01 Formal Progress Test 1
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Creating Opportunity Worldwide
Pro-EL Pro-ELT T 2014
Formal Progress Test 1
Grammar Vocabulary Reading Listening Writing Speaking
/25 /25 /25 /25 /15 /10
© !e "ritis! #ouncil$ 201% The nited !ingdom"s international organisation #or edu$ational opportunities and $ultural relations% We are registered in &ngland as a c!arity'
Creating Opportunity Worldwide
&rammar (25 )uestions * 12 minutes+ #!oose O'E ans,er -or eac! )uestion and ,rite it on your ans,er s!eet' 1% . Lets go and ,atc! a -ilm a-ter ,ork' " Sorry$ cant' s)uas! ,it! om' a' playing b' 3ll play c' 3m going to play 2% . W!y are you studying 4alay " to talk to people in small 6illages' a' o be able b' "eing able c' o can (% a' b' c'
W!o is girl by t!e door a * t!e
4% a' b' c'
7our glasses dirty' #an you see anyt!ing are is !a6e
)% a' b' c'
We !a6ent seen eac! ot!er ,e le-t sc!ool' -or since ne6er
*% a' b' c'
m terrible at pu88les' sol6ing to sol6e sol6e
+% a' b' c'
am t!an my brot!er' taller t!e tallest more taller
,% a' b' c'
9ianes car is t!an mine' as big bigger more bigger
% a' b' c'
S!e is student in !er class' younger t!an t!e younger t!e youngest
© !e "ritis! #ouncil$ 201% The nited !ingdom"s international organisation #or edu$ational opportunities and $ultural relations% We are registered in &ngland as a c!arity'
Creating Opportunity Worldwide
10% Lets go some,!ere else' !ere are people !ere' a' too many b' too muc! c' enoug! o- 11% a' b' c'
:e used to be a lonely kid' :e !ad 6ery -riends' muc! little -e,
12% - m late -or ,ork$ my boss angry' a' get b' getting c' gets 1(% S!e told !er parents t!at s!ed passed$ ,as a complete lie' a' so b' ,!ic! c' ,!at 14% !e man$ dog ,as on V last ,eek$ is my -riends -at!er' a' ,!ose b' ,!o c' t!at 1)% . !ospital is a place patients are treated' a' ,!ere b' ,!at c' ,!ic! 1*% ;#an you bring me t!e bill$ please< :e asked t!e ,aiter !e could bring !im t!e bill' a' = b' can c' i- 1+% ;ll call t!e manager'< :e said !e call t!e manager' a' ,ill b' ,ould c' to 1,% !ey in t!at !otel -or t!ree ,eeks no,' a' stay b' stayed c' !a6e been staying 1% -eel really tired' up late last nig!t' a' s!ouldnt !a6e stay b' s!ouldnt stay c' s!ouldnt !a6e stayed
© !e "ritis! #ouncil$ 201% The nited !ingdom"s international organisation #or edu$ational opportunities and $ultural relations% We are registered in &ngland as a c!arity'
Creating Opportunity Worldwide
20% m really !ungry no, and lunc! is not until 2'00' eaten break-ast' a' s!ould !a6e b' must !a6e c' cant !a6e 21% 7ou !a6e cooked' !eres plenty o- -ood -or e6eryone' a' neednt b' dont !a6e to c' must not 22% - !ad ,on t!e lottery$ boug!t a car' a' ,ill b' ,ould !a6e c' s!ould 2(% 4y eyes ,ere !urting' staring at t!e computer screen -or !ours' a' !ad been b' !a6e been c' been 24% :is &nglis! is 6ery good' :e lessons since !e ,as -i6e' a' !as taken b' !as been taking c' !ad been taking 2)% !e meeting teac!ers -rom e6ery state' a' ,as attended by b' !ad been attended c' attended by
© !e "ritis! #ouncil$ 201% The nited !ingdom"s international organisation #or edu$ational opportunities and $ultural relations% We are registered in &ngland as a c!arity'
Creating Opportunity Worldwide
