05 02R400I 1 Introduction to Enterprise Model
April 25, 2017 | Author: michael_chandrasekar | Category: N/A
Short Description
Describe Enterprise Model
Introduction to Enterprise Model Describe Enterprise Model
Honeywell Confidential and Proprietary
EXP02R400 - EPKS Server 3/23/2011
Introduction •
In this lesson, you will learn about the Experion PKS Enterprise Model
At the conclusion of this lesson, you will be able to: – Explain the purpose of the Enterprise Model – Identify where the Enterprise Model Database (EMDB) and the Enterprise Model Builder are located – Describe the system model hierarchy EMB
EMDB Admin
Introduction to Enterprise Model Describe Enterprise Model
Honeywell Confidential and Proprietary
EXP02R400 - EPKS Server 3/23/2011
3• Enterprise Model Overview 3• Enterprise Model Database 3• System Model Hierarchy
Introduction to Enterprise Model Describe Enterprise Model
Honeywell Confidential and Proprietary
EXP02R400 - EPKS Server 3/23/2011
Experion PKS Enterprise Model •
The Experion PKS Enterprise Model is a framework that can be used by engineers, operators, and applications to model and view their plant or process – The system model - Represents the boundary of the system – System model is built by defining: 1. Included Servers that are part of the common system configuration – Common Asset model – Common Alarm Group model 2. Servers not part of the common configuration but part of DSA network
The Experion PKS Enterprise Model addresses the complete enterprise consisting of multiple servers
Introduction to Enterprise Model Describe Enterprise Model
Honeywell Confidential and Proprietary
EXP02R400 - EPKS Server 3/23/2011
Experion PKS Enterprise Model •
The Enterprise Model replaces the flat area based structure that was used prior to Experion PKS Release 210 – The Enterprise Model is organized into a hierarchical (Tree) structure – The Enterprise Model consists of a single offline database which is loaded to included Servers.
Configuration Studio is used to define the various components of the Enterprise Model
Introduction to Enterprise Model Describe Enterprise Model
Honeywell Confidential and Proprietary
EXP02R400 - EPKS Server 3/23/2011
Question 1: Enterprise Model Components Which of these is NOT a system model component? A) Included Servers B) Asset Model C) Alarm Groups D) External servers included for DSA E) Flat area based model
The Your correct answer: answer is: The correct answer is: Your answer: Incorrect. Correct! The The 'Flat 'Flat area area based based model' isis isisnot not aasystem system Incorrect. Correct! The The 'Flat 'Flat area area based basedmodel' model' model' not notaa system system You must answer the question before You must answer the question before model component. The system model component You Incorrect Correct did You not answer answered Click Click anywhere anywhere this this question correctly! to to continue continue completely model component. The system model componentisis You Incorrect did You not answered -Click Click anywhere this this question correctly! tocontinue continue completely Correct -answer anywhere to continuing continuing built with the following components: included built with the following components: includedDSA DSA servers, asset model, alarm groups, and external servers, asset model, alarm groups, and external servers serversincluded includedfor forDSA. DSA. Click Clickanywhere anywhereto tocontinue. continue.
Submit Introduction to Enterprise Model Describe Enterprise Model
Honeywell Confidential and Proprietary
Clear EXP02R400 - EPKS Server 3/23/2011
Question 2: System Model Which statement about the System Model is true? A) The system model includes all servers in the DSA network B) The Common Asset model is not a part of the common system configuration C) Servers are a part of the common configuration but not part of the DSA network
EMDB Admin
The Your correct answer: answer is: Incorrect. Incorrect. Correct! The The The system system system model model includes includes includes all all all servers servers servers in in in The Your correct answer: answer is:model Incorrect. Incorrect. Correct! The The The system system system model model model includes includes includes all all all servers servers servers in in in the DSA network. A maximum of ten can be You must answer the question before the DSA network. A maximum of ten can be You must answer the question before You Incorrect Correct did not answered Click anywhere anywhere this this question correctly! to to continue completely Incorrect Correct You --answer answered -Click Click Click anywhere anywhere this correctly! to tocontinue continue continue You didYou not-answer this question completely connected. continuing connected. continuing Click Clickanywhere anywhereto tocontinue. continue.
