007 Lifestyle

May 2, 2017 | Author: MuhammadEsaSutadiwangsa | Category: N/A
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Short Description

007 Lifestyle...



L i f e s t y l e

Derek Strong




What this Guide Is


What This Guide Isn’t


How To Use This Guide


Who is ‘Derek Strong’?


Why Listen To Me?


The 007 Lifestyle Mindset


Mission 1: Style & Image


CHAPTER 001: Dressing The Part


CHAPTER 002: James Bond Grooming


CHAPTER 003: James Bond Body Language


CHAPTER 004: The James Bond Body


CHAPTER 005: The Art Of War - James Bond Style


CHAPTER 006: Your Home Base



CHAPTER 007: Signature Drinks & Restaurant Ordering


Mission 1 Villains


Mission 2: Lethal Seduction


CHAPTER 001: The Keys To James Bond Character & Attraction Techniques


CHAPTER 002: The Seduction Process From Start To... ‘Finish’


MISSION 2: Villains


CHAPTER 001: J.O.B.’s And The James Bond Lifestyle


Mission 3: Money & Travel


CHAPTER 002: Mobile Small Business


CHAPTER 003: Affiliate Marketing


CHAPTER 004: Mobile Writing Jobs


CHAPTER 005: Saving Money & The 007 Lifestyle


CHAPTER 006: Effectively Spend Your Money While Traveling


CHAPTER 007: How to Tip Like James Bond


CHAPTER 8: Your Bond car


Mission 3: Villains





Gadgets & Resources


Mission 1


Mission 2


Mission 3



Copyright & Disclaimers Copyright ©2010 LivingLikeJamesBond.com All rights reserved. Any unauthorized use, sharing, reproduction, stealing or distribution of this book by any means is strictly prohibited. This work is provided for entertainment purposes only. The views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author. The author makes no claim to the factual account of any of this information. Any errors or omissions are the author’s own. James Bond materials © MGM, Sony, United Artists Corporation and Danjaq, LLC. 007 Gun Logo, James Bond, and all other James Bond related trademarks ™Danjaq, LLC. LivingLikeJamesBond.com is an unofficial information resource and is not linked to the official James Bond production companies in any way. Please email [email protected] with any questions, comments, or concerns





Bond. James Bond. Welcome 00-agent. For the next few hours I am your ‘M’ and this is your 007 lifestyle Bible. This guide will serve as your field manuel. Follow these rules, tips, & tricks to make sure your time spent as a 00-agent isn’t shortlived. I’m about to share with you all the information you need to start living like James Bond. • You are going to learn how to develop style. • You are going to learn how to create opportunities for adventure and travel in your life. • You are going to learn how to successfully use money to fund and support your new lifestyle. • You are going to learn how to start seducing your ideal Bond girl (yes, married men need to know how to seduce and please their wives as well). • You are going to learn to make James Bond’s lifestyle a reality in the modern world.




A guide for becoming a

A handbook for

better version of you

mimicking James Bond

A guide for creating your

A guide to jet-set living

ideal lifestyle

for the wealthy

A guide for every man

A guide for only single,

looking for more



A guide that shows you

A guide that uses James

how to buy laser gun

Bond as a sign-post

watches 8

HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE There are 3 Missions that compose The 007 Lifestyle.

Mission 1: The Style & Image Guide The very first thing we’re going to focus on is reinventing ourselves and our image to more closely match Bond’s suave demeanor. We can’t have you traveling the world and sweeping women off their feet if you don’t look and act the part. It’s time to take you from slob to suave.

Lifestyle without women involved. Even married guys should take notes because everything outlined here will help you keep your woman happy and begging for more.

Mission 3: Money, Wealth, & Exotic Travel James Bond is never short on cash. A limited supply of money will hinder your ability to travel, to tip well, and move flawlessly throughout your social circle. In this section, I’m going to show you how to live, make money, and spend money while on the run. This is how you live a mobile lifestyle or

Mission 2: Lethal Seduction

just supplement your current income.


Each Mission has a ‘Villains’ and ‘Gadgets/ Resources’ section to help you overcome

James Bond is one of the world’s most famous

obstacles and complete your goals.

seducers. You simply cannot live the 007


WHO IS ‘DEREK STRONG’? (As a sovereign man, I value anonymity. Please don’t ask for my real name because I wont

boring, I had boring relationships, and I was slowly accepting that this was as good as my life was going to be.

provide it.)

