02 Icelandic in Easy Stages No. 1

May 2, 2017 | Author: zboon | Category: N/A
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Short Description

Icelandic in Easy Stages...














The most common phrases Simple conversations Hints on grammar Simple texts

Drawings by Calum Campell and Robert Guillemette.

Copyright 1975 by Mlmir.

All rights reserved, including translation mto foreIgn languages.

New Impression 1979 with some editorial changes.

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2. Index


Index p. 2 To the Student p. 5 How to use the book p. 6 Pronunciation of Icelandic p. 7


The alphabet and the sounds of Icelandic p.


Some peculiarities of Icelandic pronunciation p. 9


Some expressions in the classroom p. 11 Greetings p.




Text - Units





He, who, no, not.


That, or, also; as.



Verb and the word "you".


To ask and to answer. Where, I am, you are. Present continuous.

I! !:


Definite article. Gender. Vocabulary.



The indefinite article. What, it, thi s, ye s.


To understand. Adjectives.




To be.

10. To have, to own. These are. ' III

11. Gender of proper names. 12. To become. To be able to. Days of week.


13. Dropping the vowel. "I" changes into "Ye". Plural. 14. Declension of "it" and "what". Why-because.


15. Verb in the infinitive.


16. Vocabulary.


18. You and 1. Declension. Icelandic verses.

17 . Declension of nouns. Indicative of verbs.

~ r !! .-


am doing something. I am - I was - I have been.


have finished. It is over. It has happened.

21. Gunnar og Hallged5ur. Simple text. TO HAVE as helper verb. 22. Possessive pronouns.


23. Asking for your health.


24. He and she. Declension.

25. The head. Declension of first 4 numbers. Opposites. Gender.

= ~


26. Conversation. Your health. Cases.

Two forms of YES.

27. Do you speak Icelandic? English? 28. Question - answer. To know, to be able to.


~ ;­


29. To have. Simple text. Two verses. 30. Nouns. Declension. Definite article.

3. r.

31. Time. Cases. Adverbs. 32. Place. I wonder. 33. To be going (to). The


34. Food. A restaurant. The meal.


35. Nouns. Declension.


36. Formal, polite speech. Conversation.


38. Finding your way.

37. Gender. Adjectives.

39. Comparison. Money.


40. What time is it? 41. Food. A word-list.


42. What you drink and smoke. Nominative.


43. The shop. Direct and indirect speech. 44. What you do and what you are doing now. When? Why not?


45. Accusative case. Asking for things. What you eat. 46.


Useful sentences. When you get up.

47. Impersonal verbs. I want, I need, I should like.













48. Plural. Definite article. 49. In the shop. 50. Prepositions. 51. Siggi's porridge. Simple text. 52. Dr iving. Simple text.

E Iii ~

53. How dare he ~ Simple text. 54. A letter for grandmother. 55. A letter for grandfather. 56. Icelandic name s. 57. Pronouns. Declension.

;j /

58. Pronouns. Some sentences. 59 . Pronouns. Translation.

List of ver bs. Indic ative.

60. Numbers. Cardinals. Ordinals. Gender. THE first. Declension. 61. Commerce. Shopping. 62. Conversation in the shop. 63. Adjectives. Strong or weak. Declension of THIS, THAT. 64. Fun with adjectiv e s. 65. Drill. Adjectives. 66. Time . Conversation . To c:atch a bus. 67. What and when ? List of verbs. Indicative. 68. The world. Vocabulary. 69. What you say to guests. A visit. 70. Possessive pronouns. Declension.

4. ~ ' f

7l. Simple songs.

72. For embas sy people.

~ ' I

73. A telephone conver sation.


74. Nationalitie s. Language s. Phraseology for embassy people.

75. Emba s sie s, title s, political partie s.




The past.



77. The Price-Index family.


79. Simple dialogue. Where are you going?

78. Meeting people. Basic sentences.

80. Gunnar and Inger '. Simple text.


8l. Adjectives. Opposites.

~ '



82. Elephant jokes. Accusative - dative.


83. To have to, to need, to be expected to, to be going.







84. Adjectives. Jon and Gunna. 85. The weather. 86. The weather. A dialogue.

87. Comparison of adjectives.

88. Some verSes.





89. The telephone. Phrases.

90. Foreign currency. Where is the bank?


9l. Yesterday. Past tense of to be, have, own, do.

92. Siggi. Present-future.

93. The blood. An essay.

94. The doctor. A dialogue.

95. The Cardinal Points.

96. Life. Simple past.



97. The family. Declension.



The Arrival

99. Your passport. Immigration.

100. The girl and the policeman. A dialogue.




5. ~ .

To the student:

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Icelandic is an inflecting language. This means that the same word often changes form without changing meaning. Such grammatical features as tense, aspect, person, nu.rnber, mood etc, are formed by attaching affixe s to roots of stems, so, if the foreign student is not careful he may easily get lost in the intricacies of grammar without ever learning the language. The aim of this book is to teach the foreigner in- Iceland who has little time and only sca·nt kn·o wl_edge 01 grammatical terminology how to master the essentials of the language with a minimum of tediu.rn and effort. If your primary aim is to SPEAK Icelandic you must have a ready knowledge of a relatively small nu.rnber of words ­ and a fairly accurate knowledge of the essential grammatical conventions and idioms. To learn this is quite a task. The solution? Fir st: learn the essential word s. Second: learn to recognize the DIFFERING FORMS of words when you come across them. If you have time - by all means learn by heart the different forms and paradigms. If you have not got too much time concentrate on the essential words. You will waste an immense amoWlt of time if you try to be a perfectionist before you know the general lay-out of the language.

If your main aim is to be able to READ the language without a dictionary, you need a relatively large vocabulary and a general familiarity with the grammar. The main thing to remember in that connection is, that vocabulary in Icelandic means different forms of the "same" word. In other words: you must recognize which forms belong to which words. A dictionary will not give the different forms. As for directives, their correspondence in any two languages is never absolute. Hence we do not present those as grammar but as idiomatic parts of sentences. Words appearing in the text are in general the highest-frequency words in the language employed in sentence s of high frequency.

This you must know: Icelandic is a DIFFICULT language. Its rudiments CAN NOT be learned as easily as the rudiments of most other languages. It takes time to understand the grammatical features of a simple sentence. A sentence of the order Subject/ V er b/ Object , usually found in the fir st Ie s sons of other text books, is not so simple in Icelandic. The minute you start using the Object of a sentence you are involved in declension, the main stumbling block of Icelandic. Similarly, the past tense can not be introduced until comparatively late in your study. But then again, after you master the essentials , you will find yourself in calm waters.


How to use the book: The wisest plan is to read the lessons through quickly. After getting a bird's eye view you can settle down to detailed study. Do not waste too


much time trying to memorize the case endings of the nouns, or any of the flexions of the adjective ( other than comparison) till you are familiar


with the necessary particles of the language. Concentrate on learning a relatively small class of words. This class includes the


: 11

pronouns, pointer words and helper verbs. A battery of about two hundred such words for ready use, supplemented by a nodding acquaintance with about a hundred others includes a very high proportion of the words we constantly use. The most important thing at the outset is to have a small vocabulary of the essential nouns, adjectives and verbs always at your disposal. Icelandic has a lot of archaic grammatical devices. In this book


we try to lighten the burden of learning the se by giving them in an evolutionary context. Thus all the lessons are lessons in grammar whether or not grammatical terminology is used. In actual fact we

expect this book

to serve you BEFORE you start studying grammar seriously. The text is so designed as to help you fix the rules without taxing the memory unduly. You start using the language right away. The only way to fluency -- in a language which has the grammatical intricacie s of Icelandic is - practice. Hence the design of the book, the presentation of the material and the questions. ends.


This book is primarily a work-book, written for practical



~ .


Pronunciation of Icelandic

~ The Icelandic A lpha bet re sem ble s the English Alphabet exc ept for certain letters whlch are in actual fact phonetic symbols.

~ .


~ 'i

New letters are p-JE-O-D. The P sound stands for the English sound th in the word "thought~' and the D (15) sound stands for the English th in the word "the". As a rule :i?1leComes D when not stressed. Both letters are international phonetic symbols used in order to facilitate spelling and save the trouble of writing two letters for one sound. The JE sound stands for the i sound in the word "hide" or "light" and is similarly used to facilitate reading. The 0 sound stands for the English in "bird" or ~ in "word", but spoken WITh protruded and rounded lips.


The letters C- W -Q do not occur in Icelandic.


3. Peculiar to the Icelandic Alphabet is the use of an accent over certain vowels.



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The accent is not a Stress Mark, as no streSs marks are needed in Icelandic at all. The simple expedient of using an accent makes these vowels phonetic sounds, so that you immediately know how to pronounce them when you corne upon them in the text. Their sound s will be given in the table below.

4. Stre s s invariably fall s on the fir st syllable in Ic elandic. The main differenc e between English and Ic elandic pronunciation is that in Ic elandic you always pronounce all the vowels of a word, giving them the full value of their sound, whereas in English you tend to slur them over and thus neutralize them when not stressed. 5. There are certain sounds in Icelandic which have no precise equivalent in English in spite of the similarity of the Alphabet. In the table below the sounds which resemble the Icelandic sounds most closely will be given. As a general rule the differences are slight however, and are easily overcome with a little practice.


Sounds in Icelandic can be both long and short, just as in English. If long, consonants are generally doubled in the spelling, but this expedient is not considered necessary in the case of vowels, as they are always conditioned by the following cons onant s, so that onc e you get the hang of Icelandic pronunciation you will find it regular.

7. An idiosyncrasy of the Icelandic language is the use of the so called aspiration, a flow of air, or H sound, with rnost of the consonants. An Englishman pronuncing the word "skip" f. ex. will tend to say "skibp" whereas the actual pronunciation is more like "skhjiph". A word like "detta" ( to fall) will sound something like "deddta" in the mouth of an Englishman, whereas it will sound like "dehhtta" when spoken by an Icelander.



8. Icelandic is generally spoken crisply and definitely with pure vowels, and thus resembles Italian or Spanish in many ways. But it is continuous in speech, has no glottal stop or "hyatus" ( two vowels up against one another), drops extra vowels where one suffices, and consonants when they get in your way. A simple sentence like: "Hvatl gedSi hann?" is pronounced: "Kva(tl) gertl(i) (h)ann". In this way it resembles French. Most of the language follows a similar pattern. The Alphabet and the Sounds of Icelandic.