Introduction to Enterprise Model Describe Enterprise Model
Honeywell Confidential and Proprietary
EXP02R400 - EPKS Server 3/23/2011
Topics •
Enterprise Model Overview
3• Enterprise Model Database •
System Model Hierarchy
Introduction to Enterprise Model Describe Enterprise Model
Honeywell Confidential and Proprietary
EXP02R400 - EPKS Server 3/23/2011
Enterprise Model – Architecture •
Access to the Enterprise Model is through Configuration Studio – Configure with Enterprise Model Builder (EMB) Client
Configuration Studio
System including three Experion PKS servers
Configuration Studio
Server2 Server1
Configuration Studio
EMDB Admin
Server hosting the Enterprise Model Database
Introduction to Enterprise Model Describe Enterprise Model
Honeywell Confidential and Proprietary
EXP02R400 - EPKS Server 3/23/2011
Question 3: Enterprise Model Architecture Which statement about the EMDB is true? It is A) An online database that is loaded continuously during configuration
B) An offline database that is downloaded to the included servers ERDB
C) An offline database existing on multiple servers
EMDB Admin
Incorrect. Incorrect. Correct! The The The Enterprise Enterprise Enterprise Model Model Model architecture architecture architecture The Your correct answer: answer is: Incorrect. Incorrect. Correct! The The The Enterprise Enterprise Enterprise Model Model Model architecture architecture architecture Your The correct answer: answer is: consists of an offline database that You must answer the question before consists of an offline database thatisis You must answer the question before You Incorrect Correct did You not -answer answered -answer Click Click anywhere anywhere this this question correctly! to to continue continue completely Incorrect Correct You answered Click Click anywhere anywhere this correctly! to to continue continue You diddownloaded not this question completely to continuing downloaded toincluded includedservers. servers. continuing Click Clickanywhere anywhereto tocontinue. continue.
Introduction to Enterprise Model Describe Enterprise Model
Honeywell Confidential and Proprietary
EXP02R400 - EPKS Server 3/23/2011
Topics •
Enterprise Model Overview
Enterprise Model Database
3• System Model Hierarchy
Introduction to Enterprise Model Describe Enterprise Model
Honeywell Confidential and Proprietary
EXP02R400 - EPKS Server 3/23/2011
System Model Hierarchy •
System Components – System Name is top container • Assets • Alarm Groups – Next is a list of servers spanned by the Enterprise Model
System Name Servers spanned by Enterprise Model
Lower level components for each server
– Lower level components are populated for each server System Definition and Configuration Tool
Introduction to Enterprise Model Describe Enterprise Model
Honeywell Confidential and Proprietary
EXP02R400 - EPKS Server 3/23/2011
System Model Hierarchy •
System download – Assets and Alarm Groups load to included Server database(s) for: – Scope of responsibility (Station and Operator security) – Alarm presentation
Introduction to Enterprise Model Describe Enterprise Model
Honeywell Confidential and Proprietary
EXP02R400 - EPKS Server 3/23/2011
System Model Hierarchy •
Included Server Configuration Components – Station and Controller configuration and Status – System Interface items – Reports, Operating Groups, Trends, SCADA Algorithms, etc.
Introduction to Enterprise Model Describe Enterprise Model
Honeywell Confidential and Proprietary
EXP02R400 - EPKS Server 3/23/2011
Question 4: Configure Enterprise Model At the system level you configure A) Assets B) Alarm groups C) Operating groups D) Both Assets and Alarm groups
Incorrect. Incorrect. Correct! Assets Assets Assets and and and alarm alarm alarm groups groups groups are are are configured configured configured at at at the the the Incorrect. Incorrect. Correct! Assets Assets Assets and and and alarm alarm groups groups groups are are are configured configured configured at at at the the the Your The correct answer: answer is: The Your correct answer: answer is:alarm system level and operating groups are configured at the system level and operating groups are configured at the You must answer the question before You must answer the question before You Incorrect Correct did not answered Click anywhere anywhere this this question correctly! to to continue completely server level. Incorrect You answered -Click Click anywhere this correctly! tocontinue continue You Correct didYou not-answer --answer Click anywhere this question to continue completely server level. continuing continuing Click Clickanywhere anywhereto tocontinue. continue.
