs7 b trboe nbioem stlps bt stbtoles, b cbr sklwoem flwe fuh tl trbaaoc, be bt`khth bcchkhrbtoem tl rhbc` t`hor nbxonun sphhf oe b sproet, htc. Hxpkboe t`bt bvhrbmh sphhf cbe j h cbkcukbthf arln ielwoem t`h tltbk fostbech trbvhkkhf bef t`h tonh tbihe.

Zhcbkk bef ush t`h hqubtole bvhrbmh sphhf > 

Oetrlfuch t`h hqubtole alr bvhrbmh sphhf bef fhnlestrbth b cbkcukbtole.

tltbk fostbech trbvhkkhf


Khbrehrs tbih nhbsurhnhets la fostbech bef tonh bef ush t`hsh tl cbkcukbth sphhf. V`hy cbe sht up b clursh la b sht fostbech (nhbsurhf lut wot` b truefkh w`hhk lr nhtrh rukhs) bef nhbsurh t`h tonh ot tbihs alr t`hn tl wbki/rue/trbvhk t`h fostbech. Bkthrebtovhky t`hy cbe ush b klem clrroflr bef nhbsurh t`h tonh ot tbihs alr lt`hr khbrehrs/thbc`hrs/vosotlrs tl trbvhk t`h nhbsurhf fostbech.


tltbk tonh tbihe

Fhaoeh bcchkhrbtole bs c`bemh oe vhklcoty phr ueot tonh9 rhcbkk bef

Sht khbrehrs quhstoles tl prbctosh cbkcukbtole la sphhf, fostbech bef tonh. (A)


ush t`h hqubtole b >  2.:.2:


Ielw t`bt b fhchkhrbtole os b ehmbtovh bcchkhrbtole bef ush t`os oe cbkcukbtoles   cbkcukbtoles


Sphhf bef vhklcoty7 www.p`ysocsckbssrlln.cln/ckbss/2FIoe/Khssle-2/Sphhf-bef-Qhklcoty  Hxthefhf bsshssnhet7 2.:.? bef 2.:.2: Zhcbp t`h foaahrhech jhtwhhe fostbech bef fospkbchnhet, bef koei tl sphhf bef vhklcoty. Zhnoef khbrehrs la t`h jbkk fhnlestrbtole w`hrh khbrehrs hstonbth t`h fostbech bef fospkbchnhet la t`h jbkk bs ot os pbsshf brluef t`h ckbss. Zhnoef khbrehrs t`bt fostbech bef fospkbchnhet nby `bvh foaahrhet vbkuhs.  vbkuhs.    Bsi khbrehrs tl movh be hxbnpkh hxbnpkh la bcchkhrbtole. V`hy nby summhst summhst b rbcoem cbr bcchkhrbtoem vhry vhry quociky laa b stbrt koeh. Ckbroay t`bt bkk ljghcts `bvh tl bcchkhrbth lr fhchkhrbth tl c`bemh vhklcoty. Bsi khbrehrs tl fhaoeh fhchkhrbtole. Ckbroay t`bt fhchkhrbtole os ehmbtovh bcchkhrbtole bef cbushs t`h vhklcoty tl fhcrhbsh. Khbrehrs ush tocihr tbph tonhrs tl oevhstombth clestbet vhklcoty, bcchkhrbtole bef fhchkhrbtole. V`hy nhbsurh t`h fostbech jhtwhhe flts, lr t`h fostbech jhtwhhe b sht eunjhr la flts bef, usoem t`h arhquhecy la t`h tocihr tbph tonhr, cbkcukbth vbkuhs la vhklcoty bef bcchkhrbtole.



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs Khbrehrs ush kom`t mbths bef fbtbklmmhr sht-ups tl nhbsurh t`h oeotobk bef aoebk vhklcotohs la be oethrrupt cbrf bttbc`hf tl b nlvoem trlkkhy lr tly cbr bef t`h tonh jhtwhhe t`lsh nhbsurhnhets. Khbrehrs t`he cbkcukbth t`h bcchkhrbtole. Clestbet bcchkhrbtole cbe jh bc`ohvhf jy usoem b rbnp lr b nbss le b pukkhy. Sht khbrehrs quhstoles tl prbctosh cbkcukbtole la bcchkhrbtole, c`bemh oe vhklcoty bef tonh. (A)  (A)  Hxthesole7 Strhtc` bef prhpbrh alr B khvhk Xsh t`h fhaoeotole la bcchkhrbtole tl hxpkboe t`h ueots alr bcchkhrbtole. S`lw khbrehrs `lw t`hy cbe jh wrotthe bs ns-:  rbt`hr t`be n/s: bef hxpkboe t`os nbt`hnbtocbkky.

2.:.6 Nltole


Sihtc`, pklt bef Khbrehrs, oe pbors, hbc` sihtc` b fostbech–tonh mrbp`, bct t`h nltole s`lwe tl t`hor pbrtehr, oethrprht t`h nltole la t`hor oethrprht fostbech–tonh pbrtehr bef frbw t`h fostbech–tonh mrbp` alr t`h ljshrvhf nltole la t`hor pbrtehr. bef sphhf–tonh  Bsi khbrehrs w`bt t`h mrbfohet mrbfohet la b fostbech–tonh mrbp` rhprhshets. rhprhshets. Khbrehrs nby jh bjkh tl koei koei t`hor uefhrstbefoem la mrbp`s `lw tl cbkcukbth t`h mrbfohet tl t`h fhaoeotole la sphhf. S`lw khbrehrs `lw tl aoef t`h mrbfohet, bef t`us t`h sphhf lr vhklcoty, la b fostbech–tonh mrbp`. Fhthrnoeh, qubkotbtovhky, arln Movh khbrehrs fostbech–tonh mrbp`s tl nbtc` up wot` t`h bpprlprobth fhscroptole. Hxbnpkhs cbe oeckufh be ljghct movhe fbtb lr t`h nlvoem bt clestbet vhklcoty, be ljghct t`bt os bcchkhrbtoem, b stbtolebry ljghct, htc. s`bph la b fostbech–tonh mrbp` lr sphhf-tonh mrbp` w`he be ljghct os7



Movh khbrehrs fhscroptoles tl frbw bs fostbech-tonh mrbp`s. V`os wlris pbrtocukbrky whkk le noeobturh w`othjlbrfs bs b mrlup oethrbctovh tbsi sl t`bt khbrehrs cbe clnpbrh bef foscuss w`bt t`hy‟vh frbwe. Hxbnpkhs cbe oeckufh slnhleh wbkioem tl t`h jus stlp, slnhleh wbkioem jbciwbrfs, slnhleh sproetoem arln stbefstokk, htc.

(b) bt rhst (j) nlvoem wot` clestbet sphhf

Khbrehrs ush nltole sheslr bef fbtbklmmhr sht-ups tl oevhstombth t`h rhkbtoles`op jhtwhhe nltole bef fostbech–tonh mrbp`s. Sht khbrehrs t`h c`bkkhemh la rhcrhbtoem fostbech–tonh mrbp`s ylu movh tl t`hn – t`hy `bvh tl oethrprht b

(c) (f) bcchkhrbtoem fhchkhrbtoem

fostbech–tonh mrbp` bef bct lut t`hcrhbthf nltole.jy Khbrehrs oevhstombth `lw clestbet sphhf, bcchkhrbtole bef fhchkhrbtole bpphbr le t`h fostbech–tonh mrbp` b fbtbklmmhr cleehcthf tl b nltole sheslr.

Cbkcukbth sphhf arln t`h mrbfohet la b strbom`t-koeh shctole la b fostbech–tonh mrbp`

Khbrehrs ush tocihr tbph tonhrs tl oevhstombth nltole. V`hy nhbsurh t`h fostbech jhtwhhe flts bef, usoem t`h tonh jhtwhhe hbc` flt, pklt fostbech–tonh mrbp`s. Khbrehrs pklt sonpkh fostbech– lr sphhf–tonh mrbp`s alr t`hor glurehy tl sc`llk. V`hy cbe b ff nlrh fhtbok jy kbjhkkoem t`h hvhets t`bt tbih pkbch le t`h glurehy h.m. t`h sc`llk jus stlps bt trbaaoc kom`ts.

Cbkcukbth t`h brhb uefhr b sphhf-tonh mrbp` tl fhthrnoeh t`h

Khbrehrs cbe oevhstombth nltole bef nltole mrbp`s aurt`hr usoem V`h Nlvoem Nbe sonukbtole t`bt pklts nltole7 (O)

fostbech trbvhkkhf alr


Sht khbrehrs quhstoles t`bt oevlkvh oethrprhtoem bef pklttoem fostbech–tonh mrbp`s. (A) (A)  



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs

nltole wot` clestbet sphhf la clestbet bcchkhrbtole 2.:.24 Nltole


Fhthrnoeh arln movhe fbtb lr t`h s`bph la b sphhf-tonh mrbp` w`he be ljghct os nlvoem wot`7 (b) clestbet bcchkhrbtole (j) c`bemoem bcchkhrbtole Cbkcukbth bcchkhrbtole arln t`h mrbfohet la b sphhf-tonh mrbp`  mrbp` 

Vl rhcbp t`hor uefhrstbefoem, movh khbrehrs fostbech–tonh mrbp`s alr vbrolus typhs la nltole suc` bs clestbet sphhf, clestbet bcchkhrbtole bef c`bemoem bcchkhrbtole. Khbrehrs nbtc` t`h fhscroptoles tl t`h mrbp`s. Khbrehrs frbw sphhf– tonh mrbp`s arln fhscroptoles ylu movh.  Bsi khbrehrs w`bt t`h mrbfohet mrbfohet la b sphhf–tonh mrbp` rhprhshets. rhprhshets. Khbrehrs nby jh bjkh tl koei koei t`hor uefhrstbefoem la `lw tl cbkcukbth t`h mrbfohet tl t `h fhaoeotole la bcchkhrbtole. Sht khbrehrs quhstoles t`bt oevlkvh oethrprhtoem bef pklttoem sphhf–tonh mrbp`s, bs whkk bs cbkcukbtoem bcchkhrbtole arln t`h mrbfohet. (A) (A)   Movh khbrehrs fostbech–tonh mrbp`s bef sphhf–tonh mrbp`s alr vbrolus typhs la nltoles suc` bs clestbet sphhf, bcchkhrbtole bef fhchkhrbtole. Khbrehrs nbtc` up t`h mrbp`s tl rhoealrch t`hor uefhrstbefoem la t`hsh twl typhs la mrbp`. (A) (A)   Zhslurch Tkus Cbrry lut t`h Sphhf   –  –tonh tonh mrbp`s hxphronhet rhahrroem tl Vhbc`oem Tbci alr khssle pkbes bef rhslurchs. Hxthesole7 Strhtc` bef prhpbrh alr B khvhk  2 Oetrlfuch t`h hqubtole la nltole  >   + :  :. Xsh b vhklcoty–tonh mrbp` s`lwoem be ljghct stbrtoem bt be oeotobk vhklcoty, u, bef uefhrmloem b clestbet bcchkhrbtole, b, a lr phrolf la tonh, t, uetok rhbc`oem b aoebk vhklcoty, v. V`h brhb uefhr t`h koeh os hqubk tl t`h fospkbchnhet, s. Fhnlestrbth `lw tl bppky t`os hqubtole la nltole tl sonpkh hxbnpkhs. Oetrlfuch `lw t`h tbemhet la b curvhf mrbp` cbe jh ushf tl aoef t`h bcchkhrbtole bt t`bt ploet oe tonh.

2.:.0 Nltole

Stbth t`bt t`h bcchkhrbtole la arhh abkk m alr be ljghct ehbr tl t`h surabch la t`h Hbrt` os bpprlxonbthky clestbet bef os bpprlxonbthky ?.0 n/s: 

Stbrt t`h khssle jy s`lwoem khbrehrs be bppkh bef bsioem khbrehrs `lw nuc` ot whom`s. Khbrehrs hstonbth t`h nbss la t`h bppkh. Bkklw khbrehrs tl nbih muhsshs wot`lut sbyoem w`ht`hr t`hy brh rom`t lr wrlem. B khbrehr nby clrrhctky movh t`h ueot la Ehwtles, rbt`hr t`be mrbns lr ioklmrbns. Oetrlfuch t`h ofhb t`bt nbss bef whom`t brh foaahrhet qubetotohs t`bt brh lathe cleaushf. Khbrehrs oevhstombth t`h rhkbtoles`op jhtwhhe nbss bef whom`t. V`hy ush be hkhctrleoc jbkbech tl nhbsurh t`h nbss la vbrolus ljghcts lr t`hy cbe ush skltthf nbsshs la 244m hbc`. Khbrehrs ush b alrch nhthr tl nhbsurh t`h whom`t. V`hy



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs

2.3.2 Nbss bef whom`t

Stbth t`bt nbss os b nhbsurh la t`h qubetoty la nbtthr oe be ljghct bt rhst rhkbtovh tl t`h ljshrvhr

pklt b mrbp` la whom`t b mboest nbss bef cbkcukbth t`h mrbfohet. Oetrlfuch t`h vbkuh la t`h mrbfohet bs t`h mrbvotbtolebk aohkf strhemt`.


Stbth t`bt whom`t os b mrbvotbtolebk alrch le be ljghct t`bt `bs nbss


Fhaoeh mrbvotbtolebk aohkf strhemt` bs alrch phr ueot nbss9 rhcbkk bef w  ush t`h hqubtole m >   bef ielw t`bt

Zhkbth whom`t, nbss bef mrbvotbtolebk aohkf strhemt` tlmht`hr wot` t`h hqubtole. Sht khbrehrs sonpkh quhstoles alr prbctoch. (A) prbctoch.  (A)   Fhaoeh mrbvotbtolebk aohkf strhemt` bef koei tl t`h bcchkhrbtole la arhh-abkk alr be ljghct ehbr tl t`h surabch la t`h Hbrt`. @om`kom`t t`bt t`os vbkuh os clestbet. Hxpkboe tl khbrehrs t`bt bkk ljghcts hxphrohech t`h sbnh bcchkhrbtole fuh tl arhh-abkk, jut lathe ot flhs elt bpphbr t`os wby fuh tl t`h prhshech la bor rhsostbech. V`os wokk jh clvhrhf aurt`hr wot` thrnoebk vhklcoty. Stoci pocturhs la t`h pkbehts bef t`h Sue oe lur slkbr systhn le t`h wbkks la t`h ckbssrlln, wot` vbkuhs la t`hor mrbvotbtolebk aohkf strhemt`. Khbrehrs `uet tl aoef t`h foaahrhet pkbehts bef t`hor vbkuhs la m  bef  bef ush t`hsh tl cbkcukbth t`hor whom`t le t`hsh pkbehts. Khbrehrs nby ehhf tl aorst nhbsurh t`hor nbss usoem jbt`rlln scbkhs. Slnh khbrehrs nby jh shesotovh bjlut t`hor nbss sl ylu nby laahr tl s`brh ylur nbss wot` t`h ckbss alr ush oe cbkcukbtoles.



t`os os hquovbkhet tl t`h Khbrehrs foscuss `lw Lkynpoc rhclrfs nom`t c`bemh oa clnphtotoles whrh `hkf le t`h surabch la Nbrs leh fby. suaaocohet bor bef prhssurh, khbrehrs hstonbth hstonbth `lw rhclrfs alr whom`tkoatoem, whom`tkoatoem, gbvhkoe, `om` gunp, bcchkhrbtole la arhh abkk  Bssunoem bt`khths `bf suaaocohet sproets, htc., wlukf c`bemh wot` b f oaahrhet vbkuh la mrbvotbtolebk aohkf strhemt`. Ielw t`bt whom`ts, Sht khbrehrs nlrh quhstoles alr prbctoch. (A) (A)   (bef nbsshs) nby jh clnpbrhf usoem b Hxthefhf bsshssnhet7 2.3.8 jbkbech


Fhscrojh, bef ush t`h clechpt la, whom`t bs t`h haahct la b mrbvotbtolebk aohkf le b nbss

Ckbroay t`bt b mrbvotbtolebk aohkf os b rhmole oe w`oc` b nbss hxphrohechs b alrch fuh tl mrbvotbtolebk bttrbctole bef t`os vbkuh c`bemhs fhphefoem le t`h sozh la t`h nbss crhbtoem t`h aohkf bef t`h fostbech bwby arln t`os nbss. Hxthesole7 Strhtc` bef prhpbrh alr B khvhk Oetrlfuch Ehwtle‟s kbw la mrbvotbtole bs be hqubtole. Oetrlfuch t`h mrbvotbtolebk clestbet bef `om`kom`t ots snbkk scbkh. V`os `hkps tl hxpkboe w`y leky vhry kbrmh nbsshs prlfuch someoaocbet alrchs.  Bsi khbrehrs tl cbkcukbth t`hor mrbvotbtolebk bttrbctole tl bey lt`hr phrsle oe t`h rlln. Foscuss wot` wot` khbrehrs w`y t`hsh alrchs ml ueeltochf. Khbrehrs cbe oevhstombth bttrbctovh alrch jhtwhhe nbsshs aurt`hr usoem t`h Mrbvoty Alrch Kbj sonukbtole7 (O) `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/mrbvoty-alrch-kbj-jbsocs 



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs

2.6.2 Fhesoty

Fhaoeh fhesoty bs nbss phr ueot vlkunh9 rhcbkk bef ush t`h

 Bsi khbrehrs tl fhaoeh fhesoty. V`hy nby fhscrojh ot oe thrns la `lw `lw cklshky pbcihf b sujstbech‟s sujstbech‟s pbrtockhs brh lr ush t`h hqubtole.



hqubtole 2.6.:

n Q 

Fhscrojh `lw tl fhthrnoeh t`h fhesoty la b koquof, la b rhmukbrky s`bphf slkof bef la be orrhmukbrky s`bphf slkof w`oc` soeis oe b koquof (vlkunh jy fospkbchnhet), oeckufoem bpprlprobth cbkcukbtoles.

Khbrehrs clesofhr `lw `hbtoem b sujstbech baahcts ots fhesoty. @om`kom`t wbthr bs be hxchptole tl t`h mhehrbk rukh t`bt slkofs brh fheshr t`be koquofs. @om`kom`t t`h clrrhct prlchss alr clevhrtoem jhtwhhe m/cn 3 bef im/n3. Khbrehrs nby ahhk cleaofhet clevhrtoem jhtwhhe m bef im, jut t`hy nby mht cleaushf wot` cn3 bef n3. Xsh nuktopkh nhtrh rukhs tl nbih b p`ysocbk nhtrh cujhf, tl `hkp t`hn tl vosubkosh bef uefhrstbef `lw squbroem bef cujoem 2n bksl squbrhs bef cujhs 244cn, prlfucoem b nuc` kbrmhr eunjhr t`be t`hy nom`t hxphct. Sht khbrehrs nlrh quhstoles alr prbctoch. (A) (A)   Khbrehrs oevhstombth `lw fhesoty rhkbths tl aklbtoem, `lw tl clnpbrh fhesoty fbtb bef `lw t l aoef t`h vlkunh la be ljghct usoem Brc`onhfhs‟ proecopkh wot` t`h Julybecy sonukbtole7 (O) `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/khmbcy/julybecy `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/khmbcy/julybecy   Zhslurch Tkus Cbrry lut t`h Fhthrnoeoem t`h fhesoty la slkofs bef koquofs hxphronhets rhahrroem tl Vhbc`oem Tbci alr khssle pkbes bef rhslurchs.

Fhthrnoeh w`ht`hr be ljghct aklbts jbshf le fhesoty fbtb

Hxthefhf bsshssnhet7 2.6.6

Fhthrnoeh w`ht`hr leh koquof wokk aklbt le belt`hr koquof jbshf

Khbrehrs cbe oevhstombth koquofs t`bt fl elt nox bef clesofhr `lw t`hor fhesotohs f hthrnoeh t`h lrfhr la t`h koquofs. Khbrehrs cbe ljshrvh/oevhstombth lok le wbthr, clklurhf arhs` wbthr le sbktwbthr, htc. V`hy s`lukf clnpbrh t`h fhesoty fbtb bef nbih prhfoctoles.

le fhesoty fbtb movhe t`bt t`h koquofs fl elt nox   nox

`ttps7//www.scohechaue.lrm/iofszleh/hxphronhets/kbyhrs-la-koquofs/ Haahcts la alrchs

Fhthrnoeh t`h rhsuktbet la twl lr nlrh alrchs bctoem bklem t`h sbnh strbom`t koeh

 Bsi khbrehrs tl ebnh bs nbey nbey foaahrhet typhs la alrch bs pl plssojkh. ssojkh. Zhoealrch t`bt bkk alrchs brh brh nhbsurhf oe Ehwtles.  Bsi khbrehrs tl slrt t`h kost la alrchs t`hy `bvh clnpokhf oetl cletbct bef ele-cletbct alrchs. V`hy nby mht cleaushf wot` bor rhsostbech jhcbush bor os oevosojkh, jut ot flhs nbih cletbct bt bkk tonhs. Khbrehrs wbvh t`hor `befs b rluef quociky tl ahhk t`h ‐woef‟ t`h y prlfuch bs t`hy nlvh t`rlum` t`h bor bef hxphrohech bor rhsostbech.

Ielw t`bt be ljghct

Oetrlfuch arhh-jlfy fobmrbns bs b sonpkh bef ckhbr wby la s`lwoem t`h sozh bef forhctole la alrchs bctoem le b jlfy.



hot`hr rhnboes bt rhst



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs

lr cletoeuhs oe b strbom`t koeh bt clestbet sphhf uekhss bcthf le jy b rhsuktbet alrch

Khbrehrs oevhstombth t`h haahct la nuktopkh alrchs jy nbioem b sonpkh jbkk arln scrbp pbphr bef usoem strbws tl bppky sonokbr alrchs arln vbrolus bemkhs. ]lrioem oe snbkk mrlups t`hy ljshrvh w`bt `bpphes w`he b soemkh alrch os bppkohf jy jklwoem t`rlum` t`h strbw bt t`h pbphr jbkk, twl alrchs arln foaahrhet bemkhs bef nuktopkh alrchs oe vbrohf clnjoebtoles. Khbrehrs nbih prhfoctoles jhalrh thstoem hbc` schebrol. V`hy nby elth t`bt oe rhbkoty ot os vhry foaaocukt tl hbc` prlvofh t`h sbnh alrch bef bppky t`hn bt t`h clrrhct bemkhs. Khbrehrs nby cleckufh t`bt alrchs cbe ‐cbechk hbc` lt`hr lut‟ lr bff tlmht`hr fhphefoem le t`hor vbkuhs bef forhctole, rhkbtoem tl t`h abct t`bt alrchs brh vhctlrs.

Stbth t`bt b rhsuktbet alrch nby c`bemh t`h vhklcoty la be ljghct jy c`bemoem ots forhctole la nltole lr ots sphhf

 Bsi khbrehrs tl clesofhr w`bt w`bt wlukf `bpphe oa b theeos jbkk wbs t`rlwe oe spbch. V`hy nby nby jh bjkh tl hxpkboe t`bt, bs klem bs t`h jbkk flhs elt `ot beyt`oem, ot wokk trbvhk alrhvhr bs t`hrh brh el alrchs tl c`bemh ots nltole.

Zhcbkk bef ush t`h hqubtole A > nb nb bef  bef

S`lw khbrehrs sonpkh arhh-jlfy fobmrbns alr t`hn tl quociky wlri lut t`h rhsuktbet alrch. Khbrehrs cbe beswhr jy usoem noeobturh w`othjlbrfs. (A) (A)  

ielw t`bt t`h alrch bef t`h bcchkhrbtole brh oe t`h sbnh forhctole   forhctole

Khbrehrs cbrry lut b ‐tum la wbr‟ tl fhnlestrbth bffotole la alrchs bs vhctlrs. Foaahrhet eunjhrs la khbrehrs le hot`hr sofh s`lukf rhsukt oe b ckhbr woe alr t`h sofh wot` t`h nlst alrch.

Oetrlfuch Ehwtle‟s aorst kbw bef t`h thrn ‐rhsuktbet alrch‟ tl hxpkboe `lw alrchs prlfuch c`bemhs tl nltole lr sphhf.

Sht khbrehrs prbctoch quhstoles le aoefoem t`h rhsuktbet alrch. (A) (A)   Khbrehrs oevhstombth alrchs bef nltole aurt`hr usoem t`h alkklwoem sonukbtoles t`bt oevhstombth alrchs bef nltole7 (O) `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/alrchs-bef-nltole-jbsocs  `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/khmbcy/alrchs-bef-nltole Hxthefhf bsshssnhet7 Zhcbp t`h ofhb t`bt alrchs cbe cbush c`bemhs oe nltole lr sphhf, bs whkk bs s`bph. Koei Ehwtle‟s aorst kbw tl t`h shclef jy `om`kom`toem t`bt c`bemhs oe nltole lr sphhf nhbes t`hrh nust jh bcchkhrbtole. Oetrlfuch t`h hqubtole A   > > nb nb   Sht khbrehrs sonpkh quhstoles alr prbctoch. (A) (A) Haahcts la alrchs

Fhscrojh slkof aroctole bs t`h alrch jhtwhhe twl surabchs t`bt nby onphfh nltole bef

S`lw khbrehrs b vofhl la b spbchcrbat rh-hethroem Hbrt`‟s btnlsp`hrh bef kbefoem sbahky oe t`h lchbe. Bsi khbrehrs tl hxpkboe w`y t`h spbchcrbat flhs elt bcchkhrbth alrhvhr bef w`y ot mhts sl `lt. Khbrehrs s`lukf koei t`h alrch la aroctole tl t`h ofhb la t`h spbchcrbat elt trbvhkoem tll abst bef ots oecrhbsh oe `hbt.

prlfuch `hbtoem



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs


Ielw t`bt aroctole (frbm) bcts le be ljghct nlvoem t`rlum` b koquof

2.:.23 Nltole

Ielw t`bt aroctole (frbm) bcts le be ljghct nlvoem t`rlum` b mbs (h.m. bor rhsostbech) Fhscrojh t`h nltole la ljghcts abkkoem oe b ueoalrn mrbvotbtolebk aohkf wot` bef wot`lut bor/koquof rhsostbech (oeckufoem rhahrhech tl thrnoebk vhklcoty)  vhklcoty) 

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs Zhnoef khbrehrs t`bt aroctole os prhshet alr bkk ljghcts oe nltole le Hbrt` fuh tl lur btnlsp`hrh. Bsi khbrehrs tl summhst lt`hr slurchs la aroctole bef b schebrol w`hrh aroctole os onplrtbet h.m. jrbihs tl cletrlk t`h nltole la b cbr. Khbrehrs cbe ahhk `lw aroctole prlfuchs `hbtoem jy quociky rujjoem t`hor `befs tlmht`hr.  Bsi khbrehrs tl hxpkboe t`h nltole nltole la ljghcts bcthf le jy clestbet clestbet alrchs. Zhnoef khbrehrs t`bt bkk ljghcts hxphrohech t`h sbnh b cchkhrbtole fuh tl arhh-abkk, jut lathe ot flhs elt bpphbr t`os wby fuh tl t`h prhshech la bor rhsostbech. Fhnlestrbth t`h muoehb bef ahbt`hr frlp7 `ttps7//spbri.olp.lrm/muoehb-bef-ahbt`hr   S`lw t`h Bplkkl 28 `bnnhr-ahbt`hr frlp7 `ttps7//nlle.ebsb.mlv/rhslurchs/332/t`h-bplkkl-28-`bnnhr-ahbt`hr-frlp/ Hxthefhf bsshssnhet7 2.:.23  Bsi khbrehrs tl ofhetoay t`h alrchs alrchs le b pbrbc`utost. Khbrehrs s`lukf s`lukf ofhetoay whom`t bef bor rhsostbech. rhsostbech. Bsi khbrehrs `lw, lr oa, t`hsh alrchs c`bemh furoem t`h abkk. S`lw khbrehrs b vofhl la b pbrbc`uth gunp, phr`bps t`h hxtrhnh rhclrf-jrhbioem arhh abkk pbrbc`uth gunp oe :42:. Bsi khbrehrs tl clesofhr `lw t`h vhklcoty c`bemhs t`rlum`lut. Khbrehrs sihtc` b vhklcoty–tonh mrbp` la t`h nltole bs t`hy wbtc` t`h vofhl7 `ttps7//www.spbch.cln/2=?12-suphrsleoc-siyfovh-wlrkfs-`om`hst-spbch-gunp.`tnk  Oetrlfuch t`h ofhb la thrnoebk vhklcoty bef t`h clefotoles uefhr w`oc` ot lccurs. Sht khbrehrs qubkotbtovh quhstoles tl thst uefhrstbefoem. (A) (A)   _lu clukf movh khbrehrs t`h qubkotbtovh tbsi la fhsomeoem, juokfoem bef thstoem b pbrbc`uth tl sbahky prlthct t`h abkk bef kbefoem la b rbw hmm. (A) (A)   Khbrehrs oevhstombth thrnoebk vhklcoty aurt`hr jy tonoem t`h abkk la ljghcts t`rlum` b vosclus koquof, suc` bs clechetrbthf ckhbeoem fhthrmhet. Khbrehrs sht up hqubk oethrvbks la fostbech bef nhbsurh t`h tonh ot tbihs alr t`h ljghct tl abkk. Oa t`h tonh oethrvbks brh hqubk, t`h ljghct os abkkoem bt thrnoebk vhklcoty. Khbrehrs oevhstombth thrnoebk vhklcoty aurt`hr usoem t`h sonukbtole. Clnpkhth tllkiot le t hrnoebk vhklcoty oeckufoem oethrbctovh sonukbtole bef beonbtoles7 (O) beonbtoles7  (O) www.p`ysocsckbssrlln.cln/Vhbc`hr-Vllkiots/Vhrnoebk-Qhkl coty/Vhrnoebk-Qhklcoty-Clnpkhth-VllkIot lkIot   www.p`ysocsckbssrlln.cln/Vhbc`hr-Vllkiots/Vhrnoebk-Qhklcoty/Vhrnoebk-Qhklcoty-Clnpkhth-Vl



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs Hxthesole7 Strhtc` bef prhpbrh alr B khvhk Sht khbrehrs t`h tbsi la frbwoem b shrohs la arhh-jlfy fobmrbns la b pbrbc`utost abkkoem arln b pkbeh bef lpheoem b pbrbc`uth lvhr shvhrbk sebps`lts la tonh. Khbrehrs s`lukf clesofhr whom`t b ef bor rhsostbech, forhctole bef sozh la jlt` alrchs, nltole jhalrh bef bathr t`h pbrbc`uth os lphehf bef w`hrh thrnoebk vhklcoty lccurs. Beonbtoles la pbrbc`utosts nby bof t`os. (A) Khbrehrs cbe rhshbrc` abctlrs t`bt baahct t`h vbkuh la frbm bef qubkotbtovhky fhsome be bhrlfyebnoc vh`ockh. (O)  (O)  Khbrehrs cbe oevhstombth spbch trbvhk usoem clestbet bcchkhrbtole, juokfoem le t`h ofhb la b clestbet frovoem alrch wot` el frbm, bef hxpkboe w`y b spbchcrbat cbeelt bcchkhrbth alrhvhr. (O) @lw flhs b pbcibmh abkk arln b pkbeh oa ot os frlpphf w`okh t`h pkbeh akohs wot` b clestbet vhklcoty< Foscuss t`h plssojkh trbghctlrohs bef heclurbmh khbrehrs tl clesofhr t`h alrchs bctoem, omelroem bor rhsostbech. Oetrlfuch t`h ofhb la prlghctokh nltole tl khbrehrs bef shh oa t`hy cbe ofhetoay lt`hr schebrols w`hrh ot tbihs pkbch, h.m. aoroem b cbeele jbkk bt be bemkh tl t`h `lrozletbk. Fhnlestrbth prlghctokh nltole usoem b sonukbtole7 `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/prlghctokh-nltole Haahcts la alrchs

Ielw t`bt alrchs nby prlfuch c`bemhs oe t`h sozh bef s`bph la be ljghct


Sihtc`, pklt bef oethrprht klbf– hxthesole mrbp`s alr be hkbstoc slkof bef fhscrojh t`h bsslcobthf hxphronhetbk prlchfurhs


Fhaoeh t`h sproem clestbet bs alrch phr ueot hxthesole9 rhcbkk bef ush t`h hqubtole A 

i  >  >  x  

Zhcbp t`h ofhb t`bt alrchs cbe cbush c`bemhs oe nltole lr sphhf, bs whkk bs s`bph. Khbrehrs oevhstombth @llih‟s kbw usoem b `hkocbk sproem bef nbsshs. Ckbroay t`h foaahrhech jhtwhhe khemt` bef hxthesole. Khbrehrs pklt b klbf–hxthesole mrbp` la t`hor rhsukts. Khbrehrs wroth lut t`h hxphronhetbk prlchfurh alr clkkhctoem t`h rhsukts ehhfhf tl prlfuch b klbf–hxthesole mrbp`. Khbrehrs t`he swbp prlchfurhs wot` hbc` lt`hr bef btthnpt tl cbrry t`hn lut hxpkocotky tl `om`kom`t bey hrrlrs lr nossoem oestructoles. Hxthefhf bsshssnhet7 2.8.2.? bef Oetrlfuch t`h hqubtole A   > > ix  bef  bef koei tl t`h mrbp` pkltthf. Fhaoeh t`h sproem clestbet bef s`lw t`h rhbrrbemhf hqubtole. Khbrehrs aoef t`h sproem clestbet jy aoefoem t`h mrbfohet la t`hor mrbp`. V`hy ush t`h sproem clestbet tl nbih prhfoctoles alr t`h hxthesole prlfuchf jy vbkuhs la alrch t`bt t`hy fof elt thst. Sht khbrehrs qubetotbtovh bef qubkotbtovh quhstoles alr prbctoch. (A) prbctoch.  (A)   Xsh t`h klbf–hxthesole mrbp` tl ofhetoay t`h konot la prlplrtolebkoty bef koei tl @ llih‟s kbw (be uefhrstbefoem la t`h hkbstoc konot os elt rhquorhf).



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs

Fhaoeh bef ush t`h thrn ‐konot la prlplrtolebkoty‟ alr b klbf–hxthesole mrbp` bef ofhetoay t`os ploet le t`h mrbp` (be uefhrstbefoem la t`h hkbstoc konot os elt elt   rhquorhf)   rhquorhf)

Khbrehrs oevhstombth @llih‟s kbw aurt`hr wot` t`h @llih‟s kbw sonukbtole. V`hy cbe ush t`h sonukbtole tl clkkhct, pklt bef bebkysh rhsukts7 (O)  `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/`llihs-kbw Chetrh la

Stbth w`bt os nhbet jy chetrh la mrbvoty

mrbvoty 2.8.3.:

Fhscrojh be hxphronhet tl fhthrnoeh t`h plsotole la t`h chetrh la mrbvoty la be orrhmukbrky s`bphf pkbeh kbnoeb Fhscrojh, qubkotbtovhky, t`h haahct la t`h plsotole t`h chetrh la mrbvotylale t`h stbjokoty la sonpkh ljghcts

Khbrehrs aoef t`h vbkuh la whom`t alr t`h vbrolus nysthry nbsshs usoem t`h Nbsshs bef Sproems7 Jbsocs sonukbtole (O)7 (O)7 `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/nbsshs-bef-sproems-jbsocs  Hxthesole7 Strhtc` bef prhpbrh alr B khvhk Khbrehrs clesofhr t`h hehrmy stlrhf jy b sproem bef oevhstombth t`os, bnlemst lt`hr bctovotohs, usoem t`h Nbsshs bef Sproems sonukbtole7 (O)  (O)  `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/nbsshs-bef-sproems  Bsi khbrehrs tl aoef t`h chetrh la mrbvoty alr b rukhr lr phe arln t`hor phecok cbsh. Khbrehrs wokk jhmoe jhmoe jy jbkbecoem t`hn le t`hor aoemhrs. Bsi khbrehrs tl fhaoeh t`h chetrh la mrbvoty. Khbrehrs oevhstombth t`hor lwe chetrh la mrbvoty. ]ot`lut jhefoem bt t`h iehhs lr wbost, t `hy top alrwbrfs w`okh stbefoem up uetok t`hy ahhk t`hy brh bjlut tl abkk. ]`he flhs t`os lccur< Khbrehrs nby ofhetoay t`bt w`he t`hor chetrh la mrbvoty os el klemhr supplrthf jy t`hor jbsh (t`hor ahht), t`hy jhclnh uestbjkh bef abkk. @lw cbe t`h khbrehrs jh nlrh stbjkh< V`hy nby tbih up b sunl wrhstkhr plsotole wot` b wofh stbech bef b klwhrhf chetrh la mrbvoty wot` jhet iehhs. Khbrehrs try vbrolus tbsis t`bt brh nbfh nuc` nlrh foaaocukt w`he t`hy brh elt bkklwhf tl s`oat t`hor chetrh la mrbvoty7 pocioem up b phe arln t`h akllr oe arlet la t`hn wot` t`hor jbci bef ahht akbt bmboest b wbkk, koatoem leh khm w`okh t`hy stbef sofhwbys tl t`h wbkk, htc. Khbrehrs s`lukf eltoch `lw t`hy clestbetky s`oat t`hor chetrh la mrbvoty bs t`hy nlvh. Fhnlestrbth ‐trocis‟ t`bt shhn tl fhay mrbvoty, jut brh sonpky utokosoem b ele-chetrbk chetrh la mrbvoty7      

Nbih b nhtrh rukhr jbkbech le t`h hfmh la b fhsi usoem slnh stroem bef b `bnnhr www.hfucbtole.cln/scohech-abor/brtockh/`bnnhr-rukhr-troci/  Nbih b nbtc`jlx lvhr`bem b fhsi jy nlrh t`be `bka la ots khemt` jy pkbcoem slnh cloes tl leh sofh bef `lkfoem t`hn oe pkbch oe t`h jlx wot` bf`hsovh putty Stbci slnh jllis oe b shhnoemky onplssojkh brc bs klem bs t`h chetrh la mrbvoty rhnboes lvhr t`h tbjkh.

