05 - Civil Engineering

December 8, 2016 | Author: Charan Reddy | Category: N/A
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Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/ Pre MS.

W.e.f. 2005-2006 Batch


PAPER-I (Choose Any ONE Subject)

S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21


SUBJECT CODE R50501 R50502 R50503 R50504 R50505 R50506 R50507 R50508 R50509 R50510 R50511 R50512 R50513 R50514 R50515 R50516 R50517 R50518 R50519 R50520


Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/ Pre MS.

W.e.f. 2005-2006 Batch


PAPER-II (Choose Any ONE Subject)

S.NO 1. 2. 3. 4.


SUBJECT CODE R50551 R50552 R50553 R50554 R50555 R50556 R50558 R50559 R50560 R50561 R50562 R50563 R50564 R50565 R50566 R50567 R50568 R50569 R50570

Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/ Pre MS.

W.e.f. 2005-2006 Batch Subject Code: R50501


INDETERMINACYDetermination of static and kinematic indeterminacies of two-dimensional and three-dimensional portal frames, pin jointed trusses and hybrid frames-coordinate systems –structural idealization.


INTRODUCTION TO MATRIX METHODS OF ANALYSIS-Flexibility and stiffness matrices-Force displacement relationships for axial force, couple, torsional moments – stiffness method of analysis and flexibility method of analysis.


ANALYSIS OF CONTINUOUS BEAMS- stiffness method and flexibility method of analysis –continuous beams of two and three spans with different end conditionsinternal hinges.


ANALYSIS OF TWO-DIMENSIONAL PINJOINTED TRUSSES - stiffness and flexibility methods-computation of joint displacement and member forces .


ANALYSIS OF TWO DIMENSIONAL PORTAL FRAMES – stiffness and flexibility method of analysis of 2D portal frames with different end conditions-plotting of bending moment diagrams


TRANSFORMATION OF CO-ORDINATES - Local and Global co-ordinate systems-transformation of matrices from local to global coordinates of element stiffness matrix-direct stiffness method of analysis-assembly of global stiffness matrix from element stiffness matrices –static condensation-sub-structuring.


EQUATION SOLUTION TECHNIQUES - solution of system of linear algebraic equations-direct inversion method-gauss elimination method-Cholesky method-banded equation solvers-frontal solution technique.

TEXT/REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Coates, R.C., Couties, M.G., and Kong, F.K., Structural Analysis, ELBS. McGuire, W.,and Gallagher, R.H., Matrix Structural analysis, John Wiley and sons. John L.Meek., Matrix Strucstural Analysis, Mc Graw Hill Book company. Structural Analysis by Pundit & Gupta Structural Analysis by C.S.Reddy. Structural Analysis – R.C. Hibbeler Intermediate Structural Analysis – C.K.Wang

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Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/ Pre MS.

W.e.f. 2005-2006 Batch Subject Code: R50502


Equations of equilibrium : Introduction, classification, stress derivation of stress Resultants, Principles of membrane theory and bending theory. (Design Not included)


Cylindrical shells: Derication of governing DKJ equation for bending theory, details of Schorer’s theory Applications to the analysis and design of short shells and long shells. Introduction of ASCE manual co-efficients for design. (Design Not included)


Introduction to shells of double curvature: ( other than shells of revolution:) Geometry and analysis of elliptic paraboloid, rotational parabolid and hyperbolic paraboliod shapes by membrane theory. (Design Not included)


Folded Plates: Folded plate theory, plate and slab action, Whitney’s theory, Simpson’s theory for the analysis of different types of folded plates (Design is not included)


Shells of double Curvature-Surfaces of revolution .Derivation of equilibrium equations by membrane theory, Applications to spherical shell and rotational Hyper boloid(Design Not included) TEXT / REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Design and construction of concrete shell roofs by G.S. Rama Swamy – CBS Publishers & Distributors, 485, Jain Bhawan Bhola Nath Nagar, shahotra, Delhi. 2. Fundamentals of the analysis and design of shell structures by Vasant S.Kelkar Robert T.Swell – Prentice hall, Inc., englewood cliffs, new Jersy – 02632. 3. N.k. Bairagi, Shell analysis, Khanna Publishers, Delhi, 1990. 4. Billington, lthin shsell concrete structures, Mc Graw Hill Book company, New york, St. Louis, Sand Francisco, Toronto, London. 5. ASCE Manual of Engineering practice No.31, design of cylindrical concrete shell roofs ASC, Newyork.


Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/ Pre MS.

W.e.f. 2005-2006 Batch Subject Code: R50503

BUILDING CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Unit-I: Introduction – Types constructions public and private contract management – scrutinizing tenders and acceptance of tenders, contracted, changes and terminating of contract – subcontracts construction organizations – organizational chart-Decentralization payrolls and records – organization chart of a construction company. Unit-II: Construction practices – Times Management – bar chart, CPM, PERT – Progress report Unit –III: Resources management and inventory- Basic concepts equipment management, material management inventory control. Unit-IV: Accounts management – Basic concepts, Accounting system and book keeping, depreciation, Balance sheet, profit and loss account, internal auditing. Quality control by statistical methods, sampling plan and control charts, safety requirements. Unit-V: Cost and Financial Management – Cost volume relationship, cost control system, budget concept of valuation, cost of equity capital management cash. Labor and industrial; laws – payment of wages act. Contract labor, workmen’s compensation, insurance, industrial disputes act. TEXT / REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Construction Management and planning by B.Sengupata and H.Gula(Tata Mcgraw Hill) 2. Construction Management by Atkinson(Elseverir) 3. in principle land practice by EEC beech(Longman) 4. Robert Schultheis, Mary Summer (1999)” management Information Systems – The Mangament View. “ TATA mc Graw Hill Edition, New Delhi. 5. Kwakye, A.A. (1997), “construction Project Administration Adisson Wesley Longman, London 6. Keith Davis, Human Behaviour at work, Mc Graw Hill, USA, 1981. 7. Sehroeder, R.g., Operations Mangement, Mc Graw Hill, USA 1982. 8. james C.Van Horne, Financial Management and policy, prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd,, 4th Ed., New Delhi., 1979 9. Varshney R.L and Maheswari, K.l., managerial Economics, Sultan Chand, 1975 10. Frank Harrison, E., The Managerial Decision making process, Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, 1975. 

Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/ Pre MS.

W.e.f. 2005-2006 Batch Subject Code: R50504 CONCRETE TECHNOLOGY


Cements and Admixtures: Portland cement – Chemical composition - Hydration, setting and finenecess of cement – structures of hydrated cement – mechanical of cement gel Necgabucak strength if cent gek – water held in hydrate cement paste – Heat of hydration of cement – Influence of compound composition on properties of cement – tests on physical properties of cement – I.S. specifications – Different types of cements – Admixtures.


Aggregates: Classification of aggregate – particle shape and texture – Bond, strength and other mechanical properties of aggregate specific gravity, Bulk density, porosity, absorption and moisture in aggregate – soundness of aggregate – Alkali – aggregate reaction I Thermal properties – sieve analysis – Finensess modulus – grading curves – grading quirements – practical grading – Road note No. grading of fine and coarse aggregates gap graded aggregate – maximum aggregate size.


Fresh concrete: Workability – factors affecting workability – measurement of workability by different tests – Effect of time and temperature on workability – segregation and bleeding – mixing and vibration of concrete – quality of mixing water.


Hardened Concrete: Water/cement ratio-Abram’s law – Gel space ratio – effective water in mix – Nature of strength of concrete – strength in tension and compressionGriffith’s hypothesis – factors affecting strength – autogeneous healing –Relation between compression and tensile strength – curing and maturity of concrete Influence of temperature on strength – Steam curing – testing of Hardened concrete – compression tests – tension tests – factors affecting strength – flexure tests – splitting tests – Non destructive testing methods.


Elasticity, Shrinkage and Creep: Modulus of elasticity – dynamic modulus of elasticity – poission’s ratio – Early volume changes – swelling – Dryaing shrinkage - Mechanism of shrinkage – factors affecting shrinkage – Differential shrinkage – moisture movement carbonation shrinkage-creep of concrete – factors influencing creep – relation between creep and time – Nature of creep – Effect of creep.


Mix Design: Proportioning of concrete mixes by various methods – finenss modulus, trial and error, mix density, Road Note.No. 4, ACI and ISI code methods – factors in the choice of mix proportions – Durability of concrete – quality control of concrete – Statistical methods – High strength concrete mix design


Special concrete’s: Light weight cibcretes – light weight aggregate light weight aggregate concrete- Mix design – Cellular concrete No- fines concrete – High density concrete – Fiber reinforced concrete – Different types of fibers -= factories affecting properties of FRC – Applications polymer concrete – types of polymer concrete properties of polymer concrete applications 

Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/ Pre MS.

W.e.f. 2005-2006 Batch Subject Code: R50505


Significance of Construction Management, Objectives and Functions of Construction management. The Construction Industry and stages in Construction. Construction Team Owner, Engineer and Architect.


Bar Charts, Times Estimates, PERT Network Analysis, Critical Path Method, Criticality Index, Project Cost Analysis and Updating, Costs. Direct, Indirect and Total Project costs, Optimization of Cost through Network Construction.


Methods of Updating, Updating Flow Chart etc. Resource Management in Construction Industry Basic Concepts, Equipment management, Materials Management.


Requirements of LP Problem, Methodology of OR and limitation of LP model. Linear Programming. Simplex Method, Degeneracy in Simplex Method, Duality and Post Optimality analysis. Application of OR in Construction Industry.


Sustainability-Various definitions of sustainable development and sustainable construction Strong versus weak sustainability, Built environment.

Suggested Reading: 1.

Gahlot, P.S. and Dhir. B.M. (1992). “ Construction Planning and Management “ Wiley Eastern Limited, New Delhi.


Principles of Sustainable Construction Charles J Kilbert.


Seetharaman, S.(1997). “ Construction Engineering and Management. “Umesh Publications, New Delhi.


Vohra, N.D. (1990). “ Quantitative Techniques in Management. “ Tata MeGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi.


Srinath, L.S. (1989). “ PERT and CPM Principles and Applications.” Affiliated EastWest Press PVT LTD, New Delhi.

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Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/ Pre MS.

