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The 01V and 01L Automatic Transmissions
Design and Function
Self-Study Program Course Number 951903
Audi of of America, erica, Inc. Service ice Training raining Printed Printed in U.S.A. U.S.A. Printed in 6/ 6/ 2000 Course Num Number 951903 All right rights s reserv reserved. All All information information contained in this manual is b based ased on on the latest latest product inform information available ailable at the time of printing printing. Th The rights is reserved to make changes at any time without notice. No part part of this publication publication may be reproduced, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in in any anyform form or by anymeans eans, electronic, mechanical or photocopying, recording or or otherwise, without ithout the prior prior permission ission of the publisher. This includes includes text, figures figures and tables. Alw Always check Technical echnical Bulletins and and the Audi Worldw Worldwide ide Repair pair Informat Information ion System for for any inform information ation that may supersede any information included included in this booklet booklet.
Table of of Con Contents: O BJ ECTIVES CTIVES ................................................................................................................................IIII INT INTRO DUCTION DUCTIO N ................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................... ......................................1 BAS ASIC IC O PERATIO TIO N ..................................... ......................................................... .......................................... ......................................... ......................................4 ...................4 01V POWE PO WER RFLO W ................. ........................ ................. ................... ................. .................. ................... .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. ............ ...14 01L POWE POWER RFLO W ................ ......................... ................... .................. .................. .................... .................. ................... .................... ................. ................... ................... ........25 25 TOR TORS SEN O PERATIO N ..... ............................ ............................ ......... ................ ......... .................................35 .35 ELECTRO NIC O PERATION IO N ......................................... ................................................................. ............................................. .....................................4 ................41 SUMMARY .................................................................................................................................72 TE TELETEST ........ ........... .......... ........... ............ .................. ........... ........... .......... ............ .................. ........... ........... .......... .........7 ..73
OBJECTIVES IVES O bjectives bjectives:: In this program program, you will learn:
How How to identif identify y an 01V and an 01L automatic transmissi issio on
How a basic transmission operates
How How to follo follow w the power flow flow through an an 01V automatic transmission ission
How How to foll follow ow the power flow flow through an 01L automatic automatic transmission ission
How How the Torsen center different differential ial operates operates
How How the electronic components operate
How How the dynamic shift ift program program operates
How How the emergency running modes opera operate. te.
INTR INTRODUCT DUCTION ION TO THE01VAND AND01LAUT AUTOMATIC TRANS RANSMISSION IONS The 01Vand and 01LAutomatic Automatic Transmissions Th The 01V and 01L automatic transmissions are manufactured anufactured by ZF AG. AG. These transmissions issions both offer a high level of driving comfort and handling capabi capabilility ty.
01VAppli Application cation Th The 01V is used in the following models: • • • • • •
AllAll-wheel drive Audi A4 Front-wheel driv drive Audi A4 All-w Allwheel drive Audi S4 AllAll-wheel drive Audi A6 Front-wheel drive drive Audi A6 Front-wheel drive drive Audi A8.
Th The 01V automatic transmission was introduced in 1995 in the Audi A4. A4.
01VAutomatic Automatic Transmission ransmission 5HP19
01LAppli Applicatio cation n Th The 01L is used in the following models: • •
AllAll-wheel drive A8 4.2 Liter A6.
Th The 01L automatic transmission was introduced in 1997 in the Audi A8.
01LAutomatic AutomaticTransmissi ransmission on 5HP24
INT INTRODUCTIO DUCTION N TO THE01VAND AND01LAUTOMATIC TRANS RANSMISSION IONS The 01VAutomatic AutomaticTransmission ransmission Th The 01V automatic transmission is generically known known as the 5HP1 5HP19.
Front-Wheel Wheel Drive Drive Transmission ransmission Tag Locations Locations
Th The transmission tag on the 01V can be found: •
At the bottom front of the transmission. ission. It can be seen seen using using a fla flash shlight light. It is under under the left side transmission ission alum aluminum mount O n the side of the the transmission (not accesaccessible sible when the transmission ission is is in the vehicle ehicle).
Th The components of the transmission tag are: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Trans ransmission Serial Serial Num Number Transmissio ission n Part List List Number Trans ransmission Ident Identification ification Number Transmission ission Code Code Let Lette ter.
Th The capacities of the 01V automatic transmission are: • • •
Initial ial filli illin ng Cha Changing Lubricant -
9.0 L (9.5 quart arts) About out 2.6 L (2.7 quarts) ATF (FWD) 1.0 ltr G 052 162 A2
Front and Cent Center Differ Differential Fluid - 0.5 ltr G 052 145 A2. A2.
• Addit Additiv ives c can ann not be be adde added d to to the Automatic Automatic Transm ransmissi ission on Fluid Fluid (ATF). • Part numbers bers are are listed forre forrefe ferrence only only. Alw Always check with your par parts ts departm department for the lates latest informat information. ion. • Always c che heck ck AE AES SIS for the correct correct automatic transmission ission fluid checking procedure.
AllAll-Wheel Drive Transmission ransmission Tag Locations Locations
INTR INTRODUCT DUCTION ION TO THE01VAND AND01LAUT AUTOMATIC TRANS RANSMISSION IONS The 01LAutoma Automatic tic Transmissi ransmission on Th The 01L automatic transmission is generically known as the 5HP24.
Transmission ransmission Tag Location Location
Th The transmission tag on the 01L can be found: •
At the bottom of the transmission ission in front front of the oil pan.
Th The components of the transmission tag are: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Trans ransmission Serial Serial Num Number Transmission ission Part List Number Trans ransmission Ident Identification ification Number Transmissio ission n Code Code Lett Letter.
Th The capacities of the 01V automatic transmission are: •
Initial ial fil filli lin ng Changing -
Lubricant -
9.8 L (10.4 qu quarts) About 3.5 – 4. 4.0 L (3.7 – 4.2 quarts) ATF 1.0 ltr G 052 162 A2 2.0 ltr ltr G 052 162 A6
Front and Cent Center Different Differential ial Fluid - 0.5 ltr G 052 145 A2.
• Addit Additives cann cannot be be adde added d to to the Automatic Transm ransmissi issio on Fluid Fluid (ATF). • Part numbers bers are are listed forre forrefer ference only only. Alw Always check with your par parts ts departm department for the lates latest inform information. ation. • Always c che heck ck AE AES SIS for the correct correct automatic transmission ission fluid fluid checking procedure. procedure.
BASIC AUT AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ION OPERATION ION BasicAutomaticTransm ransmissionOpera Operation tion O bjective bjectives: •
Explain plain torque converter operation operation
Explain plain torque conv converter clutch operatio operation n
Explain plain the function o off planetary planetary gearsets
Explain plain the difference b betw etween clutches and brakes
Explain plain the function function of of the oil pump
Explain plain the function function of the computer contr controls ols
Explain plain the functio functions ns of the the sensors sensors and actuators Explain Explain emergency running modes.
BASIC AUTO AUTOMATIC MATIC TRANSMISSION ION OPERATION ION Hydraulic Hydraulic Torque Converter Converter Torque Conversion Conversion Th The basic torque converter consists of the: • • •
Impeller Impeller, or Pump Turbine Stator.
Th The impeller mounts to the converter housing, which bolts bolts to the fly flywheel. The turbine is splined plined to the transmission ission input input shaft. When the engine is is running, the impeller peller slings lings the oil in the conv converter into the fins on the turbine. Th That motion of the oil being thrown against the turbine is is what prov provides the torque to the transmission ission input shaft and and driv drives the vehicle. ehicle. Since there is no direct direct mechanical connection between the engine and transmission, ission, you can can come to a full stop without shifting into neutral or releasing a clutch. The natural natural slip slip between the impeller impeller and the turbine allo allow ws the engine to keep running when the vehicle ehicle is at at a full full stop, even while in gear. gear.
How However, once once the oil leav leaves the turbine, it is is moving in the oppo opposite site direction of of the the impell impeller er, and will slow the impeller speed. Th The stator corrects this condition. The stator is mounted between the turbine and the impeller impeller. Th The stator redirects the oil so it is moving in the same direction direction as the impeller peller. Bychanging the direction of the oil as it it leaves leaves the the turbine, the the stator actuall actually y increases increases the overall all torque in the system. This process process is called called torque multipli ultiplicacation. When the engine is apply applying pow power to the torque conv converter assembly bly, the stator is is locked locked agai against nst its one-w one-way clutch. The stator will unlock and begin to rotate rotate slowly when the impeller impeller and turbine have reached similar ilar speeds.
Th The torque converter has the ability to multiply the torque of the engine up to 2 1/ 2 tim times.
BASIC AUT AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ION OPERATION ION Hydraulic Hydraulic Torque Converter Converter Clutc Clutch In the past, manual transmissions issions were much better in fuel economy economycom compared to automatic transmissions. issions. This is because a torque conv converter can only only pass about about 85% of engine power power through to the transmission ission at cruising cruising speeds. speeds.
