02_SAP PM Plant Maintenance Universal Process Model

February 13, 2017 | Author: NehaSingh645 | Category: N/A
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Plant Maintenance Universal Process Model (UPM) SAP – PM End User’s Training

Plant Maintenance Universal Process Model (UPM)

Asset Management Structure Asset Maintenance Management Conduct budget control Perform intercompany spare parts sales Measuring Point (PM & Fleet) Project execution for assets Conduct order managed modifications Install capital equipment Dismantle equipment Preventive / Predictive Maintenance Perform preventive / predictive maintenance Corrective maintenance Conduct unplanned/emergency breakdown maintenance Perform low cost repairs Perform Planned Repairs Refurbish spare parts

Asset Management Processes Asset Management

Asset Maintenance Management

Project Execution For Assets

Preventive/ Predictive Maintenance

Broken up into 4 Core Process Functions – – – –

1) Asset Maintenance Management 2) Execute Projects for assets 3) Preventive/Predictive Maintenance 4) Corrective Maintenance

Corrective Maintenance

Asset Maintenance Management •

Conduct Budget Control –

Perform Intercompany Spare Parts Sales –

Depending on the implementation within the company, budgetary control measures can be set up at cost center level or for the maintenance order itself. At individual maintenance order level, a budget can be set and once the budget has been reached, no more costs can be accumulated against that order. The budget can be changed with the necessary authorization

Within R/3, the stock of spare parts can be viewed across plants. It is however, important to ensure that there is standardization relating to the relevant master data of the parts.

Measuring Point (PM & Fleet) –

Conduct Budget Control

measurement documents are created against the assets that allow for follow up activities in invoicing and managing fuel usage against distance incurred (Fleet)

Asset Management

Asset Maintenance Management

Perform Interco. Spares Sales

Project Execution For Assets

Measuring Points (PM & Fleet)

Preventive/ Predictive Maintenance

Corrective Maintenance

Project Execution for Asset •

Conduct Order Managed Modifications –

Install Capital Equipment –

A modification to equipment is made to improve its performance or to prolong its usable life. This is a planned intervention, for which a cost estimate and approval is required. This process adds value back to the asset.

Maintenance departments are commonly used to assist with the installation of Capital Equipment. This process describes the use of the Maintenance Order to procure the equipment and the settle it to WBS elements and the settlement of the labor to expense cost elements.

Dismantle Equipment –

Within Capital Projects, an expense portion can exist in the dismantling or demolition of the equipment. This process make use of the Maintenance Order to accomplish. It also triggers the need for asset disposition and changes to functional location structures

Asset Management

Asset Management Management

Project Execution For Assets

Preventive/ Predictive Maintenance

Conduct Order Managed Modifications

Install Capital Equipment

Dismantle Capital Equipment

Corrective Maintenance

Preventive/Predictive Maintenance •

Perform Preventive/Predictive Maintenance –

Asset Management

Process allows for the development of routine and repetitive pre-scheduled maintenance activities • Support Reliability Principles • Support Operational Excellence Methodologies • Flexible for PM Optimization activities • Flexible to institutionalize PMs based upon COE Successful Practices • Options for Time Based, Performance Based, and Condition Based PMs available • Can be set to single cycle, multicycle, or a combination of both • Can be used to manage EOSH routine activities

Asset Management Management

Project Execution For Assets

Preventive/ Predictive Maintenance

Preventive/ Predictive Maintenance

Corrective Maintenance

Corrective Maintenance Asset Management

Asset Management Management

Perform Emergency Repairs

Project Execution For Assets

Preventive/ Predictive Maintenance

Corrective Maintenance

Perform Low Cost Repairs

Perform Planned Repairs

Refurbish Spare Parts


Processes support both Reactive and Proactive Corrective Maintenance activities: Perform Emergency Repairs o In this process the steps before completion of the work are minimized so efforts go towards resolving issues associated with the emergency. After completion of the repair, history is then gathered.


Perform Low Cost Repairs o In this process, a standing order is created to capture confirmed activities to repair minor stops and short duration fixes. Perform Planned Repairs o Newly created to enable and institutionalize the COE’s best practice Proactive Maintenance Planning and Scheduling processes Refurbish Spare Parts w/Split Valuation o This process deal with the refurbishment of - usually high value - faulty repairable spares. This is of considerable economic importance for our bottlers and is often a core process in Plant Maintenance. It is often much more cost-effective than a brand new purchase.