W.e.f. 2005-2006 Batch Subject Code: R50506

ENGINEERING HYDROLOGY World’s Water Resources: Hydrology and its Scope, hydrologic cycle Precipitation Rainguage net work. Checks of rainfall data. Double mass curve, Depth intensity duration relationships. Infiltration: Factors affecting, Measurement of infiltration, Infiltration curve and infiltration indices. Runoff: The steam flow hydrograph, Hydrograph separation, Unit hydrograph and Synthetic unit hydrographs, S-Curve hydrograph, IUH models-Nash Computation of reservoir capacity: Hydrology of Droughts: Definition: types of droughts, Effects of drought, Combating drought, reducing runoff losses, reducing evaporation and deep percolation. Efficient use of stored soil water. Hydrology of floods: Causes of floods, flood discharge formulae and envelope curves, Flood frequency analysis. Probability distributions as applied to Hydrology: Discrete and Continuous Probability Distribution Functions - Binomial, Poisson, Normal, Lognormal, Exponential, gamma Distributions, Extreme Value Distributions, Gumbel and Log – person Type III distribution. Flood control: Flood control dams, detention basins, levels, diversion channels, flood channel improvement and schemes. Flood routing: routing through a reservoir by I.S.D, method, channel routing by Muskingun method. 1.

A Text Book of Hydrology by P.Jayarami Reddy.


H.M. Raghumath, Hydrology Wiley Eastern Ltd., 1986.


Engineering Hydrology by Subrahmanyam


Stochastic Hydrology by P.Jayarami Reddy.


Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/ Pre MS.

W.e.f. 2005-2006 Batch Subject Code: R50507


PRINCIPLES OF EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH :Merits of Experimental Analysis Introduction, uses of experimental stress analysis advantages of experimental stress analysis, Different methods –Simplification of problems.


STRAIN MEASUREMENT USING STRAIN GAUGES :Definition of strain and its relation of experimental Determinations Properties of StrainGauge Systems-Types of Strain Gauges –Mechanical, Acoustic and Optical Strain Gauges.


ELECTRICAL STRAIN GAUGES :Inductance strain gauges – LVDT – Resistance strain gauges – various types –Gauge factor – Materials of adhesion base etc…


STRAIN ROSETTES :Introduction – The three element Rectangular Rosette – The Delta Rosette – Corrections for Transverse Strain Gauge.


NON – DESTRUCTIVE TESTING :Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity method –Application to Concrete . Hammer Test – Application to Concrete.


BRITTLE COATING METHIDS :Introduction –Coating Stress – Failure Theories –Brittle Coating Crack Patterns – Crack Detection –Types of Brittle Coating – Test Procedures for Brittle Coating Analysis – Calibration Procedures – Analysis of Brittle Coating Data.


THEORY OF PHOTOELASTICITY :Introduction –Temporary Double refraction – The stress Optic Law –Effects of stressed model in a polariscope for various arrangements – Fringe Sharpening. Brewster’s Stress Optic law.


TWO DIMENSIONAL PHOTOELASTICITY :Introduction – Isochramic Fringe patterns- Isoclinic Fringe patterns passage of light through plane Polariscope and Circular polariscope Isoclinic Fringe patterns – Compensation techniques – Calibration methods – Separation methods – Scaling Model to prototype Stresses – Materials for photo – Elasticity Properties of Photoelastic Materials. Reference Books :-

1. 2.

Experimental stress analysis by J.W.Dally and W.F.Riley Experimental stress analysis by Dr.Sadhu Singh. 

Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/ Pre MS.

W.e.f. 2005-2006 Batch Subject Code: R50508


Introduction-Concepts of FEM –steps involved –merits &demerits –energy principles –Discretization –Rayleigh –Ritz method of functional approximation.


Principles of Elasticity: Stress equations-strain displacement relationships in matrix form-plane stress, plane strain and Axi-symmetric bodies of revolution with axi symmetric loading


One Dimensional FEM-Stiffness Matrix for Beam and Bar elements shape functions for ID elements –static condensation of global stiffness matrix-solution –Initial strain and temperature effects.


Two Dimensional FEM-Different types of elements for plane stress and plane strain analysis –Displacement models –generalized coordinates-shape functions-convergent and compatibility requirements –Geometric Invariance –Natural coordinate system-area and volume coordinates-Generation of element stiffness and nodal load matrices –static condensation.


Isoparametric formulation-Concept, Different isoparametric elements for 2d analysisFormulation of 4-noded and 8-noded isoparametric quadrilateral elements –Lagrangian elements-serendipity elements.


Axi symmetric analysis –bodies of revolution-axi symmetric modelling –strain displacement relationship-formulation of axi symmetric elements.


Three Dimensional FEM-Different 3-D elements, 3D strain –displacement relationship- formulation of hexahedral and isoparametric solid element.


Finite element analysis of plates –basic theory of plate bending –thin plate theorystress resultants-Mindlin’s approximations –Formulation of 4-noded isoparametric quadrilateral plate element


Finite element method by O.C.Zienkiewicz Finite element analysis _Theory & programming by G.S.Krishna murthy Introduction to finite element method –Triupathi Chandra patila &Belugunudu Introduction to finite element method –T.N.Reddy


Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/ Pre MS.

W.e.f. 2005-2006 Batch Subject Code: R50509


Summary of basic problems and concepts: Introduction-A crack in a structure-The stress at a crack tip-The Griffith criterion- The crack opening displacement criterion-Crack Propagation- Closure


The elastic crack – tip stress field The Airy stress function-Complex stress functions -Solution to crack problems- The effect of finite size- Special cases- Elliptical cracks- Some useful expressions


The crack tip plastic zone: The Irwin plastic zone correction- The Dugdale approach- The shape of the plastic zone- Plane stress versus plane strain- Plastic constraint factor- The thickness effect


The energy principle: The energy release rate- The criterion for crack growth- The crack resistance (R curve)Compliance & The J integral - Definition only


Plane strain fracture toughness: The standard test- Size requirements- Non-Linearity- Applicability-


Plane stress and transitional behavior: Introduction- An engineering concept of plane stress- The R curve concept


The crack opening displacement criterion: Fracture beyond general yield- The crack tip opening displacement- The possible use of the CTOD criterion


Determination of stress intensity factors: Introduction- Analytical and numerical methods- Finite element methods An ariel view only- Experimental methods


Elementary engineering fracture mechanics -David columbus- Ohieo- USA


Fracture and Fatigue Control in Structures - John M.Barsom- Senior consultant United states Steel corporation & Stanley T.Rolfe- Ross H.Forney Professor of Engineering University of Kansas. & Stanley T.Rolfe- Ross H.forney Professor of Engineering- University of Kansas





Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/ Pre MS.

W.e.f. 2005-2006 Batch Subject Code: R50510

GROUND WATER EXPLORATION AND WATERSHED MANAGEMENT Ground Water Exploration: Internal Constitution of the earth. Basic concepts of geologic structures governing occurrence and movement of Ground water, Ground Water in igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks, Hydrogeological methods of exploration. Geophysical methods: Electrical methods, Expression for apparent resistivity in four electrode arrangements viz. – Wonner, Schlumberger, arrays. Field surveys interpretation techniques in sounding and profiling for ground water investigation. Seismic Refraction method – Principle and propagation of refracted energy in two and three media earth, Field procedure and interpretation techniques. Magnetic and Electromagnetic methods, principle and field practices VLF technique and its interpretation. Water Well Technology: Wells and their constructions, open wells and cavity wells, types and construction of Tube wells in alluvial soils and in hard rock areas. Methods of drilling tube wells: Hydraulic rotary method and reverse rotary method, DTH method. Well logging Techniques: Electrical – Long normal short normal SP and radioactive loggings. Completion of wells and development of wells: Various methods, design of strainer tube wells, pumping arrangements. Watershed Management : Objectives of Planning watershed projects guidelines for project preparation, watershed delineation, codification and determination of priority, critical areas. Site selection, bench marks, resources survey, hydrological, soil, vegetative and land use surveys, socio-economic surveys and soil conservation works. Peoples participation and constraints, Participatory Rural Appraisal in Watershed Programme, Community Mobilization & Participatory Management, Peoples Institutions, Capacity Building. TEXT BOOKS: 1. 2.

Ground Water Hydrology by Raghunath Principles and Applications of Ground Water geophysics by Murali, Sabnavis and N.S. Patangay. 3. Applied Geophysics by Telford, Geldard, Keys. 4. Hydrology and water resources Engineering by S.K. Garg. 5. Formation Evaluation by E.L. Lynch. 6. A Text book of geology by P.K. Mukerjee 7. Hydrogeology by Davis and Dewiest 8. Hydrogeology by K. R. Karanth 9. Integrated Watershed Management by Rajesh Rajora – Rawat Publications 10. Soil and Water Conservation by Seshagiri Rao – BS Publications Watershed Management in India by JVS Murthy- Wiley Eastern, Limited Publishers. 11. FAO Watershed Management Field Manuals, FAO Conservation Guide, UNO 12. Soil and Water Conservation Research in India by V.V.Dhruva Narayana published by ICAR, New Delhi. 

Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/ Pre MS.

W.e.f. 2005-2006 Batch Subject Code: R50511

HYDRAULIC STRUCTURES Classification of dams, Selection of type of dam, Site investigations. Gravity dams – Forces acting, Causes of failures and design criteria – Single and multiple step design. Method of zoning stability analysis-Overview section, evolving of ogee profile, discharge characteristics. Different types of spill ways their application and operations. Drainage galleries. Different types of I.S energy dissipaters and their suitability. Earth & Rockfill dams : Types and general Principles of design, Methods of control of seepage through embankment and through foundation, Stability of earth dam slopes under different conditions – slip circle analysis. Horizontal shear, sudden drawdown condition, factors of safety. Rockfill dams – Types & Suitabilities. Arch and Buttress dams : Classification of arch dams, Cylinder theories, Principles of elastic theory and Elementary Principles of trial load analysis. Buttress dams – Types and relative merits of dams. Buttress Spacing, unit column design. TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. 3.

Irrigation and Water Power Engineering by B.C.Punmia and Lal Irrigation & Hydraulic Structures by S.K.Garg Engineering of Dams by Creager, Justin and Hinds


Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/ Pre MS.

