02 01 Engine

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KT600300 12/00

HD465/605 -7 Technical Presentation Kit

Galeo Off-Highway Dump Trucks

Structure and Function Engine

Section 2.1




SAA6D170 - HPI Fuel System SAA6D170 - HPI fuel  SAA6D170 system adalah tekhnologi fuel terbaru dari Komatsu. Sistem fuel ini menawark menawarkan an perubahan timing penyemprotan menjadi lebih mudah.Desein mudah.Desein yang effisien, dengan tekanan injeksi melebihi Komatsu fuel system yang ada saat ini.


Applications HPI

HPI engine pertama  HPI kali dipakai pada kali dipakai pada unit D 375A-3 da WA 600-3LC. Sekarang sudah dipakai pada unit lain yang menggunakan engine SD 170 sesuai dengan standar emision Tier II dan Euro 2.


SAA6D170 - HPI Fuel System SAA6D170 - HPI  SAA6D170 fuel system terutama bekerja secara mekanis, membuka nozzle tipe injector.


Komatsu IPA Electronic Controls Menggunakan technologi generasi terbaru dari IPA electronic Control, memberikan ketepatan dalam pengaturan bahan bakar dan perubahan injection timing.


Let’s start by looking at the hydro-mechanical components


Hydro-mechanical Components 1. Fuel pump 2. Fuel pipe (from pump to ECVA) 3. Fuel pipe (from filter to pump) 4. Fuel inlet filter  5. Fuel 6. Fuel timing 7. Fuel rail 8. Fueltiming) pipe (for fuel 9. Fuel pipe (for fuel rail) 10. Fuel pipe (return) 11. ECVA (ECM controller)


Compact Fuel Pump Components • Fuel pump assembly mengatur tekanan dari fuel pump. Fuel disuplai dari fuel tank, melewati filter, kemudian dihisap oleh gear pump, dan disuplai ke Control Valve Assembly.


Compact Fuel Pump Components Tekanan yang keluar dari fuel pump sesuai dengan penyetelan sudut bukaan dari fuel pump Actuator.


Fuel Pressure Control


Pump Output Output Fuel pump dikendalikan oleh ECM. Kalibrasi menentukan karakteristik tekanan selama rentang RPM lengkap.  


Fuel Pressure Control


Fuel Filters Aliran fuel dari tangki diarahkan untuk dua fuel filter Head Fuel filter memiliki pemisah air bersih dan unsur-unsur yang menyaring ke 10

Fuel Filters

elemen pemisah microns.Water separator wajib sebagai actuator dalam katup kontrol tubuh yang sensitif terhadap air. The inlet maksimum pembatasan pembatasan pada filter adalah 4 di hg dengan filter bersih dan 8 di hg dengan filter kotor.  


Fuel Filters 1. Filter bracket 2. Filter element 3. Filter case 4. Drain plug a. From fuel tank b. To fuel pump Cartridge SPECIFICATIONS Filtering area: 1 m 2 x 2


Pump Output Flows to the Control Valve


Control Valve Assembly Inti dari SAA6D170 – Fuel system HPI adalah perakitan Control valve. Aliran fuel yang dihasilkan oleh fuel pump ke control valve.dikirim system ini terdiri dari shut down solenoid valve, dua fuel valve, duadan fuel actuator, dua fuel pressure sensors. Dan ECM pada bagian depan control valve


Control Valve Assembly Control valve memiliki satu inlet fuel port  dan dua port output. Setiap port outlet dikendalikan oleh actuator terpisah. rail actuator mengontrol bahan bakar yang bahan bakaruntuk yang dibutuhkan pembakaran. timing fuel actuators   mengontrol bahan bakar yang diperlukan untuk mengontrol timing injector


Rail Pressure Control Actuator adalah dikontrol secara elektronik spool valve Actuator dikontrol menerima secara elektronik spool valve control adalah jenis kumparan sinyal PWM dari ECM. Tergantung pada sinyal dari ECM, spool akan bergerak ke kiri membuka port inlet dan memungkinkan an mengalirkan fuel memungkink


Pressure/time Concept SAA6D170 - system HPI menggunakan The SAA6D170 menggunakan tekanan tekanan / waktu konsep seperti system PT. PT ini benar-benar mekanik dan bergantung pada daerah aliran mekanis disesuaikan untuk mengatur tekanan fuel. The SAA6D170 - sistem bahan bakar HPI, bagaimanapun, bagaimanapun, mengontrol tekanan bahan bakar elektronik daerah aliran menyesuaik menyesuaikan an dari actuator 


Pressure/time Concept Sebagai contoh tekanan / waktu konsep, mari kita simak berikut ini. Dengan sumber yang sama tekanan terhubung ke bagian daerah aliran yang berbeda, jika kedua sistem dibiarkan mengalir untuk jumlah waktu yang sama, lebih banyak cairan akan dikumpulkan dalam wadah sistem dengan daerah aliran yang lebih besar.  


