Republic of the Philippines Department of Health Food and Drug Administration CENTER FOR DEVICE REGULATION, RADIATION HEALTH, AND RESEARCH (former name : Bureau of Healt De!"#e$ an% Te#nolo&' Te#nolo&' LICENSING AND REGISTRATION DIVISION
CDRRHR-2-L-02D Revision o! 2 Date "ffective# $% April 20
...................................... ..................................... . 1/aiden or /aiden ame different from above of legal age4 single5married4 and a resident of .................................. .................................. and.......... ..................................... .................. ...................................... ....................................... ............................. ......... o6ner of................................... of...................................................... ...................................... ...................... ... 1/edical Device "stablishment located located at .......... ............... .......... .......... ......... ......... .......... .......... ......... ......... .......... .......... ..... of legal age and resident of................................................. after having been s6orn in accordance 6ith la64 hereb7 declare# FIRS FIRST T + )hat 6e are full7 a6are of the provisions of the Pharmac7 La64 the Foods4 Drugs4 Devices4 and Cosmetics Act4 the enerics Act of $8994 that 6e are a6are of the specific re:uirements that the 'peration of....... of............ .......... .......... ......... ......... .......... .......... ......... ......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ......... ....shall all be under the (//"D(A)" AD P"R'AL +P"R*((' of the Pharmacist-(n-Charge4 the business hours being from .......A/ to ........ ........ P/; SECOND < that 6e agree to change the business name if there is alread7 a validl7 registered name similar si milar to our business name; THIRD THIR D < that 6e shall displa7 our approved License to 'perate 1L)' 1L)' in a conspicuous place of our establishments; FOURTH - that 6e shall notif7 FDA in case of an7 change1s in the circumstances of our application for a License to 'perate4 including but not limited to change1s of location4 change of o6nership4 change of pharmacist-in-charge4 and change in medical device products; FIFTH and that (4 the pharmacist-in-charge4 am not and 6ill not be in an7 6a7 connected 6ith an7 drug or similar establishment5outlet; -E e=ecute this &oint Affidavit of +nderta>ing to confirm the truth of our declaration and our a6areness of the fore going duties and responsibilities among others! -ITNESS -HEREOF4 -E hereunto affi= our signature this .................da7 of ............. 20 .......!! .................................. .................. ................ ................................... ................................... '3"R PHAR/AC() Res! Cert! o! ...................... ...................... Res! Cert! o! ........................ ........................ (ssued on .................... .......................... ...... (ssued on ........................... ........................... at ............................... ............................... at ................................. .................................
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