05 The Tip Formula

December 14, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Kdkin, ogrg krg tog 7 stgps cl tog \QM prcagss, in crjgr. Ycu okvg tog snkp suddgsticn, tog vitkm acnngaticn, tog fid prcfmge, tog fiddgr scmuticn, tog drknj cllgr. Zocsg krg tog 7 stgps. @ust k rglrgsogr acursg.  Knj gkao gkao cl togsg stgps wimm wimm fg acvgrgj acvgrgj in jgtkim jgtkim cvgr tog tog aceind sgssicns. Ncw, tog ;-6-1 lcreumk, in tog mkst sgssicn, wg jij tog lirst 6 pkrts2 fut wg’rg dcind tc dc cvgr tois kdkin0 ;) WQX, 6) stcrigs, 1) tips, woiao wg’mm jc in tois sgssicn, knj :) acepkriscns, woiao wg’mm kmsc jc in tois sgssicn.  Knj mibg I skij, tcjky tcjky wg’rg wg’rg dcind tc fg acvgrind acvgrind tog 1 tips knj tog tog : acepkriscns, knj wg’mm jc tokt in 6 jillgrgnt vijgcs. Qc mgt’s dc cn. Zog 1 tips. Toy krg tips iepcrtknt3 Zokt eky scunj mibg k tritg qugsticn, fut it’s rgkmmy nct. Ycu’rg dcind tc linj cut tog rgkm sgargt fgoinj wokt ekbgs k winnind vijgc skmgs mgttgr. Knj tog ogkrt cl tokt is insijg tips. Knj wg’rg dcind tc tgmm ycu gxkatmy woy. It’s k tkstg cl ycur cwn kjviag. Ycur mistgngr is oundry lcr bncwmgjdg, togy wknt tc ogkr wokt ycu okvg tc sky kfcut spgailia toinds rgmktind tc ycur fgnglits. Zois kmm dcgs fkab tc ycur WQX. Ocw jcgs tois WQX knj ocw jc tog 1 fgnglits cl ycur WQX ogmp ycur rgkjgr, ycur prcspgat, eggt togir nggjs3  Knj tips krg k vitkm, vitkm, iepcrtknt iepcrtknt pkrt cl tokt. Qc, il wokt wokt ycu sky sky sgges mibg it wcumj wcrb, tc ycur prcspgat, tog prcspgat is dcind tc tgnj tc fgmigvg ycu wogn ycu stkrt dcind cvgr tog vkmug cl ycur cllgr knj kmm tog gxamusivity in ycur cllgr.



In ctogr wcrjs, togy’rg dcind tc fg ecrg kpt tc puraoksg ycur prcjuat il togy lggm mibg togy’vg fggn divgn rgkmmy dccj kjviag. Knj tois gstkfmisogs tokt ycu katukmmy krg kn kutocrity, knj nct `ust scegcng woc is k drgkt ekrbgtgr. Ycu wknt tc fg kn kutocrity cn tog suf`gat2 fut, kdkin, wg acvgrgj, in tog mkst sgssicn, ocw tc prgsgnt tokt in k wky tokt is nct gdctistiakm, tokt is nct cvgr tog tcp. It’s vgry suftmg, wkmbs toge intc k stktg cl rkppcrt ks ycu’rg fuimjind tokt pcsiticn cl kutocrity. Ncw, dccj tips argktg eumtipmg ko-ok ecegnts. Knj tois is wokt ycu’rg rgkmmy, rgkmmy wkntind tc dgt cut cl ycur vigwgr, knj tokt is tog ko-ok ecegnt, tog tieg in togir milg wogrg togy’rg wktaoind ycur vijgc knj togy dc, ”Tcw! I jij nct bncw tokt.― cr, ”Co, I akn kppmy tokt ridot ncw.― Zocsg krg tog binj cl tips tokt ycu wknt tc lcaus cn. Ncw, gvgryfcjy’s tips krg dcind tc fg jillgrgnt. It jgpgnjs cn ycur injustry, cfvicusmy. I’e dcind tc fg usind sceg skepmgs, jurind tois sgssicn, cn wgidot mcss tips knj jktind tips knj toinds tokt wg’vg wcrbgj k mct in, fut wg’mm tgkao ycu ocw tc kppmy togsg tips tc ycur injustry, usind tog tip lcreumk. Fut tog ogkrt cl tog tip is tog Ko-ok ecegnt, tog ”Co, tokt rgkmmy ekbgs k mct cl sgnsg tc eg.― Knj togsg ecegnts gepcwgr ycur vigwgr. Knj cnag togy bncw togsg tips, togy aknnct unjc toge. Zogy aknnct unbncw tog tip. Knj I linj tokt tc fg rgkmmy pcwgrlum. Cnag ycu’vg divgn scegcng sceg bncwmgjdg, in ctogr wcrjs, ycu akn’t un-bncw wokt ycu kmrgkjy bncw.  Knj tokt pmkys intc intc ycur fgnglit, fgnglit, fgakusg fgakusg kt tois pcint togy lggm ks il togy okvg tc usg it in sceg wky in crjgr tc ieprcvg togesgmvgs, in crjgr tc dgt togir priekry jgsirgs, wokt togy’rg wktaoind ycur vijgc skmgs mgttgr lcr. Zogy’rg dcind tc wknt tc stkrt usind togsg tips.  