007 Magdayao vs People
Short Description
007(case number) ENGR. BAYANI MAGDAYAO,
petitioner, vs. PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, respondent.
AUTHOR : NOTES: (if applicable) applicable)
152881_2004 TOPIC: 130 – best evidence rule PONENTE: CALLEO, SR., .! ACT!" (c#r$n$%$&'ca% $rer)
An Inforation !as filed c"ar#in# petitioner p etitioner !it" violation of $%&% $l#% '' did t"en #nd t"ere $i%%&'%%(, 'n%#$&'%%( #nd &e%onio's%( )#*e, dr#$, iss'e #nd de%iver
to one RIC+Y OLIS, in p#()ent o& "is o-%i#tion to t"e %#tter, PNB C"e/* No. 011123 d#te d#ted d Sept Septe) e)-e -err 04, 511 115 5 in t"e t"e #)o #)o'nt 'nt o& SI6 SI6 H7NDR 7NDRED ED THO THO7SAN 7SAND D PESOS ESOS 8P244,444.449, 666 t"e petitioner, #ssisted -( /o'nse%, entered # p%e# o& not 'i%t(. 'i%t(. "en t"e case for trial !as called on *une +, 1--. for t"e prosecution to adduce its evidence, t"e petitioner and "is counsel !ere absent% T"e prosecution presented t"e private coplainant, /ic Olvis, !"o testified on direct e2aination t"at on Septeber 30, 1--1, t"e petitioner dre! and issued a c"ec in t"e aount of &00,000%00% t"e dra!ee ban dis"onored t"e c"ec for t"e reason 45ra!n A#ainst Insufficient 6unds4 staped on t"e dorsal portion of t"e c"ec% Olvis testified t"at !"en infored t"at "is c"ec !as dis"onored, t"e petitioner pleaded for tie to pa t"e aount t"ereof, but rene#ed on "is proise% Olvis t"en filed a criinal coplaint a#ainst t"e petitioner for violation of $%&% $%&% $l#% $l#% '' on Septeber 7, 1--', doceted as I%S% No% -'839% T"e petitioner a#ain offered to repa Olvis t"e aount of t"e obli#ation b retrievin# t"e dis"onored c"ec and replacin# t"e sae !it" t!o ot"er c"ecs: one for &700,000%00 and anot"er for &'00,000%00 paable to Olvis% Tain# pit on t"e petitioner, "e a#reed% e t"en returned t"e ori#inal cop of t"e c"ec to t"e petitioner, but t"e latter a#ain failed to ae #ood on "is proise and failed to pa t"e &00,000%00% T"e prosecution oved t"at suc" direct e2aination of Olvis be continued on anot"er date, and t"at t"e petitioner be ordered to appear before t"e court so t"at "e could be identified as t"e dra!er of o f t"e sub;ect c"ec% c"e c% T"e trial court #ranted t"e otion and set t"e continuation of t"e trial on *une 13, 1--+% In t"e eantie, t"e prosecution ared a p"otocop of &N$ s i%'re to prod'/e t"e oriin#% t"ereo& A%% )otions o& petitioner $ere denied Tri#% /o'rt #d='ded petitioner 'i%t(. CA #?r)ed
I!!UE(!)" (a) t"e p"otocop of &N$ uirin# t"e production b t"e offeror of t"e best evidence is t"e prevention of fraud, because if a part is in possession of suc" evidence and !it""olds it and presents inferior or secondar evidence in its place, t"e presuption is t"at t"e latter evidence is !it""eld fro t"e court and t"e adverse part for a fraudulent or devious purpose !"ic" its production !ould e2pose and defeat% As lon# as t"e ori#inal evidence can be "ad, t"e court s"ould not receive in evidence t"at !"ic" is substitutionar in nature, suc" as p"otocopies, in t"e absence of an clear s"o!in# t"at t"e ori#inal !ritin# "as been lost or destroed or cannot be produced in court% Suc" p"otocopies ust be disre#arded, bein# inadissible evidence and barren of probative !ei#"t 6urt"erore, under Section 3(b), /ule 130 of t"e said /ules, secondar evidence of a !ritin# a be aditted !"en t"e ori#inal is in t"e custod or under t"e control of t"e part a#ainst !"o t"e evidence is offered, and t"e latter fails to produce it after reasonable notice% To !arrant t"e adissibilit of secondar evidence !"en t"e ori#inal of a !ritin# is in t"e custod or control of t"e adverse part, Section of /ule 130 provides t"at t"e adverse part ust be #iven reasonable notice, t"at "e fails or refuses to produce t"e sae in court and t"at t"e offeror offers satisfactor proof of its e2istence%