Pressure/time Concept Jika bagian daerah aliran yang sama sekarang telah terhubung ke sumber yang tidak merata tekanan dan waktu cairan diperbolehkan untuk mengalir tetap konstan, lebih banyak cairan akan dikumpulkan dalam wadah dari sistem yang memiliki sumber yang lebih besar dari tekanan tekanan  


Pressure/time Concept Jadi, jika area aliran dan waktu alir tetap konstan tekanan menentukan  jumlah cairan yang dikumpulkan  


Pressure/time Concept Akhirnya, jika bagianbagian daerah aliran yang sama yang terhubung ke sumber yang sama tekanan, waktu cairan dibiarkan mengalir akan menentukan  jumlah cairan y yang ang dikumpulkan. 


Pressure/time Concept Jadi, jika area aliran dan tekanan fluida tetap konstan. Waktu menentukan  jumlah cairan yang dikumpulkan  


Pressure/time Concept Ketiga ilustrasi memberikan contoh yang sangat baik dari konsep tekanan / waktu yang digunakan dalam HPI rel sistem bahan bakar dan sistem waktu.  


Fuel Pressure Control Valve Kontrol katup perakitan menerima aliran bahan bakar dari pompa bahan bakar dalam perakitan katup kontrol, aliran bahan bakar untuk memasok membagi kedua sistem kedua sistem kontrol.  


Fuel Pressure Control Valve Sistem kontrol yang mempertahankan tekanan rel bahan bakar terdiri dari cepat me-restart bahan bakar menutup-off valve, rel kereta api aktuator bahan bakar dan sensor tekanan bahan bakar. bahan bakar melaluiArus cepat me-restart bahan bakar menutup-off valve pertama dan kemudian ke rel aktuator


Rail Pressure Control Rel sensor tekanan bahan bakar memonitor tekanan ini dan mengirimkan informasi ini ke ECM.  


Timing Control System Sistem kontrol yang mempertahankan tekanan waktu rel kereta api terdiri dari waktu aktuator dan waktu rel sensor tekanan. Tekanan bahan bakar di rel waktu dikendalikan oleh rel aktuator waktu yang juga dikendalikan oleh ECM  


Timing Control System Waktu rel sensor tekanan memonitor tekanan, dan mengirimkan informasi ini kembali ke ECM  


Fuel Flow Bahan bakar mengalir dari katup kontrol tubuh melalui tabung pemindahan bahan bakar ke manifold bahan bakar. Ada dua manifold, manifold depan melayani silinder 1 sampai 3 dan manifold belakang 4 sampai 6 masingmasing berjenis memiliki tiga bagian waktu rel, kereta api bahan bakar, dan tiriskan. tiriskan.  


Fuel Flow Pengeboran di kepala silinder bersinggungan dengan bahan bakar berjenis timing bahan bakar dan rel lulus bahan bakar melalui kepala ke injektorsilinder menguras bahan bakar dari injector melewati kepala silinder ke manifold bahan bakar kita akan berbicara tentang sistem bahan bakar injeksi HPI nanti dalam program . program . 


KOMATSU – HPI Injector 


HPI Fuel System Injector  HPI bakar sistem injektor berbagi banyak fitur desain dengan PT. Ia mewakili, bagaimanapun, generasi bagaimanapun, berikutnya dalam teknologi baru HPI bahan bakar sistem injektor akan mampu hingga 35.000 psi tekanan injeksi bahan bakar di masa depan. ini tekanan berada di Saat kisaran 25.000 psi.


Injector Noise HPI: High Pressure Injection System  

Mesin SA (A) 6D170E-3 dilengkapi dengan tipe kontrol Mesin SA (A) dilengkapi tipe kontrol elektronik unit6D170E-3 baru injektor disebutdengan HPI. Sistem ini dimaksudkan untuk mendorong plunger di dalam injektor   dengan camshaft mesin. Kali ini, penyelam dari tubuh injektor dan stroke itu dibuat besar untuk memperkuat camshaft dan sistem penggerak, dan ini telah membuat ultrahigh injeksi tekanan 200MPa mungkin. Oleh karena itu, sistem ini sesuai dengan Peraturan Exhaust Emisi Sekunder dari US EPA. Selain itu, mesin ini memancarkan setiap gas buang yang jelas dan bersih selama operasi. 