Introduction to Enterprise Model Describe Enterprise Model
Honeywell Confidential and Proprietary
EXP02R400 - EPKS Server 3/23/2011
Summary •
The Enterprise Model is a framework that can be used by engineers, operators, and applications to model and view their plant or process
3– 3– 3– 3–
Has a system model hierarchy in which assets and alarm groups are configured at the system level and downloaded to included servers Uses a system model framework that includes all servers in the DSA network Consists of a single offline database which is loaded to included Servers Employs Configuration Studio to configure both System level and Server level database items
Introduction to Enterprise Model Describe Enterprise Model
Honeywell Confidential and Proprietary
EXP02R400 - EPKS Server 3/23/2011
Conclusion Describe Enterprise Model
Completion Certificate
Proceed to the next lesson in your course material Introduction to Enterprise Model Describe Enterprise Model
Honeywell Confidential and Proprietary
EXP02R400 - EPKS Server 3/23/2011
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Introduction to Enterprise Model Describe Enterprise Model
Honeywell Confidential and Proprietary
EXP02R400 - EPKS Server 3/23/2011
Describe System Model Implementation
Introduction to Enterprise Model Describe System Model Implementation
Honeywell Confidential and Proprietary
EXP02R400 - EPKS Server 3/23/2011
Introduction •
In this lesson, you will learn how to configure a system model using Configuration Studio
At the conclusion of this lesson, you will be able to: – Explain the purpose of Configuration Studio – Identify where the Enterprise Model Database (EMDB) is located – Describe how to implement a system model
Introduction to Enterprise Model Describe System Model Implementation
Honeywell Confidential and Proprietary
EXP02R400 - EPKS Server 3/23/2011
3• Introduction to Configuration Studio 3• Implementing a System Model
Introduction to Enterprise Model Describe System Model Implementation
Honeywell Confidential and Proprietary
EXP02R400 - EPKS Server 3/23/2011
Configuration Studio - Purpose •
One common tool to launch other individual tools and configure Server database
High Level Tasks include: – – – – – – –
Configuring Server Database Configuring CEE-based devices Building HMIWeb Graphics Configuring OPC and System Interfaces Launching Diagnostic and Backup Tools Accessing Online documentation Configuring Network Status Display
Additional Database – Enterprise Model Database (EMDB) – Includes Asset Model and Alarm Groups for all included servers – EMDB configured with Enterprise Model Builder (EMB)
Introduction to Enterprise Model Describe System Model Implementation
Honeywell Confidential and Proprietary
EXP02R400 - EPKS Server 3/23/2011
Configuration Studio - Topology •
Configuration Studio is in line with client-server technology Client # 1
Client # 2
Configuration Studio
Configuration Studio
Server2 Server1 Configuration Studio
Introduction to Enterprise Model Describe System Model Implementation
Honeywell Confidential and Proprietary
EXP02R400 - EPKS Server 3/23/2011
Topics •
Introduction to Configuration Studio
3• Implementing a System Model
Introduction to Enterprise Model Describe System Model Implementation
Honeywell Confidential and Proprietary
EXP02R400 - EPKS Server 3/23/2011
Implementing a System Model – Implementation Order
1. Launch Configuration Studio 2. Define SystemName 3. Add included system Experion servers to the hierarchy – Servers for Common System Configuration and for DSA
4. Download the System configuration to included servers 5. Build and download Asset Model to included Common Configuration servers – Enterprise Model Builder 6. Launch individual tools to configure and build each server database – – – –
Quick Builder Control Builder HMIWeb Display Builder Server system displays
7. Build and download Alarm Groups (Optional) to included Common Configuration servers – Enterprise Model Builder
Introduction to Enterprise Model Describe System Model Implementation
Honeywell Confidential and Proprietary
EXP02R400 - EPKS Server 3/23/2011
Launching Configuration Studio •
Click Start >All Programs > Honeywell Experion PKS > Configuration Studio
Introduction to Enterprise Model Describe System Model Implementation
Honeywell Confidential and Proprietary
EXP02R400 - EPKS Server 3/23/2011
Configuration Studio – Initial Screen
System Level
Server Level
Server name hosting the Enterprise Model Database
Introduction to Enterprise Model Describe System Model Implementation
Honeywell Confidential and Proprietary
EXP02R400 - EPKS Server 3/23/2011
Configuration Studio – Logging In
Select System Name and click Connect
Note: Configuration Studio logs in automatically if the user is member of Experion integrated groups, which are added automatically during installation Introduction to Enterprise Model Describe System Model Implementation
Honeywell Confidential and Proprietary
EXP02R400 - EPKS Server 3/23/2011
Configuration Studio – Logon Box
Enter username and password created in Server
Select type of account (Explained in later module)
Introduction to Enterprise Model Describe System Model Implementation
Honeywell Confidential and Proprietary
EXP02R400 - EPKS Server 3/23/2011
Configuration Studio – Rename System
Introduction to Enterprise Model Describe System Model Implementation
Honeywell Confidential and Proprietary
EXP02R400 - EPKS Server 3/23/2011
Question 1: Configuration Studio Local Targets
Based on the screen capture, which target allows you to build assets? A) E24ESvxx_Server B) Team01_Server C) E20ESVxx_System D) SERVER_4
No. Yes! The The correct correct answer answer isisE20ESVxx_System. is To build build the No. Yes! The The correct correct answer answer E20ESVxx_System. isE20ESVxx_System. E20ESVxx_System. ToTo To build build the The Your correct answer: answer is: The correct answer is: Your answer: assets the assets you need you need to connect to connect to the to system the system level level and hence and assets the assets you need you need to connect to question connect to theto system the system level level and hence and You must answer the before You must answer the question before You Incorrect Correct did You not answer answered Click Click anywhere anywhere this this question correctly! to to continue continue completely hence you you should should pick pick a system a system name name such such as as You Incorrect Correct did You not answer answered Click Click anywhere anywhere this this question correctly! to to continue continue completely hence youyou should should pickpick a system a system name name such such as as continuing continuing E20ESVxx_System. E20ESVxx_System. Click Clickanywhere anywhereto tocontinue. continue.