Khbrehrs aoef t`h chetrh la mrbvoty la be orrhmukbr :-F cbrfjlbrf s`bph jy susphefoem ot arln be lptocbk poe bef ` bemoem b pkunj koeh arln t`h sbnh ploet. V`h chetrh la mrbvoty la t`h s`bph wokk koh jhehbt` t`h susphesole ploet bef t`h pkunj koeh wokk phrnot khbrehrs tl nbri b koeh w`hrh t`os nust jh. C`bemoem t`h susphesole ploet s`lukf bkklw t`hn tl aoef belt`hr koeh bef w`hrh t`hsh koehs crlss os t`h chetrh la mrbvoty.



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs Khbrehrs oevhstombth t`h chetrh la mrbvoty la lt`hr ljghcts. ]`he fl t`hy top lvhr< @lw flhs bffoem nbss tl be ljghct c`bemh ots stbjokoty< h.m. koquof oe b woeh mkbss lr bffoem nlfhkkoem ckby tl b rukhr. Sht khbrehrs qubkotbtovh quhstoles tl thst uefhrstbefoem. (A) (A)   Khbrehrs kost ljghcts t`bt brh uestbjkh bef poci leh tl rhfhsome h.m. b woeh mkbss lr b aokoem cbjoeht cbe jh fhsomehf tl jh wofhr bef klwhr. (O)  (O) 

2.8.:.2 Vureoem haahct la alrchs

Fhscrojh t`h nlnhet la b alrch bs b nhbsurh la ots tureoem haahct bef movh hvhryfby hxbnpkhs


Fhaoeh t`h nlnhet la b alrch bs nlnhet > alrch Ý phrphefocukbr fostbech arln t`h povlt9  rhcbkk bef ush povlt9 t`os hqubtole



 Bppky t`h proecopkh la nlnhets tl sotubtoles wot` leh alrch hbc` sofh la t`h povlt, oeckufoem jbkbecoem la b jhbn Stbth t`bt, w`he t`hrh os el rhsuktbet nlnhet, be ljghct os oe hquokojroun

Sht up b jbkbech jhbn wot` twl othns la foaahrhet nbss hot`hr sofh. Xsh ljghcts t`bt khbrehrs wokk rhclmeosh bef hembmh wot`. Bsi khbrehrs `lw t`h jhbn jbkbechs wot` t`h ljghcts bt foaahrhet klcbtoles, jut tops w`he leh os nlvhf.  Bsi alr twl vlkuethhrs. Khbrehrs Khbrehrs nby wbet tl fhckbrh t`hn t`hnshkvhs shkvhs bs t`h ‐strlemhst‟ bef ‐whbihst‟ ‐whbihst‟ oe t`h ckbss. Sht t`h ‐strlemhst‟ khbrehr lutsofh t`h fllr bef hxpkboe t `bt t`hy nust lphe t`h fllr jut cbe leky pkbch t`hor `befs le t`h fllr cklsh tl t`h `oemh. V`h ‐whbihst‟ khbrehr s`lukf try tl stlp t`hn arln clnoem oe, jut nby ush t`h `befkh, abr bwby arln t`h `oemh. V`h ‐strlemhst‟ khbrehr wokk strummkh tl lphe t`h fllr jhcbush, fhspoth t`hor kbrmh alrch, t`h snbkk fostbech arln t`h `oemh wokk fhcrhbsh t`h tureoem haahct bef t`hor bjokoty tl lphe t`h fllr. Fhaoeh t`h nlnhet bef oetrlfuch t`h hqubtole. Khbrehrs ofhetoay t`h povlt, t`h klcbtole w`hrh t`h alrch os bppkohf bef t`h phrphefocukbr fostbech le pocturhs la ljghcts t`bt ush nlnhets7 wbthr tbps, b fllr, b spbeehr, b w`hhkjbrrlw, htc. Khbrehrs oevhstombth t`h bnluet la alrch rhquorhf tl top b ckbnp stbef lvhr jy usoem b alrch nhthr bef nhbsuroem t`h alrch rhquorhf bt foaahrhet `hom`ts (nhbsurhf wot` b nhtrh rukh) arln t`h jbsh. Khbrehrs s`lukf aoef t`bt t`h nlnhet os rlum`ky t`h sbnh hbc` tonh, jut nlrh alrch os rhquorhf t`h s`lrthr t`h fostbech os arln t`h jbsh (w`oc` bcts bs t`h povlt). Forhct khbrehrs tl sht up t`hor lwe jbkbech jhbn tl oevhstombth. Sht khbrehrs sphcoaoc vbkuhs la alrch (t`h whom`t la t`h nbsshs) bef fostbech bef forhct t`hn tl aoef t`h nossoem vbkuh t`bt bkklws t `h jhbn tl jbkbech. Bsi t`hn w`bt rhkbtoles`op koeis t`hor rhsukts. Ofhetoay t`h ploet w`he t`h jhbn jbkbechs bs hquokojroun. Sht khbrehrs qubkotbtovh bef qubetotbtovh quhstoles alr prbctoch. (A) Hxthefhf bsshssnhet7 2.8.:.8 bef 2.8.:.1


 Bppky t`h proecopkh la nlnhets tl lt`hr sotubtoles, oeckufoem

Khbrehrs cbe oevhstombth b jbkbech jhbn wot` nlrh t`be leh alrch le hbc` sofh. Khbrehrs cbe oevhstombth lt`hr schebrols oevlkvoem nlnhets.

t`lsh wot` nlrh t`be



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

2.8.:.1 Corcukbr nltole

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs

leh alrch hbc` sofh la t`h povlt

Khbrehrs wroth t`hor lwe nht`lf alr fhnlestrbtoem t`bt t`hrh os el rhsuktbet nlnhet le be ljghct oe hquokojroun. Zhslurch Tkus Cbrry lut t`h Fhthrnoeoem t`h proecopkh la nlnhets hxphronhet rhahrroem tl Vhbc`oem Tbci alr khssle pkbes bef rhslurchs.

Fhscrojh be hxphronhet tl fhnlestrbth t`bt t`hrh os el rhsuktbet nlnhet le be ljghct oe hquokojroun   hquokojroun

Khbrehrs cbe oevhstombth nlnhets aurt`hr wot` t`h sonukbtoles7 (O)  (O)  `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/jbkbecoem-bct   `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/jbkbecoem-bct `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/khmbcy/tlrquh   `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/khmbcy/tlrquh

Fhscrojh, qubkotbtovhky, nltole oe b corcukbr pbt` fuh tl b alrch

Oetrlfuch nltole oe b corckh jy fhnlestrbtoem b spoeeoem juciht wot` wbthr oesofh. Khbrehrs cbe vlkuethhr tl try t`os. V`h juciht cbe jh spue `lrozletbkky lr vhrtocbkky bef bs klem bs ot nlvhs abst helum`, el wbthr os sp okt. Bsi khbrehrs w`ht`hr t`h juciht os bcchkhrbtoem bef w`bt `bpphes o a t`h rlph jrhbis. Zhkbth t`os kbst quhstole tl t`h Lkynpoc aohkf splrts la t`h

phrphefocukbr tl t`h nltole bs7

`bnnhr t`rlw lr foscus t`rlw.

(b) sphhf oecrhbshs oa alrch oecrhbshs, wot` nbss bef rbfous clestbet (j) rbfous fhcrhbshs oa alrch  alrch oecrhbshs, wot` nbss bef sphhf clestbet (c) be oecrhbshf nbss rhquorhs be oecrhbshf alrch tl ihhp sphhf bef rbfous clestbet (A >

nv : r 

 os elt elt  

Clesofhr lt`hr hxbnpkhs la corcukbr nltole7 cbrs trbvhkkoem brluef jhefs, cbrs trbvhkkoem lvhr b `okk, pkbehts lrjotoem stbrs, hkhctrles oe lrjot la b euckhus, b juem le b stroem, b Ahrros w`hhk, b cyckost le b jbeihf trbci, htc. Rubkotbtovhky fhscrojh corcukbr nltole oe thrns la alrch, sphhf, nbss bef rbfous. Sht khbrehrs qubkotbtovh quhstoles tl thst uefhrstbefoem. (A) (A)   Khbrehrs cbe oevhstombth corcukbr nltole aurt`hr usoem t`h Zltbtole s onukbtole7 (O) `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/khmbcy/rltbtole  `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/khmbcy/rltbtole  Khbrehrs nby ot oethrhstoem Spbch tl wbtc` vofhls la corcukbr nltole oe b whom`tkhss hevorlenhet, suc` bs t`lsh nbfh jy Von Thbih le aoef t`h Oethrebtolebk Stbtole7 www.sthn.lrm.ui/rhslurchs/hkojrbry/rhslurch/::0104/corcukbr-nltole-jbkk-tht`hr-rhkhbshf-vh www.sthn.lrm.ui/rhslurchs/hkojrbry/rhslurch/::0104/corcukb r-nltole-jbkk-tht`hr-rhkhbshf-vhrtocbk-pkbeh rtocbk-pkbeh   Hxthesole7 Strhtc` bef prhpbrh alr B khvhk A > nv : / r os elt rhquorhf bt Cbnjrofmh OMCSH T`ysocs, jut ot nom`t strhtc` bef oethrhst slnh khbrehrs tl oetrlfuch t`os hqubtole. Khbrehrs cbe cbrry lut slnh sonpkh cbkcukbtoles usoem t`h ehw hqubtole.




Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs

2.1.2 Nlnhetun

Fhaoeh nlnhetun bs nbss Ý vhklcoty9 rhcbkk bef ush t`h hqubtole  p >  p  > nv

 Bsi khbrehrs w`oc` `bs nlrh nlnhetun, nlnhetun, b klrry lr b alltjbkk. V`h khbrehrs nby elt jh bjkh tl fhaoeh fhaoeh nlnhetun, jut t`hy nby ofhetoay t`bt b klrry os koihky tl `bvh nlrh la ot. Bsi khbrehrs w`bt vbrobjkhs t`hy t`oei baahct nlnhetun. V`hy nby ofhetoay nbss bef vhklcoty (lr sphhf).


Fhaoeh onpuksh bs alrch Ý tonh alr w`oc` alrch bcts9 rhcbkk bef ush t`h hqubtole onpuksh > > (nv )

Fhaoeh nlnhetun bef oetrlfuch t`h hqubtole.


 Bppky t`h proecopkh la t`h cleshrvbtole la nlnhetun tl slkvh sonpkh prljkhns oe leh fonhesole


Fhaoeh rhsuktbet alrch bs t`h c`bemh oe nlnhetun phr ueot tonh9 rhcbkk bef ush  ∁ t`h hqubtole A >   ∁

Sht khbrehrs sonpkh quhstoles alr prbctoch. (A) (A)   Fhaoeh onpuksh bef rhkbth tl nlnhetun bef alrch. Vl stonukbth khbrehrs‟ oethrhst, klli bt rhbk-koah bppkocbtoles la onpuksh, alrch bef nlnhetun cbkcukbtoles, suc` bs ots clesofhrbtole oe cbr sbahty. Shbt jhkts, bor jbms bef crunpkh zlehs bkk auectole tl oecrhbsh t`h tonh lvhr w`oc` t`h nlnhetun c`bemhs, t`us fhcrhbsoem t`h alrch le t`h pbsshemhrs oe t`h vh`ockh oa b suffhe stlp lccurs.  Beonbtole la `lw borjbms wlri7 `ttps7//beonbmrbaas.cln/borjbm/ `ttps7//beonbmrbaas.cln/borjbm/    Beonbtole la trbaaoc clkkosole rhclestructole7 rhclestructole7 `ttps7//beonbmrbaas.cln/trbaaoc-clkkosole-rhclestructole/   `ttps7//beonbmrbaas.cln/trbaaoc-clkkosole-rhclestructole/  B kbrmh cklt` s`hht cbe jh `hkf strhtc`hf lut wot` b fop bt t`h jlttln jlttln bef be hmm t`rlwe `brf bt bt ot. V`h hmm wokk elt jrhbi le onpbct wot` t`h s`hht, el nbtthr `lw `brf t`h hmm os t`rlwe, jut oesthbf abchs t`h nlst fbemhr arln abkkoem letl t`h mrluef bathrwbrfs. V`h s`hht bkklws t`h hmm tl rhfuch ots kbrmh nlnhetun tl zhrl mrbfubkky, gust koih t`h cbr ahbturhs nhetolehf. Oa t`h hmm `ots t`h mrluef, ots nlnhetun rhfuchs tll quociky alr ot tl rhnboe oetbct.  oetbct.   Oetrlfuch t`h cleshrvbtole la nlnhetun usoem hxbnpkhs la clkkosoles suc` bs b trboe bef b truci, jokkobrf jbkks, cbrs, htc. Fhnlestrbth `lw tl nbt`hnbtocbkky slkvh vbrolus sonpkh prljkhns tl rhothrbth t`h onplrtbech la stbrtoem arln t`h sbnh clechpts hbc` tonh bef klmocbkky rhbc`oem b slkutole. Sht khbrehrs quhstoles t`bt ush t`h cleshrvbtole la nlnhetun tl slkvh sonpkh prljkhns oe leh fonhesole. (A)  (A)  Fhnlestrbth t`h trbesahr bef cleshrvbtole la nlnhetun jy frlppoem b alltjbkk wot` b theeos jbkk j hklw ot suc` t`bt t`h alltjbkk‟s nlnhetun os trbesahrrhf tl t`h theeos jbkk, cbusoem ot tl s`llt upwbrfs quociky. quociky.   Khbrehrs cbe oevhstombth t`h cleshrvbtole la nlnhetun aurt`hr usoem t`h Clkkosole Kbj sonukbtole7 (O)  (O)  `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/khmbcy/clkkosole-kbj



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs Klli bt alrch–tonh mrbp`s alr onpbcts bef rhkbth tl t`h c`bemh la nlnhetun. Clesofhr `lw b alrch-tonh mrbp` alr t`h ljghct B bef ljghct J, bef t`hor alrchs, rhkbth tl Ehwtle‟s t`orf kbw la nltole Hxthesole7 Strhtc` bef prhpbrh alr B khvhk Zhkbth t`h fhaoeotole la onpuksh tl Ehwtle‟s shclef kbw la nltole.

2.=.2.2 Hehrmy, wlri bef plwhr


Stbth t`bt hehrmy nby jh stlrhf bs ioehtoc, mrbvotbtolebk plthetobk, c`hnocbk, hkbstoc (strboe), euckhbr, hkhctrlstbtoc bef oethrebk (t`hrnbk) Fhscrojh `lw hehrmy os trbesahrrhf jhtwhhe stlrhs furoem hvhets bef prlchsshs, oeckufoem hxbnpkhs la trbesahr jy alrchs (nhc`beocbk wlrioem), hkhctrocbk currhets (hkhctrocbk wlri fleh), `hbtoem, bef jy hkhctrlnbmehtoc,

 Bsi khbrehrs tl summhst hehrmy stlrhs. S`lw pocturhs bs prlnpts prlnpts tl `hkp khbrehrs ofhetoay t`hn bkk h.m. aorh alr t`hrnbk, nbmehts alr nbmehtoc, b rueehr alr ioehtoc, htc.  Bsi khbrehrs oa hehrmy os hvhr hvhr klst. V`hy nby ofhetoay t`bt h hehrmy ehrmy cbe jh wbsthf, lr trbesahrrhf trbesahrrhf tl alrns t`bt brh elt ushauk, jut ot os ehvhr klst lr fhstrlyhf. Oetrlfuch t`h proecopkh la t`h cleshrvbtole la hehrmy. Trlvofh slnh hxbnpkhs tl s`lw `lw hehrmy cbe jh trbesahrrhf jhtwhhe stlrhs furoem hvhets bef prlchsshs. Sht up vbrolus fhnlestrbtoles brluef t`h ckbssrlln wot` w`oc` khbrehrs cbe oethrbct. Khbrehrs ofhetoay t`h hehrmy stlrhs bef t`h hvhets lr prlchsshs t`bt bkklw t`h hehrmy tl jh trbesahrrhf. V`hsh fhnlestrbtoles cbe oeckufh7 b fyebnl, b sproem-klbfhf tly, b phefukun, b ch kk-plwhrhf kbnp, b nocrlp`leh bef lscokklsclph, b nbss le b sproem, b theeos jbkk tl jh frlpphf, htc. Sht khbrehrs qubkotbtovh quhstoles alr prbctoch. (A) (A)   Khbrehrs cbe oevhstombth t`h cleshrvbtole la hehrmy aurt`hr usoem t`h Hehrmy Sibth Tbri sonukbtoles7 (O)  (O)  `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/hehrmy-sibth-pbri-jbsocs  `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/khmbcy/hehrmy-sibth-pbri 

sluef wbvhs bef lt`hr 2.=.2.3

Ielw t`h proecopkh la t`h cleshrvbtole la hehrmy bef bppky t`os proecopkh tl sonpkh hxbnpkhs oeckufoem t`h oethrprhtbtole la sonpkh aklw fobmrbns



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs

2.=.:.2 ]lri

Xefhrstbef t`bt nhc`beocbk lr hkhctrocbk wlri fleh os hqubk tl t`h hehrmy trbesahrrhf

 Bsi khbrehrs oa ‐wlri‟ os fleh w`he w`he b jbm os cbrrohf upstbors. ]`bt ]`bt oa t`h jbm os cbrrohf bklem b clrroflr< ]`bt oa t`h jbm os frbmmhf bklem t`h akllr<

Zhcbkk bef ush t`h hqubtole alr nhc`beocbk wlrioem ] > Af > H  

Clesofhr hxbnpkhs la floem wlri, h.m. w`he b jbm os cbrrohf upstbors, c`hnocbk hehrmy (la t`h phrsle cbrryoem t`h jbm) os clevhrthf oetl mrbvotbtolebk plthetobk hehrmy t`rlum` t`h prlchss la nhc`beocbk wlrioem.


Oetrlfuch wlri fleh bef ckbroay t`h rhkbtoles`op jhtwhhe alrch bef fostbech. ]lri os leky fleh w`he slnh clnplehet la alrch os bppkohf oe t`h sbnh forhctole bs t`h fostbech nlvhf. ]lri fleh os t`h sbnh bs hehrmy trbesahrrhf.

Oetrlfuch t`h hqubtole bef fhnlestrbth sonpkh cbkcukbtoles. Khbrehrs oevhstombth t`h wlri fleh jy usoem b alrch nhthr tl nlvh ljghcts b nhbsurhf fostbech7 lpheoem b fllr, koatoem be ljghct letl b tbjkh, pukkoem be ljghct bklem t`h akllr, htc. V`hy t`he cbkcukbth t`h wlri fleh usoem t`hor nhbsurhnhets la alrch bef fostbech. Sht khbrehrs quhstoles alr prbctoch. (A) (A)  

2.=.2.6 Hehrmy

Zhcbkk bef ush t`h hqubtole alr ioehtoc 2 hehrmy H i > nv :  :


Zhcbkk bef ush t`h hqubtole alr t`h c`bemh oe mrbvotbtolebk plthetobk hehrmy  ΖH   Ζ H p > nm   Ζ`    Ζ`

Zhcbp t`h fhaoeotole la mrbvotbtolebk plthetobk hehrmy. Bsi khbrehrs w`bt t`hy t`oei t`h hqubtole fhphefs le. V`hy nby ofhetoay nbss, `hom`t bef mrbvotbtolebk aohkf strhemt` bs onplrtbet vbrobjkhs. Fhrovh mrbvotbtolebk plthetobk hehrmy usoem t`h fhaoeotole la wlri fleh bef whom`t. Sht khbrehrs sonpkh quhstoles alr prbctoch. (A) (A)   Khbrehrs oevhstombth t`h mrbvotbtolebk plthetobk hehrmy la vbrolus ljghcts jy tbioem nhbsurhnhets la nbss bef `hom`t. (O)  (O)  Zhcbp t`h fhaoeotole la ioehtoc hehrmy. Bsi khbrehrs w`bt t`hy t`oei t`h hqubtole fhphefs le. V`hy nby ofhetoay nbss bef vhklcoty bs onplrtbet vbrobjkhs. Oetrlfuch t`h hqubtole bef fhnlestrbth b cbkcukbtole tl `om`kom`t t`h nostbihs t`bt khbrehrs lathe nbih wot` t`h ¾ bef t`h squbrh la t`h vhklcoty. @om`kom`t `lw flujkoem t`h vhklcoty qubfrupkhs t`h ioehtoc h ehrmy. Zhkbth tl khbrehrs‟ uefhrstbefoem la cbr sbahty bef sphhf konots. S`lw khbrehrs `lw t`h cleshrvbtole la hehrmy cbe jh ushf tl aoef t`h aoebk vhklcoty alr b abkkoem ljghct jy hqubtoem mrbvotbtolebk plthetobk hehrmy bef ioehtoc hehrmy.



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs Sht khbrehrs nlrh quhstoles alr prbctoch. (A) (A)   Khbrehrs cbe ush b abkkoem jbkk tl oevhstombth hehrmy trbesahr bef haaocohecy jy nhbsuroem oeotobk bef rhjluef `hom`ts. Xsoem b curvhf trbci, bsi khbrehrs tl clesofhr b nbrjkh (lr jbkk jhbroem) rlkkoem flwe b trbci t`bt os s`bkklw bef t`he sthhp vhrsus b trbci t`bt os sthhp bef t`he s`bkklw. Os t`h ioehtoc hehrmy bt t`h hef t`h sbnh alr jlt` jbkks< Ehchssbroky, jhcbush t`h oeotobk mrbvotbtolebk plthetobk hehrmy wokk jh t`h sbnh oa t`hy brh rhkhbshf arln t`h sbnh `hom`t. Os t`h aoebk vhklcoty t`h sbnh< Ehchssbroky, jhcbush t`h ioehtoc hehrmy os t`h sbnh. Flhs t`h jbkk tbih t`h sbnh bnluet la tonh tl trbvhk flwe t`h trbci oe jlt` cbshs< El, jhcbush bkt`lum` t`h jbkk rhbc`hs t`h sbnh aoebk vhklcoty oe jlt` cbshs, t`h leh wot` t`h sthhphr trbci bt t`h jhmoeeoem wokk hxphrohech b kbrmhr bcchkhrbtole hbrkohr le, t`hrhalrh `bvoem b `om`hr bvhrbmh vhklcoty bef b s`lrthr tonh. Hxthesole7 Strhtc` bef prhpbrh alr B khvhk Fhrovh ioehtoc hehrmy usoem t`h fhaoeotole la wlri fleh bef t`h hqubtole la nltole  : >  : + :. Hxpkboe t`h hqubtole la nltole aorst, oa khbrehrs `bvh elt shhe ot jhalrh.

2.=.3.2 Hehrmy rhslurchs

Fhscrojh `lw ushauk hehrmy nby jh ljtboehf, lr hkhctrocbk plwhr mhehrbthf, arln7 (b) c`hnocbk hehrmy stlrhf oe alssok auhks (j) (c)

(f) (h)

c`hnocbk hehrmy stlrhf oe jolauhks wbthr, oeckufoem t`h hehrmy stlrhf oe wbvhs, oe tofhs, bef oe wbthr jh`oef `yfrlhkhctroc fbns mhlt`hrnbk rhslurchs euckhbr auhk

 Bsi khbrehrs t`h foaahrhech jhtwhhe jhtwhhe rhehwbjkh bef ele-rhehwbjkh ele-rhehwbjkh hehrmy slurchs. V`hy nby nby jh bjkh tl hxpkboe t`os sonpky. Ckbroay bey nosclechptoles bef shh oa khbrehrs cbe movh bey hxbnpkhs alr hot`hr cbthmlry.  Bssome t`h foaahrhet hehrmy slurchs, slurchs, bs kosthf oe t`h sykkbjus, tl khbrehrs suc` t`bt t`hy wlri oe snbkk mrlups tl cbrry lut rhshbrc`. V`hy cbe t`he prhpbrh bef prhshet t`hor aoefoems tl t`h rhst la t`h ckbss. Khbrehrs s`lukf hxpkboe `lw t`hsh slurchs cbe jh ushf tl ljtboe ushauk hehrmy bef t`hor bfvbetbmhs/fosbfvbetbmhs. Khbrehrs nbri hbc` lt`hr‟s prhshetbtoles bef `befluts. Ot wokk jh wlrt` rhcbppoem t`h ihy ploets w`he khbrehrs aoeos` t`hor prhshetbtoles. Ofhetoay t`h ihy hehrmy stlrhs bef prlchsshs lr hvhets oe hbc` la t`h slurchs tl bof uefhrstbefoem. Hxpkboe t`h ihy hkhnhets la be hkhctrocbk plwhr stbtole, oeckufoem b jlokhr, turjoeh bef mhehrbtlr, bs t`hy brh ushf wot` nbey la t`h slurchs. Sht khbrehrs qubkotbtovh quhstoles tl cleslkofbth t`hor khbreoem. (A) (A)   Khbrehrs cbe oevhstombth sonpkoaohf hehrmy slurchs aurt`hr usoem t`h Hehrmy alrns bef c`bemhs sonukbtole7 (O)  (O)  `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/sons/ `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/sons/`tnk/hehrmy-alrns-bef-c`bem `tnk/hehrmy-alrns-bef-c`bemhs/kbthst/hehrmy-alrns-bef-c`bemh hs/kbthst/hehrmy-alrns-bef-c`bemhs\he.`tnk s\he.`tnk   Slkbr chkk beonbtole7 `ttps7//beonbmrbaas.cln/slkbr-chkk-nlfukh/  `ttps7//beonbmrbaas.cln/slkbr-chkk-nlfukh/ 



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs


kom`t arln t`h Sue  Bsi khbrehrs w`bt ot nhbes alr alr slnht`oem tl jh clesofhrhf ‐haaocohet‟. Fhaoeh haaocohecy qubkotbtovhky qubkotbtovhky bef prlvofh tl mhehrbth hxbnpkhs la haaocohet bef oehaaocohet fhvochs h.m. be oecbefhschet kom`t jukj os vhry oehaaocohet, wot` be haaocohecy bs klw bs hkhctrocbk plwhr :%, w`okst b trbesalrnhr os vhry haaocohet, wot` be haaocohecy la nlrh t`be ?8%. (slkbr chkks) (m) oearbrhf bef lt`hr Hxthefhf bsshssnhet7 2.=.3.6, 2.=.3.8 bef 2.=.3.1 hkhctrlnbmehtoc  Bsi khbrehrs tl trbch t`h hehrm hehrmy y ljtboehf arln vbrolus rhslurchs rhslurchs jbci tl t`hor slurch h.m. wbthr wbthr stlrhf jh`oef wbvhs arln t`h Sue tl `hbt wbthr `yfrlhkhctroc fbns wbs put t`hrh jy t`h prhcopotbtole cyckh t`rlum` hvbplrbtole t`beis tl `hbt arln t`h Sue, c`hnocbk hehrmy oe jolauhks os cbpturhf t`rlum` p`ltlsyet`hsos, htc. Nlst la t`hsh cbe jh koeihf tl t`h Sue bs t`h nboe slurch la (slkbr pbehks) hehrmy (hxchptoles7 mhlt`hrnbk, euckhbr bef tofbk). bef jh t`h slurch la woef Foscuss qubkotbtovhky `lw t`h Sue rhkhbshs hehrmy. V`h prlchss la ausole wokk jh clvhrhf oe nlrh fhtbok oe Vlpoc 8 hehrmy Euckhbr p`ysocs. oeckufoem rhahrhechs tl b jlokhr, turjoeh mhehrbtlr w`hrhbef t`hy brh ushf 2.=.3.:

Fhscrojh bfvbetbmhs bef fosbfvbetbmhs la hbc` nht`lf oe thrns la rhehwbjokoty, bvbokbjokoty, rhkobjokoty, scbkh bef hevorlenhetbk onpbct


Xefhrstbef, qubkotbtovhky, t`h clechpt la haaocohecy la hehrmy trbesahr


Ielw t`bt rbfobtole arln t`h Sue os t`h nboe slurch la hehrmy alr bkk lur hehrmy rhslurchs hxchpt mhlt`hrnbk, euckhbr

Foscuss t`h currhetthc`eoquhs, vobjokoty la euckhbr ausole bsfrbwjbcis. t`h auturh laKhbrehrs hkhctrocbkcbe hehrmy let`hor b kbrmh scbkh.bef Khbrehrs currhet bfvbechs, bfvbetbmhs bef s`brh rhshbrc` fhjbthcbe t`hrhshbrc` vbkuh la auefoem euckhbr ausole rhshbrc` vhrsus lt`hr rhehwbjkh hehrmy rhslurch oevhstnhet.

bef tofbk



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs


Ielw t`bt hehrmy os rhkhbshf jy euckhbr ausole oe t`h Sue


Ielw t`bt rhshbrc` os jhoem cbrrohf lut tl oevhstombth `lw hehrmy rhkhbshf jy euckhbr ausole cbe jh ushf tl prlfuch hkhctrocbk hehrmy le b kbrmh scbkh   scbkh

2.=.6.2 Tlwhr

Fhaoeh plwhr bs wlri fleh phr ueot tonh bef bksl bs hehrmy trbesahrrhf phr ueot tonh9 rhcbkk bef ush t`h hqubtoles (b) T  >  > (j) T  >

]  t 

 Bsi khbrehrs w`bt ot nhbes w`he w`he b kom`t jukj os kbjhkkhf bs 14]. 14]. ]`bt os t`h foaahrhech jhtwhhe jhtwhhe b 64] kom`t jukj bef b 14] kom`t jukj< Khbrehrs nby hxpkboe t`bt t`os os b plwhr rbtoem, t`bt t`h ] stbefs alr ]btts lr t`bt ot fhelths t`h hehrmy ushf jy t`h jukj phr shclef. Fhaoeh plwhr bef oetrlfuch t`h hqubtole. Ckbroay t`bt 2 ]btt os hqubk tl 2 Glukh phr shclef. Sht khbrehrs sonpkh quhstoles cbkcukbtoem plwhr, wlri fleh bef tonh alr prbctoch. (A) (A)  


 Ζ  ΖH  H    t 

Fhaoeh haaocohecy bs7 2.=.3.= Hehrmy rhslurchs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs

(b) (%) haaocohecy > (ushauk hehrmy lutput ) (tltbk hehrmy oeput)

(x244% (x2 44%

Khbrehrs clesofhr w`bt ot nhbes alr slnht`oem tl jh nlrh ‐plwhrauk‟. V`hy rhshbrc` foaahrhet cbrs, pkbehs, htc, bef clnpbrh t`hor plwhrs. (O)  (O) 

(j) (%) haaocohecy > (ushauk plwhr lutput ) (tltbk plwhr oeput)

Khbrehrs oevhstombth t`hor lwe plwhr t`rlum` b eunjhr la hxphronhets wot` khbrehrs wlrioem oe pbors lr snbkk mrlups. Leh lptole os leh khbrehr cbe fl wlri jy koatoem nbsshs arln t`h mrluef tl t`h tbjkh bef belt`hr khbrehr cbe tonh `lw klem t`os tbihs. V`hy s`lukf tbih nhbsurhnhets la t`h `hom`t trbvhkkhf jy t`h nbsshs. Belt`hr lptole os leh khbrehr cbe fl wlri jy ckonjoem stbors bef belt`hr khbrehr cbe tonh `lw klem t `os tbihs. V`hy s`lukf tbih nhbsurhnhets la t`h `hom`t la t`h stbors ckonjhf jy t`h khbrehr. Alr jlt` hxphronhets, khbrehrs cbkcukbth alrch (whom`t), wlri fleh (alrch x `hom`t trbvhkkhf) bef plwhr.


rhcbkk bef ush t`hsh hqubtoles   hqubtoles

Hxthefhf bsshssnhet7 2.=.3.= Khbrehrs clesofhr w`bt ot nhbes alr slnht`oem tl jh clesofhrhf ‐haaocohet‟. Fhaoeh haaocohecy bef oetrlfuch t`h h qubtoles. Ckbroay t`bt haaocohecy cbkcukbtoles cbe jh nbfh usoem hehrmy, wlri fleh lr plwhr bef t`bt haaocohecy os wrotthe bs b phrchetbmh.



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs Khbrehrs oevhstombth t`h haaocohecy la b ihttkh. V`hy nhbsurh t`h nbss la wbthr bffhf tl t`h ihttkh, t`h tonh t`bt t`hy `bvh ot swotc`hf le alr bef t`h thnphrbturh c`bemh la t`h wbthr. V`hrh os el ehhf tl jlok t`h wbthr. Khbrehrs cbkcukbth t`h oeput hehrmy jy usoem t `h plwhr rbtoem le t`h ihttkh bef t`h tonh nhbsurhf. Khbrehrs t`he ush t`h sphcoaoc `hbt cbpbcoty la wbthr tl cbkcukbth t`h hehrmy t`h wbthr mboes arln ots thnphrbturh rosh ((H  H >nc   Ζΰ), w`oc` os t`h ushauk hehrmy hehrmy lutput. V`hy t`he cbkcukbth t`h haaocohecy la t`h ihttkh bef clesofhr bey slurchs l a hrrlr oe t`h hxphronhet. Sht khbrehrs nlrh quhstoles le wlri fleh, plwhr bef haaocohecy alr prbctoch. (A)  (A)  Khbrehrs oevhstombth t`h haaocohecy la lt`hr clnnle `lush`lkf othns jy clesofhroem t`h hehrmy trbesahrs. (O)  (O)  Hxthesole7 Strhtc` bef prhpbrh alr B khvhk  khvhk   Fhrovh T   > > Av  bef  bef koei tl uefhrstbefoem la T >]/t , A >nb bef nb bef v >s/t .

2.0.2 Trhssurh

Fhaoehphr prhssurh bs alrch ueot brhb9 rhcbkk bef ush t`h A 

hqubtole p hqubtole  p >  B  2.0.:


Fhscrojh `lw prhssurh vbrohs wot` alrch bef brhb oe t`h clethxt la hvhryfby hxbnpkhs Fhscrojh `lw prhssurh jhehbt` t`h surabch b koquof c`bemhs wot`la fhpt` bef fhesoty la t`h koquof


Zhcbkk bef ush t`h hqubtole alr t`h c`bemh oe prhssurh jhehbt` t`h surabch la b koquof Ζ p >  Ζ  Ζ` ` 

Oetrlfuch t`h clechpt la prhssurh t`rlum` b sonpkh bkkt`hor khbrehrs cbrry V`hyt`h wokknbss hbc`le ehhf poe bef b 244m nbss. V`hy pkbch t`h frbwoem poe oehxphronhet t`h chetrh la pbkn,cbe ploet up.lut. Tkbcoem tlpblafrbwoem t`h ploet, t`hy s`lukf ahhk t`h alrch la t`h nbss prhssoem oetl t`hor pbkn. Elw t`hy akop t`h poe lvhr bef rhphbt t`h prlchss. Cuppoem t`hor pbkn wokk bkklw khbrehrs tl jbkbech t`h nbss bef mrbfubkky oecrhbsh t`h bnluet la alrch le t`h poe ploet. Elth7 V`hy s`lukf stlp oa ot jhmoes tl `urt. V`os sonpkh fhnlestrbtole oevlkvhs t`h sbnh bnluet la alrch, jut foaahrhet vbkuhs la surabch brhb. Cbe t`h khbrehrs hxpkboe t`os prlphrky< Fhaoeh prhssurh bef oetrlfuch t`h hqubtole. Khbrehrs aoef t`hor lwe prhssurh jy usoem t`hor whom`t bs t`h alrch bef frbwoem brluef t`hor ahht le mrbp` pbphr bef cluetoem t`h chetonhtrh squbrhs tl aoef t`h surabch brhb. Sht khbrehrs sonpkh quhstoles alr prbctoch. (A) (A)   Oetrlfuch vbrohf hxbnpkhs la prhssurh7 b cbnhk‟s ahht, b trbctlr‟s tyrhs, b stokhttl `hhk, b jhf la eboks, htc. Bsi khbrehrs tl hxpkboe `lw vbryoem t`h alrch lr t`h surabch brhb baahcts t`h rhsuktbet prhssurh. Fhnlestrbtoem b ‐jhf la eboks‟ wlris whkk usoem b pohch la wllf w ot` nuktopkh eboks `bnnhrhf oe pkbch suc` t` bt b jbkklle cbe jh prhsshf letl t`hn jy belt`hr pohch la wllf. Ot tbihs b kbrmh bnluet la alrch tl t`h jurst t`h jbkklle bs t`h nuktopkh eboks `bvh b cunukbtovhky kbrmh surabch brhb, rhfucoem t`h prhssurh le t`h jbkklle. Khbrehrs cbe oevhstombth t`h clnpbrbtovh prhssurh la b stokhttl `hhk tl b akbt s`lh jy nhbsuroem t`h surabch brhb bs prhvolusky fhscrojhf lr jy usoem b trby la sbef tl prlfuch be onproet alr fhpt` clnpbrosle.




Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs Fhnlestrbth `lw prhssurh oe b akuof os t`h sbnh oe bkk forhctoles jy usoem b pkbstoc jbm aokkhf wot` wbthr bef plioem snbkk `lkhs oe ot wot` b poe. Fhnlestrbth `lw prhssurh oe b akuof oecrhbshs wot` fhpt` jy usoem b splutoem cbe aokkhf wot` wbthr. Hxthefhf bsshssnhet7 2.0.6 Oetrlfuch t`h hqubtole alr `yfrlstbtoc prhssurh bef hxpkboe ots vbrobjkhs. Sht khbrehrs quhstoles alr prbctoch. (A) (A)   Khbrehrs cbe oevhstombth prhssurh aurt`hr jy wlrioem wot` t`h Xefhr Trhssurh sonukbtoles7 (O) `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/uefhr-prhssurh `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/khmbcy/akuof-prhssurh-bef-aklw  Hxthesole7 Strhtc` bef prhpbrh alr B khvhk Fhrovh t`h hqubtole alr `yfrlstbtoc prhssurh arln prhssurh > alrch / brhb alr b clkune la akuof wot` b chrtboe `hom`t, fhesoty bef crlss-shctolebk brhb. V`os wokk prlvh t`bt `yfrlstbtoc prhssurh flhs elt fhphef le t`h brhb la t`h akuof. Khbrehrs cbe ahhk `lw b nbss le b stroem wokk ahhk kom`thr w`he pkbchf oetl wbthr. Khbrehrs nby jh bjkh tl hxpkboe w`y ot ahhks kom`thr. V`hy brh ahhkoem t`h upt`rust l a t`h wbthr w`oc` supplrts slnh l a t`h nbss‟s whom`t, jut elt helum` tl bkklw ot tl aklbt. Koei t`os tl t`h ofhb la be ljghct ahhkoem b prhssurh foaahrhech le ots tlp bef jlttln surabchs. Fhnlestrbth hxbnpkhs la btnlsp`hroc prhssurh7 b rukhr kbrmhky clvhrhf jy b pohch la ehwspbphr os `brf tl fospkbch, suctole cups cbe supplrt someoaocbet alrch, b jlokhf hmm cbe jh sucihf oetl cleocbk akbsi wot` b aorh stbrthr, b `hbthf cbe onpklfhs w`he cllkhf suffheky, Nbmfhjurm `hnosp`hrhs supplrt someoaocbet alrch, htc. V`hsh bkk `hkp khbrehrs tl uefhrstbef t`h prhshech bef strhemt` la bor prhssurh brluef us. Oetrlfuch t`h jbrlnhthr bef `lw ot os ushf tl fhthrnoeh btnlsp`hroc prhssurh. Khbrehrs cbe nbih t`hor lwe sonpkh jbrlnhthrs bef trbci whbt`hr pbtthres. (O)  (O)  Zhslurch Tkus Cbrry lut t`h Trhssurh bef t`h onpklfoem cbe hxphronhet rhahrroem tl Vhbc`oem Tbci alr khssle pkbes bef rhslurchs.

Tbst bef sphconhe pbphrs

Tbst/sphconhe pbphrs bef nbri sc`hnhs brh bvbokbjkh tl flweklbf bt  bt  www.cbnjrofmhoethrebtolebk.lrm/supplrt www.cbnjrofmhoethrebtolebk.lrm/supplrt  (A) (A)  



Sc`hnh la ]lri

:. V`hrnbk p`ysocs Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs

:.2.2.2 Stbths la nbtthr

Ielw t`h fostoemuos`oem prlphrtohs la slkofs, koquofs bef mbshs

 Bsi khbrehrs tl fhscrojh t`h nboe nboe prlphrtohs la slkofs, koquofs bef bef mbshs. Bkthrebtovhky, spkot t`h ckbss oetl t`rhh mrlups bef bssome hbc` mrlup b st bth la nbtthr. Forhct t`h khbrehrs tl wlri tlmht`hr oe t`hor mrlup tl nlfhk t`h jh`bvolur la t`h stbths la nbtthr, w`hrh hbc` khbrehr bcts bs b nlkhcukh lr btln wot`oe t`h nbthrobk. Hbc` mrlup t`he phralrns t`hor fhnlestrbtole bef t`h lt`hr mrlups muhss w`oc` stbth t`hy whrh tryoem tl rhprhshet, jhalrh laahroem onprlvhnhets lr c`bemhs tl jhtthr rhprhshet t`h stbth.


Ielw t`h thrns alr t`h c`bemhs oe stbth jhtwhhe slkofs, koquofs bef mbshs (mbs tl slkof bef slkof tl mbs trbesahrs brh elt elt   rhquorhf)

:.2.:.2 Tbrtockh nlfhk

Fhscrojh t`h pbrtockh structurh la slkofs, koquofs bef mbshs oe thrns la t`h brrbemhnhet, shpbrbtole bef nltole la t`h pbrtockhs, bef rhprhshet t`hsh stbths usoem sonpkh pbrtockh fobmrbns


Fhscrojh t`h rhkbtoles`op jhtwhhe t`h nltole la pbrtockhs bef thnphrbturh, oeckufoem t`h ofhb t`bt t`hrh os b klwhst plssojkh thnphrbturh (√:=3 ´C),, ielwe bs (√:=3 ´C) bjslkuth zhrl, w`hrh

Khbrehrs nbtc` up stbthnhets bjlut t`h foaahrhet stbths la nbtthr tl t`h clrrhct stbth l a nbtthr. V`os cbe jh fleh le t`h w`othjlbrf, le t`h prlghctlr scrhhe, usoem b sonpkh cbrf slrt lr le b wlris`hht. Khbrehrs oevhstombth t`h `hbtoem curvh jy stbrtoem wot` och wbthr bef `hbtoem ot lvhr b Jueshe jurehr uetok jlokoem, t bioem rhmukbr nhbsurhnhets la thnphrbturh. Khbrehrs pklt b thnphrbturh-tonh mrbp`. V`hy nby jh bjkh tl ofhetoay t`h ploet bt w`oc` t`h c`bemh la stbth tbihs pkbch. Khbrehrs oevhstombth t`h cllkoem curvh usoem b sujstbech t`bt os slkof bt rlln thnphrbturh h.m. chtyk bkcl`lk. @hbt t`h sujstbech oe b thst tujh jy pkbcoem oe b wbrn wbthr jbt`. Zhnlvh t`h thst tujh arln t`h jbt` bef ljshrvh t`h frlp la thnphrbturh lvhr tonh bs t`h sujstbech slkofoaohs. Khbrehrs pklt b thnphrbturh–tonh mrbp`. V`hy nby jh bjkh tl ofhetoay t`h ploet bt w`oc` t`h c`bemh la stbth tbihs pkbch. Khbrehrs ehhf tl ielw t`h thrns alr t`h c`bemhs oe stbth jhtwhhe slkofs, koquofs bef mbshs. V`hy cbe bff t`hsh tl b `hbtoem lr cllkoem curvh mrbp` lr frbw t`hn lut bs brrlws jhtwhhe t`h ebnhs la t`h stbths. Sht khbrehrs qubkotbtovh quhstoles tl thst uefhrstbefoem. (A) (A)   Oetrlfuch bjslkuth zhrl bef t`h Ihkvoe scbkh. Koei tl khbrehrs‟ uefhrstbefoem la scbkbrs9 thnphrbturh os b scbkbr, sl `lw brh t`hrh ehmbtovh vbkuhs la thnphrbturh< Koei t`h ofhb la bjslkuth zhrl tl t`h nltole la t`h nlkhcukhs lr btlns wot`oe t`h sujstbech bef `om`kom`t t`bt bt t`os ploet t`h ioehtoc hehrmy os bt ots klwhst vbkuh. Koei t`h fhmrhhs Chksous scbkh tl t `h arhhzoem bef jlokoem ploets la wbthr. Clevhrt t`hsh vbkuhs oetl Ihkvoe. Sht khbrehrs sonpkh quhstoles tl prbctosh clevhrsoles. (A) (A)  



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs

t`h pbrtockhs `bvh khbst ioehtoc hehrmy

Khbrehrs cbe oevhstombth c`bemhs la stbth aurt`hr jy usoem t`h sonukbtole7 (O) `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/sons/`tnk/stbths-la-nbtthr-jbsocs/kbth tnk/stbths-la-nbtthr-jbsocs/kbthst/stbths-la-nbtthr-jbsocs\he st/stbths-la-nbtthr-jbsocs\he.`tnk .`tnk   `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/sons/`


Clevhrt thnphrbturhs jhtwhhe ihkvoe bef fhmrhhs Chksous9 rhcbkk bef ush t`h hqubtole V (oe I) > (oe ´C) + :=3

Khbrehrs cbe rhshbrc` t`h `ltthst bef clkfhst p kbchs le lur pkbeht bef oe t`h ueovhrsh. (O)

:.2.:.3 Tbrtockh nlfhk

Fhscrojh t`h prhssurh bef t`h c`bemhs oe prhssurh la b mbs oe thrns la t`h nltole la ots pbrtockhs bef t`hor clkkosoles wot` b surabch

 Bsi khbrehrs tl rhcbp t`h nboe nboe prlphrtohs la slkofs, koquofs bef mbshs. Bsi khbrehrs hxpkboe `lw prhssurh cbe jh fhscrojhf oe thrns la t`h nltole la t`h pbrtockhs oe mbs bef t`h clkkosoles wot` b surabch.

Ielw t`bt t`h rbefln nltole la nocrlsclpoc pbrtockhs oe b susphesole os hvofhech alr t`h ioehtoc pbrtockh nlfhk la nbtthr

Nbih ush la sonukbtoles tl s`lw t`h brrbemhnhet bef nltole la t`h nlkhcukhs lr btlns oe t`h foaahrhet stbths la nbtthr7 `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/sons/`tnk/stbths-la-nbtthr-jbsocs/kbth `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/sons/` tnk/stbths-la-nbtthr-jbsocs/kbthst/stbths-la-nbtthr-jbsocs\he st/stbths-la-nbtthr-jbsocs\he.`tnk. .`tnk.  

Fhscrojh bef hxpkboe t`os nltole (slnhtonhs ielwe bs Jrlweobe nltole) oe thrns la rbefln clkkosoles jhtwhhe t`h nocrlsclpoc pbrtockhs oe b susphesole bef t`h pbrtockhs la b mbs lr koquof

Zhnoef khbrehrs la t`h fhaoeotole la prhssurh bs alrch phr ueot brhb b ef bsi t`hn tl fhscrojh t`h c`bemhs oe prhssurh la b mbs oe thrns la t`h alrchs hxhrthf jy pbrtockhs clkkofoem wot` surabchs.



Khbrehrs oevhstombth t`h rbefln nltole la nocrlsclpoc pbrtockhs oe b susphesole. V`os cbe jh fleh jy trbppoem snlih arln jureoem pbphr oe b snlih chkk bef pkbcoem ot uefhr b nocrlsclph. V`os prlvofhs hvofhech alr t`h ioehtoc pbrtockh nlfhk la nbtthr bef os slnhtonhs ielwe bs Jrlweobe nltole. Ot cbe bksl jh s`lwe usoem plkystyrheh sp`hrhs oe fholeoshf wbthr7  wbthr7 `ttps7//www.sthn.lrm.ui/rhslurch `ttps7//www.sthn.lrm.ui/rhslurchs/hkojrbry/rhslurch/:0031/jrlweo s/hkojrbry/rhslurch/:0031/jrlweobe-nltole. be-nltole.  

Hxthefhf bsshssnhet7 :.2.:.1, :.2.:.= bef :.2.:.0 Zhture tl t`h prlphrtohs la slkofs, koquofs bef mbshs bef bsi khbrehrs tl hxpkboe `lw t`h alrchs bef fostbechs jhtwhhe t`h pbrtockhs brh onplrtbet.

Zhothrbth t`bt w`bt os ljshrvhf oe Jrlweobe nltole brh nocrlsclpoc pbrtockhs, elt btlns lr nlkhcukhs. V`hsh nocrlsclpoc pbrtockhs nby jh nlvhf jy clkkosoles wot` kom`t abst-nlvoem nlkhcukhs (lr btlns). Bs nuc` kbrmhr ljghcts, wh brh bksl cletoeubkky jlnjbrfhf jy kom`t a bst-nlvoem nlkhcukhs (lr btlns) jut lvhr suc` b kbrmh brhb t`hsh alrchs brh ehmkomojkh.



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs


Ielw t`bt t`h alrchs bef fostbechs jhtwhhe

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs

pbrtockhs (btlns, nlkhcukhs, oles bef hkhctrles) bef t`h nltole la t`h pbrtockhs baahcts t`h prlphrtohs la slkofs, koquofs bef mbshs :.2.:.=

Fhscrojh t`h prhssurh bef t`h c`bemhs oe prhssurh la b mbs oe thrns la t`h alrchs hxhrthf jy pbrtockhs clkkofoem wot` surabchs, crhbtoem alrch phr ueot brhb


Ielw t`bt nocrlsclpoc pbrtockhs nby jh nlvhf jy clkkosoles wot` kom`t abst-nlvoem nlkhcukhs bef clrrhctky ush t`h thrns btlns nlkhcukhs bs fostoectlr arln nocrlsclpoc pbrtockhs  pbrtockhs 

:.:.2.2 V`hrnbk hxpbesole la slkofs, koquofs bef mbshs

Fhscrojh, qubkotbtovhky, t`h t`hrnbk hxpbesole la slkofs, koquofs bef mbshs bt clestbet prhssurh


Fhscrojh slnh la t`h hvhryfby bppkocbtoles

 Bsi khbrehrs w`bt t`hy t`oei wokk wokk `bpphe tl t`h nlkhcukhs lr btlns btlns oesofh b sujstbech w`he t`h sujstbech os `hbthf. V`hy nby summhst ot c`bemhs stbth lr t`bt t`h nlkhcukhs lr btlns nlvh brluef nlrh. Forhct t`h khbrehrs tl clesofhr `lw t`h oecrhbsoem ioehtoc hehrmy la t`h nlkhcukhs lr btlns rhsukts oe t`hn sprhbfoem lut bef tbioem up nlrh rlln.  Bkthrebtovhky, oetrlfuch t`os ofhb ofhb jy bsioem khbrehrs tl brrbemh t`hnshkvhs bs oa t`hy whrh t`h nlkhcukhs nlkhcukhs lr btlns oesofh b slkof. Forhct t`hn tl nlvh bs oa t`h slkof wbs jhoem `hbthf. V`hy nby ehhf slnh foscussole tonh bs b mrlup tl pkbe t`os. ]ot`lut nuc` oestructole, ot os koihky t`bt khbrehrs wokk nlvh brluef nlrh bef jhmoe tl tbih up nlrh spbch t`be prhvolusky.



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.


Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs

bef cleshquhechs la t`hrnbk hxpbesole

Khbrehrs oevhstombth t`h hxpbesole la b mbs usoem b snbkk cleocbk akbsi bef b jhbihr la wbthr. Khbrehrs s`lukf uphef t`h jhbihr sl t`bt t`h nlut` os gust sujnhrmhf oe t`h wbthr oe t`h jhbihr. Leh khbrehr cbe wrbp t`hor `befs brluef t`h

Hxpkboe, oe thrns la t`h nltole bef brrbemhnhet la pbrtockhs, t`h rhkbtovh lrfhr la nbmeotufhs la t`h hxpbesole la slkofs, koquofs bef mbshs bs t`hor thnphrbturhs rosh  rosh 

cleocbk t`h `hbt t`hor jhmoes tl wbrn bor oesofh ]ot` slnh la pbtohech, ljshrvhakbsi t`bt sl t`ht`bt nheoscus wokkarln jhmoe tl `befs nlvh flwe bef jukmh t`h lutwbrfs oetlt`h t`hakbsi. wbthr. B jujjkh b or nbyt`hy hvhecbe hscbph. V`os os fuh tl t`h hxpbesole la t`h bor oesofh la t`h akbsi. Khbrehrs oevhstombth t`h hxpbesole la b koquof us oem b akbsi aokkhf wot` clklurhf w bthr wot` b klem t`oe mkbss tujh clnoem lut la b juem shbk. Oa t`h akbsi os aukk la clklurhf wbthr bt rlln thnphrbturh bef os pkbchf oesofh b cletboehr suc` t`bt ot cbe jh surrluefhf jy jlokoem wbthr, t`h t`hrnbk hehrmy arln t`h jlokoem wbthr wokk cbush t`h koquof oe t`h akbsi tl hxpbef up bef lut la t`h klem t`oe mkbss tujh. Clklurhf wbthr os ushf sl t`bt ot os nlrh vosojkh. Khbrehrs nby nbih t`h koei tl t`hrnlnhthrs, bs t`hy wlri usoem t`h sbnh proecopkh. Khbrehrs oevhstombth t`h hxpbesole la b slkof usoem b jbkk-bef-roem shtup. V`h jbkk s`lukf aot t`rlum` t`h roem oeotobkky, jut w`he `hbthf ot hxpbefs bef el klemhr aots. Bsi khbrehrs `lw tl mht t`h jbkk oesofh t`h roem bmboe. V`hy nby summhst cllkoem ot lr t`hy nby summhst `hbtoem t`h roem. V`os os b mllf fhnlestrbtole la `lw slkofs hxpbef jut ot os elt eltochbjkh tl lur hyhs.  hyhs.  www.p`ysocs.purfuh.hfu/fhnls/fospkby\pbmh.p`p3B-4:  Khbrehrs oevhstombth t`h foaahroem rbths la hxpbesole la nbthrobks t`rlum` t`h `hbtoem bef ljshrvbtole la b jonhtbkkoc strop. Khbrehrs rhshbrc` ots ush oe t`hrnlstbts. Khbrehrs clesofhr w`bt `bpphes w`he b nbthrobk os cllkhf. V`hy s`lukf cleckufh t`bt t`h prlchss wlris oe rhvhrsh bef t`h nbthrobk nby s`roei lr cletrbct. Sht khbrehrs qubkotbtovh quhstoles tl thst uefhrstbefoem. (A) (A)   Khbrehrs oevhstombth vbrolus bppkocbtoles w`hrh t`h hxpbesole la nbthrobks `bs jhhe clesofhrhf oe t`h fhsome prlchss7 khbvoem mbps jhtwhhe pbvoem skbjs tl bvlof crbcioem oe `hbt, prlvofoem kllps oe `lt wbthr pophs tl bkklw hxpbesole, bkklwoem skbci oe thkhp`leh worhs oe cbsh la cllkoem bef cletrbctole oe woethr, htc. (O) Hxthefhf bsshssnhet7 :.:.2.3 Khbrehrs clesofhr t`h fhnlestrbtoles la hxpbesole t`hy `bvh shhe bef hxpkboe t`h rhkbtovh lrfhr la nbmeotufh la t`h hxpbesole la slkofs, koquofs bef mbshs bs t`hor thnphrbturhs rosh. Bsi khbrehrs tl koei t`hor uefhrstbefoem la t`h nltole bef brrbemhnhet la pbrtockhs tl t`os lrfhr la nbmeotufh. Khbrehrs clesofhr t`bt mbshs cbe hxphrohech t`h nlst hxpbesole fuh tl `bvoem t`h whbihst jlefs jhtwhhe t`hor pbrtockhs.



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs

:.2.3.2 Mbshs bef

Fhscrojh qubkotbtovhky, oe thrns la pbrtockhs,

 Bsi khbrehrs tl clesofhr `lw oecrhbsoem oecrhbsoem t`h thnphrbturh la b mbs mbs nom`t baahct ots prhssurh, bssunoem bssunoem t`h nbss bef vlkunh brh ihpt clestbet. Khbrehrs nby hxpkboe t`bt oecrhbsoem t`h thnphrbturh wokk oecrhbsh t`h ioehtoc hehrmy la t`h

t`h bjslkuth scbkh la thnphrbturh

t`h haahct la lebt`h prhssurh aoxhf nbss la mbs la7

nlkhcukhs btlns oealrch t`h mbs, t`hrhjy khbfoem tl prhssurh. be oecrhbshf eunjhr la clkkosoles jhtwhhe t`hn bef t`h cletboehr wbkks. V`os lr oecrhbshf khbfs tl be oecrhbshf

(b) b c`bem c`bemh h la thnphrbturh bt clestbet vlkunh (j) b c`bem c`bemh h la vlkunh bt clestbet thnphrbturh :.2.2.3

Zhcbp t`h fhaoeotole la prhssurh bs alrch phr ueot brhb. V`os os onplrtbet alr uefhrstbefoem `lw thnphrbturh (bef vlkunh) baahcts prhssurh. Khbrehrs qubkotbtovhky oevhstombth t`h rhkbtoles`op jhtwhhe thnphrbturh bef prhssurh usoem b shbkhf cleocbk akbsi wot` b t`hrnlnhthr bef prhssurh mbumh bttbc`hf tl ots juem. Jy pkbcoem t`h akbsi oe foaahrhet-thnphrbturh wbthr jbt`s, t`hrh s`lukf jh b eltochbjkh c`bemh oe prhssurh. Qlkunh bef nbss brh ihpt clestbet. Khbrehrs clesofhr `lw foaahrhet nbthrobks wokk prlfuch foaahrhet prhssurh–thnphrbturh mrbp`s, jut t`hy wokk b kk pbss t`rlum` t`h sbnh ploet le t`h x  t`h x -bxos. -bxos. Zhkbth t`os tl khbrehrs‟ uefhrstbefoem la bjslkuth zhrl.

Zhcbkk bef ush t`h hqubtole pQ  hqubtole  pQ  >  > clestbet  Bsi khbrehrs tl clesofhr `lw fhcrhbsoem fhcrhbsoem t`h vlkunh la b mbs nom`t nom`t baahct ots prhssurh, bssunoem bssunoem t`h nbss bef alr b aoxhf nbss la mbs thnphrbturh brh ihpt clestbet. Khbrehrs nby hxpkboe t`bt fhcrhbsoem t`h vlkunh wokk oecrhbsh t`h prhssurh, bs t`hrh wokk bt clestbet jh be oecrhbshf eunjhr la clkkosoles jhtwhhe t`h nlkhcukhs lr btlns bef t`h cle tboehr wbkks. V`os oecrhbshf alrch thnphrbturh, oeckufoem khbfs tl be oecrhbshf prhssurh. b mrbp`ocbk rhprhshetbtole la t`h Khbrehrs oevhstombth t`h rhkbtoles`op jhtwhhe vlkunh bef prhssurh qubkotbtovhky wot` b pkbstoc syroemh. Oa t`h hef os rhkbtoles`op shbkhf lr jklcihf wot` b aoemhr, ot jhclnhs oecrhbsoemky foaaocukt tl prhss t`h pkuemhr bs t`h vlkunh fhcrhbshs. Khbrehrs oevhstombth t`h rhkbtoles`op jhtwhhe thnphrbturh bef prhssurh usoem sonukbtoles. (O)  (O)  Sht khbrehrs qubkotbtovh quhstoles tl thst uefhrstbefoem. (A) (A)   Hxthefhf bsshssnhet7 :.2.3.3 Khbrehrs oevhstombth t`h rhkbtoles`op jhtwhhe vlkunh bef prhssurh usoem Jlykh‟s Kbw bppbrbtus. B clkune la bor os clnprhsshf, ots prhssurh cbe jh nhbsurhf le b mbumh bef t`h vlkunh rhbf arln t`h scbkh le t`h tujh. Khbrehrs pklt b mrbp` la prhssurh bef 2/vlkunh (lr vlkunh bef 2/prhssurh) tl s`lw t`h oevhrsh prlplrtolebkoty. Oetrlfuch t`h hqubtole t`bt koeis prhssurh bef vlkunh. Fhnlestrbth `lw tl ush t`h hqubtole. Khbrehrs oevhstombth t`h rhkbtoles`op jhtwhhe vlkunh bef prhssurh aurt`hr usoem sonukbtoles. Khbrehrs cbe clkkhct rhsukts bef pklt b mrbp` tl prlvh t`h rhkbtoles`op. (O) (O)   Sht khbrehrs nlrh qubkotbtovh, bs whkk bs qubetotbtovh, quhstoles tl thst uefhrstbefoem. (A) (A)  



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs Sonukbtoles7 `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/mbshs-oetrl `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/mbshs-oetrl   `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/mbs-prlphrtohs     `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/mbs-prlphrtohs `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/stbths-la-nbtthr  Hxthesole7 Strhtc` bef prhpbrh alr B khvhk  Bsi khbrehrs tl clesofhr `lw oecrhbsoem oecrhbsoem t`h thnphrbturh la b mbs mbs nom`t baahct ots vlkunh, bssunoem bssunoem t`h nbss bef prhssurh brh ihpt clestbet. Khbrehrs nby hxpkboe t`bt oecrhbsoem t`h thnphrbturh wokk oecrhbsh t`h vlkunh, bs t`hrh wokk jh be oecrhbsh oe t`h ioehtoc hehrmy la t`h pbrtockhs. Oa t`h prhssurh os ihpt clestbet, t`h cletboehr nust hxpbef tl t`h ihhp t`h eunjhr la clkkosoles wot` ots wbkks clestbet. Oetrlfuch t`h ofhbk mbs kbw, hxprhsshf oe thrns la t`h eunjhr la nlkhcukhs bef oetrlfuch t`h Jlktznbee clestbet. Sht khbrehrs sonpkh quhstoles alr prbctoch. (A) (A)  

:.:.:.2 Sphcoaoc `hbt cbpbcoty



Ielw t`bt b rosh oe t`h thnphrbturh la be ljghct oecrhbshs ots oethrebk hehrmy

 Bsi w`bt `bpphes tl t`h pbrtockhs pbrtockhs oesofh la be ljghct w`he t`h thnphrbturh thnphrbturh la t`h ljghct os oecrhbshf. oecrhbshf. V`hy nby rhcbkk t`bt hxpbesole lccurs bef koei t`os tl t`h ofhb la ioehtoc hehrmy oecrhbsoem, w`oc` os oethrebk hehrmy.

Fhscrojh be oecrhbsh oe thnphrbturh la be ljghct oe thrns la be oecrhbsh oe t`h bvhrbmh ioehtoc hehrmohs la bkk la t`h pbrtockhs oe t`h ljghct

Hxpbef le t`h clechpt la t `h oecrhbsoem ioehtoc hehrmy la be ljghct. Be oecrhbsh oe thnphrbturh koeis tl be oecrhbsh oe t`h bvhrbmh ioehtoc hehrmohs la bkk la t`h pbrtockhs oe t`h ljghct.

Fhaoeh sphcoaoc `hbt cbpbcoty bs t`h hehrmy rhquorhf phr ueot nbss phr ueot thnphrbturh oecrhbsh9 rhcbkk bef ush t`h hqubtole ∁H 

c > n∁  

Hxthefhf bsshssnhet7 :.:.:.:, :.:.:.3 bef :.:.:.6

 Bsi khbrehrs w`y wbthr os ushf ushf oe b `lt wbthr jlttkh. V`hrh brh klts la mllf bef shesojkh beswhrs beswhrs tl t`os quhstole jut sthhr t`h foscussole tlwbrfs t`h ofhb t`bt wbthr os vhry mllf bt `lkfoem ots thnphrbturh.  Bsi khbrehrs w`y t`h sbef bt t`h t`h jhbc` ahhks `ltthr t`be t`h wbthr wbthr la t`h shb. V`hy wokk summhst summhst bkk slrts la rhbsles, jut sthhr t`h foscussole tlwbrfs t`h ofhb t`bt bkt`lum` t`h kbef bef t`h shb rhchovh t`h sbnh hehrmy arln t`h Sue, t`h kbef `hbts up quocihr. Fhaoeh sphcoaoc `hbt cbpbcoty bef oetrlfuch t`h hqubtole. Koei tl prhvolus hxbnpkhs bef `om`kom`t t`bt wbthr `bs b vhry `om` sphcoaoc `hbt cbpbcoty. Khbrehrs oevhstombth foaahrhet nhtbks bef clnpbrh t`hor prlphrtohs jy pklttoem nuktopkh shts la rhsukts le t`h s bnh mrbp` bxhs. Khbrehrs cbe pkbe t`h hxphronhet t`hnshkvhs clesofhroem t`h hqubtole alr sphcoaoc `hbt cbpbcoty. Bsi khbrehrs w`bt t`hy ehhf tl nhbsurh bef `lw t`os cbe jh nhbsurhf. Fhnlestrbth t`h corcuot t `hy ehhf tl juokf. Khbrehrs cbe



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs


Fhscrojh hxphronhets tl nhbsurh t`h

hot`hr clkkhct rhsukts t`rlum`lut, bkklwoem t`hn tl pklt b mrbp`, lr t`hy cbe nhbsurh t`h oeotobk bef aoebk vbkuhs bef cbrry lut b cbkcukbtole.

sphcoaoc la b slkof`hbt befcbpbcoty la b koquof   koquof

Nhbsuroem sphcoaoc `hbt cbpbcoty7 www.jjc.cl.ui/jothsozh/muofhs/z:mgtv6/rhvosole/1  www.jjc.cl.ui/jothsozh/muofhs/z:mgtv6/rhvosole/1  Khbrehrs oevhstombth t`h sphcoaoc `hbt cbpbcoty la wbthr oe b sonokbr wby tl t`h nhtbk jklcis. Khbrehrs s`lukf rhnhnjhr tl stor t`h wbthr jhalrh t bioem b nhbsurhnhet la thnphrbturh. Bkthrebtovhky, prlvofh khbrehrs wot` t`h sphcoaoc `hbt cbpbcoty la wbthr bef t`hy aoef t`h hehrmy t`h wbthr mboes jy nhbsuroem t`h thnphrbturh c`bemh. Khbrehrs wroth b nht`lf alr t`h hxphronhet tl nhbsurh t`h sphcoaoc `hbt cbpbcoty la b slkof bef la b koquof, ckbroayoem t`h foaahrhechs oe oevhstombtoem t`h twl stbths la nbtthr. Khbrehrs oevhstombth t`h vbrohf ushs la wbthr bef ots `om` sphcoaoc `hbt cbpbcoty7 ot os clnnleky ushf bs b cllkbet oe plwhr pkbets, ot os hsshetobk oe rhmukbtoem t`h thnphrbturh la lur pkbeht, htc. Khbrehrs oevhstombth `lw t`h sphcoaoc `hbt cbpbcoty baahcts t`h haaocohecy la prlchsshs h.m. b clpphr cllioem plt wokk wbsth khss hehrmy oe cllioem fuh tl ots klw sphcoaoc `hbt cbpbcoty. Sht khbrehrs qubetotbtovh bef qubkotbtovh quhstoles tl thst uefhrstbefoem. (A) Hxthesole7 Strhtc` bef prhpbrh alr B khvhk Zhture tl t`h clechpt la oethrebk hehrmy bef fhaoeh ot. Khbrehrs cbe clesofhr t`h abctlrs t`bt baahct t`h oethrebk hehrmy.  hehrmy. 


Fhscrojh nhktoem bef

Zhture tl t`h cllkoem curvh (lr `hbtoem curvh) clvhrhf prhvolusky. Bsi khbrehrs tl ofhetoay w`he t`h c`bemhs la stbth

Nhktoem, jlokoem bef hvbplrbtole

jlokoem thrns la b hehrmy oe oeput wot`lut c`bemh oe thnphrbturh


Ielw t`h nhktoem bef jlokoem thnphrbturhs alr wbthr bt stbefbrf btnlsp`hroc prhssurh

`bpphe. Bsi khbrehrs ofhetoay foaahrhet stbths s`lwe t`h mrbp`. t`bt t`rlum`lut t`h hxphronhet, os jhoem prlvofhf lr os tl j hoem klst.t`h ]`bt os `bppheoem tl t`h le nlkhcukhs lr Hxpkboe btlns w`he t`h thnphrbturh os rosoem< K hehrmy hbrehrs nby hxpkboe t`bt b rosh oe thnphrbturh oecrhbshs t`h ioehtoc hehrmy la t`h nlkhcukhs lr btlns oe t`h ljghct. Ckbroay t `bt nhktoem, slkofoaocbtole, jlokoem bef clefhesbtole cbe jh bc`ohvhf wot`lut b c`bemh oe thnphrbturh. V`os os foaaocukt tl rhprlfuch oe t`h kbjlrbtlry. S`lw ckhbr mrbp`s tl `om`kom`t t`hsh c`bemhs la stbth.


Fhscrojh clefhesbtole bef slkofoaocbtole oe thrns la pbrtockhs

S`lw t`h `hbtoem curvh alr wbthr. Bt w`bt thnphrbturh flhs och nhkt bef wbthr jlok< @lw fl t`hsh vb kuhs c`bemh bt foaahrhet bktotufhs< Khbrehrs nby jh bjkh tl hxpkboe t`bt w`he ckonjoem b nluetboe t`hrh os klwhr btnlsp`hroc prhssurh bef t`os nhbes t`bt wbthr jloks bt b klwhr thnphrbturh. Khbrehrs clukf wbtc` t`h JJC Hbrt` Kbj (jlokoem wbthr le Hvhrhst) vofhl ckop s`lwoem t`os haahct7 `ttps7//www.ylutujh.cln/wbtc`0kyqAiAs@:0



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs


Fhscrojh hvbplrbtole oe thrns la t`h hscbph

 Bsi khbrehrs w`bt `bpphes tl b mkbss wbthr w`he khat lut lvhr lvhr shvhrbk fbys. V`hy nby ofhetoay t`bt t`h wbthr hvbplrbths. @lw cbe t`h wbthr hvbplrbth w`he t`hrh os el `hbt slurch tl oecrhbsh t`h thnphrbturh< Khbrehrs cbe

la nlrh hehrmhtoc nlkhcukhs arln t`h surabch la b koquof :.:.3.8

Ielw t`bt hvbplrbtole cbushs cllkoem la b koquof


Fhscrojh t`h foaahrhechs jhtwhhe jlokoem bef hvbplrbtole


Fhscrojh `lw thnphrbturh, surabch brhb bef bor nlvhnhet lvhr b surabch baahct hvbplrbtole

hxpkboe t`bt t`h nlkhcukhs t`bt hscbph arln t`h surabch brh nlrh hehrmhtoc.  Bsi khbrehrs `lw hvbplrbtole baahcts t`h thnphrbturh la be ljghct. ljghct. V`hy nby rhcbkk ahhkoem clkf w`he wht arln t`h rboe lr bathr mhttoem lut la b swonnoem pllk. V`hy nby hxpkboe t`bt t`h hvbplrbtole la wbthr arln t`hor sioe cllks t`hn flwe. V`os sbnh prlchss cbushs koquofs tl cllk bs hvbplrbtole la t`h nlst hehrmhtoc nlkhcukhs bt t`h surabch lccurs. Sht khbrehrs qubkotbtovh quhstoles tl thst uefhrstbefoem. (A) (A)   Khbrehrs oevhstombth stbths la nbtthr aurt`hr usoem sonukbtoles7 (O) `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/sons/` `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/sons/`tnk/stbths-la-nbtthr-jbsocs/kbth tnk/stbths-la-nbtthr-jbsocs/kbthst/stbths-la-nbtthr-jbsocs\he st/stbths-la-nbtthr-jbsocs\he.`tnk .`tnk   `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/stbths-la-nbtthr   Hxthefhf bsshssnhet7 :.:.3.1, bsshssnhet7 :.:.3.1, :.:.3.= bef :.:.3.0


Hxpkboe t`h cllkoem la be ljghct oe cletbct wot` be hvbplrbtoem koquof   koquof

Zhture tl t`h ofhb la hvbplrbtole cbusoem cllkoem. Khbrehrs cbe hxpkboe `lw t`os `bpphes. Bsi khbrehrs tl ofhetoay t`h foaahrhechs jhtwhhe hvbplrbtole bef jlokoem. Khbrehrs oevhstombth hvbplrbtole. V`os cbe jh fleh oe t`h kbjlrbtlry lr bs b `lnhwlri tbsi. Oe t`h kbjlrbtlry khbrehrs wlri oe pbors, hbc` pbor stbrtoem wot` b ielwe nbss bef thnphrbturh la wbthr. C`bkkhemh t`hn tl hvbplrbth bs nuc` l a ot bs plssojkh oe b sht tonh lr movh t`hn foaahrhet vbrobjkhs tl oevhstombth. Khbrehrs s`lukf elth t`bt t`h koquof cllks bs t`h nlrh-hehrmhtoc nlkhcukhs hscbph arln t`h surabch la t`h koquof. Bt `lnh, khbrehrs cbe sht up vbrolus cletboehrs la t`h sbnh nbss bef thnphrbturh la wbthr bef pkbch t`hn oe vbrohf plsotoles. Khbrehrs s`lukf vbry t`h sozh la t`h cletboehr bef t`h klcbtole oe thrns la bor nlvhnhet bef thnphrbturh. Oe jlt` vhrsoles la t`h hxphronhet, khbrehrs oevhstombth `lw thnphrbturh, surabch brhb bef bor nlvhnhet baahct hvbplrbtole. V`hy s`lukf jh bjkh tl clnh tl t`hor lwe cleckusoles bef jh bjkh tl hxpkboe t`bt hvbplrbtole lccurs w`he t`h nlrh-hehrmhtoc nlkhcukhs lr btlns hscbph arln t`h surabch la t`h koquof. (O) Hxthesole7 Strhtc` bef prhpbrh alr B khvhk Zhture tl t`h cllkoem curvh (lr `hbtoem curvh) bef bsi khbrehrs w`bt `bpphes tl t`h hehrmy w`he ot flhs elt prlfuch b thnphrbturh rosh. Khbrehrs nby hxpkboe t`bt t`os os rhquorhf tl c`bemh t`h stbth la t`h sujstbech. Hxpkboe `lw t`os `offhe, lr ‐kbthet‟, `hbt os rhquorhf tl nbih lr jrhbi t`h nlkhcukbr jlefs jhtwhhe t`h nlkhcukhs lr btlns. Fhaoeh kbthet `hbt bs t`h hehrmy rhquorhf tl c`bemh t`h stbth la b sujstbech bef hxpkboe ot oe thrns la pbrtockh jh`bvolur bef t`h alrchs jhtwhhe pbrtockhs. Oetrlfuch t`h hqubtole alr sphcoaoc kbthet `hbt. Sht khbrehrs sonpkh quhstoles alr prbctoch. (A) (A)  



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs

:.3.2.2 Clefuctole

Fhscrojh hxphronhets tl fhnlestrbth t`h

Khbrehrs oevhstombth clefuctole usoem rlfs nbfh la foaahrhet nbthrobks7 mkbss, bkunoeoun, clpphr, orle, jrbss, htc. Khbrehrs pkbch leh hef oe t`h rlbroem akbnh la b Jueshe jurehr w`okh t`hy `lkf t`h lt`hr hef. Khbrehrs s`lukf pkbch

prlphrtohs la mllf t`hrnbk clefuctlrs bef jbf t`hrnbk clefuctlrs (oesukbtlrs)

t`hor rlf cbrhaukky b `hbtlanbt lech t`hy ahhk t`h wbrnt` rhbc` t`hor `bef. V`os wokk movh (b rbt`hr sujghctovh) oetrlfuctole tl t`hle clechpt nbthrobks jhoem j htthr lr wlrsh bt clefuctoem.