W.e.f. 2005-2006 Batch Subject Code: R50512

IRRIGATION MANAGEMENT Irrigation Development in India – Planning of Irrigation Projects, Command Area Development Programmes Physical and Chemical Properties of Soil, Soil Profile, Soil Aeration, Classification of Irrigable Soils, Soil Survey, Soil Management. Soil-Plant – Water Relationships, Capillary and Non Capillary Pores, Water Relation of Soils, Infiltration, Hydraulic Conductivity, Water Movement through Soils, Soil Water Potential, Soil Moisture Constant, Plant Water Relations, Rooting Characteristics, Evaporation and Evapotranspiration Measurements, Different Methods of Estimating Evapotranspiration, , Water Requirements of Crops, Irrigation Scheduling. Irrigation water application methods: Basin, border, check, furrow, and sub irrigation methods, and their relative merits. Sprinkler and drip Irrigation systems, basic components and design. Land Grading and Field Layout, Cropping Patterns, Fertilizers, On-farm Developments, Diagnostic Analysis of Irrigation System, Water Application Methods, Rotational Water Distribution, Micro Irrigation, Water Logging and Salt Problems, Reclamation and Management of Salt Affected Soils, Drainage, Participatory Irrigation Management. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Murthy, V.V.N. (1999) , “Land and Water Management Engineering”, Kalyani Publishers, Ludiana. 2. Scwabe G.O., Fangmeir, D.D. and Elliot W.J. (1996), “Soil and Water Management Systems”, John Wiley and Sons, N. York. 3. Michael , B.A.M. (1990), “Irrigation”, Vikas publishing House Pvt. Ltd. N Delhi. 4. Withers and Vipond, S. (1980), “Irrigation – Theory and Practice”, Cornell University Press 5. Hutchinson (1973), “Irrigation, Drainage and Salinity”, FAO/UNESCO Publications, Rome 6. Asawa,G.L(1996), “Irrigation Engineering”, New Age International Pub. Co.N Delhi. 7. Hansen, V.E., Israelson O.S. and Stringham G.C. (1979) “Irrigation Principles and Practice”, John Wiley and Sons, N York Suresh R.L., (1999), “Soil and Water Conservation Engineering”, Standard Publishing Co. Delhi. 

Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/ Pre MS.

W.e.f. 2005-2006 Batch Subject Code: R50513


INTRODUCTION:Development of prestressed concrete –Advantages and Disadvantages of PSC over RCC –General principles of pre-stressing-pre tensioning and post tensioning –Materials used in PSC-high strength concrete –High tension steelDifferent types /methods/systems of prestressing.


Losses of prestress: Estimation of the loss of prestress due to various causes like elastic shortening of concrete ,creep of concrete, shrinkage of concrete, relaxation of steel, slip in anchorage, friction etc.


Flexure: Analysis of sections for flexure in accordance with elastic theory-Allowable stresses-Design criteria as per I.S code of practice –Elastic design of Beams (rectangular, I and T sections) for Flexure –Introduction to partial prestressing.


Shear, bond, Bearing and Anchorage: shear in PSC beams –Principal stresses – Conventional elastic design for shear-transfer of prestress in pretensioned memberstransmission length –Bond stresses-bearing at anchorage –Anchorage zone stresses in post-tensioned members-Analysis and design of end blocks by Guyon, Magnel and approximate methods –Anchorage zone reinforcements.


Deflections: Introduction-Factors influencing deflections-short term and long term time deflections of uncracked and cracked members.


Composite Construction: Types of composite construction-stress distribution in composite sections-analysis of stresses-Differential shrinkage-Design of simple composite sections.


Statistically indeterminate structures: Introduction –advantages and disadvantages of continuity –Layouts for continuous beams-primary and secondary moments –Elastic analysis of continuous beams-Linear transformation-Concordant cable profile-Design of continuous beams.


Circular prestressing: Introduction –Circumferential prestressing Design Prestressed concrete tanks –vertical prestressing in tanks-Dome prestressing.


Prestressed Concrete by S.Krishnam raju Prestressed Concrete by S.Ramamrutham



Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/ Pre MS.

W.e.f. 2005-2006 Batch Subject Code: R50514

STOCHASTIC HYDROLOGY Classification and Presentation of Data - Basic Concepts of Probability, Probability Axioms, Analysis and Treatment of Data, Population and Samples, Measures of Central Tendency, Measures of Dispersion, Measures of Symmetry, Measures of Peakedness. Probability Distributions: Parameter Estimation, Methods of Moments, Methods of Maximum Likelihood, Weighted Moments and Least Square Method, Conditional Probability, Marginal Probability, Joint Probability Distributions. Hydrologic Time Series Analysis - Independent and Auto-Correlated Data, Structure of Hydrologic Time Series, Trend, Jump and Seasonality, Stationarity and Ergodicity, AutoCovariance and Auto-Correlation Function, Correlogaram Analysis, Spectral Analysis, Analysis of Multi-Variant Hydrologic Series. Modelling of Hydrologic Time Series - Data Generation Techniques, Linear Stochastic Models, Auto-Regressive, Moving Average, ARMA Models, Modelling of Non-Stationary and Seasonal Series, Thomas-Fiering Model, ARIMA Models, Periodic Models, Multi-Site Modelling. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Haan C.T, Statistical Methods in Hydrology, EastWest Press, New Delhi. 2. McCueen R.H. and Snyder, W.M., Hydrological Modelling - Statistical Methods and Applications, Prentice Hall International, New York 3. Kottegoda, Stochastic Processes in Hydrology, Prentice Hall International, New Jersey. 4. Stochastic Hydrology by P. Jayarami Reddy 5. Stochastic Processes in Hydrology by Yevifievich


Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/ Pre MS.

W.e.f. 2005-2006 Batch Subject Code: R50515


DERIVATION OF PLATE EQUATIONS FOR –In plane bending and transverse bending effects.


RECTANGULAR PLATES: Plates under various loading conditions like concentrated, U.D.L and hydrostatic pressure- Navier and Levy’s type of solutions for various boundary conditions.


CIRCULAR PLATES: Symmetrically loaded, circular plates under various loading conditions, annular plates.


PLATES ON ELASTIC FOUNDATIONS: Navier and Levy’s type solutions for simple cases, plate carrying rows of equivalent columns.


PLATES UNDER SIMULTANEOUS BENDING AND STRECTHING: Derivation of the governing equation and application to simple cases.


ORTHOTROPIC PLATES: Derivation of the governing equation, applications to grillage problems as equivalent orthotropic plates.


NUMERICAL AND APPROXIMATE METHODS: Energy solutions by variational methods, finite difference and finite element methods of analysis for plate problems.


LARGE DEFLECTION THEORY OF PLATES: Study of few simple cases, Influence surfaces.


Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/ Pre MS.

W.e.f. 2005-2006 Batch Subject Code: R50516

URBAN DRAINAGE AND WASTE WATER TREATMENT Urban Hydrological Cycle, Effects of Urbanization on Catchment Hydrology, Need for Urban Drainage System, Planning Objectives, Interaction of Urban and Surrounding Areas. Approaches to Urban Drainage, Urban Wastes and Urban Runoff Options for Waste Disposal, Separate and Combined System’s, Open Channels and Closed Conduits, Wastewater and Storm water Reuse, Data Requirements, Master Drainage Plans. Elements of Drainage System, Conveyance Elements, Appurtenances, Overflow Structures, Runoff Control, Pumping Stations. Design Parameters, Design Period, Catchment, Physical Parameters, Process Parameters, Rainfall, water Quality Parameters, Instrumentation for Data Collection. Hydraulic Design of Conveyance Elements, Sizing of Sewers and Drainage Channels, Design of Appurtenances, Layout of Road Drainage, Layout of Pumping Stations. Operation and Maintenance of Urban Drainage Systems, Interaction of Urban Drainage and Solid Waste Management, Cleansing of Sewers and Drains, Repairs and Maintenance, Planning. Wastewater Treatment Technologies: Sedimentation, sedimentation with Coagulation, Filtration, Activated Sludge Process, trickling Filters. Tertiary Treatment Systems: Nitrogen removal, Phosphorous removal, biological phosphorus removal, advanced biological systems, aerobic ponds, facultative ponds, aerated ponds, anaerobic ponds, chemical oxidation. Wetlands: Introduction, definition, classification, delineation, Identification methods, Importance of wetlands, Human impacts, wetland protection, mitigation. Wetland Management: Designed ecosystem, water recycling, soil filters, Constructed wetlands TEXT BOOKS: 1. Industrial Wastewater Treatment, M.N. Rao, A.K. Dutta Oxford and IBH Publishing House, 1987. 2. Waste Water Treatment and Disposal by Metcalf Eddy & Co., Mc. Graw Hill Co., 1993 3. Water and wastewater Treatment by Hammer and Hammer: Prentice-Hall 1998 4. Hall, M.J. (1984), “Urban Hydrology “, Elsevier Applied Science Publishers. 5. Geiger, W.F., Marsalek, J. Zudima and Rawls, G. J. (1987 “Manual on Drainage in Urban Areas”, 2 Volumes, UNESCO, Paris. 6. Geiger, W.F. and Jayakumar, K.V. (Ed.) (1996) “Lecture Notes of the V International Course on Urban Drainage in Developing Countries”, Regional Engineering College, Warangal. 

Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/ Pre MS.

