05 Footing Nscp 2010

August 25, 2018 | Author: Mar Martillano | Category: Reinforced Concrete, Beam (Structure), Concrete, Column, Strength Of Materials
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Short Description

About footing design (using NSCP 2010)...


BEAM DESIGN I. DESIGN CRITERIA: Material Specifications:

ei!d tren(t# of tee! $main %ar) f y:



Com"ressi&e tress of Concrete f9 c:



Reinforced Concrete Density:



!!oa%!e oi! Pressre 5a:



oi! Density γ:



oi! De"t# $a%o&e 'ootin():

2* +


Desi(ned ;oad P :



Desi(ned Moment M 7:



e: 2*101

Desi(ned Moment M c:

1+4-*24 kN


1160*43 kN

since 0*-+>c ? > t#erefore footin( de"t# is ade5ate Pnc#in( #ear: c71:

0*62 m



Checking ! F"ing De#"h A$e%&'c(:

Desined oad% $u: ;7).78 Desined Moment% Mu: 141.71 9ffecti,e Dept*% d: 0.18 m &u1 5 ?16.688 '$a &u2 5 ?4;.807 '$a

'N 'N?m

a. ide Beam S*ear  5 2.0 m &u; 5 ;2.72 '$a @u 5 186.) 'N @c 5 4;).; 'N @c 5 ;72.7 'N since 0.7@c F @u% t*erefore footin dept* is ade&uate #. $unc*in S*ear C1 5 C31 5 1 5 2 5 3 5 y1 5 &u 5 y2 5 &u4 5 -u3 5 @u 5 @c 5 @c 5

0.48 m 0.68 m 2.12 m 2.)47 m 27.20) '$a 11.71; '$a ;2.184 '$a 1.48 '$a 2).412 '$a 10.42 ' N ;6).;6 'N )1).6 'N 68.)1 'N

since 0.7@c F @u% t*erefore footin dept* is ade&uate



3 Direction

d 5 0.21 m  5 2.2 m &u6 5 ;1.66 '$a -u1 5 -u2 5 Mu 5

)8.0 'N 12;.48 'N 22.02 'N?m

9&ui,a!ent Dept* -actor%  1: 0.)0 see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8) Maimum Stee! Ratio% G ma 5 +;7/=++0.)=fA c=1/fy/ see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8) 5 0.0208 Minimum Stee! Ratio% G min: s*a!! not #e !ess t*an √(fAc/+4f y/ J 1.4f y 5 0.00;;) see NSCP 2010 (Section 410.6.2) see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8) C*ec' if compression stee! is re&uired Mn ma 5 +1140/=1=fAc=#=d2=+1?+;16/=1/ 5 )18.4;; 'N?m  5 0.6E.2=++)00?fy/+1000?fy// 5 0.)147 Mn ma 5 667.72 'N?m since Mn ma F Mu%t*e section is Sin!y Reinforced

C*ec' if t*e section is tension?contro!!ed Mtn 5 +481600/=1=fAc=#=d2=+1?+;116// 66;.26) 'N?m since Mu < Mtn% t*e section is tension?contro!!ed see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8) Strent* Reduction -actor% : 0.8 Mu 5 =Rn=#=d2% Rn 5 2.42;2 Stee! Ratio% G 5 +0.)=fAcfy/+1?H+1?+2Rn0.)=fAc/// 5 0.00618 Gmin < G F Gma o'ey>>> use G 5 0.00618 Desin Stee! rea% s 5G=#=d 5 ;;24.806 mm2 11 #c+ Desin Num#er of Bars: 10.)4 I