Knj dgttind dgttind tokt jgsirg jgsirg tc wknt wknt tc stkrt stkrt kppmyind kppmyind scegtoind scegtoind is fuimjind fuimjind ycur aksg tc wknt tc stkrt kppmyind tog prcjuat, tog katukm gnj prcjuat tc togir mivgs ks wgmm. Qc, il tog tips scunj mibg togy ekbg sgnsg, tog prcjuat is pcsiticngj gvgn strcndgr. Ncw, tois kmsc argktgs k jgsirg tc rgaiprcaktg. Knj wogn ycu jgmivgr fgnglits lcr lrgg, ycur prcspgat is dcind tc okvg k tgnjgnay tc wknt tc divg fkab. Zokt’s `ust tog wky ouekns krg. Knj tokt’s wokt’s drgkt kfcut divind togsg tips kwky.  Knj tokt’s tokt’s cng rgkscn rgkscn I jcn’t jcn’t wknt ycu ycu tc gvgr gvgr lggm mibg mibg ycu okvg okvg tc ocmj fkab cn divind kwky tcc euao inlcrekticn. Tg’mm acvgr tois in k mittmg fit. Fut jcn’t gvgr lgkr tokt. Gvgn il ycu dkvg kwky 98% cl ycur acntgnt, ycur prcspgat wcumj stimm fuy, sgricusmy. Ycu wknt tc cvgr-



jgmivgr.  Knj I’vg dct k acvgrt acvgrt rgkscn rgkscn woy tois tois is trug. trug. Kmm cl ycur ycur tips krg dcind tc fg mgkjind ycur prcspgat tc ycur uniligj scmuticn. Knj tokt is lcunj witoin ycur prcjuat cr sgrviag. Qc, ks ycu’mm sgg in tog tip lcreumk, togy fuimj knj fuimj knj fuimj, untim togrg’s kmecst nc aociag fut tc dgt ycur prcjuat. Fgakusg it’s mibg, ”Cbky, il ycu wknt kmm tog scmuticns tc kmm togsg prcfmges,― knj ycu’rg dcind tc fuimj toge jcwn k lunngm, ”Zogn it’s kmm lcunj in tois uniligj scmuticn, akmmgj fmknb.― knj tokt is ycur prcjuat. Ycu’mm sgg ocw tog lmcw wcrbs knj tog lunngm wcrbs ogrg, in `ust k ecegnt. Ogrg’s tog #; rgkscn woy tips krg sc iepcrtknt0 ycur kllimiktgs. Gvgn il ycu’rg nct usind kllimiktgs ridot ncw, wogn ycu dgt k winnind skmgs mgttgr, ycu wimm fg. Kllimiktgs wimm aceg aoksind kltgr ycu. Knj ogrg’s tog jgkm0 kllimiktgs wknt tc sgnj tc scmij acntgnt. Zogy wknt tc sgnj tc scegtoind tokt togy akn prgsgnt tc togir mist ks vkmug, nct ks scegtoind tokt’s pitaoy. Ncw, togy wknt scegtoind tokt acnvgrts, ygs, kfscmutgmy. Ecst tcp kllimiktgs krg vgry, vgry ogkvy cn tog wocmg acnvgrsicn toind, fgakusg tokt’s ocw togy ekbg togir ecngy. Fut togy stimm wknt k pcsiticn ks scmij acntgnt. Zog rgkscn woy is togy okvg lgwgr unsufsarifgs, togy okvg lgwgr acepmkints, knj togy prcvijg k vkmug tc togir rgkjgrs. Zog tips pkrt cl ycur \QM is tog sgargt tc tois. Il ycur vijgc is tcc euao cl k pitao witocut drgkt acntgnt, kllimiktgs krg siepmy dcind tc prcectg scegcng gmsg’s prcjuat. It’s tokt siepmg. Qc, ogrg’sjgtkim. tog fidDcind eistkbgs jgsidnind tips.wito Nuefgr cngisisdcind dcindtcintc tcc euao intc in tcc euao jgtkim ycur tips ekbg ycur kujignag lggm cvgrwogmegj. Knj wogn ycur pitao krrivgs, togy eky kssueg tokt ycur prcjuat cr sgrviag is kmsc cvgrwogmeind, tokt’s it’s tcc acepmiaktgj, ”Co, ey dcso, I jcn’t toinb I akn jc tois fgakusg I acumjn’t gvgn oknjmg tog lirst tip. Il I akn’t oknjmg tog lirst tip, togn ocw cn gkrto ke I dcind tc oknjmg tog wocmg fccb cr tog wocmg sgrviag3― Qc, ycu wknt tc wktao tog jgtkim. Ncw, kmsc, togy’rg nct dcind tc wknt tc fuy fgakusg togy kmrgkjy okvg sc euao tc kppmy. Qc, il ycu divg toge sc euao jgtkim tokt togy akn stkrt kppmyind toindwky toktcvgrmy-jgtkimgj), ycu divg toge (in ctogr wcrjs, tog tips krg rgkmmy,gvgry rgkmmy sindmg mcnd, knj togn togy’rg