W.e.f. 2005-2006 Batch Sub. Code: R50517

WATER RESOURCES SYSTEMS PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT Introduction : General Principles of Systems Analysis to Problems in Water Resources Engineering, Objectives of Water Resources Planning and Development, Nature of Water Resources Systems, Socio-Economic Characteristics. Economic Analysis of Water Resources Systems: Principles of Engineering Economy, Capital, Interest and Interest Rates, Time Value of Money, Depreciation, Benefit Cost Evaluation, Discounting Techniques, Economic and Financial Evaluation, Socio-Economic Analysis. Methods of Systems Analysis: Linear Programming Models, Simplex Method, Sensitivity Analysis, Dual Programming, Dynamic Programming Models, Classical Optimization Techniques, Non-Linear Programming, Gradient Techniques, Genetic Algorithm, Stochastic Programming, Simulation, Search Techniques, Multi Objective Optimization. Water Quantity Management: Surface Water Storage Requirements, Storage Capacity and Yield, Reservoir Design, Water Allocations for Water Supply, Irrigation, Hydropower and Flood Control, Reservoir Operations, Planning of an Irrigation System, Irrigation Scheduling, Groundwater Management, Conjunctive Use of Surface and Subsurface Water Resources, Design of Water Conveyance and Distribution Systems. Water Quality Management: Water Quality Objectives and Standards, Water Quality control Models, Flow Augmentation, Wastewater Transport Systems, River Water Quality Models and Lake Quality Models. Legal Aspects of Water & Environment Systems: Principles of Law Applied to Water Rights and Water Allocation, Water Laws, Environmental Protection Law, Environmental Constraints on Water Resources Development. Text Books: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Loucks, D.P., Stedinger, J.R. and Haith, D.A.(1982) “Water Resources Systems Planning and Analysis”, Prentice Hall Inc. N York Chaturvedi, M.C. (1987), “Water Resources Systems Planning and Manag;ement”, Tata McGraw Hill Pub. Co., N Delhi Hall. W.A. and Dracup, J.A. (1975), “Water Resources Systems”, Tata Mc Graw Hill Pub. N Delhi James, L.D. and Lee (1975) , “Economics of Water Resources Planning”, M c Graw Hill Inc. N. York Biswas, A.K. (1976) “Systems Approach to Water Mana;gement”, Mc Graw Hill Inc. N York Major, D.C. and Lenton, R.L., (1979), “Applied Water Resources System Planning”, Prentice-Hall Inc., N. Jersey Taha H A (1996), “Operations Research “, Prentice Hall of India, N Delhi.


Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/ Pre MS.

W.e.f. 2005-2006 Batch Sub. Code: R50518


Introduction to Ground Modification: Need and objectives of Ground Improvement, Classification of Ground Modification Techniques – suitability and feasibility, Emerging Trends in ground improvement.


Mechanical Modification: Methods of compaction, Shallow compaction, Deep compaction techniques – Vibro floatation, Blasting, Dynamic consolidation, precompression and compaction piles, Field compaction control.


Hydraulic Modification: Methods of dewatering – open sumps and ditches, Well-point system, Electro-osmosis, Vaccum dewatering wells; pre-loading without and with sand drains, strip drains and rope drains.


Physical and Chemical Modification: Stabilisation with admixtures like cement, lime, calcium chloride, fly ash and bitumen, Grouting: categories of grouting, Art of grouting, Gout materials, Grouting techniques and control.


Reinforced Earth Technology: Concept of soil reinforcement, Reinforcing materials, Backfill criteria, Art of reinforced earth technology, Design and construction of reinforced earth structures.


Soil Confinement Systems: Concept of confinement, Gabbion walls, CRB walls, Sand bags, Evergreen systems and fabric formwork.


Miscellaneous Techniques: Design, Construction and applications of stone columns lime columns and cofferdams, Applications of Geo-taxtiles in Highway construction.

Reference: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Manfred R.Hansmann – Engineering, principles of ground modification – Mc Graw-Hill pub. Co., New York. Robert M.Koerner – Construction and Geotechnical methods in Foundation Engineering – McGraw-Hill Pub. Co., New York. Winterkorn and Fang – Foundation Engineering Hand book – Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York. Aris C.Stamatopoulos & Panaghiotis C.Kotzios – Soil Improvement by Preloading – John Wiley & Sons Inc. Canada. P. Purushothama Rao – Ground Improvement Techniques – Laxmi Publications (P) Limited. 

Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/ Pre MS.

W.e.f. 2005-2006 Batch Sub. Code: R50519


Basic concepts and characteristics: Geometric and Physical definitions, natural and man-made composites, applications, types and classification of composites, lamina and laminate characteristics and configurations, constituent materials and properties, properties of typical composite materials.


Coordinate transformations: Transformation of stress and strain, Numerical examples of stress strain transformation, Graphic interpretation of stress – strain relations. Off axis, stiffness modulus, off - axis compliance.


Elastic behavior of unidirectional composites: Elastic constants of lamina, relation ship between engineering constants and reduced stiffness and compliances, analysis of laminated composites, constitutive relations.


Strength of unidirectional lamina: Micro mechanics of failure, Failure mechanisms, Strength of an orthotropic lamina, Strength of a lamina under tension and shear maximum stress and strain criteria, application to design. The failure envelope, first ply failure, free-edge effects. Micromechanical predictions of elastic constants.


Analysis of laminated composite plates: introduction, thin plate theory, specially orthotropic plate, cross and angle ply laminated plates, bending and vibration analysis of laminated composite plates using finite element method.

Text Books: 1. 2.

Engineering Mechanics of Composite Materials by Isaac and M Daniel, Oxford University Press, 1994. B. D. Agarwal and L. J. Broutman, Analysis and performance of fibre Composites, Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1980.

Reference: 1. 2.

R. M. Jones, Mechanics of Composite Materials, Mc Graw Hill Company, New York, 1975. L. R. Calcote, Analysis of Laminated Composite Structures, Van Nostrand Rainfold, New York, 1969. 

Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/ Pre MS.

W.e.f. 2005-2006 Batch Sub. Code: R50520


Pavement management system: Components of PMS and their activities; Major steps in implementing PMS; Inputs; Design ;Construction and Maintenance; Rehabilitation and Feedback systems; Examples of HDM and RTIM packages; Highway financing; Fund generation; Evaluating alternate strategies and Decision criteria


Pavement Inventories and Evaluation: Serviceability Concepts ;Visual Rating ; Pavement Serviceability Index; Roughness Measurements ;Distress Modes – Cracking Rutting Etc; Pavement Deflection – Different Methods, Skid Resistance, Roughness, Safety – Aspects; Inventory System – Assessment of Deficiencies


Pavement Maintenance and Quality Control: Causes of Deterioration, Traffic and Environmental Factors, Pavement Performance Modelling Approaches and Methods of Maintaining WBM, Bitumen and Cement Concrete Roads, Quality Assurance; Quality Control – ISO 9000 , Sampling Techniques – Tolerances and Controls related to Profile and Compaction


Construction of Base, Subbase, Shoulders and Drain: Roadway and Drain Excavation, Excavation and Blasting, Embankment Construction, Construction of Gravel Base, Cement Stabilised Sub- Bases, WBM Bases, Wet Mix Construction; Crushed Cement Bases, Shoulder Construction; Drainage Surface, Turfing Sand Drains; Sand Wicks; Rope Drains, Geo- Textile Drainage; Preloading Techniques


Bituminous Pavement Construction: Preparation and Laying of Tack Coat; Bituminous Macadam ,Penetration Macadam, Built up Spray Grout, Open Graded Premix, Mix Seal, Semi-Dense Asphalt Concrete-Interface Treatments and Overlay Construction, IRC Specifications, Introducing Mechanical Mixers, Pavers, Finishers


Cement Concrete Pavement Analysis: Construction of Cement Roads, Manual and Mechanical Methods, Joints in Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Pavement and Overlay Construction –Related Equipment


Pavement Life Cycle Cost Analysis: Cost Components, Methods of LCA –Brief Description –Items Considered –Case Studies


Pavement Maintenance Management: Components of Maintenance Management and Related Activities – Network and Project Level Analysis –Budgeting; Prioritization Techniques and Formulation of Maintenance Strategies

References: 1. Haas and Hudson , W. R. Pavement management systems –Mc. Graw Hill publications 2. Sargious, M. A. – Pavements and surfacing for highways and airports – Applied Science Publishers ltd 3. Bridge and pavement maintenance- Transportation Research Record no.800, TRB 4. Shahin M.Y, 1994- Pavement management for airports, roads and parking lots 5. Bent Thagesan, 1996- Highway and traffic engineering for developing countries 

Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/ Pre MS.

W.e.f. 2005-2006 Batch Subject Code: R50521

HIGHWAY INFRASTRUCTURE DESIGN 1. GEOMETRIC DESIGN OF HIGHWAYS: Functional Classification of Highway System; Design Controls – Topography, Driver characteristics, Vehicle Characteristics, Traffic, Capacity and Level of Service, Design Speed. Objectives of Geometric Design 2. HIGHWAY CROSS SECTION ELEMENTS: Carriageway, Shoulders, Formation, Right of way; Kerbs, foot paths, Medians- design specifications; Pavement Surface characteristics – Skid Resistance, factors affecting Skid resistance, Measurement of Skid Resistance; Road Roughness, measurement of Road roughness; Camber, Objectives of Camber, design standards. 3. HORIZONTAL ALIGNMENT: Objectives of horizontal curves; Super elevation – Need for Super elevation; Method of computing super elevation; Minimum Radius of Curve; Methods of attainment of super elevation; Extra widening on Curves; Transition Curves – Objectives and Design. 4. VERTICAL ALIGNMENT AND SIGHT DISTANCES: Gradients – Types of Gradients, Design Standards; Vertical Curves – Summit Curves, Valley Curves and Design criteria for Vertical Curves; Combination of Vertical and Horizontal Curves – Grade Compensation; Sight Distances – Stopping Sight Distance, Overtaking Sight Distance and Intermediate Sight Distance; Importance of Sight Distances for Horizontal and Vertical Curves. 5. INTERSECTION DESIGN: Types of Intersections; Design Principles for Intersections; Design of At-grade Intersections – Channelisation, Objectives; Traffic Islands and Design standards; Rotary Intersection – Concept, Advantages and Disadvantages; Grade separated Interchanges – Types, warrants and Design standards. 6. SIGNS AND ROAD MARKINGS: Types of Road Signs; Guidelines for the provision of Road Signs; Cautionary Signs, Regulatory Signs, Information Signs – Design standards; Road markings – Objectives of Road Markings; Types of Road Markings ; Role of Road markings in Road Safety and Traffic Regulation; Specification for Road Markings. Highway Appurtenances – Delineators, Traffic Impact Attenuators, Safety Barriers. 7. MISCELLANEOUS ELEMENTS: Requirements of Pedestrians; Pedestrian facilities on Urban Roads; Cycle Tracks – Guidelines and Design standards; Bus bays – Types and Guide lines; Design of On-street and Off street Parking facilities – Guidelines for lay out Design. REFERENCES: 1. Principles and Practice of Highway Engineering, L.R.Kadiyali and N.B.Lal, Khanna Publications 2. Traffic Engineering and Transportation Planning, L.R.Kaadiyali, Khanna Publications 3. Highway Engineering, C.E.G.Justo and S.K.Khanna, Nem Chand and Brothers. 4. IRC Codes for Signs, Markings and Mixed Traffic Control in Urban Areas.