 Direction d 5 0.18 m  5 1.1 m -u 5 0.+&u1E&u2/=3=5 Mu 5 81.67 'N?m



C*ec' if compression stee! is re&uired see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8) Mn ma 5 +1140/=1=fAc=#=d2=+1?+;16/=1/ 5 1;4).142 'N?m  5 0.6E.2=++)00?fy/+1000?fy// 5 0.)147 Mn ma 5 108).288 'N?m since Mn ma F Mu%t*e section is Sin!y Reinforced C*ec' if t*e section is tension?contro!!ed Mtn 5 +481600/=1=fAc=#=d2=+1?+;116// 1081.217 'N?m since Mu < Mtn% t*e section is tension?contro!!ed Strent* Reduction -actor% : 0.8 see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8) Mu 5 =Rn=#=d2% Rn 5 0.;6 Stee! Ratio% G 5 +0.)=fAcfy/+1?H+1?+2Rn0.)=fAc/// 5 0.001;1 Gmin < G F Gma not o'ey use G 5 0.00;;) Desin Stee! rea% s 5G=#=d 5 ;287.10 mm2 11 #c+ Desin Num#er of Bars: 10. I Distri#ution of Bars  5 3 5 2.00 Num#er of Center Band Bars 5 2N+E1/5 7.;;;; * #c+ Num#er of Kuter Band Bars 5






 4i"h 11 


 1



2e"e3 !"ing

50 22 $i'2e"e3 6'3+


Name of Structure: Name of -ootin:

P9'3 e'3 S9'&gh"e3 H&+e F-1


Compressi,e Strent* of Concrete% fA c: 2).00 Mpa ei!d Strent* of Stee!% f y: 414.00 Mpa Reinforced Concrete Density: 24.00 'Nm ; !!o"a#!e Soi! $ressure% &a: 260.00 '$a Soi! Density% (: 1).00 'Nm ; Soi! Dept* +a#o,e -ootin/: 1.00 m Concrete Co,er% cc: 7 mm Reinforcement Diameter% d#: 16 mm Co!umn idt*% C: 0.0 m Co!umn idt*% C3: 0.0 m S*ear Reduction -actor%  5 0.) II. FOOTING DIMENSION:

nfactored oad%$n: 60 'N nfactored Moment%Mn 20 'N Dept* of -ootin%df: 0.4 m 9ffecti,e Soi! Bearin Capacity% &e: 2;2.4 -ootin ent*% : 2 m -ootin idt*% 3: 2 m $n < &e==3 o'ey>>> e < 36 +no tensi!e stress in soi!/ o'ey>>>


Checking ! F"ing De#"h A$e%&'c(:

Desined oad% $u: 700 Desined Moment% Mu: 0 9ffecti,e Dept*% d: 0.;01 m &u1 5 ?1;7.00 '$a &u2 5 ?212.00 '$a

'N 'N?m

a. ide Beam S*ear  5 0.448 m &u; 5 18.66 '$a @u 5 1);.26 'N @c 5 41.; 'N @c 5 460.;0 'N since 0.7@c F @u% t*erefore footin dept* is ade&uate #. $unc*in S*ear C1 5 C31 5 1 5 2 5 3 5 y1 5 &u 5 y2 5 &u4 5 -u3 5 @u 5 @c 5 @c 5

0.)01 m 0.)01 m 0.88 m 1.400 m 7 '$a 22.4)1 '$a 180.02 '$a 2.18 '$a 18.8) '$a 112.2) ' N )7.72 'N 1701 'N 144.)8 'N

since 0.7@c F @u% t*erefore footin dept* is ade&uate



d 5 0.;01 m  5 0.7 m &u6 5 1)4.;) '$a -u1 5 -u2 5 Mu 5

1;).2) 'N 18.;) 'N 114.26 'N?m

9&ui,a!ent Dept* -actor%  1: 0.)0 see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8) Maimum Stee! Ratio% G ma 5 +;7/=++0.)=fA c=1/fy/ see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8) 5 0.0208 Minimum Stee! Ratio% G min: s*a!! not #e !ess t*an √(fAc/+4f y/ J 1.4f y 5 0.00;;) see NSCP 2010 (Section 410.6.2) C*ec' if compression stee! is re&uired Mn ma 5 +1140/=1=fAc=#=d2=+1?+;16/=1/ 5 12)4.)71 'N?m  5 0.6E.2=++)00?fy/+1000?fy// 5 0.)147 Mn ma 5 1046.7; 'N?m since Mn ma F Mu%t*e section is Sin!y Reinforced

see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8)