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A Au 111








Ey-Ei E F G

H I . I








o P


Val, band. (A pure vowel, like the Scottish or Italian A . ) (The English A in "can" or the A in "calin" do not occur in Icelandic). Ain, hatt. (A dipthong like the OW in "how" or OU in "about".) Autlur, autt. Note well: This combination of vowels does NOT stand for the OU sound in "house" or the German A U in "Haus". It represents a sound foreign to English but well known in French, the EU in "feuille". Batur, bol. (A sound similar to the English B in "boat"). Dagur, dIs. (Similar to the English D except that it is pronounced by touching the front teeth with tip of tongue. ) Batl, hlatla. (Same as English th in "the". Never used as first letter of a word in writing. ) Kern, ekki. (Like English e in "end", but pronounced deeper in the mouth. (Khjem, ehkki.) When K or G are followed by E or I you generally insert a j sound.) Leyfa, leitt. (This combination of vowels stands for the English Ey in "they" or the A in "ale". Eg, fletta. (Same sound as YE in "yes".) Fer, fram. (Same as English F in "for".) Gaman, get. (Same as English G in "got".) - Haga, laga. (Like G in English "Magda" but softer. Similar to soft German g in "sagen".) - Eigi, pegi. (Like Y in "yes".) Hann, hun. (Similar to English H in "he".) (This sound is often dropped in speech when not stressed.) Sitja, tyggja. (Same as English I in "lid" or "sit".) Yta, Iskur. (Same as English EA in "leave" or EE in "feet".) (The Y and Yare pronounced exactly like I and [ and do not show a different pronunciation, but a different origin of the word. ) Jon, jata. (Same as English Y in "yet".) Karl, kettur. (Similar to English C in "cat", but pronounced further forward in the mouth.) Laki, latur. (Similar to the fir st L in "little", but not so crisp. On the other hand an L never becomes so "dark" as in "muddle" or "ill".) Hell, kalla. (Pronounced like DDL, HeddI, khaddla.)

Magnus, stama. (Same as English M in "mouth".)

Nei, fani. (Same as English N in "no".)

Einn, beinn. (Like DDN, eiddn, beiddn.)

Pota, Oddur. (Same as English 0 in "lord" '')r "cot".) For, Olafur. (Similar to American pronunciation of 0 in "those". ) Pall, poki. (Same as P in "Paul". Often softens into an F - sound in the middle of word s, e. g. ski pta (skhjifta. )









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Ragnar, bara. ( A rolled or trilled R like scottish "rain".) Siggi, segja: (Similar to English S in "say", but thicker.) (The voiced S in "rose" does not occur in Icelandic.) T ota, tala. (Similar to English T in talk, but spoken with tip of tongue on front teeth. Sound softens in middle of word.) Bura, sund. (This sound does not exist in English. Similar to ii in German "diirr". Say "sWld" as if it were an English word, and then try with rOWlded and very protruding lips, and you may catch it. ) Hus, ulfur. (Same as English 0 in "lose" or 00 in "choose".) Valur, vera. (Similar to English V in "value", but less forceful. ) Vaxa, lax. (Like soft gs, not ks.) Stanz. (No word begins with Z. PronOWlced just like S in Icelandic, and is used to indicate a combination of ts, ds,

or tis. The letter Z thus only represents simplified spelling.)

PU, petta. (Pronounced like English TH in "thought". When

not stre s sed it usually softens into D like TH in "thi s". )

Saera, aett. (Like English I in "five" or "like".)

Lot, orn. (Like Engli sh I in "bird", but with protruded and

rounded lips. )

A s noted, all vowels can be long or short. This table give s

the long variety fir st.

Some Pecularities of Icelandic Pronunciation


As all other languages Icelandic is conditioned by stress and the rythm of the whole sentence or clause. This has given rise to certain deviations from .. ortographic spelling in the sil0k.\!n language, e speci·ally when spoken fast. The se deviations are almost always regular, however, and those peculiarities which are not the result of stress or rythm are easily recognized. The main pecularities of speech versus orthography are listed below:


In the middle of words the so called unvoiced consonants P-T-K-F generally become softened and resemble their B-D-G- V counterparts.


FL and FN

This cluster of consonants is pronounced bl and bn between vowels or at the end of words, e.g. Keflavlk (Khjebblavlk)., Hafnarstraeti (Habbnar­ straeti). When not stre s sed before consonant s they tend not to be pronoWlced at all or like soft m sounds, e.g. hefndi (hemdi).



often becomes rdn in pronunciation, e.g. stjorna (sthjordna), 'or just dd·: harn (baddn). · . . . .


The vowels 0- U -I-E-A tend to become broader before the cluster of consonants NG and NK . A s this come s more or Ie S5 automatically in speech it is not consid e red necessary to accent the vowels: honk (haWlk), hlunkur ( hlunkur), Ingi (fngi). enginn (einginn), pankar (pankar). The same phenomenon sometime s occur s before g when pronunciation is easier that way, e. g. legi (leigji) etc.




I ~




~ .


When the consonants K or G are followed by I or E, you usually insert a J sound, e.g. kem (khjem), gestur (gjestur) etc.


As in English the NG cluster has two sounds, sometimes like ng in "thing" f. ex. the word "hringla", and sometimes like in "finger" f. ex. the word "lyng".


The consonants L-M-N are seldom voiced as in English. When followed by unvoiced consonants like P-T-K-F they are pronounced in a stressed and clipyed manner, e.g. lampi (lahmpi), kalt (khalt), hanki (hahnki).


Dipthongs tend to be shorter and more clipped than in Enghsh. When pronounCIng the sound represented by au, ei, 0, ae, you almost always make them as short as their shorte st counterparts in English.


When initial vowels are short the fOllowin~ consonant often tends to be doubled, even if not spel ed that way, e. g. a()fert5 (at5t5fer8), afstatia ( ahffstatia) etc.


As already stated most of these peculiarities come more or less automatically in speech because of their obvious connection with stre s s and the aspiration ( the puff of breath or H sound) and are- just like the dropping of middle consonants ­ conditioned by the easiest rythm of the whole.

~ .

~ .

I 'll



~ .



J ,




~ .

~ II


11. ~-




Expre s sions.' in the Clas sroom.


Goaff er paff.

What is this? Wha t is it? I t is this. That's it.


Hvaff er nu petta? Hvaff er nu paff? I>aff er nu petta. Og paff er nu pao.

Now, what is this? Now, what is it? Well, it is this. And , well, that's what it is.


Ja og Ne i.

,it .....;

(Yes and No) Ja .. Jreja...


Ja means "yes". Ju is used after a negation. Ja means "well". Jreja means "well" too. Dremi :

Er petta bill? Ja. Er petta ekki bill? Ju. Er petta bill? Ja, paff er nu paff. Well, I wonder.) Jreja, elskan. Well, my dear.


Nei means "no". Neee means "Noooo Is that so?

I don't believe it." This word is seldom written

but much used.

I>aff er nefnilega paff: Ah, well, so it is.


Neitun (F). (Negation) Ekki means "not".

AIls ekki means "not at all".

Aldrei means "never".



A common negation:



Ekki Ekki Ekki Ekki Ekki Ekki Ekki Ekki

fara. Don't go. Lit. Not to go.

koma. Don't come.

fara ut. Don't go out.

koma inn. Don't come in.

lata svona. Don't behave like that.

keyra. Don't drive.

grata. Don't cry.

hlreja. Don't laugh.


(N) (Words) .

Ao endurtaka: to repeat Aff segja aftur: to say again (repeat) Aff sja: to see aff sjast: to see each other Aff hitta: to meet aff hittast: to meet each other Aff halda afram: to go on aff hretta: to stop Aff taka viff: to take over Aff klara: to finish aff klarast: to be finished, get done I>etta herna (this here) og petta parna (that there) is the normal way to differentiate between "this and that" in Icelandic.



Lt I.



~ ~ ~.

~ i ~.

~. ~.



Sognin og: oroio "}:n:i ft Ao skilja

( The verb and the word "you It) .

(to understand) . Skilur pu: (to go, leave). Far pu:


Ao fara


M skrifa


Ao svara (to answer) .


Ao byrja (to begin) .


Ao opna

(to open) .



(to close, shut).


Ao segja


M5 hafa (to have) .

Haf pu:

10 .

M koma (to come) .

Kom pu: komdu.


Ao pyoa (to translate, melt) .


(to say,


Skrifa pu:

(to write) .

Svara pu:

svaraou. byrjaou.

Byrja pu: Opna pu:


Loka pu: Seg pu:

tell) .



lokaou. segou.

i'lafou. Pyo pu:


Ao lesa (to read) .

Les pu:



Ao taka (to take) .

Tak pu:



M vera (to be) .



Ao vera (to be) .

Vertu :







1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14 . 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. B.

aJ;e you? be.

Simple Sentences: Komdu h ingao . (Come here). Farou ut. (Go out). Skrifaou mer bref. (Write me a letter). (U18). Svaraou mer elskan. (Answer me darling). Taktu b6kina. (Take the book). (U45) . Ertu kominn? (Have you arrived?). Vertu her lengur. (Stay here longer). Skilurou petta? (Do you understand that?). Byrjaou pa. (Then begin). Lattu ekki svona. (Don't behave like that). Keyrou heim. (Drive home). Gra t tu bara. (Just cry). Ja, hlreOu bara, asni. (Yes, just laugh, fool). Sjaoumig. (Look at me). (U18). Hittu mig klukkan fjogur. (Meet me at four o'clock). Haltu afram. (Go on). Segou petta aftur. (Say that again). Endurtaktu oroio. (Repeat the word). Klaraou kaflann. (Finish the chapter) (U 45). Taktu vio. (Take over). When speaking: to somebody in the so-called "second

person" you almost always suffix the personal pronoun pn (you) to the verb.

Depending on the previous consonant

of the verb it then becomes either : -ou, -du or -tu.

!I I


In the plural you write pID but normally pronounce it -oi.

Komio pio: komioi.

Fario pio: farioi.




The present continuous tense-


(to ask and to answer)

Spurning (que stion): Ert pu ma()ur?

Svar (answer): Ja, eg er ma()ur


(A conversation)


Go()an daginn, Calwn


Go(jan daginn, Einar.


Hvar ert pu nu.na?


Hver, eg?


Ja, pu~


Eg er herna inni.

En hvar er eg?


Pu ert he rna inni H'ka.

E. E. E. E.


P\1 ert kennari.

En hva(j ert pu?

C. C. C.

Gott. Hva() er eg a() gera?


Pu ert a(j kenna.


Og hva(j ert pu a(j gera?


Eg er a(j laera.




Pu ert a(j kenna Islenzku.


Og hva(j ert pu a() laera?


lslenzku, au(jvita(j.


Er pa(j erfitt?


Nei, pa(j er ekki erfitt.


Hva() er pa() pa?


Pa() er au(jvelt.


Ja, en pa(j er" .e,kJ.i satt:.


Ekke rt a(j pakka.


Alveg rett.

Hva(j er eg ?

Ja, HVAD er eg?




Takk fyrir.

Petta er gott svar.

HVAD ert pu?

Eg er nemandi.