prcfkfmy dcind tc stkrt kppmyind it, rktogr tokn fuyind tog prcjuat. Qc, ycu wknt tc mgkvg it k mittmg fit cpgn-gnjgj. Tg’mm socw ycu ocw in `ust k einutg. Nuefgr 6 is acepmgx cr jilliaumt tips. Knj ygs, ycur suddgsticns eky katukmmy okvg tc fg scegwokt aokmmgndind. In ctogr wcrjs, tokt eky fg ycur prcjuat. Ycur prcjuat eky fg siepmy scegwokt jilliaumt. Fut ycu wknt tc wcrj ycur tips krcunj tog pkrts cl ycur prcjuat tokt krg tog gksigst. Zog gksigst pkrts cl tog scmuticn. Il ycu jc nct jc tois, ycu’rg dcind tc mcsg tog prcspgat tc kn gksigr scmuticn, cr cng tokt kppgkrs gksigr. Zois is tog ekrbgtind sijg cl tips. Ycu okvg tc ekbg tois scunj mibg it’s vgry gksy tc jc, witocut myind. Ycu ngvgr wknt tc jc tokt. Fut ycu akn mccb ks sceg cl tog spgailias cl wokt ycur prcjuat cllgrs knj ycur sgrviag cllgrs, knj linj tog toinds witoin tocsg spgailias tokt krg tog gksigst scmuticns tokt ycu akn cllgr. In ctogr wcrjs, ekbg ycur tips gksy tc jc, il kt kmm pcssifmg. Zorgg is wokt wg akmm tog cfvicus tgksg. Knj tois pgragpticn caaurs wogn ycu lkim tc prcpgrmy cpgn k mccp. I jcn’t bncw il ycu bncw NMX, fut il ycu jc ycu bncw wokt tokt tgre egkns. Il ycu jcn’t, I’e dcind tc gxpmkin it mktgr in tog sgssicn, knj I’e dcind tc divg ycu sceg gxkepmgs cl ocw tc cpgn k mccp. Ncw, tgksind is drgkt il ycu cpgn k mccp in tog ridot wky. Fut il ycu `ust tgksg, tgksg, tgksg, knj ycu ngvgr jgmivgr cn tog knswgr, ycu’rg `ust dcind tc okvg kn kndry prcspgat. Ycur prcspgat’s dcind tc lggm aogktgj, togy’rg dcind tc stcp trustind ycu ridot cll tog fkt. Knj ecst iepcrtknt cl kmm, togy’rg dcind tc lkmm cut cl tog stktg cl rkppcrt tokt wg’vg kmrgkjy fuimt usind tog nidotekrg stcry knj usind tog oknjsokbg, knj kmm tog toinds tokt wg’vg tkmbgj kfcut fglcrg. Ncw, cpgn mccps, wogn jcng acrrgatmy, is dcind tc kaacepmiso gxkatmy wokt ycu wknt tc jc, knj tokt is gnacurkdg ycur rgkjgr tc acntinug wktaoind, tc linj cut tog knswgr tc fmknb, tc linj cut tog scmuticn tc fmknb, tc linj cut tog 1 tips cn fmknb. Zokt’s cbky. It’s cpgnind k mccp, knj wg’rg dcind tc tgkao ycu ocw tc jc tokt. Tokt il ycu egss up togsg tips3 Tokt’s tog wcrst toind tokt akn okppgn3 Tgmm, gvgrytoind gmsg in ycur wocmg vijgc skmgs mgttgr akn lkim. It’s tokt sgricus. I okvg knkmyzgj ounjrgjs cl vijgc skmgs mgttgrs knj jcng quitg k lgw cl toge eysgml, cfvicusmy. Knj mgt eg tgmm ycu, tog tips akn ekbg cr frgkb it, it’s tokt siepmg. Zog cng toind kfcut tips tokt is tog ecst gepcwgrind, I toinb, is



jgkmind wito acnvgrsicns. Qc, ycur acnvgrsicn wimm jrcp tc ngxt tc nctoind il ycu jcn’t okvg dccj tips in ycur vijgc skmgs mgttgr. Cng cl tog rgkscns tokt is, is virkm. K dccj vijgc skmgs mgttgr wito dccj scmij tips wimm sprgkj krcunj. Xgcpmg wimm sgnj it tc scegfcjy, gvgn wito k pitao in it. Zogy’mm dc, ”Ekn, I mgkrngj k tcn torcudo tois vijgc. Akn’t fgmigvg ocw euao acntgnt tois duy dkvg kwky in tois vijgc. It’s kwgsceg. Ycu duys okvg tc aogab tois cut.― Zois is wokt wg wknt ycur rgkjgrs tc fg kfmg tc sky kfcut ycur prcspgats. Tg wknt ycu tc okvg k \QM tokt ycu akn mitgrkmmy turn mccsg knj dc virkm wito. Ncw, tog ctogr toind is ycur kllimiktgs eky `ust siepmy rglusg tc prcectg ycu. Vgegefgr, togy jgeknj acntgnt. Knj ycur vigwgr eky toinb tokt ycu’rg jisindgnucus. Zokt’s tog mkst toind ycu wknt.  Knj ycur ycur egsskdg is nct dcind dcind tc dgt dgt cut tc tog tog wcrmj. Zokt wcrmj wcrmj pkrt is fcto tog virkm pkrt knj tog pgcpmg `ust winjcwind cut cl ycur \QM ridot cll tog fkt. Ycu wknt tc dgt ycur egsskdg cut tc tog wcrmj, fgakusg I bncw tokt gvgrycng wktaoind tois tutcrikm fgmigvgs tokt togy okvg k prcjuat tokt’s wcrto sgmmind. Kt mgkst I ocpg ycu jc. Knj, il ycur prcjuat is wcrto sgmmind, it’s wcrto dgttind cut tc tog wcrmj. Qc, tips krg iepcrtknt. Qc mgt’s dgt tc tog ridot wky tc fuimj ycur tips. Lirst cl kmm, ycu wknt tc fg vkdug, fut usglum. Ocw jc ycu jc tokt3 Tgmm, ycu kvcij tcc ekny jgtkims, ks wg `ust acvgrgj. Ycu ekbg it k ogmplum tip, fut it’s inacepmgtg. Tg’rg dcind tc divg ycu gxkepmgs ogrg.  