03 Board of Vet Med

December 13, 2016 | Author: aniel_bm | Category: N/A
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A PRIMER-SYLLABUS FOR VETERINARY MEDICINE LICENSURE EXAMINATION BOARD OF VETERINARY MEDICINE TEODULO M. TOPACIO JR., DVM, MSc., Ph.D. Chairman TEOFILO F. TULIAO, DVM - Member ANGEL ANTONIO B. MATEO, DVM, MSc. - Member Rationale and Overview Veterinarians who are graduates of accredited veterinary colleges will have to take and pass licensure examinations in order to practice veterinary medicine in the country. Graduates must be competent in the practice of general veterinary medicine such as food animal practice (ruminants, swine, poultry and aquatic animals), companion animal practice (equine, feline, canine, etc.), zoo wildlife and laboratory animal practice and veterinary public health. The examinees are expected to be equipped with the knowledge and skills in the treatment, prevention, and control diseases of economic importance, diseases of animals transmissible to man (zoonoses), animal production, research and extension. The examinees must also be conscious of his social and civic responsibilities, must know the obligations in ethical practice, including their contributions towards national goals and development of the government. After all, the veterinary schools, government and private owe their existence to the national government. Objectives of the Primer: 1. To provide answers to queries frequently asked regarding PRC activities before and after the examination. 2. To guide the examinees on the requirements and implementation of the licensure examinations. 3. To enable the examinees to know the type of questions being asked, the purpose and the coverage of the subject matter they are expected to answer. 4. To guide the examiners on how to improve their testing abilities that will gauge the competence and readiness of the examinees to practice veterinary medicine. 5. To coordinate and disseminate the activities of the PRC, Board of Veterinary Medicine and the examinees, on the pre-examination and post examination requirements. 6. To serve as reference for the examiners, examinees and the accredited veterinary colleges. Scope and Coverage The primer will discuss briefly the different activities of the Philippine Regulation Commission related to the licensure examinations conducted by the Board of Veterinary Medicine. Some are strictly confidential and some are available to all concerned, the examinees, examiners and other interested parties. Specifically the examination system of the PRC will be thoroughly discussed. The contents of the primer-syllabus which are to be carefully studied to serve as a guide for the prospective examinees. The examination questions will come from the subjects and topics including the equivalent weights in percentage. Sample questions that measure the levels of abilities are given. The answers are likewise provided. At the end of each subject will be found the list of text books recommended for the use by the veterinary schools. Additional references are also listed for further readings.


Since the veterinary licensure examinations are given only once a year, it has been regularly scheduled in the month of August. The exact date and venue will vary. The schedule of the subjects for examinations are permanent and are listed accordingly. Finally, the list and schedule of the post examination information, e.g. the release of the results, activities and relevant oath-taking ceremonies and the procedures for the renewal of licenses can be found in the primer. Legal Basis of the Board Examination As provided for in Republic Act No. 382 entitled: “An Act to Regulate the Practice of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery in the Philippines”, Section 6, “A person who desires to obtain a license shall apply therefore to the Veterinary Examining board (now Board of Veterinary Medicine). Each application shall contain and be accompanied by proof of particular qualifications required under oath and shall be accompanied by the examination fee.” It is provided further in Section 7 “The Veterinary Examining Board shall consist of three reputable veterinarians appointed by the President of the Republic upon recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and National Resources (now the Chairman of the Professional Regulation Commission upon recommendation of five (5) nominees by the Philippines Veterinary Medical Association.)” Section 8, provides that “It shall be the duty of the Veterinary Examining Board to examine the application, diplomas, affidavits and proof of all applicants, and when satisfied of the genuineness of the same, it shall examine all applicants for examination and shall issue a license to each person successfully passing the examination.” Section 14 states: “The Veterinary Examination Board shall meet and hold examinations at least once a year, should there be any applicant for the examination. The subjects for this examination shall be the following: anatomy, physiology, pathology, parasitology, materia medica and therapeutics, bacteriology (now microbiology), medicine and surgery and zootechnics.” Republic Act No. 382 was approved and took effect on June 18, 1949.


REPUBLIC ACT NO. 382 AN ACT TO REGULATE THE PRACTICE OF VETERINARY MEDICINE AND SURGERY IN THE PHILIPPINES Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representative of the Philippines in Congress assembled: Section 1. That is shall be unlawful for any person to practice veterinary medicine and surgery in any of its branches, including veterinary dentistry, and excepting the castrating and spaying of animals and dehorning of cattle, in the Philippines who shall not have complied with the provisions of this Act. Section 2. No person shall practice veterinary medicine and surgery, in any of its branches without a valid and existing license to do so. Section 3. A person shall be regarded as practicing veterinary medicine and surgery within the meaning of this Act who shall append or cause to be appended to his name the letters V.S., D.V.M., V.M.D., M.D.C., D.V.S., or the words “Veterinary,” “ Veterinarian,” “Veterinary surgeon,” “Veterinary dentist,” or any other initials or title implying qualifications to so practice, or who shall treat, operate on, or prescribe for any physical ailment in, or any physical injury to, or deformity of, any domestic animals, for which he shall receive any monetary compensation. The terms of this act shall not apply to commissioned veterinarians in the United States or the Philippine Army. Section 4. An accredited school of veterinary medicine and surgery within the meaning of this Act shall be (1) one approved by the Department of Education 1; (2) one requiring, among other things, that, as a prerequisite for admission, its students must have a four-year course in any public high school, or other secondary school accredited by the Department of Education 2; (3) one that requires for graduation a five-year course in veterinary medicine and surgery, teaching the subjects of anatomy and physiology of domestic animals, general and special pathology, veterinary materia medica and therapeutics, veterinary medicine and surgery, bacteriology, parasitology, chemistry, and such other subjects as are ordinarily included in the curricula of veterinary colleges and topics, knowledge of which is commonly and generally required of candidates for the degree of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine by reputable veterinary colleges or universities. Section 5. A person is qualified to receive a license (1) who is over twenty-one years of age; (2) who is of good moral character and temperate habits; (3) who has graduated from a four-year high school or secondary school approved by the Department of Education 3; (4) who has graduated from an accredited veterinary college; (5) who has passed an examination conducted by the Veterinary Examining Board 4 to determine his fitness to receive a license; and (6) who is a citizen of the Philippines or who has made a declaration of intention to become a citizen and has filed a petition for naturalization within thirty days after becoming eligible to do so. Section 6. A person who desires to obtain a license shall apply therefore to the Veterinary Examining Board.5 Each application shall contain and be accompanied by proof of particular qualifications required under oath and shall be accompanied by the examination fee. Section 7. The Veterinary Examining Board 6 shall consist of three reputable veterinarians appointed by the President of the Republic upon recommendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources. 7 Now Now 3 Now 4 Now 5 Now 6 Now 7 Now 1 2

Commission on Higher Education. Department of Education, Culture and Sports Department of Education, Culture and Sports Board of Veterinary Medicine Board of Veterinary Medicine Board of Veterinary Medicine Professional Regulation Commission. 3

Section 8. It shall be the duty of the Veterinary Examining Board 8 to examine the applications, diplomas, affidavits and proof of all applicants, and when satisfied of the genuineness of the same, it shall examine all applicants for examination and shall issue a license to each person successfully passing the examination. The Veterinary Examining Board 9 may refuse to issue or may suspend, or revoke any license for any one or any combination of the following causes: 1. The employment of fraud, misrepresentation or deception in obtaining such license; 2. Conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude or conviction of a felony, in which case the record of such conviction shall be conclusive evidence; 3. Chronic inebriety or habitual use of drugs; 4. For having professional connection with or lending one’s name to any illegal practitioner of veterinary medicine and the various branches thereof; 5. Violation or attempting to violate, directly or indirectly, any of the provisions of this Act; 6. Fraud or dishonesty in applying, treating or reporting on tuberculin or other biological tests; 7. False or misleading advertising having for its purpose or intent deception or fraud; 8. For failing to report, as required by law, or making false report of any contagious or infectious diseases. Section 9. The members of the Veterinary Examining Board 10 shall serve for a period of three years beginning from the date of their appointment. The members shall be appointed such that the term of office of one member shall terminate every year. Any vacancy shall be covered by an ad interim appointment for the rest of the term only. Section 10. The President of the Republic will have the power to dismiss any member of the Board because of unprofessional conduct, inefficiency, dereliction of duty or any sufficient and justifiable reasons. Section 11. The officers of the Veterinary Examining Board 11 shall consist of a President and a secretary who shall be elected every year from among the members of the said Board. Section 12. Each member of the Veterinary Examining Board 12 shall receive a compensation of ten pesos per candidate taking the examination for practice as a veterinarian. Section 13. The secretary shall keep the minutes of the Board and a book or registration of all veterinarians to whom a license has been issued, indication their names, age, place of practice, the veterinary institution from which they graduated, the number of years of study, the degree or certificates they obtained, and shall furnish a duplicate copy of the minutes and the book of registration to the Bureau of Civil Service 13. Section 14. The Veterinary Examining Board 14 shall meet and hold examinations at least once a year, should there be any applicant for the examination. The subjects for this examination shall be the following: anatomy, physiology, pathology, parasitology, materia medica and therapeutics, bacteriology, medicine and surgery, and zootechnics. The date, place and hours of examinations shall be published in one or more newspapers at least one week previously. Section 15. There shall be paid to the Insular Treasurer 15 the following fees: (a) For examination, thirty pesos; (b) For a license, ten pesos; (c) For certified statement that a licensee is Now Board of Veterinary Medicine Now Board of Veterinary Medicine 10 Now Board of Veterinary Medicine 11 Now Board of Veterinary Medicine 12 Now Board of Veterinary Medicine 13 See P.D. 223, section 5 (c), promulgated June 22, 1973 14 Now Board of Veterinary Medicine 15 See RA 465 standardizing the examination and registration fees. 8 9


licensed, ten pesos; (d) For issuance of duplicate license in case the original has been lost or destroyed, ten pesos. No fee shall be required for a second examination if taken within twelve months after failure in the first examination. The examination fee may be returned to the candidate if he withdraws before the examinations have started. Section 16. The Veterinary Examining Board 16 may reciprocate with other countries in the recognition of exchange of licenses upon a basis of equality of educational standard and mutual recognition, which standard shall not be lower than the requirements of this Act. Section 17. Any person practicing veterinary medicine and surgery or dentistry in the Philippines without a license, or who shall fail to comply with any of the terms of this Act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred pesos nor more than two hundred pesos or by imprisonment for not less than thirty days nor more than six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment for each and every offense; and it shall be the duty of the Provincial or City Fiscal where such offense is committed to prosecute all persons violating the provisions of this Act, upon proper complaint being made. All fines collected under this Act shall be paid into the treasury of the province or city where the prosecution is held. Section 18. Any person filing, or attempting to file, as his own, the diploma of another, or a forged or fictitious or a fraudulently obtained diploma or certificate, upon conviction shall be subject to such fine and imprisonment as are made and provided by the statutes for the crime of forgery. Section 19. This act shall take precedence above all existing rules and regulations regarding the practice of Veterinary Medicine and surgery in the Philippines. Section 20. This Act shall take effect upon its approval. Approved, June 18, 1949.


