
October 21, 2018 | Author: Jeison Rincón Garzón | Category: Strength Of Materials, Stress (Mechanics), Building Engineering, Mechanics, Continuum Mechanics
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An Introduction to Shear Strength

Chapter 12


12-1. A granular material is observed being dumped from a conveyor belt. It forms a conical pile with about the same slope angle, 1.8 horizontal to 1 vertical. What is the angle of internal friction of this material? SOLUTION: tan  

y x

 1  o   tan1    29.0  1.8 

12-4. A direct shear test was conducted on a fairly dense sample of Franklin Falls sand from New Hampshire. The initial void ratio was 0.668. The shear box was 76 mm square, and initially the height of the specimen was 11 mm. The tabulated data were collected during shear. Compute the data needed and plot the usual curves for this type of test. SOLUTION: Assuming c = 0, the friction angle can be calculated from plot 3 as:  306.44  o '=tan1    38.2  389.54 

continued on next page.

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An Introduction to Shear Strength

Chapter 12

12-4 data table.

Shear Stress (kPa)

350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0.0











Thickness Change (mm

Horz. Displacement (mm) 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 -0.02 -0.04 -0.06 0.0







Horz. Displacement (mm)

Shear Stress (kPa)





0 0







Normal Stress (kPa)

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An Introduction to Shear Strength

Chapter 12

12-5. A conventional triaxial compression test was conducted on a sample of dense sand from Ft. Peck Dam, Montana. The initial area of the test specimen was 10 cm2 and its initial height was 70 mm. Initial void ratio was 0.605. The following data were observed during shear. First, calculate the average area of the specimen, assuming it is a right circular cylinder at all times during the test. Then make the calculations necessary to plot the axial stress versus axial strain and volumetric-strain-versus-axial-strain curves for this test. Assuming c’ = 0, what is ’?


Average H  66.887 mm, 1f  983 kPa, Eq. (11.13)

Volume  70 cm3

3f  206.8 kPa

sin  

 1f  3f   1f  3f 

 983  206.8  o   sin1    40.7 983  206.8  

continued on next page.

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An Introduction to Shear Strength

Chapter 12

12-5 continued.

Axial Stress (kPa

1200.00 1000.00 800.00 600.00 400.00 200.00 0.00 0.0




8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0

Axial Strain (%)

Volumetric Strain (%)

10.000 5.000 0.000 0.0




8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0

-5.000 -10.000 -15.000

Axial Strain (%) 800

M-C failure envelope


Shear stress (kPa



0 206.8





-800 0









Normal stress (kPa)

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An Introduction to Shear Strength

Chapter 12

12-6. The results of two CD triaxial tests at different confining pressures on a medium dense, cohesionless sand are summarized in the table below. The void ratios of both specimens were approximately the same at the start of the test. Plot on one set of axes the principal stress difference versus axial strain and volumetric strain [Eq. (12.4)] versus axial strain for both tests. Estimate the initial tangent modulus of deformation, the “50%” secant modulus, and the strain at failure for each of these tests.

SOLUTION: Test 1  325 kPa   19,006 kPa  0.0171 Evaluate Esec at 50% of max For this test Esec  Et  19, 600 kPa

Et 

Test 2  1500 kPa   375,000 kPa  0.004 Evaluate Esec at 50% of max Et 

9140 4570  152,333 kPa =4570 kPa; Esec  2 0.03 Re fer to plots on next page. 50% =

continued on next page

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An Introduction to Shear Strength

Chapter 12

12-6 continued.

Deviator Stress (kPa

10000 9000

Test 1 at 100 kPa


Test 2 at 3000 kPa

7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 0.0











Axial Strain (%)

Volumetric Strain (%)


Test 1 at 100 kPa 6.0

Test 2 at 3000 kPa

4.0 2.0 0.0 0.0







-2.0 -4.0 -6.0

Axial Strain (%)

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An Introduction to Shear Strength

Chapter 12

12-7. For the two tests of Problem 12.6, determine the angle of internal friction of the sand at (a) peak compressive strength, (b) at ultimate compressive strength, and (c) at 5.5% axial strain. SOLUTION: sin  

Eq. (11.13)