C*ec' if t*e section is tension?contro!!ed Mtn 5 +481600/=1=fAc=#=d2=+1?+;116// 5 1040.004 'N?m since Mu < Mtn% t*e section is tension?contro!!ed see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8) Strent* Reduction -actor% : 0.8 Mu 5 =Rn=#=d2% Rn 5 0.7006 Stee! Ratio% G 5 +0.)=fAcfy/+1?H+1?+2Rn0.)=fAc/// 5 0.00172 Gmin < G F Gma not o'ey use G 5 0.00;;) Desin Stee! rea% s 5G=#=d 5 20;.748 mm2 Desin Num#er of Bars: 10.12 I 11 #c+



 4i"h 11 -



2e"e3 !"ing

1 22 $i'2e"e3 6'3+7 6"h 4'(+


Name of Structure: Name of -ootin:

P9'3 e'3 S9'&gh"e3 H&+e F-5


Compressi,e Strent* of Concrete% fA c: 2).00 Mpa ei!d Strent* of Stee!% f y: 414.00 Mpa Reinforced Concrete Density: 24.00 'Nm ; !!o"a#!e Soi! $ressure% &a: 260.00 '$a Soi! Density% (: 1).00 'Nm ; Soi! Dept* +a#o,e -ootin/: 1.80 m Concrete Co,er% cc: 7 mm Reinforcement Diameter% d#: 16 mm Co!umn idt*% C: 0.0 m Co!umn idt*% C3: 0.0 m S*ear Reduction -actor%  5 0.) II. FOOTING DIMENSION:

nfactored oad%$n: 2;).14 'N nfactored Moment%Mn 10.1 'N Dept* of -ootin%df: 0.; m 9ffecti,e Soi! Bearin Capacity% &e: 21).6 e5Mn$n5 -ootin ent*% : 2 m -ootin idt*% 3: 2 m $n < &e==3 o'ey>>> e < 36 +no tensi!e stress in soi!/ adLust 3 Checking ! F"ing De#"h A$e%&'c(:

Desined oad% $u: ;08.; Desined Moment% Mu: 144.6 9ffecti,e Dept*% d: 0.201 m &u1 5 ;1.10 '$a &u2 5 ?1).)2 '$a

'N 'N?m

a. ide Beam S*ear  5 0.48 m &u; 5 126.27 '$a @u 5 171.;4 'N @c 5 ;61.62 'N @c 5 ;07.;) 'N since 0.7@c F @u% t*erefore footin dept* is ade&uate #. $unc*in S*ear C1 5 C31 5 1 5 2 5 3 5 y1 5 &u 5 y2 5 &u4 5 -u3 5 @u 5 @c 5 @c 5

0.701 m 0.701 m 0.648 m 1.;0 m 216.8) '$a 70.46; '$a 11.;6 '$a 146.1 '$a ;8.;1; '$a ;).004 ' N 271.; 'N 884.1 'N )44.88 'N

since 0.7@c F @u% t*erefore footin dept* is ade&uate



d 5 0.201 m  5 0.7 m &u6 5 104.46 '$a -u1 5 -u2 5 Mu 5

7).;4 'N 1;8.;7 'N )8.27 'N?m

9&ui,a!ent Dept* -actor%  1: 0.)0 see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8) Maimum Stee! Ratio% G ma 5 +;7/=++0.)=fA c=1/fy/ see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8) 5 0.0208 Minimum Stee! Ratio% G min: s*a!! not #e !ess t*an √(fAc/+4f y/ J 1.4f y 5 0.00;;) see NSCP 2010 (Section 410.6.2) C*ec' if compression stee! is re&uired Mn ma 5 +1140/=1=fAc=#=d2=+1?+;16/=1/ 5 72.8; 'N?m  5 0.6E.2=++)00?fy/+1000?fy// 5 0.)147 Mn ma 5 466.771 'N?m since Mn ma F Mu%t*e section is Sin!y Reinforced

see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8)