Then something tragic happened.

I sit here writing this message to you from a

One of my dad's best friends, a man I've known

bungalow on the tiny island of Koh Tao in

my whole life, had a sudden heart attack and

Thailand (pictured below).

died in his front yard. He laid there on the lawn

I just got back from an intense workout followed by a 45 minute tanning session on the beach. I

for hours until his wife came home from work and discovered his body.

can feel the tightness of the muscles in my

My mortality suddenly became much more real.

arms, a slight sunburn on my shoulders, and

I saw myself in 20 years living the same boring

sand between my toes.

life. Always dreaming but never doing.

I’ve got my laptop open, feet up, and a warm cup of Laotian coffee at arms length. Life is good but it wasn’t always this way.

Desperately wishing I could break free. But I didn't want to end up just like my dad's friend. I wanted to do everything I truly wanted to.

A couple of years ago I was just another James Bond fan sitting behind a desk all day. I was




I knew then that I had to reinvent myself. I was

I Didn't Want Any "What If's?"

fed up. It was time to start living the lifestyle I had always wanted - the 007 lifestyle. I spent the next several months reflecting and even studying James Bond films. I absorbed every bit of the character that I could. I knew Bond wasn't real, but I wanted his lifestyle so badly that I didn't care. I started learning new skills, working out, and talking to women. I focused on improving myself everyday.

After returning home absolutely ecstatic about my adventures I felt stronger and more confident than ever before. In the past I was caged by my fear. I was afraid to start a business or approach women. "What if I fail or get rejected," I'd always think. But this time it didn't matter. I didn't want any "What if's?" I started going for it in every aspect of my life and guess what? I succeeded. I quit my job and began freelance writing. Eventually, I started a

Then I took an adventure packed vacation where

few of my own websites. I wasn't making

I bungee jumped, sky dived, and shot a gun for

millions of dollars, but I was making enough to

the first time. I even visited some of the exact

travel and enjoy my life.

locations where they shot movie scenes in Panama and in Brazil. I didn't look like James Bond but I felt like him.

I began studying every piece of material I could on how to meet women and attract them. I spent hours in bars talking to women and


developing my own systematic way to seduce them. And, I started getting dates consistently.

Who would you rather get advice from? On the whole, your natural friend's advice is

I was suddenly the guy dating women more

going to be irrelevant to you. He's always been

beautiful than I thought possible.

good so he's not going to have the same fears

WHY LISTEN TO ME? Many times, the people giving us advice in our lives are in no position to give it. They haven't experienced what we've experienced or ever been in our shoes. Let's say your best friend has always been good with women. He can freely talk with gorgeous women and dates them regularly. Another friend used to be terrible with women but then he figured some things out. He got better and now he's just as good as your natural friend.

or hold ups. Your un-natural friend, on the other hand, will be able to relate to your problems and give you strategies to overcome them. So, as you've probably already guessed, I'm like your second friend. I'm the guy who's gone from bad (real bad), to great. I've been where you are. I know how it feels. But I've escaped to tell my story and give you a way out. I've studied my butt off. I've lost thousands of dollars on stupid business ventures. I've spent countless hours reading everything there is to


know about the 007 Lifestyle. So I know I'm qualified to give advice. I've earned the right. You don't have to listen to me but I think it'd be dumb not to. You don't have to repeat the same mistakes I've made or embarrass yourself in front of groups of women. This is why I deserve your attention and I'm happy to share my knowledge and experience.

THE 007 LIFESTYLE MINDSET If you’re reading this, I’m fairly certain that you ‘get it’.

You understand that I’m not trying to literally BE James Bond. The goal is to be a better version of YOURSELF.

In reality your personality and identity is most likely a combination of your interactions with friends and family. You model those around you and especially your father (or father figure) in a lot of different respects. Does that mean you copy his every move? Absolutely not.

‘Modeling’ excellence is the quickest way to get a desired result. In your case, an interesting LIFESTYLE.

Modeling is the ability to fully replicate a desirable skill or behavior that another person has.

You can still have your own strong identity even if you draw influence from others.