Injector Noise HPI: High Pressure Injection System  


Ketika bahan bakar diinjeksikan sangat sedikit pada saat mesin deselerasi atau bepergian menurun, suara mungkin terjadi. ? Hal ini terjadi ketika plunger duduk pada nozzle, yang tidak menimbulkan masalah dalam kehandalan dan daya tahan .


 SAA6D170 - HPI Fuel System Injector  Baru injektor memiliki tiga bagian bergerak individu Semakin rendah plunger, Waktu plunger  Atas plunger  Semua piston yang dilapisi dengan titanium nitrida untuk menolak memakai scuffing dan memberikan kehidupan pelayanan yang maksimal  


Lower Section Bagian bawah injektor sangat mirip dengan PT injector plunger dan nozzle berbentuk seperti PT pasokan bahan bakar, metering, drainmirip dan katup cek  juga dengan sistem PT. Salah satu perbedaan penting adalah bahwa laras yang lebih rendah dan nosel adalah satu bagian. Desain ini menghilangkan sendi tekanan tinggi.  tinggi.  


Lower Section Desain nozzle terbuka injektor memberikan memberika n tingkat yang ideal dan bentuk injeksi. Sebuah awal yang lambat injeksi memungkink memungkinkan an memungkinka n membakar lebih lambat pada awal pembakaran untuk mengurangi kebisingan pembakaran. pembakaran. Akhir tajam injeksi, menghilangkan injeksi sekunder, menyediakan mengurangi emisi hidro-karbon. Untuk setiap siklus injeksi, stroke plunger bawah adalah 10 mm. mm.  


Timing Section The HPI fuel system provides infinitely variable injection timing the timing is varied by controlling fuel pressure to the injector timing section the timing section consists of a balance orifice, timing plunger, and deflector ring the timing plunger is positioned in the barrel bore below the upper plunger.


Upper Section The upper section of the injector consists of the barrel, spring housing, return spring, upper plunger top stop cap and plunger link.




Injection Cycle We will start the with the cam follower on the outer base circle all three plungers are in contact with each other, as the camshaft rotates, the follower rolls toward the inner base circle which causes all three plungers to retract.


Injection Cycle When the lower plunger retracts far enough, the rail feed port is uncovered and fuel is PT (pressure-time) metered through an orifice into the cup.


PT Theory Remember from PT theory, the ‘P’ is rail pressure and “T” is the time that the feed port is uncovered. The time will depend on engine speed.


Timing and Rail Metering The rail pressure will be controlled electronically and can be as high as 290 psi or as low as 2 psi the lower plunger is in its fully retracted position when the spring retainer contacts the ledge.


Timing and Rail Metering The cam follower continues to roll toward the inner base circle, allowing the timing and upper plungers to continue moving upward. When the upper plunger retracts far enough, it uncovers the timing feed port and fuel is also PT metered through an orifice into the timing chamber.


End of Timing Metering As the cam follower starts up ramp the of the injection camshaft, the upper plunger will move down and close the timing feed port to end timing metering. The fuel that metered into the timing chamber is now trapped between the upper plunger and the timing plunger.


Timing Control The amount (volume) of fuel metered into the timing chamber determines the separation between the upper and timing plungers the amount of separation determines the effective length of the injector plunger. This length determines when injection will start.


Timing Control Changing the overall plunger length changes the start of injection.”


Timing Control The separation between the plungers varies from a minimum of 2 mm to around 9 mm this separation is sometimes is sometimes referred to as “over-travel”


Timing Control The trapped fuel becomes a solid link and all three plungers move down together down as the together lower plunger moves, the rail feed port is also closed.


Timing Control The timing and upper plungers have a diameter of 15 mm, compared to the 11 mm diameter of the lower plunger. This difference in diameter reduces the pressures in the timing chamber to approximately approximately 50 percent of the injection pressures.


Timing Control Therefore, if the pressure in the is timing chamber 15,000 PSI, pressure in the cup can be as high as 25,000 PSI. This reduction ratio allows the injector train to operate with minimum stress and wear yet still produce extremely high injection pressures


Injection Begins The downward velocity of the plungers will increase as the follower continues up the injection ramp of the camshaft.. When the pressure in the cup exceeds the pressure in the cylinder, injection begins.