TCC Inact Inactive
However, engineers engineers cam came up with a way to make automatic transmissions issions have bett better fuel economy economy. Theylocked locked the torque converter housing to the engine by way of frictio friction n material. erial. Th The Torque Con Converter Clu Clutch (TCC) locks the transmission ission input shaft direc directly tly to the housing o of f the torque converter, elim eliminating inating the fluid fluid coupl coupling ing and driv driving the transmission ission directly directly from the crankshaft. This elim eliminates inates all all slip from from the torque conv converter. Also, Also, since the torque converter produces most of the heat in the transmission, ission, the application of the TCC eliminates inates all heat production duction in in the conv converter. Audi torque conv converter clutches have three phases of operat operation. Thes These e are are open, control and and lock. Th These phases can be viewed through the VAG 1551/1552 or the VAS 5051 5051 under under the Read Measuring Value Block Block functio function. n. Th The TCC is is inactive during the Open phase. This is norm normally ally in the the low lower gears under high loa load. d. Th The TCC is is applying, bu but not fully, du during the Control phase. This usuall usually y happens in the lower lower gears gears and under under heavy throttle. Th The TCC is is fully applied during the Clo Closed phase. Th This condition occ occurs in the higher gears and at light light throttle. This This may also happen in low low gears in mountainous regio regions ns to increase increase the the engine braking effect effect on the vehicle. ehicle.
TCC Active
BASIC AUTO AUTOMATIC MATIC TRANSMISSION ION OPERATION ION Planet lanetary ary Gearset Gearsets Th The power transferred through the torque converter is passed passed on on to the planetary planetary gearsets. Planetary gearsets consist of a central, or sun gear, with planet planet gears that run on the sun gear and ring gear. These planet gears are attached to the planet planet carrier carrier. A Simpson pson gearset is compo composed sed of: • • •
Th The 01V transmission uses both a Ravigneaux gearset and a Simpson pson gearset. The 01L transmission ission uses three Simpson pson gearset gearsets in an arrangement called called a Wilson Wilson gearset. Th The function of the planetary gearsets is to create differe different gear ratios. ios. These ratios ios are created created by holding holding and driv driving differen different parts of the planetary gearset gearset.
1 Sun Sun Gear Gear 1 Planet Planet Carrier Carrier with 3 Planet Planetary Gears 1 Ring Gear Gear.
A Ravigneaux gearset is composed of: • •
1 Small and 1 Large Large Sun Sun Gear Gear 1 Planet Planet Carrier with 3 Small and 3 Large Planetary Gears 1 Ring Gear Gear.
Sun Gear Gear
Planetary Gear
Sun Gear Gear
Ring Gear Gear
Large Sun Gear Gear Small Planetary Gear
Ring Gear Gear
Simpson Gearset
Large Planetary Gear
Ravigneaux avigneauxGearset
BASIC AUT AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ION OPERATION ION Clutchesand Brakes After After the power is transferred from from the torque conv converter, the clutches clutches determine what par parts ts of the planetary planetary gears gears spin and which are held in in place. Clutches lutches are a series of friction friction plates plates and steel steel plates plates alternately splined between two com compoponents. When a clutch piston squeezes these plates plates together, the two com component ponents will ill lock lock together. Th The type of clutches Audi uses are multi-pl -plate wet clutches. This assembly bly usually usually consists consists of 4 or 5 clutch discs.
Clutches lutches can either either turn turn or hold hold a geartrain component. If the clutch pack sits inside of a clutch drum, it turns a com component ponent. If the clutch pack pack splines to the transmission ission case, it’s a holding holding clutch because it holds a com compoponent to the case. Audi refers to holding holding clutches as brakes brakes. Some manufacturers anufacturers use a type of of brake called called a band. A band wraps around the outside of a clutch drum drum or geartr geartrain ain com component ponent to hold hold it it in place. place. Current Audi transmissions do not use bands.
Multi-discClutc ClutchAssem Assembly
BASIC AUTO AUTOMATIC MATIC TRANSMISSION ION OPERATION ION Freewheeling Clutches Another Another type of of clutch clutch is the freewheeling clutch. Th These are known as one-way clutches, be because they turn freely in one one direction, direction, but lo lock up tight in the other. Freewheeling heeling clutches consist consist of either either spring-l spring-loa oaded ded roll rollers ers mounted in wedgeshaped shaped slots, or sprags. sprags. Sprags are small, Sshaped pieces pieces held betw between two smooth races with light spring tension. tension. When the the races are turned turned in one direction, direction, the rollers rollers or sprags allow allow the the races to slide without interference.
When the races are turned turned in in the opposite opposite directio direction, n, the rollers rollers or or sprags will ill wedge themselves between the races, preventing the races races from from moving.
BASIC AUT AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ION OPERATION ION OilPump Th The oil pump is a crescent-type pump and is located located in in the area betw between the torque conv converter and the transmission ission housing. housing. Th The pump is driven directly from the engine by the torque conve converter body body, and supplies supplies the transmission ission and selector selector unit with oil. oil. Th The pump draws in the oil through a filter and pumps pressurized oil oil through the flow flow control control valv alve. From here, it is passed passed to the main pressure valve alve in the valve b bo ody. At higher speeds, any excess pressurized oil oil is returned to the pum pump’s intake. intake.
Oil Pump
BASIC AUTO AUTOMATIC MATIC TRANSMISSION ION OPERATION ION ComputerCont Controls Th The Transmission Con Control Mod Module (TCM) CM) receives Th The main external sensor the TCM receives signals signals from many sensors and uses these signals signals information from is the Electronic Control Module to contr control when the transmission ission shifts and how how (ECM). ECM). The ECM ECM supplies signals ignals such such as throttle the shifts ifts feel. position, engine engine speed and engin engine e load. load. However, the TCM also suppli supplies es the the ECM ECM with signals. Some of the internal transmission ission sensors are the transmission ssion temperature perature sensor, the transm ransmissi issio on For example, the TCM can tell the the ECM ECM when it is input speed sensor and and the transmission ission vehicle ehicle planning to shift. The ECM ECM will ill reduce engine engine speed sensor sensor. pow power slightly slightly as the transmission ission is shifting. hifting. As a result, the driver feels a smooth and seamless shift ift, because the ECM ECM and TC TCM are working together.
TCM ABS/ASR Control Module Motor Intervention Signal
BASIC AUT AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ION OPERATION ION Sensors and Actuators Sensors Sensors are com component ponents that tell the Transmission ission Control Module Module (TCM) what is happenin happening. g. Thes These e com components ponents relay lay the transmission ission flui fluid d temperature, the transmission ission input input speed, the transmission sion output output speed and many other signal ignals. s. Th This information is then relayed to the TCM. CM. The TCM interprets this information and uses it to control the the actuat actuators.
Transmission ransmission Fluid Fluid Temperature emperature Sensor
Actuators Th The actuators do the work. These are the components ponents that move when com commanded. anded. These com component ponents are valv alve body body solenoi solenoids, ds, pressure control valves, shift ift lock lock solenoids solenoids and manyother components. Th The actuators close the loop that the sensors start art. As a result, the central com computer knows what is happening happening inside inside of the transmission ion and how how to keep everything opera operating ting smoothly.
Shift hiftLockSolenoid (Actuator)
BASIC AUTO AUTOMATIC MATIC TRANSMISSION ION OPERATION ION EmergencyRunning Modes Audi transmissions issions have functions ions calle called d emergency running modes. There are two possible possible emergencyrunning modes, the default default functions functions and the emergency running mode. Th These modes alter the way the transmission operates when a failure has occurred. ccurred. These These modes are designed to try and eliminate eliminate heat production in the transm transmission, and to allow allow the vehicle ehicle to be driv driven to safety.
Summary Th This section has shown the basics of transmission operation. Power is transferred from the engine to the transmission ission through a torque co conv nverter. This torque converte converter is filled filled with fluid, so there is no direct contact contact between between the engine and and the transmission. ission. Th The torque converter clutch creates direct contact between the engine and the transmission ission to help help achiev achieve better fuel economy economyand to co cool the transmission ission fluid. When the power power is transferred into the transmission, it goes goes into the the planet planetary ary gearset gearset, which create differe different gear ratios. ratios. Th The clutches and brakes drive and hold the com component ponents of the planetary planetary gearset. Clutches are connected connected to either the the input or the output shaft, while hile brakes are held to the transmission ission case. O ne-wayclutches clutches turn freely freely in one direcdirection, but lock lock up when when turned in in the other direction. Th The oil pump supplies oil pressure to the entire transmission. ission. It is a crescent shaped pump connected connected to the torque conv converter body body. Th The ECM and TCM communicate with each other to interpret sensor data and c control ontrol the actuat actuators. Th This communication controls how and when the transmission ission shifts. As a result of these com component ponents working together, the transmission ission transfers power power to the wheels smoothly.
01V POWERFL POWERFLOW 01V Automatic Transmission ransmission Powerfl owerflow ow O bjective bjectives: •
Explain plain the component ponents and operation operation of the the Ravigneaux igneaux and Sim Simpson pson gearset gearsets Explain plain which clutches and brakes control control the the different different parts parts of the planetary planetary gearsets Explain plain which ich clutches and bra brakes kes are active in each gear Explain plain the 01V clutch applicatio application n chart chart.
01V POWERFL POWERFLOW 01VPlanetary PlanetaryGea Gearsets rsets Th The power transferred through the torque converter is passed passed on on to the planetary planetary gearsets. Th The 01V transmission has a Simpson planetary gearset and a Ravigneaux igneaux planetary gearset. Planetary gearsets consist of a central, or sun gear, with planet planet gears that run on the sun gear and ring gear. These planet gears are attached to the planet planet carrier carrier. Th The Ravigneaux gearset is located forward of the Simpson gearset. Th The Simpson gearset is composed of: • • •
1 Sun Sun Gear Gear 1 Planet Planet Carrier Carrier with 3 Planet Planetary Gears 1 Ring Gear Gear.
Ravigneaux Gearset Gearset
Simpson Gearset G earset
Th The Ravigneaux gearset is composed of: • •
1 Small and 1 Large Large Sun Sun Gear Gear 1 Planet Planet Carrier with 3 Small and 3 Large Planetary Gears 1 Ring Gear Gear.