If you want to start a successful business, you model successful businesses and businessmen because they’re excellent. If you want to be in good physical shape, you do what people who are healthy and in shape do. It’s quite simple when you think about it. And luckily for me, I stumbled upon the idea that modeling James Bond’s lifestyle was actually possible. That’s what this guide is. The compilation of all the things I’ve learned in respect to living like James Bond in real life.

Ready to do this? Let’s get started.


Mission 1 S t y l e & I m a g e


Mission 1: Style & Image

CHAPTER 001: DRESSING THE PART Despite the occasional faux pas (the infamous baby blue terry-cloth jumpsuit), Bond dresses tastefully and elegantly. Even during travel in The Spy Who Loved Me and Quantum of Solace Bond is impeccably suited.

What Clothing Communicates What you wear is a communication of who you are. James Bond often wears a suit and expensive clothing for two reasons:

1. To seamlessly fit into his social circle(s).

2. To demonstrate superior social status within those groups.


James Bond’s style is not always defined because many times he is working under a cover. He must adhere to the rules of the character he is playing - the famous kilt he wears On Her

Be the stereotype. Make your style of dress match the image you wish to project. When you have the proper uniform to match

And under

your image, stand out ever-so-slightly above

the ‘covers’

the rest. Dress just a bit sleeker or nicer.

Majesty’s Secret Service is

The slickest, most dominant men within

probably the most telling

subcultures typically have a superior fashion


sense. Bond always looks better than his usually rich and powerful nemesis.

Pick the group or subculture that you wish to identify with and wear the ‘costume’ that

A well dressed man can influence people subtly

people in that group typically wear.

without them even realizing it. In one study,

If you’re infiltrating circles of businessmen and attending launch parties for new satellite networks a la Tomorrow Never Dies, you probably shouldn’t wear a Hawaiian shirt. But, if

researchers had a man illegally jaywalk against a traffic light several different times. Half the time he dressed in regular work clothes, and the other half he wore a business suit and tie.

you’re trying to snuggle up close to a cute

3 1/2 times as many pedestrians waiting at

hippie chick, by all means wear the shirt. 

the corner followed the man when he wore a suit as when he wore regular work clothes.


Don’t underestimate the power clothing and a well dressed man has on influencing people. 19

Your Ideal Stereotype ‘The Successful Man’ (Quintessential James Bond) This is the iconic look you’ll find throughout GQ magazine. It’s instantly recognizable and unmistakably Bond. How do we achieve this look? And how we do achieve it without completely draining our bank account? Well there are a couple tricks and ‘hacks’ that you can use to pull it off.


Clothes Buying 101

don’t need a ton of clothing, especially if you’re a man on the move, but it should be nice and

The most important thing to remember when buying clothing is that it MUST FIT CORRECTLY.

Most guys pay no attention to how their clothing looks and fits their body shape. They think, "Hey, my pants aren't falling

durable. Yes, I know, nice and durable usually equals expensive. But this is a foolish way to look at it.

If you buy quality items they will last a long time.

down. I'm all good." Men and women alike instantly pick up on this if only on the subconscious level. You don't need to buy super tight clothing or wear only suits, but you need to buy clothes that suit your shape nicely. How do we do that? Keep reading.

Buy For The Long Haul If you’ve stopped growing, it’s time to start buying clothing with the long haul in mind. You

Many items, like the beat up Bentley Bond drove in the Fleming novels, just get better with time and wear.

Stop worrying about trends. You’ll end up buying clothing that has no use in a few years. Notice how Bond’s classic tuxedo has remained current and stylish since the beginning.


Buy Quality & Run It Into The Ground Having high quality items in your wardrobe, even if you have sparse collection, will go a long way in helping raise your perceived status. This elevation will come not only extrinsically (from

How to Buy Pants Pants can be tricky for many guys. The tendency is to buy pants that are too long. Avoid this it all costs. A bunch of fabric bunching up around your shoes looks awful. Stepping on the back of your pant leg, creating a ripped and torn look is

others), but intrinsically (from within) as well.

NOT COOL. It looks tacky.

Good, durable clothing can be worn more often

When trying on pants, first make sure that the

than poor quality clothing and it will also help

waist fits exactly how you want it. The waist is

you feel a sense of prosperity. On a

the most important part because you can always

subconscious level, you’ll feel more wealthy and

have the inseam shortened for cheap in most

valuable just by wearing it.

tailor shops.

