01 Introduction To Materials and Testing

October 9, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Objectives 

Be familiar with the different civil engineering materials and its classification

Understand the factors considered in determining the materials for a structure

Be familiar with the general properties of civil engineering materials and the methods used in determining the properties


Topics 

Materials and Types Types

Civil Engineering Materials

Classification of Civil Engineerin Engineering g Materials

Factors Determining the Choice of Proper Materials for a Structure

General Properties of Civil Engineering Materials

Determining the Properties of Civil Engineering Engineerin g Materials


Introduction 

Civil Engineering consists of the design, construction, maintenance, inspection, and management of characteristically diverse public works projects, fromtreatment railroads to high rise buildings to sewage centers. Their construction construct ion may be under or above ground, offshore or inland, over mile-deep valleys or flat terrains, and upon rocky mountains or clayey soils.

At the core of civil engineering rests the investigation of materials and methods that can satisfy the need of the community.


Materials and Types 

A material is defined as a substance or thing from which something else can be made.

Materials can be divided into several categories: 

Amorphous materials

Brittle materials

Building materials

Cement Cem entiti itiou ouss mat materi erials als

Ceramic materials

Clay brickwork

Composite materials


Materials and Types 

Materials can be divided into several categories: 

Construction materials

Crystalline materials

Ductile materials  Elastic materials 

Elastomeric materials

 

Electronic materials Insulating materials

Magnetic materials

Manufacturing Manufacturin g materials


Materials and Types 

Materials can be divided into several categories: 

Masonry materials

Metallic materials

Polymeric materials

Plastic materials

Raw materials

 

Repair materials Semiconductors

Thermoplastic materials

Thermoset materials

Waste materials


Materials and Types 

Amorphous materials 

Materials in which the atoms are arranged almost randomly, or those that do not have crystalline structure.

Generally, these materials are strong but brittle

Example: Glass


Materials and Types 

Plastic materials 

Plastics are organic-based materials derived from the petrochemical industry, which are capable of

being formed into any shape.  Plastic are defined as synthetic organic materials that can be molded under heat and pressure into shapes that will be retained after the removal of heat and pressure. 

Plastics are often referred to as resins, and consist of few basic polymeric materials often mixed with dyes, fillers, additives, or reinforcement such as glass fibers.


Materials and Types 

Plastic materials 

Plastics are used for:  Floo Floorr

coverin co verings gs - vinyl tile tiless and carpets

 Surface


polishes and

sealers  Adhesives  Wallpaper  Pipes



Civil Engineering Materials Basic materials used in civil engineering applications are: 1. Structural Materials  Wood  Cement and concrete  Bitum Bitumens ens and bitum bituminous inous mate material rialss  Structural clay and concrete units  Reinforcing and structural steel 2. Non-structural materials  sealants  Adhesives  Floor and wall coverings  

Fasteners Doors and windows


Civil Engineering Materials Basic materials most common to highway construction are: 



Bituminous binders




Civil Engineering Materials Wood 

Derived from trees and can be put to use directly, as pieces of lumber cut from a log, or as raw material in the manufacture manufactu re of various wood products or manufactured components. 


Glued-laminated timber


Civil Engineering Materials Concrete 

one of the most common construction material, in which Portland cement is the essential ingredient.

Bitumen 

Is mixed with other raw materials for the construction construct ion of pavements, roof shingles, waterproofing compounds, compounds, and many other materials.


Civil Engineering Materials Structural clay and Concrete masonry units 

Commonly called bricks and blocks, which are the principal elements in the construction construct ion of masonry walls

Structural Steel 

Employed in the constructio construction n of railroad ties, high-rise buildings, roof trusses, and other structural elements



According to their phases


According to their internal structure & chemical composition


Phase Classification 1.