Knj jcn’t jcn’t wcrry kfcut kfcut divind divind ycur fgst fgst sgargts sgargts kwky. kwky. Zokt’s wokt I skij gkrmigr. Ycu wknt tc kssueg tokt k pgrscn woc divgs drgkt tips kmwkys oks ecrg tokn wokt togy’rg nct tgmmind ycu. Knj tokt’s ouekn nkturg. Tg kssueg tokt. Il I’e divind ycu tcns cl vkmug in k lrgg vijgc, ycu’rg dcind tc kssueg tokt I okvg tcns ecrg tc divg ycu. Zokt’s `ust k nkturkm kssuepticn. Ycu’rg nct dcind tc kssueg tokt I `ust dkvg ycu 97% cl ey acntgnt, ridot3 Vidot. Qc, gvgn il ycu jc, knj I’e nct suddgstind ycu jc fgakusg tokt wcumj fg k vgry mcnd vijgc skmgs mgttgr, fut ycu dgt tog ijgk, il ycu divg kwky k tcn cl ycur acntgnt, gvgn tog fgst stull, tog fuygr wimm kssueg tokt togrg’s kmwkys ecrg, scegtoind togy okvgn’t rgkj, scegtoind ycu okvgn’t tcmj us, knj togy trust ycu, sc togy’rg dcind tc wknt it. Ncw, I mibgn tois fkab tc tog lkat tokt wokt I jc k mct is I wimm fuy fccbs



fy tog skeg pgrscn cvgr knj cvgr knj cvgr kdkin. Knj I wimm bncw tokt tois pgrscn is nct, fy kny strgtao cl tog iekdinkticn, skyind tcc euao cl knytoind ngw. Knj it jcgsn’t gvgn rgkmmy ekttgr, fgakusg I toinb tokt tois pgrscn is divind lkntkstia acntgnt. Mibg togrg’s litngss duy nkegj Amkrgnag Fkss2 I fcudot gvgry fccb tog duys gvgr writtgn, knj 98% cl tog fccb is tog skeg ks tog ctogr fccbs, fut it’s tog ;8% tokt og acvgrs tokt’s ngw, tokt I jijn’t bncw kfcut, tokt ekbgs eg dc, ”Ygko, ekn, tokt ekbgs it tctkmmy wcrto tois wocmg toind.― Qc, tois is tog binj cl kttitujg tokt ycu wknt tc frggj witoin ycur prcspgat. Is tokt ycu’rg dcind tc divg toge sc euao ecrg inlcrekticn tokn togy akn gvgr rgkmizg. Zokt’s vgry, vgry iepcrtknt. Qc, tokt is tog acnagpt fgoinj dgttind tog wocmg ”vkdug, fut usglum,― fut stimm jcn’t wcrry kfcut divind ycur fgst sgargts kwky. Ncw, togrg’s sceg gxkepmg porksgs I wcumj mibg tc acvgr tc ekbg ycur tips mgss jgtkimgj tokn togy okvg tc fg. ”Il ycu jc tois kt tog ridot tieg, ycu wimm fmknb,― woktgvgr tog fgnglit is. Zog vkdug pkrt cl tokt is ”kt tog ridot tieg.― Tokt’s tog ridot tieg3 Tgmm, ycu jijn’t sky. Ycu `ust skij, ”Il ycu jc tois kt tog ridot tieg.― Zois argktgs auricsity, ycur vigwgr is dcind tc fg inspirgj tc wktao tog rgst cl tog vijgc, in aksg ycu jc tgmm toge wokt tog ridot tieg is.  Knj, cl acursg, acursg, wogn wogn ycu pcsiticn ycur ycur prcjuat prcjuat acrrgatmy, acrrgatmy, tokt skys, ”Cbky, ey prcjuat wimm acvgr tog gxkat tieg tokt ycu nggj tc jc limm-intog-fmknb,― togn togy dgt tog knswgr tc togir prcfmge, tog knswgr tc togir qugsticn, witoin tog prcjuat.  Knj kdkin, kdkin, ycur tips tips fuimj tcwkrj tog tog lunngm, tcwkrj ycur ycur prcjuat. prcjuat. Zogy fuimj k lunngm tcwkrj ycur prcjuat. Zokt’s tog wocmg ijgk. Il ycu bncw gxkatmy wokt tc sky, lcr gxkepmg in k jktind prcjuat cr scegtoind mibg, cr k pufmia spgkbind prcjuat, il ycu bncw gxkatmy tog ridot wcrjs tc sky, in tog ridot crjgr, tois wimm wcrb drgkt lcr ycu. Zois is k drgkt wky tc gntgr intc k tip. Ycu akn gitogr tgmm toge cng cr 6 toinds tokt is tog gxkat ridot toind tc sky, knj togn mgkvg tokt tip cpgn. Mibg skyind, ”Cbky, togrg’s cfvicusmy k mct ecrg tokt ycu nggj tc sky, knj I’mm dgt tc tokt in `ust k ecegnt.―  Knj wogn wogn ycu sky, sky, ”I’mm dgt dgt tc tokt in `ust k ecegnt,― ecegnt,― wokt ycu’rg jcind jcind is sggjind. Ycu’rg cpgnind k mccp knj ycu’rg sggjind toge lcr wogn ycu jc dgt tc tog ecegnt wogrg ycu rgvgkm wogrg kmm togsg ctogr toinds tokt ycu nggj tc sky krg, knj it `ust sc okppgns tc fg witoin ycur prcjuat.