C*ec' if t*e section is tension?contro!!ed Mtn 5 +481600/=1=fAc=#=d2=+1?+;116// 5 46;.761 'N?m since Mu < Mtn% t*e section is tension?contro!!ed see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8) Strent* Reduction -actor% : 0.8 Mu 5 =Rn=#=d2% Rn 5 1.2276 Stee! Ratio% G 5 +0.)=fAcfy/+1?H+1?+2Rn0.)=fAc/// 5 0.00;0 Gmin < G F Gma not o'ey use G 5 0.00;;) Desin Stee! rea% s 5G=#=d 5 1;8.420 mm2 Desin Num#er of Bars: 6.7612 I  #c+



 4i"h 8 -



2e"e3 !"ing

1 22 $i'2e"e3 6'3+7 6"h 4'(+


Name of Structure: Name of -ootin:

P9'3 e'3 S9'&gh"e3 H&+e F-1'


Compressi,e Strent* of Concrete% fA c: 2).00 Mpa ei!d Strent* of Stee!% f y: 414.00 Mpa Reinforced Concrete Density: 24.00 'Nm ; !!o"a#!e Soi! $ressure% &a: 260.00 '$a Soi! Density% (: 1).00 'Nm ; Soi! Dept* +a#o,e -ootin/: 2.0 m Concrete Co,er% cc: 7 mm Reinforcement Diameter% d#: 16 mm Co!umn idt*% C: 0.40 m Co!umn idt*% C3: 0.40 m S*ear Reduction -actor%  5 0.) II. FOOTING DIMENSION:

nfactored oad%$n: 2).) 'N nfactored Moment%Mn 62.4; 'N Dept* of -ootin%df: 0.; m 9ffecti,e Soi! Bearin Capacity% &e: 207.) -ootin ent*% : 1. m -ootin idt*% 3: 1. m $n < &e==3 o'ey>>> e < 36 +no tensi!e stress in soi!/ o'ey>>>


Checking ! F"ing De#"h A$e%&'c(:

Desined oad% $u: ;41.14 Desined Moment% Mu: 76.4) 9ffecti,e Dept*% d: 0.201 m &u1 5 ?1.6; '$a &u2 5 ?2)7.)2 '$a

'N 'N?m

a. ide Beam S*ear  5 0.;48 m &u; 5 224.;1 '$a @u 5 1;;.88 'N @c 5 271.22 'N @c 5 2;0.; 'N since 0.7@c F @u% t*erefore footin dept* is ade&uate #. $unc*in S*ear C1 5 C31 5 1 5 2 5 3 5 y1 5 &u 5 y2 5 &u4 5 -u3 5 @u 5 @c 5 @c 5

0.601 m 0.601 m 0.448 m 1.00 m 271.8; '$a )1.4)) '$a 206.08 '$a 180.44 '$a 87.141 '$a 4.764 ' N 2)6.;) 'N 6;8.22 'N 4;.;4 'N

since 0.7@c F @u% t*erefore footin dept* is ade&uate



d 5 0.201 m  5 0. m &u6 5 1)7.)7 '$a -u1 5 -u2 5 Mu 5

77.0 'N 11).6; 'N 7.70 'N?m

9&ui,a!ent Dept* -actor%  1: 0.)0 see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8) Maimum Stee! Ratio% G ma 5 +;7/=++0.)=fA c=1/fy/ see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8) 5 0.0208 Minimum Stee! Ratio% G min: s*a!! not #e !ess t*an √(fAc/+4f y/ J 1.4f y 5 0.00;;) see NSCP 2010 (Section 410.6.2) C*ec' if compression stee! is re&uired Mn ma 5 +1140/=1=fAc=#=d2=+1?+;16/=1/ 5 428.714 'N?m  5 0.6E.2=++)00?fy/+1000?fy// 5 0.)147 Mn ma 5 ;0.07) 'N?m since Mn ma F Mu%t*e section is Sin!y Reinforced

see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8)