Once you’ve established the look you want, save

Once you've found the right waist fit, check the

up money to buy quality pieces and wear them

length of the pants. Without shoes on, the pant

frequently. This strategy is much more ‘Bond’

leg should never sag below mid ankle.

then buying lots of cheap clothing.

Note: You can get away with wearing similar clothing from day to day. Unless your outfit is especially flamboyant, no one will notice the difference. For example, most people wont be able to recall what you wore 2-3 days ago. Go ahead ask someone, and see what they say.


Every man should have a nice, expensive (or high quality) pair of denim jeans.

Women notice nice jeans much more so than men. Wear them casually, or with a suit jacket.

How to Buy T-Shirts Unless you're going for the rapper look, I'd suggest against buying oversized shirts. If you're prone to buying clothing that's too large for you, try moving a size down, for example from large to medium. T-shirts are usually sized like this: if in general you are a medium sized guy, medium shirts will likely fit you. If you're a big huge guy, XL is probably your best bet.

23 Source

A note on t-shirt design: keep your t-shirts

They are not as expensive as you think and

simple. Screen printed shirts and logos can look

worth every penny.

tacky. Buy solid colored shirts.

An important thing to remember with dress

If you’re a traveler: try getting sheep’s wool

shirts is that they shouldn't be overly baggy

shirts (Icebreakers are my favorite) as they are

before you tuck them in. Try to buy dress shirts

sweat and smell resistant and will last a long

that are slim and not extremely long. You don't


want them to bunch up in your pants and make it look like you're wearing a diaper.

How to Buy Collared and Dress Shirts It's a major mistake to buy oversized dress shirts, but I see it all the time. Spend an hour or so in the shirt department figuring out your size. Start with your neck size, then figure out sleeve size. Or, you can make it simple and go a tailor.

Don't be afraid of tailors.

Shoes Keep your shoes simple unless you're a daring soul by nature. Don't buy huge skater shoes unless you’re a skater. Look for slimmer cut shoes with very simple designs. Large logos on shoes are for kids. The amount of shoes you have will really depend on your lifestyle choice. My 007 lifestyle is one of constant travel, therefore I like to have only two pairs of shoes.


Otherwise, you should have at least:

Dress Shoes

Casual Shoes

1 Pair Black

1 Pair Black

1 Pair Brown

1 Pair Brown or White

Spend the money on high quality dress shoes and get sole protectors put on. Don’t skimp out. Good dress shoes last forever.


Short story: I had a good looking pair of black dress shoes but they were cheap. After 3

I believe in a few good accessories. They can

months of wearing them I noticed my back

take otherwise mundane clothing and an

starting to give. Before I knew it, I had the back

average guy and inject him with cool.

of 65 year old and needed physical therapy to correct the problem. For casual shoes I prefer Adidas and slim fitting

Bond’s accessories are usually subtle but always eloquent. A few high quality accessories will go a long way.




Travel Fashion

Connery looked great in a hat. Go to a good speciality hat store and seek advice.

“He said we are a little over-dressed but he has agreed to take us.” - Bond

Learn how to toss your hat like Bond does on Moneypenny’s hatrack. Video: James Bond Hat Gag

Watches Spend the money on a good durable watch. It will last you for years. Omega Commercial A watch does wonders for the psyche. It’s a constant reminder (it’s attached to your wrist all day) of your upward assent in the world. Save up, a little each month, (see chapter on saving), and when the time comes buy yourself a nice watch.

James Bond is constantly in new locations across the globe and his clothing always suits the occasion. In The Spy Who Loved Me, Bond wears traditional clothing in Cairo, Egypt and looks completely comfortable doing so. You should strive to fit in with the local style of dress as much as possible.

There’s nothing worse or more obvious than a traveler wearing huge cargo pants and clothing. A good spy would never enter into a foreign country looking like such a tourist - unless of course that was his cover.


The amount of fun and flexibility your trip will

• 1 'bathing suit' - really just small running

have is the direct inverse of the amount of

shorts that I mostly use to protect my video

baggage you bring with you. How can you pick


up and leave for the next destination and stay on the bad-guy’s heels if you have several suitcases?