End of Injection Injection ends as the lower plunger makes contact with the nozzle seat at approximately the same time, the groove in the timing plunger aligns with the groove in the barrel, opening the spill port the timing fuel then spills as the upper plunger continues its stroke.


End of Injection During this spill process, the drilling in the timing plunger regulates the fuel pressure in the timing chamber to keep a load on the plunger thislower pressure is necessary to prevent the lower plunger from lifting before mechanical contact occurs between the upper and timing plungers.


End of Injection A spill ring is positioned over the spill port because the timing fuel spilling from the chamber is under pressure, the spill ring acts as a pressure deflector to prevent damage the injector bore to in the cylinder head from the continual release of high

pressure fuel.  

End of Injection During the last 5 mm of upper plunger travel, the nose on the bottom of the upper plunger engages with the port in the timing plunger the clearance between the two parts acts as an additional flow restriction on the fuelrestriction in the portkeeps this additional pressure on the lower plunger while the rest of the timing fuel is spilling


End of Injection This feature is needed to ensure that the lower plunger does not plungerduring does not unseat the transition from the ramp to the nose of the camshaft lobe


Mechanical Crush As all of the timing fuel spills from the chamber, the plungers will make mechanical contact the downward travel of the injector train will continue creating a mechanical crush condition on the lower plunger. This ensures that the plunger remains sealed in the nozzle during combustion


Electronic Engine Control System Engine Mounted Controller send Fault information to Monitor Panel


Electronic Control Module The SAA6D170 - HPI, is commanded by an electronic control module (ECM). The SAA6D170 - HPI fuel system ECM contains the latest technology from IPA.  


Electronic Control Module It has two micro processors to process and manage the data necessary to operate the engine and systems it also contains 2MB of memory to store calibration and fault data.  


Let’s take a close look at how electronics control the HPI engine fueling


Electronic Control Module The ECMs main task is to manage the fuel control system that operates the engine the ECM samples all inputs, processes the data, and outputs signals to the rail and timing control actuators many times each second.  


Electronic Control Module The ECM can make changes to rail and timing pressures very quickly, responding instantly to the slightest variations in operating and environmental conditions.


Electronic Control Module For example, look at when the operator opens the throttle to increase engine speed the ECM will consider the request for increased engine speed, the actual engine speed, and all other inputs. It will then compare this data to its calibrated data to determine the appropriate signal changes.


Electronic Control Module If additional engine speed is allowed, the ECM then outputs the appropriate signals to the fuel rail control actuator to increase engine RPM if this increase in engine speed requires a change in injection timing, the ECM will output the appropriate signals to the timing control actuator as

control actuator as well.  

Electronic Subsystems From the previous overview, we should have a good idea of the basic system operation. Let’s now look at each subsystem and the components that make up these systems. We’ll start with the inputs.


ECM Temperature Inputs Three Temperature Sensors •Coolant Sensor •Intake Manifold Temperature Sensor •Fuel Temperature Sensor


Temperature Sensors There are three temperature sensors the temperature sensors provide critical temperature information to the ECM the temperature sensors are • Coolant temperature sensor  • Intake manifold temperature sensor  • Fuel temperature sensor 


Coolant Temperature Sensor  The coolant temperature sensor is mounted in the thermostat housing the information this sensor obtains is utilized by the ECM to help make decisions for timing and engine protection


Intake Manifold Temperature Sensor  The intake manifold air temperature sensor ‘s mounted in the aftercooler housing and measures air temperature after the cooler core. The information this sensor obtains is utilized by the ECM to help make decisions for timing and engine protection.


Fuel Temperature Sensor  Fuel temperature sensor  The fuel temperature sensor is installed to the control valve unit. It detects the pressure of the fuel supplied from the fuel pump and inputs an analog signal to the controller.


All Temperature Sensors Temperature C Temperature F Resistance 0


30K to 36K 



9K to 11K 



3K to 4K 



1350 to 1500



600 to 675


ECM Pressure Inputs – Five Sensors •Fuel Rail Pressure •Fuel Timing Pressure •Boost Pressure •Oil Pressure •Ambient Air Pressure •Fuel Pump Pressure


The Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor  The fuel rail pressure in sensor is mounted the fuel control valve assembly and measures pressure actual fuel in the rail supplying the injectors


Fuel Timing Pressure Sensor  The fuel timing pressure sensor is also mounted in the fuel control valve assembly it measures actual fuel pressure in the rail supplying the timing chambers


Oil Pressure Sensor  The oil pressure sensor is mounted in a main rifle port above the ECM. It measures main system oil pressure. The information this sensor obtains is utilized by the ECM to make decisions for engine protection.