  

Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/ Pre MS.

W.e.f. 2005-2006 Batch Subject Code: R50551


SHALLOW FOUNDATIONS-I: General requirements of foundations. types of shallow foundations and the factors governing the selection of a type of shallow foundation. Bearing capacity of shallow foundations by Terzaghi’s theory and Meyerhof’s theory (derivation of expressions and solution to problems based on these theories). Local shear and general shear failure and their identification


SHALLOW FOUNDATIONS-II: Bearing capacity of isolated footing subjected to eccentric and inclined loads. bearing capacity of isolated footing resting on stratified soils- Button’s theory and Siva reddy analysis. Analysis and structural design of R.C.C isolated, combined and strap footings.


DEEPFOUNDATIONS-I: Pile foundations-types of pile foundations. estimation of bearing capacity of pile foundation by dynamic and static formulae. Bearing capacity and settlement analysis of pile groups. Negative skin Friction, Pile load tests.


DEEP FOUNDATIONS-II: Well foundations-Elements of well foundation. forces acting on a well foundation. Depth and bearing capacity of well foundation. Design of individual components of well foundation (only forces acting and principles of design). Problems associated with well sinking.


SHEET PILE WALLS: Cantilever sheet piles and anchored bulkheads, Earth Pressure diagram,Determination of depth of embedment in sands and clays-Timbering of trenches-Earth Pressure diagrams-forces in struts.


FOUNDATIONS IN PROBLEMATIC SOILS: Foundations in black cotton soilsbasic foundation problems associated with black cotton soils. Lime column techniquesprinciples and execution. Under reamed piles-principle of functioning of under reamed pile-Analysis and structural design of under reamed pile. Use of Cohesive Non Swelling (CNS) layer below shallow foundations. TEXT/REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Analysis and Design of Foundations and Retaining Structures-Shamsher Prakash,Gopal Ranjan and Swami Saran. 2. Analysis and Design of Foundations-E.W.Bowles 3. Foundation Design and Construction-Tomlinson 4. Foundation Design-Tang. 5. Geotechnical Engg-Venkatramaiah


Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/ Pre MS.

W.e.f. 2005-2006 Batch Subject Code: R50552


Design and analysis of transmission towers


Analysis and design of industrial buildings –design of knee braced trusses, stanchions, wind bracing.


Analysis of multistoried frames under lateral loading using approximate methods such as cantilever method, portal method and factor method.


a) Unsymmetrical bending b) Shear center for simple sections like L, C, I and T.


Theorems of plastic analysis, applications to the cases of rectangular portal frames, gable frames etc.


General methods of plastic design: Combining mechanisms methods, plastic moment distribution method. Application to few cases of frames including multi – storied. Estimation of deflections in few typical cases.


Principles of optimization in structural design. Application to some simple cases – minimum weight design. TEXTS/REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Plastic analysis of structures by B.G.Neal Steel Skeleton Vol.I and II by Baker Design of steel structures by Vazarani and Ratwani Strength of materials (Vol-II)) by Timoshenko. Steel Tower by Shantha Kumar


Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/ Pre MS.

W.e.f. 2005-2006 Batch Subject Code: R50553

ADVANCED STRUCTURAL DESIGN 1. Deflection of Reinforced concrete beams and Slabs: Introduction- Short-term Deflection of beams and Slabs- Deflection due to Imposed loads- Short- term deflection of beams due to applied loads- Calculation of deflection by IS 456- Calculation of deflection by BS 8110- Deflection calculation by Euro code- ACI Simplified Method- Deflection of continues beams by IS 456- Deflection of Cantilevers- Deflection of Slabs 2. Estimation of Crackwidth in Reinforced Concrete Members: Introduction- Factors affecting Crackwidth in beams- Mechanism of Flexural cracking- Calculation of crack widths- Simple Empirical method- Estimation of Crackwidth in beams by IS 456 of BS 8110- Shrinkage and Thermal Cracking 3. Design of Reinforced Concrete Deep Beams: Introduction- Minimum ThicknessSteps of Designing deep beams- Design by IS 456- Design according to British Practice- ACI Procedure for design of deep beams- Checking for local failures- Detailing of deep beams 4. Shear in Flat Slabs and Flat Plates: Introduction- Checking for One-way (wide beam) shear- Two-way (Punching) shear- Permissible punching shear- Shear due to Unbalanced Moment (Torsional moments)- Calculation of j values- Strengthening of column areas for moment transfer by torsion which produces shear- Shear Reinforcement Design- Effect of openings in Flat slabs- Recent Revisions in ACI 318- Shear in Two – way Slabs with beams. 5. Design of Reinforced Concrete Members for Fire Resistance: Introduction- ISO 834 standard heating conditions- Grading or classifications- Effect of High temperature on steel and concrete- Effect of high temperatures on different types of structural members- Fire resistance by structural detailing from Tabulated data- Analystical determination of the ultimate bending moment capacity of reiforced concrete beams under fire- Other considerations 6. Design of plain concrete walls: Introduction- Braced and Unbraced walls- Slenderness of walls- Eccentricities of vertical loads at Right angles to wall- Empirical design method for plane concrete walls carrying axial load- Design of walls for In-plane Horizontal forces- Rules for detailing of steel in concrete walls 7. Design of Shear walls: Introduction- Classification of shear walls- Classification according to behavior- Loads in shear walls- Design of Rectangular and flanged shear wallsDerivation of formula for moment of Resistance of Rectangular shear wallsTEXT/REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

P.Purushothaman- Reinforced concrete Structural Elements: Behaviour- analysis and Design- TATA Mc Graw Hilll. C.E. Reynolods and J.C. Steedman- Reinforced Concrete Desigers Hand bood- A view point publication. Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures by P.Dayaratnam- oxford & IBH Publishers- 2004 edition. Advanced RCC by N.Krishna Raju - CBS Publishers & Distributors. Reinforced cement concrete structures – Devadas Menon @ all 

Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/ Pre MS.

W.e.f. 2005-2006 Batch Subject Code: R50554

ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS AND FUZZY LOGICS Introduction: A New Breed of Processor: The Brain; The Engineering of the Brain; A world of Fuzzy Thinking; Crisp versus Fuzzy Logics; Fuzzy and Neural Networks; Where Are Fuzzy Neural Networks Headings; Objectives; Biological Neural Networks: The Axon: A Transmission Line; The Synapse; The Synapse; A Biocomputer Types of Synapses; The Developing Neuron: Forming Networks; Neuronal Specialization; The Cell’s Biological Memory; Weighting Factor; Factors Affecting Potassiumion Flow; Firing, in a Nutshell; Neuronal; Diversity; Specifications of the Brain; The Eye’s Neural Network; Retina Structure; Rods and Cones; From photons to Electrons; A Photochemical Chain Reaction Organization and Communication of the Retina Neural Network; Image Processing in the Retina; Visual Pathways; Artificial Neural Networks: Concepts: Neural Attributes; Artificial Neural Networks; Same Mathematics Again; Modeling; Basic Model of a Neuron; Learning in Artificial Neural Networks; Supervised Learning; Unsupervised Learning; Reinforced Learning; Competitive Learning; The Delta Rule; Gradient Descend Rule; Hebbian Learning Characteristics of ANNs; Important ANN Parameters; Artificial Neural Network Topologies; Modeling ANNs; ANN Learning and Program; Learning Algorithms; Discrimination Ability; Linearly Separable ANNs; Multilinear ANNs; Nonlinear Separable ANNs; ANN Adaptability; The StabilityPlasticity Dilemma; Neural Network Paradigms: Mc Culloch- Perception; The Perception; ADALINE and MADALINE Models; Winner- Takes- All Learning Algorithm; Back – Propagation Learning Algorithm; Learning with the Back- Propagation Algorithm; Mathematical Analysis; Application; Criticism ; Cerebellum Model Articulation Controller (CMAC); Adaptive Resonance theory (ART) Paradigm; The ART Algorithm; Hopfield Model; Mathematical Analysis; The Hopfield Learning Algorithm Discrete-Time Hopfield Net; Competitive Learning Model ; Memory Type Paradigms; Random Access Memory (RAM); Content Addressable Memory (CAM); Bidirectional Associative Memory (BAM); Content Addressable Memory (TAM); Linear Associative Memory (LAM); Real –Time Models; Linear Vector Quantization (LVQ); self- Organizing Map (SOM); Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN); Radial Basis Function (RBF); Time-Deal Neural Net (TDNN); Cognitron and Neocognitron Models; Simulated Annealing; Boltzmann Machine; Other Paradigms; Restricted Coulomb energy (RCE); Culbertson’s Model; Encephalon Project; Cellular Neural Networks; Logicon Projection Networks (LPN); Probabilistic RAM (Pram-256); Neural Acceleration Chip (NAC); Fuzzy Logic: Propositional Logic; The Membership Function; Fuzzy Logic; Fuzzy Rule Generation; Defuzzification of Fuzzy Logic; Time – Dependent Fuzzy Logic; Crisp Logics; Fuzzy Logics; Temporial Fuzzy Logic (TFL); Time – Invariant Membership Function; Time – Variant Membership Function; Intervals; Semi large Intervals; Interval Operators; Temporial Fuzzy Logic Syntax; Applying Temporial Fuzzy; Operators; Deffuzzification of temporal Fuzzy Logic Example; Applicability of TFL IN Communications Systems; Temporal Fuzzification; Rules and Temporal Defuzzification. Fuzzy Neural Networks: Fuzzy Artificial Neural Network (FANN); Neural – fuzzy Control; Traditional Control; Neural Control; Fuzzy control; Fuzzy- Neural; 

Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/ Pre MS.

