Stowage and securing of any type of cargo on board a car carrier are the top cargo matters...
]liicf ]liicf Flrdtdfc _rldedem @cetrc _bds prc-`aursc ds ocsdmeco ta prcplrc scljlrcrs jar tbc trldedem de ^@@/^@_@ Apcrltdaes leo Zcssci Bleoidem. Tau wdii celhic hcttcr ueocrstleodem leo cjjc`tdvc iclredem hy scij-stuoydem tbds sc`tdae aj tbc prc-`a prc-`aur ursc sc fltcr fltcrdli dlis. s.
^@@/^@_@ Apcrltdaes leo Zcssci Bleoidem ^rc-@aursc ^rcscetltdae
Kle 8> Gmj ta > Gmj ta hc usc usco o ls ls lppid` lppid`l lhic hic..
Ialos; ]II leo FHI Lii ilsbdems blvc twa fclsurcfcets aj tbcdr strcemtb; ]II 6 ]argd argdem em Ialo Ialo Idfd Idfdtt ar FPI FPI 6 Flxd Flxdfu fuf f • ]II Pljc Ialo, d.c. d.c. tbc ialo ialo tblt tbc ilsbde ilsbdem m ds ocsdmeco ta hclr avcr l iaem pcrdao aj tdfc. •
Ocpceodem ae tbc typc aj fltcrdli leo tbc `crtdjd`ltdae haoy, haoy, tbc rltda hctwcce ]II leo FHI (l.g.l Pljcty Jl`tar) aj ilsbdems vlrdcs jraf 8 ta ?. Ae hal halro ro wc sbauio hc `aevc `aevcrsl rslet et wdtb tbc tbc FHI aj tbc il ilsbdems. sbdems.
Xa-Xa Ilsb
]II ‐ ?=3 Gmj, FHI ‐ > Gmj Xuhhc Xuhhcrr @altc @altco o ae ae Hatb Hatb Baags Baags.. Earf Earflii liiy y usco usco jar HF] HF] leo leo Fcr`co Fcr`cocs cs `lrma. `lrma.
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