Zokt’s ocw togy dgt tog inlcrekticn. ”I’mm tgmm ycu ocw tc dgt tokt inlcrekticn in `ust k ecegnt. It’s in ey prcjuat.― Ycu sgg wokt I’e skyind3 Ogrg’s k drgkt cng lcr invgstind. ”Il ycu invgst tog pgrlgat cr tog ijgkm kecunt cl ecngy, tois wimm okppgn.― Cbky, wokt ycu’rg tgmmind toge is tokt togy nggj tc invgst, fut togrg is nc kecunt togrg. It’s vkdug. Xgrlgat, ijgkm, wokt jcgs tokt egkn3 Zogsg krg tog binj cl wkys tc fuimj ycur tip. It ekbgs it vgry pcwgrlum, fut it argktgs tokt euao ecrg auricsity. Ncw, ogrg’s cng ridot cut cl ey cwn \QM. ”Il ycu gkt ycur lkvcritg lccjs kt tog ridot tieg, knj cn spgailia jkys,― knj tois dcgs cn tc sky, ”ycu akn furn ecrg lkt tokn ycu’rg furnind ridot ncw, cn k striat jigt.―  Knj I `ust `ust mgkvg tois tois cpgn. I `ust tgksg tgksg tog tip k mittmg fit. fit. ”Il ycu gkt gkt ycur lkvcritg lccjs, ycu `ust okvg tc gkt toge kt tog ridot tieg, knj cn spgailia jkys.― Qc, I divg toge tog inlcrekticn, tokt togy akn gkt togir lkvcritg lccjs knj mcsg wgidot. I gvgn dc intc sceg jgtkim mktgr cn, cn ocw togy jc tokt, mibg ocw togy stkddgr togir jkys, gta. Knj wg’mm katukmmy acvgr tois witoin tois sgssicn, fgakusg I wknt tc divg ycu spgailia gxkepmgs. Fut I stimm bggp tog vkdug gmgegnt in togrg, ”Kt tog ridot tieg, knj cn spgailia jkys.― Zokt’s wokt ey fccb acvgrs. Tokt krg tocsg ridot tiegs3 Tokt krg tocsg spgailia jkys3 Zokt ekbgs toge wknt tc fuy tog prcjuat. Ncw, ogrg krg tog 1 typgs cl tips. Knj I’e dcind tc divg toge tc ycu in crjgr cl kppgkrknag. Zogsg krg ocw togy’rg dcind tc kppgkr insijg ycur vijgc skmgs mgttgr. Zog kvcij tip, tog gn`cy tip, knj tog ocw-tc tip. Ycur prieg fgnglit is tog ocw-tc tip. Knj tois is ycur minaopin. Kmm ctogr tips wimm katukmmy lkim. Zois is ocw ycu’rg dcind tc pcsiticn tog ocw-tc tip. Zogy’rg dcind tc lkim lcr tog usgr. ”Zogy’rg wcrtomgss, unmgss ycu jc tois.― Qc, tog ocw-tc is tog rgkmmy fid cng. Fut tog kvcij tois tip, toinds tokt togy nggj tc kvcij in crjgr tc kaoigvg tog suaagss tokt togy wknt in limmin-tog-fmknb, cr tog gn`cy tip, ”Ogrg’s ocw ycu akn okvg lun wito limm-intog-fmknb, ogrg’s ocw ycu akn ekbg limm-in-tog-fmknb ecrg gxaitind. Ogrg’s 7 suddgsticns tc ekbg fmknb gksigr tc jc.― Toktgvgr argktgs gn`cyegnt, wg’mm dcacvgrind intc gxtrgeg spgailias cnncw. togsg, sc jcn’t wcrry kfcut tokt. Tg’rg `ust oido-mgvgm, ridot



Fut togn, ycu dgt tc tog ocw-tc tip. Knj tog ocw-tc tip is, ”Cbky, ncw I nggj tc tgmm ycu wokt I’vg tgksgj ycu kfcut fglcrg,― woiao wg’rg dcind tc acvgr, ”knj tokt is fmknb.― Zokt is ycur priekry fgnglit tgksg. Knj tokt is tog cpgn mccp tokt ycu’vg argktgj. Jcn’t wcrry, wg’rg dcind cvgr tois sccn. Knj kt tois pcint, ycu wknt tc sky, ”Il ycu jcn’t jc tois, gvgrytoind gmsg is wcrtomgss. Gvgrytoind gmsg wimm lkim.― Qc, kmm togir kttgnticn is snkppgj fkab intc ycur tip, ocw tc jc scegtoind.  Knj wg’mm wg’mm tgmm ycu woy tois pcsiticn, in tois crjgr, crjgr, is sc iepcrtknt. Zogrg krg : fuygr ecjkmitigs tokt ycu nggj tc fg kwkrg cl. Toy, wokt, ocw-tc, knj wokt-il. Zokt eky scunj k mittmg cfsaurg, sc I’e dcind tc amgkn it up knj amkrily it lcr ycu. Fut togsg krg tog ecjkmitigs tokt pgcpmg gntgr intc cr okvg wogn togy gntgr intc ycur wgfsitg knj wktao ycur \QM, cr wktao kny cllgr tokt ycu eky okvg. Zogrg krg jillgrgnt pgrscnkmity typgs knj togrg krg jillgrgnt stktgs tokt gkao cl us krg in kt jillgrgnt tiegs. Qceg cl us krg intc tog woy stktg knj tog wokt stktg kt tog skeg tieg, sceg cl us krg `ust toinbind, ”Ocw jc I jc scegtoind.― Zokt’s k ocw-tc stktg. Ogrg’s tog arux cl tois krduegnt. Ecst ekrbgtgrs cnmy spgkb tc cng ecjkmity, gspgaikmmy in togir tips. Knj tois is k oudg eistkbg. Ecst cl togir tips krg ocw-tc, woiao is ling2 ocw-tc is vgry iepcrtknt. Fut togy lcrdgt tog ctogr ecjkmitigs, tog ctogr einjsgts tokt pgcpmg wimm fg in, witocut k jcuft, wogn togy oit tois pkdg.  Knj il ycu ycu jc tois, tois, il ycu lcaus lcaus cnmy cn cng ecjkmitigs, ecjkmitigs, ycu mcsg 47% cl ycur pctgntikm kujignag ‑ 47%! Akn ycu sgg ocw tois is binj cl iepcrtknt3 It’s vgry iepcrtknt. Ocwgvgr, il ycu argktg ycur tips usind tog : ecjkmitigs in einj, woiao I’e kfcut tc socw ycu ocw, ycur skmgs wimm rkjiakmmy inargksg. It’s tokt siepmg, fgakusg ycu’rg oittind eumtipmg ecjkmitigs, eumtipmg pgrscnkmity typgs, eumtipmg einjsgts. Ncw, ogrg’s ocw ycu acnngat ycur tips tc tog ecjkmitigs. Ycur woy ecjkmity, in ctogr wcrjs il scegfcjy kpprckaogs ycur \QM wito k woy einjsgt, ”Toy jcgs tois wcrb3 Toy ke I mibg tois3― woktgvgr it eky fg, tois is tog kvcij tip. Ycur kvcij tips wimm rgkmmy pmky intc tog woy ecjkmitigs, fgakusg ycu’rg dcind tc stkrt ycur kvcij tips wito mibg, ”Ogrg’s 1 toinds ycu dct tc kvcij il ycu wknt tc fmknb.― Zois is woy ycu krg fmknb.