.o$a/ulary (25 )uestions * 1> minutes+ Tas 1 4atc! eac! de-inition (1=5+ using ans,ers -rom t!e list (.=?+' #!oose @A& ans,er' 7ou dont need to use e6ery letter' !e ans,er to Buestion 0 is gi6en on your ans,er paper as an eCample' .' "' #' 9' &' J' G' :' ' E' !%
0' o argue is to ?' 1' o c!eck is to 2' o restrict is to >' o ban is to %' o boost is to 5' o allo, is to
gro, organise increase cut permit impro6e eCamine limit pro!ibit deteriorate disagree
Tas 2 #omplete eac! sentence (D=10+ using t!e ,ord -rom t!e list (.=E+' #!oose @A& ans,er' 7ou dont need to use e6ery letter' .' D' 6e got a terrible in my s!oulder' "' F' !at s!irt really you' t makes you look 10 years younger' ' !is piece o- ,ill c!ange t!e ,ay ,e t!ink about dinosaurs' #' H' 7ou cant belie6e anyt!ing you read in t!at ne,spaper' ts 6ery '9' &' 10' !e criminal ,as -ound guilty by t!e ' J' G' :' ' E'
court bruise matc!es suits researc! accurate t!rob biased ac!e sentence
Tas ( 4atc! t!e ,ords (11=15+ to t!eir most similar meaning (.=E+ (e'g' !omeI!ouse+' #!oose @A& ans,er' 7ou dont need to use e6ery letter' .' meager 11' generic "' resol6e 12' pro6isional #' manage 1>' imagine 9' temporary 1%' super6ise &' permanent 15' impose J' nonspeci-ic G' c!urn :' 6isualise ' demoralise E' en-orce
© !e "ritis! #ouncil$ 201% The nited !ingdom"s international organisation #or edu$ational opportunities and $ultural relations% We are registered in &ngland as a c!arity'
Creating Opportunity Worldwide
Tas 4 4atc! t!e ,ords (1D=20+ ,it! t!e letters (.=E+ t!at t!ey are most o-ten used ,it! (.=E+(e'g' bus K stopI bus stop+' #!oose @A& ans,er' 7ou dont need to use e6ery letter' .' "' #' 9' &' J' G' :' ' E'
1D' completely 1F' s!rug 1' make 1H' unacceptable 20' strongly
a mistake suggest board play determination smile useless your s!oulders be!a6iour tenure
Tas ) 4atc! t!e ,ords (21=25+ ,it! t!e letters (.=E+ t!at t!ey are most o-ten used ,it! (.=E+(e'g' bus K stopI bus stop+' #!oose @A& ans,er' 7ou dont need to use e6ery letter' .' ,inds "' decision #' range 9' balanced &' smell J' rain G' anticipated :' de6eloped ' maintain E' bag
21' unanimous 22' delicately 2>' eagerly 2%' pungent 25' gale=-orce
© !e "ritis! #ouncil$ 201% The nited !ingdom"s international organisation #or edu$ational opportunities and $ultural relations% We are registered in &ngland as a c!arity'
Creating Opportunity Worldwide
eading (2D )uestions * >5 minutes+
Part 1 3uestions 1-* @rder t!e sentences (5-&+ belo, to make a story' Write your ans,ers on t!e ans,er s!eet' !e -irst sentence (6+ !as been done -or you' 6' 7uhammad 8unus was /orn on 2,th 9une 140 in a small :illage in ;ndia< the third o# #ourteen $hildren< /ut ) o# those died% 5' 7unus continued gi6ing out micro=loans or small amounts o- money$ and in 1H> -ormed t!e Grameen "ank$ meaning 6illage bank$ to !elp poorer people$ particularly ,omen$ to start t!eir businesses and not pay muc! more -or borro,ing t!e money' C' .-ter t!is reali8ation !e decided to !elp$ and !e lent about 1F dollars to %2 6illage ,orkers and so !e began !is great ,ork' =' !at ,as ,!en !e reali8ed t!at t!ere must be somet!ing 6ery ,rong ,it! t!e economics t!at !e !ad been teac!ing at t!e uni6ersity' E' W!en !e ,as young !is -at!er told all o- !is sons to go to uni6ersity and !is mot!er al,ays !elped t!e poor ,!o came to !er door' .-ter !e completed uni6ersity !e ,anted to remain in t!e -ield oeducation and became a lecturer' F' !e bank and its ideas spread all o6er t!e ,orld$ and 7unus and t!e Grameen bank Mointly ,on t!e Aobel Neace Nri8e in 200D -or t!eir e--orts to create economic and social de6elopment -rom a grassroots le6el' &' .s a pro-essor at #!ittagong Oni6ersity$ !e took !is students to a 6illage$ ,!ere !e -ound a ,oman ,!o !ad borro,ed money to make a stool$ and t!en$ ,!en s!e ga6e t!e money back$ s!e only !ad one penny le-t -or !er and !er -amily' eCt adapted -rom !ttp//,,,'grameenin-o'org/indeC'p!poptionIcomcontentPtaskI6ie,PidI>2HPtemidI>D>