 1f  3f   1f  3f 

Test 1 (a) Peak:

 1f  3f   441,

(b) Ultimate:

441   o peak  sin1    43.5 541 100    308   o 1f  308  100  408, peak  sin1    37.3  408  100 

1f  441  100  541,

 1f  3f   308,

(c) At 5.5% strain:

 1f  3f   440,

1f  440  100  540,

440   o peak  sin1    43.4  540  100 

Test 2 (a) Peak:

 1f  3f   9140,

(b) Ultimate:

 1f  3f   9090,

(c) At 5.5% strain:

9140   o peak  sin1    37.1  12,140 3000   9090   o 1f  9090  3000  12,090, peak  sin1    37.0  12,090  3000 

1f  9140  3000  12,140,

 1f  3f   6800,

1f  6800  3000  9800,

6800   peak  sin1   32.1o   9800  3000 

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An Introduction to Shear Strength

Chapter 12

12-8. A sand is hydrostatically consolidated in a triaxial test apparatus to 450 kPa and then sheared with the drainage valves open. At failure, (1 – 3) is 1121 kPa. Determine the major and minor principal stresses at failure and the angle of shearing resistance. Plot the Mohr diagram. (This problem should be followed by the next one.) SOLUTION: Eq. (11.13)

sin  

Peak: 3f  450,

 1f  3f   1f  3f   1f  3f   1121,

1f  1121  450  1571

 1121  o peak  sin1    33.69 1571 450   



Shear stress (kPa


200 450



-200 0 -400









Normal stress (kPa)

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An Introduction to Shear Strength

Chapter 12

12-9. The same sand as in Problem 12.8 is tested in a direct shear apparatus under a normal pressure of 390 kPa. The specimen fails when a shear stress of 260 kPa is reached. Determine the major and minor principal stresses at failure and the angle of shearing resistance. Plot the Mohr diagram. SOLUTION: Plot (390, 260) and draw failure envelope assuming c = 0. Extend perpendicular line to x axis to locate circle center. Calculate radius and center using geometry.  260   '  tan1    33.69  390  390 cos 33.69   a  468.72 a 468.72  C  563.33 cos 33.69  C R  R  312.48 tan 33.69  468.72 3  C  R  563.33  312.48  250.8 kPa 1  C  R  563.33  312.48  875.81 kPa




Shear stress (kPa

(390, 260) 200 250.8






-200 0 -400




800 1000 1200 Normal stress (kPa)



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An Introduction to Shear Strength

Chapter 12

12-10. Indicate the orientations of the major principal stress, the minor principal stress, and the failure plane of the tests in Problems 12.8 and 12.9. SOLUTION: Plot (390, 260) and draw failure envelope assuming c = 0. Extend perpendicular line to x axis to locate circle center. Calculate radius and center using geometry. (a) Direct Shear Test Pole = (736.66, 260) 260   p3  tan1    28.15 measured ccw from horizontal  736.66  250.8  p1  180  90  28.15  61.85 measured cw from horizontal The failure plane is horizontal. (b) CD Triaxial Test Pole = (450, 0) 3 acts on the vertical plane, 1 acts on the horizontal plane   45 

' 33.69  45   61.85 measured ccw from the horizontal 2 2



400 Pole=(736.66, 260)

Shear stress (kPa

(390, 260) 200





Pole=(450, 0)

-200 0 -400









Normal stress (kPa)

© 2011 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This publication is protected by Copyright and written permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. For information regarding permission(s), write to: Rights and Permissions Department, Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458.

An Introduction to Shear Strength

Chapter 12

12-11. A granular soil is tested in direct shear under a normal stress of 350 kPa. The size of the specimen is 7.62 cm in diameter. If the soil to be tested is a dense sand with an angle of internal friction of 38°, determine the size of the force transducer required to measure the shear force with a factor of safety of 2 (that is, the capacity of the transducer should be twice that required to shear the sand). SOLUTION:    tan  '   (350) tan 38  273.4 Fshear  2  546.9 kPa

© 2011 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This publication is protected by Copyright and written permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. For information regarding permission(s), write to: Rights and Permissions Department, Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458.