T"e ere fact t"at t"e ori#inal of t"e !ritin# is in t"e custod or control of t"e part a#ainst !"o it is offered does not !arrant t"e adission of secondar evidence% T"e offeror ust prove t"at "e "as done all in "is po!er to secure t"e best evidence b #ivin# notice to t"e said part to produce t"e docuent% T"e notice a be in t"e for of a otion for t"e production of t"e ori#inal or ade in open court in t"e presence of t"e adverse part or via a subpoena duces tecu, provided t"at t"e part in custod of t"e ori#inal "as sufficient tie to produce t"e sae% "en suc" part "as t"e ori#inal of t"e !ritin# and does not voluntaril offer to produce it or refuses to
produce it, secondar evidence a be aditted% In t"is case, Olvis, t"e private coplainant, testified t"at after t"e c"ec !as dis"onored b t"e dra!ee ban for insufficienc of funds, "e returned it to t"e petitioner upon t"e latter?s offer to pa t"e aount of t"e c"ec b dra!in# and issuin# t!o c"ecs, one for &700,000%00 and t"e ot"er for &'00,000%00% o!ever, t"e petitioner still failed to satisf "is obli#ation to Olvis In "is 4@otion to Suspend &roceedin#s4 in t"e trial court, t"e petitioner aditted t"at "e received t"e ori#inal cop of t"e dis"onored c"ec fro t"e private coplainant and t"at "e caused t"e non8paent of t"e dis"onored c"ec% T"e petitioner cannot fei#n i#norance of t"e need for t"e production of t"e ori#inal cop and t"e fact t"at t"e prosecution !as able to present in evidence onl a p"otocop t"ereof because t"e ori#inal !as in "is possession In fact t"e petitioner coplained of t"e prosecution?s violation of t"e best evidence rule% T"e petitioner, "o!ever, never produced t"e ori#inal of t"e c"ec, uc" less offered to produce t"e sae% T"e petitioner deliberatel !it""eld t"e ori#inal of t"e c"ec as a bar#ainin# c"ip for t"e court to #rant "i an opportunit to adduce evidence in "is defense, !"ic" "e failed to do follo!in# "is nuerous un;ustified postponeents 2n an r 'ssue"
T"ere !as no lon#er a need for t"e prosecution to present as !itness t"e eploee of t"e dra!ee ban !"o ade t"e notation at t"e dorsal portion of t"e dis"onored c"ec to testif t"at t"e sae !as dis"onored for "avin# been dra!n a#ainst insufficient funds% T"e petitioner "ad alread been infored of suc" fact of dis"onor and t"e reason t"erefor !"en Olvis returned t"e ori#inal of t"e c"ec to "i% In fact, as s"o!n b t"e testion of Olvis, t"e petitioner dre! and issued t!o ot"er separate c"ecs, one for &700,000%00 and t"e ot"er for &'00,000%00, to replace t"e dis"onored c"ec% $ecause of "is dilator tactics, t"e petitioner failed to adduce evidence to overcoe t"at of t"e prosecution?s% T"e petitioner?s contention t"at Olvis failed to identif "i as t"e dra!er of t"e sub;ect c"ec is nettlesoe% It bears stressin# t"at Olvis !as read to identif t"e petitioner after "is direct e2aination, but t"e latter and "is counsel ine2plicabl failed to appear% T"e direct e2aination of Olvis "ad to be continued to enable "i to point to and identif t"e petitioner as t"e dra!er o f t"e c"ec% CA!E A3 OCTRINE: I!!ENTINCONCURRIN OPINION(!):
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