Fhscrojh t`hrnbk clefuctole oe bkk slkofs oe thrns la btlnoc lr Hxthefhf bsshssnhet7 :.3.2.:, :.3.2.3 bef :.3.2.6 nlkhcukbr kbttoch  B wllfhe rlf bttbc`hf tl b nhtbk nhtbk rlf tom`tky wrbpphf oe pbphr pbphr bef `hkf lvhr b Jueshe jurehr jurehr akbnh wokk sclrc` le t`h vojrbtoles bef bksl oe thrns la t`h nlvhnhet wllfhe `bka jut elt t`h nhtbk `bka. Bsi khbrehrs tl hxpkboe w`y t`os lccurs. V`hy nby jh bjkh tl hxpkboe t`bt t`h nhtbk `bka clefucts t`h `hbt hehrmy bwby, ‐prlthctoem‟ t`h pbphr, jut t`h wllf bef t`h pbphr brh jlt` oesukbtlrs. la arhh (fhklcbkoshf) hkhctrles oe nhtbkkoc  Be och cujh khat le b nhtbk pkbth pkbth wokk quociky nhkt, jut be och cujh khat le b pkbstoc pkbth wokk stby stby slkof alr nuc` klemhr. clefuctlrs  Bsi khbrehrs tl hxpkboe w`y t`os t`os lccurs. V`hy nby jh bjkh tl hxpkboe t`bt t`h nhtbk clefucts clefucts `hbt arln t`h surrluefoems tl t`h och cujh, jut t`h pkbstoc os be oesukbtlr. Fhscrojh, oe thrns la pbrtockhs, w`y t`hrnbk clefuctole os jbf oe mbshs bef nlst koquofs


Zhslurch Tkus Cbrry lut t`h @hbt clefuctole oe nhtbk rlfs hxphronhet rhahrroem tl Vhbc`oem Tbci alr khssle pkbes bef rhslurchs.

Ielw t`bt t`hrh brh nbey slkofs t`bt clefuct t`hrnbk hehrmy jhtthr t`be t`hrnbk oesukbtlrs jut fl sl khss whkk t`be mllf t`hrnbk clefuctlrs   clefuctlrs

Tkbch b snbkk och cujh oesofh b thst tujh bef `lkf oe pkbch wot` b snbkk pohch la nhtbk mbuzh. V`h thst tujh s`lukf jh aokkhf wot` wbthr bef `hkf bt be bemkh bjlvh b Jueshe jurehr‟s rlbroem akbnh suc` t`bt t`h tlp os forhctky `hbthf, jut t`h jlttln os elt. Ot os plssojkh tl `bvh t`h tlp pbrt la t`h wbthr jlokoem w`okh t`h och oe t`h jlttln rhnboes arlzhe, fhnlestrbtoem t`bt wbthr os b pllr clefuctlr.  Be bebklmy cbe jh ushf tl hxpkboe hxpkboe w`y nhtbks brh mhehrbkk mhehrbkky y nuc` jhtthr clefuctlrs t`be lt`hr lt`hr nbthrobks. Forhct t`h khbrehrs tl stbef s`lukfhr-tl-s`lukfhr abcoem t`h sbnh forhctole, suc` t`bt t`hy rhprhshet b rlw la nlkhcukhs lr btlns oe b slkof. ]`he leh hef la t`h rlw os ‐`hbthf‟, t`h khbrehr le t`h hef wokk vojrbth le t`h splt bef junp oetl t`hor ehom`jlur, w`l t`he junps oetl t`hor ehom`jlur, pbssoem t`h ‐hehrmy‟ flwe t`h rlw. Xsh leh khbrehr bef b jbkk tl fhnlestrbth t`bt t`h fhklcbkoshf hkhctrles oe b nhtbk sphhf up t`os prlchss la pbssoem le hehrmy. V`rlw t`h jbkk tl t`h khbrehr bt t`h hef la t`h rlw, w`okh t`h rlw trbesahrs t`h ‐hehrmy‟ t`rlum` junpoem t`hor ehom`jlurs. V`h jbkk s`lukf hbsoky woe t`h rbch, cleaornoem t`bt fhklcbkoshf hkhctrles sphhf up clefuctole. Khbrehrs clesofhr hxbnpkhs la nbthrobks jhoem t`h sbnh thnphrbturh bs t`hor surrluefoems jut ahhkoem clkfhr h.m. b sthhk jhec` vhrsus b wllfhe jhec`. Hxpkboe t`bt nhtbks clefuct lur `hbt hehrmy bwby arln us, movoem us t`h shesbtole la clkfehss. Khbrehrs oevhstombth ushs la clefuctlrs bef oesukbtlrs h.m. sbuchpbes brh nbfh arln nhtbk jut t`hor `befkhs brh nbfh arln pkbstoc lr wllf.



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs Khbrehrs lrfhr t`h stbths la nbtthr arln jhst clefuctlr tl wlrst clefuctlr. Zhothrbth t`bt mbshs fl elt clefuct whkk fuh tl t`h kbrmh spbcoem la t `hor nlkhcukhs lr btlns. Sht khbrehrs qubkotbtovh quhstoles tl thst uefhrstbefoem. (A) (A)  

:.3.:.2 Clevhctole

 Bsi khbrehrs `lw b clevhctole clevhctole `hbthr os bjkh tl `hbt t`h w`lkh w`lkh rlln. Koei summhstoles tl t`hor uefhrstbefoem uefhrstbefoem la Ielw t`bt clevhctole os be onplrtbet nht`lf hxpbesole bef fhesoty. la t`hrnbk hehrmy Khbrehrs ljshrvh b clevhctole currhet oe b clevhctole tujh. B Jueshe jurehr `hbts t`h wbthr oe leh la t`h jlttln trbesahr oe koquofs bef clrehrs bef t`h pltbssoun phrnbembebth t`bt clklurs t`h wbthr cbe jh shhe tl nlvh brluef oe b kllp. mbshs


Hxpkboe clevhctole oe koquofs bef mbshs oe thrns la fhesoty c`bemhs bef fhscrojh hxphronhets tl okkustrbth clevhctole

Zhslurch Tkus Cbrry lut t`h Clevhctole currhets hxphronhet rhahrroem tl Vhbc`oem Tbci alr khssle pkbes bef rhslurchs. Khbrehrs ljshrvh clevhctole usoem b mkbss-arlethf jlx wot` twl c` onehys. Tkbcoem b kot cbefkh jhklw leh la t`h c`onehys prlfuchs be upwbrf frbat la wbrn bor `hbthf jy t`h cbefkh. Tkbcoem b slurch la snlih, suc` bs b jureoem strbw, bjlvh t`h shclef c`onehy wokk bkklw khbrehrs tl shh `lw t`h shclef c`onehy frbws oe bor jhalrh ot os `hbthf jy t`h cbefkh bef roshs lut la t`h c`onehy bjlvh. Clevhctole (oeckufoem clevhctole tujh bef flujkh c`onehy mkbss-arlethf jlx) 7 www.sc`llkp`ysocs.cl.ui/bm www.sc`llkp`ysocs.cl.ui/bmh22-26/@hbt%:4hehrmy/Vrbesahr% h22-26/@hbt%:4hehrmy/Vrbesahr%:4la%:4`hbt%:4hehrmy/th :4la%:4`hbt%:4hehrmy/thxt/Clevhctole\/oefhx.`tnk xt/Clevhctole\/oefhx.`tnk   Khbrehrs cbe ljshrvh clevhctole w`he twl cletboehrs la clklurhf wbthr brh jrlum`t tlmht`hr bef brh bkklwhf tl nox. Leh cletboehr s`lukf jh aukk la `lt wbthr bef leh s`lukf jh aukk la cllk lr rlln thnphrbturh wbthr. Oa t`h `lt wbthr os pkbchf le tlp, ot rhnboes le tlp bef tbihs b klem tonh tl nox wot` t`h cllk wbthr. Oa t`h `lt wbthr os pkbchf uefhrehbt`, ot vhry quociky nlvhs upwbrfs bef noxhs wot` t`h cllk wbthr. www.sthvhspbemkhrscohech.cln/kbj/hxphronhets/clklrauk-clevhctole-currhets/  Khbrehrs oevhstombth clevhctole jy cuttoem b cbrfjlbrf corckh oetl b sporbk bef `bemoem ot arln b ckbnp stbef bjlvh b cbefkh. ]`he t`h cbefkh os kot, ot `hbts t`h bor bjlvh ot, w`oc` roshs bef cbushs t`h sporbk tl spoe. www.nlesthrscohechs.cln/hehrmy/hehrmy-scohech-hxphronhet-`hbt-sporbks/  Khbrehrs oevhstombth slnh rhbk-koah bppkocbtoles la clevhctole currhets7 shb bef kbef jrhhzhs, b `lush‟s `lt wbthr systhn, aorhs ushf oe toe noehs tl vhetokbth t`h s`bats, `lt bor jbkklles, htc. (O)  (O)  Sht khbrehrs qubkotbtovh quhstoles tl thst uefhrstbefoem. Hesurh khbrehrs uefhrstbef w`y clevhctole cbeelt tbih pkbch oe slkofs. (A) (A)  



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs

:.3.3.2 Zbfobtole

Ielw t`bt t`hrnbk rbfobtole os oearbrhf

Oetrlfuch rbfobtole bs t`h t`orf bef aoebk typh la t`hrnbk hehrmy trbesahr bef ckbroay t`bt t`os typh la rbfobtole os uerhkbthf tl rbfolbctovoty. @om`kom`t t`bt ot flhs elt rhquorh b nhfoun tl trbvhk9 t `h Sue `hbts t`h Hbrt` t`rlum` t`h vbcuun la

rbfobtole beft`os t`bt bkk ljghcts hnot rbfobtole

spbch. Khbrehrs ljshrvh rbfobtole arln foaahrhet surabchs usoem Khskoh‟s cujh. V`hy gufmh t`h rhkbtovh thnphrbturhs la t`h surabchs jy pkbcoem t`hor `bef 2cn bwby arln t`h surabch. V`hy s`lukf elt tluc` t`h surabch. V`hy ush b t`hrnlnhthr tl nhbsurh t`h thnphrbturh la t`h wbthr oesofh, bef be oearbrhf t`hrnlnhthr tl nhbsurh t`h surabch thnphrbturhs. Khbrehrs frbw cleckusoles bs tl w`oc` surabchs rbfobth t`hrnbk hehrmy jhst.




Ielw t`bt t`hrnbk hehrmy trbesahr jy t`hrnbk rbfobtole flhs elt rhquorh b nhfoun Fhscrojh t`h haahct la surabch clklur (jkbci lr w`oth) bef thxturh (fukk lr s`oey) le t`h hnossole, bjslrptole bef rhakhctole la oearbrhf rbfobtole Ielw t`bt alr be ljghct tl jh bt b clestbet thnphrbturh ot ehhfs tl trbesahr hehrmy bwby arln t`h ljghct bt t`h sbnh rbth t`bt os rhchovhs hehrmy



Ielw w`bt `bpphes tl be ljghct oa t`h rbth bt w`oc` ot rhchovhs hehrmy os khss lr nlrh t`be t`h rbth bt w`oc` ot trbesahrs hehrmy bwby arln t`h ljghct Ielw `lw t`h thnphrbturh la t`h Hbrt` os baahcthf jy

Xsh be oearbrhf cbnhrb tl ljshrvh vbrolus ljghcts oe t`h rlln bs whkk bs t`h khbrehrs t`hnshkvhs, bef/lr aoef onbmhs lekoeh. Khbrehrs nby koei t`hsh onbmhs tl t`h ofhb la eom`t vosole hquopnhet ushf jy t`h nokotbry bef lathe fhpocthf oe bctole nlvohs. Hxthefhf bsshssnhet7 :.3.3.6, :.3.3.8, :.3.3.1, :.3.3.=, :.3.3.0 bef :.3.3.? Khbrehrs oevhstombth rbfobtole usoem ofhetocbk thst tujhs lr nhtbk cletboehrs pboethf jkbci bef w`oth. V`h jkbci surabch s`lukf bjslrj rbfobtole jhtthr t`be t`h w`oth, prlfucoem b eltochbjkh thnphrbturh oecrhbsh lvhr tonh. Khbrehrs oevhstombth `lw t`h surabch thnphrbturh bef t`h surabch brhb baahct t`h qubetoty la rbfobtole hnotthf. Khbrehrs wroth t`hor lwe nht`lfs le `lw tl oevhstombth rbfobtole. Khbrehrs clesofhr `lw t`h surabch t hnphrbturh bef surabch brhb la be ljghct baahcts t`h rbth la hnossole la rbfobtole. Khbrehrs clesofhr `lw rbfobtole khbfs tl cllkoem. Oa t`h rbth bt w`oc` ot trbesahrs hehrmy bwby os nlrh t`be t`h rbth bt w`oc` ot rhchovhs hehrmy, ot wokk cllk. Khbrehrs clesofhr t`h lpplsoth haahct h.m. `lw allf os cllihf uefhr be lvhe mrokk lr oe b tlbsthr. Khbrehrs rhshbrc` bef hxpkboe `lw t`h thnphrbturh la t`h Hbrt` os baahcthf jy abctlrs cletrlkkoem t`h jbkbech jhtwhhe oeclnoem rbfobtole bef rbfobtole hnotthf arln t`h Hbrt`‟s surabch. (O) Khbrehrs rhshbrc` `lw b stbr‟s surabch thnphrbturh bef surabch brhb baahcts t`h qubetoty la rbfobtole rhchovhf jy lrjotoem pkbehts. (O) Sht khbrehrs qubkotbtovh quhstoles tl thst uefhrstbefoem. (A) (A)   Zbfobtole7 www.jjc.cl.ui/jothsozh/muofhs/zttrf:p/rhvosole/3 www.jjc.cl.ui/jothsozh/muofhs/zttrf:p/rhvosole/3  



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs

abctlrs cletrlkkoem t`h jbkbech jhtwhhe oeclnoem rbfobtole bef rbfobtole hnotthf arln t`h Hbrt`‟s surabch :.3.3.=

Fhscrojh hxphronhets tl fostoemuos` jhtwhhe mllf bef jbf hnotthrs la oearbrhf rbfobtole


Fhscrojh hxphronhets tl fostoemuos` jhtwhhe mllf bef jbf bjslrjhrs la oearbrhf rbfobtole


Fhscrojh `lw t`h rbth la hnossole la rbfobtole fhphefs le t`h surabch thnphrbturh bef surabch brhb la be ljghct   ljghct

:.3.6.2 Cleshquhechs la t`hrnbk hehrmy trbesahr

Hxpkboe slnh la t`h jbsoc hvhryfby bppkocbtoles bef cleshquhechs la clefuctole, clevhctole bef rbfobtole, oeckufoem7 (b) `hbtoem ljghcts suc` bs iotc`he pbes (j) `hbtoem b rlln jy clevhctole

Zhcbp clechpts oetrlfuchf oe prhvolus khssles tl onprlvh uefhrstbefoem la `hbtoem ljghcts suc` bs iotc`he pbes (clefuctole) bef `hbtoem b rlln (clevhctole). Khbrehrs ahhk t`h wbrnoem haahct la `bvoem t`hor lwe jlfy `hbt rhakhcthf jbci tl t`hn jy usoem b spbch jkbeiht (bksl ielwe bs hnhrmhecy lr survovbk jkbeihts). Khbrehrs oevhstombth t`hor prlphrtohs bef `lw t`h jkbeihts whrh fhsomehf bef ushf jy EBSB. Khbrehrs oevhstombth nht`lfs la oesukbtole. V`hy oesukbth ofhetocbk thst tujhs oe b vbrohty la wbys, bs whkk bs `bvoem b cletrlk, bef pkbch arhs`ky jlokhf wbthr oesofh t `h tujhs. V`hy s`lukf nhbsurh t`h oeotobk t hnphrbturh la t`h wbthr bef t`h aoebk thnphrbturh bathr b sht tonh. K hbrehrs frbw cleckusoles bs tl w`oc` nbthrobks bef nht`lfs prlfuch t`h jhst oesukbtole. Khbrehrs rhshbrc` bef oevhstombth t`h hkhnhets la b vbcuun akbsi t`bt nbih ot suc` be haaocohet oesukbtlr la `hbt. (O)  (O) 



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs


Hxpkboe slnh la t`h clnpkhx bppkocbtoles

Khbrehrs rhshbrc` t`h nht`lfs ushf tl oesukbth `lnhs7 cbvoty wbkk oesukbtole, flujkh mkbzhf woeflws, klat oesukbtole, htc. (O)  (O) 

bef cleshquhechs la clefuctole, clevhctole bef rbfobtole w`hrh nlrh t`be leh typh la t`hrnbk hehrmy trbesahr os someoaocbet, oeckufoem7 (b) b aorh jureoem wllf lr clbk (j) b rbfobtlr oe b cbr

Khbrehrs rhshbrc` lt`hr hxbnpkhs la usoem lur uefhrstbefoem la `hbt trbesahr nht`lfs alr oesukbtole7 rhakhctovh aorhnbe suots, orleoem jlbrfs clvhrhf oe sokvhr nbthrobk, kbyhrhf cklt`oem alr wbrnt`, htc. (O)  (O)  Sht khbrehrs qubkotbtovh quhstoles tl thst uefhrstbefoem. (A) Hxthefhf bsshssnhet7 :.3.6.: Khbrehrs rhshbrc` bef hxpkboe hxbnpkhs w`hrh nlrh t`be leh typh la t`hrnbk hehrmy trbesahr os someoaocbet, suc` bs b aorh jureoem wllf lr clbk bef b rbfobtlr oe b cbr. Khbrehrs ofhetoay t`h typhs la t`hrnbk hehrmy trbesahr prhshet bef `lw t`hy cletrojuth tl cllkoem/`hbtoem.

Tbst bef sphconhe pbphrs Tbst/sphconhe pbphrs bef nbri sc`hnhs brh bvbokbjkh tl flweklbf bt  bt  www.cbnjrofmhoethrebtolebk.lrm/supplrt www.cbnjrofmhoethrebtolebk.lrm/supplrt  (A) (A)  



Sc`hnh la ]lri

3. ]bvhs

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

3.2.2 Mhehrbk prlphrtohs la wbvh

Ielw t`bt wbvhs  Bsi khbrehrs tl ebnh bs nbey nbey wbvhs bs t`hy cbe. V`hy nby su summhst mmhst kom`t, sluef, lchbe wbvhs, wbvhs, slnh typhs la trbesahr hehrmy wot`lut hkhctrlnbmehtoc wbvhs, htc. Bff t`hn bs b kost lr noef nbp tl t`h jlbrf. trbesahrroem nbtthr Oetrlfuch t`h clechpt t`bt wbvhs trbesahr hehrmy wot`lut trbesahrroem nbtthr. B mllf hxbnpkh la t`os os b roppkh le b plef lr b wbvh le t`h lphe lchbe. V`hsh wbthr wbvhs cbe cbush jlbts lr fucis tl jlj up bef flwe, jut t`hy fl elt trbesplrt t`hn tl s`lrh. Ckbroay t`bt lchbe wbvhs clnh oe bef lut la s`lrh fuh tl tofhs bef rhbr up fuh tl t`h rhfucoem Fhscrojh w`bt os nhbet jy wbvh nltole fhpt`. bs okkustrbthf jy vojrbtoles oe rlphs bef Khbrehrs oevhstombth wbthr wbvhs, oefovofubkky lr oe pbors, wot` t`h ush la trbys la wbthr bef rukhrs. V`hy fop b rukhr oe t`h wbthr bt leh hef tl prlfuch strbom`t wbvharlets t`bt trbvhk flwe t`h khemt` la t`h trby. sproems, bef jy


hxphronhets usoem wbthr wbvhs 3.2.3



Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs

Oetrlfuch t`h cbthmlrohs la trbesvhrsh bef klemotufoebk wbvhs. Slrt t`h wbvhs khbrehrs prhvolusky ebnhf oetl t`h twl cbthmlrohs. Ckbroay t`h rhkbtoles`op jhtwhhe t`h forhctole la vojrbtole bef t`h forhctole la t`h hehrmy trbesahr alr jlt`.

Fhscrojh t`h ahbturhs la b wbvh oe thrns la wbvharlet, wbvhkhemt`, arhquhecy, crhst (phbi), trlum`, bnpkotufh bef wbvh sphhf

Fhaoeh wbvhkhemt`, arhquhecy, bnpkotufh bef wbvhsphhf. Xsh t`h wbvhs oetrlfuctole sonukbtole tl bof t`hsh hxpkbebtoles7 `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/wbvhs-oetrl `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/wbvhs-oetrl  

Zhcbkk bef ush t`h hqubtole v > a ι  ι 

Kbjhk t`h wbvharlet, crhst bef trlum` le bpprlprobth fobmrbns la wbvhs. Kbjhk wbvhkhemt` bef bnpkotufh le b pprlprobth fobmrbns la b wbvhalrn.

Ielw t`bt alr b trbesvhrsh wbvh, t`h forhctole la vojrbtole os bt rom`t-bemkhs tl t`h forhctole la t`h prlpbmbtole bef uefhrstbef t`bt hkhctrlnbmehtoc rbfobtole, wbthr wbvhs

Forhct khbrehrs tl nlfhk b wbvh jy wlrioem tlmht`hr tl nbih b ‐Nhxocbe wbvh‟. V`hy stbef s`lukfhr-tl-s`lukfhr abcoem t`h sbnh forhctole bef crhbth b fhkbyhf bef rhphbthf nltole flwe t`h koeh tl prlfuch b nltole sonokbr tl b trbesvhrsh wbvh. Khbrehrs try oecrhbsoem t`h wbvhsphhf, bnpkotufh bef wbvh sphhf la b wbvh puksh.

Oetrlfuch t`h wbvh hqubtole bef fhnlestrbth `lw ot os ushf. Sht khbrehrs sonpkh quhstoles alr prbctoch. (A) (A)   Khbrehrs oevhstombth wbvhs aurt`hr usoem t`h wbvhs sonukbtole7 (O) `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/wbvh-le-b-stroem Zhslurch Tkus Cbrry lut t`h Fhnlestrbtoem wbvh p`helnheb hxphronhet rhahrroem tl Vhbc`oem Tbci alr khssle pkbes bef rhslurchs.



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.


3.2.= Mhehrbk prlphrtohs la wbvh


Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs

bef shosnoc S-wbvhs (shclefbry) cbe jh

Khbrehrs cbrry lut t`h wbvhs oe sproems pbrt la t`h thbc`oem pbci (]lris`hht H).

nlfhkkhf bs trbesvhrsh

Fhnlestrbth t`h foaahrhech jhtwhhe shosnoc T-wbvhs bef S-wbvhs jy usoem nuktopkh sproems (lr skoeiohs). Shosnoc wbvhs oe skoeiohs7   www.hbrt`khbreoemofhb.cln/TFA/346\Skoeiy\shosnoc\wbvhs.pfa  www.jurihnushun.lrm/stbtoc/hbrt`qubihs/cur-bct-skoeiohs.pfa   

Ielw t`bt alr b klemotufoebk wbvh, t`h forhctole la vojrbtole os pbrbkkhk tl t`h forhctole la t`h prlpbmbtole bef uefhrstbef t`bt sluef wbvhs bef shosnoc Twbvhs (pronbry) cbe jh nlfhkkhf bs klemotufoebk

Khbrehrs cbe rhshbrc` `lw hbrt`qubihs bef shosnoc wbvhs brh prlfuchf. V`hy nby hegly kllioem bt t`h Hbrt`qubih Vrbci whjsoth7 (O) `ttps7//hbrt`qubihtrbci.cln  `ttps7//hbrt`qubihtrbci.cln  Hxthesole7 Strhtc` bef prhpbrh alr B khvhk Khbrehrs oevhstombth w`bt `bpphes w`he twl wbvhs nhht oe b sproem (lr skoeiy). Vwl wbvhs trbvhkkoem tlwbrfs hbc` lt`hr fl elt rhakhct laa hbc` lt`hr, koih twl jbkks wlukf jluech laa hbc` lt`hr. Oetrlfuch t`h ofhb la suphrplsotole la wbvhs bef `lw t`hy cbe khbf tl clestructovh bef fhstructovh oethrahrhech.

Fhscrojh `lw wbvhs cbe uefhrml7 (b) rhakhctole bt b pkbeh surabch (j) rharbctole fuh tl b c`bemh la sphhf (c) foaarbctole t`rlum` b ebrrlw mbp 

Oetrlfuch t`h p`helnheb la rhakhctole, rharbctole bef foaarbctole usoem b roppkh tbei. Zhakhctole cbe jh s`lwe bt foaahrhet bemkhs usoem b jbrrohr. Zharbctole cbe jh trociy tl fhnlestrbth ckhbrky9 ot rhquorhs b s`bkklwhr/fhhphr rhmole la wbthr. _lu clukf ush b sonukbtole tl `hkp ckbroay.

Fhscrojh t`h ush la b roppkh tbei tl s`lw7 (b) rhakhctole bt b pkbeh surabch (j) rharbctole fuh tl b c`bemh oe sphhf cbushf jy b c`bemh oe fhpt` (c) foaarbctole fuh tl b mbp (f) foaarbctole fuh tl be hfmh

Khbrehrs oevhstombth t`hsh p`helnheb aurt`hr usoem t`h roppkh tbei sonukbtole7 (O) `ttp7//abkstbf.cln/roppkh/ `ttp7//abkstbf.cln/roppkh/  

Sht khbrehrs qubkotbtovh quhstoles alr prbctoch. (A) (A)   S`lw khbrehrs foaahrhet fobmrbns fhpoctoem rhakhctole, rharbctole lr foaarbctole bef bsi khbrehrs tl ofhetoay w`oc` cbsh os s`lwe. V`hy clukf ush noeobturh w`othjlbrfs alr t`hor beswhrs. (A) (A)  

Zhslurch Tkus Cbrry lut t`h Fhnlestrbtoem wbvh p`helnheb hxphronhet rhahrroem tl Vhbc`oem Tbci alr khssle p kbes bef rhslurchs. Khbrehrs cbrry lut t`h wbvhs oe roppkh tbei pbrt la t`h thbc`oem pbci (]lris`hht M).



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs


Fhscrojh `lw

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs Hxthefhf bsshssnhet7 3.2.? bef 3.2.24

wbvhkhemt` bef mbp sozh baahcts foaarbctole t`rlum` b mbp

Khbrehrs t`bt nlrh foaarbctole t`rlum` foaahrhet-sozhf mbps wokk s`lw bnluets la sprhbfoem cbe wbvharletofhetoay tl jhclnh lr khss curvhf. V`h sozh la wbvhkhemt` bkslfoaahrhet baahcts t`h foaarbctole t`rlum` bbef mbp, bscbush whkk bst`h bt be hfmh.

Fhscrojh `lw wbvhkhemt` baahcts foaarbctole bt be hfmh  

Sht khbrehrs nlrh qubkotbtovh quhstoles w`oc` oevlkvh sihtc`oem foaarbctole pbtthres alr prbctoch. (A) (A)  


Fhaoeh bef ush t`h

Khbrehrs sht up t`h hxphronhet tl oevhstombth t`h kbw la rhakhctole.

Zhakhctole la kom`t

thrns elrnbk, bemkh la oecofhech bef bemkh la rhakhctole


Fhscrojh t`h alrnbtole la be lptocbk onbmh jy b pkbeh norrlr, bef movh ots c`brbcthrostocs, o.h. sbnh sozh, sbnh fostbech arln norrlr, vortubk




Stbth t`bt alr rhakhctole, t`h bemkh la oecofhech os hqubk tl t`h bemkh la rhakhctole9 rhcbkk bef ush t`os rhkbtoles`op Xsh sonpkh clestructoles, nhbsurhnhets bef cbkcukbtoles alr

Hxthesole7 Strhtc` bef prhpbrh alr B khvhk Fhnlestrbth t`h foaarbctole la w`oth kom`t. Bsi k hbrehrs tl hxpkboe w`y t`os prlfuchs rboejlws. @bvh t`hy mlt bey ofhb bs tl w`y ot prlfuchs pbtc`hs la fbriehss<

Zhslurch Tkus Cbrry lut t`h Fhnlestrbtoem wbvh p`helnheb hxphronhet rhahrroem tl Vhbc`oem Tbci alr khssle p kbes bef rhslurchs. Khbrehrs cbrry lut t`h rhakhctole pbrt la t`h thbc`oem pbci (]lris`hht A). Oetrlfuch t`h kbw la rhakhctole. Koei t l t`h rhsukts khbrehrs aluef wot` nhbsuroem t `h bemkhs la oecofhech bef rhakhctole alr b kom`t rby rhakhctoem arln b pkbeh norrlr.  Bsi khbrehrs w`bt t`hy eltoch w`he w`he t`hy klli bt t`hor rhakhctole oe oe b pkbeh norrlr. V`hy cbe bct bs b norrlr tl b vlkuethhr bs t`hy rbosh t`hor brns up bef flwe lr nlvh arln sofh tl sofh oe arlet la t`hn. V`hy nby `om`kom`t t`bt t`h khat- bef rom`t-`bef sofhs brh akopphf. Ofhetoay t`h c`brbcthrostocs la be lptocbk onbmh alrnhf jy b pkbeh norrlr (sbnh sozh, sbnh fostbech arln norrlr bs ljghct bef vortubk). K hbrehrs nby ehhf be hxpkbebtole la rhbk onbmhs bef vortubk onbmhs. Ot nby `hkp tl hxpkboe jrohaky `lw jlt` brh alrnhf. V`os wokk jh hxpkboehf oe nlrh fhpt` oe t`h shctole le kheshs. Onbmh c`brbcthrostocs7 www.p`ysocsckbssrlln.cln/ckbss/rhake/Khssle-:/Onbmh-C`brbcthrostocs  Onbmhs alrnhf jy pkbeh norrlrs7 `ttps7//lphethxtjc.cb/ueovh `ttps7//lphethxtjc.cb/ueovhrsotyp`ysocsv3lphestbx/c`bpthr/onb rsotyp`ysocsv3lphestbx/c`bpthr/onbmhs-alrnhf-jy-pkbeh-norrlrs/ mhs-alrnhf-jy-pkbeh-norrlrs/   S`lw khbrehrs b sonpkh onbmh rhakhcthf oe b norrlr jut wot` snbkk hrrlrs7 t`h onbmh nom`t jh upsofh flwe w`he ot s`lukf jh uprom`t, t`h onbmh nom`t elt jh kbthrbkky oevhrthf, htc. Khbrehrs ofhetoay t`h hrrlr oe hbc` hxbnpkh, usoem noeobturh w`othjlbrfs. (A)



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs

rhakhctole jy pkbeh norrlrs   norrlrs

Sht khbrehrs qubkotbtovh quhstoles alr prbctoch. (A) (A)   Khbrehrs oevhstombth ushs la rhakhctole7 t`hm`lst‟ phrosclph, m`lst‟, htc. V `hy clukf nbih t`horjlx lwebef sonpkh phrosclph usoem norrlrs bef cbrfjlbrf, lr ‐Thpphr‟s usoem‐Thpphr‟s ckhbr pkbstoc, b aokbnhet kbnp, b cbrfjlbrf spbrh cbrfjlbrf. (O)  (O)  Hxthefhf bsshssnhet7 3.:.2.6 Khbrehrs ush t`h kbw la rhakhctole tl fhthrnoeh t`h aoebk fhstoebtole la b kom`t rby le b s`hht la pbphr bs ot rhakhcts laa b vbrohty la pkbeh norrlrs. V`hy prbctosh t`hor bccurbcy wot` usoem b prltrbctlr bef frbwoem rby fobmrbns. (A)  (A)  Movh khbrehrs b sonpkh onbmh bef bsi t`hn tl frbw `lw ot wlukf bpphbr bs be onbmh oe b pkbeh norrlr. (A)  (A)  Khbrehrs cbrry lut be hxphronhet tl aoef plsotole bef c`brbcthrostocs la be lptocbk onbmh alrnhf jy b pkbeh norrlr usoem lptocbk poes. Oevhstombtoem t`h plsotole la be o nbmh  oe b pkbeh norrlr7 www.jjc.cl.ui/jothsozh/muofhs/zeisf1a/rhvosole/3  www.jjc.cl.ui/jothsozh/muofhs/zeisf1a/rhvosole/3

3.:.:.2 Zharbctole la kom`t

Fhaoeh bef ush t`h thrns elrnbk, bemkh la oecofhech bef bemkh la rharbctole


Fhscrojh be hxphronhet tl s`lw rharbctole la kom`t t`rlum` trbespbrhet jklcis la foaahrhet s`bphs



Fhscrojh t`h pbssbmh la kom`t t`rlum` b trbespbrhet nbthrobk (konothf tl t`h jluefbrohs jhtwhhe twl nhfob leky) Stbth nhbeoem la crotocbkt`h bemkh

Oetrlfuch rharbctole wot` b ahw sonpkh hxphronhets. Khbrehrs ljshrvh b phecok pkbchf oe b jhbihr la wbthr. @lw flhs t`h phecok bpphbr arln foaahrhet plsotoles la ljshrvbtole< V`hy ush b rhctbemukbr Thrsphx (lr mkbss) jklci tl klli bt b pohch la thxt. @lw flhs t`h onbmh c`bemh w`he vohwhf arln foaahrhet bemkhs bef t`rlum` t`h foaahrhet hfmhs< Khbrehrs pkbch b cloe oe be lpbquh cup bef nlvh sl ot os gust lut la vohw. Bffoem wbthr tl t`h cup sklwky s`lukf nbih t`h cloe vosojkh. Cbe khbrehrs hxpkboe `lw t`os `bpphes< Bkk la t`hsh brh hxbnpkhs la rharbctole. Cloe oe cup fhnlestrbtole7 www.klvhnyscohech.cln/rosoemcloe.`tnk  Forhct khbrehrs tl oevhstombth rharbctole usoem b Thrsphx (lr mkbss) jklci bef b rby jlx sht-up7 Zhslurch Tkus Cbrry lut t`h Fhnlestrbtoem wbvh p`helnheb hxphronhet rhahrroem tl Vhbc`oem Tbci alr khssle p kbes bef rhslurchs. Khbrehrs cbrry lut t`h rharbctole pbrt la t`h thbc`oem pbci (]lris`hht A). Khbrehrs ofhetoay t`h elrnbk, bemkh la oecofhech bef bemkh la rharbctole le b fobmrbn la rharbctole bef fhaoeh hbc` thrn. Khbrehrs kbjhk t`hor lwe fobmrbn la rharbctole bef wroth t`hor lwe nht`lf alr t`h hxphronhet.



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs


Fhscrojh oethrebk

Hxpkboe t`bt rharbctole lccurs fuh tl t`h kom`t rby c`bemoem sphhf bs ot trbvhks t`rlum` b foaahrhet nbthrobk. _lu clukf ush t`h bebklmy la b s`lppoem trlkkhy lr b vh`ockh trbvhkoem arln snllt` mrluef tl nuffy mrluef bt be bemkh tl t`h vhrmh,

rhakhctole bef tltbk oethrebk rhakhctole usoem jlt` hxphronhetbk bef hvhryfby hxbnpkhs Fhaoeh rharbctovh oefhx,  oefhx,  e, bs t`h rbtol la sphhfs la b wbvh oe twl foaahrhet rhmoles 3.:.:.1


Fhaoeh rharbctovh oefhx, e, bs t`h rbtol la t`h sphhfs la b wbvh oe twl foaahrhet rhmoles

Movh khbrehrs sonpkh clnjoebtoles la nbthrobks alr t`hn tl fhcofh `lw t`h kom`t rby wokk jh`bvh h.m. oa t`h kom`t rby trbvhks arln bor tl fobnlef, t`h kom`t rby sklws flwe / sphhfs up bef jhefs tlwbrfs/bwby arln t`h elrnbk. Khbrehrs beswhr t`h quhstoles jy rbosoem t`hor khat lr rom`t `befs alr t`h twl lptoles lr jy usoem noeobturh w`othjlbrfs. (A) (A)   Movh khbrehrs b kom`t rby ‐ljstbckh clursh‟ w`hrh t`hy hstonbth t`h pbt` b kom`t rby tbihs bs ot trbvhks t`rlum` foaahrhet nbthrobks h.m. oa ot trbvhks arln bor tl `hkoun, ot wokk jhef bwby arln t`h elrnbk, jut oa ot t`he trbvhks oetl mkbss ot wokk jhef tlwbrfs t`h elrnbk. (A) (A)   Khbrehrs clesofhr lt`hr hvhryfby hxbnpkhs la rharbctole h.m. b aos` wokk bpphbr oe b foaahrhet klcbtole tl ots bctubk klcbtole fuh tl t`h rharbctole la kom`t t`rlum` wbthr, sl b sphbr aos`hr s`lukf jhbr t`os oe noef w`he bonoem alr t`h aos`. Khbrehrs ljshrvh `lw trbespbrhet `yfrljhbfs brh vosojkh oe bor bef oevosojkh oe wbthr. V`hy s`brh t`h sbnh rharbctovh oefhx bs wbthr w`oc` rhsukts oe t`hor oevosojokoty.

Zhcbkk bef ush t`h   2 hqubtole e>   

Khbrehrs ljshrvh t`h rharbctole la b kbshr t`rlum` b kbrmh trbespbrhet cletboehr la clklurhf wbthr.

Fhscrojh t`h ush la

Khbrehrs oevhstombth rharbctole t`rlum` b shno-corcukbr trbespbrhet jklci7



Ot nby `hkp khbrehrs tl rhnhnjhr t`bt w`he b kom`t rby sklws flwe, ot jhefs tlwbrfs t`h elrnbk9 ‐sklw‟ bef ‐tlwbrfs‟ jlt` cletboe t`h khtthr clnjoebtole ‐lw‟.

Zhcbkk bef ush t`h soe o  hqubtole e> r   soe


bef `lw t`os baahcts t`h w`hhks, t l `hkp khbrehrs uefhrstbef w`y t`h c`bemh la sphhf cbushs b c`bemh oe forhctole.

lptocbk aojrhs, pbrtocukbrky oe thkhclnnueocbtoles   thkhclnnueocbtoles

Khbrehrs cbe oevhstombth rharbctole t`rlum` foaahrhet-s`bphf trbespbrhet jklcis.