C*ec' if t*e section is tension?contro!!ed Mtn 5 +481600/=1=fAc=#=d2=+1?+;116// 5 ;47.)21 'N?m since Mu < Mtn% t*e section is tension?contro!!ed see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8) Strent* Reduction -actor% : 0.8 Mu 5 =Rn=#=d2% Rn 5 1.0) Stee! Ratio% G 5 +0.)=fAcfy/+1?H+1?+2Rn0.)=fAc/// 5 0.00262 Gmin < G F Gma not o'ey use G 5 0.00;;) Desin Stee! rea% s 5G=#=d 5 1018.6 mm2 Desin Num#er of Bars: .0708 I  #c+



 4i"h  -



2e"e3 !"ing

1 22 $i'2e"e3 6'3+7 6"h 4'(+ ;"# 'n$ 6""2<


Name of Structure: Name of -ootin:

P9'3 e'3 S9'&gh"e3 H&+e F-5'


Compressi,e Strent* of Concrete% fA c: 2).00 Mpa ei!d Strent* of Stee!% f y: 414.00 Mpa Reinforced Concrete Density: 24.00 'Nm ; !!o"a#!e Soi! $ressure% &a: 260.00 '$a Soi! Density% (: 1).00 'Nm ; Soi! Dept* +a#o,e -ootin/: 1.80 m Concrete Co,er% cc: 7 mm Reinforcement Diameter% d#: 16 mm Co!umn idt*% C: 0.0 m Co!umn idt*% C3: 0.0 m S*ear Reduction -actor%  5 0.) II. FOOTING DIMENSION:

nfactored oad%$n: 2;).14 'N nfactored Moment%Mn 10.1 'N Dept* of -ootin%df: 0.; m 9ffecti,e Soi! Bearin Capacity% &e: 21).6 e5Mn$n5 -ootin ent*% : 2 m -ootin idt*% 3: 2 m $n < &e==3 o'ey>>> e < 36 +no tensi!e stress in soi!/ adLust 3 Checking ! F"ing De#"h A$e%&'c(:

Desined oad% $u: ;08.; Desined Moment% Mu: 144.6 9ffecti,e Dept*% d: 0.201 m &u1 5 ;1.10 '$a &u2 5 ?1).)2 '$a

'N 'N?m

a. ide Beam S*ear  5 0.48 m &u; 5 126.27 '$a @u 5 171.;4 'N @c 5 ;61.62 'N @c 5 ;07.;) 'N since 0.7@c F @u% t*erefore footin dept* is ade&uate #. $unc*in S*ear C1 5 C31 5 1 5 2 5 3 5 y1 5 &u 5 y2 5 &u4 5 -u3 5 @u 5 @c 5 @c 5

0.701 m 0.701 m 0.648 m 1.;0 m 216.8) '$a 70.46; '$a 11.;6 '$a 146.1 '$a ;8.;1; '$a ;).004 ' N 271.; 'N 487.0 'N 422.48 'N

since 0.7@c F @u% t*erefore footin dept* is ade&uate



d 5 0.201 m  5 0.7 m &u6 5 104.46 '$a -u1 5 -u2 5 Mu 5

7).;4 'N 1;8.;7 'N )8.27 'N?m

9&ui,a!ent Dept* -actor%  1: 0.)0 see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8) Maimum Stee! Ratio% G ma 5 +;7/=++0.)=fA c=1/fy/ see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8) 5 0.0208 Minimum Stee! Ratio% G min: s*a!! not #e !ess t*an √(fAc/+4f y/ J 1.4f y 5 0.00;;) see NSCP 2010 (Section 410.6.2) C*ec' if compression stee! is re&uired Mn ma 5 +1140/=1=fAc=#=d2=+1?+;16/=1/ 5 72.8; 'N?m  5 0.6E.2=++)00?fy/+1000?fy// 5 0.)147 Mn ma 5 466.771 'N?m since Mn ma F Mu%t*e section is Sin!y Reinforced

see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8)

C*ec' if t*e section is tension?contro!!ed Mtn 5 +481600/=1=fAc=#=d2=+1?+;116// 5 46;.761 'N?m since Mu < Mtn% t*e section is tension?contro!!ed see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8) Strent* Reduction -actor% : 0.8 Mu 5 =Rn=#=d2% Rn 5 1.2276 Stee! Ratio% G 5 +0.)=fAcfy/+1?H+1?+2Rn0.)=fAc/// 5 0.00;0 Gmin < G F Gma not o'ey use G 5 0.00;;) Desin Stee! rea% s 5G=#=d 5 1;8.420 mm2 Desin Num#er of Bars: 6.7612 I  #c+