W.e.f. 2005-2006 Batch Subject Code:R50555

CHANNEL AND RIVER HYDRAULICS Basic Concepts of Free Surface Flow: Flow Regimes, Velocity and Pressure Distribution, Energy Principles and its applications, Specific Energy, Critical Flow Computations, Momentum Equation and its Applications, Specific force Diagram, theoretical Concepts of Surface Roughness, Velocity Equation, Uniform Flow Computation. Steady Gradually Varied Flow: Dynamic Equation, Characteristics of Flow Profile and Methods of Computation, Practical Problems, Gradually Varied Flow Analysis and Computation. Steady Rapidly Varied Flow: Hydraulic Jump Analysis and Location, Jump in Sloping Channels and Oblique Jump. Unsteady Rapidly Varied Flow: Dam Break Problem, Moving Hydraulic Jump, Positive and Negative Surges. Hydraulic similitude: Dimensions and dimensional homogeneity, Buckingham’s pi-terms evaluation. Froude’s, Reynolds, Mach’s and Weber’s laws of similitude, simple applications to hydraulic models, Distorted models, Scale effect. Fluvial Hydraulics: Basic Characteristics of River Beds and Sediments, initiation of Motion, Regimes of Flow, Resistance to Flow in Alluvial Streams, Theories of Bed Load, Suspended Load and Total Load. Design of stable Channels: Regime and Tractive force Methods. TEXT BOOKS: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Chow, . V.T. (1979) “Open Channel Hydraulics”, Mc Graw Hill Inc. N York. Henderson. (1966): “Open Channel Flow”, Mc Millan Pub. London. Subramanya, K (1996) “Flow in Open Channels”, Tata Mc Graw Hill Pub., 1995. Garde and Ranga Raju, K.G. (1980): “Mechanics of Sediment Transportation and Alluvial Stream Problems”, Wiley Eastern, N Delhi 5. Chaudhry M.H. (1994), “Open –Channel Flow”, Prentice Hall of India, N Delhi 6. French, R.H.(1986), “Open Channel Hydraulics”, Mc Graw Hill Pub Co., N York. 

Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/ Pre MS.

W.e.f. 2005-2006 Batch Subject Code: R50556


Introduction – Classification, investigations and planning, choice of type –economic span length – IRC specifications for road bridges, standard live loads, other forces acting an bridges, general design considerations


Design of box culverts – General aspects – Design loads – Design moments, shears and thrusts – Design of critical section.


Design of deck slab bridges – Effective width of analysis – working stress design and detailing of deck slab bridges for IRC loading.


T-Beam bridges – Introduction – wheel load analysis –B.M in slab – pigaud’s theory – analysis of longitudinal girders by courbones theory – working stress design and detailing of reinforced concrete T-beam bridges for IRC loading.


Prestressed Concrete Bridges- General features – Advantages of prestressed concrete bridges - pretensioned prestressed concrete bridges – post tensioned prestressed concrete Bridge decks. Design of post tensioned prestressed concrete slab bridge deck.


Bridge Bearings – General features – Types of bearings – forces on bearings basis for selection of bearings– Design principles of steel rocker and roller bearings and its design - Design of elastometric pad bearing – detailing of elastometric pot bearings.


Piers and abutments – General features – Bed block – Materials for piers and abutments – types of piers – forces acting on piers- Design of pier – stability analysis of piers – general features of abutments – forces acting on abutments – stability analysis of abutments.


Bridge foundations – General Aspects – Types of foundations– Pile foundations – well foundations – caisson foundations.

TEXT/REFERENCES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Essentials of bridges engineering – D.Johnson victor oxford & IBH publishes co- Private limited. Design of concrete bridges Mc aswanin VN Vazrani, MM Ratwani, Khanna Publishers Bridge Engineering – S.Ponnuswamy Rowe, R.E., Concrete Bridge Design, C.R. Books Ltd., London, 1962. Taylor F.W., Thomson, S.E., and Smulski E., Reinforced concrete Bridges, John wiley and sons, New york, 1955 Derrick Beckett, an Introduction to Structural Design of concrete bridges,surrey. University; press, Henlely – thomes, oxford shire, 1973 Bakht. B. and Jaegar, L.G. Bridge Analysis simplified, Mc Graw Hill, 1985 Design of Bridges – N.Krishna Raju – Oxfod & IBH Design of Bridge structures – FR Jagadeesh, M.A. jaya Ram – Eastern Economy edition 

Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/ Pre MS.

W.e.f. 2005-2006 Batch Subject Code: R50558

GEO-ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING UNIT I Introduction to Ground water contamination, pollutant transport and ground water remediation. Sources and Types of ground water contamination – introduction – under ground storage tanks, Land fills, surface impoundment’s, waste disposal injection wells, Septic system, Agricultural wastes, and application, radioactive contamination, other sources of contamination. UNIT II Data Collection methods: Introduction, Geological data acquisition – Drilling methods – Solid flight auger drilling – Hollow stem auger drilling – Wet rotating drilling – Hand auger soil boring – sample collection – Soil core logging – Cone penetration testing – Geophysical methods; Hydrologic data acquisition – monitoring well construction – well material – Screen interval selection – Installation procedure – Survey specification – Protective casing requirements – Well development procedures; Acquisition loft soil and Ground water quality data. UNIT III Contaminant Transport Mechanisms: Introduction – Advection process – Diffusion – Dispersion process – Diffusion – Mass transport Equations : Derivation of advection dispersion equation for solute transport; One Dimensional Models – Continuous source in one dimension – Instantaneous source in one dimension – Adsorption effects – Transport in one dimensional with first order decay – Sorption: The concept of sorption, Factors influencing sorption – Contaminant characteristics, Soil characteristics, Fluid media characteristics. Sorption Isothers: Linear sorption Isotherm – Freundlich Sorption isotherm – Langmuir Sorption Isotherm Sorption effects on fate and transport of pollutants. UNIT IV Flow and Transport of Pollutants in Unsaturated zone: Capillarity, soil-water characteristic curves, Unsaturated Hydraulic conductivity, Governing equation for unsaturated flow, measurement of soil properties. UNIT V Non – Aqueous Phase Liquids (NAPLs): Introduction – Comparison of fate of dissolved mass versus NAPL mass- Types of NAPLs – LNAPL – DNAPL; NAPL Transport – general process – NAPL transport at the pore level p- Downward Migration of DNAPLs – in saturated zone – NAPL movement through Vadose zone – LNAPL behaviour at the water table – NAPL Transport at the site level – LNAPL conceptual models – DNAPL conceptual models. NAPL transport. TEXT BOOKS: Ground water Contamination (Transport and Remediation) By Philip. B.Bedient, Hanadi, S. Rifai & Charles. J.Newell, Prentice Hall Publishers. 

Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/ Pre MS.

W.e.f. 2005-2006 Batch Subject Code: R50559

GROUND WATER MANAGEMENT & MODELLING Fundamental concepts: Types of aquifers, Vertical distribution of soil water below the ground, Porosity specific yield, hydraulic conductivity and storage coefficient, their practical significance, Darcy’s law and its validity. Derivation of basic differential equation and its solutions, Ground Water flow contour and their applications. Tracer techniques in ground water flow studies. Ground Water resources evaluation: Steady and unsteady radial flow of ground water towards a well in confined and unconfined aquifers, Analysis of pumping test data – Theis type curve method, Jacob’s method for Time and Distance draw down tests, Theis recovery method – Estimation of well losses, Yield of open wells – methods of evaluation. Image wells. Geohydrologic boundaries Ground water Management: Water Balance Studies, Perennial Yield, Necessity of artificial recharge techniques. Conjunctive use of surface and ground water. Management of coastal aquifers – Ghyben Herzberg relation ,upcoming of Saline Water Methods of control of salt water intrusion. Ground water Quality, Ground Water pollution, elements and source of pollution their effects and remedial measures. Aquifer Modelling – Electrical analog models – RC Network techniques. Principles of digital Modelling of aquifers, Numerical Modelling – Flow Modelling Using Finite Difference Methods and Finite Element Methods. Advection Process – Diffusion and Dispersion Process – Solute Transport Modelling. TEXT BOOKS; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Ground Water Hydrology by D.K. Todd. Ground Water Hydrology by Raghunath. Geohydrology by Davis and Dewiest Geohydrology by K. R. Karanth Development Evaluation and Monitoring of Ground Water by K.R.Karanth. Domenice(1972) “Concepts and Models in Groundwater Hydrology” McGraw Hill Inc. N.York


Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/ Pre MS.

W.e.f. 2005-2006 Batch Subject Code: R50560

HYDROPOWER DEVELOPMENT Classification of Hydropower schemes, Load Studies and factors, Flow duration curve, Firm and secondary power pondage and storage. Low and high head intakes, forebay, trash rack, gates and their operation, air vent, Design of Penstocks, Pen stock anchorages. Water hammer analysis: Basic equations, solution for linearized equations, arithmetic method and graphical method. Surge tanks: Different types, their working, Computation of Surges in simple surge tank, surge tank stability. Power Houses: General arrangement of overgrown lower houses component parts and their functions, Criteria for fixing power house dimensions, Selection of type and capa city of turbine. Underground power houses: types of layout their suitability and merits. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Hydropower structure by Varshney. 2. Water Power Engineering by Dandekar and Sharma. 3. Fluid Transients by V.L. Streeter.


Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/ Pre MS.