Zhslurch Tkus Cbrry lut t`h Nhbsuroem rharbctole bef tltbk oethrebk rhakhctole hxphronhet rhahrroem tl Vhbc`oem Tbci alr khssle pkbes bef rhslurchs. Khbrehrs cbrry lut t`h tltbk oethrebk rhakhctole pbrt la t`h thbc`oem pbci (]lris`hht H). Zhcbp t`h crotocbk bemkh bef t`h cbshs la rharbctole bef tltbk oethrebk rhakhctole oe b shno-corcukbr jklci usoem sonukbtoles7 www.rhbfoem.bc.ui/vortubkhxphronhets/vhs/tor.`tnk  `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/sons/`tnk/jhefoem-kom`t/kbthst/jhefoem-kom`t\he.`tnk S`lw khbrehrs foaahrhet fobmrbns fhpoctoem t`h crotocbk bemkh, rharbctole lr tltbk oethrebk rhakhctole bef bsi t`hn tl quociky ofhetoay w`oc` cbsh os s`lwe. V`hy cbe beswhr t`h quhstoles usoem noeobturh w`othjlbrfs. (A)  (A) 



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs Hxthefhf bsshssnhet7 3.:.:.1, 3.:.:.=, 3.:.:.0 bef 3.:.:.? Khbrehrs s`brh t`hor rhsukts alr t`h bemkh la oecofhech bef t`h bemkh la rharbctole. Clnpokh t`h rhsukts le t`h jlbrf. Oetrlfuch t`h rharbctovh oefhx bef ots hqubtole. @ om`kom`t t`bt t`h rharbctovh oefhx `bs el ueot. Khbrehrs sujstotuth t`hor rhsukts oetl t`h hqubtole tl aoef t`h rharbctovh oefhx la Thrsphx (lr m kbss). Khbrehrs s`lukf aoef sonokbr vbkuhs. @om`kom`t t`bt t`h rharbctovh oefhx os b prlphrty la b nbthrobk bef cbe jh ushf tl ofhetoay be ueielwe nbthrobk. Ot cbe bksl jh cbkcukbthf bs t`h rbtol la sphhfs la b wbvh oe twl foaahrhet rhmoles. Oetrlfuch t`h hqubtole t`bt koeis t`h rharbctovh o efhx tl t`h crotocbk bemkh. Sht khbrehrs qubetotbtovh bef qubkotbtovh quhstoles alr prbctoch. (A) (A)   Fhnlestrbth tltbk oethrebk rhakhctole t`rlum` lptocbk aojrhs. Khbrehrs rhshbrc` ushs la tltbk oethrebk rhakhctole, pbrtocukbrky lptocbk aojrhs ushf oe thkhclnnueocbtoles. (O)  (O) 

3.:.3.2 V`oe kheshs

Fhscrojh t`h bctole la t`oe clevhrmoem bef t`oe fovhrmoem kheshs le b pbrbkkhk jhbn la kom`t


Fhaoeh bef ush t`h thrns alcbk khemt`, proecopbk bxos bef proecopbk alcus  alcus (alcbk ploet)



Frbw bef ush rby fobmrbns alr t`h alrnbtole la b rhbk onbmh jy b clevhrmoem khes Fhscrojh t`h c`brbcthrostocs be onbmh usoem t`hlathrns

Oetrlfuch kheshs t`rlum` qubkotbtovh oevhstombtole. Khbrehrs vohw t`hor t`unj t`rlum` b clevhx khes wot` b s`lrt alcbk khemt`, usoem t`h khes koih b nbmeoayoem mkbss. V`hy ush t`h sbnh khes tl prlfuch b rhbk onbmh le b pohch la pbphr wot` t`hor jbci tl b woeflw. V`hy s`lukf jh bjkh tl shh b akopphf onbmh la t`h woeflw bef ots clethets oa ot os b jrom`t fby. V`hy nby `bvh tl nlvh t`h khes brluef tl aoef t`h clrrhct alcus. Khbrehrs ush t`h sbnh khes tl prlfuch b rhbk onbmh le b pohch la mrhbshprlla pbphr abcoem t`h woeflw. V`hy s`lukf pkbch t`h mrhbshprlla pbphr jhtwhhe t`hor hyhs bef t`h woeflw, bef t`h khes jhtwhhe t`h woeflw bef t`h pbphr. V`hy nby `bvh tl nlvh t`h khes brluef tl aoef t`h clrrhct alcus. Bkthrebtovhky, oesthbf la b woeflw, khbrehrs cbe ush b jrom`tky okkunoebthf ljghct. V`h kbjlrbtlry cbe jh fbrihehf bef b khbrehr, kot jy b spltkom`t, cbe sot stokk bs t`h ljghct. Hxpkboe t`h foaahrhech jhtwhhe clevhrmoem bef fovhrmoem khes. Fhnlestrbth bef/lr bkklw khbrehrs tl ljshrvh jlt`. Oetrlfuch rby fobmrbns alr kheshs bef fhaoeh t`h alcbk khemt`, proecopkh bxos bef proecopkh alcus (lr alcbk ploet). Fhnlestrbth `lw tl frbw rby fobmrbns alr t`h alrnbtole la b rhbk onbmh jy b clevhrmoem khes. Jrhbi flwe t `h sthps sl t`hy brh ckhbr bef sonpkh tl alkklw. Khbrehrs frbw rby fobmrbns alr ljghcts pkbchf bt foaahrhet fostbechs arln t`h clevhrmoem khes bef alcbk ploet. V`hy oevhstombth t`h klcbtole, sozh, lrohetbtole bef ebturh la foaahrhet fostbechs. (A)



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.



Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs

hekbrmhf/sbnh sozh/fonoeos`hf,

Hxpkboe tl khbrehrs t`bt b vortubk onbmh os alrnhf w`he fovhrmoem rbys brh hxtrbplkbthf jbciwbrfs bef ot flhs elt alrn b vosojkh prlghctole le b scrhhe.

uprom`t/oevhrthf bef rhbk/vortubk

Hxthefhf bsshssnhet7 3.:.3.1, 3.:.3=. bef 3.:.3.0

Ielw t`bt b vortubk onbmh os alrnhf w`he fovhrmoem rbys brh hxtrbplkbthf jbciwbrfs bef flhs elt alrn b vosojkh prlghctole le b scrhhe

Fhnlestrbth `lw tl frbw rby fobmrbns alr t`h alrnbtole la b vortubk onbmh jy b clevhrmoem khes. V`h sthps brh t`h sbnh bs alr b fovhrmoem khes jut prlfuch b vortubk onbmh.

Frbw rby fobmrbns alr t`h alrnbtole la b vortubk onbmh jy b clevhrmoem khes


Fhscrojh t`h ush la b soemkh khes bs b nbmeoayoem mkbss


Fhscrojh t`h ush la clevhrmoem bef fovhrmoem kheshs tl clrrhct klemsom`thfehss bef s`lrtsom`thfehss   som`thfehss

Khbrehrs frbw rby fobmrbns alr ljghcts pkbchf bt foaahrhet fostbechs arln t`h fovhrmoem khes bef alcbk ploet. V`hy oevhstombth t`h klcbtole, sozh, lrohetbtole bef ebturh la foaahrhet fostbechs. (A)  (A)  Khbrehrs cbe rhshbrc` ushs bef hxbnpkhs la kheshs7 prlghctlr, p`ltlclpohr, cbnhrb, spltkom`t, htc. Forhct khbrehrs tl frbw t`h rby fobmrbn tl s`lw `lw be onbmh os alrnhf oe b nbmeoayoem mkbss, cbnhrb bef prlghctlr. Zhkbth t`h ofhb la b mkbss khes tl t`h tossuh khes oesofh t`h `unbe hyh. Kheshs bef t`h `unbe hyh7 `ttps7//www.cyjhrp`ysocs.cl.ui/tlpocs/nhfocbk/Hyh/hyh\bf.`tnk   Beonbtole la b `lw b `unbe hyh hyh wlris7 `ttps7//beonbmrbaas.cln/`unbe-hyh/   `ttps7//beonbmrbaas.cln/`unbe-hyh/ Forhct khbrehrs tl frbw rby fobmrbns s`lwoem b s`lrt-som`thf hyh bef b klem-som`thf hyh. Oetrlfuch t`h clechpt la usoem kheshs tl clrrhct klem-som`thfehss bef s`lrt-som`thfehss. Forhct khbrehrs tl frbw rby fobmrbns s`lwoem t`h clrrhctole la b s`lrt-som`thf hyh bef b klem-som`thf hyh usoem kheshs. Sht khbrehrs qubetotbtovh bef qubkotbtovh quhstoles alr prbctoch. (A) (A)   Kheshs7 www.jjc.cl.ui/jothsozh/muofhs/zt6:srf/rhvosole/: www.jjc.cl.ui/jothsozh/muofhs/zt6:srf/rhvosole/:  

3.:.6.2 Fosphrsole la kom`t

Fhscrojh t`h fosphrsole la kom`t bs okkustrbthf jy t`h rharbctole la w`oth kom`t jy b mkbss prosn

 Bsi khbrehrs w`bt clklurs cbe jh aluef oe w`oth kom`t. Khbrehrs nby nby ofhetoay t`h shvhe clklurs la t`h rboejlw. Sht khbrehrs t`h c`bkkhemh la ‐aoefoem b rboejlw‟ usoem b rby jlx sht-up bef b prosn. Forhct khbrehrs tl elw ush t`hor prosn tl ofhetoay t`h foaahrhet clklurs vosojkh jy t`h rharbctole la w`oth kom`t.



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs


Ielw t`h trbfotolebk

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs Hxpkboe t`bt t`h lrfhr la t`h clklurs os rhkbthf tl t`h lrfhr la t`h arhquhecy (lr t`h wbvhkhemt`).

shvhe clklurs la t`h vosojkh sphctrun oe lrfhr la arhquhecy bef oe lrfhr la wbvhkhemt` 3.:.6.3

Zhcbkk t`bt vosojkh kom`t la b soemkh arhquhecy os fhscrojhf bs nlelc`rlnbtoc   nlelc`rlnbtoc

Sht khbrehrs qubkotbtovh quhstoles alr prbctoch. (A) (A)   Khbrehrs oevhstombth fosphrsole la kom`t aurt`hr usoem t`h prosn jhefoem kom`t sonukbtole7 (O) `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/sons/`tnk/jhefoem-kom`t/kbthst/jhefoem-kom`t\he.`tnk  Khbrehrs cbe nbih t`hor lwe Ehwtle‟s fosc (lr clklur w`hhk) tl fhnlestrbth t`h noxoem la clklurs tl nbih w`oth kom`t lr t`h noxoem la pronbry clklurs tl nbih shclefbry clklurs7 www.rlybkbcbfhny.lrm.ui/brtockh/abnoky-`lw-tl-nbih-b-clklur-w`hhk-2  Khbrehrs rhshbrc` `lw rboe frlpkhts rharbct bef rhakhct kom`t tl prlfuch t`h sphctrun la clklur oe b rboejlw. (O)  (O)  _lu clukf ush t`h Zly M Jov  slem  slem jy V`hy Nom`t Jh Mobets bs Mobets  bs b aue wby tl `hkp khbrehrs rhnhnjhr slnh (sonpkh) p`ysocs clethet. Hxthefhf bsshssnhet7 Oetrlfuch t`h thrn ‛nlelc`rlnbtoc„ tl fhscrojh vosojkh kom`t la b soemkh arhquhecy. Fhnlestrbth b kbshr bs be hxbnpkh la nlelc`rlnbtoc kom`t.

3.3.2 Hkhctrlnbmehtoc sphctrun

prlvofh vofh hxbnpkhs w`hrh t`os os hvofhet< hvofhet< Khbrehrs nby Ielw t`h nboe rhmoles  Bsi khbrehrs w`oc` trbvhks absthst, kom`t lr sluef. Cbe t`hy prl summhst kom`teoem bef t`uefhr, aorhwlris bef t`hor jbem, b stbrtoem postlk, htc. @om`kom`t t`bt kom`t trbvhks bpprlxonbthky b la t`h hkhctrlnbmehtoc nokkole tonhs absthr t`be sluef. sphctrun oe lrfhr la arhquhecy bef oe lrfhr la wbvhkhemt`


Ielw t`bt bkk hkhctrlnbmehtoc wbvhs trbvhk bt t`h sbnh `om` sphhf oe b vbcuun


Fhscrojh t`h typocbk ushs la t`h foaahrhet rhmoles la t`h hkhctrlnbmehtoc sphctrun oeckufoem7 (b) rbfol wbvhs9 rbfol

Oetrlfuch t`h hkhctrlnbmehtoc sphctrun bs t`h rbemh la wbvhs t`bt `bvh chrtboe prlphrtohs oe clnnle, w`okst lt`hr prlphrtohs brh foaahrhet. Hxpkboe t`bt bkk hkhctrlnbmehtoc wbvhs `bvh t `h sbnh sphhf bef cbe trbvhk oe b vbcuun. Spkot khbrehrs oetl snbkk mrlups bef bssome hbc` mrlup b pbrt la t`h hkhctrlnbmehtoc sphctrun. Khbrehrs nby ush t`hor thxtjllis bef lekoeh rhslurchs tl rhshbrc` t`hor pbrt la t`h sphctrun. V`hy elth flwe t `h rlkh oe bppkocbtoles, bef fbnbmh cbushf jy, t`hor pbrt la t`h sphctrun le b pohch la pbphr. V`hy t`he prhshet t`h ihy oealrnbtole tl t`h rhst la t`h ckbss bef bff t`hor pohch la pbphr tl t`h w`othjlbrf, oe lrfhr la wbvhkhemt` bef arhquhecy. Zhcbp t `h ihy ploets bs movhe oe t`h sykkbjus. @om`kom`t t`h ush la hkhctrlnbmehtoc wbvhs oe clnnueocbtole, pbrtocukbrky t`h ush la nocrlwbvhs jy brtoaocobk sbthkkoths. Sht khbrehrs qubkotbtovh quhstoles alr prbctoch. (A) (A)  



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs bef thkhvosole trbesnossoles,

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs _lu clukf ush t`h Hkhctrlnbmehtoc Sphctrun slem Sphctrun slem jy Hnhrsle bef ]lem _bee bs _bee bs b aue wby tl `hkp khbrehrs rhnhnjhr slnh p`ysocs clethet, bs whkk bs t`h lrfhr la t`h sphctrun.

bstrlelny, rbfol V`h Scbkh la t`h Xeovhrsh whjsoth o eckufhs t`h sozh la t`h hkhctrlnbmehtoc sphctrun wbvhkhemt`s bef bkklws arhquhecy clnpbrosle tl hvhryfby ljghcts7 (O)  (O)  ofhetoaocbtole `ttps7//scbkhlaueovhrsh.cln  `ttps7//scbkhlaueovhrsh.cln  (ZAOF) (j) nocrlwbvhs9 Hxthefhf bsshssnhet7 3.3.1, 3.3.=, 3.3.0, 3.3.? bef 3.3.24 sbthkkoth thkhvosole, nljokh p`lehs (chkk Zhture tl t`h hbrkohr clnpbrosle la t`h sphhf la kom`t bef t`h sphhf la sluef. Hxpkboe t`bt bkk hkhctrlnbmehtoc wbvhs, p`lehs), oeckufoem kom`t, trbvhk bt 3.4 x 240 n/s oe b vbcuun bef t`os sphhf os bpprlxonbthky t`h sbnh oe bor nocrlwbvh lvhes (c) oearbrhf9 hkhctroc Hxpbef le t`h ushs la hkhctrlnbmehtoc wbvhs oe clnnueocbtole, oeckufoem7 nljokh p`lehs, worhkhss oethreht, Jkuhtllt`, mrokks, s`lrt rbemh cbjkh thkhvosole bef `om`-sphhf jrlbfjbef. Khbrehrs s`lukf uefhrstbef w`oc` pbrt la hkhctrlnbmehtoc sphctrun os ushf clnnueocbtoles oe hbc` cbsh. suc` bs rhnlth cletrlkkhrs alr  Bsi khbrehrs t`h foaahrhech jhtwhhe jhtwhhe fomotbk bef bebklmuh. Khbrehrs Khbrehrs nby ush t`h hxbnpkh la fomotbk fomotbk bef bebklmuh thkhvosole, oetrufhr wbtc`hs. Hxpkboe t`h foaahrhech jhtwhhe t`h twl typhs la somebks oe t`h clethxt la hkhctrlnbmehtoc wbvhs bef t`bt sluef bkbrns, t`hrnbk cbe jh trbesnotthf bs hot`hr. Khbrehrs rhshbrc` t`h jhehaots la fomotbk somebkkoem lvhr nlrh trbfotolebk bebklmuh somebks. onbmoem, lptocbk aojrhs (f) vosojkh kom`t9 vosole, p`ltlmrbp`y, okkunoebtole (h) uktrbvolkht9 shcuroty nbrioem, fhthctoem abih jbei elths, sthrokosoem wbthr (a) P-rbys9 nhfocbk scbeeoem, shcuroty scbeehrs (m) mbnnb rbys9 sthrokosoem allf bef nhfocbk hquopnhet, fhthctole la cbechr bef ots trhbtnhet



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs


Fhscrojh t`h `brnauk haahcts le phlpkh la hxchssovh hxplsurh tl hkhctrlnbmehtoc rbfobtole, oeckufoem7 (b) nocrlwbvhs9 oethrebk `hbtoem la jlfy chkks (j) oearbrhf9 sioe jures (c) uktrbvolkht9 fbnbmh tl surabch chkks bef hyhs, khbfoem tl sioe cbechr bef hyh clefotoles (f) P-rbys bef mbnnb rbys9 nutbtole lr fbnbmh tl chkks oe t`h jlfy


Ielw t`bt clnnueocbtole wot` brtoaocobk sbthkkoths os nboeky jy nocrlwbvhs7 (b) slnh sbthkkoth p`lehs ush klw lrjot brtoaocobk sbthkkoths (j) slnh sbthkkoth p`lehs bef forhct jrlbfcbst sbthkkoth thkhvosole ush mhlstbtolebry sbthkkoths


Ielw t`bt t`h sphhf la hkhctrlnbmehtoc wbvhs 0 n/s oe vbcuun os 3.4 x 24b bef os

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs bpprlxonbthky t`h sbnh oe bor


Ielw t`bt nbey onplrtbet systhns la clnnueocbtoles rhky le hkhctrlnbmehtoc rbfobtole oeckufoem7 (b) nljokh p`lehs (chkk p`lehs) bef worhkhss oethreht ush nocrlwbvhs jhcbush nocrlwbvhs cbe phehtrbth slnh wbkks bef leky rhquorh s`lrt bhrobk alr trbesnossole bef rhchptole (j) Jkuhtllt` ushs rbfol wbvhs rbfol wbvhs pbss t`rlum` wbkks bef t`h somebk os whbihehf le floem sl (c) lptocbk aojrhs (vosojkh kom`t lr oearbrhf) brh ushf alr cbjkh thkhvosole bef `om`-sphhf jrlbfjbef jhcbush mkbss os trbespbrhet tl vosojkh kom`t bef slnh oearbrhf9 vosojkh kom`t bef s`lrt wbvhkhemt`

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs

oearbrhf cbe cbrry `om` rbths la fbtb 3.3.0

Ielw t`h foaahrhech jhtwhhe b fomotbk lr bebklmuh somebk


Ielw t`bt b sluef cbe jh trbesnotthf bs b fomotbk lr bebklmuh somebk


Hxpkboe t`h jhehaots la fomotbk somebkkoem oeckufoem oecrhbshf rbth la trbesnossole la fbtb bef oecrhbshf rbemh fuh tl bccurbth somebk rhmhehrbtole  rhmhehrbtole 

3.6.2 Sluef

Fhscrojh t`h prlfuctole la sluef jy vojrbtoem slurchs


Fhscrojh t`h

Oetrlfuch sluef wot` slnh sonpkh hxphronhets. Khbrehrs oevhstombth b ‐toe cbe thkhp`leh‟, vojrbtoem b rukhr bmboest b fhsi hfmh bef tueoem alris. V`hy `ot b tueoem alri bmboest b rujjhr juem jhalrh sujnhrmoem ot oe wbthr, lr pkbcoem ehxt tl b poem plem jbkk `bemoem arln b t`rhbf. Cbe khbrehrs hxpkboe t`h spkbs` lr t`h suffhe nlvhnhet la t`h jbkk< V`hy `ot b nhtbk alri lr splle, bttbc`hf tl t`h hef la twl pohchs la stroem, bmboest b fhsi wot` t`h hefs la t`h stroem oe t`h khbrehr‟s hbrs. V`hy s`lukf `hbr t`h sluef trbvhk t`rlum` t`h stroem bef t`h bor. ]`oc` sluef trbvhks absthr< Khbrehrs bff

klemotufoebk ebturh la sluef wbvhs

foaahrhet bnluets la wbthr tl mkbss jlttkhs bef jklw bcrlss t`h nlut` la t`h jlttkhs. ]`oc` jlttkh prlfuchs t`h `om`hrpotc`hf sluef< Flhs ot fhphef le t`h bnluet la wbthr prhshet lr t`h bnluet la bor<

Stbth t`h bpprlxonbth rbemh la arhquhecohs bufojkh tl `unbes bs :4 @z tl :4 444 @z

Zhnoef khbrehrs t`bt sluef os b klemotufoebk wbvh.

Ielw t`bt b nhfoun os ehhfhf tl trbesnot sluef wbvhs




Oetrlfuch Jlykh‟s vbcuun punp hxphronhet tl s`lw t`bt sluef cbeelt jh trbesnotthf oe b vbcuun bef rhnoef khbrehrs t`bt sluef rhquorhs b nhfoun tl trbvhk7

Oetrlfuch `lw b nocrlp`leh fhthcts sluef wbvhs bef b cbt`lfh rby lscokklsclph bkklws oethrprhtbtole la t`hn. Bsi khbrehrs w`bt t`hy eltoch w`he kluf/quoht/`om`/klw sluefs brh fhthcthf. Ofhetoay t `h bnpkotufh bef arhquhecy le t`h lscokklsclph trbch. Zhkbth t`hsh vbrobjkhs tl t`h vlkunh bef potc` la t`h sluef t`bt os `hbrf.



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs


Fhscrojh `lw c`bemhs oe bnpkotufh bef

Zhslurch Tkus Cbrry lut t`h Xsh la b cbt`lfh rby lscokklsclph (CZL) tl vosubkosh sluef wbvhs hxphronhet rhahrroem tl

arhquhecy baahct t`h klufehss bef potc` la sluef wbvhs

Vhbc`oem Tbci alr khssle pkbes bef rhslurchs.


Fhscrojh clnprhssole bef rbrhabctole


Ielw t`bt, oe mhehrbk, sluef trbvhks absthr oe slkofs t`be oe koquofs bef absthr oe koquofs t`be oe mbshs  mbshs  

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs

S`lw khbrehrs sonpkh wbvh trbchs bef bsi t`hn tl ofhetoay t`h prlphrtohs la t`h sluef7 w`oc` sluef os `om`hst, w`oc` sluef os klufhr, w`oc` sluef `bs b klwhr arhquhecy, htc. Khbrehrs cbe beswhr t`h quhstoles usoem noeobturh w`othjlbrfs. (A) (A)   Khbrehrs oevhstombth wbvh trbchs aurt`hr usoem t`h sonukbtole la b ihyjlbrf bef be lscokklsclph7 (O) www.p`ysocs-c`hnostry-oethrbctovh-akbs`beonbtole.cln/hkhctrocoty\hkhctrlnbmehtosn\oethrbctovh/lsco beonbtole.cln/hkhctrocoty\hkh ctrlnbmehtosn\oethrbctovh/lscokklsclph\fhscroptole\tutlrobk\ kklsclph\fhscroptole\tutlrobk\sluefs\arhquhecy.`tn sluefs\arhquhecy.`tn   Oetrlfuch t`h ofhb t`bt `unbes, bs whkk bs lt`hr beonbks, `bvh b sphcoaoc ` hbroem rbemh. V`os cbe jh thsthf so npky usoem b somebk mhehrbtlr bef b klufsphbihr. Khbrehrs s`lukf jh quoht t`rlum`lut. V`hy rbosh t`hor `befs w`he t`hy jhkohvh t`hy aorst `hbr t`h sluef (brluef :4@z) bef klwhr ot w`he t`hy cbe el klemhr `hbr t`h sluef (:4 444 @z). Bs t`h rbemh fhcrhbshs bs `unbes bmh, ot os koihky t`bt ylur khbrehrs wokk `bvh b kbrmhr rbemh t`be ylu. Sht khbrehrs qubkotbtovh quhstoles alr prbctoch. (A) (A)   Hxthefhf bsshssnhet7 3.6.24 bef 3.6.22 Khbrehrs klli bt fobmrbns la b klemotufoebk wbvh bef ofhetoay clnprhssoles bef rbrhabctoles. Zhnoef khbrehrs la t`h nhtbk alri/splle le b stroem hxphronhet. V`h sluef trbvhkkhf absthr up t`h stroem t`be t`lum` t`h bor. Cbe khbrehrs hxpkboe `lw t`h st bth la t`h nhfoun (slkof, koquof lr mbs) baahcts t`h sphhf la prlpbmbtole la t`h sluef wbvh< Khbrehrs cbe rhshbrc` `lw w`bkhs clnnueocbth lvhr klem fostbechs. (O) Hxthesole7 Strhtc` bef prhpbrh alr B khvhk S`lw khbrehrs nlrh clnpkocbthf wbvh trbchs s`lwoem foaahrhet sluef slurchs h.m. b rbemh la oestrunhets. V`hsh wbvh trbchs brh uekoihky tl jh soeuslofbk, uekoih t`h wbvhs t`hy `bvh shhe prhvolusky. @om`kom`t t`bt bkt`lum` t`h sluef slurchs cbe hnot t`h sbnh arhquhecy, t`h wbvhs cbe `bvh foaahrhet qubkotohs (tonjrhs). Oetrlfuch khbrehrs tl t`h clechpt la t`h Flppkhr s`oat bef `lw ot c`bemhs t`h arhquhecy bef wbvhkhemt` la b sluef wbvh sl ot sluefs foaahrhet. Xsh sonpkh fobmrbns t`bt s`lw b slurch nlvoem oetl ots lwe sluef wbvhs tl `hkp khbrehrs vosubkosh t`os. Zhfs`oat wokk jh hxpklrhf bs pbrt la Vlpoc 1 Spbch p`ysocs. p`ysocs.   Oethrahrhech sonukbtole7 `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/wbvh-oethrahrhech  `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/wbvh-oethrahrhech 



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs

3.6.? Sluef

Fhaoeh uktrbsluef bs sluef wot` b

Zhnoef khbrehrs la t`h fhnlestrbtole la t`h `unbe `hbroem rbemh arln t`h prhvolus khssle. Hxpkboe t`bt uktrbsluef os bey sluef bjlvh :4 444 @z bef bsi khbrehrs oa t`hy ielw la bey ush la t`os `om` arhquhecy sluef. V`hy nby summhst

arhquhecy `om`hr t`be :4 i@z

prhebtbk scbes. Hxthefhf bsshssnhet7 3.6.2:


Fhscrojh t`h ushs la uktrbsluef oe elefhstructovh thstoem la nbthrobks, nhfocbk scbeeoem la slat tossuh bef slebr oeckufoem cbkcukbtole la fhpt` lr fostbech arln tonh bef wbvh sphhf  sphhf 


sphhf la sluef. Khbrehrs s`lukf rhbkosh rhbkosh t`bt t`os os b foaaocukt Ielw t`bt t`h sphhf la  Bsi khbrehrs tl clnh up wot` b nht`lf tl nhbsurh t`h sphhf hxphronhet tl cbrry lut jhcbush sluef trbvhks rhkbtovhky abst. sluef oe bor os bpprlxonbthky 334-384  Bsi khbrehrs tl fhaoeh be ‛hc`l„. ‛hc`l„. V`hy wokk hxpkboe t`bt be hc`l hc`l os t`h rhakhctole la sluef wbvhs. Khbrehrs cbe rhshbrc` n/s `lw jbts ‛shh„ wot` hc`lklcbtole. (O) Fhscrojh b nht`lf Oetrlfuch t`h ofhb la nhbsuroem t`h sluef lvhr b kbrmh fostbech. V`os cbe jh fleh usoem b stbrthr p ostlk lr jy nbioem oevlkvoem b ush la hc`lhs. nhbsurhnhet la



Khbrehrs rhshbrc` t`h ushs la uktrbsluef oe ckhbeoem, prhebtbk bef lt`hr nhfocbk scbeeoem, bef oe sl ebr (oeckufoem cbkcukbtole la fhpt` lr fostbech arln tonh bef wbvh sphhf). Khbrehrs wokk `bvh t`h lpplrtueoty tl nhbsurh t`h sphhf la sluef kbthr. (O) (O)  

fostbech bef tonh alr fhthrnoeoem t`h sphhf

Nhbsuroem t`h sphhf la sluef usoem hc`lhs7

la sluef oe bor


Fhscrojh be hc`l bs t`h rhakhctole la sluef wbvhs

Nhbsuroem t`h sphhf la sluef usoem b stbrthr postlk7 www.sc`llkp`ysocs.cl.ui/bmh22-26/Sluef/thxt/Sphhf\la\sluef/oefhx.`tnk Oa ylu c`llsh t`h hc`l nht`lf, rhkbth t`os tl khbrehrs‟ uefhrstbefoem la slebr. Xs h wllfhe jklcis tl prlfuch b ck hbr bef fostoect sluef. V`os ehhfs tl rhakhct laa b kbrmh akbt surabch koih t`h sofh la b juokfoem. Khbrehrs ehhf tl nbtc` t`h ehxt ‐ckbp‟ tl t`h hc`l la t`h prhvolus9 ot nby tbih slnh prbctoch tl hstbjkos` t`h clrrhct r`yt`n. Khbrehrs t`he wlri tlmht`hr tl nhbsurh t`h tonh alr nuktopkh ck bps (:4 lr sl) bef t`h fostbech trbvhkkhf. Oa ylu ush t`h stbrthr postlk nht`lf, be bvhrbmh rhsukt la tonh s`lukf jh tbihe bef t`h hxphronhet s`lukf jh fleh lvhr b kbrmh fostbech (bt khbst 244n).



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs Khbrehrs frbw b fobmrbn la t`h hxphronhet t`hy cbrrohf lut, wroth b nht`lf, clkkhct t`hor rhsukts oe b tbjkh bef cbkcukbth t`h sphhf la sluef. V`hy bsshss t`h bccurbcy la t`hor beswhr bef ofhetoay bey slurchs la hrrlr. Sht khbrehrs qubkotbtovh quhstoles alr prbctoch. (A) (A)  

Tbst bef sphconhe pbphrs Tbst/sphconhe pbphrs bef nbri sc`hnhs brh bvbokbjkh tl flweklbf bt  bt  www.cbnjrofmhoethrebtolebk.lrm/supplrt www.cbnjrofmhoethrebtolebk.lrm/supplrt  (A) (A)  



Sc`hnh la ]lri

6. Hkhctrocoty bef nbmehtosn Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

6.2.2 Sonpkh p`helnheb la nbmehtosn

Fhscrojh t`h alrchs  Bsi khbrehrs w`bt t`hy ielw bjlut bjlut nbmehtosn. V`hy nby summhst summhst vbrolus jbsoc clechpts bef hxbnpkhs. jhtwhhe nbmehtoc Oetrlfuch nbmehtosn wot` slnh sonpkh hxphronhets. Khbrehrs oevhstombth lpplsoth bef koih plkhs, susphefoem b jbr plkhs bef jhtwhhe nbmehts bef nbmehtoc nbmeht arln b ckbnp stbef sl ot os arhh tl nlvh. ]`bt `bpphes w`he b shclef jbr nbmeht os jrlum`t cklsh tl t`h nbthrobks, oeckufoem t`h `bemoem jbr nbmeht< ush la t`h thrns elrt` Khbrehrs oevhstombth w`oc` nbthrobks brh nbmehtoc jy usoem b jbr nbmeht. Cbe t`hy ofhetoay t`h t`rhh nbmehtoc hkhnhets plkh (E plkh), slut` le t`h Throlfoc Vbjkh< plkh (S plkh), bttrbctole bef Khbrehrs nbmehtosh b jbr la sthhk jy strlioem t`h sthhk oe t`h sbnh forhctole nuktopkh tonhs wot` t`h sbnh hef la t`h jbr rhpuksole, nbmehtoshf nbmeht. V`hy thst `lw whkk ot wlris jy tryoem tl poci up sthhk pbphrckops. bef uenbmehtoshf


Fhscrojh oefuchf nbmehtosn


Stbth t`h foaahrhech jhtwhhe nbmehtoc bef ele-nbmehtoc nbthrobks

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs

Khbrehrs oevhstombth b nbmeht‟s haahct le orle aokoems bef pklttoem clnpbsshs. V`hy wokk khbre bjlut aohkfs kbthr. Khbrehrs ljshrvh b sonpkh ‐nbmoc troci‟ usoem b jbr nbmeht bef b kbrmh sthhk pbphrckop. Bttbc` b pohch la stroem tl t`h pbphrckop bef shcurh t`h hef la t`h stroem tl t`h jbsh la b ckbnp stbef. Ckbnp t`h jbr nbmeht bjlvh sl t`bt t`h pbphrckop rhbc`hs up tl tluc` ot jut bfgust ots plsotole sl t`hrh os b skom`t mbp. V`h pbphrckop bpphbrs tl ‐aklbt‟ up, strboeoem bmboest ots stroem tht`hr, fuh tl t`h nbmehtoc bttrbctole tl t`h jbr nbmeht. Khbrehrs pkby wot` nbmehtoc ‐tlys‟7 nbmehtoc jbkks t`bt cbe jh nbfh oetl mhlnhtroc s`bphs, rbttkh nbmehts t`bt vojrbth tlmht`hr tl prlfuch elosh, htc. Khbrehrs wroth ljshrvbtoles bef hxpkbebtoles la t`h hxphronhets. Ckbroay t`h ihy thrns oe t`os tlpoc, oe pbrtocukbr t`h foaahrhech jhtwhhe b nbmehtoc nbthrobk bef b nbmehtoshf nbthrobk. Khbrehrs s`lukf jh bjkh tl hxpkboe `lw tl oefuch nbmehtosn oe b nbmehtoc nbthrobk jy strlioem ot nuktopkh tonhs wot` b nbmeht lr jy pkbcoem ot ehxt tl b nbmeht. Sht khbrehrs qubkotbtovh quhstoles alr prbctoch. (A)



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs

6.2.8 Sonpkh p`helnheb

Fhscrojh b nbmehtoc aohkf bs b rhmole oe

 Bsi khbrehrs `lw t`hy wlukf fhaoeh b nbmehtoc aohkf. Fhscrojh b nbmehtoc aohkf bs b rhmole oe w`oc` w`oc` b nbmehtoc plkh hxphrohechs b alrch.

la nbmehtosn

w`oc` b nbmehtoc plkh hxphrohechs b alrch

Forhct khbrehrs tl pklt nbmehtoc aohkf koehs wot` orle aokoems tl s`lw t`h s`bph la t`h nbmehtoc aohkf.


Frbw t`h pbtthre bef forhctole la t`h nbmehtoc aohkf koehs brluef b jbr nbmeht


Stbth t`bt t`h forhctole la b nbmehtoc aohkf bt b ploet os t`h forhctole la t`h le t`h E plkh la balrch nbmeht bt t`bt ploet


Fhscrojh t`h pklttoem la nbmehtoc aohkf koehs wot` b clnpbss lr orle aokoems bef t`h ush la b clnpbss tl fhthrnoeh t`h forhctole la t`h nbmehtoc aohkf


Hxpkboe t`bt nbmehtoc alrchs brh fuh tl oethrbctoles jhtwhhe nbmehtoc aohkfs


Ielw t`bt t`h rhkbtovh strhemt` la b nbmehtoc aohkf os rhprhshethf jy t`h spbcoem la t`h nbmehtoc aohkf koehs  koehs 

Forhct khbrehrs tl pklt nbmehtoc aohkf koehs wot` b clnpbss bef `lw tl ush t`h clnpbss tl fhthrnoeh t`h forhctole la t`h nbmehtoc aohkf. V`hor pklts s`lukf bksl s`lw t`h s`bph la t`h nbmehtoc aohkf. Khbrehrs s`lukf jh bjkh tl sihtc` t`h pbtthre bef forhctole la t`h nbmehtoc aohkf koehs brluef b jbr nbmeht. Sht khbrehrs qubkotbtovh quhstoles alr prbctoch. Movh t`hn fobmrbns la clnjoebtoles la jbr nbmehts bef bsi t`hn tl ofhetoay w`oc` brh t`h Elrt` bef w`oc` brh t`h Slut` plkhs. (A) (A)   Khbrehrs oevhstombth nbioem t`hor lwe clnpbss tl fhthct t`h Hbrt`‟s nbmehtoc aohkf. Cbe t`hy hxpkboe w`y t`h Elrt` plkh la b nbmeht ploets tl t`h Elrt` plkh la t`h Hbrt`< Khbrehrs rhshbrc` oealrnbtole bjlut t`h nbmehtoc aohkf la t`h Hbrt`, `lw ot prlfuchs t`h Elrt`hre (bef Slut`hre) kom`ts bef oa lt`hr pkbehts `bvh nbmehtoc aohkfs. (O)  (O)  Khbrehrs oevhstombth nbmehtoc aohkfs aurt`hr usoem t`h sonukbtole7 (O) `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/khmbcy/nbmeht-bef-clnpbss  Hxthefhf bsshssnhet7 6.2.24 bef 6.2.22 Zhnoef khbrehrs la t`h nbmehtoc aohkf koehs t`hy pkltthf hbrkohr usoem orle aokoems bef/lr pklttoem clnpbsshs. V`h strhemt` la t`h nbmehtoc aohkf os rhprhshethf jy t`h spbcoem la t`h nbmehtoc aohkf koehs. Zhnoef khbrehrs la t`h fhaoeotole la b ‛alrch„ bef oetrlfuch b nbmehtoc alrch bs fuh tl t`h oethrbctoles jhtwhhe nbmehtoc aohkfs. Khbrehrs `bvh ahkt t`os alrch w`he oevhstombtoem t`h oethrbctole jhtwhhe nbmehtoc plkhs prhvolusky, bs koih plkhs wokk pus` bpbrt (rhpuksovh nbmehtoc alrch) bef lpplsoth plkhs wokk pukk tlmht`hr (bttrbctovh nbmehtoc alrch).



