02 the Riddling Reaver

January 25, 2017 | Author: Marcelo Faria | Category: N/A
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n The Riddling Reaver is an opponent worthy of the most daring adventurem. His mind is inscrutable - but there is no doubt about the chaos he plans to unleash on the world. He musf be stopped,despite the hazardsof the task! This book is a fotlow-up to Fiqhting Fantasy: the Intloductory Role-playing Game, ll conlains instruations and scenarios so that you, as GamesMaster, can conjure up adventures for your friends, and send them on their mosl dangerous and puzzling mission yet - to conflont the Riddling Reaver. FIGT iNG FANTASY BOOKS a world-wide sensation! covcr inGlhdon opFighto

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THE RIDDLING REAVER I^Fighting Eafltasy -The IntnductoryRole-plalingGae, a^extn dimension was added to the Puffin Fighting lantasy Gamebooks The simple and fast-movinggame system invenredby Stevelackonand Ian Livingstoneallowsyou, asGamesMaster in a ful-nedged .ole-playinggame, to invent thrilling missions on which to send a group of your friends. Tftry make th€ deosions,yo, judge thelesults of their decisions Now Tr€ Rtdllirg fi.d,er brings you four action packedscenaiios to usewithin the game.utesof F8fttrs Frrtasy The scenarios may be played as separateadventuresor as interlockin8 piecesin a singteadventue ofcpic propo.tions The common thr€adis providedbyihatmosiciusive of villains- the Riddling Reaverhinself Hc will iaunt, harassand ttck Lheplayels ai every turn, as they frv to ihwart his dastardlyplot. Allansiawill be plungedntoPnnal Chaosif the Riddling Reaversucceeds Can the advenhrlersprevent him? YOU will decide


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9 . CAVE RNS O F T H E SN O W WIT C H 1 0 HOUS E O F HE LL 1 1 , TAL I S M A N O T D E AT H 1 2 SPA CE A S S A S S IN 1 ] FRE E W A Y F I G HT ER 4 TEMP LE O F T E R R O R 1 5 THE RI NG S O F KE T H E R 1 6 SEA S O F B LO O D 1 7 APP O I NT M E NT W IT H F E .A R . 1 8 . RE B E L P LA NE T 1 9 . DE M O NS O I T H E D E EP 2 0 . SWO RD O F T HE S AMU R A I 2 1 TRI A L O F CHA M PION S 2 2 RO B O T CO M M A N D O 2 l MA S K S O F M A Y H EM 2 4 CRE A T URE O F H A VOC



RENER PaulMasonand SteveWilliams Inustruted by BrianWilliamsandko Hartas

Stevelactson's SORCERYl 1 The Shamutanti Hills 2 Khar6 Cityport of TEps I The Sevcn Scrpents 4 The Crown of Kings FIGHTING FANTASY- l-he IntroductoryRole'plafng Game { OUT OF THE PIT-Fighting F.ntasy Monsters TITAN The Fighting FantasyWorld

Puffin Books

To Carolba and ny leet (uithout whon I iro ld haoe beenunableto 8et up in the morning)


IntIoduction 7 For the GamesMaster 9 Act One: The Curse of Kallamehr Puffin BooL5, Pen8xin Books Ltd, Hafrondsworth. Mddlesei, England vil..inA Pengain Inc , 40 west 2/d sker, New Yorl New Yo* 1m1o, u s A

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Act Two: Voyage

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of Enigma

73 A ct Three:the

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Act Four: The ReaLn of Entropy L/ /


Welcome to the world of Fighting Fantasy roleplalng! You and your friends are about to embark on an epic quest, one that will take you ftom the splendour of Kallamehr, acrossthe treacherousGulf of Shamuz, and into the sweaty southern jungles of Allansia. Throughout your quest, you will be chased,taunted, led ashay, bedevilled and generally harassedby the most unpredictableof enemies the Riddling Reaver. This gameworks well with three players(and one GamesMaster),better with {our players, and best with five players, which is probably also the maximum number desirable. In order to use this book, you must have FEfttirTj' Fantasy TheIntroductoryRole-pLnlmg GamebySte'/e Jackson,which contains a full explanation of the rules of the Bame,and details of equipment and so on that players have. If you are the GamesMaster, then you should make sure that you are familiar ltrth the FightingFantasysystem before starting to run the game. You will also find it very usehil to hare Out of the Pll, the compendium of Fighting Fantasymonsteis, and lifar, the gujde to the world of Fightin8 Fantasy. This book contains four adventures for you to play. To get the most out of them, you should play

them in order, as 'chapters'in a 'etor;/. However you may, if you wish, decideto play them separately- Beforeyou sit down to play the game,you must decidewhich oneofyou is to be the GamesMaster. Onceyou havedecidedthis,theGamesMastermust read through the adventure to get a tood graspof the story. L r! ?rifalthatnoneof theotherplayersareallowed to read the adventure:if they do therewill be no surprisesand ljttle excitementfor them in the game. Or y the Gam$Master should refer to this book and he will decidewhat the player8 get to seeand leam. The only book the players may look at is FightingFontasy , whlch tells them how to createand equip their adventur€rs. IF YOU ARE GOING TO PLAY IN THE ADVENTURES,STOPREADING NOW!