 4i"h 8 -



2e"e3 !"ing

1 22 $i'2e"e3 6'3+7 6"h 4'(+ ;"# 'n$ 6""2<


Name of Structure: Name of -ootin:

P9'3 e'3 S9'&gh"e3 H&+e F-,


Compressi,e Strent* of Concrete% fA c: 2).00 Mpa ei!d Strent* of Stee!% f y: 414.00 Mpa Reinforced Concrete Density: 24.00 'Nm ; !!o"a#!e Soi! $ressure% &a: 260.00 '$a Soi! Density% (: 1).00 'Nm ; Soi! Dept* +a#o,e -ootin/: 2.0 m Concrete Co,er% cc: 7 mm Reinforcement Diameter% d#: 16 mm Co!umn idt*% C: 0.40 m Co!umn idt*% C3: 0.40 m S*ear Reduction -actor%  5 0.) II. FOOTING DIMENSION:

nfactored oad%$n: 1;.07 'N nfactored Moment%Mn 104.41 'N Dept* of -ootin%df: 0.; m 9ffecti,e Soi! Bearin Capacity% &e: 207.) e5Mn$n5 -ootin ent*% : 1. m -ootin idt*% 3: 1. m $n < &e==3 o'ey>>> e < 36 +no tensi!e stress in soi!/ adLust 3 Checking ! F"ing De#"h A$e%&'c(:

Desined oad% $u: 1;7.42 Desined Moment% Mu: 120.;2 9ffecti,e Dept*% d: 0.201 m &u1 5 12.)27 '$a &u2 5 ?274.87) '$a

'N 'N?m

a. ide Beam S*ear  5 0.;48 m &u; 5 17.44 '$a @u 5 117.8 'N @c 5 271.22 'N @c 5 2;0.; 'N since 0.7@c F @u% t*erefore footin dept* is ade&uate #. $unc*in S*ear C1 5 C31 5 1 5 2 5 3 5 y1 5 &u 5 y2 5 &u4 5 -u3 5 @u 5 @c 5 @c 5

0.601 m 0.601 m 0.448 m 1.00 m 427.) '$a 12).2 '$a 146.7) '$a 288.61 '$a ?24.6; '$a 22.061 ' N 11.;6 'N )2.28 'N 724.4 'N

since 0.7@c F @u% t*erefore footin dept* is ade&uate



d 5 0.201 m  5 0. m &u6 5 11).12 '$a -u1 5 -u2 5 Mu 5

4).72 'N 11;.4; 'N 0.2 'N?m

9&ui,a!ent Dept* -actor%  1: 0.)0 see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8) Maimum Stee! Ratio% G ma 5 +;7/=++0.)=fA c=1/fy/ see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8) 5 0.0208 Minimum Stee! Ratio% G min: s*a!! not #e !ess t*an √(fAc/+4f y/ J 1.4f y 5 0.00;;) see NSCP 2010 (Section 410.6.2) C*ec' if compression stee! is re&uired Mn ma 5 +1140/=1=fAc=#=d2=+1?+;16/=1/ 5 428.714 'N?m  5 0.6E.2=++)00?fy/+1000?fy// 5 0.)147 Mn ma 5 ;0.07) 'N?m since Mn ma F Mu%t*e section is Sin!y Reinforced

see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8)

C*ec' if t*e section is tension?contro!!ed Mtn 5 +481600/=1=fAc=#=d2=+1?+;116// 5 ;47.)21 'N?m since Mu < Mtn% t*e section is tension?contro!!ed see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8) Strent* Reduction -actor% : 0.8 Mu 5 =Rn=#=d2% Rn 5 0.826; Stee! Ratio% G 5 +0.)=fAcfy/+1?H+1?+2Rn0.)=fAc/// 5 0.0022) Gmin < G F Gma not o'ey use G 5 0.00;;) Desin Stee! rea% s 5G=#=d 5 1018.6 mm2 Desin Num#er of Bars: .0708 I  #c+