© !e "ritis! #ouncil$ 201% The nited !ingdom"s international organisation #or edu$ational opportunities and $ultural relations% We are registered in &ngland as a c!arity'
Creating Opportunity Worldwide
Part 2 3uestions + > 1( Read t!e teCt and complete eac! gap (F=1>+ ,it! a ,ord -rom t!e list' Write t!e letters (.=E+ on t!e ans,er paper' 7ou dont need to use e6ery letter' !e -irst one !as been done -or you' n t!e ,eek o- t!e D0t! anni6ersary o- t!e 00 time t!at a Ae, Qealander and a Aepali man + reac!ed t!e top o- 4t &6erest$ t!e ,orlds , mountain ,as climbed by 0=year=old 7uic!iro 4iura o- Eapan' Science !as made t!is easier' !e deat! rate !as dropped signi-icantly in t!e last 20 years 10 to an increased understanding o- !o, to sa-ely climb &6erest' Weat!er -orecasting is more 11 and dra,s on satellite data to let climbers kno, eCactly ,!en t!ere is due to be a period o- good ,eat!er -or climbing to t!e top' 12 and clot!ing are muc! better designed and made -rom ne, materials$ ,!ic! allo,s t!e climbers to carry lig!ter oCygen tanks and use stronger and sa-er ropes' 1( !as also impro6ed' n 1H5> t!ey used radios to talk to eac! ot!er' !ey no, use satellites and mobile p!one systems' :o,e6er$ not e6eryone can climb &6erest' eCt adapted -rom !ttp//,,,'bbc'co'uk/science/0/22>%1FD
A B # 9 & J G : E ?
because much !a6e communication accurate e6er !ig!est due eCpensi6e e)uipment -irst (00+
© !e "ritis! #ouncil$ 201% The nited !ingdom"s international organisation #or edu$ational opportunities and $ultural relations% We are registered in &ngland as a c!arity'
Creating Opportunity Worldwide
Part ( 3uestions 14 > 1 Read t!e teCt belo,' 4atc! t!e headings (1%=1H+ to t!e paragrap!s (.=G+ -or )uestions on your ans,er s!eet' !e -irst one !as been done -or you' 00 14 1) 1* 1+ 1, 1
6 $hild"s idea #or the planet% 6 "ecoming an international cause . 3c!eeky and -un global campaign !e belie-s be!ind t!e campaign . global yout! -oundation ,it! a democratic structure #on6incing t!e leaders t!roug! actions at large meeting Nroposals -or t!e -uture o- t!e ,orlds climate
Stop talking' Start planting' 6' !e c!ildrens initiati6e Nlant=-or=t!e=Nlanet$ -irst launc!ed in 200F$ ,as broug!t to li-e by t!e t!en H=year=old JeliC Jinkbeiner$ ,!o -elt inspired to take action -ollo,ing a sc!ool report on t!e climate crisis' W!ile carrying out !is researc!$ JeliC became a,are o- ?enyan en6ironmental acti6ist and Aobel Neace laureate Wangari 4aat!ai and !er initiati6e t!at !ad led to t!e planting o- >0 million trees o6er >0 years' "y t!e time !e !ad -inis!ed !is researc! proMect$ JeliC !ad de6eloped !is o,n 6ision o- 1 million trees being planted in eac! country by c!ildren around t!e ,orld' JeliC ,ent on to ot!er classes and sc!ools to present !is report and !is 6ision' Eust a -e, ,eeks later$ on t!e 2t! o4arc! 200F$ t!e -irst tree ,as o--icially planted' 