SPURNINGAR (questions): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Hva(j er eg a(j gera? Hva(j ert pu a(j gera? Hva(j er Einar a() gera? Hva(j er Calwn a(j gera? Hvar ert pu nu.na? Hva(j ertu? Ertu kennari?

8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

ErEinarnemandi? Hva(j er Calum? Er Ca1wn herna inni nu.na? Hva(j er Einar a(j kenna? Hva(j er Calum a(j laera? En hva(j ert pu a(j laera? Er erfitt a(j laera Islenzku? Er au(jvelt a(j svara?

NOT ES: Go(jan daginn (acc. M): good morning, good day hvar: where - nuna: now - herna inni: in here - alveg rett: quite right - kennari (M): a teacher - nemandi (M): student ­ a(j gera: doing - a(j laera: learning - a() kenna: teaching Islenzku (acc. F): Ic e landic - erfitt (N): difficult - au(jvelt (N). easy - pa: then - rett (N): right - gott (N): good - satt CN) true - takk fyrir: thank (you) for (that) - Ekkert a() pakka: don't mention it (lit: nothing to thank for) Spurning (F) - Spurningar (F pI) Svar (N) Svor (N pI)



Kyn - akveC5ni greinirinn.

Indefinite: A man etc.

(Gende r - The definite article) . Definite: THE man etc.

Masculine words: Petta er maC5ur ( man)

Petta er strakur ( boy)

Petta er veggur ( wall )

Petta er svampur ( sponge)

Petta er blyantur ( pencil)

Petta er stoll ( chair)

Petta er gluggi ( window)

Petta er ls1endingur ( Icelander

Petta er Skoti ( Scotsman)

Petta er bIll ( car)

Petta er penni ( pen)

Petta er batur ( boat)

Petta er nemandi ( student)

Petta er kennari ( teacher)

PaC5 er dagur ( day)

Petta Petta Petta Petta Petta Petta Petta Petta Petta Petta Petta Petta Petta Petta Petta

er er er er er er er er er er er er er er er

maC5ur - inn strakur - inn veggur - inn svampur - inn blyantur- inn stoll - inn gluggi - nn lslendingur - Inn Skoti - nn bnl-inn penni - nn batur - inn nemandi - nn kennari - nn dagur - inn

Petta Petta Petta Petta Petta Petta Petta Petta Petta Petta

er er er er er er er er er er

kona - n stelpa - n hurC5 - in tafla - n bok - in mynd - in Islenzka - n lygi - n spurning - in nott - in

Feminine words:

i '


Petta er kona ( woman Petta er stelpa ( girl ) Petta er hurC5 ( door) Petta er tafla ( chalkboard Petta er bok ( book) Petta er mynd ( picture) Petta er Islenzka ( Icelandic Petta er lygi ( lie ) Petta er spurning ( question PaC5 er nott ( night) Neuter words: Petta er golf ( floor) pe.bta er loft ( ceiling, air Petta er borC5 ( table) Petta e r fjall ( mountain Petta er barn ( child) Petta er svar ( answer) PaC5 er kvold ( evening ).


Petta er golf - iC5 Petta er loft - iC5 Petta er borC5 - iC5 Petta er fjall - iC5 Petta er barn - iC5 Petta er svar - iC5 paC5 er kvold - iC5


Gender: When you speak of a "masculine" word or a "feminine" word it has nothing to do with sex. This is a grammatical convention and has to do with the form or the ending of the word. In English "things" are always neuter, in Icelandic they may be masculine, feminine OR neuter, depending on the form of the word.



All the words here given are in the so-called "nomina.tive" c alOe, i. e . the undeclined word as you will find it in the dictionary. The defin.ite article is suffixed, i. e. it is added to the word and become s part of it. Icelandic has four so-called "cases". These will be dealt with pre sently. The article is declined with the word in accordance with these cases as you will see later. This means that the word itself AND the article change form according to the case. In the nominative case all masculine words end in INN In the nominative case all feminine words end in N-.-­ In the nominative case all neuter words end in ID-;­ when the article is suffixed .

(For cases see U17, 50). C.

In elevated speech and in literary Icelandic the definite article is sometimes put in front of the word: HINN got5i mat5ur, HIN got5a kona, HID got5a barn ( the good man etc.). This part of the language will be dealt with later.


For reference, here are the different forms of the definite article in all cases singular and plural when not suffixed. Remember that the H-sound is only an aspiration and falls off when not stressed:



Nominative case (nefnifall) : hinn hinn Accusative case (l>olfall ) hinum Dative case (pagufall ) hins Genitive case (eignarfall )

hin hina hinni hinnar

hi3 hinu hins

hinar hinar hinum hinna

hin hin hinum hinna



Nominative case (nefnifall) : hinir Accusative case (polfall ) hina Dative case (pagufall) hinum Genitive case (eignarfall) hinna E.

Here's how this works:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8.

9. 10.

Mat5ur-hinn Kennari-hinn Veggur-hinn Gluggi-hinn Stelpa-hin Kona-hin Lygi-hin Bok-hin Barn-hit5 Bort5-hit5

: mat5ur(h)inn : kennari(hi)nn : veggur(h)inn gluggi(hi)nn stelpa(hi)n kona(hi)n lygi(hi)n bok(h) in barn(h)it5 bort5(h)it5

And so on in the different cases as you will soon see.




. I

~ I


I r



















(To understand).

E. Ma!i vakna? Ertu at> klaet>a pig? Ertu il.t> pvo per? Er eg at> bursta tennurnil.r? Ertu at> skemmta per? Ertuat> drekka? Ertu ai5 fara ut? Hver er ai5 fara ut? Er eg at> flyta mer? Ertu ai5 fara I vinnuna ? Hvai5 ertu ai5 gera? Varstuherlgaer? Varstu her I fyrradag? Varstu her urn daginn? Ertuheroft? Hefurt>u lesit> pessa bok ai5ur? Hefuri5u verii5 1 Kina? Hefurt>u verit> heima 1 dag? Hef eg talai5 mikii5 I dag? Hefurt>u oft verit> veikur?

TENSES in Icelandic are very similar to tenses in English. I am here: e~ er her I was here: eg var her I have been here: eg hef verii5 her I had been here: eg haft5i verii5 her Note however: Being here is good: Pai5 er gott ai5 vera her For the Future Tense Icelandic does not use shall or will ( skulu or munu ) as much as English. The usage of the-­ verb ai5 ve-z:l5ais more extensive, and so is the usage of the Present Tense for denoting the future: I shall be here tomorrow: eg vert> her a morgun He will corne tomorrow: hann kemur a morgun She will leave soon: hun fer brat>um etc.



~g var.


I>U varst. ,







Vi8 vorum.


Pi8 voru8.







2() Eg er buinn - I have finished - It has happened 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. I.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.





12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

It is over

Ertu buinn a3 bor3a? Ja, eg er buinn a3 bor3a. Ertu buinn a3 lesa bla3i3? Ja, eg er buinn a3 lesa bla3i3. Ertu buinn a3 akve5a petta? (3etta) Ja eg er buinn a3 akve3a petta. Ertu buinn a3 lofa pvi? (3i) Ja, eg er buinn a3 lofa pvi. Ertu buinn a3 fa nytt ur? Ja, eg er buinn a3 fa nytt ur. Ertu buinn a3 fa kvef? Ja, eg er buinn a3 fa kvef. Opna3u gluggann. Eg er buinn a3 pvi. (a53i) Ertu buinn a5 fa nog i dag? Ja alveg nog. Maturinn er buinn (M). Supan er buin (F). Brau3i3 er bui3 (N). Kaflinn er buinn (M). Have you eaten? L' Yes I have eaten. E.1r J)lAihYl Have you read the paper? Yes, I have read the paper., Have you decided that? Yes, I have decided that. Have you promised it? or Did you promise. Yes, I promised. Have you got a new watch? Yes, I have got a new watch. Have you caught a cold? Yes, I have caught a cold. Open the window. I have already done so. Have you had enough for today? Yes, quite enough. The food is finished (no more left). The soup is finished. No more bread. The lesson is over.





The word buinn (M), buin (F), bui3 (N) has baffled many foreigners. It can mean "ready", but usually means something that is finished, something which is over, has been done. It is frequently used when English uses I HAVE DONE etc. Normal pronunciation: at the end of a sentence you give each vowel i~s value. Within a sentence the construction sounds as follows: 1. Ertu bu(in)n a(3) bor3a? Bu(in)n a(5) fa kvef. Bu(i)3 a(3)

lofa pvi etc.

Note: A3 bua: to live - a3 bua til: to make - a3 bua ut: to fit,

prepare, provide with. This verb is used extensively in

Icelandic. Tilbuinn (-in,-i3): ready.

1. By (til) 2. byr3 (til) 3. byr (til)

4. Buum (til) 5. bui3 (til) 6. bua (til)

£g by her - pu byr3 par (I live her~ - you live there). Try finishing this in all persons (I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they): Eg by til matinn (acc): I make (prepare) the food .

I I• I I I



~ ~





~ Gunnar og Hallger(5ur.

Petta er ma(5ur. Hann heitir Gunnar. Hann er hetja. Petta er kona. HUn heitir Hallger(5ur. Hun hefur sltt har. Ma(5urinn er fraegur, mjo~ fraegur. Hann hefur verit5 fraegur

1 nlu hundru(5 ar. Hallger(5ur he fur veri(5 fraeg

jafn lengi. Hun hefur ekki veri(5 mjog vinsael. Gunnar er bondi a HlI(5arenda. Hallger(5ur er husmo(5ir a sarna sta(5. Gunnar er a(5 vIsu dau(5ur, en samt lifir hann. Sarna rna iiegja urn Hallger(5i;

hun hefur lifa(5 jafn lengi og Gunnar,

po a(5 hun se daut5. Gunnar hefur lengi haft miki(5 a(5 gera. Hann hefur drepi(5 rnarga menno Sarna rna segja urn Hallger(5i, hun he fur haft miki(5 a(5 gera. Hun hefur drepi(5 prja eiginmenn. Mjog rosk kona, Hallger(5ur. Gunnar segir: pa(5 er ekki gott a(5 drepa menn. Hallger(5ur segir : Pa(5 er agaett a(5 drepa menno

Gunnar segir: pa(5 er ekki rett a(5 stela mat,

Hallger(5ur segir: Pa(5 er gO(5 hugmynd a(5 stela mat. Gunnar segir: Erfitt er a(5 eiga svona konu. Hallger(5ur segir: Erfitt er a(5 eiga svona mann.