Th The ring gears on each of the gearsets are connected connected with each other and move together.
Sun Sun Gear Gear
Planetary Gear
Sun Gear Gear
Ring Gear Gear
Large Sun Gear Gear Small Planetary Gear
Ring Gear Gear
Simpson Gearset
Large Planetary Gear
Ravigneaux avigneauxGearset
01V POWERFL POWERFLOW Powerflow owerflow Overview Overview Ravigneaux avigneauxplanet planetary arygearset: gearset: • • • • •
Clutch A drives the large sun gear Brake C stops ops the small all sun gear Clutch B driv drives the small all sun gear Brake D stops ops the planet planet carrier Clutch E drives the planet planet carrier.
Simpson planetar planetary ygearset gearset: • •
Brake G stops ops the sun gear Clutch F drives drives the sun gear.
Th The drive shaft is driven by the planet carrier of the Simpson pson gearset gearset.
Brake C
Clutch B
Clutch A
Clutch E Sun Gear
Ring Gears
Planetary Gears 180180-
Input Shaft
Small all Sun Large Sun Gear Gear
Brake D
Brake G
Clutch F
O utput Shaft
01V POWERFL POWERFLOW 1st gear gear Clutch A • •
Driv Drives the large sun gear Th The freewheel clutch is holding the planet carrier carrier. This allo allow ws the pow power to transfer from the small all planet planet gear to the la large rge planet planet gear. Th The large planet gear transfers this power to the the ring gear gear Th The ring gear causes the subsequent (Simpson) ring ring gear to rotate.
Brake G • • •
Stops ops the Simpson pson sun gear Th The ring gear drives the Simpson gearset Th The planetary gears rotate around the sun gear Th The Simpson planetary housing drives the driveshaft.
Engaged Disengaged FL1 = Freewheeling Clutch
Large Sun Gear Small Sun Gear
Large Planet Gear Ring Gear
Small Planet Gear
BlackArrows = PowerTransfer WhiteArrows= NoPowerTransfer (freewheeli freewheeling) ng)
01V POWERFL POWERFLOW 2nd gear Clutch A • •
Driv Drives the large sun gear Th The large sun gear drives the small planetary gears Because the freewheel clutch clutch is holding holding the planet planet carrier, the small all sun gear freewheels in the opposite opposite direction of rotation. ion.
Brake C • •
• • •
Stops ops the small all sun gear Th The large planet gears, dr driven by the small planetary planetary gears, will travel around around the small all sun gear in the directio direction n of of engine rotatio rotation n Th The freewheel clutch is overrun Th The large planet gears drive the ring gear Th The Ravigneaux ring gear drives the Simpson ring gear.
Engaged Disengaged FL1 = Freewheeling heeling Clutch Clutch
Brake G • • • •
Stops ops the Simpson sun gear gear Th The ring gear drives the Simpson gearset Th The planetary gears rotate on the sun gear Th The Simpson planetary housing drives the driveshaft.
Large Sun Gear Small Sun Gear
Large Planet Gear Ring Gear
Small Planet Gear
BlackArrows = PowerTransfer WhiteArrows Arrows= NoPowerTransfer (freewheeli freewheeling) ng)
01V POWERFL POWERFLOW 3rd gear Clutch A • •
Driv Drives the large sun gear Th The large sun gear drives the small planetary gears Because the freewheel clutch clutch is holding holding the planet planet carrier, the small all sun gear freewheels in the opposite opposite direction of of rotatio rotation. n.
Brake C • •
• • •
Stops ops the small all sun gear Th The large planet gears, dr driven by the small planetary planetary gears, will travel around around the small all sun gear in the the direction direction of engine rotation rotation Th The freewheel clutch is overrun Th The large planet gears drive the ring gear Th The Ravigneaux ring gear drives the Simpson ring gear.
Engaged Disengaged FL1 = Freewheeling Clutch C lutch
Clutch F •
Locks Locks the Simpson ring ring gear gear, drive driven by the Ravigneaux avigneaux gear gear set, to the Simpson Simpson sun gear gear. Th The Simpson gear ratio is now 1:1 Th The Simpson planet carrier drives the output shaft.
Large Sun Gear Small Sun Gear
Large Planet Gear Ring Gear
Small Planet Gear
BlackArrows = PowerTransfer WhiteArrows= NoPowerTransfer (freewheeli freewheeling) ng)
01V POWERFL POWERFLOW 4thgear gear Clutch A •
Driv Drives the large large sun gear. gear.
Clutch E • •
Driv Drives the planet carrier carrier Th This causes the Ravigneaux assembly to turn turn 1:1 Th The Ravigneaux ring gear causes the Simpson pson ring gear to rotate rotate.
Clutch F •
Locks Locks the Simpson ring ring gear gear, driv driven by the Ravigneaux igneaux gear set, to the Simpson sun gear Th The Simpson gear ratio is 1:1 Th The Simpson planet carrier drives the output shaft Transfer from input shaft to output shaft is 1:1.
Engaged Disengaged FL1 = Freewheeling heeling Clutch Clutch
Large Sun Gear Small Sun Gear
Large Planet Gear Ring Gear
Small Planet Gear
BlackArrows = PowerTransfer WhiteArrows Arrows= NoPowerTransfer (freewheeli freewheeling) ng)
01V POWERFL POWERFLOW 5th gear gear Clutch E •
Driv Drives the planet planet carrier carrier.
Brake C • •
Locks Locks the small all sun gear Planetary Planetary gears roll roll on on the smaller aller sun gear and driv drive the ring ring gear (overdrive) Th The Ravigneaux ring gear drives the Simpson ring gear.
Clutch F •
Locks Locks the Simpson ring ring gear gear, drive driven by the Ravigneaux gear set, to the Simpson sun gear gear Th The Simpson gear ratio is 1:1 Th The Simpson planet carrier drives the output shaft.
Engaged Disengaged FL1 = Freewheeling Clutch C lutch
Large Sun Gear Small Sun Gear
Large Planet Gear Ring Gear
Small Planet Gear
BlackArrows = PowerTransfer WhiteArrows= NoPowerTransfer (freewheeli freewheeling) ng)
01V POWERFL POWERFLOW Reverse Clutch B •
Driv Drives the small all sun gear.
Brake D • •
Stops ops the planet planet carrier Th The small sun gear drives the large planetary gears in opposite opposite direction of the the small sun sun gear Th The large planetary gears drive the ring gear in the same direction direction as the small all sun gear (reverse) Th The ring gear drives the subsequent ring gear.
Engaged Disengaged FL1 = Freewheeling heeling Clutch Clutch
Brake G • • • •
Stops ops the Simpson sun gear gear Th The ring gear drives the Simpson gearset Th The planetary gears rotate on the sun gear Th The Simpson planetary housing drives the driveshaft.
A gear reductio reduction n is is present in both both planet planetary assemblies.
Large Sun Gear Small Sun Gear
Large Planet Gear Ring Gear
Small Planet Gear
BlackArrows = PowerTransfer WhiteArrows Arrows= NoPowerTransfer (freewheeli freewheeling) ng)
01V POWERFL POWERFLOW Clutch Logic Chart Chart Th The clutch logic chart tells you what is applied in each gear, similar ilar to the pages pages you just went through.
For example ple, if a vehicle hicle com comes in that will ill not shift ift from 1st gear to 2nd gear, you can lo look at the chart chart and and see what is applied. applied.
Th This chart can be very helpful during the diagnosis of of the transmission. ission.
Th The only difference between 1st and 2nd gears is the application application of of brake C. The symptom would indicate indicate that Brake C is not apply applying. It is is then a matter of determining if the problem is a control problem, due to the wiring or the com computer, or whether it is is an internal internal problem problem, such such as a defective valve body body, solenoid solenoid or or clutch.
1st Gear
Torque Converter Clutch X= Componentactive - = Componentinactive (X)= Com Componentact activedependingonvehiclestatus(overlapping overlapping))
01V POWERFL POWERFLOW Summary Th This sections has shown you the overall powe powerflow flow through hrough the 01V autom automatic atic transmission. Th The planetary gearsets, a Ravigneaux and a Simpson, pson, transfer the pow power through to the driveshaft. Th The clutches and brakes control which parts of these planetary gearsets spin and which o ones nes are held. The specific clutch and brake brake combinations binations in each each gear are provided. Finally, the clutch logic chart is given as a quick reference to to help with the diagno diagnosis sis of the transmission. Now that you know know how the 01V automatic transmission ission operates operates, let’s take a lo look a the 01L automatic transmission. ission.
01L POWERFL POWERFLOW 01LAutomatic Transmission ransmission Powerfl owerflow ow O bjectives: •
Explain plain the arrangements arrangements of the Simpson pson gearsets Explain plain which clutches clutches and brakes control the different different parts parts of the planetary gearsets Explain plain which ich clutches and brakes are active active in each gear Explain plain the 01L clutch applica application tion chart chart.
01L POWERFL POWERFLOW 01L Planetar lanetary yGearsets earsets
Planetary lanetary1
Engine Engine powe power is transferred transferred through through the 01L transmissi issio on by way of three Simpson Simpson gearsets. gearsets. Th The arrangement of the three Simpson gearsets is referred to as as a Wilson Wilson gearset.
• • •
Brake E holds holds the 1st planet carrier carrier Clutch C driv drives the 1st sun gear Brake D ho holds lds the 1st sun gear gear.
Planetary lanetary2 •
Clutch B drives the 2nd planet planet carrier carrier.