5% @6er t!e neCt t,o years JeliC broug!t t!e Nlant=-or=t!e=Nlanet initiati6e to t!e ,orld' n Eune 200$ at t!e OA&N c!ildrens con-erence in Aor,ay$ JeliC presented !is 6ision' F00 c!ildren delegates$ -rom o6er 105 countries ,ere so inspired t!at t!ey 6oted JeliC onto t!e OA&N Eunior "oard' JeliC !as since spoken at many important en6ironmental and climatic e6ents' n .ugust 200H at t!e OA&N un8a #!ildren and 7out! #on-erence in 9aeMeon$ Sout! ?orea$ Nlant=-or=t!e=Nlanet o--icially progressed into a global c!ildrens mo6ement' .t t!is time !undreds o- c!ildren -rom 5D di--erent countries committed t!emsel6es to Moin t!e initiati6e and ,ork to,ards planting 1 million trees in t!eir o,n countries' C% @- particular importance to t!e c!ildren is t!e con6iction t!at it is most o-ten de6eloping countries t!at are !it !ardest by t!e conse)uences o- climate c!ange' !e c!ildren are con6inced t!at a solution -or climate Mustice can only be reac!ed t!roug! t!e implementation o- a binding global treaty' Nlant=-or=t!e=Nlanet c!ildren !a6e been campaigning tirelessly and t!e c!ildren are also taking action t!emsel6es by planting trees' !is is 6ie,ed bot! as a practical act$ as eac! tree remo6es !arm-ul #@2 -rom t!e atmosp!ere$ and as a pi6otal symbolic action -or climate Mustice' =% @n 4ay %t! 2010$ %5 c!ildren -rom Nlant=-or=t!e=Nlanet$ toget!er ,it! &n6ironmental 4inisters -rom "elgium$ 9enmark$ Germany$ #anada$ urkey and 4eCico planted t!e one milliont! tree in Germany' !is planting initiati6e ,as !eld under t!e programme !eading ;Stop alking' Start Nlanting+ Nlanting rees - 500 4illion trees ,ere planted e6ery year$ t!is ,ould mean an additional 5 million tonnes o- #@2 could be remo6ed -rom t!e atmosp!ere' F' !e ,orld=,ide slogan -or Nlant=-or=t!e=Nlanet is ;Stop alking' Start Nlanting=Noint=Nlan to,ards a sa-e -uture' 24' .s de6eloping countries are primarily prone to climate c!ange conse)uences$ t!e c!ildren belie6ed in adopting a global contract -or climate Mustice' 2)' !e slogan 3Stop talking' Start planting' ,ent on to be e6en more ,ell=kno,n ,it! t!e promotional action in6ol6ing bot! t!e c!ildren and t!e community members'
© !e "ritis! #ouncil$ 201% The nited !ingdom"s international organisation #or edu$ational opportunities and $ultural relations% We are registered in &ngland as a c!arity'
Creating Opportunity Worldwide
Listening Part 1@ Listen to t!e recording' #!oose one ans,er -or ea$h )uestion' e$ording 6 1% W!at time is t!e -lig!t to Rome a' H15 b' H25 c' 120 d' 2>0 e$ording 5 2% #ircle t!e correct okyo -lig!t number a' JR 12>% b' JR >>21 c' JR >%21 d' JR %12> e$ording C (% W!y is t!ere an announcement -or Gemma and Ryan Grey a' !ey !a6e missed t!e -inal boarding call b' !ey !a6e lost t!eir luggage c' !ey are boarding t!e ,rong -lig!t d' !ey must go to t!e gate immediately' e$ording = 4% W!ere do eCpress ticket !olders need to go a' Gate % b' Gate H c' Gate D d' Gate 1D e$ording E )% W!at time is it in Ae, 7ork a' D>0 am b' >0 am c' D >0 pm d' >0 pm Part 2@ Listen to t!e con6ersations' .re t!e statements true or #alseA e$ording 6 *% .t -irst$ t!e son doesnt care about -ailing t!e eCam'
+% :is mum -eels s!e s!ould apologise to !er son'
,% :is mum is ,orried about t!e cost oretaking t!e course
© !e "ritis! #ouncil$ 201% The nited !ingdom"s international organisation #or edu$ational opportunities and $ultural relations% We are registered in &ngland as a c!arity'