Gunnar er go(5ur bondi. Hallger(5ur er ekki gO(5 husmo(5ir . Aldrei hef eg bor(5a(5 stolinn mat, segir Gunnar. Oft hef eg bor(5a(5 stolinn mat, segir Hallger(5ur. Nu er eg ekki anaeg(5ur, segir Gunnar. Nu er eg mjog anaeg(5, segir Hallger(5ur. Pau eru sjaldan sammala. Nu er Gunnar dau(5ur. Hallger(5ur er llka dau(5. En sagan lifir. HUn heitir Njals saga. HUn hefur haft mikil ahrif I morg hundru(5 ar. Allir hafa lesi(5 Njalu og allir pekkja Gunnar og Hallger(5i. Allir elska Gunnar, en fair elska Hallger(5i. har.

Pa(5 er ekki aU(5velt a(5 vera k;ona og hafa sltt




hef veri3, I have been.

haf3i veri3, I had been.

~6 a3 ~g se,. Although I be (present subjunctive).

~6 a3 eg vrer1: Although I were (past subjunctive).


~g ~g

hef haft: I have had. haf3i haft, I had had. ~6 a3 eg hafi: Although I have (present subjunctive). ~6 a3 eg hef3i: Although I had (past subjunctive). (The past tense:) 7. Haf3i 8. haf3ir 9. haf3i 10. Hof3um 11. hof3u3 12. hof3u

Jjl •

HAVE is used as a helper verb with the past participle. HAVE always takes the Accusative Case. NAMES are declined like other nouns: n: Hallger3ur a: Hallger3i d: Hallger3i n: Njala a: Njalu d: Njalu g: Njalu

g: Hallger3ar

~RJA - for declension of numbers see U25 Remember: Adjectives agree with nouns in gender, number and case, thus often have differing forms.


Hetja (F): hero - sitt har (N): long hair - fraegur (M): famous ­ niu hundrut5 ar (N pI): 900 years - jafn lengi : same length ­ ( of time) - vinsael (F): popular - bondi (M): farmer. master ­ husmot5ir (F): housewife. mistress - sarna stat5 (M dat): same place - at5 visu: truth to tell - daut5ur (M): dead - samt: however ­ lifir ( v. lifa): live s - rna segja: may be said ( rna v. mega) ­ po at5: although - drepit5 (v. drepa): killed - marga menn (M ace): many men - eiginmenn: husbands ( lit. own men) - resk (F): vital, brisk - segir ( v. segja): says - rett (N): right - stela mat (dat): steal food - erfitt (N): difficult - eiga svona konu (ace): have such a wife - got5ur (M): good - aldrei: never - stolinn mat (ace): stolen food - anaegt5ur (M): happy - sjaldan sammala: seldom agree ­ sagan lifir: the story lives - mikil ahrif (N pI): much influence ­ morg (N pI): many - allir hafa lesit5: all ( people) have read ­ pekkja: know - fair (M pI): few - got5 hugmynd (F): good idea ­ Note: hun er daut5 : she is dead - po at5 hun S:t daut5: although she BE dead ( present subjunctive). Lifandi: alive.


Spurningar: l. Hvat5 heitir pessi mat5ur? 2. Hvat5 heitir konan hans? 3. Hvat5 hefur hun? 4. Er mat5urinn fraegur? 5. Hvat5 hefur hann verit5 fraegur lengi? 6. Hefur Hallgert5ur verit5 vinsael? 7. Er Gunnar daut5ur et5a lifandi? 8. Hefur Gunnar drepit5 marga menn? 9. En Hallgert5ur? 10. Er Hallgert5ur resk kona? 11. Er gott at5 drepa menn? 12. Er pat5 got5 hugmynd at5 stela mat? 13. Er Hallgert5ur got5 husmot5ir? 14. Hefur pu oft bort5at5 stolinn mat? 15. Eru Gunnar og Hallgert5ur alltaf sammala? 16. Lifir sagan enn? 17. Hefur sagan haft rnikil ahrif? 18. Hver elskar Gunnar? 19. Elska margir Hallgert5i? 20. Er aut5velt at5 vera kona og hafa sitt har?



I • I• I • I • I • I • I • I I • I •







Eignadornofn (Posessive Pronouns) ( see Unit 70)


~ .--c:



J ...J


~ ffiD

a(, 1 dag? 5. Hverrng er h;ilsan? 6. Ertu slaer bera fram: to pronounce - pyt>a: translate - stat>ir (M pI): pla c es - nefndir ( v. nefna): named - at> sjalfsogt>u: naturally - hinum megin a: on the other side of - hnettinum (M dat) : the globe - kalt/hlytt: cold/warm - heitt: hot - eyt>imorkinni (F dat): the desert - Mit>baug (M dat): equator - jort>in (F): the earth ­ hofut>borg (F): capital - geysilega: tremendously - rat>hus (N): town hall - leit>in (F): the way - flugvollur (M): aerodrome- hins vegar: on the other hand - vIt>a: many places ( lit. widely) - annars stat>ar: other places.

Religiou s terms:

I" 1

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Kristni (F), kristinn Kirkja (F) Prestur , biskup (M) Kapolska kirkjan Lutherstru (F) Asatruarmenn (M pI) Spiritistar (M pI) Mohamet>struarmenn Buddatruarmenn Gyt>ingar (M pI) Me s sa (F) jart>arfOr (F) Heit>ingi (M)

13. Nunna (F), Munkur (M) Some political terms 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

Sosialisti Jafnat>armat>ur Kommunisti Kapitalisti Stjornleysingi Nasisti Fasisti Konungssinni Republikani Demokrati Lyt>raet>issinni Einraet>i (N) Einraet>isherra

Christianity, christian


Prie st, bi shop

The Catholic church


Nordic pagans





A mass. funeral

A pagan

A nun, a monk

(all but 24 are M) Socialist

Social democrat









Believer in democracy






pat5 seIn pu segir vit5 gesti

(What you say to guests) .

A. HeiInsokn - A Visit 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

KOInit5 oll blessut5 og sael KOInit5 inn fyrir Got5u, gjorit5 pit5 svo vel Ma eg taka frakkann? Og hattinn? Og kapuna yt5ar ... Gjorit5 pit5 svo vel og

gangit5 1 baeinn

Ma bjotia yt5ur saeti? Fer vel UITI yt5ur? Fer ekki betur UITI ytiur her? Ma eg kynna, petta er Jon Og petta er konan hans, Sigrlt5ur

B. Hvat5 Ina bjot5a yt5ur? 13. Ma bjot5a yt5ur whisky? 14. Viljiti per kannske heldur gin? 15. Hvort viljit5 per heldur? 16. Petta er afengt 17. En petta er oafengt 18. Ma bjot5a yt5ur go sdrykk et5a kaffi? 19. Nokkut5 annat5 seIn yt5ur langar l? 20. Per piggit5 po eina slgarettu 21. Eg vona at5 pat5 fari vel UIn yt5ur. C. Maturinn er tilbuinn 22. 23. 24. 25.

Gjorit5 pit5 svo vel Vildut5 per sitja her og per vit5 hlit5ina a Joni Maturinn keInur eftir


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

How are you ,everybody COIne on in Good ( people ), COIne in May I take (your) coat? A nd the hat? And your coat (lighter) Please, enter (Iny hOIne) May (I) offer you a seat? A re you cOInfortable? Won't you fell Inore cOInfortable here? May I introduce (you) this is Jon And this is his wife, Sigrlt5ur.

What will you have? 13. Will you have SOIne whisky? 14. Perhaps you would rather have gin? 15. Which would you rather (have)? 16. This is alcoholic 17. But that is non-alcoholic 18. Would you have a leInonade or coffee? 19. Anything else you would like? 20. At least you will have a cigarette 21. I hope you are cOInfortable

Dinner is served (the Ineal is ready) 22. 23. 24. 25.

Now please Would you sit here and you beside Jon The food will be here in a Ininute (twinkle of an eye)


26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.

Ma bjotla ytlur supu? Her kemur kjotitl Meira kjot? Meiri sosu? Meiri kartoflur? Svolltitl meira? Per bortlitl ekki neitt Er maturinn vondur? Afsakitl mig augnablik Eg pari atl skreppa fram atl sja um mat inn

D. Hvort viljitl per held ur? 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42.

S~u etla skyr? Vm etla eitthvatl oafengt? Kaffietlate? A ppelsInu etla banana? Sterkt etla veikt kaffi? Sterkt vIn etla lett vIn? Drekka kaffitl nuna etla seinna?

26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.

May (I) offer you some soup? Here comes the meat More meat? More sauce? More potatoes? A little more? You aren't eating anything Is the food bad? Excuse me a moment Ive got to leave you (i. e. slip out) to look after (prepare) the food

Which would you rather have? 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42.

Soup or skyr? Wine or something non-alcoholic? Coffee or tea? An orange or a banana? Strong or weak coffee? Spibts or wine? Drink the coffee now or later?

Cheers; 43. 44. 45. 46.

Jreja, pa lyftum viti glosum~ Viti skalum fyrir per (ytlur) Skal fyrir ykkur ol1um ~ Skal fyrir afmrelisbarninu~

43. 44. 45. 46.

47. 48. 49. 50. 51.

47. 48. 49. 50. 51.

52. 53. 54. 55. 56.

Skal fyrir forseta [slands ~ Skal fyrir rIkisstjorninni~ Skal fyrir fornum astum~ Skal fyrir gofgi konunnar ~ Skal fyrir peim sem skenkja okkur vIn: Skal fyrir gestinum: Fyrir heitlursgestinum: Fyrir husfreyjunni: Fyrirhusbondanum: Skal fyrir llfinu og tilverunni:

52. 53. 54. 55. 56.

Well let 's lift our glasses; We say Skal to you; Cheer s to you all; Cheers to the birthday-child (i.e. whose birthday it is) Cheers to Iceland's president: Cheers to the government; Cheers to old love; Cheers to the nobility of woman: Cheers to those who pour out wine to us: Cheers to our guest: To the guest of honour; To the hostess: To the host; Cheers to life and existence~





(The Possessive Pronouns.


Her er bok. Hun liggur a bor~inu. Pa~ er bokin Inln. Eg les hana. parna er llka bok. Hun liggur ekki a Inlnu bor~i. Hun liggur a plnu bor~i. pa~ er pln bok. Minn blyantur liggur a bor~inu. Pu heldur a plnuIn blyanti, en John er a~ skrifa Ine~ slnuIn. Mln bok er rau~, en pln bok er bla. Eg a rau~u bokina, en pu att blau bokina. John a llka bok. Hans bok er ~ram. pa~ er stllabok. Hann skrifar 1 hana. Hann skrifar lslenzk or~ 1 bokina slna. Eg les beekurnar og 1egg peer a bor~i~. Nu eru peer a bor~inu. Petta eru okkar beekur. Mln bok er ekki eins og ykkar beekur. Blyanturinn Ininn 1iggur a bor~inu, vi~ hli~ina a bokinni Ininni. JiIn og Doris eru a~ leer a lslenzku. Peirra beekur eru eins a litinn og okkar b.:ekur. pa~ eru kennslu­ beekur og stllabeekur. I

John skrifar 1 stllabokina slna. Eg skrifa 1 stllabokina Inlna, og pu skrifar 1 stllabokina plna. Eg skrifa Ine~ InlnuIn blyanti, pu Ine~ plnuIn og John Ine~ slnuIn. B1yantarnir okkar eru allir eins.