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

6.2.3 Sonpkh p`helnheb

 Bsi khbrehrs oa t`hy ielw bey hvhryfby hvhryfby othns t`bt ush hkhct hkhctrlnbmehts. rlnbmehts. Khbrehrs nby jh surproshf surproshf jy `lw clnnle t`hy Stbth t`h foaahrhechs jhtwhhe t`h prlphrtohs brh.

la nbmehtosn

la thnplrbry nbmehts (nbfh la slat orle) bef t`h prlphrtohs la phrnbehet nbmehts (nbfh la sthhk)


Fhscrojh ushs la phrnbehet nbmehts bef hkhctrlnbmehts

Fhscrojh t`h pbtthre

Nbmehtoc haahct la currhet

bef forhctole t`htl nbmehtoc aohkflafuh currhets oe strbom`t worhs bef oe slkhelofs


Fhscrojh be hxphronhet tl ofhetoay t`h pbtthre la b nbmehtoc aohkf (oeckufoem forhctole) fuh tl currhets oe strbom`t worhs bef slkhelofs

Stbth t`h qubkotbtovh vbrobtole la t`h strhemt` la t`h nbmehtoc aohkf brluef strbom`t worhs bef slkhelofs Fhscrojh t`h haahct le t`h nbmehtoc aohkf brluef strbom`tlaworhs bef slkhelofs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs

 Bsi khbrehrs tl sihtc` t`h nbmehtoc nbmehtoc aohkf brluef b soemkh currhet-cbrryoem currhet-cbrryoem worh. V`hy cbe frbw t`os oe 3-F lr oe :-F arln bjlvh lr jhklw. _lu clukf oetrlfuch t`h crlss-bef-flt eltbtole tl s`lw t`h forhctole la t`h currhet oe b worh oe b :-F fobmrbn. Khbrehrs wokk prljbjky sihtc` vbrolus s`bphs alr t`h aohkf9 rhnoef t`hn t`bt aohkf koehs leky hef le plkhs bef t`hor spbcoem rhprhshets t`hor strhemt`. Oetrlfuch t`h rom`t-`bef mrop rukh tl bof nhnlry la t`h forhctole la t`h currhet oe rhkbtole tl t`h forhctole la t`h nbmehtoc aohkf. Fhnlestrbth t`h nbmehtoc aohkf brluef b currhet-cbrryoem worh jy usoem pklttoem clnpbsshs (lr orle aokoems) le b s`hht la cbrfjlbrf `hkf bt b rom`t bemkh tl t`h worh cbrryoem forhct currhet. Hxthef t`h clechpt la t`h nbmehtoc aohkf brluef b strbom`t worh tl b kllp la worh bef b slkhelof. Khbrehrs s`lukf jh bjkh tl klmocbkky koei t`h fobmrbns tlmht`hr jy usoem t`h rom`t-`bef mrop rukh tl prhfoct `lw hbc` pbrt la worh wlukf prlfuch b aohkf t`bt oethrbcts wot` ots ehom`jlurs‟ aohkfs. @om`kom`t t`bt b kllp la worh cbrryoem forhct currhet os hquovbkhet tl twl strbom`t worhs cbrryoem forhct currhet oe lpplsoth forhctoles. Clesofhr `lw pbrbkkhk clefuctlrs prlfuch nbmehtoc aohkf pbtthres fuh tl t`hor currhets. Zhkbth t`hsh tl t`h alrchs le t`h clefuctlrs. Oa t`h currhets brh oe t`h sbnh forhctole, t`h alrch os bttrbctovh9 wot` lpplsothky forhcthf currhets t`h alrch os rhpuksovh. Oetrlfuch t`h jbsoc structurh la be hkhctrlnbmeht. @om`kom`t t`h onplrtbech la t`h nbmehtoc clrh bef `lw orle os ushf bs b thnplrbry nbmeht. Zhslurch Tkus Cbrry lut t`h @lw tl nbih be hkhctrlnbmeht hxphronhet rhahrroem tl Vhbc`oem Tbci alr khssle p kbes bef rhslurchs.  Bsi khbrehrs w`bt wlukf `bpphe `bpphe oa be hkhctrlnbmeht `bf b clrh clrh nbfh la sthhk. Hxpkboe t`bt t`os wlukf nbmehtosh t`h sthhk bef prlfuch b phrnbehet nbmeht, bssunoem f.c. os ushf. Zhcbp t`h strlioem nht`lf la nbmehtosbtole. Khbrehrs wroth nht`lfs le `lw tl nbmehtosh nbmehtoc nbthrobks.  Bsi khbrehrs `lw tl fhnbmehtosh fhnbmehtosh b nbmehtoc nbthrobk. V`hy nby nby summhst usoem currhet bmboe, bmboe, t`os tonh bkthrebtoem. Khbrehrs oevhstombth t`h nht`lfs la `bnnhroem bef `hbtoem le pohchs la nbmehtoshf orle.



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs

c`bemoem t`h nbmeotufh bef

Khbrehrs clesofhr t`h jhehaots la hkhctrlnbmehts oe clnpbrosle tl phrnbehet nbmehts. V`hy nby ofhetoay t`bt t`hsh cbe jh cletrlkkhf oe thrns la t`h strhemt` la t`h aohkf bef jh turehf le bef laa bs ehhfhf.

forhctole la currhet  currhet 

Khbrehrs rhshbrc` t`h ushs la hkhctrlnbmehts, suc` bs nbmkhv trboes, klufsphbihrs, rhkbys, hkhctroc jhkks, oefustrobk koatoem nbmehts, htc. (O)  (O)  Sht khbrehrs qubkotbtovh quhstoles alr prbctoch. (A) (A)   Oa ylur sc`llk ushs hkhctrlnbmehtoc fllr klcis, s`lw t`hn oe bctole. Tbphrckops cbe jh stuci tl t`h klci w`he t`h hkhctrlnbmeht os le. V`hy wokk abkk w`he t`h hkhctrlnbmeht os turehf laa. Hxthefhf bsshssnhet7 bef  Bsi khbrehrs w`bt vbrobjkhs vbrobjkhs baahct t`h strhemt` la t`h nbmehto nbmehtoc c aohkf brluef strbom`t worhs bef slkhelofs. slkhelofs. Xsh t`h rom`t`bef mrop rukh tl fhnlestrbth `lw c`bemoem t `h forhctole la t`h currhet c`bemhs t`h forhctole la t`h nbmehtoc aohkf. Nbih ush la t`h nbmehts bef hkhctrlnbmehts sonukbtole tl s`lw `lw t`h nbmeotufh la t`h currhet baahcts t`h nbmehtoc aohkf. V`os cbe bksl jh fhnlestrbthf usoem be hkhctrlnbmeht, b f.c. plwhr suppky bef sthhk pbphrckops. @om`hr nbmeotufhs la currhet wokk `lkf nlrh pbphrckops, onpkyoem b strlemhr nbmehtoc aohkf. Fhnlestrbth `lw c`bemoem t`h forhctole la t`h currhet aklwoem t`rlum` b strbom`t worh lr slkhelof c`bemhs t`h forhctole la t`h pklttoem clnpbsshs s`lwoem t`h forhctole la t`h nbmehtoc aohkf. Nbmehts bef hkhctrlnbmehts sonukbtole7 `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/khmbcy/nbmehts-bef-hkhctrlnbmehts 

6.:.2.2 Hkhctroc c`brmh

Stbth t`bt t`hrh brh plsotovh bef ehmbtovh c`brmhs


Stbth t`bt plsotovh c`brmhs rhphk lt`hr plsotovh c`brmhs, ehmbtovh c`brmhs rhphk lt`hr ehmbtovh c`brmhs, jut plsotovh c`brmhs bttrbct ehmbtovh c`brmhs

Oetrlfuch t`h clechpt la c`brmh, plsotovh bef ehmbtovh. Khbrehrs oevhstombth t`h juokf-up la stbtoc c`brmh usoem pkbstoc rlfs bef cklt`hs. Zujjoem t`h rlfs wot` t`h cklt`hs s`lukf juokf up c`brmh le t`h rlfs suc` t`bt t`hy cbe poci up snbkk scrbps la pbphr, jhef b snbkk strhbn la wbthr lr rhphk belt`hr koih-c`brmhf rlf. Khbrehrs nby jh bjkh tl ofhetoay lt`hr hxbnpkhs w`hrh stbtoc c`brmh os juokt up7 w`he tbioem laa b wllkkhe gunphr, s`uaakoem bklem t`h cbrphthf akllr wot` slcis le, gunpoem le b trbnplkoeh wot` slcis le, htc. Khbrehrs nby hegly ljshrvoem t`h Qbe fh Mrbbaa mhehrbtlr. V`hrh brh klts la fhnlestrbtoles t`bt cbe jh fleh wot` t`h mhehrbtlr tl s`lw t`h haahcts la stbtoc hkhctrocoty.



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs


Fhscrojh sonpkh hxphronhets tl s`lw

Ckbroay t`bt c`brmoem la slkofs jy aroctole oevlkvhs leky b trbesahr la e hmbtovh c`brmh (hkhctrles). Tlsotovh c`brmh (prltles) brh trbpphf oesofh la t`h euckhus bef cbeelt jh trbesahrrhf jy aroctole.

t`h prlfuctole la hkhctrlstbtoc c`brmhs jy aroctole bef tl s`lw t`h fhthctole la hkhctrlstbtoc c`brmhs 6.:.2.6

Hxpkboe t`bt c`brmoem la slkofs jy aroctole oevlkvhs leky b trbesahr la ehmbtovh c`brmh (hkhctrles)

Khbrehrs oevhstombth stbtoc hkhctrocoty aurt`hr usoem t`h jbkklles sonukbtole7 (O)  (O)  `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/jbkklles-bef-stbtoc-hkhctrocoty  Khbrehrs rhshbrc` ushs bef fbemhrs la stbtoc hkhctrocoty7 xhrlmrbp`y, fosc`brmoem vh`ockhs, hkhctrlstbtoc sprby pboetoem, oeight proethrs, htc. Sht khbrehrs qubkotbtovh quhstoles alr prbctoch. (A) (A)   Zhslurch Tkus Cbrry lut t`h Stbtoc hkhctrocoty hxphronhet rhahrroem tl Vhbc`oem Tbci alr khssle pkbes bef rhslurchs.

Stbth t`bt c`brmh os nhbsurhf oe cluklnjs  cluklnjs 

Hxthefhf bsshssnhet7 6.:.2.=

6.:.2.0 Hkhctroc c`brmh

Fhscrojh be hkhctroc aohkf bs b rhmole oe w`oc` be hkhctroc c`brmh hxphrohechs b alrch

Hxthefhf bsshssnhet7 6.:.2.0, 6.:.2.? bef 6.:.2.24


Stbth t`bt t`h forhctole


Oetrlfuch t`h ueot alr c`brmh, t`h cluklnj. cluklnj.  

Fhaoeh be hkhctroc aohkf, juokfoem le khbrehrs‟ uefhrstbefoem la mrbvotbtolebk bef nbmehtoc aohkfs. Fhscrojh be hkhctroc aohkf bs b rhmole oe w`oc` be hkhctroc c`brmh hxphrohechs b alrch. Hxpkboe t`bt hkhctroc aohkf koehs7        

la be os hkhctroc aohkf bt la b ploet t`h forhctole t`h alrch le b plsotovh c`brmh bt t`bt ploet 6.:.2.24

• • •

s`lw t`h pbt` b snbkk plsotovh thst c`brmh wlukf tbih ploet arln plsotovh c`brmhs tl ehmbtovh c`brmhs brh bt rom`t bemkhs tl t`h surabch la b clefuctlr brh nlrh cklshky pbcihf w`he t`h aohkf os strlemhr.

Fhscrojh sonpkh hkhctroc aohkf pbtthres, oeckufoem t`h forhctole la t`h aohkf7

 B ueoalrn aohkf os s`lwe jy hqubkky hqubkky spbchf pbrbkkhk aohkf koehs. koehs. Bsi khbrehrs tl frbw t`h aohkf koehs koehs alr foaahrhet clnjoebtoles la ploet c`brmhs, c`brmhf sp`hrhs bef c`brmhf pkbths (hef haahcts wokk elt jh hxbnoehf).

(b) brluef b ploet c`brmh

Sht khbrehrs qubkotbtovh quhstoles alr prbctoch. (A) (A)  

(j) clefuctoem brluef b c`brmhf sp`hrh

Fhnlestrbth be hkhctroc aohkf‟s haahct le shnlkoeb oe cbstlr lok usoem b `om` vlktbmh plwhr suppky.



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs

(c) jhtwhhe twl lpplsothky c`brmhf

Khbrehrs oevhstombth hkhctroc aohkfs aurt`hr usoem t`h aohkf sonukbtole7 (O) `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/c`brmhs-bef-aohkfs  `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/c`brmhs-bef-aohkfs 

pbrbkkhk clefuctoem pkbths (hef haahcts wokk elt elt jh  jh hxbnoehf)   hxbnoehf)

Hxphronhet elths arln t`h OlT le h khctroc aohkf pbtthres7 `ttps7//spbri.olp.lrm/hkhctroc-aohkf-pbtthres   `ttps7//spbri.olp.lrm/hkhctroc-aohkf-pbtthres Hxthesole7 Strhtc` bef prhpbrh alr B khvhk Fhaoeh hkhctroc aohkf strhemt`, juokfoem le khbrehrs‟ uefhrstbefoem la mrbvotbtolebk aohkf strhemt`. Sht khbrehrs sonpkh quhstoles tl prbctosh cbkcukbtoles usoem t`h hqubtole.  Bsi khbrehrs w`bt vbrobjkhs vbrobjkhs t`hy t`oei t`h alrch jhtwhhe twl c`brmhf pbrtockhs wokk fhphef le. le. Oetrlfuch Cluklnj‟s kbw. Sht khbrehrs sonpkh quhstoles tl prbctosh usoem t`h hqubtole. Khbrehrs cbe oevhstombth t`h alrch jhtwhhe c`brmhs aurt`hr usoem t`h Cluklnj‟s Kbw sonukbtole7 (O) `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/cluklnjs-kbw  `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/cluklnjs-kbw 

6.:.2.8 Hkhctroc c`brmh


Fhscrojh be hxphronhet tl fostoemuos` jhtwhhe hkhctrocbk clefuctlrs bef oesukbtlrs Zhcbkk bef ush b sonpkh hkhctrle nlfhk tl hxpkboe t`h foaahrhech jhtwhhe hkhctrocbk clefuctlrs bef oesukbtlrs bef movh typocbk hxbnpkhs

6.:.:.3 Hkhctroc currhet

Fhscrojh hkhctrocbk clefuctole oe nhtbks oe thrns la t`h nlvhnhet la arhh hkhctrles

Cbe khbrehrs fhscrojh t`h foaahrhech jhtwhhe be hkhctrocbk clefuctlr bef be oesukbtlr< Cbe t`hy prlvofh hxbnpkhs la hbc`<  Bsi khbrehrs `lw t`hy wlukf thst w`ht`hr b nbthrobk os b cle clefuctlr fuctlr lr be oesukbtlr. ]`bt othns othns wlukf t`hy ush< Oetrlfuch jbsoc corcuot synjlks alr b cleehctoem cbjkh, chkk bef kbnp. Khbrehrs ush t`hsh othns tl thst w`ht`hr ljghcts brh clefuctlrs lr oesukbtlrs. V`hy clnpkhth b sonpkh tbjkh la clefuctlrs bef oesukbtlrs jy thstoem ljghcts oe t`h kbjlrbtlry. Hxpkboe t`h prlphrtohs la b clefuctlr bef w`y nhtbks brh suc` mllf clefuctlrs. Fhscrojh hkhctrocbk clefuctole oe nhtbks oe thrns la t`h nlvhnhet la arhh hkhctrles. Zhnoef khbrehrs la t`h fhnlestrbtole la t`hrnbk clefuctole arln Vlpoc 2 Nltole, alrchs bef hehrmy w`hrh hkhctrles `hkphf trbesahr t`h hehrmy quocihr. Clefuctovoty sonukbtole7 `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/khmbcy/clefuctovoty `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/khmbcy/clefuctovoty   Sht khbrehrs qubkotbtovh quhstoles alr prbctoch. (A) (A)   Khbrehrs oevhstombth t`h clefuctovoty la vbrolus othns usoem t`h corcuot sonukbtole7 (O) `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/corcuot-clestructole-iot-fc 



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs Khbrehrs clukf rhshbrc` shnoclefuctlrs bef `lw t`hy auectole tl hx`ojot t`h prlphrtohs la jlt` oesukbtlrs bef clefuctlrs, fhphefoem le t`h corcunstbech. (O) (O)  

6.:.:.2 Hkhctroc currhet

 Bsi khbrehrs w`bt nhbsuroem oestrunhet os ushf tl nhbsurh currhet, w`bt t`h ueot os alr currhet currhet bef w`bt t`h synjlk os. Ielw t`bt hkhctroc currhet os rhkbthf tl t`h Khbrehrs nby strummkh tl rhnhnjhr t`h ueot bef synjlk bs t`hy fl elt bpphbr tl koei tl t`h ebnh la ‐currhet‟. Hxpkboe t`bt currhet os rhkbthf tl t`h aklw la c`brmh. aklw la c`brmh


Fhscrojh t`h ush la bnnhthrs (bebklmuh bef fomotbk) wot` foaahrhet rbemhs



Ielw t`hforhct foaahrhech jhtwhhe currhet (f.c) bef bkthrebtoem currhet (b.c.) Fhaoeh hkhctroc currhet bs t`h c`brmh pbssoem b ploet phr ueot tonh9 rhcbkk bef ush t`h R

hqubtole7 O > t   6.:.:.1

6.3.:.2 Shrohs bef pbrbkkhk corcuots

Stbth t`bt clevhetolebk currhet os arln plsotovh tl ehmbtovh bef t`bt t`h aklw la hkhctrles os arln ehmbtovh tl plsotovh Ielw t`bt t`h currhet bt hvhry ploet oe b shrohs corcuot os t`h sbnh

Oetrlfuch t`h bnnhthr. Fhnlestrbth bebklmuh bef fomotbk bnnhthrs7 `lw tl cleehct t`hn oe b corcuot, `lw t`hy cbe jh rhbf bef `lw foaahrhet rbemhs cbe jh ushf fhphefoem le t`h currhet jhoem nhbsurhf. Khbrehrs s`lukf rhcbkk t`h foaahrhech jhtwhhe bebklmuh bef fomotbk arln Vlpoc 3 ]bvhs. Sht khbrehrs t`h tbsi la oevhstombtoem t`h currhet oe vbrolus corcuots. V`hy nhbsurh t`h currhet bt vbrolus ploets brluef sonpkh shrohs bef pbrbkkhk corcuots bef frbw b cleckusole le `lw currhet jh`bvhs qubkotbtovhky. V`hy nby strummkh tl shh t`h pbtthre oe t`h pbrbkkhk corcuot oa t`h vbkuhs brh elt vhry bccurbth. Hxpkboe t`bt t`h khbrehrs `bvh jhhe wlrioem wot` forhct currhet. Oetrlfuch bef hxpkboe t`h prlphrtohs la bkthrebtoem currhet.  Bkthrebtoem currhet bef forhct currhet7 currhet7 www.aurryhkhp`bet.cln/pkbyhr.p`pp`ysocs&gunpVl>hh/24Ns3  Hxthefhf bsshssnhet7 6.:.:.8, 6.:.:.1, 6.3.:.0 (b) bef 6.3.:.? Fhaoeh hkhctroc currhet bs t`h c`brmh pbssoem b ploet phr ueot tonh, fhaoeh t`h bnphrh bef oetrlfuch t`h hqubtole. Khbrehrs nby ehhf b rhnoefhr la c`brmh bef ots ueot. @om`kom`t t`h clnnle ush la clevhetolebk currhet, w`oc` os arln plsotovh tl ehmbtovh. Oe rhbkoty, ot os t`h hkhctrles t`bt nlvh bef t`os aklw la hkhctrles os arln ehmbtovh tl plsotovh fuh tl t`hor ehmbtovh c`brmh. Zhnoef khbrehrs la t`hor aoefoems arln oevhstombtoem t`h currhet oe vbrolus corcuots bef hxpkboe oe nlrh fhtbok. S`lw khbrehrs sonpkh corcuot fobmrbns wot` t`h currhet kbjhkkhf bt slnh la t`h ploets brluef t `h corcuot. Khbrehrs cbkcukbth t`h nossoem vbkuhs la t`h currhet usoem t`hor uefhrstbefoem la `lw currhet jh`bvhs oe shrohs bef pbrbkkhk corcuots. V`hy s`lukf rhcbkk t`bt t`h currhet bt hvhry ploet oe b shrohs corcuot os t`h sbnh. (A) (A)   S`lw khbrehrs sonpkh guectole fobmrbns wot` t`h currhet kbjhkkhf oe bkk worhs hxchpt leh. Khbrehrs cbkcukbth t`h nossoem vbkuh, bs whkk bs t`h forhctole, la t`h currhet. V`hy s`lukf rhcbkk t`bt t`h sun la t`h currhets oetl b guectole oe b pbrbkkhk corcuot os hqubk tl t`h sun la t`h currhets t`bt khbvh t`h guectole.



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs


Stbth t`bt, alr b pbrbkkhk corcuot, t`h currhet arln t`h slurch os kbrmhr t`be t`h currhet oe hbc` jrbec`

Sht khbrehrs quhstoles tl prbctosh usoem t`h hqubtole bef bppkyoem t`hor uefhrstbefoem la currhet oe shrohs bef pbrbkkhk corcuots. (A)

6.3.:.0 (b)

Zhcbkk bef ush oe cbkcukbtoles, t`h abct t`bt7 (b) t`h sun la t`h currhets hethroem b  guectole oe b pbrbkkhk

Khbrehrs oevhstombth t`h aklw la c`brmh aurt`hr usoem t`h corcuot sonukbtole. V`h sonukbtole cbe s`lw hkhctrle nlvhnhet lr clevhetolebk currhet. Khbrehrs ush t`h bnnhthr tl tbih rhbfoems la currhet bt ploets brluef vbrolus corcuots. (O) Corcuot sonukbtole7 `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/corcuot-clestructole-iot-fc Hxthesole7 Strhtc` bef prhpbrh alr B khvhk Oetrlfuch Iorc``laa‟s aorst kbw jy rhnoefoem khbrehrs t`bt t`h sun la t`h currhets oetl b guectole oe b pbrbkkhk corcuot os hqubk tl t`h sun la t`h currhets t`bt khbvh t`h guectole. V`os os be hxbnpkh la t`h cleshrvbtole la c`brmh. Iorc``laa‟s aorst kbw os be hxprhssole la t`os jbsoc proecopkh.

corcuot hqubk tl t`h sun laost`h currhets t`bt khbvh t`h guectole 6.3.:.?

Hxpkboe t`bt t`h sun la t`h currhets oetl b  guectole os t`h sbnh bs t`h sun la t`h currhets lut la t`h guectole  guectole  


Fhaoeh hkhctrlnltovh  Bsi khbrehrs w`bt nhbsuroem oestrunhet os ushf tl nhbsurh vlktbmh, w`bt t`h ueot os alr vlktbmh vlktbmh bef w`bt t`h synjlk os alrch (h.n.a) bs t`h alr vlktbmh. hkhctrocbk wlri fleh jy Oetrlfuch t`h thrns hkhctrlnltovh alrch (h.n.a), t`h hehrmy suppkohf arln b plwhr slurch tl b corcuot, bef plthetobk b slurch oe nlvoem b foaahrhech (p.f), t`h hehrmy trbesahrrhf jy b currhet tl t`h clnplehets oe b corcuot. Jlt` brh nhbsurhf oe vlkts. ueot c`brmh brluef b clnpkhth corcuot Oetrlfuch t`h vlktnhthr. Fhnlestrbth bebklmuh bef fomotbk vlktnhthrs7 `lw tl cle ehct brluef b clnplehet oe b corcuot, `lw t`hy cbe jh rhbf bef `lw foaahrhet rbemhs cbe jh ushf fhphefoem le t`h h.n.a lr p.f jhoem nhbsurhf. Ielw t`bt h.n.a os

Hkhctrlnltovh alrch bef plthetobk foaahrhech 


nhbsurhf oe vlkts (Q) 6.:.3.3

Fhaoeh plthetobk foaahrhech (p.f) bs t`h wlri fleh jy b ueot c`brmh pbssoem t`rlum` b clnplehet 

Sht khbrehrs t`h tbsi la oevhstombtoem t`h tltbk h.n.a la shvhrbk slurchs w`he brrbemhf oe shrohs bef oe pbrbkkhk. Hxthefhf bsshssnhet7 6.:.3.1, 6.:.3.= bef 6.3.:.0 (j) bef (c)



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs


Ielw t`bt p.f jhtwhhe twl ploets os nhbsurhf oe vlkts (Q)


Fhscrojh t`h ush la vlktnhthrs (bebklmuh bef fomotbk) wot` foaahrhet rbemhs


Zhcbkk bef ush t`h hqubtole alr h.n.a H> ]    R


Zhcbkk bef ush t`h ]  hqubtole alr p.f Q > R  

6.3.:.3 Shrohs bef pbrbkkhk corcuots

Cbkcukbth t`h clnjoehf h.n.a la shvhrbk slurchs oe shrohs

6.3.:.0 (j) bef (c)

Zhcbkk bef ush oe cbkcukbtoles, t`h abct t`bt7

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs Sht khbrehrs t`h tbsi la oevhstombtoem t`h h.n.a bef p.f la clnplehets oe vbrolus corcuots. V`hy nhbsurh t`h h.n.a brluef t`h plwhr suppky bef t`h p.f la clnplehets oe sonpkh shrohs bef pbrbkkhk corcuots. V`hy frbw b cleckusole le t`h jh`bvolur la h.n.a bef p.f V`hy nby strummkh tl shh t`h pbtthre oe t`h shrohs corcuot oa t`h vbkuhs brh elt vhry bccurbth. Khbrehrs nby strummkh tl uefhrstbef `lw t`h p.f bcrlss hbc` jrbec` la b pbrbkkhk corcuot cbe jh t`h sbnh. Hxpkboe t`os usoem be bebklmy. Vwl khbrehrs bct bs kbnps oe t`h corcuot, ylu bct bs t`h plwhr suppky bef t`h rhnboeoem khbrehrs brh t`h hkhctrles oe t`h corcuot. Forhct t`h ‐hkhctrles‟ tl nlvh brluef t`h corcuot, pocioem up hehrmy (nbrjkhs lr snbkk swhhts) arln t`h ‐plwhr suppky‟ (ylu) bef fostrojutoem t`hn tl t`h ‐kbnps‟. ]`he t`h ‐kbnps‟ brh oe shrohs, t`hy s`lukf s`brh t`h hehrmy arln t`h ‐plwhr suppky‟, jut w`he t`hy brh oe pbrbkkhk t`hy cbe rhchovh bkk la t`h hehrmy t`bt t`h ‐hkhctrles‟ cbrry arln t`h ‐plwhr suppky‟ bs hbc` ‐ hkhctrle‟ leky pbsshs leh ‐kbnp‟. V`os `om`kom`ts t`bt t`h hehrmy phr ueot c`brmh, t`h p.f, os t`h sbnh bs hbc` jrbec` oe b pbrbkkhk corcuot bef t`h sbnh bs t`h h.n.a la t`h slurch. S`lw khbrehrs sonpkh corcuot fobmrbns wot` t`h vbkuhs la h.n.a bef p.f kbjhkkhf alr slnh la t`h clnplehets oe t`h corcuot. Khbrehrs cbkcukbth t`h nossoem vbkuhs usoem t`hor uefhrstbefoem la h.n.a bef p.f oe shrohs bef pbrbkkhk corcuots. V`hy s`lukf rhcbkk t`bt t`h tltbk p.f bcrlss t`h clnplehets oe b shrohs corcuot os hqubk tl t`h sun la t`h oefovofubk p.f.s bcrlss hbc` clnplehet bef t`bt t`h p.f bcrlss be brrbemhnhet la pbrbkkhk rhsostlrs os t`h sbnh bs t`h p.f bcrlss leh jrbec` oe t`h brrbemhnhet la t`h pbrbkkhk rhsostlrs. (A) (A)   Zhnoef khbrehrs la t`h fhaoeotoles la h.n.a bef p.f bef oetrlfuch t`h hqubtoles. Fhnlestrbth cbkcukbtoles usoem t`h hqubtoles. Sht khbrehrs qubetotbtovh bef qubkotbtovh quhstoles alr prbctoch. (A) (A)  

(j) tltbk p.f bcrlss t`h t`h clnplehets oe b shrohs corcuot os hqubk tl t`h sun la t`h oefovofubk p.f.s bcrlss hbc` clnplehet (c) t`h p.f bcrlss be brrbemhnhet la pbrbkkhk rhsostbechs os t`h sbnh bs t`h p.f bcrlss leh jrbec` oe t`h brrbemhnhet la t`h pbrbkkhk rhsostbechs  rhsostbechs 

Khbrehrs oevhstombth t`h vlktbmh aurt`hr usoem t`h corcuot sonukbtole. Khbrehrs cbe ush t`h vlktnhthr tl tbih rhbfoems la vlktbmh brluef clnplehets oe vbrolus corcuots. (O)  (O)  Corcuot sonukbtole7 `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/corcuot-clestructole-iot-fc  Qlktbmh sonukbtole7 `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/khmbcy/jbtthry-vlktbmh  Hxthesole7 Strhtc` bef prhpbrh alr B khvhk Oetrlfuch Iorc``laa‟s shclef kbw, koeioem tl khbrehrs‟ uefhrstbefoem la h.n.a bef p.f oe corcuots. Hxpkboe `lw ot rhkbths tl t`h cleshrvbtole la hehrmy. Oe rhbkoty, slnh hkhctrocbk hehrmy arln t`h jbtthry nby jh ushf tl `hbt t`h jbtthry otshka, fuh tl oethrebk rhsostbech.



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs

6.:.6.2 Zhsostbech

Zhcbkk bef ush t`h hqubtole alr rhsostbech Z > Q   

Oetrlfuch rhsostbech bef bsi khbrehrs `lw ot wokk baahct currhet oe b corcuot.


Fhscrojh be hxphronhet tl fhthrnoeh rhsostbech usoem b vlktnhthr bef be bnnhthr bef fl t`h bpprlprobth cbkcukbtoles

Xsh bebklmohs tl oetrlfuch t`h clechpt la rhsostbech h.m. clnpbroem rhsostbech tl t`h foaaocukty oe nlvoem flwe b clrroflr wot` b klt la lt`hr khbrehrs nlvoem brluef ylu. Forhct khbrehrs tl oevhstombth t`h rhkbtoles`op jhtwhhe t`h currhet aklwoem t`rlum` b rhsostlr bef t`h vlktbmh bcrlss ot. Khbrehrs juokf t`h corcuot arln b fobmrbn lr nby ehhf b fhnlestrbtole la t`h sht-up. V`hy s`lukf clkkhct vbrolus rhsukts la currhet bef vlktbmh. V`hy s`lukf bvlof khttoem t`h rhsostlr lvhr`hbt9 ylu nby e hhf tl thkk t`hn b nbxonun vbkuh la currhet lr vlktbmh t`bt t`hy s`lukf elt hxchhf tl hesurh t`os. Oetrlfuch t`h hqubtole alr rhsostbech bef `lw ot cbe jh ushf tl cbkcukbth t`h rhsostbech arln t`h rhsukts la t`h hxphronhet.


Stbth, qubkotbtovhky, t`h Khbrehrs s`lukf wroth b nht`lf alr t`h hxphronhet t`hy cbrrohf lut bef hxpkboe `lw tl aoef t`h rhsostbech la t`h rhsostlr. rhkbtoles`op la t`h vbrobjkhs t`h rhsostbech la b clnplehe clnplehett fhphefs le. _lu cbe ush bebklmohs, bebklmohs, jut nbih surh t`hy `hkp rhsostbech la b nhtbkkoc  Bsi khbrehrs w`bt vbrobjkhs rbt`hr t`be cleaush khbrehrs h.m. b wofhr clrroflr (rhprhshetoem t`h crlss-shctolebk brhb la t`h worh) f hcrhbshs t`h worh tl ots khemt` bef rhsostbech, jut elt jhcbush t`hrh os nlrh rlln (t`hrh wokk jh nlrh c`brmh cbrrohrs). crlss-shctolebk brhb


t`h clnjoehf rhsostbech wokk jh w`he w`he nuktopkh rhsostlrs brh cleehcthf cleehcthf oe shrohs. Oetrlfuch Sihtc` bef hxpkboe t`h  Bsi khbrehrs w`bt t`hy t`oei t`h `lw tl cbkcukbth t`h clnjoehf rhsostbech. currhet–vlktbmh mrbp`s alr b rhsostlr la Khbrehrs nhbsurh t`h clnjoehf rhsostbech la rhsostlrs usoem b nuktonhthr. V`hy thst foaahrhet clnjoebtoles bef clnh tl clestbet rhsostbech, b t`h cleckusole t`bt rhsostbech oe shrohs os bffotovh, w`okst bffoem nlrh rhsostbech oe pbrbkkhk fhcrhbshs t`h clnjoehf aokbnhet kbnp bef b rhsostbech suc` t`bt t`h rhsostbech os khss t`be t`bt la hot`hr rhsostlr jy otshka. folfh


Zhcbkk bef ush t`h alkklwoem rhkbtoles`op alr b nhtbkkoc hkhctrocbk clefuctlr7 (b) rhsostbech os forhctky prlplrtolebk tl khemt` (j) rhsostbech os oevhrshky prlplrtolebk tl crlss-shctolebk brhb

S`lw khbrehrs sonpkh clnjoebtoles la rhsostlrs bef bsi t`hn tl quociky cbkcukbth lr hstonbth t`h clnjoehf r hsostbech. Khbrehrs clukf beswhr t`h quhstoles le noeobturh w`othjlbrfs. (A) (A)   Sht khbrehrs sonpkh cbkcukbtole bef qubkotbtovh quhstoles alr prbctoch. (A) (A)   Hxthefhf bsshssnhet7 6.:.6.6, 6.:.6.8 bef 6.3.:.24 Khbrehrs rhphbt t`h hxphronhet tl aoef t`h rhsostbech la b aokbnhet kbnp bef b folfh. Bkthrebtovhky, khbrehrs cbe oevhstombth t`hsh clnplehets t`rlum` sonukbtole lr foscuss qubkotbtovhky. Khbrehrs s`lukf jh bjkh t l sihtc` bef hxpkboe t`h currhet–vlktbmh mrbp`s la b rhsostlr la clestbet rhsostbech, b aokbnhet kbnp bef b folfh. Zhture tl t`h oestructole arln t`h hxphronhet elt tl lvhr`hbt t`h rhsostlr. Bsi khbrehrs `lw lvhr`hbtoem wlukf baahct t`h hxphronhet‟s rhsukts. Khbrehrs s`lukf ofhetoay t`bt t`os os t`h rhbsle t`bt t`h kbnp flhs elt `bvh b aoxhf rhsostbech.



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs


Cbkcukbth t`h clnjoehf rhsostbech la twl lr nlrh rhsostlrs oe shrohs

Sht khbrehrs qubkotbtovh quhstoles alr prbctoch le foaahrhet clnplehets bef t`hor currhet–vlktbmh mrbp`s. S`lw mrbp`s t`bt khbrehrs nbtc` tl t`h clnplehets. (A) (A)  



Stbth t`bt t`h clnjoehf rhsostbech la twl rhsostlrs oe pbrbkkhk os khss t`be t`bt la hot`hr rhsostlr jy otshka

Zhslurch Tkus Cbrry lut t`h Abctlrs baahctoem t`h rhsostbech la b worh hxphronhet rhahrroem tl Vhbc`oem Tbci alr khssle pkbes bef rhslurchs. Zhnoef khbrehrs t`bt t`h clnjoehf rhsostbech la twl r hsostlrs oe pbrbkkhk os khss t`be t`bt la hot`hr rhsostlr jy otshka. Oetrlfuch `lw tl cbkcukbth t`h clnjoehf rhsostbech bef fhnlestrbth b cbkcukbtole.

Cbkcukbth t`h

Sht khbrehrs quhstoles tl thst t`hor uefhrstbefoem la t`h forhct prlplrtolebkoty jhtwhhe rhsostbech bef t`h khemt`, bef t`h oevhrsh prlplrtolebkoty jhtwhhe rhsostbech bef t`h crlss-shctolebk brhb la b worh, bs whkk bs t`h clnjoehf rhsostbech la twl rhsostlrs oe pbrbkkhk. (A)

clnjoehf rhsostbech la twl rhsostlrs oe pbrbkkhk

Khbrehrs cbe oevhstombth t`h rhsostbech aurt`hr usoem corcuot sonukbtole. Khbrehrs cbe c`bemh t`h worh rhsostovoty bef tbih nhbsurhnhets la vlktbmh bef currhet tl aoef t`h rhsostbech la clnjoebtoles la rhsostlrs. (O)  (O)  Jbtthry-rhsostlr corcuot sonukbtole7 `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/khmbcy/jbtthry-rhsostlr-corcuot  Corcuot sonukbtole7 `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/corcuot-clestructole-iot-fc  L`n‟s kbw sonukbtole7 `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/l`ns-kbw `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/l`ns-kbw   Hxthesole7 Strhtc` bef prhpbrh alr B khvhk Oetrlfuch t`h hqubtole alr t`h rhsostbech la b worh. Koei tl t`h vbrobjkhs bkrhbfy foscusshf. Sht khbrehrs sonpkh quhstoles alr prbctoch. (A) Vhbc` khbrehrs `lw tl cbkcukbth t`h clnjoehf rhsostbech la nuktopkh rhsostlrs oe pbrbkkhk. Zhsostbech oe b worh sonukbtole7 `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/rhsostbech-oe-b-worh Corcuot fobmrbns

Frbw bef oethrprht corcuot fobmrbns cletboeoem chkks, jbtthrohs, plwhr

S`lw khbrehrs corcuot synjlks bef bsi t`hn t l ofhetoay w`bt t`hy rhprhshet. Sht khbrehrs t`h tbsi la clestructoem sonpkh corcuots jy oethrprhtoem b corcuot fobmrbn la synjlks.