Creating Opportunity Worldwide
e$ording 5 % !e girl and "on8o ,ere playing in t!e park'
10% S!e took "on8o to t!e 6ets straig!t a,ay'
11% 4egans -riend regrets ,!at s!e said about "on8o
1(% !e dad kno,s t!e son !as somet!ing negati6e to say'
14% !e son is really apologetic about ,!at !appened'
e$ording C 12% !e dad !ad a good day at ,ork'
Part (@ Listen to t!e recording' #!oose the /est ans,er -or ea$h )uestion' e$ording 6 1)% !e speaker -eels 4ary .nning a' S!ouldnt be -amous b' S!ould be -amous 1*% Ao,adays$ people say t!at 4ary .nnings contribution to palaeontology'' a' !asnt made an impact b' !as been -orgotten c' !as !ad a small impact d' !as made a signi-icant impact 1+% #!arles 9ickens ,rote about 4ary .nning' W!at ,as !is opinion o- !er a' 4ary .nning o6ercame di--icult obstacles b' 4ary .nning disco6ered t!e -irst -ossil c' 4ary .nning ,as t!e only ,oman in t!e scienti-ic community d' 4ary .nnings ,orked !ard t!roug!out !er career and deser6ed t!e recognition s!e got' e$ording 5 1,% !e speaker admires ?ailas! Satyart!i because a' Satyart!i came -rom a poor background b' Satyart!i )uit !is Mob c' Satyart!i !as o-ten risked !is o,n li-e to !elp and educate c!ildren all o6er Sout! .sia' d' Satyart!i ,as against c!ild sla6ery ,!en !e ,as D 1% !e man -eels t!at ?ailas! Satyart!i a' !as done a lot -or ndia b' s!ouldnt !a6e been attacked c' !as c!anged peoples ideas about sla6ery in ndia d' !as c!anged peoples ideas about sla6ery all o6er t!e ,orld'
© !e "ritis! #ouncil$ 201% The nited !ingdom"s international organisation #or edu$ational opportunities and $ultural relations% We are registered in &ngland as a c!arity'
Creating Opportunity Worldwide
e$ording C 20% !e speaker admires Rac!el #arson because a' S!e started o-- in biology and ,orked !ard t!roug!out !er career b' S!e ,rote a book in 1HD2 about birds c' S!e ,as t!e -irst person to raise a,areness about !o, !umans are damaging t!e en6ironment d' S!e ne6er ga6e up 21% W!en #arson ,rote !er book a' Ao one really paid any attention to it' b' !e c!emical and agricultural industry c!anged t!eir practices c' !e c!emical and agricultural industry tried to destroy #arsons reputation d' Neople started t!inking about t!e possibility t!at all birds mig!t die 22% !e speaker -eels t!at today a' !ere !a6e been de6elopments in -ood production and t!ings are impro6ing b' .lt!oug! t!ere !a6e been de6elopments$ not!ing !as c!anged c' .lt!oug! t!ere !a6e been de6elopments$ t!ings are getting ,orse d' Someone needs to ,rite a book similar to #arsons' e$ording = 2(% !e speaker -eels a' S!e is t!e only one ,!o admires Eo!n Lennon b' Strange t!at s!e admires someone ,!o died be-ore s!e ,as born c' ts common -or people to like Lennon d' ts uncommon -or people to like Lennon 24% !e speaker admires Eo!n Lennon mostly -or a' :is inno6ation b' "ot! !is pop and eCperimental songs c' :is commitment to ,orld peace d' !e -act t!at !is song Imagine is still -amous 2)% W!en describing Lennon t!e speaker -eels a' !e ,as rebellious but caring b' !e ,as rebellious and serious c' !e ,as rebellious and di--icult d' !e ,as rebellious and sometimes di--icult
© !e "ritis! #ouncil$ 201% The nited !ingdom"s international organisation #or edu$ational opportunities and $ultural relations% We are registered in &ngland as a c!arity'
