04. Brew Master International Inc vs. Naflu-ok

July 1, 2019 | Author: Dianne Esidera Rosales | Category: Employment, Justice, Crime & Justice, Government, Politics
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DAVIDE, JR; April 17, 1997 NATURE

A special civil action for certiorari seeking the reversal of the decision of the National a!or Relations "o##ission $NR $NR"% "% &hich &hich #odi' #odi'ed ed the decisi decision on of the a!or a!or Ar!it Ar!iter er !( direct directing ing the rein reinsta state# te#ent ent of privat private e respondent Antonio D) Estrada, the co#plainant, &itho*t loss of seniorit( rights and !ene'ts) FACTS

+ rivate respondent NA-., a co+co#plainant in the la!or case, is a la!or *nion of &hich co#plainant is a #e#!er) + "o#plainant &as 'rst e#plo(ed !( /re& 0aster on 1 2epte#!er 1991 as ro*te helper &ith the latest dail( &age of 119)33) + -ro# 19 April 1994 *p to 19 0a( 1994, for a period of 1 #onth, co#plainant &ent on a!sent &itho*t per#ission $A56%) + 6n 3 0a( 1994, /re& #aster sent hi# a 0e#o8 lease e:plain in &riting &ithin  ho*rs of (o*r receipt of this #e#o &h( no disciplinar( action sho*ld !e taken against (o* for the follo&ing o + In ans&er to the aforesaid #e#o, co#plainant e:plained8 2a dahilan po na ako a( hindi nakapagpaala# sain(o dahil in*&i ko ang #ga anak ko sa 2a#ar dahil ang asa&a ko a( l*#a(as at &alang #ag+aalaga sa #ga anak ko) ?a(a na#an hindi ako naka long distance or telegra#a dahil &ala akong pera at i!inili ko ng ga#ot a( p*ro *tang pa)> + -inding said e:planation *nsatisfactor(, the co#pan( iss*ed a Notice of @er#ination8 )))&e regret to infor# (o* that &e do not consider it valid) =o* are a&are of the co#pan( R*les and Reg*lations that a!sence &itho*t per#ission per#ission for  consec*tive &orking da(s is considered a!andon#ent of &ork)))> + "o#plainants contend that individ*al co#plainants dis#issal &as done &itho*t B*st ca*se; that it &as not s*Ccientl( esta!lished that individ*al co#plainants a!sence fro# April 19, 1994 to J*ne 1, 1994 are *nB*sti'ed; that the penalt( of dis#issal for s*ch violation is too severe; that in i#posing s*ch penalt(, respondent sho*ld have taken into consideration co#plainants co#plainants length of service and as a 'rst o co#pared to herein co#plainant+appellant &ho is a 'rst o
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