W.e.f. 2005-2006 Batch Subject Code: R50561 LOWCOST HOUSING TECHNIQUES


a) Housing Scenario Introducing- Status of urban housing- Status of Rural Housingb) Housing Finance: Introducing- Existing finance system in India- Government role as facilitator- Status at Rural Housing Finance- Impedimently in housing finance and related issues


a) Land use and physical planning for housing: Introduction- Planning of urban landUrban land ceiling and regulation act- Effectincey of building bye lans- Residential Densities b) Housing the urban poor: Introduction- Living conditions in slums- Approaches and strategies for housing urban poor


Development and adopt on of low cost housing technology: Introduction- Adoption of innovative cost effective construction techniques- Adoption of precast elements in partial prefabrication- Adopting of total prefabrication of mass housing in IndiaGeneral remarks on pre cast rooting/flooring systems- Economical wall system- Single Brick thick loading bearing wall- 19cm thick load bearing masonery walls- Half brick thick load bearing wall- Flyash grypsym thick for masonry- Stone Block masoneryAdoption of precast R.C. plank and join system for roof/floor in the building


Alternative building materials for low cost housing: Introduction- Substitute for scarce materials- Ferrocement- Gypsum boards- Timber substitutions- Industrial wastesAgricultural wastes


Low cost Infrastructure services: Introducing- Present status- Technological optionsLow cost sanitation’s- Domestic wall- Water supply- energy


Rural Housing: Introduction- traditional practice of rural housing continuous- Mud Housing technology- Mud roofs- Characteristics of mud- Fire resistant treatment for thatched roof- Soil stabilization- Rural Housing programs


Housing in Disaster Prone areas: Introduction- Earthquake- Damages to housesTraditional Housesin disaster prone areas Type of Damages and Railways of nonengineered buildings- Repair and restore action of earthquake Damaged non-engineered buildings recommendations for future constructions- Requirement’s of structural safety of thin precast roofing units against - Earthquake forces- Status of R& D in earthquake strengthening measures- Floods- cyclone- future safety TEXT / REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Building materials for low –income houses – International council for building research studies and documentation’s. 2. Hand book of low cost housing by A.K.Lal – Newage international publishers. 3. Properties of Concrete – Neville A.M. Pitman publishing Limited- London. 4. Light weight concrete- Academic kiado- Rudhai .G – Publishing home of Hungarian Academy of Sciences 1963. 5. Low cost Housing – G.C. Mathur 6. Modern trends in housing in developing countries – A.G. Madhava Rao- D.S. Ramachandra Murthy & G.Annamalai 

Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/ Pre MS.

W.e.f. 2005-2006 Batch Subject Code: R50562

MAINTENANCE AND REHABILITATION OF STRUCTURES 1. General : Quality assurance for concrete construction, As built concrete properties, strength, permeability, volume changes, thermal properties, cracking. 2. Influence on serviceability and Durability:- Effects due to climate, temperature, chemicals, wear and erosion, design and construction errors, corrosion mechanism, Effects of cover thickness and cracking methods of corrosion protection, inhibitors, resistant steels, coatings cathodic protection. 3. Maintenance and Repair Strategies:- Inspection, Structural Appraisal, Economic appraisal, components of quality assurance, conceptual bases for quality assurance schemes. 4. Materials for Repair: - Special concretes and mortar, concrete chemicals, special elements for acclerated strength gain, Expansive cement , polymer concrete, sulphur infiltrated concrete, ferro cement, Fibre reinforced concrete. 5. Techniques for Repair;- Rust eliminators and polymers coating for rebars during repair, foamed concrete, mortar and dry pack, vacuum concrete, Gunite and shotcrete Epoxy injection, Mortar repair for cracks, shoring and underpinning. 6. Examples of repairs to structures:- Repairs to overcome low member strength, Deflection, cracking, chemical disruption, weathering, wear, fire, leakage, marine exposure. TEXT / REFERECNE BOOKS: 1. Dension Campbell, Allen and Harold Roper, Concrete Structures, Materials, Maintenance and Repair, Longman Scientific and Technical, U.K, 1991. 2. RT. Allen and S.C. Edwards, Repair of concrete Structures, Blakie and sons, UK, 1987. 3. MS. Shetty, Concrete Technology – Theory and practice, S.Chand and company, New Delhi, 1992. 4. Santhakumar, S.R. Training course notes on damage assessment and Repair in low cost housing RHDC-NBO Anna University, Madras, July, 1992. 5. Raikar, R.N. learning from failures – deficiencies in Design, construction and service– R & D centre (SDCPL), Raikar Bhavan, Bombay, 1987. 6. N. Palaniappan, Estate Management, Anna Institute of Management, Madras Sep. 1992. 7. F.K. Garas, J.L. Clarke, GST Armer, Structural Assessment, Butterworths, UK April 1987. 8. A.R. Santhakumar, Concrete chemicals – Theory and applications, Indian society for construction Engineering and Technology, Madras. 1993 (In press) 

Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/ Pre MS.

W.e.f. 2005-2006 Batch Subject Code: R50563

NUMERICAL METHODS IN GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING 1. Introduction: Categories of Problems in Geo-technical Engineering, Finite Difference Method, Boundary Corrections for Grids. Accuracy, Convergence and Stability. 2. Idealization of soil behaviour; Linear, Bilinear and multi-linear, Hyperbolic, Spline function, Ramberg – Osgood’s Model, Polynomials, Higher order elastic models, perfect plasticity, frictional. Elastic models of soil behaviour – The winkler – Filenenkoboroditch – Pasternak – Ressiener models. 3. Seepage: Finite Difference Solution to Laplace equation for Homogeneous and Layered Soils. 4. Consolidation: Finite Difference Solution for One Dimensional, Two and three dimensional consolidations. Multi layered systems. Consolidation of Ground for Construction Load and Static Load. 5. Shallow Foundations: Beams on Elastic foundations, solution by Finite Difference and – Finite Element Method (Direct Approach) Limit analysis, Lower Bound and Upperbound theories Method of Finite difference solution of Raft foundations. 6. Pile Foundation: Pile Stresses – Static loading – Finite Element Method Solution (Direct approach ) of the pile static pile capacity- wave equation. Pile Group: Finite Element Method (Direct Approach) method of Analysis for pile groups. Lateral Piles: Lateral piles by Finite Element Method – Finite Difference method – Soil modulus and Non-linearity – Pile length or partial embedment case – pile head fixity. 7. Sheet pile wall: Solution to sheet pile wall by Finite Element Method and FDM – Cohesion & Cohesion loss soils – Free – Fixed Anchored sheet pile walls. 8. Mechanical Vibrations – Finite Difference Solution for Free and Forced, Undamped and damped single and two degree of freedom systems. REFERENCE: 1. Numerical methods in Geotechnical Engineering by C.S. Desai and J.T. Christian McGraw Hill publications. 2. Analytical and computer methods in foundation engineering, JE Bowles, McGraw Hill publications. 3. Foundation analysis and design, JE Bowles, McGraw Hill publications 4. Foundation analysis by RF Scott, Printice Hall 5. Hytenyi, Beams on Elastic Foundations – university of Michigan Press. 6. Elastic Analysis of Soil – Foundation Interaction, APS Selvadurai – Elsevier 7. Pile Foundation Analalysis & Design by Poulos and Davis.


Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/ Pre MS.

W.e.f. 2005-2006 Batch Subject Code: R50564


BEAM COLUMNS: Differential equation for beam columns –Beam column with concentrated loads –continuous lateral load –couples -beam column with built in ends – continuous beams with axial load –application of Trignometric series –Determination of allowable stresses.


Elastic Buckling of Bars: Elastic buckling of straight columns –Effect of shear stress on buckling-Eccentrically and laterally loaded columns –energy methods –Buckling of a bar on elastic foundation, Buckling of a bar with intermediate compressive forces and distributed axial loads –Buckling of bars with change in cross section –Effect of shear force on critical load –Built up columns


Inelastic Buckling: Buckling of straight bars-Double modulus theory –Tangent modulus theory


Mathematical Treatment of Stability Problems: Buckling problem orthogonality realation –Ritz method-Timoshanko method, Galerkin method


Torsional Buckling : Pure torsion of thin walled bar of open cross section-Non – Uniform torsion of thin walled bars of open cross section-Torsional buckling –Buckling by Torsion and Flexure.


Lateral Buckling of simply supported Beams: Beams of rectangular cross section subjected for pure bending


Buckling of simply supported rectangular plates: Derivation of equation of plate subjected to constant compression in two directions and one direction. TEXT/REFERNCE BOOKS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Stability of metalic structure by Blunch –Mc Graw hill Theory of Beam columns Vol I by chem & Atsute Mc.Graw Hill. Smitses, Elastic stability of structures, Prentice Hall, 1973. Timoshenko, S., and Gere., theory of Elastic stability, Mc Graw Hill Book company, 1973. Brush and Almorth., Buckling of bars plates and shells, Mc Graw Hill book company, 1975. Chajes, A., Principles of Structural Stability Theory, Prentice Hall, 1974 Ashwini Kumar, stability theory of Structures, TATA Mc Graw Hill publishing company Ltd, New Delhi, 1985. Elastic stability by Bleaigh. 

Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/ Pre MS.

W.e.f. 2005-2006 Batch Subject Code: R50565


Theory of Vibrations: Introduction –Elements of a vibratory system – degrees of freedom-continuous systems –lumped mass idealization –Oscillatory motion –Simple harmonic motion –pictorial representation of S.H.M - free vibrations of single degree of Freedom (SDOF) systems –undamped and Damped –Critical damping –Logarithmic decrement –Forced vibrations of SDOF systems-Harmonic excitation –Dynamic magnification factor- Bandwidth.


Introduction to structural Dyanmics: Fundamental objective of dynamic analysistypes of prescribed loading- Methods of discretization- Formulation of the equations of motion.


Single degree of Freedom System: Formulation and solutions of the equation of motion - free Vibration response –response to harmonic, periodic, Impulsive and general Dynamic loading –Duhamel integral


Multi Degree of Freedom System: selections of the degree of freedom –Evaluation of structural property matrices-Formulation of the MDOF equations of motion –Undamped free vibrations-Solution of Eigen value problem for natural frequencies and mode shapes- Analysis of dynamic response –Normal coordinates –Uncoupled equations of motion –Orthogonal properties of normal modes-mode superposition procedure


Practical vibration analysis: Stodola method- Fundamental mode analysis –analysis of second and higher modes –Halzer method –basic procedure –transfer matrix procedure


Introduction to Earthquake analysis: Introduction –Excitation by rigid base translation –Lumped mass approach -SDOF and MDOF system- I.S code methods of analysis.


Continuous system: Introduction –Flexural vibrations of beams- Elementary caseEquation of motion –Analysis of undamped free shapes of simple beams with different end conditions-principles of application to continuous beams.


Dynamics of structures by Clough & Penziem Structural dynamics by Mario Paz I.S:1893(latest) “ code of practice for earthquakes resistant design of stuctures”


Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/ Pre MS.

W.e.f. 2005-2006 Batch Subject Code: R50566


INTRODUCTION: Elasticity –Notation for forces and stresses-Components of stresses –components of strain –Hooke’s law.