NOIn. sing. Minn Ininn acc. dat. InlnuIn mlns gen.

Mln :mlna Ininni minnar

Mitt Ini tt mlnu mlns

Nom. p1ur. Mlnir acc. mlna dat. InlnuIn Ininna gen.

Mlnar Inlnar Inlnum minna

Mln mIn Inlnum minna

OKKAR: our{s), YKKAR: your{s), pEIRRA: their{s). HENNAR: her{s), pESS: its These possessives, geni tives of Personal Pronouns, do not change forIn, pINN; your{s) and SINN: his are declined like MINN.

Spurninaar: 1. Hvar er bokin Inln? 2, Hvar er bokin pln ? 3. Hver a rau15u bokma ? 4. Hvar 1iggur mln bok? 5. Hvar liggur pln bok? 6. Hva~ geri eg vi~ blyantinn? 7. Hva~ gerir pu vi~ bokina? 8. Hvernig er mln bok a litinn? 9. Hvernig er pln bok a litinn? 10, Eru beekurnar okkar eins a liti.nn? 11. Hva~ gerir pu vi~ stllabok? 12, Me~ hverju skrifaruu? 13. Skrifar pu lslenzku e~a ensku 1 stllabokina? 14. Er stlla­ bokin eins og kennslubokin? 15. Hva~ gerir John vi~ blyantinn sinn? NOTES: Stllabok (F): notebook - vi~ hli~ina a: beside - or~ (N): word ­ legg (v. leggja) lay, put - skrifa: write


A reflexive form of HIS, HER(S), ITS is SINN, S(N, SITT - declined like MINN, M(N, MITT. This word sometimes confuses the foreigner. In reality its usage is simple as shown by the following examples: ( Examples 1-3 with an auxiliary subject such as IT, THIS, THAT).


1. Petta er konan hans. 2. Petta er mal5urinn hennar. 3. Pettaervagga(F,cradIe) pess. When the subject of the sentence is HE, SHE, IT or a noun you switch to SINN, S(N, SITT: 4. Hann kyssir konuna sina. 5. Hun kyssir mann inn sinn. 6. Pat5 er lagt I vogguna sina. ( er lagt: is laid, v. leggja 7. Mal5urinn for mel5 konunni sinni. (for: went, v. fara) 8. Konan for met5 manninum sinum. 9. Pal5 Ia Ivoggunni sinni. (la: lay, v. liggja) 10. Hann kom heim til konunnar sinnar. ( kom: came, v. koma 11. Hun kom heim til mannsins sIns. 12. Barnit5 saknar matar sIns. (misses its food). (v. sakna) In these cases you can also use HANS, HENNAR, PESS, but then the me aning change s : 13. Hann kyssir konuna hans. 14. Hun kyssir mann inn hennar. 15. Pat5 er lagt Ivoggu pess. 16. Hann for met5 konunni hans. 17. Hun for met5 manninurn hennar. 18. Barnil5 Ia I voggu pess. 19. Hann kom heim til konunnar hans. 20. Hun kom heim til mannsins hennar. 21. Barnit5 saknat5i matar pess. In examples 13-21 the man kisses the other fellow's wife, she kisses the other woman's husband, the child is laid into the other child's cradle etc .






VIsur sem allir kunna.

(Songs everybody knows).


Brais: likewise ­ sarna og ekkert: almost nothing - framburt> (M ace): pronunciation ­ erlendum hreim (M dat): foreign a c cent - ekki naerri nogu vel: not nearly well enough - eigwn eftir ( v. at> eiga eftir): to have left i. e. have in store ­ kurteis: polite - meina: mean - serkennilegt : peculiar - pekki'6 (v. pekkja): know - vitanlega: obviously - eignast: obtain, g e t to ow n - a'6 kynna: to introduce.


Einfalt s amtal.



K: S:

K: S:



S: I( :


K: S:



Familiar fnrm. )

Hvert ertu a ekki. Pu ert of ungur til at> reykja:


Hvat> sagt>i lokat>i glugginn vit> opna gluggann ? pat> hef eg ekki hugmynd urn. Passat>u pig at> forkelast ekki:


Stollinn sagt>i vit> bort>it>: Fat>u per saeti. Nei takk, sagt>i bort>it>, eg vil heldur standa:


6skop ertu dimmur, sagt>i Ijosit> vit> skuggann. Af hverju ertu ekki bjartari ? "Af pVl at> eg se betur svona", sagt>i skugginn.


Skelfing er at> sja pig, sagt>i lyftan vit> stigann. pu hreyfist ekki? Nei, eg er half latur 1 dag, sagt>i stiginn.


"Hvort er betra munnurinn et>a nefit>, ?" spurt>u eyrun "pat> fer eftir pVl hvernig a pat> er litit>", sogt>u augun.



Fllabrand arar o g ska'ldskapur.

10 9.


A. Spurningar: 1. Hvarhittirveggurinnhinnvegginn? 2. Hvateru veggirnir yfirleitt margir I hverju herbergi? 3. Hvar hittast nefnifallit og polfallit? 4.. Skilur pu pann brandara? 5. Er stori strompurinn of ungur til at reykja? 6. Hefur pu nokkurn tIma forkelast? 7. Hvat het fyrsti keisarinn I KIna? 8. Vill bortit setjast? 9. Af hverju vill pat heldur standa? 10. Hvort er dimmara, ljo sit eta s kugginn ? 11. Hver ser vel I dimmu ? 12. Ert pu nokkurn tIma lat~r? 13. Hreyfi~t stiginn mikit? 14. Hvort er skemmtilegra at lrera lslenzku eta latmu?

B. NOTES: annar/hinn: one/the other - hittumst (v. hittast): let's meet - horninu (N dat): the corner - nefnifall/polfall/pagufall/ eignarfall: nom, acc, dat, gen. - strompurinn (M): the chimney reykja: smoke - passatu pig ( at passa sig): take care - forkelast: catch cold ( two Danish expressions used in colloquial Icelandic)­ oskop: how very; ( stress, lit. chaos) - akuggann (M acc): the shadow ljosit (N): the light - skelfing (F): By Jove~{stress, lit. terror) Iyftan (F): the elevator - stigann (M acc): the staircase - hreyf ist (v. hreyfast): move - half latur (M): a little lazy - pat fer eftir pVI hvernig a pat er litit: that depends on the way you look at it ­ keisarinn (M) I KIna: the emperor of China - dimmu (F): dark­ latIna (F): Latin. C.

At sigra heiminn er eins og at spila a spil met spekingslegum svip og taka I nefit. ( Og allt met glotu geti er ~jarnan sett at vetil. Og pott pu tapir, pat gerir ekkert til, pVI pat er nefnilega vitlaust gefit.


Itg geng I hring I kringum allt, sem er. Og innan pessa hrings er verold pIn. Minn skuggi fell urn stund

a gluggans gler.

Itg geng I hring

I kringum allt sem er.

Og utan pessa hrings

er verold mIn.

Steinn Steinarr: Tvo ljot

C. NOTES: Ljot (N pI): poems - sigra: win, beat - spila a spil (N pI): play at cards - spekingslegum svip (M dat): a philosophical expression ­ taka I nefit (N acc): take snuff - met glotu geti (N dat): gladly ( get: mood)­ gjarna: easily, with pleasure - at yeti (N dat): risked, pawned - pott: although - tapir, v. tapa: lose - gerir ekkert til: makes no difference ­ nefnilega: actually, in fact - vitlaust gefit, v, gefa: the cards are wrongly dealt. D. geng I hring (M acc): walk in circle - kringum: round - innan: within ­ verold (F): world - fell urn stund (F acc): fell for a time ( v. falla) ­ gluggans (gen) gler (acc): the window's glass - utan: without, outside.·



a} Ati vertia - b} ati ]:mr!a c) ati eiga ati - d} ati retia a) To have to - b) to need - c) to be expected to - d) to be going Gutirun:


Hvert ertu ati fara? I. Geturtiu ekki veriti heima? 2. Atigerahvati? 3. 3. Til hvers? 4. 4. 5. I>arftu endilega ati fara strax? 5.



Nitiur I bre. Nei, eg retia I bankann. Eg parf ati taka ut peninga. Viti eigum ati borga husaleiguna a morgun. J a, gotii minn. Eg retlatii I grer en komst ekki.

6. I>u vertiur ati pvo honum Birgi fyr st. 6. 7. I>u ert motiir hans, gotia mIn. I>u vertiur ati pvo syni pInurn. 7.

8. I>ati er aUt annati. Hun er fuUortiin. 9. A eg ati ~reta brotiur mIns? stendur 1 Bibllunni. 10. 1 hvatia bank a retlartiu? II. Meinartiu atialbankann viti hlitiinaaposthusinu? 12. Viltu pa taka ut fyrir mig nIutIu pusund Ileitiinni? 13. HUn Unnur par! ati fara til Kanarleyja urn paskana. 14. Hun er ati elta einhvern strak. Hun segist vertia ati fara. 15. I>ati pytiir ekki ati tala urn pati. Hun viU petta. 16. Ja, kauptu hartifisk.

Hann getur pvegiti ser sjalfur.

I>u ert fatiir hennar Unnar. retlar pu ati pvo henni? Birgir er ortiinn stor Ilka. Hann vertiur 8. ati sja urn sig sjalfur. 9. I>u att engan brotiur. I>u ert heppinn meti patio 10. 1 Land s bank ann . 11.

Ja, a horninu.


Til hvers?

13. 14.

Hvatia vitley sa ~ AUt er pati eins ~ Getur hUn ekki borgati fertiina sjalf ?


I>a pati. A eg ati gera nokkuti fleira fyrir pig? 16. AUt llfiti er hartifiskur.





1. Hvert retlartiu a eftir? 2. I>ar!tu ati gera nokkuti serstakt 3 . Attu ati borga husaleigu fyrir pennan manuti? 4. I>ar!tu ati vinna fyrir per? 5. Af hverju vertiur Gutirun ati pvo Birgi? 6. Getur pu pvegiti per sjalfur? 7. I>vrer Unnur ser sjalf? 8. Hver a ati greta brotiur sIns? 9. Geymirtiu peningana pIna I banka? 10. Af hverju parf Unnur ati fara til K anarley ja? II. Vertiur hUn ati fara pangati? 12. Hver s vegna? 13. Getur pu borgati ferti til solarlanda? 14. I>ytiir nokkuti ati tala urn Svona lagati pegar astin er annars vegar? 15. Er llfiti hartifiskur?

a morgun?