Planetary lanetary3 • •
Clutch A drives the the 2/3 2/3 sun gear Brake F holds holds the 3rd ring ring gear.
No. 2 Ring Ring Gear Gear No. 1 Ring Gear
Planetar lanetary y1
2/3 Sun Gear No. 1 Sun Sun Gear Gear
Planetary lanetary 2
Th The 2nd planet carrier is tied to the 1st and 3rd 3rd ring ring gears. gears. Th The 1st planet carrier is tied to the 2nd ring ring gear gear.
No. 3 Ring Ring Gear Gear
Planetary lanetary 3
01L POWERFL POWERFLOW 1st Gear Gear Clutch A • •
Drives the 2/3 2/3 sun gear Th The 3rd sun gear drives the 3rd planetary gears, which rotate in the opposite opposite direction ion on the 3rd ring gear Th This causes the 3rd planet carrier to turn in the same direction direction as as the engine rotation rotation Th The 3rd planet carrier transfers this power to the output shaft Th The freewheeling clutch holds the 3rd ring gear from rotating counte counter-clo clockwise Freewheels during decel deceleratio eration. n.
BlackArrows = PowerTransfer WhiteArrows= NoPowerTransfer (freewheeli freewheeling) ng)
01L POWERFL POWERFLOW 2nd Gear Clutch A •
Driv Drives the 2/3 2/ 3 sun gear.
Brake E •
Hold Holds s the 1st planet planet carrier carrier, which ich is connected to the 2nd ring gear Th The 2nd sun gear drives the 2nd planetary gears, forcing the the 2nd planet planet carrier to turn clockwise Th This causes the 3rd planet carrier to revolve around the 3rd sun gear Th The planet carrier of the 3rd planetary gear set transfers the powe power to the output shaft. shaft.
BlackArrows = PowerTransfer WhiteArrows Arrows= NoPowerTransfer (freewheeli freewheeling) ng)
01L POWERFL POWERFLOW 3rd 3rd Gear Gear Brake D
Clutch A • •
Drives the 2/3 2/3 sun gear Th The 2/3 sun gear drives the 2nd planetary gears Th The 2nd planetary gears drive the 2nd ring gear Since the 2nd ring gear gear and 1st planetary planetary carrier carrier are tied togethe together, the 1st planetary carrier carrier is driven.
• •
Hold Holds s the 1st sun gear Th This causes the 1st planetary gears to spin around around the 1st sun gear gear in the sam same direction as the engine rotation and driv drive the 1st ring gear Th The 1st ring gear drives the 2nd planetary carrier carrier and the 3rd rin ring g gear gear, since theyare all tied together Th The 3rd planet carrier transfers this power to the output shaft shaft.
BlackArrows = PowerTransfer WhiteArrows= NoPowerTransfer (freewheeli freewheeling) ng)
01L POWERFL POWERFLOW 4thGear Gear Clutch B
Clutch A •
Driv Drives the 2/3 2/3 sun gear.
• •
Driv Drives the 2nd planet planet carrier Th This attempts to apply two gears at the same time. All All three planetary planetary assemblies blies lock lock and spin as one. Input speed equals output spee speed, d, 1:1.
BlackArrows = PowerTransfer WhiteArrows Arrows= NoPowerTransfer (freewheeli freewheeling) ng)
01L POWERFL POWERFLOW 5thGear Gear Brake D
Clutch B •
Driv Drives the 2nd planet planet carrier carrier, the 1st ring gear and the 3rd ring gear at engine speed Th The 2nd planet carrier drives the 2nd ring gear and the the 2/3 2/3 sun gear Th The 2nd ring gear is connected to the 1st planet planet carrier. The 1st planet planet carrier drives the 1st planet planetary gears around around the held held sun gear, causing a gear reductio reduction n Th The 2/3 sun gear drives the 3rd planet carrier at the speed difference difference between the 3rd ring ring and sun gears Th The difference in speed between the 2/3 sun gear and the 3rd ring gear causes the the planet carrier carrier to turn at higher than than input input speed.
Hold Holds s the 1st sun gear. As a result, the 1st planet carrier tu turns rns in the direction of engine engine rotation Th This causes the 1st planetary gears to spin around around the 1st sun gear gear in the sam same direction as the engine engine rotatio rotation n Th This results in higher rpm at the 2nd planetary gears. The 2nd planetary planetary gears transfer this faster speed over to the 3rd planet planet carrier carrier.
BlackArrows = PowerTransfer WhiteArrows= NoPowerTransfer (freewheeli freewheeling) ng)
01L POWERFL POWERFLOW Reverse Clutch C • •
Brake F
Driv Drives the 1st sun gear Th The 1st sun gear drives the 1st planet carrier because because the 1st ring gear is being being held. held.
Holds Holds the 1st and 3rd ring gears as well as the 2nd planet carrier Th The 2nd ring gear is driven by the 1st planetary carrier and turns in the direction of of engine engine rotat rotation ion Th The 2nd ring gear transfers this power through the 2nd planetary planetary gears and and to the 2/3 sun gear Although Although the 2nd planetary gears are turning in the direction direction of of engine rotation, they theyturn the 2/3 2/3 sun gear gear in the the opposite opposite direction of of engine engine rotation because the 2nd 2nd carrier carrier is held From the 2/3 2/3 sun sun gear, the the 3rd planet carrier is driv driven against against the stationary ationary 3rd ring ring gear Th The 3rd planet carrier transfers this power to the output shaft in the opposi opposite te direction ion of of engine rotation.
BlackArrows = PowerTransfer WhiteArrows Arrows= NoPowerTransfer (freewheeli freewheeling) ng)
01L POWERFL POWERFLOW Clutch Logic Chart Chart Th The clutch logic chart tells you what is applied in each gear, similar ilar to the pages pages you just went through. Th This chart can be very helpful during the diagnosis of the transmission. ission. For example ple, if a vehicle icle com comes in that will ill not shift from from 2nd gear to 3rd 3rd gear, you can lo look at the chart and see what is applied.
Th The only difference between 2nd and 3rd gears is the application application of of brake D and the rrelease elease of brake E. If the transmission operat operates es fine in 5th gear (brake D appl applied) ied), the the problem problem is most likely with brake E.
1st Gear
Torque Converter Clutch X=Component Componentactive - = Componentinactive inactive (X)= Componentact activedepending dependingonvehic vehicle lestatus(overlapping overlapping))
01L POWERFL POWERFLOW Summary Th This section has shown you the overall powerflow through the 01L autom automatic atic transm transmissi issio on. Th The planetary gearset consists of three Simpson gearsets and is referred to as a Wilson Wilson gearset. Th This gearset transfers the power through to the driveshaft. Th The clutches and brakes control which parts of these Planetary gearsets spin and which ich ones ones are held. The specific clutch and brake brake combinations binations in each each gear are provided. Finally, the clutch logic chart is given as a quick reference to to help with the diagno diagnosis sis of the transmission. Now that you know know how how the 01L autom automatic atic transtransmission ission operates operates, let’s take a look look at how how the Torsen®center differential fits into these transmission applications.
TORS TO RSEN DIFF DIFFERENTIA ENTIAL The Torsen® orsen®Differ Differentia entiall O bjectives: •
Explain plain the applicatio application n of the Torsen center differential Explain plain the function function of of the Torsen center differential Introduce Introduce the components of the Torsen center different differential ial Explain plain the operatio operation n of of the Torsen center differential.
TOR TO RSEN DIFF DIFFERENTIA ENTIAL Th The Torsen differential is used with both the 01V and 01L automatic transmissions issions on allall-wh wheel drive vehicles. It is placed placed betw between the front and rear axle shafts, inside inside of the transmission. ission. Th The Torsen differential improves the traction and stabili ability ty of the vehicle ehicle by distributing pow power between the front and rear rear driveshafts. Whenever traction traction is compromised, the Torsen different differential ial will ill transfer power from the driv driveshaft that is spinning to the driveshaft that is is not. Th There is no electronic control to lock ock or unlock the Torsen differential. All of the the torque torque transfer is done through worm gears using using a friction friction design. Th This differential requires no maintenance.
Torsen Differential
Transmission O utput Shaft
To Rear Axle
To Front Axle
TORS TO RSEN DIFF DIFFERENTIA ENTIAL Th The Torsen differential is composed of the following com components ponents: • • • • • •
Th The teeth on each of the planet gears mesh with the teeth of one side side gear.
Differential Housing Helical Helical Planet Gears Gears (with Spur Gears Gears) Helical Front Axle Side Gear Gear Helical Rear Ax Axle le Side Gear G ear Front Driveshaf Driveshaftt Rear Dri Drives veshaft haft.
When the vehicle ehicle is moving in a straight raight line line with no slip, the transmission ission driv drives the Torsen unit unit. Th The Torsen unit in turn drives the planet gears, which drive drive the side ide gears.
Inside Inside the Torsen housing, there are pairs pairs of helical planet gears. gears. The planet planet gears are held held in tight-fitting -fitting pocket pockets inside the hous housing, ing, and are are splined together through spur gears at at their ends. Th These spur gears do not allow the planet gears to rotate in the same directio direction. n.
Differential Housing Hollow Shaft To Rear Final Drive Differential Pinion
Driv Driveshaft Flange Flange
Rear Axle Side Gear G ear
To Front Final Drive
Planet Gears Front Axle Side Side Gear G ear
Interlocking Interlocking Teeth
TOR TO RSEN DIFF DIFFERENTIA ENTIAL When an ax axle lo loses traction, the the planet planet gears, through the spur gears, are responsibl responsible e for the powe power transfer transfer.