The Riddling Reaveris a being with many guises. Among bawdy yokels, he will seemto be a rumbustious fellow of mirth and merriment. When at the coult of some noble, however, he will be fult of charm, chivalry and courtly etiquette- the perfect diplomat. This chameleonicability has allowed our scheming fliend to blend into rnany communities/where he has gleefully spreadchaosand disorder, tuined brotheragainstbrother, and alwaysescapediustice. All this he did in the name of his mastels, the Trickster Gods of Luck and Chance (seellfafl fo! more details). But now he is plofting a schemeso grand, so apocal'?tic, so downright devious, that dre dastardly BalthusDire would wince with abject jealousywerehe to hea!of itl In these idventures, your players will soon encounter the quizzical, enigmatic trapping3 of the Reaver.Wlile he may seemwhimsical,he is not to be hif,ed with. An unpredictableenemyis a deadly enemy. Still, the adventurersmust stop the Reaver if his perilous plan is not to come to ftuition and plungeAllansiainto Prlnal Chao6.

Creative GamesMasterint There will be times when the adventurersdecideto do somethingwhich is notcoveredby the text.Here you mustdo some creativeGamesMastering(this is explained fulthe! on pages 19-20 of FightingFafltasy).To give you some more help, here are a few do's and don'ts: DO male sure the playe$ understandhow to fight and use their equipment bet "e the adventure beBins, since explaining the rules during the gamecan be terribly boring. DON'T get frustr:atedif the players are not doing exactlywhat you expectthem to; afterall, it is lheil advenfure. DO make sureyou know what all the magicalitems, potions and spellsdo; but don't grvetheir secrets away to the playels until itis necessary. DON'T play too long! It is far better to make the game a series of diff-hangers than have it peter out, DO tell your players to keep accuraterecords of their sKrLL, srAMrNAald Loc< scores,aswell as their possessions. Restorint srAMrNA and LUcK The four scenariosin this book are packed with hazards, and adventurers may flnd that they lose srAMrNA and LUCK quite quickly. It is important that you give them the opportunity to replenish these scores, otherwise they will die before they get a chanceto completethe story.

Both srAMrNA and Luck can be lestor€d by magic (spells,potions or scrolls).They may also be recovered in other ways. srAMrNA may be increasedby eating Provisions.As explainedon page 42 ol Fighting Fantasy, you should allow adventurers to eat Provisionsat any time that they may reasonably do so (in other words, not in the thick of battle). Players should keep track of how many Provisions their characterc have by means ol their Adtmture Sheets. r u c x may be recovered through ltct ,oarses (see page 4o ol Fighting Fdnfasy). If a player comes up with an idea that is particularly fortunate for the advenfurers, then you should award them betv\reen 1 and 3 points of LUCK.This may nevef take their LucK aboveits /fliti,?llevel.

Equipment Each adventurer will begin the game with the following equipment: A sword A backpack A coil oI rope 10Provisions No potions Note that additional equipment maybe obtained during the adventures.All equipment carriedby the adventurerc should b e ioted dow^on the Ailuefiturc Sheet.



To make things easier for the GamesMaster, the story has been split into four separate parts (or Acts, as we have called them). Each Act opens with a Players' Tale (whichis to be read out) and a GamesMaster'sn e (whichis to give yor an idea of what the Act is all about). The Acts are split into Scenes, which follow the format rusedin Fi4hting Fantasy. For example, in Act One, the adventurers lace around various locations in Kallamehr, trying to Iind the items required to fulfil their quest. A set of locations that fit together males up a Scene. The Scene will be illustrated with a rnap, showing the locationswithin it. Theselocationswill have numbered references so that you can find your way around them easily. Each Scenewill have Tasks. Vvhen the adventurers successfullycomplete the Tasks, the Sceneis over, and they may proceedto another Scene. A.lthough the Acts are designed to be played in order, it is possible to play them individually. In some casesyou can change the order you play the Acts in, so that Act Two follows Act Three, for instance. The Players' Tale, and any other section which is printed in italics, is to be rcad out to the players.

Crealur€sin the Adventures y/hile therearea numberof new creaturesin this book, many more can be fonr.d !

Out of the Pit.

Consult it if you need further details about a monster, or want to introduce other fionsters. Creatules in the adventures will not always fight to the death. One way in which you can be kind to your players is by havurg monsters flee when they are getting low on srAMrNA, or when their allies have been killed. Unless otherwise stated, all creafurcs in the advenfureshave arrlttacrs scoreofone, New Rules Here are a few additional rules which experienced GMs may like to add to their gamesfor that exha touch of realism.

Unconsciousness In a solo Fighting Fantasy book, should your srA M rNA scoie be reduced to zero, then you die. However, since in a multi-player game you have comrades who can come to your lescue, it is fairer to allow you a chance of suffival. So, if your sr-nvrNa should be reduceo ro zero, you are merely unconscious. lf your
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