NOTES: Nitiur 1 bre (M acc): down town - husaleiguna (F acc): the rent

- endilega: necessarily - pvo: wash - aUt annati (N): entirely different ­ ortiinn (v. vertia): become - ati sja urn sig: to take care of oneself - greta:

look after - stendur I Bibllunni (F dat): says in the Bible - lleitiinni (F dat):

at the same time, lit. on the way - vitleysa (F): nonsense - elta: chasing,

following - pytiir e kki ( v. pytia): no use - svona lagati: such thing s ­ astin (F): love - annars vegar: on one side ( of the scale) - serstakt (N):


Ati purfa: 1. par! 2. parft 3. par! 4. purfum 5. pur!iti 6. pur!a (U II,6).

(Verffa U 12,

31, eiga U 10, retIa U 32).


LYsingaroriJ. Jon er kallaiJur Nonni.

GuiJrun er kolluiJ Gunna .

litiiJ hus uppi i sveit. er a haum hoI.

(Adjectives) . Dau eiga

HusiiJ kalla pau sumarbustaiJ.

Hollinn er i storum dal.

DaiJ eru norsk tre sem eru aiJ reyna aiJ vaxa



fjallinu fyrir of an breinn eru hvitir snjoskaflar. sja pau hjonin dokka skugga i ljosum hliiJunum. hrredd .

Dokkir skuggar minna a huldufOlk.

att petta hUs lengi.


Dar eru falleg tre. I


Da veriJa pau

Dau hjonin hafa

"Hver maiJur lifir aiJeins eina stutta

revi", segir Jon, "en alfarnir lifa miklu lengur".


bua i holnum og veriJa mjog gamlir.

Og po eru alfarnir alltaf

ungir .

Da sja Jon og GuiJrun ljos­


A vorin eru kvoldin bjort.

En a veturna eru nreturnar dimmar.

aiJallega svartalfa. lika vondir. ljotir.

Da sja pau hjonin

Margir alfareru goiJir , en sumir eru

Og , eins og gengur , eru sumir fallegir og aiJrir

Oft bua alfar i steinum.

"Steinarnir eru hariJir,

en hjortu alfanna eru mjuk eins og meyjarbrjost", segir Jon. Svo horfir hann a Gunnu og hugsar. Jon og GuiJrun.

A Jonsmessunott vaka pau

Da riiJa alfarnir hratt urn sveitina.

Jon ser alfana gengur hann ut og kveikir bal. alfunum vel.


DaiJ likar

En Jon fer aftur inn til hennar Gunnu sinnar.

Dau flyta ser hregt, Jon og Gunna .


A. Spurningar:

1. Hvat5 er Jon kallat5ur? 2. En Gut5run? 3. Hvat5 elga pau? 4. Hvat5 kalla pau husit5 I sveitinni? 5. Eru morg tre a fslandi? 6 . Eru snjoskaflar I fjollunum? 7. Eru skuggar aUtaf dokkir? 8 . A hvat5 minna jolin pig? 9. Byr huldufolk par sem pu att heima? 10. Hvat5 lifir hver mat5ur oft? 11. Lifa alfar lengur en menn? 12. Vert5a alfar gamlir? 13. Eru kvoldin dimm a varin? 14. En a veturna? 15. Eru allir alfar got5ir? 16. Hvar bua alfar? 17. Hvenaer er Jonsmessan? 18. Hvat5 gerir Jon a Jonsmessunott? 19. Hvat5 likar alfunum vel? 20. Eru pau alltaf at5 flyta ser, Jon og Gunna?

B. NOTES: Er kallat5ur: is called - uppi I sveit (F): in the country ­ sumarbustat5 (M): summer residence - hoI (M dat): hillock - dal (M dat): valley - tre (N pI): trees - reyna at5 vaxa: trying to grow ­ baeinn (M ace): the house, lit. farm - snjoskaflar (M pI): snowdrifts ­ dokka (M ace): dark - ljosum hllt5unum (F dat): light slopes - hraedd (N pI): afraid - minna a: remind of - huldufolk (N): supernatural beings who live in hillocks and stones - hafa att (v. eiga): have had ­ at5eins: only - aevi (F): life - alfarnir (M pI): the elves - naeturnar{F pl):the nights: at5allega: mainly - eins og gengur: as is to be expected, usual - meyjarbrj6·s t (N pI): maiden's breasts - vaka: stay awake ­ kveikir bal (N ace): lights a fire - flyta ser haegt: hurry slowly.


fslenzkir malshaettir 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.


':M pI)

- Icelandic Proverbs

Gatt er at5 vera gamall og muna margt . Aldrei er of seint gott at5 gera. Illt er at5 vera it5julaus . !lIt er rangt mal at5 verja. Allir vilja lengi lifa. Betra er it5julaus at5 vera en ilIt at5 gera. Illt er at5 heita hundur og bita aldrei. Aumur er sa sem enginn ann. Sjaldan er ein bara stok. pa er hver bllt5ur er hann bit5ur. Betri er litill fiskur en tomur diskur. Pegar vInit5 gengur inn, gengur vitit5 ut.

l :­

L~ ..~ ~





NOTES: Gamall (M): old - muna: remember - of seint: too late - ilIt: bad ­ d5julaus: without work - rangt mal (N): wrong cause - verja: defend ­ bIta: bite - aumur (M): poor - ann (v. unna): loves - bara (F) stok: wave single - bllt5ur (M): sweet - bit5ur ( v. bit5ja): asks - tomur diskur (M): empty plate - vInit5 (N): the wine - vitit5 (N): the wit, intelligence, sense. miklu (N dat) betri - much better

E. Spurningar:

1. Er gott at5 vera gamall? 2. Manstu margt? 3. Er aldrei of seint gott at5 gera? 4. Ertu it5julaus? 5. Er gott at5 verja rangt mal? 6. Hver vill lifa lengi? 7. Viltu heldur vera it5julaus en gera illt? 8. Bitur pu oft? 9. Hver er aumur? 10. Hvenaer er hver mat5ur bllt5ur? 11. Er litill fiskur miklu betri en tomur diskur? 12. Hvat5 gengur ut pegar vInit5 gengur inn?



(The Weather.)


1 dag skIn solin. Eg horfi upp 1 hiInininn og eg se ekkert sky. HiInininn er heitsur og blar. Pats er gott vetsur ldag. !dag er eg katur.

1 grer var ekki gott vetsur. pa var rigning og Inikill vindur. pats voru gra sky aUs statsar. pa var eg ekki katur. Eg er alltaf glatsur pegar solin skln. pa er eg 1 gotsu skapi. pel. finnst Iner ekki gaInan ats sitja inni og vinna. pa viI eg vera uti. StundUITl er frost og kuldi. pel. klretsi eg Inig vel. Ef eg klretsi Inig ekki vel pa vertsur Iner kalt. Eg er sjaldan 1 gotsu skapi, pegar Iner er kalt. Mer finnst ekki gaInan 1 rigningu. pel. er diInInt yfir. pa fer enginn


a skltsi, og pa fer enginn a skauta. En Iner finnst oft gaInan 1 frosti. pa er vindurinn a nortsan og hiIninninn heitsur.

pa skIn solin, og pa

fara Inenn bretsi a skltsi og skauta. pa eru fjollin falleg. pa er bjart yfir. Spurningar: 1 . Hvernig er vetsrits 1 dag? 2. Hvats sertsu ef pu horfir Up? i hiInininn? 3. Ertu glatsur, pegar solin skln? 4. Hvernig var vetsrits 1 grer? 5. Hvernig eru skyin a litinn? 6. Ertulvonduskapi, pegarpu ert glatsur? 7. Finnst per gaInan ats vinna? 8. Viltu vera inni, pegar vetsrits er gott? 9. Er per kalt nuna? 10. Finnst per gaInan 1 rigningu? NOTES: Horfi (v.horfa): look - hiInininn (M acc): sky - sky (N): cloud ­ heitsur: clear - vetsur (N): weather - katur (M): gay, happy - rigning (F): rain - vindur (M): wind - hvasst (N): windy, lit. sharp - skyatsur: cloudy ­ alls statsar: everywhere - 1 gotsu skapi (N dat): in good hUITlour - frost (N): frost - kuldi (M): cold klretsi (v. klretsa): dress - diInInt yfir: overcast ­ skltsi (N pI): skis - skautar (M pI): skates - a nortsan: frOIn the north ­ vel/illa: well/badly - Iner er saIna: it is the saIne to Ine, Inakes no difference to Ine.

/ /> .

/~/ / ' P






I ~






Skapio og veorio.

(Your mood and the Weather).

Her eru hjon. pau heita Jon og Gunna. Joni Iltsur alltaf vel, en Gunnu Iltsur alltaf illa. Her er sarntal, sern heyrtsist ut urn gluggann peirra 1 gaer: Jon:

Af hverju ertu 1 svona vondu skapi?


fE, vetsrits er svo leitsinlegt.


Gerir pats nokkuts til?

Gunna: Autsvitats, eg er alltaf II


1 vondu skapi, pegar vetsrits er vont.

Hvats er ats heyra petta.' pu talar eins og loftvog.'

Gunna: Af hverju ert pu eiginlega 1 gotsu skapi?



Af pVl at> vetsrits er svo gott.


Hvatsa bolvuts della er petta. Pats er alltof hvasst.


pats gaeti verits verra.


Petta er hundavetsur. Rigning og slagvitsri.


Mer er sarna hvatsan vindurinn blaes.

Gunna: Hvats er ats heyra petta . .

I>il talar eins og vindhani.

Vindhaninn og -loftvogin eru hjon,

sem bila aIls staoar.

Spurningar: 1. Hvats heita hjonin? 2. Hvernig Iltsur Gunnu? 3. En J ani? 4. Hvatsan heyrtsist sarntalits? 5. Hvernig er vetsrits 1 dag? 6. Hvernig talar Gunna? 7. Er hun skapgots? 8. Er Jon skapvondur? 9. Af hverju er Jon alltaf 1 gotsu skapi? 10. Finnst per gaman lhvassvitsri? 11. Hvernig er vet>rits a veturna? 12. Hvar bua pe s si agaetu hjon?


NOTES: Heyrtsist (v.heyrast)~ was t;eard - gerir pats til: does that matter ­ autsvita8: of course - loftvog (F): barometer - bolvuts della (F): damned nonsense - gaeti verits verra: could be worse -hundavetsur (N): miserable weather - slagvitsri (N): rainy gale - blaes (v. blasa): blows - vindhani (M): weather cock.




I. 2. 3.

4. 5.

6. 7.

8. 9. 10.

II. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

2l. 22. 23. 24. 25.

26. 27. 28.

29. 30. ; I

3l. 32.