Now Board of Veterinary Medicine. See P.D. 657, promulgated February 19, 1975 amending P.D. 223, Section 5 (j) (re: foreign professionals) 5

CODE OF ETHICS Article I PROFESSIONAL DEPORTMENT Section 1. Title. -- No member of the Philippine Veterinary Medical Association (PVMA) who is licensed to practice Veterinary Medicine shall use a degree or title to which he is not entitled. Section 2. Mutual Respect. -- No member of the association shall belittle nor injure the professional standing of another member nor unnecessarily condemn the character of his professional acts. Section 3. Undercharging. -- No member of the association shall endeavor to build up a practice by undercharging another practitioner. Section 4. Reputation. -- It shall be considered a breach of this code for a member to assail the professional reputation of a fellow practitioner particularly for his own individual advancement. Section 5. Compliance to Laws. -- All members shall comply with the common laws governing their obligations to the clients and shall obey without obvious fault the official public regulations and laws governing their acts. Section 6. Professional Deportment. -- Members are expected to conduct themselves at all times with professional deportment. He shall conduct himself in a manner completely above suspicion or reproach. Any flagrant violation of these principles shall be considered as a violation of this code and may subject the violator to suspension or expulsion. Article II DUTY TO THE COMMUNITY Section 7. Primary Duty. -- The veterinarian’s primary duty of servicing the public is accomplished by giving the best professional service and to act himself in such a manner as to hold the profession in high esteem. Section 8. Emergency Service. -- A veterinarian when consulted in an emergency by the client of another, shall attend only to the conditions leading to the emergency. Upon completion of the treatment, the patient must be referred back to the attending veterinarian. However, if the client refuses to go back and decided to stay, the veterinarian who attended the emergency case may accept the case. The following conditions should be present: (a) Findings and discussions with the client shall be handled in such a confidential manner as to avoid criticism of the attending veterinarian and; (b) In making emergency calls upon a patient already under treatment, it is unethical to institute radical changes in the treatment previously prescribed in such a way as to attract unusual attention. Section 9. Authorized Visit of a Consultant as requested by the attending veterinarian . -When in the course of authorized visit it will be unethical to offer services whether free or compensated or to give advice other than that service which comes strictly within the scope of the official call. Section 10. Revisit of Patient. -- Consultants shall not revisit the patient or client or communicate directly with the client without the knowledge or consent of the attending veterinarian. Section 11. Veterinary Auxiliaries. -- It is the primary responsibility of the practicing veterinarian that laboratory workers, clinic assistants, veterinary aides, Medical Technologists, Radiologic Technologists and other auxiliaries shall act in such a manner that will not contradict any provision of these code.


Section 12. Billing Clients by the Consultant. -- In no instance, under no circumstances, shall a consultant take charge of a case or problem without the consent of all concerned, particularly when the client’s financial obligation to the attending veterinarian have not yet been settled/adjusted/cleared. Section 13. Delegation of Services. -- A veterinarian shall not delegate to any person such as but not limited to veterinary auxiliaries (unlicensed veterinarian, veterinary aides, x-ray technicians, medical technologist, animal caretakers, agricultural extension technicians) the performance of any service or operation which requires competence as a professional, unless expressly authorized by law. Section 14. Supervision of Work. - The veterinarian shall supervise associates or auxiliaries personally in the performance of their duties. Section 15. Professional Fees. -- The veterinarian shall charge fees taking into consideration the nature of the case (span of time used in the operation and improvement of facilities for the veterinarian to work with ease, grace and comfort thereby constituting to the highest professional level of service), efforts, skills and materials involved and the capacity of the client to pay. The veterinarian is obliged to reveal to client when requested, the itemized details of the professional fees charged. No demand rebates and commissions shall be demanded nor split fees other than the legitimate professional fees. Section 16. Discoveries of Works. -- In the interest of the veterinary profession and public health, the veterinarian must make available discoveries, inventions or research works useful in safeguarding or promoting health subject to patent or copyright laws. He shall not claim discoveries not his own. Section 17. Volunteer Program. -- The veterinarian may be encouraged to participate in programs designed for veterinary public health education and animal health care. Members can participate on volunteer programs for the delivery of veterinary services in underserved or unserved areas. In case of disasters or national emergencies, the veterinarian may assist in alleviating the sufferings of stricken animals and human population of affected areas. Section 18. Animal Welfare. -- Cognizant of Animal Welfare Law, the veterinarian shall ensure the patients are taken good care of properly, handled and managed as humanely as possible. Animals used for experiments/instructional purposes should be managed properly and humanely. Section 19. Professional Commitment to Service. -- In all efforts to improve professional service in the health of the public, the veterinarian shall make available to the community his skills, knowledge and experience.

Article III DUTY OF THE PROFESSION Section 20. Keeping Professionally Competent. -- The veterinarian shall endeavor to be professionally competent by updating knowledge, skill and efficiency thus better serving the clients, community and country.


a. Continuing Professional Education Every veterinarian shall pursue continuing professional education programs offered by the PVMA, its Chapter and Affiliates, Special groups, schools, alumni associations, study clubs and veterinary associations abroad duly accredited by the Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Council of Veterinary Medicine of the Professional Regulation Commission. b. CPE Credit Units Every veterinarian shall complete minimum CPE credits every 3 years in accordance with the accreditation guidelines set by the PVMA and the CPE Council of Veterinary Medicine. c. Each specialty group shall evolve its own system of accreditation, establish its council, police its own ranks and shall at all times safeguard the public against those who do not meet the qualifications prescribed by this code. Section 21. Display of Certificates. -- No certificates, plaques, or testimonials except recognition and awards by peers other than the veterinarian’s school diploma, certificates issued by the specialty council, the PVMA Board, PRC License, PTR and such others required by law shall be displayed in the Clinics or reception room at all times. Section 22. Duty to Report. -- The veterinarian either in government or private service shall report all violations of the Veterinary Medicine and Surgery Act, the rules and regulations governing the practice of veterinary medicine and this code, which comes to his knowledge, to the appropriate chapter or affiliate society, the PVMA Board or the Professional Regulation Commission. Section 23. Professional Consultation and Referral. -- The veterinarian may seek consultation or make a referral whenever the welfare of the patient requires recourse to those who possess special skills, knowledge and experience. a) The consultant shall hold the details of the consultation in confidence and shall not undertake an operative procedure without the consent of the referring veterinarian. b) The consultant shall observe post-operative conditions and immediately thereafter return the patient to the referring veterinarian. In making emergency calls upon a patient already under treatment by another veterinarian it is unethical to institute radical treatment previously prescribed in such a way as to attract unusual attention. Section 24. Criticism and Expert Testimony. -a. Justifiable Criticism. Every veterinarian shall report to the appropriate authority or professional society, instances of repeated faulty treatment by another veterinarian but this should be kept confidential. b. Expert Testimony. The veterinarian may provide expert testimony whenever called upon to do so in administrative, judicial, quasi-judicial or legislative proceeding. Section 25. Unfair Means to Gain Professional Advancement. -- The veterinarian shall not use unfair means to gain professional advancement, or injure the opportunities of other veterinarians. He must be receptive to new ideas and suggestions from other veterinary practitioners and ready to recognize, encourage and accredit those to whom such credit is due. Constructive suggestions from other veterinarians should be given careful attention. Section 26. Use of Term Clinic/Hospital. -- A veterinarian shall use only the term “Clinic, Hospital or Center” in his veterinary practice following the guidelines set by Philippine Animal Hospital Association (PAHA) only.


Section 27. Testimonials. -- A veterinarian or any association of veterinarians shall not give testimonials, directly or indirectly to any therapeutic/prophylactic agents or their preparations such as remedies, vaccines and other articles for prevention of disease. Section 28. Soliciting Patients. -- A veterinarian shall not solicit patient personally or employ his clients, agents or agencies to solicit patients or clients including such practice as “door to door” solicitation. Section 29. Cover up for Illegal Acts. -- No veterinarian shall willfully engage in such services that shall cover up or facilitate prejudicial practices by certain commercial or industrial establishments (public or private). Section 30. Performance of Obligations. -- The veterinarian shall perform in good faith and with due diligence all his obligations arising from agreements with clients or other persons, and financing institutions or other instrumentality’s, in order not to undermine the prestige of the profession. Article IV ADVERTISING Section 31. Advertising in General. -- Advertising as a means of obtaining patronage is objectionable, unethical and unprofessional. Some objectionable advertising consists of: a) Personal superiority over one’s colleague b) Secret remedies or exclusive method c) Fixed fees for given services d) As a corporation or partnership beyond that which would be ethical of either party e) Reports allegedly unintentional f) Hospital or clinic equipment and other special services rendered therewith g) Solicited and repeated publicity of the building or occupation of a new hospital. Section 32. Authorized advertising. -- The best and honorable means by which the veterinarian may make known and advance his reputation for skill and competence in the practice of veterinary medicine is through his professional services to his patients and the public. a) The veterinarian or veterinary clinic or hospital shall have not more than one window or building sign per exposure. b) Letters for windows or building signs of the first floor shall not be larger than 1/5 of the facade and shall show only the name of the veterinarian and the term “veterinarian.” c) The term “gas anesthesia or air-conditioned” or any technical description must not appear in the card, stationaries, office doors and signboards of the veterinarian. d) A veterinarian may identify himself as veterinary practitioner only in the following manner; 1. Cards, letterheads, announcements. A veterinarian may properly utilize professional cards, recall notices to clients of records and letterheads when the style and text are consistent with the dignity of the profession. 2. Announcement cards may be sent when there is change in location or an alteration in the character or practice, but only to other veterinary members and to clients of records. 3. Professional cards must be of traditional size and type and shall not include more than the veterinarian’s name, title, address, telephone number and office hours. If he confines himself to the specific field of practice, he may include the following: “practice limited to, or if Board certified, specialist in... (“specialty”). e) Office Door Lettering and Signs. The use of door lettering should be limited to 1/5 of the size of the door and shall show only the name of the veterinarian. Window or building signs above the first floor shall show the name of veterinarian and term veterinarian only and the letter shall be no bigger than 16cms in size.