An Introduction to Shear Strength

Chapter 12

12-12. The stresses induced by a surface load on a loose horizontal sand layer were found to be v = 5.13 kPa, v = 1.47 kPa, h = 3.2 kPa, h = -1.47 kPa. By means of Mohr circles, determine if such a state of stress is safe. Use Eq. (11.11) for the definition of factor of safety. SOLUTION: Eq. (11.13)

sin  

 1f  3f   1f  3f 

From the Mohr circle: C  4.175, R  1.753,

1  5.93,

3  2.42,

max  1.753

 5.93  2.42  o (on the failure plane, but not at failure)   sin1    24.8 5.93 2.42     (C  x) sin(90  )  f ; cos(90  )  ; f  C  x R R f  (1.753) sin(90  24.8)  1.59 f  4.175  (1.753) cos(90  24.8)  4.175  0.735  3.44 For loose sand, assume ' = 30 ff  (3.44) tan 30  1.99 (Eq. 11.11) FS 

ff 1.99   1.25 f 1.59

3.0 2.5 3.44, 1.99

2.0 1.5

3.44, 1.59

5.13, 1.47

Shear stress (kPa

1.0 0.5 0.0



-0.5 -1.0 -1.5

3.22, -1.47

-2.0 -2.5 -3.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 Normal stress (kPa)

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An Introduction to Shear Strength

Chapter 12

12-13. If the same stress conditions as in Problem 12.12 act on a very dense gravelly sand, is such a state safe against failure? SOLUTION: Eq. (11.13)

sin  

 1f  3f   1f  3f 

From the Mohr circle: C  4.175, R  1.753,

1  5.93,

3  2.42,

max  1.753

 5.93  2.42  o (on the failure plane, but not at failure)   sin1    24.8  5.93  2.42   (C  x) sin(90  )  f ; cos(90  )  ; f  C  x R R f  (1.753) sin(90  24.8)  1.59 f  4.175  (1.753) cos(90  24.8)  4.175  0.735  3.44 For very dense gravelly loose sand, assume ' = 38 ff  (3.44) tan 38  2.69 (Eq. 11.11) FS 

ff 2.69   1.69 f 1.59


3.44, 2.69

2.5 2.0 1.5

3.44, 1.59

5.13, 1.47

Shear stress (kPa

1.0 0.5 0.0



-0.5 -1.0 -1.5

3.22, -1.47

-2.0 -2.5 -3.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 Normal stress (kPa)

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An Introduction to Shear Strength

Chapter 12

12-14. The effective normal stresses acting on the horizontal and vertical planes in a silty gravel soil are 1.77 MPa and 2.95 MPa, respectively. The shear stress on these planes is 0.59 MPa. For these conditions, what are the magnitude and direction of the principal stresses? Is this a state of failure? SOLUTION: Eq. (11.13)

sin  

 1f  3f   1f  3f 

From the Mohr circle: C  2.36, R  0.834,

1  3.19,

3  1.52,

max  0.834

 3.19  1.52  o   sin1  (on the failure plane, but not at failure)   20.77  3.19  1.52  The given state of stress is not in a state of failure, because ' for this material > 20.8. 1  3.19 MPa oriented 67.9° ccw from horizontal 3  1.52 MPa

oriented 22.1° cw from horizontal



Shear stress (MPa


0.5 1.53



-0.5 Pole (2.95, 0.59) -1.0


-2.0 0.0









Normal stress (MPa)

© 2011 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This publication is protected by Copyright and written permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. For information regarding permission(s), write to: Rights and Permissions Department, Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458.

An Introduction to Shear Strength

Chapter 12

12-15. A specimen of dense sand tested in a triaxial CD test failed along a well-defined failure plane at an angle of 62° with the horizontal. Find the effective confining pressure of the test if the principal stress difference at failure was 115 kPa. SOLUTION: '  62  2  1  3 f  115 kPa   45 