Introduction to Enterprise Model Describe System Model Implementation
Honeywell Confidential and Proprietary
EXP02R400 - EPKS Server 3/23/2011
Configuration Studio – Add a Server
Introduction to Enterprise Model Describe System Model Implementation
Honeywell Confidential and Proprietary
EXP02R400 - EPKS Server 3/23/2011
Configuration Studio – Adding a Server
Intuitive name making it easier to identify the server Description of your server
Check if server not part of common system configuration – added for DSA only
Check for DSA subscription only, for example eServer
Computer name of Experion server computer Select network type connecting the server within the system
Check if the server being added is redundant
Introduction to Enterprise Model Describe System Model Implementation
Honeywell Confidential and Proprietary
EXP02R400 - EPKS Server 3/23/2011
Configuration Studio – Adding a Server •
Server update message may be displayed when the server is added to the system. Click Yes.
Introduction to Enterprise Model Describe System Model Implementation
Honeywell Confidential and Proprietary
EXP02R400 - EPKS Server 3/23/2011
Configuration Studio – Adding a Server •
Migration of Asset Model / Alarm Groups dialog – If the server you are adding to the system already has an asset structure and / or alarm groups then Experion gives you the opportunity to upload those existing assets and alarm groups into the EMDB.
Introduction to Enterprise Model Describe System Model Implementation
Honeywell Confidential and Proprietary
EXP02R400 - EPKS Server 3/23/2011
Configuration Studio – Download System Configuration
List of included servers External servers are not included in Load list
Introduction to Enterprise Model Describe System Model Implementation
Honeywell Confidential and Proprietary
EXP02R400 - EPKS Server 3/23/2011
Configuration Studio – System Task Navigation
Configure Assets for the system Configure Alarms Groups for the system Rename the system Administer the system database Add a server to the system Load system configuration to servers System Wide Search Detailed Configuration Studio layout on next slide
Introduction to Enterprise Model Describe System Model Implementation
Honeywell Confidential and Proprietary
EXP02R400 - EPKS Server 3/23/2011
Configuration Studio – System Task Navigation
Introduction to Enterprise Model Describe System Model Implementation
Honeywell Confidential and Proprietary
EXP02R400 - EPKS Server 3/23/2011
Configuration Studio – Server Task Navigation
View server license details Search options
Build Flex Stations Configure Flex Stations Configure Consoles Configure Console Stations Configure server-wide settings Build printers Configure printers
Build channels Build controllers Build points Configure trends Configure groups
Introduction to Enterprise Model Describe System Model Implementation
Honeywell Confidential and Proprietary
EXP02R400 - EPKS Server 3/23/2011
Configuration Studio – Server Task Navigation
Open Knowledge Builder help Backup & restore Knowledge Builder content
Introduction to Enterprise Model Describe System Model Implementation
Honeywell Confidential and Proprietary
EXP02R400 - EPKS Server 3/23/2011
System Definition and Configuration •
A Configuration Studio tool to define Computers and Network equipment that need to be monitored in the System Status Display – Includes Experion and non-Experion Nodes – Even represents OPC servers as components in the display
Provides physical view of hardware. – Previously this information was only available on the System Management Display
This tool provides : – A platform for performing some node specific configuration support for common configuration of multiple nodes Nodes in Workgroup Domain or Organizational Units
Introduction to Enterprise Model Describe System Model Implementation
Honeywell Confidential and Proprietary
EXP02R400 - EPKS Server 3/23/2011
System Status Display – Status Pane • • •
Status pane can be invoked by clicking on the Show status pane button in the System Status Display page Status Pane allows the user to view the extended status of the System Component, within the System Status Tree, without leaving the page. Extended status for a particular system component will be displayed within a faceplate as a optional pane in the System Status Display
Introduction to Enterprise Model Describe System Model Implementation
Honeywell Confidential and Proprietary
EXP02R400 - EPKS Server 3/23/2011