Building Directory. When placing his name upon the directory of an office building, a veterinarian must adopt only the size of lettering regularly used by the tenants in said building. g) The veterinarian shall not use neon signs and/or mobile sign board flashing lights in any form. h) Directional signboards may be used by veterinarians but shall not be more than two along the street where the veterinarian is practicing and shall be limited to the name of the veterinarian, the address and an arrow. i) A veterinarian shall not allow his name to be listed in the directories in bold face type or advertise his hospital or clinic in any way differing from the established standard style. j) A veterinarian shall not allow his name to be printed in public directories as a specialist in the treatment of any disease or in the performance of any service within the scope of veterinary practice. Section 33. Advertising in Local Newspaper. -a) Advertisement in local newspaper should be reasonable in size and display. It should be limited to name, title, address, office hours, and telephone number. Such advertisement should be place under Section on “Professional” and not under “Per Section”. b) Members are encouraged to write articles for the local press announcing the presence of a contagious disease and their control or treatment, provided the motive is a bona fide attempt to inform the clients rather than personal gain. c) A veterinarian shall use newspaper announcement only when opening a new clinic/hospital, practice, provided that the newspaper announcement shall not be within 30 days from the date of opening, change or limitation of practice. 1. The veterinarian shall use only the usual titles and academic degrees such as “Doctor, Veterinarian, DVM, or VMD” in connection with the name or signature, such as but not limited to MS, PhD, LLB; recognized specialty titles, any be if legitimate holders. 2. The veterinarian is authorized to the listing of his name in a telephone or other directory, provided that the listing shall not be in bold type nor in a box or in different colors. Section 34. Advertising in Mail. -- The distribution in cards, circulars by mail or other wise reminding clients that the time is at hand for rendering certain services other than vaccination, is a questionable practice. Section 35. Advertising by Personal Cards and Letterheads. -- The letterhead of a professional should be modest, announcing his name, title, address, telephone number, and office hours. Section 36. Advertising by Display Signs. -- Display signs of reasonable size and dimensions in veterinary hospitals or clinics are not objectionable provided they do not announce special services such as bathing, plucking, clipping, and x-ray works which characterizes the ways of the charlatan. Streamers announcing such practices as free consultation, vaccination, bathing, etc. Should be avoided. Use of outside displays like mounted dogs, cats or large pictures of animals depicting various practices, etc. Are considered objectionable. Section 37. Testimonials, Guarantees, Frauds. -- It is considered unprofessional or unethical to: a) Write testimonials as to the proprietary remedies or food except to report the results of properly controlled experiments or studies, such report to be given publicity through a veterinary journal or at convention or meeting of the association. b) Guarantee a cure. c) Employ questionable method to attract public attention or boast of possessing superior skill in the treatment or prevention of a disease. d) Issuing of false certificates of health or official documents. e) Accept a fee from the seller if employed by the buyer to inspect an animal for soundness.


f) Criticize unfairly an animal about to be sold. g) Act or serve as judge in accredited animal shows. Section 38. Illegal Practices. -a)It is unprofessional to aid in illegal practices of others, practicing without license, teaching others to do so in violation of the laws governing the practice of veterinary medicine. b)It is the duty of members of the association to report illegal practices to the proper authorities and to report such practices by members of the associations to the PVMA. Section 39. Use of Association’s Endorsement. -- No member or employee of the PVMA shall use the name of the association in connection with the promotion or advertising or endorsement of any commercial product or commercial services, or any service without written permission from the Board of Directors. Section 40. Loyalty. -- The veterinarian should first of all be a good citizen and a leader in movements to advance community welfare. He should commit no act that will reflect unfavorable upon the worthiness of the profession Section 41. Membership and Financial Support. -- It is the duty and responsibility of the veterinarian to be an active member of the PVMA and bona fide chapters and affiliates of the association within the area of his practice. His membership requires financial support in reasonable amount fixed by his association or chapter. Section 42. Enforcement. -- Violation of this code and the interpretation of any provision hereof shall be determined by the Council of Ethics. Section 43. Sanctions. -- Reprimand, suspension or expulsion from the Philippine Veterinary Medical Association for violation of this code. Section 44. Council of Ethics. -- The findings of an AdHoc Ethics Committee would be submitted to the Council of Ethics for Adjudication. Section 45. Confidentiality. -- Proceedings conducted by the AdHoc Committee on Ethics shall remain confidential. All proceedings of the investigations being conducted by the AdHoc Committee and the Council of Ethics involving any member of the Philippine Veterinary Medical Association shall be conducted with utmost decorum. Article V EFFECTIVITY Section 46. This Code shall be published din the PVMA Journal, Newsletter, or Souvenir Program upon ratification by the members of the PVMA in a Business Meeting during the Annual Convention and shall take effect within 15 days after ratification on February 23, 1992 in Cagayan de Oro.



SUBJECTS, TOPICS, PERCENTAGE WEIGHTS AND REFERENCES MICROBIOLOGY Microbiology (formerly Bacteriology) is the study of living organisms that cannot be seen by the naked eye. They can only be seen by the use of the microscope. The subject covers a wise area of study involving the characteristics of the microbes, the harm they do in the form of disease in animals involving the different groups of microbes, the response of the animals body, their resistance, the effects of harmful microorganisms in populations and finally the involvement of the veterinarian in protecting public health through food hygiene. The subject is divided into 5 topics namely: Bacteriology (General and Pathogenic), Virology, Immunology, Food Hygiene and Epidemiology. I. Bacteriology 25% A. General The general characteristics of the different classes of bacteria including their morphology, biochemical reactions, laboratory techniques including microscopy must be learned. The following topics are included in this field. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Development of microbiology as a science Nature of bacteria and classification Morphology, physiology and genetics Laboratory techniques 4.1 Microscopy 4.2 Cultivation and biochemical reactions 4.3 Staining techniques 4.4 Identification of bacteria, fungi and rickettsiae

B. Pathogenic An important aspect of bacteriology that a practicing veterinarian is expected to know. It is an important pre-requisite in making an accurate diagnosis of infectious diseases. The examinee must review the following topics: 1. Descriptions, recognition and diagnosis of bacterial diseases of animals (terrestrial and aquatic). 2. Pathogenesis of bacterial, fungal, chlamydial, rickettsial and other diseases caused by organisms of unknown classification. 3. Diagnosis using bacteriological techniques 4. Prevention (vaccination), and control of pathogenic organisms. 5. Diagnosis, prevention and control of zoonotic diseases. II. Virology 25% The study of microorganisms smaller than bacteria that can cause harmful animal diseases are called viruses. They cannot be seen by the ordinary microscope but can be seen only by the electron microscope. Many of the new emerging animal disease are caused by viruses. Several can be transmitted to man which are called zoonoses. Hence the veterinarian is expected to have a thorough knowledge of the following of the topics:


1. Nature, classification and nomenclature of viruses 2. Laboratory techniques 2.1 Electron Microscopy 2.2 Ultra filtration and ultra centrifugation 2.3 Cultivation of viruses 3. Physical and chemical properties 4. Replication 5. Chemotherapy 6. Host response and resistance 7. Diagnosis and control of important harmful viral disease of economic and public health (zoonoses) significance in animals with emphasis in the Philippine setting. III. Immunology 20% The study of natural resistance of animals and man to pathogens. The resistance maybe natural (acquired) or artificial. This is an important aspect of veterinary medicine the knowledge of which a practicing veterinarian must have. The following topics are recommended for review and study: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Immune responses and resistance Antigens and antibodies Immunoglobulins - physical, chemical and biological properties Hypersensitivity and immune response Cellular and humoral basis of immune response Immune prophylaxis - vaccination and vaccines Erythrocyte antigens - blood groups Defects in the immune system

IV. Food Hygiene 15% An important aspect in veterinary medicine with public health significance is food hygiene. It is an obligation of the veterinarian to see to it that the food of animal origin meat and their by products (milk, dairy products and eggs) are safe for human consumption. Another important public health concern that is the professional responsibility of the veterinarian is meat inspection. Included in this topics are the following: 1. Microorganisms in food and microbial growth. 2. Elements of meat hygiene 3. Meat inspection - Slaughtering procedures 3.1 Ante-mortem - judgment 3.2 Post-mortem - judgment 4. Meat processing, meat storage and distribution 5. Sanitation facilities in plants 6. HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points) 7. Microbial spoilage in canned foods. 8. Physical and chemical factors affecting milk products quality including laboratory tests. 9. Control and supervision of milk production with emphasis on sanitation and hygiene. 10. Food borne diseases - diagnosis and control. V. Epidemiology 15% It is defined as the study of diseases (occurrence and distribution) in populations. Epidemiology has two principal uses. It serves as the investigative of diagnostic discipline or tool for herd medicine and its supports different forms of action against diseases. A modern veterinary practitioner must have an up to date knowledge of epidemiology that includes:


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Development of epidemiology Scope Uses and functions Methods Concepts of multifactorial causation of disease Strategies in the study of diseases causation specially in population 6.1 Patterns of disease occurrence 6.2 Spectrum of infection 6.3 Procedures of outbreak investigation and reporting