Oil Pressure Sensor  OIL OR COOLANT PRESSURE SENSOR Torque = 14 N*m [10 ft-LB] Pressure (kPa) 0 172 344 517 689

Pressure [psi] 0 25 50 75 100

Voltage (V) 0.39-0.58 1.39-1.61 2.39-2.61 3.39-3.61 4.39-4.61


The Boost Pressure Sensor  The boost pressure sensor is mounted in the aftercooler housing and measures air inlet pressure after the turbocharger the information this sensor obtains is utilized by the ECM to determine accurate engine fueling


Intake Manifold Pressure Sensor  INTAKE MANIFOLD PRESSURE SENSOR Torque = 14 N*m [10 ft-LB]

Pressu0re (kPa) 69 138 207 276 345

Pressu0re [psi] 10 20 30 40 50

V 0.o4l1ta -0g.e 59(V) 1.21-1.39 2.01-2.19 2.81-2.99 3.61-3.79 4.41-4.59


Ambient Air Pressure Sensor  The ambient air pressure sensor is mounted on the fuel control valve assembly below the ECM The ECM utilizes the information received from the sensor to make decisions for engine protection.


Ambient Air Pressure Sensor  In high altitude operation, the engine is derated to prevent turbocharger overspeed


Ambient Air Pressure Sensor  AMBIENT AIR PRESSURE SENSOR Torque = 23 N*m [17 in-LB] mmHg 259 517 621

inHg 10.2 20.4 24.4

Voltage (V) 1.67-1.99 3.05-3.29 3.58-3.82





Fuel Pump Pressure Sensor 


Engine Speed Sensor 

The engine speed   sensor is located in the flywheel housing it detects the flywheel teeth and sends signals to the ECM the ECM processes these signals to determine engine speed.


Engine Speed Sensor   A single sensor is providing a dual signal output. There are two separate signals to the ECM.


Operator Inputs The two main inputs from the operator are the key switch and the throttle the position of the key switch determines the state of engine operation (on of off), and the position of the throttle determines the desired engine speed


Accelerator Petal / Sensor 


Accelerator Petal / Sensor 

1. Connector  2. Connector 

3. Pedal  

Accelerator Petal / Sensor  Outline signal - Accelerator • This is installed under the operator's cab. The accelerato acceleratorr pedal has two accelerator sensors for engine controller and transmissi t ransmission on controller. When the accelerator pedal is depressed, the movement rotates the shaft of the potentiometer inside the

accelerator sensors.  

Accelerator Petal / Sensor  Outline signal - Accelerator  As a result, result, the resistance resistance changes. A fixed voltage is impressed between the No. 1 – 3 pins of both potentiomete potentiometers. rs.  A voltage signal corresponding corresponding to the angle of the accelerator pedal is sent from the No. 2 pin to the engine and transmission controllers.


Accelerator Petal / Sensor  Idling signal validation • This is installed under the operator's cab. When the accelerator pedal is released, signal 2 (No. 5 pin) is connected to the ground; when the accelerator pedal is depressed, signal 3 (No. 6 pin) is connected to the ground. The engine controller then detects the condition.


ECM System Outputs There are four system outputs that control the fuel rail, timing rail ,fuel pressure, and fuel shutdown.Functions the fuel and timing control actuator valves are spool type valves. The spools are controlled by an electromagnetic device which is commanded by the ECM the ECM

produces signals. the following  

ECM System Outputs  Fuel control actuator valve signal - PWM (pulse width modulation) duty cycle Timing control actuator valve signal - PWM duty cycle Fuel shutoff - power to the shutoff solenoid valve Fuel pressure control actuator - PWM (pulse width modulation) duty cycle


Rail Pressure Control The actuator is an electronically controlled spool type control valve the coil receives a PWM signal from the ECM. Depending on the signal from the ECM, the spool will move to the left uncovering the inlet port and allowing fuel flow


ECM System Outputs - Fuel Control Actuator  


ECM System Outputs - Timing Control Actuator  


ECM System Outputs - Fuel Pressure Actuator  


ECM System Outputs - Fuel Shutoff  


Engine Troubleshooting- Engine Control System

Engine Mounted Controller sends Fault information to Monitor Panel


KT600300 12/00

Technical Presentation Kit

HD465/605 -7 Galeo Dump Trucks

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