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs

bef corcuot clnplehets

suppkohs, mhehrbtlrs, plthetobk fovofhrs, swotc`hs, rhsostlrs (aoxhf bef vbrobjkh), `hbthrs, t`hrnostlrs (EVC leky), kom`tfhphefhet rhsostlrs (KFZs), kbnps, nltlrs, bnnhthrs, vlktnhthrs, nbmehtosoem cloks, trbesalrnhrs, aushs, rhkbys, bef ielw `lw

Khbrehrs cbe juokf b sonpkh corcuot cletboeoem chkks bef kbnps bef oevhstombth w`bt `bpphes oa leh jukj ‛jklws„/os rhnlvhf/os s`lrt corcuothf. Khbrehrs cbe bksl clnpbrh t`h jrom`tehss la jukjs oe vbrolus corcuots w`okst ihhpoem t`h eunjhr la chkks clestbet. Bsi khbrehrs `lw t`hy t`oei t`h kom`ts oe t`hor ` lush brh worhf. V`hy juokf sonpkh corcuots usoem chkks, kbnps bef swotc`hs tl nlfhk t`h kom`toem oe b `lush. ]`bt brh t`h bfvbetbmhs la cleehctoem kbnps oe pbrbkkhk oe b kom`toem corcuot<

t`hsh clnplehets jh`bvh oe t`h corcuot

Zhnoef khbrehrs la t`hor oevhstombtole oetl rhsostbech la b kom`t jukj bs currhet b ef p.f c`bemhs. Bsi khbrehrs w`y t`h rhsostbech c`bemhs. Khbrehrs clesofhr `lw tl ihhp t`h currhet oe b corcuot clestbet w`okst t `h rhsostbech la b clnplehet c`bemhs. Khbrehrs rhcbkk bef bppky Q>OZ tl s`lw t`bt t`h p.f bcrlss be hkhctrocbk clefuctlr oecrhbshs bs ots rhsostbech oecrhbshs alr b clestbet currhet.


Frbw bef oethrprht corcuot fobmrbns cletboeoem folfhs bef kom`t-hnottoem folfhs (KHFs), bef ielw `lw t`hsh clnplehets jh`bvh oe b corcuot


Ielw `lw tl clestruct bef ush shrohs bef pbrbkkhk corcuots


Stbth t`h bfvbetbmhs la cleehctoem kbnps oe pbrbkkhk oe b kom`toem corcuot

Khbrehrs pkby ‐pbors‟ lr bey sonpkh nbtc` up mbnh wot` t`h corcuot synjlks bef t`hor ebnhs tl bof rhcbkk. Sht khbrehrs b sonpkh rhcbkk thst le t`h corcuot synjlks tl bof bef thst rhcbkk. (A) Oetrlfuch t`h EVC t`hrnostlr bef kom`t-fhphefhet rhsostlr (KFZ) bef hxpkboe t`hor ush bs oeput sheslrs. Sht khbrehrs qubkotbtovh quhstoles le t`hrnostlrs bef KFZs.

Sht khbrehrs qubetotbtovh bef qubkotbtovh quhstoles tl prbctosh cbkcukbtoem currhet, v lktbmh bef rhsostbech le pbrts la b corcuot lr le t`h w`lkh corcuot. Hxthefhf bsshssnhet7 6.3.2.:, 6.3.3.: bef Oetrlfuch t`h folfh bef t`h kom`t-hnottoem folfh (K HF) bef hxpkboe `lw t`hy jh`bvh oe b corcuot. Zhnoef khbrehrs la clevhetolebk currhet bef `om`kom`t `lw t`h brrlw`hbf la t`h folfh corcuot synjlk nust ploet oe t`h sbnh forhctole bs clevhetolebk currhet aklw alr t`h folfh tl bkklw currhet tl aklw. Khbrehrs clukf rhshbrc` clnnle ushs la folfhs. (O) Oetrlfuch b vbrobjkh plthetobk fovofhr. Fhnlestrbth `lw ot cbe jh ushf oe b corcuot bef tbih nhbsurhnhets la p.f tl s`lw `lw ot wlris tl fovofh t `h plthetobk foaahrhech. Oetrlfuch t`h hqubtole alr twl rhsostlrs ushf bs b plthetobk fovofhr. Fhnlestrbth `lw tl ush t`os hqubtole.

Ielw t`bt t`h p.f bcrlss be hkhctrocbk clefuctlr oecrhbshs bs ots rhsostbech

Sht khbrehrs cbkcukbtole quhstoles le plthetobk fovofhrs alr prbctoch. Hxthesole7 Strhtc` bef prhpbrh alr B khvhk



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs

oecrhbshs alr b clestbet currhet

Xsoem Iorc``laa‟s kbws, fhrovh alrnukbh alr t`h clnjoehf rhsostbech la twl lr nlrh rhsostlrs oe shrohs b ef oe pbrbkkhk.


Fhscrojh t`h bctole la b vbrobjkh plthetobk fovofhr

Zhcbkk bef ush t`h hqubtole alr twl rhsostlrs ushf bs b plthetobk fovofhr

6.:.8.2 Hkhctrocbk hehrmy bef hkhctrocbk plwhr




Z 2 Z :


Zhture tl t`h clechpt la b plthetobk fovofhr bef oetrlfuch usoem b vbrobjkh r hsostlr, t`hrnostlr lr KFZ. Khbrehrs foscuss `lw hbc` clnplehet wlukf baahct t`h corcuot bef t`h vbkuhs la vlktbmh. Khbrehrs nby alrmht t`bt elt leky wokk t`hsh clnplehets cbush t`h vbkuhs la p.f tl c`bemh, jut t`bt c`bemoem t`hor rhsostbech wokk c`bemh t`h lvhrbkk rhsostbech la t`h corcuot bef t`us t`h currhet t`bt aklws tll. Sht khbrehrs quhstoles tl aoef t`h vlktbmh alr foaahrhet clnplehets oe sonpkh corcuots alr prbctoch. (A) (A)  

Q 2 Q :


Xefhrstbef t`bt hkhctroc corcuots trbesahr hehrmy arln b slurch la hkhctrocbk hehrmy, suc` bs be hkhctrocbk chkk lr nboes suppky, tl t`h corcuot clnplehets bef t`he oetl t`h surrluefoems Zhcbkk bef ush t`h hqubtole alr hkhctrocbk plwhr T >OQ   Zhcbkk bef ush t`h hqubtole alr hkhctrocbk hehrmy H >OQt   Fhaoeh t`h ioklwbtt`lur (i] `) bef cbkcukbth t`h clst la usoem hkhctrocbk bppkobechs w`hrh t`h hehrmy ueot os t`h i] `

Oetrlfuch hkhctrocbk hehrmy bef plwhr, juokfoem le khbrehrs‟ uefhrstbefoem arln Vlpoc 2 Nltole, alrchs bef hehrmy. Oetrlfuch t`h hqubtoles alr hkhctrocbk hehrmy bef plwhr. Fhnlestrbth `lw tl ush t`h hqubtoles. Sht khbrehrs sonpkh quhstoles alr prbctoch. (A) (A)   Oetrlfuch t`h ofhb t`bt hehrmy os pbof alr, koeioem tl khbrehrs‟ uefhrstbefoem la hehrmy slurchs (bef kbthr hkhctrocoty mhehrbtole). Oetrlfuch t`h ioklwbtt-`lur bs be bkthrebtovh ueot alr hehrmy, leh nuc` nlrh bpprlprobth alr t`h scbkh la hehrmy ushf oe `lnhs. Sht khbrehrs t`h tbsi la hstonbtoem t`h hkhctrocbk hehrmy ushf alr b phrolf la tonh (be `lur, b fby, b whhi lr b yhbr) oe t`hor jhfrlln lr `lnh. V`hy cbkcukbth t`h hehrmy oe ioklwbtt-`lurs bef t`he cbkcukbth t`h clst usoem currhet hehrmy prochs. Khbrehrs klli bt b rhbk hkhctrocoty jokk tl oethrprht t`h clst la hkhctrocoty bef `lw nbey ioklwbtt-`lurs brh ushf oe be bvhrbmh `lnh. Sht khbrehrs nlrh qubetotbtovh bef qubkotbtovh quhstoles le hkhctrocoty usbmh. (A) (A)   Khbrehrs prbctosh t`hor rhcbkk la t`h vbrobjkhs, synjlks bef ueots la currhet, vlktbmh, rhsostbech, c`brmh, hehrmy bef plwhr usoem sonpkh nbtc`-up mbnhs. Bkthrebtovhky, t`hy pkby ‐hkhctrocoty joeml‟ w`hrh t`hy aokk oe b j oeml s`hht wot` t`hor c`loch la synjlks bef ylu rhbf l ut fhaoeotoles alr t`hn tl ofhetoay.



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs Khbrehrs oevhstombth kbnps oe shrohs bef pbrbkkhk aurt`hr usoem t`h corcuot sonukbtole. V`hy ush t`h vlktnhthr bef bnnhthr tl tbih rhbfoems oe vbrolus corcuots. V`hy bksl cbkcukbth t`h plwhr usoem t`h rhsukts la vlktbmh bef currhet. (O)  (O)  Corcuot sonukbtole7 `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/corcuot-clestructole-iot-fc 

6.6.2 Hkhctrocbk sbahty



Stbth t`h `bzbrfs la7 (b) fbnbmhf oesukbtole (j) lvhr`hbtoem cbjkhs (c) fbnp clefotoles (f) hxchss currhet arln lvhrklbfoem la pkums, hxthesole khbfs, soemkh bef nuktopkh slcihts w`he usoem b nboes suppky

Oetrlfuch t`h tlpoc la hkhctrocbk `bzbrfs t`rlum` slnh ‐clnnle shesh‟ schebrols. Bsi khbrehrs tl ofhetoay w`y t`h alkklwoem brh `bzbrflus7 arbyhf cbjkhs, klem cbjkhs, fbnbmhf pkums, wbthr brluef slcihts, pus`oem nhtbk ljghcts oetl slcihts, htc. Khbf khbrehrs t`rlum` t`h ofhetoaocbtole bef hxpkbebtole la w`y t`h alkklwoem sphcoaoc `bzbrfs brh fbemhrlus7 fbnbmhf oesukbtole, lvhr`hbtoem cbjkhs, fbnp clefotoles bef lvhrklbfoem la pkums, hxthesole khbfs, soemkh bef nuktopkh slcihts w`he usoem b nboes suppky. Oetrlfuch b nboes corcuot bef ofhetoay t`h kovh worh (koeh worh), t`h ehutrbk worh bef t`h hbrt` worh. Oetrlfuch flujkh oesukbtole bef hxpkboe `lw ot prlthcts t`h ushr la t`h hkhctrocbk bppkobech. Bsi khbrehrs tl summhst clnnle hxbnpkhs la hkhctrocbk bppkobechs t`bt `bvh flujkh oesukbtole7 b `borfryhr, b nboes rbfol, be hkhctroc frokk, b fhsi abe, htc. Oetrlfuch t`h rlkh la hbrt`oem bef t`h aush bef `lw t`hy wlri tlmht`hr tl prlthct t`h ushr la t`h hkhctrocbk bppkobech.

Ielw t`bt b nboes corcuot clesosts la b kovh worh (koeh worh), b

Fhnlestrbth `lw b aush ‐jklws‟ w`he t`h currhet aklwoem t`rlum` ot os tll `om`. Aush worh (lr bey t`oe hbsoky lvhr`hbthf worh) cbe jh ushf alr t`os. Oecrhbsh t`h currhet mrbfubkky uetok t`h worh mklws rhf `lt bef nhkts. Ckbroay t`bt b aush nhkts bef jrhbis, jut t`os os lathe rhahrrhf tl bs ‐jklwoem‟.

ehutrbk worh bef be hbrt` worh bef hxpkboe w`y b swotc` nust jh cleehcthf tl t`h kovh worh alr t`h corcuot tl jh swotc`hf laa sbahky

Fhnlestrbth t`h `bzbrf la be hkhctrocbk fhvoch `bvoem el flujkh oesukbtole bef el hbrt` worh. Fhnlestrbth t`h `bzbrf la be hkhctrocbk fhvoch `bvoem be hbrt` worh jut el aush. Fhnlestrbth `lw t`h hbrt` worh bef aush wlri tl prlthct t`h ushr la t`h hkhctrocbk fhvoch.

Hxpkboe t`h ush bef lphrbtole la trop swotc`hs bef aushs bef c`llsh bpprlprobth aush

Oetrlfuch trop swotc`hs bs ‐rhshttbjkh‟ aushs. Bsi khbrehrs tl onbmoeh `lw bwiwbrf ot wlukf jh tl `bvh tl rhpkbch hvhry aush le hvhry hkhctrocbk fhvoch oe t`hor `lnh. Oesthbf, trop swotc`hs prlthct t`h `lnh bef ots bppkobechs. Khbrehrs nby jh bjkh tl ofhetoay w`hrh t`h trop swotc`hs brh oe t`hor `lnh7 uefhr t`h stbors, oe t`h mbrbmh, oe b clbt cupjlbrf. Hxpkboe t`bt aush rbtoems bef trop swotc` shttoems fhphef le t`h wlrioem currhet la t`h hkhctrocbk bppkobech.



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.



Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs

rbtoems bef trop swotc` shttoems

Sht khbrehrs sonpkh quhstoles tl ofhetoay t`h a ush ehhfhf alr vbrolus hkhctrocbk bppkobechs. _lu clukf sht khbrehrs nlrh foaaocukt quhstoles w`hrh t`hy cbkcukbth t`h wlrioem currhet usoem t`hor ielwkhfmh la hkhctrocbk hqubtoles arln prhvolus khssles. (A) (A)  

Hxpkboe w`y t`h luthr cbsoem la be hkhctrocbk bppkobech nust jh hot`hr ele-clefuctoem (flujkh oesukbthf) lr hbrt`hf Stbth t`bt b aush wot`lut be hbrt` worh prlthcts t`h corcuot bef t`h cbjkoem alr b flujkh-oesukbthf bppkobech Nbmehtoc haahct la b currhet Alrch le b currhetcbrryoem clefuctlr

Fhscrojh `lw t`h nbmehtoc haahct la b currhet os ushf oe rhkbys bef klufsphbihrs bef movh hxbnpkhs la t`hor bppkocbtole Fhscrojh be hxphronhet tl s`lw t`bt b alrch bcts le b currhet-cbrryoem clefuctlr oe b nbmehtoc aohkf, oeckufoem t`h haahct la rhvhrsoem7 (b) t`h currhet (j) t`h forhctole la t`h aohkf

Hxpkboe t`bt aushs bef corcuot jrhbihrs brh worhf oetl t`h kovh clefuctlr sl t`bt t`hy cbe prlthct t`h ushr la t`h hkhctrocbk bppkobech. V`hy bkk cbush b jrhbi oe t`h corcuot suc` t`bt currhet cbe el klemhr aklw. Khbrehrs oevhstombth t`h aush aurt`hr usoem t`h corcuot s onukbtole. Khbrehrs bff chkks tl oecrhbsh t`h currhet bef oethetolebkky jklw t`h aush. (O)  (O)  Corcuot sonukbtole7 `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/corcuot-clestructole-iot-fc  Khbrehrs nby hegly tryoem tl worh b pkum t`hnshkvhs usoem t`hor ielwkhfmh la t`h nboes corcuot. Hesurh t`bt khbrehrs fl elt pkum oe t`hor pkum tl t`h nboes.

Zhcbp t`h rhkby bef t`h klufsphbihr arln w`he khbrehrs khbret bjlut hkhctrlnbmehts. V`hsh jlt` ush t`h nbmehtoc haahct la currhet. V`h rhkby ushs ot tl nbmehtocbkky koei twl corcuots, wot`lut s`broem currhet. V`h klufsphbihr ushs ot tl prlfuch nltole. @lw flhs t`os wlri< Oetrlfuch t`h nltlr haahct t`rlum` fhnlestrbtole. V`h rlkkoem jbr fhnlestrbtole rhquorhs b nlvhbjkh clefuctlr tl jh pkbchf le pbrbkkhk clefuctoem rlfs bef oe b nbmehtoc aohkf suc` t`bt w`he forhct currhet aklws t`h jbr rlkks lut la t`h aohkf. V`h iocioem worh fhnlestrbtole ushs b akhxojkh worh lr t`oe strop la clefuctoem nhtbk. Ot s`lukf jh cleehcthf tl b forhct currhet plwhr suppky suc` t`bt ot sots oe b nbmehtoc aohkf. ]`he t`h corcuot os turehf le, t`h worh lr strop wokk nlvh lut la t`h aohkf. V`h rlkkoem jbr7 www.mcsh.cln/hehrmy/rlkkoem\jbr.`tn   www.mcsh.cln/hehrmy/rlkkoem\jbr.`tn V`h iocioem worh7 `ttps7//p`ysocsnbx.cln/iocioe `ttps7//p`ysocsnbx.cln/iocioem-worh-hxphronhet-alrch-clef m-worh-hxphronhet-alrch-clefuctlr-nbmehtoc-aohkf-=01? uctlr-nbmehtoc-aohkf-=01?   Xsh t`h nltlr haahct tl hxpkboe `lw b klufsphbihr wlris. V`h nbmehtoc haahct la currhet oe t`h clok oethrbcts wot` t`h phrnbehet nbmehtoc aohkf, prlfucoem nltole. Oe t`os cbsh, fuh tl t`h bkthrebtoem currhet ushf, vojrbtole os cbushf bef sluef os nbfh.  Beonbtoles la `lw klufsphbihrs klufsphbihrs wlri7



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs


Zhcbkk bef ush t`h rhkbtovh forhctoles la alrch, nbmehtoc aohkf bef currhet

`ttps7//beonbthfscohech.cl.ui/`lw-b-klufsphbihr-wlris   `ttps7//beonbthfscohech.cl.ui/`lw-b-klufsphbihr-wlris `ttps7//beonbmrbaas.cln/klufsphbihr/ `ttps7//beonbmrbaas.cln/klufsphbihr/  

Fhthrnoeh t`h forhctole la t`h alrch le jhbns la c`brmhf pbrtockhs oe b nbmehtoc aohkf  aohkf 

Hxpkboe t`bt t`h nltlr haahct os w`he b currhet-cbrryoem worh oe t`h prhshech la b nbmehtoc aohkf hxphrohechs b alrch. V`h rhkbtovh forhctoles la alrch, nbmehtoc aohkf bef currhet brh bkk bt rom`t bemkhs tl hbc` lt`hr bef cbe jh rhcbkkhf usoem Akhnoem‟s khat-`bef rukh. Xsh t`h rukh tl hxpkboe bef prhfoct t`h nlvhnhet s`lwe prhvolusky oe t`h fhnlestrbtoles.

Hxthefhf bsshssnhet7 6.8.6.: bef 6.8.:.3

Hxthef khbrehrs‟ uefhrstbefoem la t`h nltlr haahct tl hxpkboe w`bt wlukf `bpphe tl b jhbn la c`brmhf pbrtockhs oe b nbmehtoc aohkf, oeckufoem t`h haahct la rhvhrsoem t`h currhet lr t`h forhctole la t`h nbmehtoc aohkf. Khbrehrs trhbt t`h jhbn la c`brmhf pbrtockhs bs t`h currhet, jhbroem oe noef t`h c`brmh la t`h pbrtockhs. Khbrehrs s`lukf jh bjkh tl prhfoct w`oc` forhctole t`h pbrtockhs wokk nlvh oe, oa ot bkk. Sht khbrehrs qubkotbtovh quhstoles alr prbctoch. (A) (A)   Hxthesole7 Strhtc` bef prhpbrh alr B khvhk  Bsi khbrehrs w`bt vbrobjkhs vbrobjkhs cbush nlrh ‐nltole‟ lr alrch. V`hy V`hy nby ofhetoay t`h strhemt` la t`h nbmehtoc nbmehtoc aohkf, t`h sozh la t`h currhet bef `lw nbey cloks t`hrh brh, lr rbt`hr, t`h khemt` la t`h clefuctlr oe t`h aohkf. Oetrlfuch t`h hqubtole A > JOK tl cbkcukbth t`h alrch ahkt jy b worh cbrryoem b currhet, O, la khemt`, K, fuh tl t`h oethrbctole wot` t`h nbmehtoc aohkf la strhemt`, J. Sht khbrehrs sonpkh quhstoles tl prbctosh. V`h f.c. nltlr

Ielw t`bt b currhetcbrryoem clok oe b nbmehtoc aohkf nby hxphrohech b tureoem haahct bef t`bt t`h tureoem haahct os oecrhbshf jy oecrhbsoem7 (b) t`h eunjhr la tures le t`h clok (j) t`h currhet (c) t`h strhemt` la t`h nbmehtoc aohkf

Oetrlfuch t`h hkhctroc nltlr bs b ush la t`h nltlr haahct prhvolusky stufohf. Bsi khbrehrs w`bt vbrobjkhs wokk baahct t`h tureoem sphhf la t`h nltlr. V`hy nby ofhetoay t`h currhet, t`h strhemt` la t`h nbmehtoc aohkf bef t`h eunjhr la tures le t`h clok. Sht khbrehrs qubkotbtovh quhstoles alr prbctoch. (A) Khbrehrs rhshbrc` t`h ushs la hkhctroc nltlrs o e hvhryfby `lush`lkf othns7 b wbs`oem nbc`oeh, b vbcuun ckhbehr, nocrlwbvh, hxtrbctlr abe, htc. (O) (O)   Hxthefhf bsshssnhet7 6.8.8.: Hxpkboe t`h lphrbtole la be hkhctroc nltlr jy juokfoem up `lw ot wlris arln t`h alrch le b currhet-cbrryoem clefuctlr oe b nbmehtoc aohkf prhvolusky clvhrhf. Oetrlfuch twl pbrbkkhk worhs wot` lpplsothky forhcthf forhct currhets. Gloe t`hn oetl b clok. Tkbch t`hn oe b phrnbehet nbmehtoc aohkf. Khbrehrs s`lukf jh bjkh tl summhst t`bt t`os wokk cbush t`h clok tl nlvh up bef flwe oe b rhphbtoem nltole, jut wot`lut clnpkhtoem b aukk ture. @lw cbe wh nbih t`h clok nlvh cletoeulusky oe



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs


Fhscrojh t`h lphrbtole la be hkhctroc nltlr, oeckufoem t`h bctole la b spkot-roem clnnutbtlr bef jrus`hs   jrus`hs

leh forhctole< Oetrlfuch t`h spkot-roem clnnutbtlr bef t`h jrus`hs bs b nhbes la rhvhrsoem t`h forhctole la t`h currhet oe tonh wot` t`h nltole la t`h clok. Hkhctroc nltlr beonbtole7 www.beonbthfscohech.cl.ui/beonbtoles/ www.beonbthfscohech.cl.ui/beonbtoles/   Khbrehrs onprlvh t`hor uefhrstbefoem la be hkhctroc nltlr jy juokfoem leh oe pbors7 www.nbtrox.hfu.bu/`sc-p`ysocs-` www.nbtrox.hfu.bu/`sc-p`ysocs-`lw-tl-juokf-b-fc-nltlr-vof lw-tl-juokf-b-fc-nltlr-vofhl-bef-sthp-jy-sthp-muofh/ hl-bef-sthp-jy-sthp-muofh/   www.oestructbjkhs.cln/of/@lw-tl-Juokf-_lur-Lwe-FC-Nltlr/  Khbrehrs kbjhk t`h pbrts la t`h hkhctroc nltlr bef t`hor rlkh le b fobmrbn. Hkhctrlnbmehtoc oefuctole

Ielw t`bt b clefuctlr nlvoem bcrlss b nbmehtoc aohkf lr b c`bemoem nbmehtoc aohkf koeioem wot` b clefuctlr cbe oefuch be h.n.a oe t`h clefuctlr

Oetrlfuch hkhctrlnbmehtoc oefuctole t`rlum` b shrohs la hxphronhets. Khbrehrs cbrry lut t`hsh hxphronhets oefovofubkky lr oe snbkk mrlups.  




Fhscrojh be hxphronhet tl fhnlestrbth

Hbc` mrlup rhquorhs twl plkh abcoem nbmehts le b ylih, b cbjkh bef b nuktonhthr alr t`h aorst hxphronhet. Nlvoem t`h worh quociky t`rlum` t`h pbor la nbmehts le t`h ylih, lr nlvoem t`h ylih brluef t`h worh, oefuchs b snbkk rhbfoem la vlktbmh le t`h nlrh shesotovh vlktnhthr shttoem la t`h nuktonhthr. Hbc` mrlup rhquorhs b jbr nbmeht, b cbjkh bef b nuktonhthr alr t `h shclef hxphronhet. Nlvoem t`h nbmeht quociky oetl t`h clokhf cbjkh, lr nlvoem t`h clokhf cbjkh brluef t`h nbmeht, oefuchs b snbkk rhbfoem la vlktbmh. Hbc` mrlup rhquorhs b snbkk hkhctroc nltlr, twl cbjkhs bef b nuktonhthr alr t`h t `orf hxphronhet. Spoeeoem t`h nltlr‟s s`bat oefuchs b snbkk rhbfoem la vl ktbmh.

Alr bkk t`rhh hxphronhets, khbrehrs oevhstombth `lw t`hy cbe oecrhbsh t`h vlktbmh rhbfoem bef w`bt `bpphes oa t`hy

hkhctrlnbmehtoc oefuctole

rhvhrsh t`h nltole.

Stbth t`h abctlrs baahctoem t`h nbmeotufh la be oefuchf h.n.a

Hxpkboe t`bt hkhctrlnbmehtoc oefuctole prlfuchs be h.n.a (lr vlktbmh bef, oa cleehcthf oe b corcuot, b currhet) bcrlss be hkhctrocbk clefuctlr oe b c`bemoem nbmehtoc aohkf. V`os os ielwe bs t`h oefuchf h.n.a (bef oefuchf currhet). Oefucoem be h.n.a rhquorhs nlvhnhet, hot`hr forhctky la t`h aohkf lr la t`h clefuctlr wot`oe t`h aohkf. Nlvoem quocihr oecrhbshs t`h h.n.a oefuchf. Oecrhbsoem t`h khemt` la t`h clefuctlr oe t`h aohkf, lr oecrhbsoem t`h eunjhr la tures oe b clok, oecrhbshs t`h h.n.a oefuchf.

Ielw t`bt t`h forhctole la be oefuchf h.n.a lpplshs t`h c`bemh cbusoem ot

Khbrehrs wroth b nht`lf tl hxpkboe `lw tl fhnlestrbth hkhctrlnbmehtoc oefuctole. Sht khbrehrs qubkotbtovh quhstoles alr prbctoch. (A) (A)  



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs

Stbth bef ush t`h rhkbtovh forhctoles la alrch, aohkf bef oefuchf currhet  currhet 

Khbrehrs clukf crhbth t`hor lwe beonbtole tl s`lw hkhctrlnbmehtoc oefuctole bef `lw t`h vbrobjkhs baahct t`h oefuchf h.n.a usoem sonpkh slatwbrh koih TlwhrTloet. (A) (A)   Khbrehrs clukf oevhstombth hkhctrlnbmehtoc oefuctole aurt`hr usoem t`h oefuchf h.n.a (Abrbfby) sonukbtoles7 (O) `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/khmbcy/abrbfby   `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/khmbcy/abrbfby `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/abrbfbys-kbw  Hxthefhf bsshssnhet7 bef Koei t`h c`bemoem forhctole la currhet prlfuchf jy t`h oefuchf h.n.a tl t`h c`bemoem forhctole la nltole la t`h clefuctlr lr t`h nbmehtoc aohkf. Oetrlfuch Khez‟s Kbw tl hxpkboe t`os rhkbtoles`op. Hxpkboe t`h onplrtbech la t`h cleshrvbtole la hehrmy bef t`h ofhb la floem wlri. B alrch nust jh hxhrthf le t`h nbmeht tl nlvh ot bef hehrmy os trbesahrrhf tl t`h hkhctrocbk corcuot t`rlum` t`h nhfoun la t`h nbmehtoc aohkf. Oetrlfuch t`h rom`t `bef rukh (sonokbr tl Akhnoem‟s khat `bef rukh) tl bof khbrehrs oe ofhetoayoem bef prhfoctoem t`h rhkbtovh forhctoles la alrch, aohkf bef oefuchf currhet. Hxthesole7 Strhtc` bef prhpbrh alr B khvhk Oetrlfuch Abrbfby‟s kbw la hkhctrlnbmehtoc oefuctole. Hxpkboe t`h vbrobjkhs bef `om`kom`t t`h ehmbtovh synjlk, hxpkboehf jy Khez‟s kbw.  kbw.  Sht khbrehrs sonpkh quhstoles tl prbctosh t`os ehw hqubtole. (A)  (A) 

6.8.:.2 V`h b.c. mhehrbtlr


Fhscrojh b sonpkh alrn la b.c. mhehrbtlr (rltbtoem clok lr rltbtoem nbmeht) bef t`h ush la skop roems bef jrus`hs w`hrh ehhfhf

Hxthefhf bsshssnhet7 6.8.:.2 bef 6.8.:.:

Sihtc` bef oethrprht mrbp`s la h.n.a. bmboest tonh alr sonpkh b.c. mhehrbtlrs bef rhkbth t`h plsotole la

 Bs t`h clok nlvhs up bef flwe t`rlum` b nbmehtoc aohkf, bkthrebtoem bkthrebtoem currhet os oefuchf. V`h forhctole forhctole la currhet cletoeulusky c`bemhs. Fhnlestrbth t`os wot` nlfhks bef/lr beonbtoles.

t`h mhehrbtlr clok tl

Zhcbp `lw t`h hkhctroc nltlr cbe jh ushf oe ‐rhvhrsh‟ tl oefuch be h.n.a jy nlvoem t`h s`bat. Bsi khbrehrs w`bt t`h prljkhn os wot` t`os sht-up. V`hy nby ofhetoay t`bt ot wlukf crhbth b forhct currhet, w`he hkhctrocoty mhehrbtole rhquorhs bkthrebtoem currhet. Bsi khbrehrs `lw t`os cbe jh slkvhf. V`hy nby summhst rhnlvoem t`h clnnutbtlr. Oetrlfuch t`h skop roems bs t`h bkthrebtovh t`bt wokk bkklw b.c. tl jh mhehrbthf.

Sihtc` b mrbp` la h.n.a bmboest tonh alr b sonpkh b.c. mhehrbtlr bef rhkbth t`h plsotole la t`h mhehrbtlr clok tl t`h phbis, trlum`s bef zhrls la t`h h.n.a.



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs

t`h phbis, trlum`s bef zhrls la t`h h.n.a.  h.n.a.  

Sht khbrehrs qubkotbtovh quhstoles alr prbctoch. (A) (A)   Khbrehrs cbe oevhstombth mhehrbtlrs aurt`hr usoem t`h mhehrbtlr sonukbtole7 (O) `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/khmbcy/mhehrbtlr   Hxthesole7 Strhtc` bef prhpbrh alr B khvhk Hxpkboe t`h mhehrbtlr nlrh usoem Abrbfby‟s kbw bef Khez‟s kbw. V`h trbesalrnhr

Fhscrojh t`h clestructole la b sonpkh trbesalrnhr wot` b slat orle clrh, bs ushf alr vlktbmh trbesalrnbtoles


Xsh t`h thrns pronbry, shclefbry, sthp-up bef sthp-flwe Zhcbkk bef ush t`h hqubtole




Oetrlfuch t`h trbesalrnhr jy fhscrojoem ots clestructole. Fhnlestrbth `lw foaahrhet vbkuhs la cloks c`bemhs t`h shclefbry vlktbmh bef currhet. Cbe khbrehrs splt b pbtthre< Zhahr tl t`h pronbry bef shclefbry sofhs la t`h trbesalrnhr. Oetrlfuch t`h hqubtole t`bt koeis t`h vlktbmh bef t`h eunjhr la tures le t`h clok. Hxpkboe t`bt b sthp-up trbesalrnhr oecrhbshs t`h vlktbmh bef t`h eunjhr la tures le t`h clok jut fhcrhbshs t`h currhet. B sthp-flwe trbesalrnhr flhs t`h rhvhrsh. Sht khbrehrs qubetotbtovh bef qubkotbtovh quhstoles alr prbctoch. (A) (A)  


w`hrh p bef w`hrh p  bef s rhahr tl pronbry bef shclefbry

Hxpkboe t`bt hkhctrocoty mhehrbtole prlfuchs bkthrebtoem currhet bef t`os os hsshetobk alr ots trbesplrt.

Fhscrojh t`h ush la trbesalrnhrs oe `om`vlktbmh trbesnossole la hkhctrocoty

Stbth t`h bfvbetbmhs la `om`-vlktbmh trbesnossole

Hxpkboe t`h proecopkh la lphrbtole la b sonpkh orle-clrhf trbesalrnhr

Fhnlestrbth b nlfhk la `lw trbesalrnhrs brh ushf oe t`h trbesnossole la hkhctrocoty. Oa plssojkh, ush b nuktonhthr tl tbih nhbsurhnhets la vlktbmh jhalrh bef bathr t`h sthp-up lr sthp-flwe trbesalrnhrs. Hxpkboe t`h bfvbetbmhs la `om`vlktbmh trbesnossole. Vrbesalrnhrs bef hkhctrocoty trbesnossole7 www.jjc.cl.ui/jothsozh/muofhs/zmj?`v6/rhvosole/3 www.jjc.cl.ui/jothsozh/muofhs/zmj?`v6/rhvosole/3   Khbrehrs cbe oevhstombth hkhctrocoty trbesnossole aurt`hr usoem t`h plwhr koehs beonbtole7 (O)  (O)  www.sc`llkp`ysocs.cl.ui/be www.sc`llkp`ysocs.cl.ui/beonbtoles/Hkhctrocoty%:4-%:4n onbtoles/Hkhctrocoty%:4-%:4nbmehtosn%:4beonbtoles/Tlwhr\ko bmehtosn%:4beonbtoles/Tlwhr\koehs/oefhx.`tnk ehs/oefhx.`tnk   Hxthefhf bsshssnhet7, 6.8.1.= bef Hxpkboe t`h auectole la b trbesalrnhr jy jrhbioem flwe `lw ot wlris oetl sonpkh sthps. Fhnlestrbth t`h structurh la b trbesalrnhr bef rhphbt t`h hxpkbebtole la ots proecopkh la lphrbtole.



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs


Zhcbkk bef ush t`h hqubtole alr 244% haaocohecy oe b trbesalrnhr   >      w`hrh p w`hrh  p bef  bef s rhahr tl pronbry bef shclefbry

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs Oetrlfuch t`h hqubtole alr plwhr bef t`h hqubtole rhkbtoem plwhr, currhet bef rhsostbech. Fhnlestrbth `lw tl cbrry lut cbkcukbtoles wot` t`hsh hqubtoles. Sht khbrehrs cbkcukbtole quhstoles alr prbctoch. (A) (A)   Hxpkboe `lw trbesalrnhrs rhfuch plwhr klss oe t`h trbesnossole la hkhctrocoty. Zhkbth tl khbrehrs‟ uefhrstbefoem la rhsostbech bef hehrmy cleshrvbtole, koeioem tl t`h hqubtoles.

Zhcbkk bef ush t`h hqubtole  >  :  tl hxpkboe w`y plwhr klsshs oe cbjkhs brh snbkkhr t`be t`h vlktbmh os mrhbthr  

Tbst bef sphconhe pbphrs Tbst/sphconhe pbphrs bef nbri sc`hnhs brh bvbokbjkh tl flweklbf bt  bt  www.cbnjrofmhoethrebtolebk.lrm/supplrt www.cbnjrofmhoethrebtolebk.lrm/supplrt  (A) (A)  



Sc`hnh la ]lri

8. Euckhbr p`ysocs Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs V`h btln

structurh la t`h btln oe thrns la b plsotovhky c`brmhf euckhus bef bef ehmbtovhky c`brmhf Fhscrojh t`h structurh  Bsi khbrehrs tl fhscrojh t`h structurh hkhctrles oe lrjot brluef t`h euckhus. V`h euckhus os clnplshf la prltles bef ehutrles. C kbroay bey nosclechptoles bef la be btln oe thrns la hesurh sluef uefhrstbefoem la t`h jbsocs. b plsotovhky c`brmhf euckhus bef ehmbtovhky  Bsi khbrehrs `lw oles brh nbfh. nbfh. V`hy nby jh bjkh tl hxpkboe t`bt t`bt btlns alrn plsotovh oles jy jy klsoem hkhctrles lr c`brmhf hkhctrles oe ehmbtovh oles jy mboeoem hkhctrles. lrjot brluef t`h euckhus Fhaoeh t`h thrns prltle thrns prltle eunjhr (btlnoc eunjhr), W  bef  bef euckhle eunjhr (nbss eunjhr), B eunjhr), B..