Th The maximum amount of power that can be sent to the ax axle with better traction raction is dete determined by the Torque orque Bias Bias Ratio atio (TBR (TBR). TBR is determined ined by the angle and shape of of the teeth on the side ide and Th The interlocked planet gears will apply even force planet planet gears. The TBR of the Torsen orsen differential differential is is to each side gear. O nly the planet planet gear meshed about about 2:1. This means that about about two-thirds o-thirds of to the side ide gear that has traction raction can can appl apply y this the torque, or or about about 67%, can be be sent to the axle force. The other planet planet gear is simply follo follow wing with better traction. traction. The remaining aining third is sent to along. the other ax axle.
Planet Gear
Side Gear Gear
TORS TO RSEN DIFF DIFFERENTIA ENTIAL Summary Th The Torsen differential is used in all-wheel drive applications. applications. It is made up of worm gears, ring ring gears, interlo interlocking cking teeth and a carrier housing. Th These parts all work toge ogether to apply power to the axle that has the most traction. raction.
ELECTRONIC OPERATION ION Electronic Opera Operattion O bjectives bjectives:: •
Explain plain the operation operation of the the Transmission Input Sensor G182 Explain plain the operation operation of the the Transmission Vehicl ehicle e Speed Sensor Sensor G38 G38 Explain plain the function ion of of the KickKick-down Switch F8 Explain plain the Motronic Motronic Kick Kick--down Strategy rategy Explain plain the functio function n of of the Brake Light Switch F Explain plain the function ion of of the Transmission O il Temperature Se Sensor G93 Explain plain the functio function n of the Multifunction Multifunction Switch F125
Explain ECM to TCM communication
Explain TCM to ECM communication
Explain plain the operatio operation n of of the 01V and 01L Solenoid Valves Explain plain the operatio operation n of of the 01V and 01L Pressure Control Control Valv alves Introduce Introduce the 01V and 01L Solenoi Solenoid d appl apply y charts Explain plain the function of the the Shif Shiftt Lock Soleno Solenoid id N110 Explain plain the function function of the Selector Lever Lever Position Indicator Explain plain the the function ion of the Cruise Cruise Cont Control rol Switch Explain plain the function function of the Automatic Transmission Relay J60 J60 Explain the function of the Ignition Lock J20 J207.
Transmission Input Sensor G182
Transmission Vehicle Sp Speed Se Sensor G38 G38
Kick Kick Down Switch F8
Brake Light Switch F
Transmission Fl Fluid Temperature Switch G93 Climate Control Head Multifunction Transmission Range (TR) Switch F125
ABS/ASRElectronic Control Control Module
A B S / A S R
Solenoid Solenoid Valves Transmission Con Control Module Module J2 J217
Shift ift Lock Solenoid olenoid
Gear Indicator Indicator
Speed Control Unit Data Link Connector
Automatic Transm ransmission ssion Relay
Left and Right Back-up Lights Lights M16/M1 6/M17
ELECTRONIC NIC OPERATION ION Sensors Transmission ransmission Input Input Speed peed Sensor G182 Th The Transmission In Input Speed Se Sensor G182 is is used to measure shift duration. The measured speed change during during a shift must meet the mapped speed in the the TCM. This mapped speed is dependen dependentt on the load load of of the engine and the the speed of the vehicl ehicle. e. The TCM wil willl adjust adjust the shift time acco accordingl rdingly y to try and meet the mapped apped value.
Magnetic Ring
Clutch lutch A Hous Housing
A new Hall Hall sensor sensor replaces an an induct inductive sensor for for G182 in bo both the 01V and 01L transmissi issio ons. Th The Hall se sensor can measure input speed be better than an induct inductive ive sensor and allows allows for more shift control. In the 01V transmission, ission, a magnetic ring ring is is attached attached to the housing of of Clutch C lutch A, which spins at the speed of of the Ravigneaux planet planetary ary carrier carrier (turbine turbine speed) speed). In order order for the Hall Hall sensor to sense the magnetism of clutch clutch A, clutch clutch B is made of of aluminum aluminum (clutch A is inside inside of of clutch clutch B). In the 01L transmission, ission, a magnetic ring ring is is attached attached to the the housing of clutch B, which spins at the speed of of the 2nd planetary planetary carrier (turbine bine speed) peed).
Clutch B Housing
G182 Transmissi ission on Input Sensor (Hal (Halll type)
ELECTRONIC OPERATION ION Sensors G182 Hall Hall Sensor Signal ignal Char Characteristics acteristics Good Good Signal Signal Th The advantages of a more accurate input speed are: •
2 V/Div.
Control and adaptations betw between 1st and R. Th This reduces the en engagement jo jolt when a drive gear is select selected ed from from P or N, and when a rolling rolling downs downshift into 1st is perform performed
10 ms/Div.
T 0
Improvement in shift ift quality quality in all all gears through precise control and and adaptation of of gearshifts Improve Improvement in self-diagno self-diagnost stic quality quality through early detect detection ion of of a slipping clutch or brake brake.
Poor Signal ignal 2 V/Div.
10 ms/Div.
T 0
Signal Application Application Th The signal of of th the transmission in input RPM is is required for for the shift ift transition ransitions s between the gears to be smoothly regulated. gulated.
EffectofSignal Failure Th The tr transmission will operate in in Em Emergency Mode.
Self-Diagnosis Diagnosis Failure Message Message Sensor for for the Transmission ission Input Input RPM G182 No Signal/Im Signal/ Implausible plausible Signal Signal
ELECTRONIC NIC OPERATION ION Sensors Transm ransmission Vehicle Speed Sensor G38 G38 G38 is an inductive sensor sensor that records tr transansmission ission output output RPM. Th The ECM ca calculates the vehicle speed fr from the transmission ission output output RPM. Shielding Shielding for for the signal wires prevents outside ide electric interference.
Th The sensor on the 01V front-wheel dr drive and al allwheel driv drive uses a trigger trigger wheel on on the output shaft for a signal. Th The sensor for the 01L all-wheel dr drive uses a trigger wheel on on the the Torsen differential differential for for a signal.
O utput utput RPM Sensor G38 G38
Signal Application Th The signal of of th the transmission ou output RPM is required for for the shift hift transition ransitions s between the gears to be be smoothly regulated. regulated.
Effectof Signal Failure ailure If the signal fail fails s, the the vehicl ehicle e will ill operate in Emergency Mode. Mode.
Self-Diagnosis Diagnosis Failure Failure Message Transmission Sp Speed Se Sender G38 G38 No Signal/ Signal/ Implaus Implausible ible Signal Signal
ELECTRONIC OPERATION ION Sensors Kick-down downSwitchF8 Th The Ki Kick-do -down Switch F8 F8 is is activated when the accel accelerator erator is com complete pletely depressed (to the floor). Th The kick-do -down switch on on so some vehicles is is integrated integrated in the accelerat accelerator cable. It is lolocated in in the engine com compartm partment in front front of the spray guard guard to the passenger passenger com compartm partment.
Throttle Cable able Kick Kick-down Switch
Signal Application When the driver depresses depresses the accelerato acceleratorr to the floor floor, the transmission ission down-shifts down-shifts to accelera accelerate te. If the transmission ission receives this signal in 5th gear, it will ill d downsh ownshift to the low lowest poss possibl ible e gear, depending on vehicl vehicle e speed. As a rule, the the automatic transm transmission holds holds the lower lower gears longer longer to assist assist in acceleraacceleration. If the the accelerat accelerator is is held in in the kick kick--down position longer, the air conditioning will be shut off off. This provides ides more pow power to the wheels.
Effectof Signal Failure Ti Tiptronic tr transmissions will not do downshift without a kickick-down signal. They will also not not recognize a kick-down signal signal if the the thrott throttle le is is not applied applied 95% 95% or more.
O n veh vehicl icles es with a throttle rottle cable cable, make sure the cable cable is adjusted adjusted correctly correctly. Incorrect Incorrect adjust adjustment can cause driveabil driveability ity concerns. Check AESIS for for the correct adjustm adjustment procedure. Vehicles ehicles with Motronic Motronic Engine Management 7 (ME7) do not have a throttle rottle cable. The ME7 kickdow down strategy is explained explained on on the next page. page.
Self-Diagnosis Diagnosis Failure Failure Message Kick Kick-dow down Switch F8 Short Short to to Ground G round// Electrical Malfunct Malfunction in Circuit
ELECTRONIC NIC OPERATION ION Sensors Motronic Kick-down Strategy All vehicl ehicles es with Motronic Motronic Engine Managem Management 7 (ME7) do not have a throttle rottle cable cable or or a kickdown switch, except for the A8 4.2L. 4.2L. The A8 uses a kick-down switch mounted to the flo floor that doubles as an accelerator pedal stop.
Pressure Element (To conv convey kick-down feel) feel)
Th These vehicles have an Accelerator Pedal Modu odule to determ determine the position position of the the accelerat accelerator or pedal. Th The ac accelerator pe pedal mo module is is made up up of of two independent potentiom iometers, G79 and G185. If one one sensor ensor fails fails, the the other other acts as a substitute.
Signal Application When the driv driver depresses the accelerator accelerator to the floor floor, the transmission ission down-shifts down-shifts to accelera accelerate te. If the transmission ission receives this signal in 5th gear, it will ill downshift to the low lowest possible possible gear, depending on on vehicle speed.
