
January 11, 2018 | Author: Adam Cosmin | Category: Muscle Hypertrophy, Strength Training, Recreation, Management Of Obesity, Self Care
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The DUP Method Main Manual


Mike Samuels with Jason Maxwell

The DUP Method Copyright ©2015 by JMax Fitness All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner and the publisher (Jason Kenneth Maxwell). There are unique embedding codes in this pdf file that track any illegal downloads or distribution. Any illegal distribution results in fines starting at $250,000. ISBN‐13 (paperback): XXXXXXXXXXXXX ISBN‐10 (paperback): XXXXXXXXXX ISBN‐13 (electronic): XXXXXXXXXXXXX ISBN‐10 (electronic): XXXXXXXXXX


Trademarked names may appear in this book. Rather than using a trademark symbol with every occurrence of a trademarked name, we use the names only in an editorial fashion and to the benefit of the trademark owner, with no intention of infringement of the trademark.

Disclaimer The information presented in this program is for informational purposes only and should not replace advice from a licensed medical professional. Consult with your physician before starting an exercise program. This program is designed for healthy individuals 18 years and older, and is meant for educational purposes only. All forms of exercise present risk. Do not take risks beyond your experience.


If you are currently taking medication, are obese, diabetic, or have any serious illness, consult with your physician before starting any exercise and nutrition program, including this one. Jason Maxwell does not assume liability for any injury, personal loss, or illness caused by the use of this information.

Table of Contents The DUP Method ..................................................................................................... 2 Main Manual ........................................................................................................ 2 Disclaimer ................................................................................................................ 4 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 8 What is DUP? ........................................................................................................... 9 D- Daily ................................................................................................................. 9 U – Undulating ..................................................................................................... 9 P – Periodization ................................................................................................ 10 References ......................................................................................................... 11 FAQ ........................................................................................................................ 12 Q. Does DUP work? ............................................................................................ 12 Q. Doesn’t training a muscle more than once a week lead to overtraining? ..... 13 Q. But I get sore training twice a week... ........................................................... 14 Q. Is there enough variation only using the powerlifting exercises? ................. 14 Q. How do I know I’m progressing? ................................................................... 15 Q. Can I lose fat and train using DUP? ............................................................... 15 Q. What’s the best DUP routine? ....................................................................... 15 References ......................................................................................................... 16 Quick-Starter Theory .............................................................................................. 17 Picking Your Percentages ....................................................................................... 19 How to Find Your 1RM ....................................................................................... 19 The Optimal DUP Template ................................................................................... 21 Day 2 .................................................................................................................. 22


Day 1 .................................................................................................................. 21

Day 3 .................................................................................................................. 23 Day 4 .................................................................................................................. 24 Day 5 .................................................................................................................. 25 Notes: ................................................................................................................. 25 Side Note: Warming Up ..................................................................................... 26 Side Note 2: Sets, Reps, Rest & Workout Flow .................................................. 26 What to Do Next ................................................................................................ 27 Option 1: Increase Your Training Maxes ........................................................ 27 Option 2: Add Volume.................................................................................... 27 Option 3: Deload and Test Your Maxes.......................................................... 27 Bonus: Why 3 weeks? ........................................................................................ 28 DUP Part Deux: The 4-Day Week ........................................................................... 29 Day 1 .................................................................................................................. 29 Day 2 .................................................................................................................. 30 Day 3 .................................................................................................................. 31 Accessory Day .................................................................................................... 32 Notes: ................................................................................................................. 33 The Busy Person’s Guide to DUP............................................................................ 34 Day 1 .................................................................................................................. 35 Day 2 .................................................................................................................. 36 Day 3 .................................................................................................................. 37 The Uber-Busy Person’s DUP Template ................................................................. 38 Week 1, Day 1: ................................................................................................... 38 Week 2, Day 1: ................................................................................................... 39 Week 2, Day 2: ................................................................................................... 39


Week 1, Day 2: ................................................................................................... 38

Week 3, Day 1: ................................................................................................... 40 Week 3, Day 2: ................................................................................................... 40 Hypertrophy-Specific DUP ..................................................................................... 41 4-Days Per Week ................................................................................................ 42 3-Days Per Week ................................................................................................ 42 Session 1 ............................................................................................................ 44 Session 2 ............................................................................................................ 44 DUP for Beat-Up Lifters .......................................................................................... 45 Squat Substitutions ............................................................................................ 45 Deadlift Substitutions......................................................................................... 45 Bench Substitutions ........................................................................................... 46 Sample Program for Beat-Up Lifters .................................................................. 46 Day 1 .................................................................................................................. 47 Day 2 .................................................................................................................. 48 Day 3 .................................................................................................................. 49 Progressing and Moving from Cycle to Cycle ........................................................ 50 Deloading ........................................................................................................... 50 Day 1: ............................................................................................................. 52 Day 2: ............................................................................................................. 52 Day 3: ............................................................................................................. 52 Moving from Cycle to Cycle ............................................................................... 53 Increasing Your Maxes ........................................................................................... 54 The Wrap Up .......................................................................................................... 56 FTC Disclosure ........................................................................................................ 59