Asset Management Asset Management

Asset Maintenance Management

Project Execution For Assets

Preventive/ Predictive Maintenance

Corrective Maintenance

These 4 Core Process Functions, Asset Maintenance Management, Execute Projects, Preventive/Predictive Maintenance, & Corrective Maintenance, now provides us the Asset Visibility to: 1.

Reduce Operating Cost by improving Labor utilization

2. 3.

Reduce Operating Cost by better managing parts and services Reduce the Asset swell in spare parts by better management locally, regionally, and globally, bring down unproductive inventory values Reduce spend on spare parts procurement Reduce the need to procure more capital Focus on key Assets that provide the best opportunity to add availability and capacity without adding capital Increase Efficiency’s Increase Throughput Reduce other Supply Chain costs Ultimately improve the Return on Assets involved in the Make Process of Finished Goods

4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9. 10.

Plant Maintenance Technical & Object data & Base Requirements

Required Organizational Entities According the Systems Applications and Products (SAP) standard organizational objects, the business scenario is mapped as follows: General organization Location-based organization Planning-based organization

(i.e. oil & gas company)

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Required Organizational Entities Company Codes

• •

Company codes generally represent the various legal entities within an organization. The Company Code is the lowest level for which you can produce a complete set of financial reports. There is no PM configuration in this area.


In the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System, the plant is a place of work or a branch within a company. The plant is integrated in the organizational structure as follows  One plant (i.e. plant -0001) is assigned to exactly one company code (i.e. Company - 1000). One company code can have several plants.  One plant can have several storage locations at which materials stocks are stored  Exactly one business area is assigned to a plant and a division  A maintenance plant can be defined as a planning plant

A plant has the following attributes:  It has an address.  It has a language.  It belongs to a particular country.  It has its own material master data.

. 11 11

Required Organizational Entities Maintenance plants and planning plants •

The maintenance plant of a technical object is the plant in which the object is installed.

The planning plant of a technical object is the plant in which the maintenance tasks for that object are planned and prepared.  Planner groups is part of the planning plant which prepare a tasks for the technical object in maintenance plants

12 12

Planner Groups •

Required Organizational Entities

Planner Groups are also organizational structure units. This is typically localized, but customization and logic to other functions such as notification screens and printing uses standard Planner Groups for PM to provide added functionality. The below have been set up in the system to be maintained .

Work Centers • • •

Work Center (Location Tab) is defined as an organizational unit that assigns where the technical object is located. This is the Production Planner (PP) Work Center and not the Maintenance Work Center which is usually associated to labor. Where possible in Equipment Record and Functional Location Record this field should be populated. This require obtaining the PP Work Center information for populating this information in advance or as a dependency during load.

Planner groups can move to being plant specific because of segregation from CAM 13 13

Required Organizational Entities Storage Locations

Plant Section

• • • • •

The Storage Location is defined as an organizational unit, allowing for differentiating between the various stocks of a material in a plant. Specified amounts of materials can be moved between different storage locations. A Storage Location is typically represented by a plant-unique 4-digit alpha-numeric. Material stocks can be differentiated, on a quantity basis, within one plant according to storage location. Storage locations are always created for a plant. Physical inventories are carried out at storage location level. For Coke One, common storage locations have been set up for each plant.

• •

Plant Section is generally considered a local organizational unit. It is used to further breakdown a Maintenance Plant into physical or logical functions. Guidance is given in this area as the Plant Section is also used in the Functional Location structure to provide consistency in analysis of various plants in the BIG. There is no straight forward way to standardize this organizational unit as each plant has its own unique differences and configuration. The below provides guidance to selecting the Plant Section number.         