 '  34

115  57.5 2 R 57.5  C  102.8 sin  '  C sin 34 1  C  R  102.8  57.5  160.3


3  C  R  102.8  57.5  45.3 kPa

12-16. A dry loose sand is tested in a vacuum triaxial test in which the pore air pressure of the specimen is lowered below gage pressure to within about 95% of -1 atm. Estimate the principal stress difference and the major principal stress ratio at failure. SOLUTION: 1atm  14.7 psi  (0.95)( 14.7)  13.96 psi confining pressure 3 = (atm pressure) - (vacuum pressure) 3  13.96 psi For loose sand, assume  '  30 (Eq. 11.16)

1    tan2  45   3 2  

30   1  (13.96) tan2  45   41.88 psi 2    1f  3f   41.88  13.96  27.92 psi 1f 41.88   3.0 3f 13.96

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An Introduction to Shear Strength

Chapter 12

12-17. For the data shown in Fig. 12.5(a), what is (a) the principal stress difference and (b) the principal stress ratio at an axial strain of 12% for an effective confining pressure of 1.3 MPa?

SOLUTION: Given :   12% and c  3  1.3 MPa (a)

1  3.1 3

1  (3.1)(1.3)  4.0 MPa

(b)  1  3   4.0  1.3  2.7 MPa

12-18. For the conditions given in Problem 12.17, plot the Mohr circle. SOLUTION: C  2.65, R  1.35 2.0


Shear stress (MPa


0.5 1.30






-2.0 0.0









Normal stress (MPa)

© 2011 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This publication is protected by Copyright and written permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. For information regarding permission(s), write to: Rights and Permissions Department, Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458.

An Introduction to Shear Strength

Chapter 12

12-19. Do Problems 12.17 and 12.18 for the data shown in Fig. 12.6(a). Use c = 1.0 MPa.

SOLUTION: Given :   12% and c  3  1.0 MPa (a)

1  4.1 3

1  (4.1)(1.0)  4.1MPa

(b)  1  3   4.1  1.0  3.1 MPa Mohr Circle: C  2.55, R  1.55 2.0


Shear stress (MPa


0.5 1.00






-2.0 0.0









Normal stress (MPa)

© 2011 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This publication is protected by Copyright and written permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. For information regarding permission(s), write to: Rights and Permissions Department, Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458.

An Introduction to Shear Strength

Chapter 12

12-22. A drained triaxial test is performed on a sand with ’3c=’3f = 450 kPa. At failure, max = 594 kPa. Find ’1f, (1 – 3)f,, and ’. SOLUTION: radius  max  594,

 '3f  450

center  450  594  1044  '1f  450  2(594)  1638 kPa

 1  3 f  1638  450  1188 Eq. (11.13)

sin  


 1f  3f   1f  3f 

 1188    sin1   34.68o   1638  450 

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An Introduction to Shear Strength

Chapter 12

12-23. Assume the sand of Problem 12.22 is Sacramento River sand at a void ratio of 0.6. If the initial volume of the specimen was 62 cm3, what change in volume would you expect during shear? SOLUTION: radius  max  594,

 '3f  450

center  450  594  1044  '1f  450  2(594)  1638 kPa

 1  3 f  1638  450  1188  '1f  1.638 MPa,


 '3f  0.45 MPa

1f 1.638   3.64 3f 0.45 From Fig. 12.6a, estimate   1.5% U sin g Fig. 12.6b, for  '3f  0.45 MPa and   1.5%  vol 

V Vo

Vol. strain,  vol  1.0%

V  (62)(0.01)  0.62 cm3 (dilation)

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An Introduction to Shear Strength

Chapter 12

12-24. A silty sand is tested consolidated-drained in a triaxial cell where both principal stresses at the start of the test were 625 kPa. If the total axial stress at failure is 2.04 MPa while the horizontal pressure remains constant, compute the angle of shearing resistance and the theoretical orientation of the failure plane with respect to the horizontal. SOLUTION: radius  max  594,

 '3f  450

center  450  594  1044  '1f  450  2(594)  1638 kPa

 1  3 f  1638  450  1188 Eq. (11.13)

sin  


 1f  3f   1f  3f 

 1188    sin1   34.68o   1638  450 

12-25. A specimen of sand failed when (1 – 3) was 750 kPa. If the hydrostatic consolidation stress was 250 kPa, compute the angle of shearing resistance of the sand. What else can you say about the sand? SOLUTION:  '3f  250,