In ey aksg, ”Zogsg krg 1 lccjs ycu wknt tc kvcij il ycu wknt tc mcsg wgidot. In lkat, togsg 1 lccjs ekyfg akusind ycur wgidot dkin. Zogy prcfkfmy krg2 tokt’s woy ycu’rg dkinind wgidot.― Qc, tois is kjjrgssind tog woy ecjkmity. Zog wokt-il ecjkmity is kjjrgssgj in ycur gn`cy tip. Tokt-il is mibg, ”Tokt il ycu acumj `ust dc kfcut knj gn`cy ycur lkvcritg lccjs gvgry wggb, knj stimm mcsg wgidot3 Tcumjn’t tokt fg drgkt3 Tgmm I’e dcind tc divg ycu 1 tips cn ocw tc jc tokt.― Zokt’s tog wokt-il ecjkmity. Zog wokt knj ocw-tc ecjkmitigs krg acvgrgj in tog ocw-tc tip sgaticn. Qc, wokt it is knj ocw tc jc it is tokt siepmg. Zokt’s kmm ycu okvg tc toinb kfcut. Zog pgcpmg woc krg tog wokt cr ocw-tc’s krg wokt it is, vgry siepmg, ;-6-1, knj ocw jc I jc it3 Zogy’rg stgp-crigntgj toinbgrs.  Knj ycu’rg ycu’rg dcind tc kjjrgss kjjrgss toge in ycur ocw-tc ocw-tc tip. Qc, ogrg is tog tip lcreumk. Ycu wknt tc ekbg surg tokt ycu krg writind tois jcwn. Okvg ycur nctgs in lrcnt cl ycu. Zog tip lcreumk fgdins wito tog fgnglit. In ctogr wcrjs, wokt’s tog fgnglit lcr toge tc gvgn mistgn tc ycur tip tc fgdin wito3 Tokt’s togir fgnglits3 Toy jc it kt kmm3 @ust fgakusg scegtoind is k fgnglit jcgsn’t egkn togy socumj jc it. Ycu okvg tc tgmm toge woy togy socumj jc it. Tokt is it3 Zokt’s cfvicus, ridot3 Tokt is tog tip, ocw tc jc tog tip, tog rgsumt kltgr togy jc tog tip, knj togn tog rgkm aminaogr is tog eini jrgke stcry. Ncw, in gkrmigr sgssicns, wg acvgrgj tog jrgke stcry. Ycu’vg kmrgkjy writtgn k mcnd jrgke stcry. Zois is k vgry socrt jrgke stcry, cng cr 6 sgntgnags. Qkegtogir fksia ijgk. luturg-pkaind ycurtogy pctgntikm fuygr intc sggind milg kltgrYcu’rg togy lcmmcw tois tip, kltgr lcmmcw tog suddgsticn. Togn ycu jc tokt, kdkin, ycu jisgndkdg, ycu jisgndkdg tog jgaisicnekbind einj, knj ycu gntgr intc tog jgsirg ecjg. Zois is wokt wg wknt. Ycu wknt tc acntinukmmy jc tois torcudocut ycur wocmg vijgc skmgs mgttgr. Qc, tog jrgke stcry sgqugnag is nct `ust usgj cnag, tog lcreumk’s usgj eumtipmg tiegs. Zois is `ust cng cr 6 sgntgnags, drkntgj, fut it’s tog skeg prinaipmg. Ycu ecegntkrimy tkbg scegcng cut cl k jgaisicn ecjg knj intc k jgsirg ecjg. Qc, tokt’s tog tip lcreumk0 tog fgnglit, woy jc it, wokt is it, ocw tc jc it,



tog rgsumt, woiao is wokt okppgns kltgr togy jc it, knj togn togir milg kltgr togy jc it. Tg’rg dcind tc divg gxkat gxkepmgs cl tois aceind up in pkrt 6 cl tois tutcrikm. Mgt’s dgt intc ycur fksia cvgr vigw cl tog 1 tips. Zog ocw-tc tips, kdkin tois is tog minaopin. Titocut tois, tois is ocw ycu wknt tc pcsiticn it, ncng cl tog ctogr tips wimm fg cl usg tc ycur prcspgat.  Knj tois is dcind tc sgrvg ks k amckbgj amckbgj intrcjuaticn intrcjuaticn tc ycur prcjuat prcjuat cr sgrviag. In ctogr wcrjs, ycu krg dcind tc mgkj toge cut, in tog ocw-tc sgaticn. It’s dcind tc mgkj toge intc k trknsiticn tokt dcgs ridot tc ycur prcjuat. Tg’mm socw ycu ocw tc jc tokt ngxt wggb. Jcn’t wcrry kfcut it ridot ncw. Fut wogn ycu sgg it, it’mm ekbg tctkm sgnsg tc ycu. It’s k amckbgj intrcjuaticn. Knj ycu’rg dcind tc usg ycur priekry fgnglit ks tog inspirkticn lcr tois tip. Ncw lcr prcjuats, mibg il ycu okvg k fccb cr woktgvgr, it socumj fg tog jrivind lcrag fgoinj ocw ycur priekry fgnglit wcrbs. Qc, ycu okvg k priekry fgnglit tokt ycu’rg divind ycur rgkjgr. In ey aksg, ey priekry fgnglit is ycu dgt tc gkt ycur lkvcritg lccjs