 4i"h 10 -



2e"e3 !"ing

1 22 $i'2e"e3 6'3+7 6"h 4'(+


Name of Structure: Name of -ootin:

P9'3 e'3 S9'&gh"e3 H&+e F-*


Compressi,e Strent* of Concrete% fA c: 2).00 Mpa ei!d Strent* of Stee!% f y: 414.00 Mpa Reinforced Concrete Density: 24.00 'Nm ; !!o"a#!e Soi! $ressure% &a: 260.00 '$a Soi! Density% (: 1).00 'Nm ; Soi! Dept* +a#o,e -ootin/: 2.0 m Concrete Co,er% cc: 7 mm Reinforcement Diameter% d#: 16 mm Co!umn idt*% C: 0.; m Co!umn idt*% C3: 0.; m S*ear Reduction -actor%  5 0.) II. FOOTING DIMENSION:

nfactored oad%$n: ;).87 'N nfactored Moment%Mn 76.7 'N Dept* of -ootin%df: 0.; m 9ffecti,e Soi! Bearin Capacity% &e: 207.) e5Mn$n5 -ootin ent*% : 1 m -ootin idt*% 3: 2 m $n < &e==3 o'ey>>> e < 36 +no tensi!e stress in soi!/ adLust 3 Checking ! F"ing De#"h A$e%&'c(:

Desined oad% $u: 40.17 Desined Moment% Mu: 8.1) 9ffecti,e Dept*% d: 0.201 m &u1 5 122.6) '$a &u2 5 ?162.) '$a

'N 'N?m

a. ide Beam S*ear  5 0.624 m &u; 5 7;.767 '$a @u 5 7;.)26 'N @c 5 1)0.)1 'N @c 5 1;.68 'N since 0.7@c F @u% t*erefore footin dept* is ade&uate #. $unc*in S*ear C1 5 C31 5 1 5 2 5 3 5 y1 5 &u 5 y2 5 &u4 5 -u3 5 @u 5 @c 5 @c 5

0.1 m 0.1 m 0.724 m 1.27 m 2).4 '$a 10;.44 '$a 8.41) '$a 1)2.1 '$a ?18.2 '$a 6.087) ' N ;4.072 'N 7)1.;8 'N 664.1) 'N

since 0.7@c F @u% t*erefore footin dept* is ade&uate



d 5 0.201 m  5 0.)2 m &u6 5 4.07 '$a -u1 5 -u2 5 Mu 5

1).8 'N 67.1) 'N 42.06 'N?m

9&ui,a!ent Dept* -actor%  1: 0.)0 see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8) Maimum Stee! Ratio% G ma 5 +;7/=++0.)=fA c=1/fy/ see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8) 5 0.0208 Minimum Stee! Ratio% G min: s*a!! not #e !ess t*an √(fAc/+4f y/ J 1.4f y 5 0.00;;) see NSCP 2010 (Section 410.6.2) C*ec' if compression stee! is re&uired Mn ma 5 +1140/=1=fAc=#=d2=+1?+;16/=1/ 5 2)6.476 'N?m  5 0.6E.2=++)00?fy/+1000?fy// 5 0.)147 Mn ma 5 2;;.;) 'N?m since Mn ma F Mu%t*e section is Sin!y Reinforced

see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8)

C*ec' if t*e section is tension?contro!!ed Mtn 5 +481600/=1=fAc=#=d2=+1?+;116// 5 2;1.))0 'N?m since Mu < Mtn% t*e section is tension?contro!!ed see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8) Strent* Reduction -actor% : 0.8 Mu 5 =Rn=#=d2% Rn 5 1.167 Stee! Ratio% G 5 +0.)=fAcfy/+1?H+1?+2Rn0.)=fAc/// 5 0.002)7 Gmin < G F Gma not o'ey use G 5 0.00;;) Desin Stee! rea% s 5G=#=d 5 678.710 mm2 Desin Num#er of Bars: ;.;)06 I * #c+