REFERENCES 1. Bernard Tome, Jean-Pierre Vaillancourt, et.al. Ed. Dictionary of Veterinary Epidemiology. 1999. Iowa State University Press. 2121 S. State Ave., Ames, Iowa 50014-8300 USA. 2. Department Administrative Order (DAO) 96-37. Procedural Manual. Philippine Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). 1996 3. Dizon. 1986. Epidemiology and Disease Control (Communicable Diseases) 4. Epidemiology in Veterinary Practice. C.W. Schwabe. H.P. Rieman, C.E. Franti. 1977. Lea Febiger. Philadelphia, USA. 5. Hagan and Bruner’sMmicrobiology and Infectious Diseases of Domestic Animals . 8th ed. 1988. J.F. Timoney, J.H. Gillespie, F.W. Scott and J.E. Barlough. Comstock Publishing Co., Ithaca and London 6. McMahon and Pugh. 1970 Epidemiolog: Principles and Methods 7. Microbiology. Pelczar, MJ., L.C. Chan and N.N. Krieg. 5th ed. 1993. Locally available and recommended. Mc Graw - Hill, Inc. 8. Veterinary Medicine and Human Health. Scwabe, S.W. 1984. 3rd ed. William and Wilkins. Baltimore, USA. 9. Veterinary Immunology. An Introduction. I. Tizard. 1987. 3rd ed. W.B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia. USA. 10. Zinsser’s Microbiology. Smith and Conant. Latest ed. D.T. Smith. N.F. Conant, et al. Appletox Century Crofts, Inc. N.Y. 11. Zoonoses and Communicable Diseases Common to Man and Animals. 2nd Ed. Pedro N. Acha and Boris Szyfries. Scientific Publication No. 503. Pen American Health Organization. World Health Organization (WHO) Washington D.C. 20037, USA


PREVIOUS TEST SAMPLE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS MICROBIOLOGY (BACTERIOLOGY) I. Bacteriology 1. What is the basis for the classification of Pasteurella multocida using Carter’s method? a. Hemagglutination c. Biochemical tests b. Differential media reaction d. Agglutination 2. What is the causative agent of bacillary white diarrhea of chicks? a. Salmonella dublin c. S. gallinarum b. S. pullorum d. S. anatum 3. The following microorganisms have been implicated in the cause of bloody scours in pigs usually in combinations. However one of them has NOT been implicated in this disease. Which is this organism? a. Treponema cuniculi c. Fusobacterum necrophorus b. Bacteroides vulgatus d. Treponema hyodysenteriae 4. Leptospira icterohemorraghiae is the causative agent of one of the following diseases. What is this disease? a. Rubarth’s b. Glasser’s c. Stuttgart’s d. Woolsorter’s 5. Which of the following Salmonella sp. is transmitted vertically? a. Salmonella pullorum c. S .choleraesuis b. S. newport d. S. anatum II. Virology 1.

Measles virus of humans and rinderpest virus of cattle have shown some similar antigenic relationship with a canine disease virus. What is this virus? a. Parvovirus b. Distemper c. Hepatitis d. Reovirus

2. What animal species will you encounter Teschen disease? a. Pigs b. Goats c. Cattle

d. Dogs

3. In the pathogenic classification of NCD virus the velogenic strain is considered as the: a. Least b. Moderate c. Non-pathogenic d. Most 4. When is the best stage of the disease to collect specimens for viral isolation? a. Hyperacute b. Acute c. Chronic d. Subchronic 5. What disease of canines do you observe “blue eyes”? a. Infectious hepatitis c. Distemper b. Para-influenza d. Tracheo-bronchitis III. Immunology 1. What is the immunoglobulin associated with allergy and is also responsible for hypersensitive response? a. IgE b. IgD c. IgA d. IgM 2. What material will you use to make a vaccine to give more effective immune response? a. Supplementor b. Antibiotic c. Adjuvant d. Probiotic


3. What is the most sensitive binding test to use in measuring the quantity of antibody? a. Tertiary b. Secondary c. Primary d. Quaternary 4. Which classification of hypersensitivity types does anaphylaxis belong? a. III b. II c. IV d. I 5. There are several kinds of adjuvants being used to increase the immunogenecity of a vaccine. The following are examples of adjuvants. One of them is NOT recommended for use. Which is it? a. Aluminum phosphate c. Aluminum hydroxide b. Saponin d. Mineral oil IV. Food Hygiene 1. What is the smell of a product that is spoiled by the Lactobacillus? a. Acrid b. Putrid c. Sour d. Rancid 2. Which of the following tests is used to measure the amount of fat in milk? a. Hehner b. Babcock c. Wode d. Hotis 3. What condition in man will be produced when there is a continuous use of the preservatives, nitrites or nitrates? a. Anomalies b. Gastroenteritis c. Mutagenecityd. Carcinoma 4. What is the black mold responsible for the spoilage of bread? a. Altenaria tenuis c. Amanita phalloide b. Botytis cineriea d. Aspergillus niger 5. When amidol test is used in detecting unauthorized food preservatives, what preservative is being tested? a. Chloroform b. Nitrate c. Nitrite d. Formalin V. Epidemiology 1. What is the zoonotic classification of arbovirus infections? a. Sapprozoonoses c. Cyclozoonoses b. Direct zoonoses d. Metazoonoses 2. What is the state of the animals being studied in epidemiology? a. Sick b. Alive c. Alive, sick and dead d. Dead 3. In the study of epidemiology, pathogenecity refers to the property of the causative to: a. Determine the severity of a resulting infections as measured by its fatality rate b. Lodge itself in the host c. Induce disease d. Be transmitted to a susceptible host


4. The study of epidemiology by making observations in the field in order to observe a particular disease event as fully necessary is referred to as: a. Analytical b. Investigative c. Descriptive d. Experimental 5. The method of formulating experimental hypothesis by searching for some factor the of which varies with the frequency of a disease is called the method of:



a. Concomitant variation c. Analogy

c. Difference d. Agreement


SUBJECT, TOPICS, PERCENTAGE WEIGHTS AND REFERENCES PATHOLOGY The study of anatomical, chemical and physiologic alterations in an animal as a result of disease. In the licensure examination the subject covers 3 topics namely: General, Systemic (Special) and Clinical. In order to arrive at an accurate diagnosis of diseases of terrestrial and aquatic animals, the veterinarian must have a good working knowledge of this subject. I. General Pathology 35% It is concerned with the basic changes in tissues and cells both microscopic and macroscopic. The following areas are covered and should be reviewed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Basic pathology and definition terms The cell: normal and pathological Degenerative change: necrosis and death. Disturbances in circulation - hyperemia, congestion, embolism, edema, thrombosis, infarction Inflammation and repair - function, components exudates, tissue injury and fever, healing, therapeutic influences, regeneration. 6. Disturbances of growth - hyperplasia, hypertrophy, atrophy, malformations and aging. 7. Neoplasms - classification, microscopic and macroscopic appearance, diagnosis. 8. Host parasite relationships - infectious disease processes and pathogenesis of disease. II. Systemic Pathology 35% The veterinarian must be able to apply the basic alteration/pathological changes learned in general pathology and correlate these with the clinically diagnosed specific diseases. Post mortem techniques and pathology diagnosis of all the organs concerned is part of this subject that must be learned by the veterinarian. The following systems of the animal must be studied and reviewed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Integumentary system Musculo-skeletal Respiratory Cardiovascular Hemic and lymphatic Digestive Urinary Genital (male and female) Endocrine Nervous Organ of special sense Nutritional deficiencies

III. Clinical Pathology 30% In disease processes chemical alterations are produced in a sick animal. A good clinician should always resort to laboratory methods to arrive at an accurate diagnosis. The following laboratory examinations are going to be helpful to the veterinarian and therefore must be studied and reviewed. 1. Preparations, collection, preservations and transport of specimens from bacterial, viral and parasitic diseases. 2. Toxicology


3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Hematology - techniques for examinations Clinical chemistry Clinical enzymology Water, electrolytes and acid base balance Synovial fluids and miscellaneous fluids Function tests for organs Cerebrospinal fluids Microbiological diagnosis Avian clinical pathology

REFERENCES 1. Food Animal Pathology and Meat Hygiene. 1991. With Section on Hazad Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) Drago Carl Herenda and Don A. Franco. Mosby Year Book St. Louise, Baltimore. Boston, Chicago, Londo, Philadelphia. 2. General Pathology. R.G. Thomson 1978, W.B. Saunders CO. Philadelphia. Locally available. 3. Histopathology. Thomas, C. 1989. B.C. Decker, Inc. Toronto and Philadelphia. 4. Pathology of Domestic Animals. Edited by D.C. Jubb, P.C. Kennedy and N. Palmer. 4th Ed. Academic Press, Inc. San Diego, USA 5. Principles of Veterinary Pathology. R.A. Runnells, W.S. Monlux and A.W. Monlux. Latest ed. Iowa University Press. Ames Iowa, USA. 6. Textbook of Comparative General Pathology. 1990. 2nd Ed. Ed. By David O. Slauson and Barry J. Cooper 7. Thomson’s Special Veterinary Pathology - W.W. Carlton and M. Donald Mc Garcia. 2nd Ed. 1995. St. Louis Mo. USA. 8. Veterinary Clinical Pathology. E.H. Coles. 1986. W.B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia, USA (Locally Available). 9. Veterinary Laboratory Medicine. 1981. Duncan, J.R. and Prasse, K.W. 10. Veterinary Pathology. Philadelphia. USA.

T.C. Jones and R.D. Hunt. 5th Ed. 1983. Lea and Febiger.