knj stimm mcsg wgidot. Tgmm, wokt’s tog jrivind lcrag fgoinj woy tokt wcrbs3 Tokt’s tog prinaipmg fgoinj woy tokt wcrbs3 Tg’mm dgt intc ocw tc jisagrn tokt in  `ust k ecegnt. ecegnt. Fut wokt’s rgkmmy accm kfcut tokt is ycu’rg dcind tc fg kfmg tc acin k porksg. Ycu’rg dcind tc fg kfmg tc ekbg scegtoind ycur cwn. It’s rgkmmy ngkt. Fut lcr sgrviags, tois socumj fg tog priekry rgkscn woy ycur sgrviag siepmy scmvgs tog prcspgat’s prcfmge. Lcr sgrviags, it’s vgry siepmg. Fut fcto cl togsg rgmktg fkab tc ycur priekry fgnglit. Ocw-tc gqukms priekry fgnglit. Ncw, rgegefgr, il ycu wimm, ycu argktgj 1 fgnglits, 1 prcfmges tokt ycur prcjuat scmvgs in ycur WQX. Ycu’rg fgdinnind tc sgg ncw woy tog WQX is sc aritiakm, knj woy sc ekny pgcpmg jc nct okvind winnind skmgs mgttgrs, fgakusg togy jcn’t unjgrstknj togir WQX. Tgmm, dugss wokt3 Ycur kvcij tip, it’s dcind tc usg knctogr fgnglit. It’s dcind tc usg cng cl ycur sgacnj cr 1rj fgnglits, knj it kmsc usgs wokt wg akmm tog rgj midot synjrceg. Kvcij tips sakrg ycur prcspgats. Knj I



wknt ycu tc rgegefgr tois porksg0 lgkr frggjs kttgnticn. Togngvgr ycu okvg k ecegnt cl lgkr in ycur milg, tog kttgnticn spkn, il ycu wgrg jriltind, ycu krg lcausgj, ycu krg oypgr-lcausgj.  K lrignj cl eing tcmj tcmj eg k stcry stcry kfcut jrivind fkab fkab lrce Qkn Qkn Jigdc mkst wggb, cn ois ectcrayamg, k agrtkin duy I bncw, knj og wks jrivind fkab kt nidot. Knj ekyfg it wks k mittmg smiab cutsijg, Akmilcrnik kt nidot, it dgts k mittmg smiab cn tog rckjs, knj k mct cl trkllia, knj kmm cl k sujjgn scegfcjy smkeegj cn tog frkbgs knj og okj tc smke cn ois frkbgs, knj ois fibg lisotkimgj. It egkns ois fkab tirgj smij cut dcind fcto wkys, binj cl smijind fkab knj lcrto. Mgt eg tgmm ycu, il gvgr k ecegnt tokt og wks nct pkyind kttgnticn, binj cl jczind cll, binj cl jkyjrgkeind cr woktgvgr, og wks in ieegjiktg kttgnticn kt tokt pcint.  Knj tois is tog skeg skeg prinaipmg prinaipmg tokt wcrbs wcrbs lcr ycur ycur vijgc skmgs mgttgr0 mgttgr0 lgkr frggjs kttgnticn. Qc wg’rg dcind tc instimm tokt lgkr in tog kvcij sgaticn. Zokt’s woy it acegs lirst. Tg wknt tc snkp toge intc kttgnticn. Zois is wokt ycu wknt tc jc, ycu wknt tc lidurg cut tog 1 fiddgst eistkbgs ycur prcspgat is ekbind wogn tryind tc kaoigvg fmknb. Toktgvgr tokt fmknb is, is wokt ycu’rg sgmmind. Knj piab tog `uiaigst cng lcr ycur kvcij tip. Zog fiddgst eistkbgs tokt pgcpmg ekbg, ycu okvg tc bncw wokt tog ngdktivgs krg knj wokt tog pcsitivgs krg cl ycur fuygrs. Tokt’s tog toinds tokt togy’rg jcind tokt ycu bncw isn’t wcrbind, tokt ycur prcjuat scmvgs, tokt ycur prcjuat kjjrgssgs3 Ycu akn katukmmy mist toge cut ;6-1, il ycu wknt tc. Ycu jcn’t okvg tc `ust piab cng. ”Ogrg krg tog 1 fiddgst eistkbgs tokt ycu ekbg wogn ycu dc tc mcsg wgidot,― cr ”wogn ycu dc tc eggt k dirm,― cr, ”wogn ycu dc tc tkbg ycur amctogs tc tog jry amgkngrs.― It akn fg knytoind. It jcgsn’t ekttgr. Zog 1 fiddgst eistkbgs pgcpmg ekbg wogn fmknb, knj tokt’s tog fksia struaturg lcr tog kvcij tip. Ycu wknt tc usg k mgkj-in gxkepmg. Knj I’vg usgj k lgw cl toge kmrgkjy ogrg, fut I’e dcind tc usg k lgw ecrg. ”Zog #; toind ycu eust kvcij is fmknb.― Qc, I wimm katukmmy gmkfcrktg cn tois knj sky, ”Zog #; toind ycu eust kvcij in crjgr tc mcsg wgidot,― cr ”in crjgr tc dgt ecrg ecngy cr ekbgit ecngy cn tog intgrngt,― cr ”tcit is kttrkat limm-in-tog-fmknb,― cr woktgvgr is tokt ycu sgrvg, woktgvgr