010 – 019 020 – 029 030 – 039 040 – 049 050 – 059 060 – 069 070 – 079 080 – 089 090 – 099

General Plant Services, Building & Grounds Bottle /Can Sorting & Delivery Systems Blending & Mixing Production & Packaging Production & Packaging Warehousing and Logistics Trade Services Fleet Office & Support Functions Redeployable Asset

14 14

Required Data Elements - Functional Location •

The structure indicator of a functional location determines the structure of the functional location label. It establishes the following factors:  Number of hierarchy levels of a technical system  Key length of the levels  Separators (hyphens)

For Coke One, the Structure Indicator is ZSTD. The edit mask assigned to it is: NNNN-NNN-NN-NNN-NNNNN

NNNN = Plant Code (i.e., 0000 = Singapore’s Plant Number) Spatial NNN = Plant Section (i.e., 010 = Manufacturing Bldg) Spatial and Process-based NN = Type of Line or Process (i.e., 01 = Production Area) Process-based NNN = Plant Line # or Plant Process# (i.e., 001 = Line 1) Spatial NNNNN = Equipment /System Function (i.e., 00100 = Filler) Functional Example above = 0001-010-01-001-00100

15 15

Perform Preventive Predictive Maintenance Master Data SAP – Technical & Object data & base requirement

1. Work Center List Display (CR05) 2. Functional Location Structure Display (IH01) 3. Equipment List Display (IE03) 4. Function location master data Display (IL03) 5. Equipment master data Display

Asset Management

Asset Maintenance Management

Conduct Budget Control

Perform Interco. Spares Sales

Project Execution For Assets

Preventive/ Predictive Maintenance

Corrective Maintenance

Measuring Points (PM & Fleet)

Asset Management Asset Maintenance Management Conduct budget control Perform intercompany spare parts sales Measuring point (PM & Fleet) Project execution for assets Conduct order managed modifications Install capital equipment Dismantle equipment Preventive / Predictive Maintenance Perform preventive / predictive maintenance Corrective maintenance Conduct emergency breakdown maintenance Perform low cost repairs Perform Planned Repairs Refurbish spare parts

Asset Maintenance Management

Measuring Points and Counters A Measuring point is Master Data created for a Technical Object in order to document a Measurement or a Counter reading. This is done for one of three reasons: You want to document the condition of a technical object at a particular point in time. You want to perform Counter Based Maintenance (Preventive). You want to perform Conditioned Based Maintenance (Predictive).

In the case of Counter Based Maintenance, maintenance activities are scheduled to be performed when the Counter of the Technical Object has reached a particular Counter Reading, for example, every 100 Operating Hours. In the case of Condition Based Maintenance, maintenance activities are scheduled to be performed when the Measuring Point of a Technical Object has reached a particular state, for example, every time a brake pad has been worn away to the minimum thickness permitted, or when the cooling water for a Nuclear Power Plant exceeds the upper limit allowed. The Measuring Point must have a Characteristic assigned to it.


Fleet Measuring Point (KM & Fuel Consumption reading)

Asset Management

Asset Maintenance Management

Measuring Points (PM & Fleet)

Create Equip


Create Measuring Point

Fleet Measuring Point (KM & Fuel Consumption reading)

SAP - Processing of Measurement Points process flow 1.

Display equipment master for vehicle w/ Measuring point (IE03)


Display & Changes measuring point list (IK32) i.e. 2000011

3. Reading entry (IK34)

Asset Management

Asset Maintenance Management

Asset Maintenance Management

Project Execution For Assets

Preventive/ Predictive Maintenance

Conduct Order Managed Modifications

Install Capital Equipment

Dismantle Capital Equipment

Corrective Maintenance

Asset Management Asset Maintenance Management Conduct budget control Perform intercompany spare parts sales Send fuel card information Project execution for assets Conduct order managed modifications Install capital equipment Dismantle equipment Preventive / Predictive Maintenance Perform preventive / predictive maintenance Corrective maintenance Conduct emergency breakdown maintenance Perform low cost repairs Perform Planned Repairs Refurbish spare parts

Conduct Order Managed Modifications Conduct Order Managed Modifications A modification to equipment & function location is made to improve its performance or to prolong its usable life. This is a planned intervention, for which a cost estimate and approval is required. This process adds value back to the asset.

Asset Management

Project Execution For Assets

Order Managed Modifications

Request for project modificati on Finance settle to WBS

Finance Approval for WBS

Close order & Notification (TECO)

Notificatio n approved

Confirmati on

Create order & release

Conduct Order Managed Modifications

SAP - Order Managed Modifications process flow 1. Create Project request (IW21) 2. Create CapEx order & release (IW31) 3. Order Confirmation (IW41) 4. Close order & notification (TECO) (IW41) 5. Display WBS (CJ03) 6. WBS Expenses /Budget, Plan & Actual cost report (S_ALR_87013558)

Install Capital Equipment Install Capital Equipment

Asset Management

Project Execution For Assets

Install Capital Equipment

Request for project installatio n

Maintenance departments are commonly used to assist with the installation of Capital Equipment. This process describes the use of the Maintenance Order to procure the equipment and the settle it to WBS elements and the settlement of the labor to expense cost elements.