Where to go from here ...................................................................................... 57

Introduction DUP stands for Daily Undulating Periodization. Quite simply, it’s a method of training that will get you strong as hell. Want to get an insane squat, heavy-ass deadlift, and boost your bench through the roof? Then DUP is for you. Want to build muscle? No problem. We’ve got you covered there, too. For old school bodybuilders used to training each muscle group just once a week, DUP flies in the face of everything you may have been told in the past. Don’t let that put you off, though. Scientifically, DUP works. There’s no doubt about it. And in practice? Well, with professional powerlifters and bodybuilders like Layne Norton, Ryan Doris, and Paul Revelia jumping both feet first into DUP, it’s safe to say it has some backing. These guys certainly aren’t lacking in the size department. The beauty of DUP is that it can be tailored to any schedule and any goals. In fact, we’ve got several versions of the DUP program just in this one book.

● ● ● ● ● ● ●

The “Optimal” Template for guys who can train 5 times per week The 4 days per week routine A busy guy’s guide to DUP with just 3 sessions DUP for beat-up lifters Muscle-building DUP DUP Nutrition Guide Exercise videos teaching how to squat, deadlift, and bench press


You get:

That should be more than enough to keep even the most seasoned lifter going for a while. Without further ado, let’s get going.

What is DUP? The easiest way to explain exactly DUP is to break it down into its specific components:

D- Daily The way you train (i.e. the exercises, sets, reps and loading) from session to session. You’ll never do the same workout twice in the same week, or in the same training block.

U – Undulating This refers to the mode of periodization you’ll use. You might be familiar with linear periodization. Linear periodization might involve performing an exercise once a week. For instance, you might always bench press on Mondays. For 4 weeks, you’d do 3 sets of 10. The next 4 weeks could be 4 sets of 6, and your third block might be 5 sets of 3, before you go back to 3 sets of 10 in the fourth block. You’ll get stronger week to week, but once you switch to your next block, any gains from the previous one can be quickly lost.

Say you were to train your bench press twice a week – on a Monday and a Thursday. You might do 3 sets of 10 on Monday, then perform 5 sets of 3 on Thursday. You’d get sustained benefits from the higher-rep hypertrophy work and the lower-rep strength sessions.


Undulating periodization allows you to vary the loads and rep ranges within a given week or a given block.

Alternatively, this undulation doesn’t have to take place in the same week and would even work training a lift just once a week. An example (using the bench press again) would be: Week 1 – 5 sets of 6 reps Week 2 – 4 sets of 10 reps Week 3 – 3 sets of 12 reps Week 4 – Back to 5 sets of 6 reps When comparing linear and undulating periodization, research shows that undulating routines can potentially lead to more than double the strength increases that linear programs provide.1

P – Periodization Periodization simply means that your workouts are pre-planned and you have a clear vision of where you’re headed. The huge failure of bodybuilding programs from magazines and the Internet is that they’re simply a list of exercises, sometimes with sets and reps. This gives no guide for progression, deloading or what to do when you hit a plateau. And you WILL hit a plateau. By periodizing your routine, you break your training into blocks. This allows you to vary the intensity of each block, peak for competitions, take a deload when you’re feeling beaten up and constantly progress 52 weeks of the year.

But what DUP does is ensure that each and every variable is optimized to give you the absolute best results possible.


Without knowing it, you’ve probably been employing some of these concepts in your workouts already.

Plateaus in muscle growth and strength gains are a thing of the past, and whether you’re a competitive powerlifter, bodybuilder or just a gym rat who wants to get freakishly strong, DUP is the program for you.

References 1. http://www.fmh.utl.pt/agon/cpfmh/docs/documentos/recursos/110/A%20Comparison


%20of%20Linear%20and%20Daily%20Undulating%20Periodized%20Programs%20with% 20Equated%20Volume%20and%20Intensity%20of%20Training.pdf

FAQ FAQ sections usually go at the end of books and are often a half-hearted attempt to answer any questions the author failed to address in the text. With this product, however, it’s important to get your head into the DUP mindset straight away and iron out any concerns you may have. Hence, you should give this a read before we get into the programs. If you’re already a seasoned vet with DUP routines and you purchased this with the intent of getting some new ideas for your training, it’s probably still worth reading this, just to reinforce your own knowledge. If you really want to just get started lifting some heavy stuff, I completely understand (I’d be the same way!). Just skip ahead to the workouts and flip back here if there’s anything you’re unsure of.

Q. Does DUP work? Great question to start with. I’ll be 100% honest here… YES. No question about it. DUP works. Whether it’s strength or size you’re after (or a combination), DUP is highly effective.

Fortunately, plenty of very smart guys have already done this, which leaves us with lots of studies to back up the efficacy of DUP. Rhea et. al concluded:


I could give anecdotal evidence and explain all the theories as to why it works (which I will below), but I’m a science guy. To really test whether something works or not, you need to try it under controlled conditions for a sustained period of time, with no variables getting in the way.