Gases : Air Air,, oxygen, oxygen, CO2


Liquids : Water Water,, chemical admixtures


Semi-soli Semi -solids ds : Fresh Fresh pastes, pastes, mortars, mortars, asph asphalt alt


Solids Soli ds : Metals, Metals, hard hardened ened conc concrete rete


Internal Structure & Chemical Composition Classification 1.


Metalss : (formed Metal (formed by metall metallic ic bonds bonds)) A.

Ferrous (iron, cast iron, steel)


Non-ferrous (aluminum, copper, zinc, lead)

Polyme olymers rs : (long ch chains ains having having molecul molecules es of C, H, O, N which are formed by covalent bond bonding. ing. ch chains ains are bound bor ound o each other other either by The covalent bonds Vantto der Waals forces.) A.

Natural (rubber, asphalt, resins, wood)


Artificial (plastics)


Internal Structure & Chemical Composition Classification 3.

Ceramics : (mainly Ceramics (mainly aluminos aluminosilic ilicates ates formed formed by mixed bonding, covalent and ionic) A. B.


Structural clay products (bricks, tiles, pipes) Structural Porcelains

Composite Compos ite Mat Materi erials als : A. Natural (agglomerates) B.

Artificial (Portland cement, concrete)


Internal Structure & Chemical Composition Classification 5.

Reinfo einforced rced Composite Composite Materials Materials : (reinforced (reinforced concrete, reinforced plastics)

One of of the the most impo importan rtantt tasks of an engineer is to select the most suitable material for a given civil engineering structure.


Factors Determining the Choice of Proper Material for a Structure 

Strength, Stren gth, rig rigidit idity y & durab durability ility R Requi equiremen rements ts 

Permanent loading → Creep Strength

Repeated loading → Fatique Strength  Impact loading → Toughness & Resilience 

Surface loading → Hardness & Resistance to abrasion

Environmental Requirements 

Temperature change → coefficient of thermal expansion

Moisture movement → permeability

Chemical effects → chemical composition


Factors Determining the Choice of Proper Material for a Structure

Economy. Choose the cheaper & available materials considering  Initial cost 

Useful life

Frequency of maintenance  Cost of maintenance 

Salvage value, etc.


Example: Comparison of concrete pavement vs. asphalt pavement for economy. Concrete


Initial Cost



Useful Life



Frequency of Repair 



Cost of Repair 



Salvage Value




General Properties Properties of Civil Engineering Materials 

Physical **

Mechanical **

Chemical  Other 

Thermal, Acoustical, Acoustical, Optical, Electrical

** Most CE Applications focus on physical & mechanical properties


Physical Properti roperties es 

Properties of physical structure 


surface energy

specific gravity

texture (micro, macro)



other (color, thermal expansion, shape)


Mechanical Properties 

Resistance to applied loads (stress) initially & over time 





fracture / yielding

flexure (bending)

(brittle / ductile)


direct shear



Chemical Properties

Chemical composition, potential reaction with environment 

oxide content

carbonate content

acidity,, alkalinity acidity

resistance to corrosion


Determinin rmining g the the Propert roperties ies of Civil Dete Engineering Materials 

Properties of materials are determined by •

Laboratory testing Field testing

To avoid inconsistencies in test results


are devised which describe the test apparatus and the procedure. procedure.


Items that are usually standardized in a test are: 

Obtaining test specimens and number of specimens

Size and shape of the specimen  Preparation of specimens for testing 

Temperature & moisture during preparation &

testing  Type of machinery 

Rate of loading

Interpretation of test results

Writing a report


Standardization Institutes 

Turkey - Turkish Standards Institute (TSE)

England Eng land - British British Stan Standards dards Institu Institute te (BSI) (BSI)

Germany Germa ny - Deutsche Deutsche Instit Institute ute Norm Norm (DIN) (DIN)

U.S. - American Society Society for Testing Testing and Materials Materials (ASTM)

Europe Euro pe - European European Commi Committee ttee for St Standar andardiza dization tion (CEN)

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