Finance settle to WBS

Finance Approval for WBS

Close order & Notification (TECO)

Notificatio n approved

Confirmati on

Create order & release

Install Capital Equipment

SAP – Install Capital Equipment process flow 1. Install Capital Equipment (IE02)

Dismantle Equipment Asset Management

Project Execution For Assets

Dismantle Equipment

Request for Dismantle

Dismantle Equipment Within Capital Projects, an expense portion can exist in the dismantling or demolition of the equipment. This process make use of the Maintenance Order to accomplish. It also triggers the need for asset disposition and changes to functional location structures within R/3.

Finance settle to WBS

Finance Approval for WBS

Close order & Notification (TECO)

Notificatio n approved

Confirmati on

Create order & release

Dismantle Equipment

SAP – Dismantle Equipment process flow 1. Dismantle Equipment Process (IE02)

Asset Management

Asset Management Management

Preventive/ Predictive Maintenance

Project Execution For Assets

Preventive/ Predictive Maintenance

Corrective Maintenance

Preventive/ Predictive Maintenance

Asset Management Asset Maintenance Management Conduct budget control Perform intercompany spare parts sales Send fuel card information Project execution for assets Conduct order managed modifications Install capital equipment Dismantle equipment Preventive / Predictive Maintenance Perform preventive / predictive maintenance Corrective maintenance Conduct emergency breakdown maintenance Perform low cost repairs Perform Planned Repairs Refurbish spare parts

Perform Preventive/Predictive Maintenance Preventive Maintenance

Complete notification Record technical data in notification Technically complete the order Maint. Operation Confirmation

Execute Maintenance

Maintenance Plan

Schedule the Plan

Create PM Orders Adjust planned dates if required

Release the Order


Perform Preventive Predictive Maintenance

Maintenance plans

Strategy plan



30 30

Preventive Maintenance Plan: Structure

Preventive Maintenance strategy

Preventive maintenance plan Maintenance Schedule

Maintenance orders

Maintenance items Maintenance Package

Maintenance items

Maintenance task list 31

Perform Preventive Predictive Maintenance

Perform Preventive Predictive Maintenance

SAP - Preventive maintenance process flow 1. Maintenance Strategy Display (IP12) 2. General Maintenance Task List Display (IA07) 3. Maintenance Plan Display (IP03) 4. Maintenance Plan Scheduling Display/Reschedule/Manual Call (IP10)

5. Generating and list of orders IP30&IW38

Asset Management

Asset Management Management

Corrective Maintenance

Perform Emergency Repairs

Project Execution For Assets

Preventive/ Predictive Maintenance

Corrective Maintenance

Perform Low Cost Repairs

Perform Planned Repairs

Refurbish Spare Parts

Asset Management Asset Maintenance Management Conduct budget control Perform intercompany spare parts sales Send fuel card information Project execution for assets Conduct order managed modifications Install capital equipment Dismantle equipment Preventive / Predictive Maintenance Perform preventive / predictive maintenance Corrective maintenance Conduct emergency breakdown maintenance Perform low cost repairs Perform Planned Repairs Refurbish spare parts

Conduct Emergency Breakdown Maintenance Asset Management

Corrective Maintenance

Emergency Breakdown Maintenance

Break down



Notification & Release

Work Order & Release

Conduct Emergency Breakdown Maintenance

SAP - Emergency Breakdown process flow 1. Create PM Notification- ZU (IW21) 2. Create Order & Release (IW31)

3. Order Confirmation (IW41) 4. TECO (IW32)

Perform Low Cost Repairs Asset Management

Corrective Maintenance

Perform Low Cost Repairs

• Within a limited range, a technician may confirm times, and only times, to a standing order as long as there is no goods issue involved (no spare parts consumed). • If a goods issue is involved or the time limit is exceeded, the technician has to trigger the release process for a notification and order. • The work order is only open for a specified time period • Notifications are created for low cost jobs and linked to the open work order 37

Perform Low Cost Repairs • Create Standing Work Order (ZP) • Create Notifications (ZU)

• Assign Notifications to Standing Work Order • Confirm Notifications Standing Order

Low Effort Not.