AcceleratorPedal Module
As a rule, the automatic transmission holds holds the lower gears longer longer to assist assist in accel acceleraeration. If the accelerator accelerator is held held in in the kickick-down position longer, the air conditioning will be shut off off. This provides ides more pow power to the wheels.
Effectof Signal Failure ailure Th The engine will go go in into Em Emergency Running Mode.
Self-Diagnosis Diagnosis Failure Failure Message Th Throttle Position Se Sensor G7 G79 O pen or Short Short Circ Circuit uit/Malfunct Malfunction Th Throttle Position Sensor G185 O pen or Short Short Circ Circuit uit/Malfunct Malfunction
A8 Kick Kick-down -down Switc witch
ELECTRONIC OPERATION ION Sensors Motronic Motronic Kick-down Strategy cont. With the exceptio ception n of of the A8, A8, no other Audi vehicles ehicles with ME7 ME7 hav have a throttle switch to provide kick-down inform information. ation. Automat Automatic ic transmission ission vehicles hicles have a pressure element in place of the accelerat accelerator pedal stop. This pressure element generates a mechanical mechanical pressure point point which gives the driver driver a kickdown feeling.
When the driver pushes the throttle pedal pedal to this point point, the the internal com compo ponent nents of the the acceleraaccelerator position position sensor sensor will ill exceed the fullfull-lo load ad voltage oltage normall normally y sent sent to the ECM. ECM. The ECM ECM interprets this this excessive voltage oltage lev level as a “kick “kickdown” down” action action and will ill transfer transfer this inform information to the the TCM. Th The kick-do -down switching po point can only be tested using diagno diagnost stic testers. ters.
Kick Kick-down Range Range Accelerator Accelerator Pedal Travel ravel 5,0 G79
) V ( e g a t l o V l a n g i S
0 20 %
40 %
60 %
80 %
100 %
Driv Driver Torque orque Range Full-throttle Full-throttle Stop (Mechanical)
Accelerator Pedal Final Stop
If the accelerator pedal module odule or the engine control module is is changed, the Scan Tool adaptation function function must be perfo perform rmed.
ELECTRONIC NIC OPERATION ION Sensors Transm ransmission Oil Oil Temperature Sensor G93 Th The sensor G93 G93 is is a NT NTC th thermistor that continuously monitors the Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF) tem temperature perature. It is located located inside inside the wiring harness that goes goes to the solenoid solenoid valves. G93 receives a voltage oltage signal from the TCM. CM. It will also initiate special shifting ifting programs programs during during warm-up to bring bring the catalyt catalytic conv converter up to operating perating temperature perature faster.
Transm ransmission Oil TemperatureSensor
Signal Application Th The tr transmission oi oil temperature is is monitored so the transmission ission does does not ov overheat. If the ATF oil temperature increases to approxiapproximately 120 degrees degrees C, the the TCC will ill begin engaging earlier.
EffectofSignal Failure Th The TCC will no longer engage.
Self-Diagnosis Diagnosis Failure Failure Message Sensor for for the Transmission ission O il Temperature G93 G93 Short to Ground Short to Positive Implausible Signal Electrical Malfunction in Electrical Circuit
ELECTRONIC OPERATION ION Sensors Tiptron Tiptronic icSwitch SwitchF189 Th The Tiptronic Switch F189 al allows the driver to contr control which ich gear gear the transmission ission stays in. When the shifter lever lever is in in driv drive and moved to the passenger side of the vehicl ehicle e, it will go into the Tiptronic gate. The driv driver can then either push the shift lev lever forw forward to switch to the next higher gear, or back back to switch to the next low lowest gear. Th The TCM will no not downshift into a gear that can damage the transmission ission or or cause excess engine engine speed. Also, the TCM will ill automatically atically upshift into into the next next higher gear gear when the engine reaches reaches maximum RPM. Th The Tiptronic Switch F189 is is composed of three separate separate switches. The center switch detects when the selector selector lever has entered the Tiptr Tiptronic onic gate. The front switch detects when the selector is moved forward forward in the selector gate gate, and the rear switch detects when the selector selector lev lever is moved back.
Signal Application When in in driv drive, moving the selector selector lever towards the passenger side will ill enable enable Tiptronic Tiptronic operation. When in Tiptronic mode, moving the shifter forw forwards will ill cause a transmission upshift ift, and back will ill cause a downshift. hift.
Effectof Signal Failure Ti Tiptronic will no not op operate.
Self-Diagnosis Diagnosis Failure Failure Message Short circuit to ground Ti Tiptronic switch is is faulty
ELECTRONIC NIC OPERATION ION Sensors Multifunction Multifunction Switch witchF125 Th The Multifunction Switch F125 is is mounted on on theouts theoutside ide of the the transm transmission housing and is mechanical echanically ly operated operated through the control cable cable of of the selector selector lever. Th The multifunction switch ha has the fo following positions: 01V: P, Z1, R, Z1, N, Z2, D, Z3, Z3, 4, Z4, Z4, 3, Z4, Z 4, 2 01L: P, Z1, R, Z2, N, N, Z2, D, Z3, Z3, 4, 3, 2.
Signal Application Transmits the position (P, Z1, N, et etc...) of of the selector lev lever to the TCM. Control of relay J60. This This prevents the engine from being started when the the transmission ission is is in a driv drive gear.
Multfunction Multfunction Switc witch F125
Suppli Supplies es power to the cruise cruise contr control unit in D – 4. Switches the reverse lights lights on on when the transmission ission is is put in in reverse. Activates the shift shift-lo -lock solenoid solenoid so the the transtransmission ission cannot cannot be shifted into gear without the brake pedal being depres depressed.
Effectof Signal Failure ailure Driving is still poss possible ible in selector lever positions D and R, although although shift quali quality ty is reduced.
Self-Diagnosis Diagnosis Failure Message Message Multifunctio ultifunction n Switch F125 Implausible Signal
When adjusting adjusting the Multifunct Multifunctio ion n switch, use the Scan Tool to make sure the Multifunction Multifunction Switch Switch is is not in in a “Z” position. If the switch is in a “Z” po position, sition, the vehicle may not start art or operate operate properly properly.
ELECTRONIC OPERATION ION Sensors Brake Light Light Switc witch F Th The brake signal is is used to modify the shift pattern. pattern. The amount of modifi odificatio cation n depends on engine load load and vehicl ehicle e speed. This signal is also also used to release the gear selector lock. lock. Th The Brake Light Switch F is loca ocated on on the brake pedal. Th The ECM in informs the TCM when the Brake Light Switch F is is active active.
Brake Light Light Switc witch
Signal Application Application Th The brake must be applied in in or order to re release the the gear selector lo lock. ck. If the brake is applied during deceleration, the transmission ission will ill downsh downshift ift earlier earlier to: • •
Provide for engine braking Prepare for acceleration.
Effectof Signal Failure Failure If the the signal is is not being provided to the transm transmission, the selector lo lock will ill not release.
Self-Diagnosis Diagnosis Failure Message Message Brake Light Light Switch F Implausible Signal Electrical Malfunction in Circuit
ELECTRONIC NIC OPERATION ION Sensors ECM to TCM Signals Th The ECM (J22 J220) supplies the TCM (J217) with the follo follow wing three signals: ignals: •
Engine speed from from the Engine Speed Sensor G28 G28 Th The Fu Fuel Cons Consumption Si Signal is ca calculated from the injector timing by the ECM ECM Engine load load from the Throttle Position Position Sensor G69 G69. Engine Speed Speed Sensor Sensor G28 G28
Fuel Injector
ECM Th Throttle Position Sensor G69 G69
Signal Application Engine RPM, fuel consu consumption and throttle plate position.
EffectofSignal Failure Th The effect of interruption of the entire circuit between the ECM ECM and TC TCM will result in the transmission ission going going into Emergency Mode.
Self-Diagnosis Diagnosis Failure Message Message Engine/ Transmission Electric Connectio Connection n2 O pen/ pen/ Short to Grou G round nd Short Short to Positive Positive. Malfunction Reported by ECM RPM Information Missing
ELECTRONIC OPERATION ION Sensors ECM ECM to TCM Signals cont. Engine EngineSpeed Speed(RPM)Sensor ensorG28
FuelConsum Consumption ptionSigna Signall
Th The fu fuel co consumption si signal is calculated fr from Th The Engine Speed Sensor, G28 G28, se sends the engine engine speed speed signal to to the the EC ECM. The The ECM also also the injector timing by the ECM. sends sends this signal to the TCM. Th The TCM re recognizes this signal as the instantaneous torque of the the engine. ngine. The TCM will ill calculate calculate shift points points according to the the signal received.
Signal Application Application Th The engine RPM so sognal is is required for the calculation calculation of the shift pressure pressure. It is a prerequisite prerequisite for smooth shifting. ifting.
Signal Application Th The fuel consumption signal is used for calculating the shift duration poi points nts.
Effectof Signal Failure If the the ECM ECM does does not receive receive an engine engine RPM signal, the the motor motor will die. If this signal is not received by the TCM, the transmission ission will ill go into Emergency Mode.
Effect of Signal Failure A replacem replacement value alue is calc calcula ulated ted from the thrott throttle po position sensor and RPM signals, signals, then sent to the TCM.
Self-Diagnosis Diagnosis Failure Message Message
Self-Diagnosis Diagnosis Failure Failure Message
RPM information ion is missing O pen/ pen/Short to Grou G round nd Short to Positive Implausible Signal
Fuel Consum Consumption Signal Short to Ground Short to Positive Positive Implausible Signal
ELECTRONIC NIC OPERATION ION Sensors ECM ECM to TCM Signals cont. ThrottlePositionSensor– G69 Th The ECM re receives a lo load signal fr from the engine via the Throttle Throttle Position Sensor Sensor G69 G69 and passes it on to the TCM.