“Making program alterations on a daily basis was more effective in eliciting strength gains than doing so every 4 weeks.” 1 Prestes et. al found undulating periodization superior to linear periodization, and that daily undulation was more effective than weekly2, while Dr. Mike Zourdos wrote his whole PhD on the benefits of DUP vs. traditional weight training.3 Willoughby et. al also showed superior strength gains from undulating periodization.4

Q. Doesn’t training a muscle more than once a week lead to overtraining? No. Quite the opposite, in fact. One of the most critical components in building muscle mass is muscle protein synthesis (MPS). This is the rate at which your muscles uptake protein and, in essence, how effectively they grow. About 4 hours after a workout, MPS rises to 150% of its normal resting level. 24 hours post-workout, it’s still at 109%. Good times. Unfortunately, after 36 hours, MPS is back to only 14% above baseline, and it returns to normal soon after.5 Therefore, by only training once a week (or even twice a week) you’re leaving a whole lot of increased MPS potential on the table. This is not a wise move if you’re after increased size.

Essentially, this means that to get good at something, you have to do it a lot. It’s no good wanting your squat to go up and only squatting once a week. Your muscles, joints, and nervous system don’t get adequate stimulus to learn the


Have you heard the phrase “strength is a skill”?

movement. Sure, you might feel sore training a lift more than once a week if you’re not used to it, but that leads us on nicely to our next point… You don’t actually have to train everything twice a week with DUP. You can (and we recommend it), but training just once a week is certainly an option.

Q. But I get sore training twice a week... You get sore training twice a week because you’re not used to training twice a week. It’s like anything – your body adapts to it given time. Rather than just adapting, your body becomes awesome at training a muscle twice a week and reaps the benefits from added volume.

Q. Is there enough variation only using the powerlifting exercises? Let’s clear up a myth – you don’t have to do DUP with just powerlifting exercises (squat, bench and deadlift). You could do it with overhead presses, barbell rows – hell, even seated calf raises and rear delt flys, if you want. That being said, compound moves like the powerlifts give you more bang for your buck. They hit more muscle groups and allow you to lift more weight. More weight = more muscle growth. All the plans in here will revolve around the big three, but there’s no reason you can’t do front squats instead of back squats, power cleans in place of deadlifts, or military presses in place of bench. In fact, there is a program here for “beat-up lifters” which uses different variations.

Your body likes consistency, and as long as you’re increasing the weights you’re lifting or your reps over a period of time, you’ll get stronger and bigger.


Exercise variation (i.e. constantly switching exercises) is actually one of the most overrated training variables.

Q. How do I know I’m progressing? Volume! Volume is a crucial factor in hypertrophy,as demonstrated by Schoenfeld et. al (2014).6 Volume is the total workload performed: weight X reps = volume Volume can be measured over a daily, weekly or monthly basis. All the plans here are designed so that you gradually increase your training volume by increasing weight, reps or sets. You won’t increase volume every single week, but each training block will have more volume than the last.

Q. Can I lose fat and train using DUP? Yes. And you’ll get much stronger using DUP on a cutting diet than you would using bodybuilding-style splits. That being said, DUP is even more effective when combined with a calorie surplus or a bulking diet. There’s more on the diet aspect in the DUP Nutrition Guide.

Q. What’s the best DUP routine? As with so many questions in fitness, the answer is “it depends”. There’s no single DUP training plan. Rather, DUP is a system that can be manipulated to match any goals, schedule or required modifications.

This means that by learning the DUP principles, you’ll never have to wonder how to train ever again.


In this manual you’ll get plenty of sample routines that work, but you’ll also acquire the knowledge needed to set up your own tailored DUP template going forward.

References 1. 2. 3. 4.


http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11991778 file:///Users/mikesamuelspt/Downloads/Periodizacao-Jonato-et-al.-2009.pdf http://www.sportsnutritionsociety.org/ArchivePDFS/ArchivePDFS-267.pdf http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=cLz_mwWQXucC&pg=PA11&lpg=PA11&dq=willoug hby+1993+periodized&source=bl&ots=gCplZ9BxxU&sig=vqGMHW_2UN0WJDINUzOY7s SyZik&hl=en&sa=X&ei=0n8tVOalBIP5O7PggfAE&ved=0CCsQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=will oughby%201993%20periodized&f=false 5. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8563679 6. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2471453

Quick-Starter Theory Before delving into the routines (don’t worry, we’re nearly there), you might find it useful to take a look at the theory behind DUP programming. At a base level, you have four different forms of training rep ranges: ● ● ● ●

Power Strength Hypertrophy Endurance

Power training typically involves very low reps (sets of 1 to 3 reps) at a heavy weight, with a focus on moving the weight as quickly and explosively as possible. Strength training takes place in the 1 to 6 rep range. This differs a little from power training, as you’ll usually use slightly heavier loads for higher reps. This means that you won’t move the weights as quickly. You’ll still be trying to accelerate as quickly as possible, but the speed will be reduced due to the heavier loads. Hypertrophy is your typical bodybuilding training – sets of 8 to 12 reps using moderately heavy loads and working towards fatigue or failure. Endurance training is lighter still, with even higher rep ranges, usually in the 12 to 20 rep range. Load (% of 1RM) 70-90 80-95 70-85
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