Close Order

Assign Confirm

Not. To Order

Perform Low Cost Repairs

Low Cost Repairs – Process flow

1. Create Order & Release – Open order, ZP03(IW31) 2. Create PM Notification (Low cost assign to order) (IW21)

3. Operation Confirmation (IW41)

4. Notification close – (after job is done) (IW32) 5. TECO (After 6M or 1Y) (IW32)

Perform Planned Repairs Process Flow Asset Management

Corrective Maintenance

Perform Planned Repairs

Problem ID’d Doc & Close



Execute WO






Perform Planned Repairs

SAP - Planned Repairs process flow

1. Create PM Notification- ZP - (IW21) 2. Create Order & Release (IW31) 3. Order Confirmation (IW41) 4. TECO – Order & Notification close (IW32)

Refurbish Spare Parts Asset Management

Bought stock and put into spares

Corrective Maintenance

Refurbish Spare Parts

Special type of maintenance order

Broken Item

Broken Item

Refurbish Spare Parts •

High value materials or spare parts, such as motors, are often used in production systems. In the event of failure or damage to these types of parts, they may be replaced by a functioning spare, then refurbished in the maintenance department or externally if deemed more cost effective to do so. Refurbishment is frequently considered more cost effective and should be applied when this is the case. The cost to process the routine has to be weighed also, considering planner time, purchaser time, and storeroom attendant time. With this in mind, as a guideline, spare parts having an individual value of 500 Euros or more (roughly $750) should only be considered for refurbishment. Only in special cases should other parts be put into the refurbishment process.

In typical corrective maintenance repair processes, some described above, work order are set for the consumption of materials or parts. In the refurbishment process, work orders are intended to repair the defective part. To accomplish this, the refurbishable material has to be classified by 3 different states, called valuation types. They are: New, Refurbished, and Defective. The valuation types have been set up in the system as:

Refurbish Spare Parts

Asset Management

Corrective Maintenance

Refurbish Spare Parts

Refurbish Spare Parts

SAP - Refurbishment of spare parts process flow

1. Create Order & Release – (IW81) 2. Order Confirmation (IW41) 3. TECO – Order close (IW32)

Material Masters •

The material master contains descriptions of the articles and parts that the plant, manufactures, and stores. The material master is the central source for calling up material specific information within the plant. Since all the material data is integrated in one master record, the problem of data redundancy is minimized. This integration also enables the stored data to be used jointly by purchasing and other areas such as Inventory Management, Material Request Planning (MRP), and Accounts Payable.

Plant Maintenance uses the following Material Types.       


SCALE Services PM Spares Non Standardized Local PM Spares Standardized Global Maintenance Assemblies Fixed Assets Non-Stock Materials Non Valuated Material

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Material Masters

SAP – Stock Item process flow 1. Materials List Display (MMBE) 2. P.R. List Display (MN53N) 3. P.O. List Display (ME23N)

Order - with Stock Item material Work Order

0010 Check pump 0020 Renew seals

Released Planned Wos (ZP01, ZP03, etc)

Material Issue/ Pick Lists

Problem ID’d

TECO & Close Order

Create Notificatio n& Release

Confirm order

Create order (+ Materials) & released Received materials


SAP – Stock Item process flow 1.

Create Notification & Release (IW21)


Create order, Add material & Release order (IW32)

3. Goods Receive Process (MIGO) 4. Confirm order (IW41) 5. TECO and close order (IW32)

Order - with Non-Stock Item Material Work Order

0010 Check pump 0020 Renew seals

Released Planned Wos (ZP01, ZP03, etc)

Material Issue/ Pick Lists


TECO & Close Order

Create Notificati on & Release

Create order (+ Materials) & released

Confirm order

Received materials

PR Created Automatically

Material SAP – Non-Stock item maintenance process flow 1.

Create Notification & Release (IW21)


Create order, Add material & Release order (IW32)

3. PR Created automatically

4. Good Receive (MIGO) 5. Confirm order (IW41) 6. TECO and close order (IW32)


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