Signal Application Th The Throttle Position Sensor signal is is required for the TC TCM to determ determine engine loa load d when calculating calculating shift points.
Effectof Signal Failure ailure If a signal is not suppli supplied ed from the TPS, a substitute value alue is supplied supplied by the ECM. ECM. If the ECM does not send a signal to the TCM, the transmission ission defaults defaults to a fi fixed shift shift mode without the dynamic shift program program.
Self-Diagnosis Diagnosis Failure Failure Message Th Throttle Position Sensor G69 G69 Signal Too Small Signal Too Large Unclear/ Undefined Undefined Signal Signal Load Signal Stuck Stuck O ff Load Signal Stuck Stuck O n
ELECTRONIC OPERATION ION Sensors TCM to ECM ECM Signals ignals Th The two most important signals that the TCM gives gives to to the the ECM ECM are: •
Th The Anti-Lock ock Brake System (ABS)/ Antislip Regulation (ASR) Control Module signal Th The motor in intervention si signal.
TCM ABS/ASR Control Module Motor Intervention Signal
ELECTRONIC NIC OPERATION ION Sensors TCM to ECM ECM Signals cont. Antilock ntilock Brake System Signal Signal A signal from the ABS/ASR Electronic Control Control Module (ECM) (ECM) is is transmitted to the Transmission ission Control Module (TCM).
The Motor Intervention Signal Signal When the transmission ission is is ready to shift, the TCM sends sends a signal to the the EC ECM. The The ECM will will reduce engine pow power slightly lightly to make the the shift smoother.
Th The TCM receives the signal when the ASR is active. The TCM passes passes this information along along to the ECM.
Signal Application Application If the the TC TCM receives receives a signal signal from the ABS/ASR /ASR ECM, ECM, the TCM supports supports automatic tractio traction n control in that: • •
It post postpones pones the shift ift duration duration points points Th There is is le less shifting.
EffectofSignal Failure
Signal Application Th The transmission in informs the engine when it it wants to shift. hift. The ECM ECM adapts injection injection quantity and timing to reduce engine torque.
Effect of Signal ignal Failure If the the signal fails, fails, the transm transmission operates in Emergency Mode.
No support of the automatic traction control.
Self-Diagnosis Diagnosis Failure Failure Message Self-Diagnosis Diagnosis Failure Failure Message No O utput put
Engine Engine// Transmission Electric Electric Connectio onnection n Short to Ground Short to Positive Positive
ELECTRONIC OPERATION ION Actuators 01V Solenoid Valves alves N88 to N90 Th The Solenoid Valves N88 N88 to N90 are loca ocated in the valv alve body body. The TCM contr controls ols their operaoperation. Th The fu function of of th the solenoid valves is to ch change the electrical signal from the TCM into a hydraulic lic one. They do this by pushing on on or releasing valves in the valv valve bo body. Keep in mind, even if the sol solenoid enoid is working working properl properly y, the valve alve in the valv alve body body may be stuck and causing shifting co concerns ncerns..
Hydrauli Hydraulic pressure pressure is what makes the transmission operate. Th The Solenoid Valves N88 N88 to N90 are Yes/No/Novalv alves. Theyare either open open or closed, closed, similar ilar to a light light switch, which can can only only assume two pospossible positions, positions, “on” and “off” off”. Th The so solenoid valves op open or or cl close the oi oil canals canals to the clutches or the brakes when when the TCM activates th them.
N90 N89
Effectof Signal Failure If the the signal fails, fails, the transmission operat operates in Emergency Mode.
Self-Diagnosis Diagnosis Failure Failure Message Solenoid Valve N88, N89 or N90 Short Short to Groun G round d Short to Positive
ELECTRONIC NIC OPERATION ION Actuators 01VPressureControl ControlValvesN91through N94 Th The Pressure Con Control Valves N91 through N94 push on valves in the valve alve body body, regulating regulating the hydraulic draulic pressure during during gear gear changes so the clutches clutches and brakes disengage disengage and engage smoothly othly and softly softly. Th The opening of of the pr pressure co control valves directly directly depends on the value alue of the electric electric control control current (amperage), which is sent as a signal from from the TCM.
Pressure Control Control Valve
Th This amperage signal se sent from the TCM is is a duty cycle cle, which pulses the press pressure control control valv alve on and off off. This duty cycle cle can be control trolled led to provide any position position bet betw ween open and closed.
Th These types of pr pressure control valves are known as modulatio modulation n val valv ves. Keep in in mind, even if if the pressure control valv alve is working properly properly, the valv alve in the valv alve body body may be stuck and causing shifting conc concerns. erns.
01V Pressure Control Valve N9 N91 Pressure Control Control Valve N91 has has the responsibili ponsibility ty of regulating regulating the entire amount of ATF required to operate operate the transmissi ission. on.
01V Pressure Control Control ValvesN N92 92 and and N93 N93
N93 N94
Th The Pressure Con Control Valves N92 N92 and N93 are responsible responsible for for regulating the hydraulic draulic pressure when gears are changing to allow allow for smooth operation.
01V Pressure Control Control Valve N94 N94 Th The Pressure Con Control Valve N94 disengages and engages the torque conv converter clutch. It is a modulation valve.
Effect of Signal ignal Failure If the the signal fails, fails, the transm transmission operates in Emergency Mode.
Self-Diagnosis Diagnosis Failure Failure Message Solenoid Valve N91, N92 N93 or N94 Short to Ground Short to Positive Positive
ELECTRONIC OPERATION ION 01V Solenoid and Pressure Control Control Valve Apply Chart Th This chart gives you the information ne needed to find out out which solenoids solenoids are applied applied in in which gears. When the transmisson is is shifting ifting incorrec incorrectly tly and no trouble co code has been been set, there may be a mechanical failure failure in one one of of these valves. Use this chart chart with the pinout pinout test to dete determine which soleno solenoid id may be causing the co concern. ncern.
X- X
X- X
X- X
Torque Converter Clutch
X = Component Component active - = Componentinact inactive X-X= Component active depending on vehicle status status (overlapping) overlapping)
ELECTRONIC NIC OPERATION ION Actuators 01L Solenoid olenoid Valves Valves N88, N89 N89 and and N90 N90 Th The 01L Solenoid Valves N88 to N9 N90 ar are located in the the valve body. The TCM controls their their operation. Th The fu function of of th the solenoid valves is is to ch change the electrical electrical signal from the TCM into a hydraulic one. Hydrauli draulic c pressure pressure is what makes the transm ransmission operate.
Effect of Signal ignal Failure
Th The Solenoid Valves N88 N88 to to N90 N90 ar are Yes/No/Novalv alves. They are either open open or closed, closed, similar ilar to a light light switch, which can only only assume two possible positions, “on” and “off”.
If the the signal fails, fails, the transm transmission operates in Emergency Mode.
Th The so solenoid valves op open or or cl close the oi oil canals canals to the clutches or the brakes when when the TCM activates them.
Self-Diagnosis Diagnosis Failure Failure Message
Keep in mind, even if the sol solenoid enoid valve is is working properly properly, the valv alve in the valv alve body body may be stuck and causing shifting conc concerns. erns.
Solenoid Solenoid Valve Valve 1,2 or 3 (N88, N89, N90) Short to Ground Short to Positive Positive Electrical Malfunction
ELECTRONIC OPERATION ION Actuators 01LPressure Pressure Control ontrol Valves ValvesN215,N2 N216,N2 N217, N218 and and N233 N233 Th These pr pressure co control valves regulate the hydraulic draulic pressure during gear gear changes so the clutches and brakes disengage disengage and and engage smoothly othly and softl softly y. Th The opening of of the pr pressure co control valves directly directly depends on on the value alue of the electric electric contr control current (amperage), which is sent as a signal from from the TCM. Th This amperage signal se sent from the TCM is is a duty cycle, which ich pulses pulses the press pressure control control valv alve on and off off. This duty cycle cle can be controlled olled to provide any position position betw between open and closed. Th These types of pr pressure control valves are known as modulation modulation valves. Keep in mind, even if the pressure control control valve is working orking properly properly, the valv alve in the valv alve body body may be stuck and causing shifting ifting concerns. concerns.
Effect of Signal Failure If the the signal fails fails, the transmission operates in Emergency Mode.
Self-Diagnosis Diagnosis Failure Failure Message Press Contr Contr. Solenoid Solenoid 1,2,3,4 2,3,4 or or 5 (N215-N2 5-N218 or N233) N233) Short to Ground Short to Positive Positive
ELECTRONIC NIC OPERATION ION 01L Solenoid and and Pressure Control Control Valve Apply Chart Th This chart gives you the information ne needed to find out out which solenoids solenoids are applied applied in which gears. When the transmisson isson is shifting incorrectly incorrectly and no trouble co code has been been set, there may be a mechanical failure failure in one one of these valves. Use this chart chart with the pinout pinout test to dete determine which soleno solenoid id may be causing the co concern. ncern.
- X-
- X-
- X-
- X-
Torque Converter Clutch
X = Component Component active - = Componentinact inactive - X- = Component active active depending on vehicle status (overlapping) overlapping)
N218 N233
ELECTRONIC OPERATION ION Actuators Shift Shift Lock Soleno Solenoid id N110 Th The Shift Lock Solenoid N1 N110 is is loca ocated on on the selecto selectorr lever. Th This so solenoid pr prevents the op operation of of th the selector lev lever in the P or N positio positions ns when the brake pedal is not not depressed. sed. If the shifter is put in neutral while while the vehicle ehicle is moving, the solenoid solenoid will not lock lock until until the vehicle ehicle stops or or reaches a very low low speed.