PREVIOUS TEST SAMPLE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS PATHOLOGY I. General 1. What structure in the cell is the metabolic center for forming new or breaking down compounds? a. Mitochondria b. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum c. Rough endoplasmic reticulum d. Golgi apparatus


2. What do you call these inflammatory cells that resemble the prickle cells of the squamous epithelium? a. Epitheloids c. Plasma cells b. Neutrophils d. Macrophages 3. Which of the following anomalies does NOT belong to the group? a. Aplasia c. Atresia b. Hypoplasia d. Hyperplasia 4. What will be the result if the proteins (colloids) are depleted in the capillary system? a. Decrease of tissue fluid c. Dehydration b. Increase of tissue fluid d. Capillary hemorrhage 5. What is the pathological term when the normal body opening is absent? a. Hypoplasia c. Agenesis b. Aplasia d. Atresia II. Systemic 1. Improper disposal of fecal material in a poultry or piggery farm will produce poisonous gases and will cause the following pathological lesions: - pulmonary edema - hyperemia - catarrhal inflammation of the air passages What gas will produce these lesions? a. H2S c. CO b. CO2 d. Cl 2. A young pig died within a few hours. Upon necropsy you found the following cardiac pulmonary lesions: - edema with spotted hemorrhages - round shape heart - pulmonary edema What will be your pathologic diagnosis? a. Mulberry heart disease c. Shaggy heart disease b. Myocarditis d. Tiger heart disease


3. In what species of animals is gastric ulcers often encountered? a. Sheep b. Pigs c. Dogs d. Cattle 4. In what species of animals is perosis commonly seen? a. Canine b. Avian c. Porcine d. Bovine


5. What will be the result of Zn deficiency in pigs? a. Dyskeratosis b. Fluorosis c. Hyperkeratosis

d. Parakeratosis

III. Clinical 1. Prolonged clotting time is an indication of a severe disease in which of the following organs? a. Bone marrow b. Heart c. Liver d. Spleen 2. Which of the following blood picture in NOT correct when describing an unfavorable prognosis? a. Temporary increase of monocytes b. Persistent lymphopenia c. Absence of eosinophils d. Presence of toxic neutrophils 3. Which of the following elements will trigger the action of calcitonin? a. Iron b. Calcium c. Phosphorus

d. Manganese

4. Which is the most expensive among the following anticoagulants? a. Na oxalate b. Na fluoride c. Heparin


5. What species of animal will ESR be useful in a preliminary diagnosis of disease? a. Cattle b. Sheep c. Pig d. Dog


SUBJECT, TOPICS, PERCENTAGE WEIGHTS AND REFERENCES MATERIA MEDICA AND THERAPEUTICS (PHARMACOLOGY) I. Basic Pharmacology (40%) The Scope of this subject includes the physiological effects of drugs and the mechanism of their actions. II. Clinical Pharmacology (60%) This topic covers the use and application of drugs for modification of functions and control of diseases of the various body system. It also covers the drugs used for the treatment and control of a wide variety of infectious diseases. It also includes informations on antibiotics, antivirals, insecticides and anthelmintics. REFERENCES 1. Philippine National Veterinary Drug Formulary. 1988. 1st ed. 2. Veterinary Pharmaceuticals and Biologicals. Veterinary Medicine Publishing Co., Kansas.

1996. Kansler, K. & D. Blevins.

9th ed.

3. Veterinary Applied Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 1982. Brander, Pugh and Bywater. 4th ed. Cassel Ltd., London SWIP ISB 4. Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 1982. Booth & Mc Donald 5th ed. Iowa State University Press/Ames. 5. Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 1995. Richard Adams. 7th ed. Iowa State University Press/Ames.


PREVIOUS TEST SAMPLE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS MATERIA MEDICA AND THERAPEUTICS I. Basic Pharmacology 1. What do you call the component of a pharmaceutical preparation which is responsible for therapeutic effect? a. Active ingredient c. Vehicle b. Adjuvant d. Mediator


2. A 10% solution of sodium chloride contains: a. 10 gm in 100 ml c. 10 mg in 100 ml b. 10 gm in 10 ml d. 10 gm in 1000 ml 3. On which muscle tissues will acetylcholine evoke excitatory response? a. Smooth muscles of the GI tract b. Myocardium c. Vascular smooth muscles d. Atrioventricular node 4. How does atropine acts on the parasympathetic nervous system? a. Competitive antagonism of acetylcholine b. Depresses formation of acetylcholine c. Enhances formation of cholinesterase d. Stimulates adrenergic activity 5.

Alpha-adrenergic receptors in the medullary part of the brain when stimulated will produce: a. A decrease in blood pressure and bradycardia b. An elevation of blood pressure and tachycardia c. Vasoconstriction and bradycardia d. A vasodilatation and tachycardia

II. Clinical Pharmacology 1. The following infections are correctly paired with effective antimicrobial therapy, a. Tetanus - oxytetracyline b. Salmonellosis - chloramphenicol c. Ehrlichiosis - doxycycline d. Mycoplasmosis - tylosin


2. If an animal patient has a history of penicillin allergy, which of the following anit- infectives is an appropriate replacement? a. Erythromycin c. Doxycycline b. Gentamicin d. Ciprofloxacin 3. Drug of choice for congestive heart failure: a. Digitalis c. Atropine b. Quinidine sulfate d. Procainamide hydrochloride

4. Chronic use of this therapeutic agent may cause vitamins A, D, E and K deficiency: a. Mineral oil c. Chloramphenicol b. Tetracycline d. Lincomycin



The following conditions or drugs have been correctly paired with their appropriate antidotes or specific remedies, except: a. Halothane - epinephrine b. Morphine overdose - naloxone c. Xylazine overdose - yohimbine d. Respiratory arrest during anesthesia - doxopram


SUBJECT, TOPICS, PERCENTAGE WEIGHTS AND REFERENCES PHYSIOLOGY I. Principles Of General Physiology (25%) This subject covers the physiology of excitation, physiology of contraction, the nervous system, the blood and the cardiovascular system. II. Systemic Physiology (45%) The scope of this subject includes the physiology of the respiratory system, the digestive system, metabolism, fluids and the kidneys. III. Endocrinology And Reproductive Physiology (30%) The subject covers endocrinology and reproduction in domestic animals with special attention given to four farm species (horse, cattle, swine and sheep) and two companion animals, the dog and cat. Reproductive patterns of these animals, artificial breeding and associated endocrine glands are included. REFERENCES 1. Dukes Physiology of Domestic Animals. Swenson, J. & W. Reece. Cornell Univeristy Press. 2. Canine and Feline Endocrinology and Reproduction. 1987. Feldman and Nelson. W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia. 3. Medical Physiology, 5th Ed. Guyton. W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia. 4. Endocrinology and Reproduction. 1969. Mc Donald, L.E. Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia.


SUBJECT, TOPICS, PERCENTAGE WEIGHTS AND REFERENCES PHYSIOLOGY I. Principles Of General Physiology 1. What nutrient is stored in the liver as glycogen and efficient source of energy? a. Carbohydrates c. Fat b. Protein d. Vitamins 2. The vitamin vital to the coagulation of blood is: a. K c. E b. D d. C 3. Which group of substance will cause skeletal muscle relaxation? a. Nicotinic antagonist c. Adrenergic antagonist b. Muscarinic antagonist d. Dopanergic antagonist 4. If the vagus nerve is severed, which of the following conditions will occur? a. Movement of food through GI tract will slow down b. Difficulty breathing c. heart rate will decrease d. Skeletal muscle weakness 5. What is the pH range of blood compatible with normal life? a. 7.0 - 7.8 c. 8.0 - 8.5 b. 6.2 - 6.8 d. 9.0 - 12.0 II. Systemic Physiology 1. Which of these respiratory functions prevents over-distention of the lungs? a. Herring-Breuer inflation reflex b. Cheyne-Stokes respiration c. Carbon dioxide blood level maintenance d. Herring-Breuer deflation reflex 2. The major stimulus in the size and muscular development of the rumeno-reticulum in ruminants is: a. Bulk effect of roughage b. Generous amount of milk ingested after colostral absorption c. Profuse salivary secretions at the start of solid food ingestion d. Volatile fatty acids at the start of microbial fermentation 3. The absence of this in the muscular stomach of the bird will cause the digestion of food slower. a. Grit c. Hydrochloric acid b. Enzyme d. Saliva


4. The principal organ responsible for gluconeogenesis is the: a. Liver c. Kidney b. Spleen d. Intestines

5. Which of the following statement is correct concerning the baroreflex mechanisms?


a. b. c. d.

Acute increase in arterial pressure will cause a decrease in heart rate Acute changes in arterial pressure do not alter heart rate Acute decrease in arterial pressure cause arterial vasodilation Acute decrease in arterial pressure cause a decrease in heart rate

III. Endocrinology And Reproductive Physiology 1.

The most significant physiologic change following the removal of adrenal glands in mammals is: a. Rise in blood potassium concentration and marked sodium excretion b. Increased in blood bicarbonate level c. Hypertension d. Increased body hydration

2. Which group of agents are collectively known as catecholamines? a. Epinephrine, dopamine, norepinephrine b. Norephinephrine, dopamine, acetylcholine c. Epinephrine, dopamine, serotonin d. Dopamine, adrenocorticotrophin, norepinephrine 3. Which of the following hormones stimulates the Leydig cells of the testis to produce testosterone? a. Luteinizing hormone (LH) c. Prolactin b. Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) d. Estrogen 4. The secretion of which hormone is increased at the stage close to parturition in to decreased progesterone production? a. Estrogen c. Luteinizing hormone b. Follicle stimulating hormone d. Somatotrophin


5. The physiologic effects of oxytocin does not include: a. Inducement of estrus cycle b. Induction of milk ejection reflex c. Contraction of the smooth muscles of the gravid uterus d. Facilitation of sperm transport in the non-pregnant uterus.


SUBJECT, TOPICS, PERCENTAGE WEIGHTS AND REFERENCES MEDICINE AND SURGERY I. Prevention Of Diseases Of Domestic Animals (15%) Knowledge in preventing animal diseases is essential as part of management of domestic animals. A general overview is hereby tested on graduate veterinarians. II. Diagnosis Of Diseases Of Domestic Animals (35%) Diagnostic skill and knowledge is one of the most important intellectual possession of a graduate veterinarian. Success of disease treatment depends on how accurate a veterinarian determines the abnormalities of ailment of an animal with or without the aid of diagnostic tools (e.g. X-ray, laboratory facility). Diagnostic knowledge is hereby extensively measured. III. Treatment Of Diseases Of Domestic Animals (25%) After correctly diagnosing an animal disease knowledge about the procedures of treatment (medication or surgery or both) is measured. Effecting treatment and recovery is after all the culmination of any medical effort. IV. Obstetric And Gynecology (15%) This branch of veterinary medicine involves knowledge in physiology, pathology, microbiology, nutrition, medical and surgical therapy of genital diseases and it also includes artificial breeding. V. Aquatic And Exotic Animal Medicine (5%) As any other branch of veterinary medicine a veterinarian must have a fairly good knowledge about aquatic and exotic animal medicine because in any community the veterinarian will be bound to be consulted regarding these creatures. VI. Ethics And Jurisprudence (5%) Any veterinarian living with fellow professionals must know the ethical practices toward his colleagues. His professional conduct must be guided by the code of ethics. In addition, he must be knowledgeable about government laws, acts and regulations related to all aspects of veterinary practice. REFERENCES 1. A to Z of Tropical Fish (Diseases & Health Problems). 1998. Baily, et.al. Howell Book House, New York, NY 10019 2. Bovine Medicine, Surgery and Herd Health Management. 2nd ed. 1980. Gibbons, et al. American Veterinary Publications, Inc. Illinois 3. Canine Medicine. 4th Ed. 1979. E.J. Catcott, et.al. American Veterinary Publications, Inc. 4. Canine Surgery. 1st Ed. 1965. Archibal, J., et.al. American Veterinary Publications, Inc. Sta. Barbara, California, USA 5. Compilation of Government Quarantine and Regulatory Laws, Acts and Administrative Orders (e.g. Animal Welfare Act of 1998, Generic Act etc) 6. Current Techniques in Small Animal Surgery. 4th Ed. 1998. Bojrab, J.M. et.al. Williams & Wilkins. Baltimore. 7. Current Therapy in Equine Medicine. 2nd Ed. 1997. Robinson, E.N. W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia


8. Diseases of Cage and Aviary Birds 2nd Ed. 1982. Petrak, M.L. Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia 9. Diseases of Goat. 2nd Ed. 1999. Matthews, J. Clarendon House Veterinary Center, Chelmsford, UK. 10. Diseases of Poultry. 9th ed. 1991. Calnek, B.W., et al. Iowa State University 11. Diseases of Swine. 6th ed. 1990. Leman, A.D., et al. Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa, USA. 12. Diseases Transmitted from Animals to Man. 1975. Huber, W.T., et al. Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, Illinois, USA. 13. Large Animal Surgery. 4th ed. 1980. Oehme & Prier. Williams & Wilkings, Baltimore. 14. Manual of Equine Practice. 1993. Rose & Hodgson. W.B. Saunder Co., Philadelphia. 15. The Merck Veterinary Manual. 8th ed. 1997. Aiello, S.E., et.al. Merk & Co., Inc., Whitehouse Station, New Jersey, USA. 16. Philippine Code of Veterinary Ethics. Philippine Veterinary Association. 17. Veterinary Obstetrics and Genital Diseases, 2nd ed. 1991. Roberts. Ithaca, New York, USA. 18. Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine. 1978. Fowler. W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia.


PREVIOUS TEST SAMPLE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS MEDICINE AND SURGERY I. Prevention Of Diseases Of Domestic Animals 1. Osteoporosis in sows and gilts can be effectively prevented by: a. Adequate nutrition and diet b. Adequate exposure to sun c. Adequate and comfortable farrowing crates d. Selective breeding 2. Lymphoid leukosis (avian leukosis) in a chicken breeder farm could be eradicated by: a. Elimination of egg transmission and isolation rearing b. Providing adequate energy feeds c. Antibiotic feed additives d. Regular vaccination 3. It is not advisable to subject a cow to general anesthesia because of the serious risk a. Bloat b. Foreign body pneumonia c. Atony of the urinary bladder d. Paralysis of the hind limbs


4. Why is it necessary to infiltrate the bite wound inflicted by a rabid dog with hyperimmune serum at the start of post exposure vaccination in human? a. Rabies virus stays at the site of bite wound for a while and replicate b. It promotes the healing of wound c. It reduces the pain d. It enhances the antigenicity of the vaccine simultaneously given. 5. Which of the following measures is the safest thing to do on a carcass of an animal died from anthrax? a. Bury it deeply b. Burn it c. Butcher it and subject it to rendering machine for animal feed d. Open it and generously pour potent disinfectant


II. Diagnosis Of Diseases Of Domestic Animals 1. What is the significance of the absence of urobilirogen from the intestinal content of icteric animal? a. Biliary obstruction c. Hemolytic anemia b. Liver cirrhosis d. Hepatic necrosis



An animal suffering from viral infection most likely show which significant blood cell change? a. Lymphopenia c. Eosinophilia b. Increased target cell d. Neutrophilia


Which of the following conditions will you associate high serum lipase and serum amylase level? a. Pancreatic disease c. Kidney ailment


b. Liver necrosis

d. Musculoskeletal disease

4. Identify which animal is suffering from some form of immuno-deficiency? a. A dog with demodectic mange and concurrent candidiasis b. A horse suffering from impacted colon c. A cow down with grass tetany d. A piglet with atresia ani 5. Most accurate diagnosis of acute myocarditis can be obtained by: a. Electrocardiography c. Radiography b. Percussion d. Auscultation III. Treatment Of Diseases Of Domestic Animals 1. A circumscribed squamous-cell carcinoma on the free margin of the nictitans in a cow is best treated by: a. Excision of the affected portion of nictitans including a normal margin of the cartilage b. Radiation therapy c. Complete avulsion of the affected eyeball d. Subconjunctival enucleation 2. Post parturient eclampsia in a bitch is most responsive to which medication? a. Calcium gluconate c. Phynytoin b. Diazepam d. Potassium chloride 3. Which of the following therapeutic regimen will you avoid when treating laminitis in a. Administration of dexamethasone b. Administration of phenylbutazone c. Correction of endotoxin d. Administration of dimethyl sulfoxide in saline solution IV


4. Which of the following injuries will you treat first on a cat involved in vehicular a. Ruptured urinary bladder c. Severe muscle bruising b. Femoral bone fracture d. Skin laceration


5. If you are not sure of the location of lesion in the abdominal cavity, the most incision for exploratory surgery is: a. Ventral midline c. Paralumbar b. Flank d. Paramedian


IV. Obstetrics And Gynecology 1. The best contraceptive for a cot not intended for breeding is: a. Ovariohysterectomy c. Androgen injection b. Progesterone injection d. Estrogen injection 2. This drug of choice in inducing parturition in a mare is ineffective in a cow: a. Oxytocin c. Relaxin b. Dexamethasone d. Prostaglandin F2 3. Fetotomy operation is primarily indicated to: a. Reduce the size of the fetus so it can be removed in the birth canal b. Relieve the dam of pain c. Minimize infection in the uterus d. Restore the reproductive state of the dam as soon as possible


4. The normal position of a bovine fetus at parturition is: a. Dorsal sacral c. Left dorsal ilial b. Dorsal pubic d. Right cephaloilial 5. Persistent corpus luteum will cause: a. Anestrus b. Nymphomania

c. Abortion d. Pregnancy

V. Aquatic And Exotic Animal Medicine 1.

Which of the following procedures is the best remedy in treating fractured femur or humerus bone of a parrot? a. Intramedullary pinning c. Amputation b. Splinting d. Plaster cast

2. Laboratory animal which is almost exclusively used for screening therapeutic agents: a. Mice c. Rabbits b. Hamster d. Guinea pigs 3. When defanging (teeth removal) a snake, which of the following anesthetic will be choice? a. Ketamine c. Pentothal b. Diazepam d. Ether


4. Which of the following microbes is pathogenic to all species of fresh water fish? a. Pseudomonas spp c. Aeromonas salmonicida b. Vibrio spp d. Yersinia rukeri 5. Non-human primates are most resistant to which disease? a. Poliomyelitis c. Rabies b. TB d. Tetanus VI. Ethics And Jurisprudence 1. The patient’s medical record in a veterinary clinic is: a. The legal property of the practice b. The legal property of the owner c. Must be made available to anybody d. Must be kept indefinitely 2. Which of the following veterinary practice constitute an unlawful act? a. Castrating a cat without the use of anesthetic b. Undercharging c. Assailing the reputation of a fellow practitioner d. Belittling the competence of a fellow practitioner 3. Any race horse imported from foreign country will be placed under quarantine for how many days? a. 30 days c. 100 days b. 60 days d. 3 weeks 4. The generic act of 1988 banned this drug in food animals: a. Chloramphenicol c. Malathion b. Imidocarb dipropionate d. Phenobarbital 5. The Executive Order 626 or the carabao slaughter ban only permits the slaughter of carabaos beyond:


a. 11 years for female and 7 years for male b. 5 years for female and 4 years for male c. 13 years for female and 10 years for male d. 15 years for female and 13 years for male


SUBJECT, TOPICS, PERCENTAGE WEIGHTS AND REFERENCES ANATOMY The scientific study of the different body structure of important animals macroscopically and microscopically is called anatomy. It also includes the different stages of the development of the animals from the fertilization of the ovum up to the birth of the animal. The veterinarian must have these basic knowledge which can be applied in pharmacology, physiology and surgery. The examinee must know the macroscopic and microscopic structure of the animals’ body for its application in microbiology and pathology. I. Anatomy Of The Dog (35%) A. Parts and Functions of the following: 1. Skeletal and joint system 2. Muscular 3. Digestive 4. Respiratory 5. Blood vessels, nervous and lymphatic systems 6. Sense organs and special organs 7. Autonomic, peripheral and central nervous system classified based on functional components 8. Uro-genital system B. Parts Important in Surgery, Obstetrics, Clinical Examination and Physical Diagnosis of Diseases of the Dog II. Comparative Anatomy (35%) A. B. C. D. E.