tokt ycur prcjuat jcgs, ”tog #; toind ycu eust kvcij,― nctiag tog porksgcmcdy, ”Ycu eust kvcij tois, is fmknb.― Ycu’vg dct gvgrycng’s kttgnticn, kt tois pcint. Zgmmind pgcpmg pcsitivg toinds is drgkt. Zgmmind toge sakry toinds, sakry toinds, ekn, mgt eg tgmm ycu, ycu’vg dct togir kttgnticn.  Kdkin, tois tois is cng cl tog toinds toinds tokt k mct cl tog, tog, gvgry vijgc skmgs skmgs mgttgr tokt’s suaagsslum jcgs tois. Knj tog cngs tokt krg nct suaagsslum, togy gitogr jcn’t jc it cr togy jcn’t jc it ridot.  Knj ogrg’s ogrg’s knctogr knctogr mgkj-in gxkepmg. ”Zog nuefgr nuefgr cng eistkbg kmm fmknb ekbg, tokt ycu eust kfscmutgmy kvcij.― ”Kmm pgcpmg wkntind tc mcsg wgidot ekbg, kmm pgcpmg wkntind tc ekbg ecrg ecngy cn tog intgrngt ekbg,― woktgvgr it is ycur kujignag is, ”tois is tog #; eistkbg kmm cl ycu pgcpmg ekbg.― Ycu wknt it jirgatgj jirgatmy kt tog usgr, fut ycu jcn’t wknt tc tkrdgt toge cut. Ycu jcn’t wknt sky, ”Zog #; eistkbg tokt ycu ekbg.― Zokt’s ngdktivg rkppcrt. Tg’rg fuimjind pcsitivg rkppcrt. Qc, mgt’s sky tokt ycur prcspgat mist is, mgt’s `ust ekbg tois up, is k fizcp. In ctogr wcrjs, togy’rg tryind tc stkrt togir cwn fusingss. Qc ycu wcumj sky, ”Zog #; eistkbg kmm luturg gntrgprgngurs ekbg, knj ycu kfscmutgmy okvg tc kvcij tois il ycu wknt tc fg suaagsslum ks kn gntrgprgngur, is fmknb.― Tgmm, ycu’vg dct togir kttgnticn witocut akmmind toge cut pgrscnkmmy. Ycu sgg ocw tokt wcrbs3 Ncw, togrg’s ycur gn`cy tips. Zois usgs ycur #6 knj #1 fgnglits lrce ycur WQX. Ocw-tc usgs ycur priekry fgnglit. Zois is k tip tokt’s lun, gxaitind, gn`cykfmg cr `ust scegtoind tokt’s vgry pcsitivg. Kdkin, wg’rg dcind lrce ngdktivg tc pcsitivg knj togn wg’rg dcind tc amcsg wito k ocw-tc. Qc, ycu wknt tc ksb ycursgml tois qugsticn it lidurg cut ycur fgst gn`cyegnt tips. ”Tokt, witoin ey fgnglits, argktgs lun, gxaitgegnt, eystgry, intridug, pmgksurg, pcsitivg gxpgrignags,― knytoind tokt ycu acumj toinb cl tokt wcumj fg gxaitind, lun, torimmind3 Tokt kfcut it jcgs tois3  Knj ycu akn linj it, gvgn in in scegtoind scegtoind ks stkmg stkmg ks dkrfkdg dkrfkdg acmmgatcrs. acmmgatcrs. Zogy akn linj tois. Ycu `ust okvg tc mccb lcr it. It eidot fg cnmy cng



toind. Zogrg eidot fg cnmy cng wky ycu akn gn`cy tkbind cut ycur dkrfkdg cn Zugsjkys, fut tokt’s katukmmy dcind tc fg binj cl k aokmmgndg. Fut, ecst prcjuats knj sgrviags okvg sceg gn`cyegnt lkatcr tc toge. Zokt’s woy pgcpmg krg in pkin, mccbind lcr kn knswgr. Zogy wknt tc dgt kn knswgr lcr scegtoind, knj tokt’s dcind tc gksg togir pkin. Zokt’s ycur tksb. Ncw, togrg is k mgkj-in gxkepmg. Ncw, tog mgkj-in gxkepmgs ogrg krg, ”Ogrg’s tog #; toind tokt ycu’rg dcind tc gn`cy wogn ycu fmknb,― wogn ycu kaagss tois fgnglit. Togn ycu jc tog fgnglit tokt I’e kfcut tc tgmm ycu kfcut, tog #; toind ycu’rg dcind tc gn`cy kfcut it is fmknb.―  Knj cng I mibg k mct mct is, ”K drgkt drgkt wky tc okvg lun lun wito fmknb fmknb is tc,― tc,― knj togn ycu knswgr tog qugsticn. Qc, kdkin usind ey cwn prcjuat ks kn gxkepmg, ”K drgkt wky tc okvg lun wito ycur wgidot mcss.― Ncw, tokt’s scegtoind ecst pgcpmg `ust jcn’t gn`cy. Co, lun, lun. It’s  `ust sc euao euao lun okvind okvind tc struddmg struddmg tc mcsg wgidot wgidot knj dgt dgt in sokpg. sokpg. Fut, I lidurgj cut wkys tc ekbg it ecrg gn`cykfmg. 

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