 1  3 f  750

center  450  594  1044  '1f  750  250  1000 Eq. (11.13)

sin  

 1f  3f   1f  3f 

750   o   sin1    36.9  1000 250  

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An Introduction to Shear Strength

Chapter 12

12-26. A specimen of sand at the field density is known to have a (1/3)max of 3.8. If such a specimen is hydrostatically consolidated to 1180 kPa in a triaxial test apparatus, at what effective confining pressure will the specimen fail if the vertical stress is held constant? (This is a lateral extension test.) SOLUTION: 1f  3.8, 3f

 '3f  1180

Eq. (11.13)

sin  

1f  (1180)(3.8)  4484

 1f  3f   1f  3f 

 4484  1180    sin1    35.68  4484  1180  The effective confining pressure  4484  1180  3304 kPa

12-27. Two CD triaxial tests are conducted on identical specimens of the same sand. Both specimens are initially consolidated hydrostatically to 50 kPa; then each specimen is loaded as shown. Specimen A failed when the applied 1 was 180 kPa. Make the necessary calculations to (a) plot the Mohr circles at failure for both tests, and (b) determine ’ for the sand.

SOLUTION:  '1f  230 kPa, Eq. (11.13)

 '3f  80 kPa

sin  

 1f  3f   1f  3f 

 230  80  o   sin1    28.9  230 80  

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An Introduction to Shear Strength

Chapter 12

12-28. Plot a graph of ’1/’3 versus ’. SOLUTION:

Princ. stress ratio

 '1 '    tan2  45    '3 2  5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 20





Friction angle (deg)

12-29. Estimate the shear strength parameters of a fine (beach) sand (SP). Estimate the minimum and maximum void ratios. SOLUTION: ’ depends on relative density among a number of other items as described in Section 12.5. (c’ = 0.)

Friction angle, ’, for Dr from 50% to 75% ranges from about 32o to 36o, respectively. (see Fig. 12.15) Void ratio, e, for Dr from 50% to 75% ranges from about 0.85 to 0.76, respectively.

12-30. A subrounded to subangular sand has a D10 of about 0.1 mm and a uniformity coefficient of 3. The angle of shearing resistance measured in the direct shear test was 47°. Is this reasonable? Why or why not? SOLUTION:

This is not a reasonable value of ’. From Fig. 12.15, this value of ’ would be more applicable to a very dense gravel.

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An Introduction to Shear Strength

Chapter 12

12-31. Estimate the ’ values for (a) a well-graded sandy gravel (GW) at a density of 1.9 Mg/m3; (b) a poorly graded silty sand with a field density of 1.70 Mg/m3; (c) an SW material at 100% relative density; and (d) a poorly graded gravel with an in situ void ratio of 0.5. SOLUTION:

Estimate ranges of ’ values using Fig. 12.15. (a) ’ = 40 to 45 deg (Fig. 12.15) (b) ’ = 34 to 38 deg (Fig. 12.15) (c) ’ = 41 deg (Fig. 12.14) (d) ’ = 41 deg (Fig. 12.13), ’ = 28 deg (Fig. 12.14)

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An Introduction to Shear Strength

Chapter 12

12-32. The results of a series of CD triaxial tests on a medium dense, cohesionless sand are summarized in the table below. The void ratios for all the test specimens were approximately the same at the start of the test. Plot the strength circles and draw the Mohr failure envelope for this series of tests. What angle of internal friction should be used in solving stability problems in which the range of normal stresses is (a) 0–500 kPa; (b) 1000–1500 kPa; (c) 3–6 MPa; and (d) 0–6 MPa?










Test No. 1






























Eq. (11.13)

sin  

 1f  3f   1f  3f 

The failure envelope is curved over the large range of normal stress used in the tests. Eq. 11.13 provides the friction angle for each individual test; however, the tests should be considered on the aggregate over the normal stress ranges provided in the problem statement. (a) '  44 (b) '  43 (c) '  41 (d) '  42

Mohr circles shown on the next page.

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An Introduction to Shear Strength

Chapter 12

12-32 continued.