Shift Lock Lock Solenoi Solenoid d N1 N110
Signal Application Application Th The TCM (J2 (J21 17) will wait for a signal fr from the Brake Switch before before disengaging the shi shift lock lock solenoid.
Effectof Signal Failure In case of an interruption or a short circuit after the ground of of the control line, the the selector lever can no longer longer be moved. If the short circuit circuit is afte afterr positiv positive, the the selector lever can be be moved to any any positio position n without the the brake pedal pedal being depressed.
Self-Diagnosis Diagnosis Failure Message Message Magnet for for Shift Lock Lock Solenoid Solenoid N110 Short Short to Groun G round d Short to Positive Interruption
ELECTRONIC NIC OPERATION ION Actuators Selector Lever Position Indicator Indicator Th The se selector le lever pos position in indicator shows the position position of the the console console selector lever. It also shows the selected gear when in in Tiptronic Tiptronic mode. Gear selectio lection n is made by the selector lever. At the same time the selector selector lev lever is moved, the shifter cable cable is moved and the selector selector lever position position is sent to the the TC TCM by the the multi-function switch mounted on on the side of the transmission. ission. P–
mechanic echanically ally moves the parkin parking g pawl pawl to engage the the teeth of the the parking lock lock gear and prevent the vehicle ehicle from rolli rolling. ng.
A reverse erse gear gear lock prev prevents shifting hifting into into reverse until the vehicle ehicle has has reached appro approx ximately imately 2 mph.
N – No gear gears s en engaged aged. D – Au Auttomatic atic pos position for normal driv driving ing.. 4 – 5th 5th gear gear is blocked. blocked. The The trans ransmission will operate operate from 1st to 4th gears. 3 – 4th an and 5 5tth ar are block blocked ed. 2 – 3rd 3rd through ough 5t 5th are block blocked ed.
Th The 01V au automatic tr transmission ha has th the fo following safety safety functions: functions: • •
Automat Automatic Shift ift Lock III III Shift ift protection ion – will ill not let the driver shift the transmission ission into a gear gear that will ill over-rev the engine.
Th The TCM ha has a permanent fault memory. If malfunctio alfunctions ns occur occur, emergency running programs programs and/or and/or Diagnostic Diagnostic Trouble Codes Codes (DTC’s) will ill activate.
ELECTRONIC OPERATION ION Actuators AutomaticTransm ransmission Relay elay J60/ J60/Igni Ignition tion Lock J207 J207 Th The re relay for the Automatic Transmission J60 J60 and the Ignition Ignition Lock J207 J 207 prevent the start of of the engine engine if it it is in a drive gear. These component ponents are controlled controlled by the multifunctio ultifunction n switch.
Automatic Automatic Transmission ransmission Relay elay and Ignition Lock
Effectof Signal Failure Failure Th The start-lock function is inoperable.
Self-Diagnosis Diagnosis Failure Message Message No O utput put
ELECTRONIC NIC OPERATION ION Switches CruiseCont Control Switch Th The cruise control sw switch al allows the driver to se set a constant constant speed. speed. Cruise control can be actiactivated in any any forward forward gear, as well as in Tiptroic Tiptroic mode. Th The cruise control sw switch re relay has been de deleted.
Signal Application Transmits dr driver in information to to th the cr cruise control module. The cruise control module odule then sends this inform information ation to the TCM and ECM.
EffectofSignal Failure Th The cr cruise co control will no not op operate.
Self-Diagnosis Diagnosis Failure Message Message No O utpu utputt
ELECTRONIC OPERATION ION Dynamic DynamicShift Program rogram Th The Dynamic Shift Progr ogram (DSP) was introdu oduced in 1992 for for the 01F and 01K transmissions. issions. It was a joint joint developm elopment project project between ZF and Bosch. Bosch.
In additio addition n to the adaptive adaptive functions functions that lead to driv driving progra program m changes over longer longer drive time period periods s, short term functio functions ns provide an increase increase in the spontaneity spontaneity of the transmission ission to speci special al driv driving situations.
Earlier Earlier DSP systems had had two driv driver adaptation adaptation modes, the current DSP has 240 po possible driv driver Examples: adaptation modes. Many of these these 240 differen different driver driver adaptation adaptation mo modes are grouped. Rapid changes in pedal position position can cause the transmission ission to shift shift down by 1 to 3 For example ple, modes 0-60 0-60 may all all be in the driving ranges depending on on vehicle vehicle speed. same group and and cause the transmission ission to act act Th This ac activates ra rapid do downshifting th that is is the same way. Modes 61-80 might ight be grouped independent of the kick-down ick-down switch input as well. And so on. When the pressure pressure on the accelerato acceleratorr pedal Th The current mode, or or DSP number, ca can be is rapidly rapidly reduced, upshifts ifts are not carried viewed through the VAG 1551/1552 or VAS 505 5051 out. This prevents upshifts before curves. curves. Scan Tool. ool. The cold cold driving mode will ill appear Th This function is is cancelled as as soon oon as the as 241 and the Tiptronic Tiptronic mode will ill appear as driver accelerates again 243. O therwise, the DSP number will ill be variable. able. The higher the number is, the harsher the Th The tr transmission te temperature si signal is us used shift will be. to trigger the cold cold driv driving mode. •
Th The DSP processes the following in inputs to determine the type of of dri drive ver style: •
• •
Th The throttle valve po position an and th the speed at at which the throttle valv alve changes positio position n Vehicle speed – acceleration and deceleration ATF temperature perature Selector lever position.
Th The DS DSP looks at the following when pl plotting shift adaptation modes: • • •
Th The dr driver be behavior Th The dr driving ro route pr profile re recogn ognition O ther spontaneous influences.
Th The type of dr driving ro route will be be recognized ov over the basic driver classification.
Cold Driving Mode Mode During the cold cold driv driving mode, 241, the engine will ill not upshift until a higher rpm. Depending on year or or model, this is calculated calculated from eithe eitherr engine coola coolant nt, transmission oil oil tem temperature perature or time. After about about 40 second seconds s, the engine DSP number will ill shift ift out of 241 and and into a regular regular number. Th The cold ru running pr proce ocedure is designed to he help the cataly catalytic conv converters heat up quicker.
Mountai Mountain nRecognition Recognition Mode Mountain recognition recognition takes place mainly through the calculation of actual acceleration vs. the engine torque and the the vehicle ehicle speed. This is com compared pared with a set measurement taken on level ground. Th This comparison results in an an exact measure of the uphill or or downhill grade. The DSP can select select the correct driv driving mode to match the incline. incline. At high high ATF temperatures peratures (usually usually mountain driv driving), the torque conv converter lock lock-up is is activ activated in second second or or even first gear to reduce the slippa slippage ge (pow (power loss loss) in in the torque converte converter. Th This helps to ke keep thetr etransmission fr from overheating.
Emergency Running Mode
If the signal of of a sensor fails, the TCM tries tries to establish ablish a substitute-signal from the the signals of other sensors. If a substitute-signal itute-signal can can be established, ablished, the Transmission ission function function for for the most part part will ill be retained.
If no replacement signal can be obtained during the default functio function, n, the the TC TCM will switch the transmission ission into into Emergency Mode.
With With many default default functions functions, the transmission ission alte alters its its operation in the following following ways: •
Shif Shifting ting become becomes s harsh Th The Dynamic Shift Progr ogram does oes not operate.
Emergency Mode has two po possibili ssibilities: •
Mechanical echanical Emergency Running Mo Mode with inoperat inoperative ive TCM.
In both instances: •
• •
• • •
Mechanical echanical Emergency Running Mo Mode with operational TCM
Th The transmission shifts hydraulically or mechanically echanically out of drive positions 2, 3, D and and into into 4th gear gear (5th gear gear in the 01L) No torque converter clutch clutch lock lock-up is possible All All solenoi solenoid d valves are de-energized Full line line pressure to keep clutche clutches from slipping Reverse can be engaged Th The park lock in P and N is is active In a Mechanical echanical Emergency Running Mode with an operational TCM, all the segments of the Transm ransmissi issio on Range Indicator G96 are lit In a Mechanical echanical Emergency Running Mode Mode with an inoperative inoperative TCM, none of the Transmission ission Range Indic Indicator ator G96 G96 segments will ill illuminate illuminate.
ELECTRONIC OPERATION ION Summary Th This se section ha has ex explained th the op operation of of th the electrica electricall com component ponents that make the transmission sion operate operate properly properly. Th The se sensors measure tr transmission in input speed, transmission ission output output speed and many other transm transmission functio functions. ns. This informatio information n is sent to the the ECM and TCM. The ECM and TCM decide how to control the transm transmission, depending on on the inform information ation from the sensors. Th The ac actuators co control th the transmission. By controlling controlling which actu actuators ators operat operate e when when, the TCM ca can co control th the transmission.
SUMMARY Th This course has presented all aspects of transmission operation. First, the basic basic transmission ission operatio operation n was presented. This covered how pow power flows flows through a transmission ission and what contr controls ols it. Next, the the specific specific mechanical mechanical compo componen nents ts and powe powerflo flow for for the 01V and 01L automatic transmissi ission ons s were presented. Th The next section explained the function and operatio operation n of the Torsen center differential differential.. Finally Finally, the electronic electronic com component ponents of the transmission sion were discussed. These contr control how the transmission ission operates. operates.
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