Creating Opportunity Worldwide
Writing (> Narts * 50 minutes+
Part 1@ 7ou6e Must Moined t!e 3FOO=LO.EB%78"' !is is a ,ebsite ,!ere people can meet online to
c!at about t!eir -a6ourite restaurants and order -ood deli6eries' Jill in t!e -orm' Write in -ull sentences' Ose 20=>0 ,ords' 7ou !a6e F minutes' 7E75E FO7 Please tell us a/out your #a:ourite #ood and time w hen you pre#er to ha:e your meals%
Part 2@ 7ou are a member o- FOO=LO.EB%78"' 7oure talking to E' in t!e customer c!at room' alk
to E' using complete sentences' Ose >0 to %0 ,ords per ans,er' 7ou !a6e 10 minutes' E' Di ; see you"re new here% ; oined a year ago a#ter ; started li:ing alone% Why did you oinA 7ou'
E' What do you thin a/out the ser:i$eA 7ou'
© !e "ritis! #ouncil$ 201% The nited !ingdom"s international organisation #or edu$ational opportunities and $ultural relations% We are registered in &ngland as a c!arity'
Creating Opportunity Worldwide
E' Da:e you eaten out re$entlyA =o you ha:e any re$ommendationsA 7ou'
Part (@ 7ou are a member o- FOO=LO.EB%78"' @n your last 6isit to t!eir ,ebsite you sa, t!e notice belo,' =ear :alued $ustomers< We are sorry to in#orm you that #rom ne?t month w e ha:e to introdu$e a #ee #or the meals" deli:ery% ;t will $onstitute 10G o# the meal order% We ha:e to introdu$e this measure to redu$e the high $osts in:ol:ed in deli:ering the meals% ;# you ha:e any $omments or suggestions< please #eel #ree to email us at $ustomer%ser:i$eH#oodlo:ers%$om Write an email to a -riend ,!o also uses t!e FOO=LO.EB%78" ser6ice' Write your -eelings about t!e notice and suggest possible alternati6es' Write about 50 ,ords' 7ou !a6e 10 minutes'
© !e "ritis! #ouncil$ 201% The nited !ingdom"s international organisation #or edu$ational opportunities and $ultural relations% We are registered in &ngland as a c!arity'
Creating Opportunity Worldwide
Ao,$ ,rite an email to t!e #ustomer Ser6ice eam$ eCplaining your -eelings about t!e notice and suggesting possible alternati6es' Write 120=150 ,ords' 7ou !a6e 20 minutes'
© !e "ritis! #ouncil$ 201% The nited !ingdom"s international organisation #or edu$ational opportunities and $ultural relations% We are registered in &ngland as a c!arity'
Creating Opportunity Worldwide
Bpeaing (2 Narts * minutes+
Part 1@ 7ou are going to compare t,o pictures and t!en ans,er t,o )uestions about t!em' 8ou will ha:e 4) se$onds #or ea$h response% 1+
9escribe ,!at you see in t!e t,o pictures belo,'
2+ :o, are t!ese pictures similar or di--erent to your o,n eCperience as a student >+ :o, o-ten do you use storybooks in class
© !e "ritis! #ouncil$ 201% The nited !ingdom"s international organisation #or edu$ational opportunities and $ultural relations% We are registered in &ngland as a c!arity'
Creating Opportunity Worldwide
Part 2@ 7ou are going to look at a picture and ans,er t!ree )uestions' 8ou will ha:e one minute to thin a/out your answers /e#ore you start speaing% 8ou may mae notes% 7ou ,ill !a6e t,o minutes to ans,er all three Iuestions% Look at t!e p!otograp!'
• • •
ell me about a beauti-ul place you6e 6isited' :o, did you -eel W!y do you t!ink beac!es are popular !oliday destinations
© !e "ritis! #ouncil$ 201% The nited !ingdom"s international organisation #or edu$ational opportunities and $ultural relations% We are registered in &ngland as a c!arity'
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