Anatomical Differences Parts for Epidural and Paralumbar Anesthesia Age Determination Breeds and Color Sites for Pulse-taking and various types of injections (subcutaneous, intramuscular and intravenous) F. Lymph Nodes important for meat inspection G. Acupuncture sites H. Radiographic anatomy III. Embryology (15%) A. The early stages of development of birds and mammals according to: 1. Derivatives 2. Concepts and mechanisms of development 3. Extra-embryonic membranes and placentations 4. Processes of congenital malformations and terratogens Development of the following Systems: a. Nervous Systems - Central, Peripheral and Autonomic b. Skeletal and Muscular c. Cardiovascular d. Digestive e. Respiratory f. Uro-genital IV. Histology (15%)


A. Microscopic Anatomy of Domestic Animals 1. Structure 2. Functions REFERENCES 1. Atlas of Topographical Anatomy of the Domestic Animal by Popesko 2. Duke’s Physiology of Domestic Animals. Swenson, Melvin J. Cornell University Press, 1977, 9th ed. 3. Early Embryology of the Chick. Patten. 4. Embryology of Domestic Animals. 1985. Noden and dela Hunta. 5. Embryology of the Pig. 1971. Patten. 6. Guide to the Dissection of the Ruminants by R.E. Habel 7. Millers Guide to the Dissection of the Dog by Evans and dela Hunta 8. Pig anatomy and Atlas by W.O. Sack 9. Rooney’s Guide to the Dissection of the Horse by W.O. Sack or R.E. Habel 10. Sisson and Grossman’s The Anatomy of the Domestic Animal by Getty. 11. Textbook of Veterinary Anatomy by Dyce, Sack and Wensing. 12. Veterinary Neuroanatomy and Clinical Neurology by Dyce, Sack and Wensing


PREVIOUS TEST, SAMPLE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ANATOMY I. Anatomy Of The Dog 1. If a dog is stabbed with a sharp object at the middle of the 4th intercostal space and penetrated the lung, which of these tissue layers is spared? a. Pulmonary pleura c. Mediastinal parietal pleura b. Costal parietal pleura d. Internal intercostal muscle 2. This muscle in the dog in NOT cut when the pelvic limb is amputated at the stifle a. Superficial digital flexor c. Tibialis cranialis b. Long digital extensor d. Gastrocnemius 3. It is not a feature of the dog’s scapula a. Acromion b. Coracoid process


c. Glenoid cavity d. Anconeal creast

4. A deep wound involving the distal part of the lateral head of the triceps brachii damages the: a. Ulnar nerve c. Median nerve b. Axillary nerve d. Radial nerve 5. Which of these statements is anatomically INCORRECT in the dog? a. The right kidney is more cranial in location than the left kidney. b. The right adrenal gland is between the caudal vena cava and the caudate lobe of the liver c. The renal medulla contains primarily renal corpuscles and convoluted portions of the renal tubules d. The expanded proximal part of the ureter is the renal pelvis. II. Comparative Anatomy 1. In severe fungal infection of the guttural pouch in the horse, there is usually an epistaxis observed in the affected animal. Epistaxis could be due to ruptured: a. Linguofacial trunk c. Internal maxillary vein b. Common carotid artery d. External carotid artery 2. This is avoided when administering drug below the external ear in the pig: a. Lateral retropharyngeal lymph node b. Parotid gland c. Thymus d. Parotid lymph node 3. Which of these animals have renal calices? a. Ox and horse b. Dog and pig

c. Pig and ox d. Chicken and duck

4. Aside from the pig, the papillary process of the liver is also missing in the: a. Dog c. Horse b. Carabao d. Goat 5. Ligating the internal pudendal artery will affect blood supply to the: a. Large intestine c. Tail b. Hind limbs d. Penis


III. Embryology 1. This malformation is generally caused by viral infections a. Cerebellar abiotrophy c. Cerebellar hypoplasia and atrophy b. Hydranencepahly d. Hydrocephalus 2. The number of tissue layers in the fetal part of the placenta is a. 2 c. 3 b. 4 d. 1 3. Which type of placenta is present in the cow? a. Zonary c. Cotyledonary b. Diffuse d. Discoid 4. In the early development of the brain, there are three brain vesicles. These are the following EXCEPT: a. Prosencephalon c. Mesencepahlon b. Rhombencephalon d. Diencephalons 5. This tooth is mostly commonly involved with root abscesses: a. Upper 1st premolar tooth c. Lower 4th premolar tooth b. Upper 4th premolar d. Lower 1st premolar tooth IV. Histology 1. Which of the Following structures does NOT contain an erectile tissue? a. Respiratory mucosa c. Penile urethra b. Vas deferens d. Clitoris 2. Which cells secrete rennin? a. Chief cells b. Parietal cells

c. Macula densa d. Juxtaglomerular cells

3. In which layer of the retina do light stimuli set up a series of nerve impulses for transmission to the brain? a. Layer of rods and cones c. Inner nuclear layer b. Optic nerve fiber layer d. Pigmented cell layer 4. Which neuron has one axon and many dendrites a. Unipolar c. Multipolar b. Pseudonipolar d. Bipolar 5.

It is during this stage wherein each ell or cell line attains and expresses a stable phenotype a. Patterning c. Morphogenesis b. Cytodifferentiation d. Growth


SUBJECT, TOPICS, PERCENTAGE WEIGHTS AND REFERENCES PARASITOLOGY This subject is the study of organisms that live in or on another organism (host) from which they derive nourishment and give no useful return. These organisms are called parasites which can produce harmful effects on the host in the form of diseases. There are several kinds of parasites, therefore a practicing veterinarian should have a sound knowledge of the parasites to understand its nature which could be a basis for its control. The Philippines is a country and a favorable abode for all kinds of parasites. 1)

Important Arthropods Of Domestic Animals, Their Biology, Pathogenecity Transmission And Control: Order Mallophaga, Cullidae, Myiasis Flies, Sucking And Biting Lice Mammals, Biting Lice Of Poultry, Mites And Ticks understanding the basic characteristics and morphology of arthropods can serve as a basis for the disease and its control. (30%) 2) Important Protozoan Parasites Of Domestic Animals, Their Structure, Morphology, Nutrition And Reproduction (Biology) Pathogenecity, Transmission And Control: Trypanosomosis, Trichomonas, Hexamia, Giardia, Histomonas, Sacrodina, Leishmania, Coccidia, Toxoplasma, Sarcocystis, Plasmodia, Leucocytozoon, Babesia, Haemoproteus, Theileria, Hepatozoon, Anaplasma, Ehrlichia, Balantidium Coli, Haemobartonella, And Eperythrozoon understanding the basic characteristic s and morphology of protozoan parasites can serve as a basis for the disease and its control (30%) 3) Important Helminths Of Domestic Animals, Their Morphology, Biology, Pathogenecity, Epidemiology, And Control: Trematodes, Cestodes, Nematodes understanding the basic characteristics and morphology of helminths parasites can serve as a basis for the disease and its control. (30%) 4) Parasites Of Wild Birds, Exotic Animals, And Wild Animals, Biomophology, And Control understanding and wildlife and feral animals parasites can serve as a basis for the disease and its control and wildlife conservation. (5%) 5) Parasites Of Fishes And Other Aquatic Animals understanding aquatic mammalian parasites (5%) REFERENCES 1. Diseases of Feedlot Cattle. 1979. Jensen, R and Mackey, D.R. Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia 2. Diseases of Swine. 1981. Leman A.D. et al. Iowa State University Press. 3. Fish Diseases and Disorders. Vol I Protozoan and Metazoan Infections. 1995. Woo, P.T.K. CAB International: Willingford, Oxford, UK. 4. Helminths, Arthropods and Protozoa of Domesticated Animals by EJL Soulsby 5. Parasites and Diseases of Fish Cultured in the Tropics. 1985 Kabata, Z. Taylor and Francis. London and Philadelphia. 6. Parasitology for Veterinarian, 3rd ed. 1980. Georgi, Jay R. 7. Patterns of Animal Disease. 1982. Halpin, Brendan. Baillere Tindall Publisher 8. Philippine National Veterinary Drug Formulary. Vol 1, 1st ed., 1993., published by the DOHNational Drug Policy Program 9. Philippine Textbook of Medical Parasitology. 1998. Belization VY Jr. And Solon. JAA The UP Publication Program, Information Publications and Public Affairs Office, Manila. 10. Textbooks of Parasitology, 3rd ed. 1965 Belding, David Lawrence. New York.


11. Veterinary Clinical Parasitology. 1961. E.A. Benbrook and Margaret, W.S. Loss 12. Veterinary Medicine and Human Health. 2nd ed. 1969 Schwabe, Calvin W. The Williams and Williams Company, Baltimore. 13. Zoonoses and Communicable Diseases Common to Man and Animals. 2nd ed. 1989. Acha P. W. and Szyfres the Pan American health Association (PAHO).



Important Arthropods Of Domestic Animals, Their Biology, Pathogenecity, Transmission And Control: Order Mallophaga, Cullicidae, Myasis Flies, Sucking And Biting Lice Of Mammals, Biting Lice Of Poultry, Mites And Ticks. 1. It is the transmitter of Aegyptianella pullorum a. Ixodes ricinus c. Ornithonyssus bursa b. Dermanyssus gallinae d. Argas persicus 2. Tick infestation in dogs may be controlled by any of the following except: a. Lindane c. Dichlorvos b. Amitraz d. Carbaryl 3. What is known as the canine chewing louse? a. Linognathus setosus c. Trichodectes canis b. Demodex canis d. Ctenocephalides canis 4. The basal joins of the pedipalps of arachnids are called: a. Prosoma c. Gnathobases b. Chelicerae d. Opisthosoma 5. Where does the female Sarcoptes scabiei lay its eggs? a. On the skin c. On the ground b. Underneath the skin d. Hair shaft II. Important Protozoan Parasites Of Domestic Animals, Their Structure, Morphology, Nutrition And Reproduction (Biology), Pathogenecity, Transmission And Control: Trypanosomiasis, Trichomonas, Hexamita, Giardia, Histomonas, Sarcodina, Leishmania, Coccidia, Toxosplasma, Sarcocystis, Plasmodia, Leucocytozoon, Babesia, Haemoproteus, Theileria, Hepatozoon, Anaplasma, Ehrlichia, Balantidium Coli, Haemobartonella And Eperythrozoon. 1. Which statement is true in Babesia infections? a. Young animals are naturally resistant b. None of these c. Older animals are more resistant d. Young and old animals are susceptible 2. Leucocytozoon gametocytes differ from those of Plasmodium and Hemoproteus in: a. Shape c. Not containing pigment granules b. All of these d. Size 3. Canine babesiosis is caused by the following EXCEPT: a. Babesia felis c. Babesia trautmanni b. Babesia canis d. Babesia gibson 4. Transmission of Theileria parva is: a. Intramammary b. Transovarian

c. Transuterine d. Stage to stage

5. What is the definitive host of Toxoplasma gondii? a. Dog c. Pig


b. Chicken

d. Cat

III. Important Helminths of Domestic Animals, Their Morphology, Biology, Epidemiology, and Control: Trematodes, Cestodes, Nematodes


1. What is the most common tapeworm of the dog? a. Dipylidium caninum c. Diphyllobothrium latum b. Spirometra mansonoides d. Hymenolepis nana 2. It is known as the nodular worm of sheep: a. Ostertagia ostertagi b. Haemonchus contortus

c. Dictyocaulus filarial d. Oesophagostomum columbianum

3. It is found in the urinary bladder of the dog: a. Trichuris vulpis b. Dirofilaria immitis

c. Capillaria plica d. Toxocara canis

4. It is called the “giant kidney worm” a. Stephanurus dentatus b. Mecistocirrus digitatus

c. Diotophyme renale d. Strongyloides ransomi

5. Which of the following nematodes have alternate free-living and parasitic generations? a. Strongyloides sp. c. Hyostrongylus sp. b. Trichostongylus sp. d. Haemonchus sp. IV. Parasites Of Wild Birds, Exotic Animals And Wild Animals: Biomorphology Control.