(in the Neuter)

Gott - betra - bezt (good) Vont - verra - verst (bad) Lltii5 - minna - minnst (little, small) Stort - staerr a - staer st (big) Mikii5 - meira - mest (much) Langt - lengra - lengst (long) Stutt - styttra - stytzt (short) Fatt - faerra - faest (few items) Hatt - haerra - haest (high) Lagt - laegra - laegst (low) Margt - £leira - £lest (many items) Gamalt - eldra - elzt (old) Ungt - yngra - yngst (young) Punnt - pynnra - pynnst (thin) Pykkt - pykkra - pykkast (thick) Mjukt - mykra - mykst (soft) Hart - hari5ara - hari5ast (hard) Lett - lettara - lettast (light, weight) Pungt - pyngr a - pyng st (heavy) Hratt - hrai5ar - hrai5ast (fast) Haegt - haegar - haegast (slow) Fallegt - fallegra - fallegast (nice, beautiful) Ljott - Ijotara - Ijotast (ugly) Ljost - Ijosara - Ijosast (light) Dokkt - dekkra - dekkst (dark) Dimmt - dimmara - dimmast (dark, murky) Heitt - heitara - heitast (hot, warm) Kalt - kaldara - kaldast (cold) Blautt - blautara - blautast (wet) Purrt - purrara - purrast (dry)

Leii5inlegt - leii5inlegra - leii5inlegast (boring, tedious)

Skemmtilegt - skemmtilegra - skemmtilegast (pleasant)

Spurningar: 1. Hvai5 er bezt 1 heimi? 2. Hvai5 er verst 1 heimi? 3. Hvai5 er skemmtilegast af ollu? 4. Hvai5 er leii5inlegast af ollu? 5. Hvort er blautara a Sahara ei5a a [slandi? 6. Er Danmork heitara land en ltalla? 7. Hvenaer ar sins er dimmast? 8. Hvort er Ijotara, sVln ei5a naut? 9. Hvort langar pig meira 1 appelslnu ei5a epli? 10. Hvai5 langar pig mest I? 11. Er £leira folk a lslandi en 1 Amerlku? 12. Hefur gamalt folk goi5ar tennur? 13. Hvort er haerra, fjallii5 e(5a hollinn? 14. Er loft lettara en bly? 15. Er verra ai5 drekka en ai5 reykja? 16. Er styttra til Englands en til Amerlku fra lslandi? 17. Hvar hefuri5u dvalii5 leng st? 18. Hver hefur laegst laun? 19. Hvor hleypur hrai5ar, hundurinn ei5a he sturinn? 20. Hvar er fallegast 1 heiminum? NOTES: r heimi (M dat): in the world - af ollu (N dat): of all - arsins (N gen): of the year, i. e. during the year - sVln (N) ei5a naut (N): pig or bull hollinn (M): hillock - loft (N)/ bly (N): air / lead - dvalii5: dwelt, stayed, ( v. dvelja).

1­ 117.

Nokkrar vIsur. (Some verses). 1.

~g ~g


Eg Eg Eg

vii viI vii viI vii viI

elska mitt land. autiga mitt land. efla pess dati. Eg viI styrkja pess hag. leit' ati pess p-orf. letta pess storf. lata pati sja margan hamingjudag. (Gutimundur MagnuF Ron)


Blessuti solin elskar allt, allt meti kossi vekur. haginn graenn og hjarniti kalt hennar astum tekur. Geislar hennar ut um allt eitt og sama skrifa a hagann graenan, hjarniti kalt: Himneskt er ati lifa. (Hannes Hafstein)



Senn kemur sumariti. Solin blessuti skIn. VIst batnar vetiriti, Pa veturinn dvm, vIst batnar vetiriti pa veturinn dvIn.

NOTES: 1. Elska: love autiga: make prosper efla: promote, increase dati (F): deed - styrkja: strengthen - hag (M ace): weal - leita ati: seek, look for - porf (F): a need letta: lighten - ster! (N pI) : work, tasks - lata: let, allow - margan hamingju­ dag (M ace): many a happy day. 2. Blessuti solin (F): the blessed sun - kossi (M dat): a kiss - vekur (v. vekja): wakes up - haginn (M): the meadow - hjarniti (N): the frozen snow or ground ) hennar astum (F pI. dat) -J l ' .... tekur: accept her love '~ geislar (M pI): rays - ut um allt: all over the place himneskt (N): heavenly - lifa: live 3. Senn: soon, by and by - sumariti (N): the summer - skIn (v sk[na): shines - vIst: truly - batnar ( v. batria): improves - pa veturinn (M) dVIn: when winter recedes.






II f)

Slminn -(The Telephone).

1. pal5 er ~sl~i til pIn 2. Farl5u 1 Slmann 3. Hann er I slmanum 4. A l5 hringja 5. Al5sendaskeyti 6. Talslmi - ritslmi 7. Langllnumil5stol5in 8. Slmstol5 - slmaskra 9. Talslmasamband vil5 utlond 10. Neyl5arslmi 11. Upplysingar (F pI) 12. Ny og breytt numer 13. Slmanumeril5 er ... 14. Einn tveir prlr fjarir fimm 15. P~ st og slmamalastjarnin

You are wanted on the phone Take the phone He is on the phone To phone To send a telegram Telephone - telegraph Long distance exchange Telephone exchange - telephone book Calls to foreign countries Emergency calls Information New and changed numbe rs The telephone number is 1,2,3,4,5 The Post and Telephone Board

16. Slminn hringir

The telephone rings Hello. Olafur Tryggvason ~s home Is Olafur in, I wonder?

Who is speaking, please?

This is Kjartan Olafsson

Just a minute, I~ll check

Olafur. You are wanted on the phone.

What are you saying?

Take the phone at once.

I am not in:

You must answer ~

Who is on the phone?

Kjartan is

Well, why didn~t you say so at once?

17. Halla. Hja Olafi T ryggvasyni 18. .-'Etli hann Olafur se heima? 19 . Hver er pal5, mel5 leyfi? 20. Petta er Kjartan Olafs son. 21. Augnablik, eg skal athuga pal5 22. Olafur. pal5 er sImi til pIn. 23. Hval5 segirl5u? 24. Komdu strax I slmann. 25. tg er ekki vil5. 26. pu verl5ur al5 svara. 27. Hver er I slmanum ? 28. Hann Kjartan. 29. Nu, af hverju sagl5irl5u pal5 ekki strax? 30. pu spur.l5ir e kki 31. Srell, Kjartan. Heyrl5u, eg rna ekki vera al5 pVI al5 tala vil5 pig nu.na. En vil5 hittumst I sundlaugunum a morgun. 32. AlIt i lagi~ vi~ sj'umst

You didn~t ask

Hello, Kjartan. say, I haven /t got

time to speak to you now. But we

shall meet in the pool tomorrow.

OK, we ~ll meet in the hot pot.

i heita pottinum. Spurningar: 1. Hjahverjumerpetta? 2. Hverferlslmann? 3. Hver er I slmanum? 4. Hvert a Olafur al5 koma? 5. Er Olafur vil5? 6. Af hverju verl5ur hann al5 svara? 7. Ma Olafur ve ra al5 pVI al5 tala vil5 K jartan ? 8. Hvar retla peir al5 hittast, Olafur og Kjartan? 9. Hringir slminn oft heima hja per? 10. T:la konur mikil5 I sIma? 11. Hefurl5u nokkurn tlma sent skeyti? 12. Hval5 er slmanu.meril5 heima hja per?



f)() Erlendur gjaldeyrir -


(Foreign Currency).

1. Einn dollar (M) - tveir, prIr, fjorir dollarar ($) 2. Eitt pund (N) - tva, prju, fjagur sterlingspund (£) 3. Eitt pyzkt mark (N) (DM~ - tva finnsk mark 4. Einn franskur franki (M) - tveir svissneskir frankar 5. Ein Italsk lIra (F) - tvaer i'talskar 1Irur 6. Ein dansk krona (F) - tvaer danskar kronur



Eg aetla a~ fa (ace) 1. Einn BandarIkja dollara, tva kanadiska dollar a - 2. eitt pund ­ 3. eitt mark, prju mark - einn franka, fjora franka - 5. eina 1Iru, prjar 1Irur, prju pusund 1Irur - eina danska kronu, tvaer danskar kronur, prjar saenskar kronur, fjorar norskar kronur. Eg aetla a~ skipta (dat) 1. Einum dollar, tveim, prem, fjorurn dollurum 2. einu pundi, tveimur,

premur, fjorum pundum 3. einu marki, prem markum 4. einurn franka,

fjorum frankurn 5. einni 1Iru, tveim 1Irum, prju pusund 1Irum 6. einni

danskri kronu, tveim danskurn kronum, prem saenskum og fjorurn norskum

kronum. "

Hvar er bank inn ? - Where is the bank?



11 III







l I, I II


r I

[ I


( I

[ I

I I• I I

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8.

9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Afsaki~. Hvar aetli bankinn se? Hann er herna ni~ri I Austurstraeti. Eg parf a~ skipta peningurn.

Hvernig pa? Eg er utlendingur. Eg parf a~ skipta nokkrum dollurum. Per geti~ skipt dollurum I


Ekki I BUna~arbankanurn?

Nei, nann verzlar ekki me~ gjaldeyri. Pakka y~ur fyrir. Ekkert a~ pakka. Eru~ per a~ fara?

Ja, eg parf a~ flyta mer.

Hva~a oskap liggur a.

Illu er bezt af loki~. .lEtli~ per einn 1 bankann? Ja, eg fer alltaf einn pegar

miki~ liggur a. Eg kann bezt

vi~ mig pannig.

Sfurningar: 1. Hefur~u keypt erlendan gjaldeyri? 2. Hefur~u selt erlendan gJaldeYrl? 3 . .Hva~ attu miki~ af dollurum? 4. Eru Pjo~verjar rlk pjo~? 5. Hva~a gjaldeyri nota menn a I'tallu? 6. Hva~a gjaldeyri kaupir~u vanalega? 7. Hva~a gja1deyri skiptir~u? 8. Ertu utlendingur? 9. Af hver ju getur~u ekki skipt gjaldeyri 1 BUna~arbankanurn? 10. parftu a~ flyta per nuna? 11.Liggur per a? . 12. Fer~u vanalega einn 1 bankann?

~OTES: Gjaldeyrir (M): currency - $: dollar - £: pund _ D.M.: pyzkt mark _ fmnskt (N pI): finnish - Fr. Fr. : French frank _ Sv. Fr.: Swiss frank _ skipta: change, exchange - verzlar: trades - fly'ta mer' hurry (myself) I" , ( ""' . 199ur ~. a~ h~gJa a): great hurry, to be pressed for time - af loki~ (v. Ijuka): ~lnlshed - lllu (N dat): an evil, uncomfortable thing - kann bezt vi~ mig: like It best - pannig: thus.