Adding Nodes for Monitoring •
• • • •
In Configuration Studio, select Network and click on the Add or remove computers task Select the desired computer or computers to be monitored Click “Load network configuration to servers” The added nodes will appear in the System Status Display Extended status of that node can be seen in the Status Pane (Shown in previous slide)
Introduction to Enterprise Model Describe System Model Implementation
Honeywell Confidential and Proprietary
EXP02R400 - EPKS Server 3/23/2011
System Status Display – Polled Status •
Allows a user to see a polled view of the status of a component, – as opposed to an event driven view such as with alarms – polled status indicating health of nodes together with aggregate alarm information for the node provides a comprehensive system status indication
Introduction to Enterprise Model Describe System Model Implementation
Honeywell Confidential and Proprietary
EXP02R400 - EPKS Server 3/23/2011
System Status Display – Polled Status
• •
Faceplates for Computer and Network tree summary info Detail displays for computers and network tree items such as switches
System Status Display supports:
FTE alarms are filtered against the appropriate nodes in the System Status Display Extended information about a selected item is shown in System Status tree so that navigation to a separate display is not required
– Series C Control Firewall information – FTE Devices information
– Statistics, firmware revisions, and other relevant information about the item
Introduction to Enterprise Model Describe System Model Implementation
Honeywell Confidential and Proprietary
EXP02R400 - EPKS Server 3/23/2011
Question 2: Configuration Studio System Hierarchy
Which of these items do you add in Configuration Studio at the System level? A) Experion PKS Console Stations B) 3rd Party OPC servers C) Honeywell C200/C200E controllers D) Experion PKS Servers included in the system for common configuration and for DSA
Yes! No. The correct answer is "Experion PKS Yes! No.The The Thecorrect correct correctanswer answer answeris is is"Experion "Experion "ExperionPKS PKS PKS Servers included in the system for common Servers included in the system for common configuration and DSA". Your The answer: answer is: configuration andfor for DSA".At Atthe thesystem systemlevel level The Yourcorrect correct answer: answer is: you add both the included servers and the You must answer the question before you add both the included servers and the You must answer the question before You Incorrect Correct did You not answered Click anywhere anywhere this this question correctly! to to continue continue completely Incorrect You answered -Click Click anywhere this correctly! to continue You Correct didexternal not-answer --answer Click anywhere this question to continue completely servers added for DSA. continuing external servers added for DSA. continuing Click Clickanywhere anywhereto tocontinue. continue.
Introduction to Enterprise Model Describe System Model Implementation
Honeywell Confidential and Proprietary
EXP02R400 - EPKS Server 3/23/2011
Summary •
Configuration Studio:
3– Is in line with client-server technology 3– Is used to: • Add included system Experion servers to the hierarchy • Download the System configuration to included servers • Build and download Asset Model and Alarm Groups to included Common Configuration servers • Add external servers for DSA
3– Is the one common tool to launch other individual tools and configure Server database
Introduction to Enterprise Model Describe System Model Implementation
Honeywell Confidential and Proprietary
EXP02R400 - EPKS Server 3/23/2011
Lab Examples – 1 of 2 •
Start Configuration Studio
Introduction to Enterprise Model Describe System Model Implementation
Honeywell Confidential and Proprietary
EXP02R400 - EPKS Server 3/23/2011
Lab Examples – 2 of 2 •
Add an Included Server to System Hierarchy
Introduction to Enterprise Model Describe System Model Implementation
Honeywell Confidential and Proprietary
EXP02R400 - EPKS Server 3/23/2011
Conclusion Describe System Model Implementation
Completion Certificate
Proceed to the Start Configuration Studio and Add an Included Server to System Hierarchy lab exercises Introduction to Enterprise Model Describe System Model Implementation
Honeywell Confidential and Proprietary
EXP02R400 - EPKS Server 3/23/2011
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