1. A filariform worm which is usually found in nodules on the brisket and hindlimbs of Asia: a. Onchocerca reticulata c. Onchocerca gibsoni b. Onchocerca raillieti d. Onchocerca cervicalis

cattle in

2. The hookworm affecting foxes is: a. Uncinaria stenocephala b. Uncinaria caninum

c. Ancylostoma caninum d. Ancylostoma intestinale

3. The following are signs of parasitic disease in reptiles EXCEPT: a. Diarrhea c. Continued weight loss b. Lethargy d. Inappetence V. Parasites Of Fishes And Other Aquatic Animals 1. The coccidian species causing enterities in goldfish is: a. Eimeria cyprini c. Eimeria subepitheliasis b. Eimeria carpi d. Eimeria ischii 2. Which of the following fish protozoa has been reported in the Philippines? a. Amyuloodinium carpi c. Cryptobia cyprini b. Cryptobia brachialis d. Cryptobia borreli


SUBJECT, TOPICS, PERCENTAGE WEIGHTS AND REFERENCES ZOOTECHNICS Under this subject is included the scientific and professional production of terrestrial and aquatic food animals. The production of companion and animals for sport and pleasure are included in this discipline. While quantity production is the objective, quality in terms of good health and safety from the consumer’s standpoint should likewise be emphasized. These considerations are what differs zootechnics from animal science and animal husbandry. I. Principles of Animal Breeding, Selection and Improvement (10%) A. Type, Breeds, Breeding, Reproduction and Improvement Principles of Farm Animals B. Principles of Variations in Economic Traits in Farm Animals C. Principles of Selection of Superior Breeding Stocks II. Principles of Animal Nutrition, Animal Production and Health Programs (20%) A. Digestion Physiology and Feed Efficiency Conversion B. Composition, Function to Analysis of Feed Nutrients and Feedstuffs C. Feed Formulation and Feeding Standards D. Health Programs, Housing and Facilities III. Cattle, Carabao, Small Ruminant Production (15%) A. Breeds, Breeding and Selection Principles B. Reproduction, Trends and Development C. Nutrition, Care and Herd Management IV. Swine Production and Management (15%) A. Breeds, Breeding and Selection Principles B. Reproduction, Trends and Development C. Nutrition, Care and Herd Management V. Poultry Production and Management (15%) A. Breeds, Stock Selection and Reproduction Physiology of the Chicken B. Nutrition, Production and Management Principles at Different Stages C. Health Programs VI. Equine Production and Management (15%) A. Breeding and Selection Principles B. Nutrition, Care, Management, Behavior and Training Principles C. Health Programs VII. Zoo and Exotic Animals Management (5%) A. Nutrition and Care Management Principles B. Health Programs VIII. Restraint of Animals (5%) REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Animal Nutrition by Maynard, L.A., Loosli, T.K. Hitz, H.F. and Warner, R.G. 7th ed. Animal Science and Industry. 1991. Acher, D and Cunningham, M. Applied Animal Nutrition by Cheedks, R. 1991 Beef Cattle Production. Lesley, J.F. 1981 Breeding and Improvement of Farm Animals. 6th ed. Andrews, F.N. Warwick, E.T. and Legates, J.F. New York, St. Louis: McGraw Hill Book Co.


6. Breeding and Improvement of Farm Animals. 7th ed. 1980. Warwick, E.T. and Legates, J.E. London, Sidney: McGraw Hill Book Co. 7. Breeding Management and Foal Development. T. Warren Evan, Research Editor Equine Research, inc. Tyler, Texas, 1982 8. Farm Animal Behavior, 1980. Fraser, Andrew F. Spottiswoods Ballantyne Ltd. Colchester and London. 9. Feeds and Feeding by Cullison, A.E. and Lowrey R.S. 4th ed. 10. Feed Composition Tables for the Philippines by PCCARRD. 1994 11. Genetics of Livestock Improvement. 3rd ed. 1978. Lesley, J.F. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc. 12. The Horse. 1977. Evans, J.W., A. Horton, H.F. Hintz, and L.D. Van Leck. W.H. Freeman and Co., San Francisco, pp 766 13. The Horse Breeding Farm. 1979. Willes, L.C. A.S. Barnes and Co., Inc. N.T. 14. Horses and Horsemating, Latest ed. 1977. Ensminger, M.E. The Interstate Printers and Publishers, Ill, pp546. 15. Husbandry and Health of Domestic Buffalo. Cockrill, W.R. 1974 16. Hy-line Commercial Management Guide, 4th ed. 1991 17. Introduction to Livestock and Production. 1966. Cole, H. 18. Livestock Husbandry Techniques, 1983. Mc Nitt, JI and Clay, R. The Chaucer Press Ltd. Bungay Suffolk. 19. Mastitis Control and Herd Management, 1981. Bramley, A.J. Dodd, F.H. and Griffin T.K. Technical Bulletin no. 4, the National Institute for Research in Daitying, Reading, UK, 290pages 20. Philippine Food Composition Tables, 1997. FNRI-DOST. 21. Philippines Recommends for Beef Cattle Production, 1985 22. Philippines Recommends for Broiler Production, 1988 23. Philippines Recommends for Dairy Cattle Production, 1985 24. Philippines Recommends for Goat Farming, 1985 25. Philippines Recommends for Sheep Raising. 1989 26. Poultry International (Journal 1990-1993) 27. Poultry Production, 12th ed. 1979. Neishem, M.C. et al. 28. Restraint of Animals, 1953. Leahy, John R and Barrow, Pat. Cornell Campus Store. 29. Schaum’s Outline of Theory and Problems of Genetics. 1969. Stansfield, W.D. London Sidney: McGraw Hill Book Co.


PREVIOUS TEST SAMPLE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ZOOTECHNICS I. Principles of animal Breeding, Selection and Improvement 1. The rate of improvement in a herd or breed in dependent on the following EXCEPT: a. The genetic association among traits upon which selection is based b. The difference between selected individuals and the average of the herd or group from which they come c. The average age of parents when the offspring are born d. The percentage of observed differences between animals that is due environment. 2. It refers to the “amount” by which the offspring exceeds the mean of both parents: a. Heterozygosity c. Hybrid b. None of these d. Hybrid vigor II. Principles of Animal Nutrition, Animal Production and Health Programs 1. What is the required crude protein percentage of a dairy cow in early lactation? a. 22% c. 19% b. 12% d. 15% 2. What is measured in a bomb calorimeter? a. Heat energy b. Gross energy

c. Digestible energy d. Metabolized energy

3. It is the most important vitamin required in cattle rations a. Vitamin C c. Vitamin A b. Vitamin E d. Vitamin D 4. A chromic dermatitis with scaly skin and a thinning of the hair coat with rough appearance primates is caused by a deficiency of: a. Niacin c. Biotin b. Folic acid d. Pantothenic acid


5. Salivary amylase acts on starch to produce: a. Glucose c. Galactose b. Sucrose d. Maltose III. Cattle, Carabao, Small Ruminant Production 1. A normal carrying capacity of an undeveloped pasture is: a. 1 cow per hectare c. 10 cows per hectare b. 30 cows per hectare d. 20 cows per hectare 2. The floor space requirement for buck is: a. 3.5 sq.m. c. 1.5 sq.m. b. 2.8 sq.m. d. 1.9 sq.m. 3. If a ewe is bred on January 1, when is it going to lamb? a. May 20 c. May 25 b. May 29 d. June 4 IV. Swine Production and Management


1. Early weaning of piglets is now practical at: a. 10-12 days b. 18-21 days

c. 24-30 days d. 30-45 days

2. A 20-kg pig has to be fed 16% protein ration. Corn containing 8.9% protein and a 36% protein supplement are available. What percent of the ration should consist of corn and the 36% protein supplement? a. 24.8% corn and 75.2% supplement b. 73.8% corn and 26.2% supplement c. 75.2% corn and 24.8% supplement d. 73.8% corn and 26.2% supplement 3. Which of the following traits in swine has the lowest percentage of heritability? a. Litter weight at weaning c. Litter size at weaning b. Birth weight of pigs d. Daily gain from weaning to marketing 4. Handling and transport of animals in the Philippines are now regulated by the passage of the ____. a. Veterinary Practice Act c. Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act b. All of these d. Animal Welfare Act 5. A pig consumed 280 kgs of feed to reach 90 kgs from its starting weight of 15 kgs. its feed conversion ratio (FCR)? a. 4.0 b. 3.6 c. 3.73 d. 3.11

What is

V. Poultry Production and Management 1. When should culling of chickens take place? a. Before the laying period c. During transfer to the laying house b. After the laying period d. Throughout the year 2. Change from a starter ration to a growing ration occurs when chicks are: a. 4 weeks old c. 10 weeks old b. 8 weeks old d. 6 weeks old 3. What is the average culling percentage of a laying flock under normal conditions? a. 25% c. 20% b. 40% d. 30% 4. Use of trapnests is a way of: a. Measuring egg production b. Measuring feed intake

c. Mating d. Culling

5. A bird whose ovaries have been removed is called a: a. Slip c. Poulard b. Capon d. Pullet VI. Equine Production and Management 1. Because of the limited bacterial action in the horse, this is not used in horse rations a. Urea c. Lysine b. Slat d. Phosphorus 2. A smooth mouthed horse is ____ years of age. a. 5 c. 8


b. 10 3. Mares usually stay in heat for: a. 1-2 days b. 3-7 days

d. 12 c. 10-14 days d. 7-10 days

4. The frequency of mating of a 3-year old stallion should be: a. 3 services/week c. 1 service/day b. 2-3 services/day d. 2 service/week VII. Zoo and Exotic Animals Management 1. The following are breed of rabbit EXCEPT: a. Harlequin b. English Angora

c. Australian White d. New Zealand White


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