1)) I' geer - (Yesterday) -

I' Ii 1"'




II111 1





Eg hafl5i a1veg serstak1ega TI1ikil5 al5 gera I geer. Eg var I vinnunni fra k1ukklm atta urn morguninn til k1ukkan tlu urn kvold il5. Eg vinn sialdan svo lengi. Vil5 vorurn fimm a skrifstofunni. Skrifstofustjorinn var ekki vil5. Hann var eitthval5 lasinn. Hann sendi okkur skilabol5: k1aril5 aUt fyrir kvoldil5: Hverni~ attum vil5 al5 gera pal5 "? Verkefnin hofl5u safnast saman Ilangan tlma. Og vil5 vorum ekki nema fimm: Vil5 attum aul5vital5 ekki al5 hlYl5a. en gerl5um pal5 nu samt. pal5 var nu meira pUlil5: Eg vann eins og berserkur. Pegar skrifstofustjorinn kom aftur var allt buil5. Hann varl5 svo hissa. al5 hann atti ekki eitt einasta orl5. pal5 er naumast pil5 hafil5 unnil5: sagl5i hann. pil5 eigil5 skilil5 al5 fa fril dag. Vil5 vorum aneegl5ir mel5 pal5 og forum heim I gol5u skapi.

Mal5ur feer ekki oft frl po al5 mal5ur vinni vel.

A. Spurningar: 1. Hafl5irl5u mikil5 al5 gera 1 geer? 2. Hval5 varstu lengi i vinnunni? 3. Vinnurl5u alltaf svo lengi? 4. Var skrifstofustjorinn vil5 1 geer? 5. Af hverju var hann ekki vil5? 6. Hval5a skilabol5 sendi hann? 7. Hoftiu verkefnin safnazt saman? B. Hval5 voru pau marg 1 vinnunni? 9. Attu pau al5 h1yl5a? 10. Ge rl5u pau pal5? 11. Var petta mikil5 pul? 12. Hvernig vann eg? 13. Varl5 skrifstofustjorinn hissa? 14. Hval5 sagl5i hann? 15. Hveneer eigurn vil5 skilil5 al5 fa frl? 16. Feer mal5ur alltaf fri pegar mal5ur vinnur vel?

I~ B. NOTES: Serstaklega: especially - skrifstofunni {F.dat}: the office ­ skilabol5 {N pI}: a message - k1aril5 {v. k1ara}: finish - fyrir: before ­ attum al5 gera: were to do - safnazt saman: piled up lit. collected together - attum ekki: shouldn't have - samt: however - pulil5 {N}: tough work - eitt einasta orl5 {N}: a single word - pal5 er::nremenningar (M pI)

Fjormenningar (M pI)

Fimmmenningar (M pI)

Tengdafatsir - motsir

Tengdasonur - dottir


Langafi - arnma

Langalangafi - amma

Forfatsir - motsir


37. Systkin

38. Barnabarn

The father The mother The son The daughter The grandfather The grandmother The relative The relative Grandfather's brother - sister Grandmother's brother - sister Father's brother - sister (uncle, aunt) Mother's brother - sister (uncle, aunt) Brother : s son - daughter Sister's son - daughter Son's son - daughter Daughter's son - daughter Father and son Mother and daughter Father and daughter Mother and son Sister's husband Those married to sisters Brother's wife Those married to brothers Sons of brothers Sons of sisters Same grandfather - mother Same great-grandfather - mother Same great-great-grandfather - mother Father-in-law - mother Son-in-law - daughter The in-laws Great grandfather - mother Great-great grandfather - mother Ance stor - ance stre ss The lineage, the clan

Brother(s) and sister(s) Grandchild

The words F~DI and F~KA are normally used for such words as UNCLE, AUNT, NIECE, COUSIN, NEPHEW in Icelandic.


911 E: S: E:

S: E:












E: S: E:

Koman til landsins

- The Arrival

Ma eg sja vegabrefit5 ytlar? Gjoritl per IiVO vel. Hvatl heititl per, metl leyfi? Eg heiti John Smith. Erutl per einn? Nei, konan mi'n er metl mer. Erutl per amerlskur rlkisborgari? Ja. o~ eigitl per logheimili i' Bandari'kjunum? Ja. Hvatlan komitl per nUna? Fra Frakklandi. Viti skiptum urn vel i'London. Og hvert erutl per atl fara? Viti erurn atl fara heim til Bandarlkjanna. Viti aetlum atleins atl stoppa her 1 ti'u daga. Ja, petta er pa i'lagi. Per megitl fara. Fyrirgefitl per, en hvar er tollskotlunin? HUn er parna hinumegin. Ja, nu se eg hana. Pakka ytlur fyrir. Tollvortlurinn afhendir ytlur farangurinn. Naesti takk.

Spurningar: 1. Hefur pu faritl 1 gegnurn vegabrefaeftirlit? 2. Um hvatl bitlur eftirlitsmatlurinn? 3. Er Utlendingaeftir­ lit 1 Englandi? 4. parftu dvalarleyfi, ef pu kemur til [slands? 5. parftu atl saekja um atvinnuleyfi? 6. Hver veitir dvalar­ leyfitl? 7. Er erfitt atl fa atvinnuleyfi? 8. Ert pu Islenzkur ri'kisborgari? 9. Hvar attu logheimili? 10. Hvatlan komstu til [sland s. 11. Hvenaer aetlartlu hetlan ? 12. Dvelja utlendingar yfirleitt lengi a [slandi? 13. Viti hvatl fa menn vinnu a [slandi? 14. Er gii£ulegt atl smygla? 15. Vertlurtlu atl borga sekt, efpu smyglar og upp urn pig kemst?

NOTES: Vegabrefitl (N): passport ­ rikisborgari (M): subject - logheimili {N}: permanent address - stoppa: stop - 1 lagi: in order - megitl (v. mega .): may tollskotlunin (F): customs - vortlurinn (M): the warden, officer - afhendir (v.afhenda): delivers - farangurinn (M): the luggage ­ eftirlit (N): inspection - Utlendingaeftir­ lit :N): Immigration Office - dvalarleyfi (N): permit to stay - atvinnuleyfi: work-permit - utlendingar :(N pI): foreigners - yfirleitt: generally ­ viti hvatl: in what ( sphere) - vinnu (F acc): work - gii£ulegt (N): sensible - smygla smuggle - sekt (F): a fine - atl komast upp um: to be found out.

f) f)


Vegabref - Your Bas sport


If I



, Sa se~ fer~;tst milli landa parf a~ hafa me~ ser vegabref. Vegabref fegit5u. Hefurt5u tynt einhverju? Uhu. Uhu. (Hun greetur hastMum) Hvat5a oskop er at5 vita. A eg at5 hjaIpa !itla barninu? Fartiu. Hver a pig, !itla stulka? Hun mamma- mIn. Hvar attu heima? Hja pabba. Hvar byr pabbi? Hja m()mmu. ( hvat5a husi? ( sarna husi. Enga vitleysu nu. Segt5u mer hvar pu att heima og pa

skal eg keyra pig heim. (Hun greetur . Uhu. Bu, bu.)

Svona svona, ekki grata. A eg at5 gefa per sukkulat5i?

Ja, strax. (Hann gengur inn 1 buti og kaupir sukkulat5i handa litlu stUlkunni. Hun prlfur pat5 af honurn. ) Hvat5 segirtiu pa? Meira. Miklu meira. I:>u skalt fa lakkrls, ef pu segir mer hvar pu att heima. (StUlkan tret5ur upp 1 sig sukkulat5inu o~ pegar hun er buin met5 pat5 tekur hun at5 haor a. Uhu. Bu, bu.) (Mot5irin 9 kemur ut tir verzlun og flytir ser til hennar.) Nti, parna ertu, elsku litla stelpan mIn. Af hverju e rtu at5 grata? Loggan er yond vit5 mig. Hvat5 hefur hann ge rt per? Hann vill e kki ge fa me r gott. Og hann eetlar at5 setja mig 1 fangelsi. Skammist per yt5ar ekki. Stor og sterkur karlmat5urinn at5 hrekkja saklaust barnit5. t::g skal svei mer skrifa urn petta 1 bl ()t5in .... I:>etta er misskilningur ... I:>er getit5 reynt at5 skyra pat5 tit seinna. Latit5 per 11til b()rn 1 frit5i og reynit5 at5 sja urn pat5 Bern per hafit5 at5 gera. (Meet5gurnar ganga burtu, en logreglupjonninn klorar ser 1 hoft5inu. Hann veit sem er, at5 svona fer oft met> rettleetit5 1 heiminurn. )


Spurningar: 1. Hvar fer petta samtal fram? 2. Hver stendur uti a gatu? 3. Hvat5 ser logreglupjonmnn? 4. ~lvert gengur harrrr? 5. Hver jum aetlar hann ati hjatpa? 6. Er eitthvat at stUlkunni.? 7, Er petta saet 11til stulka? 8. Hefur stulkan tynt einhverju? 9. Hvernig graetur hun? 10. Hver a litlu stulkuna? 11. Hvar a hUn heima? 12. Hvar byr pabbi? 13. A:tla:c logreglupjonninn ati keyra stulkuna heim? 14. Hvat gefur hann henni? 15. Hvati gerir stulkan viti sukkulatiiti? 16. Af hverju flytir motiirin ser? 17. Er Laggan yond viti barniti? 18. A barniti at fara I fangelsi? 19. Skammast lOJSreglupjonninn sIn? 20. :Pytiir nokku~ fyrir lagreglupjoninn ati skyra maliti fyrir mammunni?

NOTES: Graetur (v. grata): crie s - eitthvati ati: something the matter gengur (v. ganga): walks - a ati hjalpa: is to be helped - veslings: the poor - saklausa (N dat): innocent - hvat er ati per: what is the matter with you - pegitiu (v. pegja): shut up - tynt (v. tyna): lost - hastafum: very loud - hvatia oskap er ati vita: well, well, what do you know ­ enga vitleysu (F acc): no nonsenSe - sukkulatii (N): chocolate - strax: at once - miklu meira: much more - lakkrls (M): lickorice - tretiur (v. trotia): stuffs - ati taka ati: to start to - haorga: cry violently ­ at fl yt a ser: to hurry (oneself) - prlfur (v. prlfa), snatches - verzlun (F):

shop - laggan (F): the cop - gert per: done to you - gefa gott: give s~eets ­ fan g elsi (N): prison - ati skammast sIn: to be ashamed of oneself - sterkur

(M) : s trong - karlmatiur: lit. a male man - hrekkja: abuse, annoy -

Bvei me r: by golly - misskilningur (M): misunderstanding - reynt (v.reyna):

tr y - sky ra ut : explain - seinna: later - ati lata I fritii: to leave in peace ­ maet5g urn ar (F pI): mother and daugh t e r - burtu: away - lagreglupjonn (M):

policeman - klorar: scratches - veit sem er: knows the way it is - svo

fe r o ft : thus often goes - rettlaetiti (N): justice -. fer fram ( ati fara fram):

take s place.


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