 4i"h 8 -



2e"e3 !"ing

1 22 $i'2e"e3 6'3+7 6"h 4'(+


Name of Structure: Name of -ootin:

P9'3 e'3 S9'&gh"e3 H&+e F-/


Compressi,e Strent* of Concrete% fA c: 2).00 Mpa ei!d Strent* of Stee!% f y: 414.00 Mpa Reinforced Concrete Density: 24.00 'Nm ; !!o"a#!e Soi! $ressure% &a: 260.00 '$a Soi! Density% (: 1).00 'Nm ; Soi! Dept* +a#o,e -ootin/: 2.0 m Concrete Co,er% cc: 7 mm Reinforcement Diameter% d#: 16 mm Co!umn idt*% C: 0.40 m Co!umn idt*% C3: 0.40 m S*ear Reduction -actor%  5 0.) II. FOOTING DIMENSION:

nfactored oad%$n: 2).) 'N nfactored Moment%Mn 62.4; 'N Dept* of -ootin%df: 0.; m 9ffecti,e Soi! Bearin Capacity% &e: 207.) -ootin ent*% : 1. m -ootin idt*% 3: 1. m $n < &e==3 o'ey>>> e < 36 +no tensi!e stress in soi!/ o'ey>>>


Checking ! F"ing De#"h A$e%&'c(:

Desined oad% $u: ;41.14 Desined Moment% Mu: 76.4) 9ffecti,e Dept*% d: 0.201 m &u1 5 ?1.6; '$a &u2 5 ?2)7.)2 '$a

'N 'N?m

a. ide Beam S*ear  5 0.;48 m &u; 5 224.;1 '$a @u 5 1;;.88 'N @c 5 271.22 'N @c 5 2;0.; 'N since 0.7@c F @u% t*erefore footin dept* is ade&uate #. $unc*in S*ear C1 5 C31 5 1 5 2 5 3 5 y1 5 &u 5 y2 5 &u4 5 -u3 5 @u 5 @c 5 @c 5

0.601 m 0.601 m 0.448 m 1.00 m 271.8; '$a )1.4)) '$a 206.08 '$a 180.44 '$a 87.141 '$a 4.764 ' N 2)6.;) 'N )2.28 'N 724.4 'N

since 0.7@c F @u% t*erefore footin dept* is ade&uate



d 5 0.201 m  5 0. m &u6 5 1)7.)7 '$a -u1 5 -u2 5 Mu 5

77.0 'N 11).6; 'N 7.70 'N?m

9&ui,a!ent Dept* -actor%  1: 0.)0 see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8) Maimum Stee! Ratio% G ma 5 +;7/=++0.)=fA c=1/fy/ see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8) 5 0.0208 Minimum Stee! Ratio% G min: s*a!! not #e !ess t*an √(fAc/+4f y/ J 1.4f y 5 0.00;;) see NSCP 2010 (Section 410.6.2) C*ec' if compression stee! is re&uired Mn ma 5 +1140/=1=fAc=#=d2=+1?+;16/=1/ 5 428.714 'N?m  5 0.6E.2=++)00?fy/+1000?fy// 5 0.)147 Mn ma 5 ;0.07) 'N?m since Mn ma F Mu%t*e section is Sin!y Reinforced

see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8)

C*ec' if t*e section is tension?contro!!ed Mtn 5 +481600/=1=fAc=#=d2=+1?+;116// 5 ;47.)21 'N?m since Mu < Mtn% t*e section is tension?contro!!ed see NSCP 2010 (Section 207.5.8) Strent* Reduction -actor% : 0.8 Mu 5 =Rn=#=d2% Rn 5 1.0) Stee! Ratio% G 5 +0.)=fAcfy/+1?H+1?+2Rn0.)=fAc/// 5 0.00262 Gmin < G F Gma not o'ey use G 5 0.00;;) Desin Stee! rea% s 5G=#=d 5 1018.6 mm2 Desin Num#er of Bars: .0708 I  #c+



 4i"h  -



2e"e3 !"ing

1 22 $i'2e"e3 6'3+7 6"h 4'(+

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