Shear stress (kPa)





-5000 0






Normal stress (kPa) 10000

Shear stress (kPa)




-10000 0





Normal stress (kPa)

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An Introduction to Shear Strength

Chapter 12

12-33. Estimate the values of the coefficient of earth pressure at rest, Ko, for the four soils of Problem 12-31. SOLUTION: (Eq. 12.8) K o  1  sin  '

(a) ’ = 40 to 45 deg (Fig. 12.15); Ko = 0.36 to 0.29 (b) ’ = 34 to 38 deg (Fig. 12.15); Ko = 0.0.44 to 0.38 (c) ’ = 41 deg (Fig. 12.14); Ko = 0.0.34 (d) ’ = 41 deg or ’ = 28 deg; Ko = 0.0.34 or Ko = 0.0.53

12-34. If the sands of Problem 12.33 had been preloaded, would your estimate of be any different? If so, would it be higher or lower? Why? SOLUTION:

Ko would be higher. Refer to Eq. 12.9, Section 12.7, for a discussion regarding the influence of preloading on Ko.

12-35. Estimate Ko for sands 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 10 in Table 12.1 for relative densities of 40% and 85%. SOLUTION: (Eq. 12.8) K o  1  sin  '

Sand No.

(Loose, Dr = 40%) ' Ko

(Dense, Dr = 85%) ' Ko

































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An Introduction to Shear Strength

Chapter 12

12-38. A CD axial compression triaxial test on a normally consolidated clay failed along a clearly defined failure plane of 54°. The cell pressure during the test was 220 kPa. Estimate ’, the maximum principal stress ratio and the principal stress difference at failure. SOLUTION:   54  45 

' 2

 '  18

 '1 18  '     tan2  45    tan2  45   1.89  '3 2 2     '3  220,  '1  (1.89)(220)  416.8

  '1  '3   416.8  220  196.8


12-39. An unconfined compression test is performed on a dense silt. Previous drained triaxial tests on similar samples of the silt gave ’ = 32o. If the unconfined compressive strength was 420 kPa, estimate the height of capillary rise in this soil above the ground water table. (Hint: Find the effective confining pressure acting on the specimen. Draw elements similar to Fig. 12.40.) SOLUTION:  '1f  230 kPa,

 '3f  80 kPa

  '1f   '3f    '1f   '3f    '1f   '3f  sin  '    '1f   '3f   f  ur  uf  ur  uf  sin  '  f  ur  uf  ur  uf  f  2ur  2uf  sin  '  f

Eq. (11.13)

sin  

f  420,

 '  32

(Eq. 12.16)

u f  B

1 1  1  3   (1)   (420)  140 3 3

 420  2ur  2(140) sin 32  140 2ur sin 32  230.94 ur  217.9 kPa hc 

ur 217.9   0.0222 m  22.2 mm  w (1000)(9.81)

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An Introduction to Shear Strength

Chapter 12

12-43. The results of unconfined compression tests on a sample of clay in both the undisturbed and remolded states are summarized below. Determine the compressive strength, the initial tangent modulus of deformation, and the secant modulus of deformation at 50% of the compressive strength for both the undisturbed and remolded specimens. Determine the sensitivity of the clay. What shear strength would you use?

SOLUTION: Solutions obtained from the stress-strain plot shown below. Undisturbed State compressive strength = 153 kPa Et 

31 79.5  3100 kPa; E50   2732 kPa 0.01 0.028

Remolded State compressive strength = 48 kPa Et 

24 7  700 kPa; E50   571 kPa 0.042 0.01

153 48  76.5 kPa; f (remolded)   24 kPa 2 2  (undisturbed) 76.5 Sensitivity  f   3.2 24 f (remolded) f (undisturbed) 

undisturbed shear strength, f  76.5 kPa 180

undisturbed state

Deviator Stress (kPa


remolded state

140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0.0











Axial Strain (%)

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An Introduction to Shear Strength

Chapter 12

12-45. For the data shown in Fig. 8.5, estimate the unconfined compressive strength and the sensitivity of this soil. Typical values for the clay are LL = 88, PL = 43, and PI = 45. SOLUTION: w  PL (Natural water content is needed to calculate LI) PI Figure 12.48 can be used to correlate S t to LI. (Eq. 2.40) LI 

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