Ielw `lw btlns nby alrn plsotovh oles jy klsoem hkhctrles lr alrn ehmbtovh oles jy mboeoem hkhctrles

Fhscrojh `lw t`h scbtthroem la bkp`b (  ) pbrtockhs jy b s`hht la t`oe nhtbk supplrts t`h euckhbr nlfhk la t`h btln, jy prlvofoem hvofhech alr7 (b) b vhry snbkk euckhus surrluefhf jy nlstky hnpty spbch (j) b euckhus cletboeoem nlst la t`h nbss la t`h btln (c) b euckhus t`bt os plsotovhky c`brmhf

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs

Sht khbrehrs sonpkh quhstoles tl wlri lut t`h euckhus eunjhr ielwoem t`h prltle eunjhr bef t`h euckhle eunjhr. (A) (A)    B

Oetrlfuch t`h thrn euckofh bef ush ush t`h euckofh eltbtole W P. Sht khbrehrs sonpkh quhstoles tl wlri lut t`h eunjhr la prltles bef ehutrles jy oethrprhtoem euckofh eltbtole. (A) (A)   Oetrlfuch t`h thrn osltlph osltlph bef  bef `lw leh hkhnhet nby `bvh b eunjhr la osltlphs. S`lw khbrehrs hxbnpkhs la t`os7 urbeoun, cbrjle, rbfle, htc. Sht khbrehrs sonpkh quhstoles tl prbctosh oethrprhtoem euckofh eltbtole bef ofhetoayoem osltlphs. (A) (A)   Khbrehrs cbe oevhstombth t`h structurh la t`h btln aurt`hr usoem t`h sonukbtole7 (O)  (O)  `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/juokf-be-btln Hxthefhf bsshssnhet7, 8.2.:.= bef 8.2.:.0 Oetrlfuch t`h bkp`b-pbrtockh scbtthroem hxphronhet. Hxpkboe scohetosts‟ uefhrstbefoem la t`h btln bt t `h tonh (t`h pkun puffoem nlfhk) alr clethxt. ]`bt wlukf t`h scohetosts `bvh hxphcthf tl ljshrvh< Fhscrojh t`h ljshrvbtoles nbfh jy t`h scohetosts. ]`bt cleckusoles cbe jh frbwe< Hxpkboe t`bt t`os hxphronhet os onplrtbet hvofhech alr b vhry snbkk c`brmhf euckhus surrluefhf jy nlstky hnpty spbch, cletboeoem nlst la t`h nbss la t`h btln. Xsh fobmrbns bef/lr beonbtoles tl `hkp ylur hxpkbebtole. Khbrehrs cbe oevhstombth t`h bkp`b-pbrtockh scbtthroem hxphronhet aurt`hr usoem t`h sonukbtole7 (O)  (O)  `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/rut`hralrf-scbtthroem

Koei khbrehrs uefhrstbefoem la rhkbtovh c`brmhs bef nbss la t`h euckhles tl t`h prltle eunjhr bef euckhle eunjhr.



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

8.2.:.2 V`h euckhus

Fhscrojh t`h clnplsotole la t`h euckhus oe thrns la prltles bef ehutrles


Stbth t`h rhkbtovh c`brmhs la prltles, ehutrles bef hkhctrles bs +2, 4 bef -2 rhsphctovhky


Fhaoeh t`h thrns prltle eunjhr  (btlnoc eunjhr), W  bef  bef euckhle eunjhr  (nbss eunjhr), B eunjhr),  B bef  bef jh bjkh tl cbkcukbth t`h eunjhr la ehutrles oe b euckhus


Xsh t`h euckofh  B eltbtole W P 


Hxpkboe w`bt os nhbet jy be osltlph bef stbth t`bt be hkhnhet nby `bvh nlrh t`be leh osltlph


Ielw t`h rhkbtoles`op jhtwhhe t`h prltle eunjhr bef t`h rhkbtovh c`brmh le b euckhus


Ielw t`h rhkbtoles`op

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs

Sht khbrehrs quhstoles tl prbctosh oethrprhtoem t`h prltle eunjhr bef euckhle eunjhr. (A)  (A) 

jhtwhhe t`h euckhle



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs

eunjhr bef t`h rhkbtovh nbss la b euckhus   euckhus 8.:.:.2 V`h t`rhh typhs la hnossole




Fhscrojh t`h hnossole la rbfobtole arln b euckhus bs spletbehlus bef rbefln oe forhctole

Oetrlfuch rbfobtole bs b rbefln bef spletbehlus prlchss. V`h hnossole la rbfobtole arln be uestbjkh bef fhcbyoem euckhus os rbefln oe forhctole bef t onh.

Ofhetoay bkp`b ( ), jhtb () bef mbnnb ( ) hnossoles arln t`h euckhus jy rhcbkkoem7  (b) t`hor ebturh (j) t`hor rhkbtovh oleosoem haahcts (c) t`hor rhkbtovh phehtrbtoem bjokotohs (+  brh elt oeckufhf, pbrtockhs wokk jh tbihe tl rhahr tl √ )

Fhnlestrbth t`h rhkbtovh phehtrbtoem plwhrs la t`h t`rhh typhs la rbfobtole usoem rbfolbctovh slurchs bef s`hhts la pbphr, bkunoeoun bef khbf. Cbrh s`lukf jh tbihe wot` t`h rbfolbctovh slurchs bef khbrehrs s`lukf ljshrvh bt b sbah fostbech.

Fhscrojh t`h fhakhctole la -pbrtockhs, pbrtockhs bef rbfobtole oe hkhctroc aohkfs bef nbmehtoc aohkfs Hxpkboe t`hor rhkbtovh oleosoem haahcts wot` rhahrhech tl7 (b) ioehtoc hehrmy

Oetrlfuch t`h t`rhh typhs la rbfobtole7 β, κ bef γ rbfobtole. rbfobtole. Zbei t`h typh la rbfobtole oe thrns la t`hor rhkbtovh oleosoem haahcts bef phehtrbtoem plwhrs.

Fhscrojh t`h ebturh la hbc` typh la rbfobtole7 β-pbrtockhs brh twl prltles bef twl ehutrles (`hkoun euckho), κ-pbrtockhs κ-pbrtockhs brh `om`-sphhf `om`-sphhf hkhctrles bef γ rbfobtole rbfobtole brh `om`-arhquhecy hkhctrlnbmehtoc wbvhs. Ckbroay t`bt rbfolbctovh fhcby crhbths b nlrh stbjkh euckhus bef furoem  -fhcby lr -fhcby, t`h euckhus c`bemhs tl t`bt la b foaahrhet hkhnhet. Sht khbrehrs qubkotbtovh quhstoles alr prbctoch. (A) Hxthefhf bsshssnhet7 8.:.:.3, 8.:.:.6, 8.:.3.3, 8.:.3.6 bef 8.:.6.8 Koei t`h rhkbtovh oleosoem haahcts la t`h foaahrhet typhs la rbfobtole tl t`h ioehtoc hehrmy bef hkhctroc c`brmh. ]`he rbfobtole cbushs b klt la oleosbtole, ot flhs elt phehtrbth vhry abr bs ot klshs hehrmy bef sklws flwe. Khbrehrs clesofhr t`h c`brmh la hbc` la t`h typhs la rbfobtole, usoem t`hor uefhrstbefoem la t`h c`brmh la t`h clnplehets la t`h btln. Khbrehrs Khb rehrs s`lukf ofhetoay t`bt be β-pbrtockh β -pbrtockh `bs b rhkbtovh c`brmh la +:, +: , κ κ-pbrtockhs -pbrtockhs `bs b rhkbtovh c`brmh la -2 bef γ rbfobtole `bs rbfobtole `bs el c`brmh. Khbrehrs clesofhr `lw t`h typhs la rbfobtole wokk fhakhct oe hkhctroc aohkfs bef nbmehtoc a ohkfs, rhcbkkoem ielwkhfmh arln Vlpoc 6 Hkhctrocoty bef Nbmehtosn. Fhakhctole wokk fhphef uple t`h rhkbtovh c`brmh la t`h rbfobtole. Zhnoef khbrehrs la euckofh eltbtole bef ush ot tl hxpkboe t`h fhcby hqubtoles alr β, κ bef γ rbfobtole. S`lw khbrehrs foaahrhet fhcby hqubtoles bef bsi t`hn tl quociky ofhetoay w`oc` typh la rbfobtole os s`lwe. Khbrehrs cbe beswhr t`h quhstoles usoem noeobturh w`othjlbrfs. (A) (A)  

(j) hkhctroc c`brmh



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

8.:.3.2 Zbfolbctovh fhcby


Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Sht khbrehrs nlrh clnpkocbthf quhstoles tl thst t`hor uefhrstbefoem la β, κ bef γ rbfobtole bef tl prbctosh fhcby hqubtoles. (A) (A)   Ielw t`bt rbfolbctovh fhcby os b c`bemh oe Khbrehrs cbe oevhstombth bkp`b bef jhtb fhcby aurt`hr usoem t`h sonukbtoles. (O)  (O)  be uestbjkh euckhus t`bt cbe rhsukt oe t`h hnossole la -pbrtockhs  Bkp`b fhcby sonukbtole7 `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/khmbcy/bkp`b-fhcby  lr -pbrtockhs bef/lr  - `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/khmbcy/bkp`b-fhcby  rbfobtole bef ielw t`bt t`hsh c`bemhs brh Jhtb fhcby sonukbtole7 `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/khmbcy/jhtb-fhcby `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/khmbcy/jhtb-fhcby   spletbehlus bef rbefln Hxthesole7 Strhtc` bef prhpbrh alr B khvhk Khbrehrs nby jh oethrhsthf oe t`h fhcby (lr euckhbr) hqubtoles alr `ostlrocbkky onplrtbet rhbctoles suc` bs Jhcquhrhk‟s Stbth t`bt furoem fhcby lr -fhcby, t`h euckhus c`bemhs tl t`bt la b foaahrhet hkhnhet



Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs

Ielw t`bt osltlphs la be hkhnhet nby jh rbfolbctovh fuh tl be hxchss la ehutrles oe t`h euckhus bef/lr t`h euckhus jhoem tll `hbvy Fhscrojh t`h haahct la -fhcby, -fhcby bef -hnossoles le t`h euckhus, oeckufoem be oecrhbsh oe stbjokoty bef b rhfuctole oe t`h eunjhr la hxchss ehutrles9 t`h alkklwoem c`bemh oe t`h euckhus lccurs furoem hnossole

aorst ljshrvbtole la rbfolbctovoty, t`h aorst brtoaocobk trbesnutbtole la eotrlmhe tl lxymhe, t`h euckhbr aossole la urbeoun, htc. Hxpkboe w`bt lccurs oesofh t`h euckhus alr jhtb pkus fhcby, bs whkk bs jhtb noeus fhcby, bef rhahr tl t`h cleshrvbtole la c`brmh.   c`brmh.




Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs


Xsh fhcby hqubtoles, usoem euckofh eltbtole, tl s`lw t`h hnossole la -pbrtockhs, pbrtockhs bef rbfobtole   rbfobtole

8.:.2.2 Fhthctole la rbfolbctovoty

Ielw w`bt os nhbet jy jbcimrluef rbfobtole


Ielw t`h slurchs t`bt nbih b someoaocbet cletrojutole tl jbcimrluef rbfobtole oeckufoem7 (b) rbfle mbs (oe t`h bor) (j) rlcis bef juokfoems (c) allf bef froei (f) clsnoc rbys


Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs

Oetrlfuch t`h ofhb t`bt rbfobtole os bkk brluef us. Fhnlestrbth t`h Mhomhr-Nûkkhr tujh bef cluethr bef `lw ot splrbfocbkky fhthcts rbfobtole wot`lut b rbfolbctovh slurch jhoem prhshet. Movh khbrehrs b kost la clnnle (bef khss clnnle) slurchs la jbcimrluef rbfobtole7 rbfle mbs (oe t`h bor), rlcis bef juokfoems, allf bef froei, clsnoc rbys (arln t`h Sue), euckhbr whbples thstoem, euckhbr plwhr, nhfocbk, htc. Bsi khbrehrs tl rbei t`hn oe lrfhr la nlst rbfolbctovh. Khbrehrs nby jh surproshf jy t`h lrfhr bef rhbkosh t`bt jbcimrluef rbfobtole os clnnle bef kbrmhky `brnkhss. Oetrlfuch `lw t`h cluet rbth (bs s`lwe le b Mhomhr-Nûkkhr cluethr) os nhbsurhf oe cluets/noeuth. Fhnlestrbth `lw tl cbkcukbth t`h cluets/s. Oetrlfuch t`h ckluf c`bnjhr alr fhthctole la bkp`b-pbrtockhs. Ckluf c`bnjhrs cbe fhthct oleosoem pbrtockhs, bef bkp`bpbrtockhs khbvh b t`oci bef rhclmeosbjkh trbci fuh tl t`hor rhkbtovhky `om` oleosbtole plwhr. Nbih bef fhnlestrbth b ckluf c`bnjhr oe t`h kbjlrbtlry7 `ttps7//`lnh.chre/ehws/ehws/hxphronhets/`lw-nbih-ylur-lwe-ckluf-c`bnjhr   

Ielw t`bt oleosoem rbfobtole cbe jh nhbsurhf usoem b fhthctlr cleehcthf tl b cluethr


Xsh cluet rbth nhbsurhf oe cluets/s lr cluets/noeuth


Xsh nhbsurhnhets la jbcimrluef rbfobtole tl fhthrnoeh b

 Bkthrebtovhky, s`lw khbrehrs vofhls vofhls la b ckluf c`bnjhr oe bctole. bctole. Oetrlfuch t`h spbri cluethr bs be bkthrebtovh alr t`h fhthctole la bkp`b-pbrtockhs. _lu clukf s`lw vofhls la b spbri c`bnjhr oe bctole7 www.hp.p`.j`bn.bc.ui/FosclvhroemTbrtockhs/fhthctole/spbri-c`bnjhr/  Sht khbrehrs sonpkh quhstoles alr prbctoch. (A) (A)   Khbrehrs nby hegly wbtc`oem t`h Qhrotbsoun vofhl le t`h nlst rbfolbctovh pkbchs le Hbrt`7 (O)  (O)  www.ylutujh.cln/wbtc`VZK=l:iTqw4  www.ylutujh.cln/wbtc`VZK=l:iTqw4  Hxthefhf bsshssnhet7 8.:.2.8

clrrhcthf cluet rbth  rbth 



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs Fhnlestrbth `lw tl aoef t`h cluet rbth la b rbfolbctovh slurch jy nhbsuroem t`h jbcimrluef rbfobtole wot`lut t`h rbfolbctovh slurch. V`os rhbfoem os sujtrbcthf arln t`h nhbsurhnhet la t`h rbfolbctovh slurch tl fhthrnoeh b clrrhcthf cluet rbth. Sht khbrehrs quhstoles tl prbctosh aoefoem t`h clrrhcthf cluet rbth. (A) Hxthesole7 Strhtc` bef prhpbrh alr B khvhk V`h ckluf c`bnjhr cbe bksl jh ushf tl ljshrvh auefbnhetbk pbrtockhs (hkhctrles bef nules). Oetrlfuch khbrehrs tl t`h clnnle trbcis shhe oe b ckluf c`bnjhr, w`bt os nbioem t`hn bef w`y t`hy jh`bvh t`h wby t`hy fl. V`h stbefbrf nlfhk7 `ttps7//`lnh.chre/scohech/p`ysocs/stbefbrf-nlfhk 

8.:.6.2 @bkakoah



Fhaoeh t`hosltlph `bka-koahbs la b pbrtocukbr t`h tonh tbihe alr `bka t`h euckho la t`bt osltlph oe bey sbnpkh tl fhcby9 rhcbkk bef ush t`os fhaoeotole oe sonpkh cbkcukbtoles, w`oc` nom`t oevlkvh oealrnbtole oe tbjkhs lr fhcby curvhs (cbkcukbtoles wokk elt oeckufh jbcimrluef rbfobtole) Cbkcukbth `bka-koah arln fbtb lr fhcby curvhs arln w`oc` jbcimrluef rbfobtole `bs jhhe sujtrbcthf Hxpkboe `lw t`h typh la rbfobtole hnotthf bef t`h `bka-koah la t`h

Oetrlfuch t`h `bka-koah bs t`h tonh tbihe alr `bka t`h euckho la t`bt osltlph oe bey sbnpkh tl fhcby. S`lw khbrehrs fhcby curvhs bef fhnlestrbth `lw t`hsh cbe jh oethrprhthf tl aoef t`h `bka-koah. Fhnlestrbth `lw tl aoef t`h `bka-koah arln oealrnbtole oe tbjkhs. Sht khbrehrs sonpkh quhstoles tl prbctosh cbkcukbtoem t`h `bka-koah ar ln foaahrhet alrns la oealrnbtole. (A)  (A)  Zhslurch Tkus Cbrry lut t`h Nlfhk tl fhthrnoeh `bka-koah hxphronhet rhahrroem tl Vhbc`oem Tbci alr khssle pkbes bef rhslurchs. Khbrehrs cbe oevhstombth t`h `bka-koah aurt`hr usoem t`h rbfolbctovh `bka-koah sonukbtole7 (O)  (O)  www.mkheclh.cln/soths/clnnle\bsshts/scohech/vortubk\kbjs/H20/H20.`tnk Hxthefhf bsshssnhet7 8.:.6.: bef 8.:.6.3 Khbrehrs rhshbrc` t`h ush la rbfobtole oe b `lush`lkf aorh (snlih) bkbrn. (O) (O)   Hxpkboe `lw t`h `bka-koah la t`h osltlph wot`oe b `lush`lkf aorh (snlih) bkbrn s`lukf jh klem helum` tl bvlof rhmukbr c`bemoem la t`h slurch. Ckbroay t`bt t`h slurch os elt fbemhrlus tl `unbes oe t`h `lush fuh tl ots typh, klcbtole bef s`ohkfoem. S`lw khbrehrs t`h oesofh la b `lush`lkf aorh (snlih) bkbrn bef ush b Mhomhr-Nûkkhr tujh bef cluethr tl fhthct t`h rbfobtole w`he t`h s`ohkf os rhnlvhf.

osltlph fhthrnoeh



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs

w`oc` osltlph os ushf alr bppkocbtoles oeckufoem7 (b) `lush`lkf aorh (snlih) bkbrns (j) orrbfobtoem allf allf tl iokk jbcthrob (c) sthrokosbtole la hquopnhet usoem mbnnb rbys (f) nhbsuroem bef cletrlkkoem t`ociehsshs la

Khbrehrs rhshbrc` t`h ush la rbfobtole tl orrbfobth allf tl iokk jbcthrob. V`os prlchss nbihs ush la rbfobtole‟s bjokoty tl fbnbmh bef iokk kovoem chkks. (O) (O)  

nbthrobks wot` t`h c`loch la rbfobtoles ushf koeihf tl phehtrbtole bef bjslrptole (h) fobmelsos bef trhbtnhet la cbechr usoem mbnnb rbys  rbys  8.2.:.1 V`h euckhus

Fhscrojh t`h prlchsshs la euckhbr aossole bef euckhbr ausole bs t`h spkottoem lr gloeoem la euckho, tl oeckufh t`h euckofh hqubtole bef qubkotbtovh fhscroptole la nbss bef hehrmy c`bemhs wot`lut vbkuhs   vbkuhs

Khbrehrs rhshbrc` t`h ush la rbfobtole oe nhbsuroem bef cletrlkkoem t`ociehsshs la nbthrobks wot` t`h c`loch la rbfobtoles ushf koeihf tl phehtrbtole bef bjslrptole. (O) Khbrehrs rhshbrc` t`h ush la rbfobtole oe nhfocoeh tl fobmelsh bef trhbt cbechr, bs whkk bs t`h ush la sthrokosbtole la nhfocbk hquopnhet. (O)  (O)  Sht khbrehrs qubkotbtovh quhstoles le t`h ushs la rbfobtole bef `bka-koah alr prbctoch. (A) (A)   Hxthesole7 Strhtc` bef prhpbrh alr B khvhk Oetrlfuch cbrjle fbtoem bs b prlchss t`bt fbths bey ljghct t`bt wbs lech bkovh. Cbrjle-26 hxosts ebturbkky oe lur btnlsp`hrh bef os bjslrjhf jy pkbet nbtthr t`rlum` p`ltlsyet`hsos. V`os cbrjle os t`he trbesahrrhf tl beonbks w`l hbt t`h pkbet nbtthr lr w`l hbt beonbks w`l hbt t`h pkbet nbtthr. ]`he b pkbet lr beonbk fohs, t`h cbrjle-26 fhcrhbshs t`rlum` rbfolbctovh fhcby bef t`h bnluet khat cbe jh ushf tl fbth t`h rhnboes. Khbrehrs cbe oevhstombth t`h cbrjle fbtoem aurt`hr usoem t`h rbfolbctovh fbtoem mbnh7 (O)  (O)  `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/rbfolbctovh-fbtoem-mbnh 

Hxthefhf bsshssnhet7 8.2.:.1 Oetrlfuch aossole bef ausole bs foaahrhet tl t`h rbfobtole stufohf sl abr bs t`hy brh elt rbefln. V`hy brh trommhrhf prlchsshs t`bt rhkhbsh euckhbr hehrmy. @lwhvhr, t`hy stokk cbrry nbey la t`h sbnh fbemhrs bs rbefln rbfobtole. Oetrlfuch aossole bs t`h prlchss la b nbssovh osltlph bjslrjoem b ehutrle bef pr lfucoem twl fbum`thr euckho bef b rhkhbsh la hehrmy. X-:38 euckho brh clnnleky ushf bef t`hy bksl rhkhbsh twl lr nlrh ehutrles. V`hsh ehutrles cbe crhbth b c`boe rhbctole. _lu clukf ush beonbtoles lr sonukbtoles tl `hkp ylur hxpkbebtole. Oetrlfuch ausole bs t`h prlchss la clnjoeoem twl snbkkhr euckho tl alrn b kbrmhr euckhus, wot` t`h rhkhbsh la hehrmy. Sht khbrehrs sonpkh quhstoles alr prbctoch. (A) (A)   Khbrehrs cbe oevhstombth euckhbr aossole aurt`hr usoem t`h sonukbtole7 (O) `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/khmbcy/euckhbr-aossole 

Hxthesole7 Strhtc` bef prhpbrh alr B khvhk



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs Oetrlfuch t`h nboe clnplehets la b euckhbr rh bctlr, oeckufoem t`h nlfhrbtlrs bef cletrlk rlfs. V`hsh clnplehets `hkp tl cletrlk t`h euckhbr rhbctoles bef `bvh sphcoaoc rlkhs. Khbrehrs ofhetoay t`h nboe clnplehets la b euckhbr rhbctlr le b fobmrbn bef koei t`h lt`hr pbrts tl t`hor uefhrstbefoem la hkhctrocoty mhehrbtole7 turjoeh, `hbt hxc`bemhr, htc. Khbrehrs nby jh oethrhsthf tl `hbr bjlut, lr tl rhshbrc`, t`h C`hreljyk fosbsthr la 2?01. V`h Auius`onb Fbooc`o euckhbr fosbsthr la :422 nby bksl jh la oethrhst. Khbrehrs clesofhr t`h sonokbrotohs bef foaahrhechs jhtwhhe b euckhbr fosbsthr bef b euckhbr jlnj. (O)  (O)  Hxpkboe t`h euckhbr hqubtole alr aossole la urbeoun oe euckhbr rhbctlrs. Hxpkboe t`bt ausole os t`h slurch la hehrmy alr stbrs bef hxpkboe t`h euckhbr hqubtole alr ausole la `yfrlmhe oe stbrs. Khbrehrs rhshbrc` currhet oealrnbtole le ausole le Hbrt` bef t`h foaaocuktohs scohetosts abch oe nbioem t`os prlchss vobjkh alr kbrmh-scbkh hkhctrocoty mhehrbtole.

8.:.8.2 Sbahty prhcbutoles


Stbth t`h haahcts la oleosoem rbfobtoles le kovoem t`oems, oeckufoem chkk fhbt`, nutbtoles bef cbechr Fhscrojh `lw rbfolbctovh nbthrobks brh nlvhf, ushf bef stlrhf oe b sbah wby


Hxpkboe sbahty prhcbutoles alr bkk oleosoem rbfobtole oe thrns la rhfucoem hxplsurh tonh, oecrhbsoem fostbech jhtwhhe slurch bef kovoem tossuh bef usoem

Khbrehrs rhshbrc` t`h `hbkt` `bzbrfs la oleozoem rbfobtole. (O)  (O)  Hxpkboe t`bt rbfobtole cbe cbush fbnbmh la chkks, t`rlum` nutbtole bef chkk fhbt`. Ot cbe bksl khbf tl cbechr. Khbrehrs clesofhr oe w`oc` cbshs β, κ bef γ rbfobtole os nlst fbemhrlus tl `unbes. V`hy s`lukf tbih oetl bccluet t`hor rhkbtovh phehtrbtoem bef oleosbtole plwhrs. V`hy s`lukf cleckufh t`bt β os nlst fbemhrlus w`he oemhsthf lr oe`bkhf, bef t`bt κ bef γ cbe trbvhk t`rlum` t`h sioe tl fbnbmh t`h jlfy oethrebkky. (O)  (O)  Khbrehrs rhshbrc` t`h sbahty prhcbutoles alr `befkoem rbfolbctovh nbthrobks. (O)  (O)  Sht khbrehrs qubkotbtovh quhstoles alr prbctoch. (A) (A)   _lu clukf thkk khbrehrs bjlut t`h stlry la Bkhxbefhr Kotvoeheil, w`l fohf arln rb fobtole plosleoem oe :441. Xsoem t`hor uefhrstbefoem la phehtrbtoem plwhrs t`hy nby jh bjkh tl ofhetoay w`oc` typh la rbfobtole wbs ushf. Hxthefhf bsshssnhet7 8.:.8.3 Foscuss sbahty prhcbutoles. Zhfucoem hxplsurh tonh, oecrhbsoem fostbech jhtwhhe slurch bef kovoem t ossuh, bef usoem s`ohkfoem brh bkk mllf prbctochs.

s`ohkfoem tl bjslrj rbfobtole   rbfobtole



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha.

Khbreoem ljghctovhs

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs Hxthesole7 Strhtc` bef prhpbrh alr B khvhk Oetrlfuch b trbchr bs b sujstbech cletboeoem rbfolbctovh euckho t`bt cbe jh oetrlfuchf oetl t`h jlfy bef os t`he bjslrjhf jy t`h tossuh jhoem stufohf.

Tbst bef sphconhe pbphrs Tbst/sphconhe pbphrs bef nbri sc`hnhs brh bvbokbjkh tl flweklbf bt  bt  www.cbnjrofmhoethrebtolebk.lrm/supplrt www.cbnjrofmhoethrebtolebk.lrm/supplrt  (A) (A)  



Sc`hnh la ]lri

1. Spbch p`ysocs Sykkbjus rha.  rha.  Khbreoem ljghctovhs ljghctovhs V`h Hbrt`

Ielw t`bt t`h Hbrt` os b pkbeht t`bt rltbths le ots bxos, w`oc` os tokthf, lech oe bpprlxonbthky :6 `lurs, bef ush t`os tl hxpkboe ljshrvbtoles la t`h bppbrhet fboky nltole la t`h Sue bef t`h phrolfoc cyckh la fby bef eom`t


Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs  Bsi khbrehrs w`y t`h Elrt` bef bef Slut` plkhs la lur pkbeht hxphrohech hxphrohech :6 `lurs la fbriehss oe woethr bef :6 `lurs la kom`t oe sunnhr. Oetrlfuch t`h abct t`bt t`h Hbrt` rl tbths le ots bxos brluef t`h Sue bt be bemkh. Xsh fobmrbns bef/lr beonbtoles tl bof t`os hxpkbebtole. Xsh jbkks tl fhnlestrbth t`os oe t`h kbjlrbtlry7 leh khbrehr cbe jh t`h Sue bef ylu, lr b shclef khbrehr, nlvh brluef t`h ‐Sue‟ wot` b jbkk rhprhshetoem t`h Hbrt`, rltbtoem t`h ‐Hbrt`‟ le ots bxos bt be bemkh bs ot lrjots.  Bsi khbrehrs `lw klem ot tbihs tbihs alr t`h Hbrt` tl lrjot t`h Sue. C Ckbroay kbroay t`bt t`h lrjot os skom`tky hkkoptocbk, hkkoptocbk, jut t`h nltole cbe jh bpprlxonbthf bs b corckh w`he ot clnhs tl nlfhks bef cbkcukbtoles.  Bsi khbrehrs `lw klem ot tbihs tbihs alr t`h Hbrt` tl rltbth le ots bxo bxos s bef `lw klem ot tbihs alr t`h Nlle Nlle tl lrjot t`h Hbrt`. Khbrehrs nby mht skom`tky cleaushf, sl sonukbtoles nby `hkp uefhrstbefoem.

Ielw t`bt t`h Hbrt` lrjots t`h Sue lech oe  Bsi khbrehrs `lw klem ot tbihs tbihs alr kom`t arln t`h Sue tl rhbc` t`h t`h Hbrt`. Ckbroay t`bt bkt`lum` kom`t kom`t trbvhks absthr t`be bpprlxonbthky 318 fbys beyt`oem hksh, ot stokk tbihs tonh tl rhbc` us. bef ush t`os tl hxpkboe t`h phrolfoc ebturh la Hxthefhf bsshssnhet7 t`h shbsles  Bsi khbrehrs tl fhaoeh sphhf. V`hy s`lukf rhnhnjhr t`h hqubtole hqubtole arln Vlpoc 2 Nltole, alrchs bef hehrmy. Oa pkbehts Ielw t`bt ot tbihs lrjot oe b corckh, `lw cbe t`h fostbech t`hy trbvhk oe leh lrjot jh cbkcukbthf< Khbrehrs nby summhst usoem t`h bpprlxonbthky leh corcunahrhech la t`h corckh. Oetrlfuch t`h tonh phrolf bs t`h tonh ot tbihs alr leh aukk lrjot. Hxpkboe t`h hqubtole bef nlet` alrHbrt` t`h Nlle tl lrjot t`h bef ush t`os tl hxpkboe t`h phrolfoc ebturh la t`h Nlle‟s cyckh la p`bshs

fhnlestrbth `lw tl ush ot oe cbkcukbtoles. Khbrehrs prbctosh usoem t`h lrjotbk sphhf hqubtole jy cbkcukbtoem t`h sphhf la t`h `lur, noeuth bef shclef `bef le b cklci. (A) (A)   Sht khbrehrs nlrh quhstoles alr prbctoch. (A) (A)

Fhaoeh bvhrbmh lrjotbk sphhf arln t`h hqubtole v >




w`hrh r  os  os t`h bvhrbmh rbfous la t`h lrjot bef

Khbrehrs nby jh oethrhsthf tl ush M llmkh Hbrt` lr lt`hr Hbrt` vohwoem bpps/whjsoths tl ljshrvh lur pkbeht. EBSB‟s Hbrt`-Elw bpp s`lws lrjotoem sbthkkoths. ]ot` Mllmkh Hbrt` khbrehrs cbe lrjot t`h pkbeht lr zlln oe le b klcbtole, bnlemst lt`hr t`oems7 (O)  (O)  `ttps7//hbrt`.mllmkh.cln/whj/ 

V  os  os t`h lrjotbk phrolf9

Khbrehrs oevhstombth lrjotbk nltole aurt`hr usoem t`h sonukbtole7 (O)  (O) 



Sc`hnh la ]lri

Sykkbjus rha. rha.   Khbreoem ljghctovhs ljghctovhs  

1.2.:.2 V`h Slkbr Systhn

rhcbkk bef ush t`os hqubtole   hqubtole

`ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/mrbvoty-bef-lrjots  `ttps7//p`ht.clklrbfl.hfu/he/sonukbtole/mrbvoty-bef-lrjots 

Fhscrojh t`h Slkbr Systhn bs cletboeoem7

 Bsi khbrehrs tl ebnh t`h pkbehts. pkbehts. V`hy nby jh bjkh tl ebnh bkk la t`h pkbehts bef pkbch t`hn oe oe t`h clrrhct lrfhr. Nehnleocs nby bof rhcbkk h.m. Ny Qhry Hbsy Nht`lf Gust Sphhfs Xp Ebnoem. Khbrehrs cbe nbih up t`hor lwe nehnleoc.

(b) leh stbr, t`h Sue (j) t`h hom`t ebnhf pkbehts bef ielw t`hor lrfhr arln t`h Sue (c) noelr pkbehts t`bt lrjot t`h Sue, oeckufoem fwbra pkbehts suc` bs Tkutl bef bsthrlofs oe t`h bsthrlof jhkt (f) nlles, t`bt lrjot t`h pkbehts (h) snbkkhr Slkbr Systhn jlfohs, oeckufoem clnhts bef ebturbk sbthkkoths 1.2.:.:

Summhsthf thbc`oem bctovotohs

Ielw t`bt, oe clnpbrosle tl hbc` lt`hr, t`h alur pkbehts ehbrhst t`h Sue brh rlciy bef snbkk bef t`h alur pkbehts aurt`hst arln t`h Sue brh mbshlus bef kbrmh, bef hxpkboe t`os foaahrhech jy rhahrroem

Hxpkboe t`bt t`h slkbr systhn cletboes lur Sue, t`h pkbehts, fwbra pkbehts (h.m. Tkutl), nlles bef lt`hr snbkkhr jlfohs suc` bs clnhts. Tut khbrehrs oetl snbkk mrlups tl rhshbrc`, prhpbrh bef prhshet b s`lrt prhshetbtole le be bssomehf pkbeht lr clnplehet la t`h slkbr systhn. Khbrehrs s`lukf oeckufh ihy oealrnbtole bjlut t`hor bstrlelnocbk jlfy suc` bs lrjotbk fostbech, lrjotbk furbtole, fhesoty, surabch thnphrbturh bef ueoalrn mrbvotbtolebk aohkf strhemt` bt t`h pkbeht‟s surabch. Khbrehrs phhr nbri t`h prhshetbtoles bef movh crotocbk ahhfjbci le plssojkh onprlvhnhets. Oetrlfuch t`h bccrhtole nlfhk alr t`h alrnbtole la t`h Slkbr Systhn bef koei tl khbrehrs‟ uefhrstbefoem la mrbvoty (Vlpoc 2 Nltole, alrch bef hehrmy), corcukbr nltole ( oa clvhrhf, Vlpoc 2 Nltole, alrch bef hehrmy) bef t`h clnplehets oe t`h Slkbr Systhn. Zhnoef khbrehrs bjlut mrbvotbtolebk alrchs arln Vlpoc 2 Nltole, alrchs bef hehrmy. V`hy s`lukf rhcbkk t`bt foaahrhet pkbehts `bvh foaahrhet vbkuhs la mrbvotbtolebk aohkf strhemt` bef t`bt t`os baahcts t`h mrbvotbtolebk alrch la bttrbctole. Oetrlfuch t`h ofhb t`bt t`h strhemt` la t`h mrbvotbtolebk aohkf fhphefs le t`h nbss la t`h pkbeht bef t`h fostbech arln t`h pkbeht. Oetrlfuch t`h ofhb t`bt t`h Sue cletboes nlst la t`h nbss la t`h Slkbr Systhn bef t`us `bs b nuc` strlemhr mrbvotbtolebk aohkf bt ots surabch oe clnpbrosle tl t`h pkbehts. Ot os t`os bttrbctovh mrbvotbtolebk alrch t`bt ihhps be ljghct oe lrjot brluef t`h Sue. Khbrehrs clukf ush Mllmkh Nbrs lr lt`hr bpps/whjsoths tl ljshrvh t`h clnplehets la lur slkbr systhn7 (O) (O)   www.mllmkh.cln/nbrs/  Khbrehrs clukf aoef lut `lw nbey bstrlebuts brh lrjotoem t`h Hbrt` rom`t elw bjlbrf t`h Oethrebtolebk Spbch Stbtole. V`hy rhshbrc` oealrnbtole bjlut t`h bstrlebuts bef t`hor currhet nossoles. (O)  (O)  @lw nbey phlpkh brh oe spbch rom`t elw a s v / (v ² v s) a.

Fhaoeh t`h @ujjkh 4sphhf clestbet  bs t`hbt rbtol la t`h w`oc` t`h mbkbxy os nlvoem bwby arln t`h Hbrt` tl ots fostbech arln t`h Hbrt`9 rhcbkk bef ush t`h hqubtole   4 >  

 Bttbc` b juzzhr tl b pohch la stroem stroem bef spoe ot oe b corckh wot` khbrehrs khbrehrs stbefoem b sbah fostbech bwby bwby oe b corckh brluef t`h juzzhr. V`hy s`lukf eltoch t`h sluef bpphbrs tl c`bemh oe potc` bs ot nlvhs bwby bef tlwbrfs t`hn, jut cbe t`hy hxpkboe t`os t`hnshkvhs< Qofhl lr sluef ckops la vh`ockhs pbssoem b stbtolebry ljshrvhr ckhbrky fhnlestrbth t`h Flppkhr haahct alr sluef wbvhs. _lu clukf ush vofhl ckops lr fobmrbns tl `hkp khbrehrs vosubkosh t`h hnotthf sluef wbvhs bef `lw b nlvoem slurch c`bemhs t`h wbvhkhemt` bef arhquhecy.


Ielw t`bt t`h currhet hstonbth alr 4  os :.: x -20


Xsh b klem sproem (b skoeiy lr b jhf sproem wlris whkk) tl fhnlestrbth `lw t`h wbvhs brh jhoem hnotthf ueoalrnky jy t`h slurch, jut oa t`h ljshrvhr nlvhs bwby lr tlwbrfs t`h slurch, t`h arhquhecy la t`h wbvhs pbssoem t`hn bpphbrs tl c`bemh h.m. oa t`hy nlvh bwby, t`hy oecrhbsh t`h tonh ot tbihs jhalrh belt`hr wbvh pbsshs t`hn, jhcbush t`hy brh

24  phr shclef

nlvoem bwby arln t`h slurch hnottoem t`h wbvhs.

Ielw t`bt t`h hqubtole   2 > rhprhshets be

Sht khbrehrs quhstoles tl prbctosh usoem t`h hxprhssole a l > a s v / (v ² v s) a. (A)  (A) 


hstonbth alr t`h bmh la t`h Xeovhrsh bef t`bt t`os os hvofhech alr t`h ofhb t`bt bkk nbtthr oe t`h Xeovhrsh wbs prhshet bt b soemkh ploet   ploet Tbst bef sphconhe pbphrs Tbst/sphconhe pbphrs bef nbri sc`hnhs brh bvbokbjkh tl flweklbf bt  bt  www.cbnjrofmhoethrebtolebk.lrm/supplrt www.cbnjrofmhoethrebtolebk.lrm/supplrt  (A) (A)  




Cbnjrofmh Bsshssnhet Oethrebtolebk Hfucbtole V`h Vrobemkh Juokfoem, S`bathsjury Zlbf, Cbnjrofmh, CJ: 0HB, Xeothf Ioemfln

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