PLANE STRESS AND PLANE STRAIN ANALYSIS: Plane stress-plane strain-Differential equations of equilibrium- Boundary conditionsCompatability equations-stress function-Boundary conditions.


TWO DIMENSIONAL PROBLEMS IN RECTANGULAR COORDINATES: Solution by polynomials-Saint Venant’s principle-Determination of displacementsbending of simple beams-application of Fourier series for two dimensional problems gravity loading.


TWO DIMENSIONAL PROBLEMS IN POLAR COORDINATES : General Equation in polar co-ordinates - stress distribution symmetrical about an axis – Pure bending of curved bars- strain components in polar coordinates-Displacements for symmetrical stress distributions-simple symmetric and asymmetric problems-General solution of two dimensional problem in polar coordinates-Application of the general solution of two dimensional problem in polar coordinates-Application of the general solution in polar coordinates.


ANALYSIS OF STRESS AND STRAIN IN THREE DIMENSIONS: Principle stress - ellipsoid and stress-director surface-Determination of principle stressesMaximum shear stresses-Homogeneous deformation-principle axis of strain rotation.


GENERAL THEROMS: Differential equations of equilibrium- conditions of compatibility - Determination of displacement-Equations of equilibrium in terms of displacements-principle of superposition-Uniqueness of solution –the Reciprocal theorem.


TORSION OF PRISMATICAL BARS: Torsion of prismatic bars- Elliptical cross section-other elementary solutionsmembrane anology-Torsion of rectangular bars-solution of torsional problems by energy method-use of soap films in solving torsionol problems-hydra dyanmical analogiesTorsion of shafts, tubes, bars etc.


THEORY OF PLASTICITY: Introduction- concepts and assumptions -yield criterions.


Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/ Pre MS.

W.e.f. 2005-2006 Batch Sub. Code: R50567


Water Treatment Processes: Introduction – characteristics of water - Treatment of Water for different requirements – Water Treatment Processes - Layout of Treatment Plant.


Plain Sedimentation: Principles of Sedimentation – Settling velocities – Design consideration - Types of edimentation Tanks – problems.


Co-agulation And Flocculation: Chemical Coagulation – Alum, Iron Salts and other coagulants for use as CoagulantsCoagulant aids – secondary sedimentation tanks – design.


Filtration: Gravity Sand Filters - types of sand filters – slow sand filter – construction and theory of operation of Slow Sand Filters – maintenance – efficiency - Rapid Sand Filter – construction and operation of filter – back wash - The Under Drainage System – efficiency of Rapid Gravity Sand Filters - Comparison between Slow and Rapid Gravity Filters – Pressure Filter - Designs of Filters, Examples.


Sanitation: Definition of environmental sanitation by W H O Communicable disease, epidemic-endemic-pandemic - sporadic diseases. Methods of infection transmission Diseases of intestinal origin, vector-borne/arthropod-borne diseases. Domestic waste disposal - without water carriage and with water carriage systems. General liquid waste treatment system- household and community waste disposals. Insect vectors - flies and mosquitoes - life histories - Diseases transmitted by vectors Eradication methods - biological control versus chemical control - rural and urban remedial measures - rats and rodent control - fumigation - disinfection - Insecticides use and abuse. Microorganisms, contamination and spoilage of food, water and air contamination, spread of infectious diseases and control measures. Food sanitation, storage - milk sanitation. Refuse collection-transportation-methods of solid waste disposal - sanitary wastes.


Environmental Law: Environmental protection and laws-Environmental (Protection) Act, 1986 - The Water (Prevention and Control) Act, 1974, The Air (Prevention and Control) Act, 1981, Laws relating to Hazardous Substances and Factories Act, 1948 Hazardous Waste (Management and Handling) Rules 1989.

TEXT BOOKS & REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering G.S.Bridie & J.S.Brides, Dhanpat Rai & Sons 1993. 2. A treatise on Rural, Municipal, and industrial water management KVSG Murali Krishna Environmental sanitation (Social and Preventive medicine) Dr.P.V. Rama Raju & KVSG Murali Krishna. 3. Municipal and Rural Sanitation - Ehlers, V.M. and Steel, E.W.Mc.GRAW-HILL Book Company, Inc. V. edition. 1987. 4. Environmental Sanitation, Ehlers, V.M., add Steel, E.W., McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc. Environmental Protection and Laws, Jadhav and Bhosale, V.M.Himalaya publishing House. 

Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/ Pre MS.

W.e.f. 2005-2006 Batch Sub. Code: R50568


Single degree Freedom systems: Undamped and damped free vibrations: forced vibrations – Viscous damper – Coulomb damper– Response to harmonic excitation, rotating unbalance and support excitation – Vibration isolation and transmissibility Torsional vibrations. Vibration measuring instruments: Vibrometers, velocity meters & accelerometers.


Two degree freedom systems: Principal modes – undamped and damped free and forced vibrations – undamped and damped vibration absorbers – Torsional vibrations.


Multi degree freedom systems: Matrix formulation, stiffness and flexibility influence coefficients; Eigen value problem; normal modes and their properties; Free and forced vibration by modal analysis; method of matrix inversion; Torsional vibrations of multi – rotor systems and geared systems.


Numerical Methods: Rayliegh’s, stodola’s, Matrix iteration and Holzer’s methods. Continuous systems: Free vibration of strings – longitudinal oscillations of barstraverse vibrations of beams- Torsional vibrations of shafts.


Critical speeds of shafts: Critical speeds without and with damping, secondary critical speed.

Text books: 1. 2.

Vibrations by W.T. Thomson. Mechanical Vibrations by G.K. Groover.

References: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Elements of Vibration Analysis by Meirovitch. Mechanical Vibrations by Den Hortog. Mechanical Vibrations – Schaum series. Vibration problems in Engineering by S.P. Timoshenko. 

Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/ Pre MS.

W.e.f. 2005-2006 Batch Sub. Code: R50569


FACTORS AFFECTING PAVEMENT DESIGN: Variable Considered in Pavement Design, Types of Pavements, Functions of Individual Layers, Classification of Axle Types of Rigid Chassis and Articulated Commercial Vehicles, Legal Axle and Gross Weights on Single and Multiple Units, Tire Pressure, Contact Pressure, EAL and ESWL Concepts, Traffic Analysis: ADT, AADT, Truck Factor, Growth Factor, Lane, Directional Distributions & Vehicle Damage Factors, Effect of Transient & Moving Loads.


STRESSES IN PAVEMENTS: Vehicle-Pavement Interaction: Transient, Random & Damping Vibrations, Steady State of Vibration, Experiments on Vibration, Stress Inducing Factors in Flexible and Rigid pavements.


STRESS IN FLEXIBLE PAVEMENTS: Visco-Elastic Theory and Assumptions, Layered Systems Concepts, Stress Solutions for One, Two and Three Layered Systems, Fundamental Design Concepts.


STRESSES IN RIGID PAVEMENTS: Westergaard’s Theory and Assumptions, Stresses due to Curling, Stresses and Deflections due to Loading, Frictional Stresses, Stresses in Dowel Bars & Tie Bars.


MATERIAL CHARACTERISTICS: CBR and Modulus of Subgrade Reaction of Soil, Mineral aggregates – Blending of aggregates, binders, polymer and rubber modified bitumen, Resilient, Diametral Resilient and Complex (Dynamic) Moduli of Bituminous Mixes, Permanent Deformation Parameters and other Properties, Effects and Methods of Stabilisation and Use of Geo Synthetics.


DESIGN OF FLEXIBLE PAVEMENTS: Flexible Pavement Design Concepts, Asphalt Institute’s Methods with HMA and other Base Combinations, AASHTO, IRC Methods,


DESIGN OF RIGID PAVEMENTS: Calibrated Mechanistic Design Process, PCA, AASHTO & IRC Specifications, Introduction to Prestressed and continuously Reinforced Cement Concrete Pavement Design, Rigid Pavement Design for Low Volume Rural Roads.


DESIGN OF OVERLAYS: Types & Design of Overlays: AI’s Principal Component Analysis & IRC Methods of Overlay Design, Importance of Profile Correction Course.

Reference: 1.

Design of Functional Pavements, Nai C. Yang, McGraw Hill Publications


Concrete Pavements, AF Stock, Elsevier, Applied Science Publishers


Principles of Pavement Design, Yoder.J.&Witczat Mathew, W. John Wiley & Sons Inc


Pavement Analysis & Design, Yang H. Huang, Prentice Hall Inc.


Pavement and Surfacings for Highway & Airports, Micheal Sargious, Applied Science Publishers Limited.


IRC Codes for Flexible and Rigid Pavements design


Dynamics of Pavement Structures, G. Martineek, Chapmen & Hall Inc. 

Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/ Pre MS.

W.e.f. 2005-2006 Batch Subject Code: R50571


Introduction to GIS: Introduction, GIS over view, use of GIS in decision making, Data processing, Components of GIS, The GIS and the organization.


Data Input and Output: Data input - Key board entry, Manual digitizing, Scanning, Remotely and sensed data, existing digital data, census related data sets, Data output - Hard copy and soft, copy devices.


Data Quality: Components of data quality - Micro level, Macro level components, Sources of error, A note about data accuracy. Data Management: The data base approach, 3 classic data models, Nature of geographic data, Spatial data models, Databases for GIS.



GIS Analysis and Functions: Organizing geographic data for analysis, Maintenance and analysis of the spatial data and non-spatial attribute data and its integration output formatting.


Implementing a GIS: Awareness, Developing system requirements, Evaluation of alternative systems, System justification and Development of an implementation plan, System acquisition and start up, Operation of the system.


Application of GIS in Transportation Engineering – I : Intelligent information system for road accessibility study, GIS data base design for physical facility planning, Decision support systems for land use planning


Application of GIS in Transportation Engineering – II: GIS applications in environment impact assessment, GIS based Highway alignment, GIS based road network planning, GIS based traffic congestion analysis and accident investigation.

References: 1. GIS for Urban & Regional Planning, Scholten & Stillwen 1990, Kulwer Academie Publisher. 2. GIS A Management, Perspenfi Stan Aronoff, WDL Publisher. 3. GIS By Stonffer

Syllabi for Pre.PhD/Pre M.Phil/ Pre MS.

W.e.f. 2005-2006 Batch 

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