• 2 pairs of travel underwear - Quick dry. I take one in the shower with me in the morning to soap it up. Then wear the other

When I travel, I live by the words, “the lighter the better.”

one while it dries. • 1 pair of travel pants • 1 pair of jeans

A Possible Travel Gear List • 3 Icebreaker t-shirts (1 blue, 1 black, 1 greenish)

• 1 pair of Chukka boots • 1 pair of Adidas • 1 pair of sandals

• 3 collard shirts (1 white, 1 black, 1 blue).

What you pack will invariably be different. There

• 2 jackets (1 rain jacket, 1 cardigan)

are some good resources for travel clothing in

• 2 pairs of shorts

the MISSION 1: Gadgets / Resources section.


Putting It Together I don't necessarily recommend you try to dress exactly like James Bond.

You are not James

Bond. You’re just trying to emulate his LIFESTYLE. You need to develop our own style otherwise people will think you're an idiot fan-boy. But we can look to Bond for inspiration. So, I'd like to show you how you can create a similar look to one seen in Quantum of Solace. You might remember the scenes from Haiti. Icebreaker Kent Polo Icebreaker t-shirts are made of Merino wool. This stuff dries fast, almost never smells, and is extremely comfortable and durable. It will keep you warm when it’s cold and vice versa. They’re not bad looking either. Jeans - Levi Skinny 511 Jeans Levi jeans are a solid choice. They are usually inexpensive but they last. Just be careful you find the right fit.




Jacket - American Apparel Nylon Taffeta Wind Breaker The problem with most ‘travel’ jackets is over use of zippers and pockets. American Apparel makes a great wind breaker that will resist


rain and fashion suicide.


Boots - Chukka Boot Chukka boots are very 007-ish. Spend the money and get a good pair. Then wear them everywhere. They’ll just get better as they age.

Your New Mantra: “Buy Quality. Wear It Out.”


CHAPTER 002: JAMES BOND GROOMING I’ll let you in on a little secret: how you’re dressed and groomed is more important than your looks. You should, however, constantly be working to enhance your good features. Let’s talk about grooming habits you can adopt to align your image a little closer with Bond’s.

Note: Pierce Brosnan’s looks are NOT required to live the 007 Lifestyle.


...But, the concept still applies: get control of your hair.

When’s the last time you saw James Bond with bad hair? Never (and I) say never. Even when Bond’s been in a pipe getting water sprayed at him and shot at in Dr. No, his hair is still perfect. This might have something to do with Sean Connery wearing a wig in his Bond flicks due to his hair thinning at a young age...

You can instantly upgrade your image with a good haircut so don’t skimp on paying for a good stylist. Go to an expensive salon and ask for advice rather than telling them what you want. The result - a hairstyle that works for you. Something you can be proud of.


For the guys who are going bald, shave it all off.

Try working out or exercising outside with your

Bond will do the same when he’s older too.

shirt off to maximize your time.

Baldness radiates masculinity while a half-dome doesn’t. You can even play it off like you prefer


the bald look. • Face

Skin We see Bond without a shirt in nearly every film and quite famously in Casino Royale. One of the easiest ways to improve your sex appeal is to get a tan. Tan skin makes you look healthier and creates shadows making you look more muscular. Don’t go overboard and get skin cancer, but sunlight also provides a healthy dose of vitamin D good for producing testosterone in a generation full of men with the lowest testosterone count in history.

You can still be a James Bond type with a beard or mustache. Just make sure you actually look good and you keep your facial hair trim and clean. Tip: If you get blemishes, try shaving more frequently (every day). This will reduce the amount of irritation to your face and thus cut down on new blemishes. • Chest Having a shaved chest is perfectly acceptable and preferred by many women - look at Daniel Craig. However, if that’s too metro and unmasculine for you, then by all means leave the


mane. Just recognize that a hairless chest will make you look skinnier. I prefer to shave mine with a hair buzzer not a razor so it’s trimmed but not completely smooth. • Armpits I know we’re getting more metrosexual but trimming your armpits can reduce odor as well as cut down on sweat. Consider it, but it’s absolutely not mandatory!


CHAPTER 003: JAMES BOND BODY LANGUAGE James Bond has a certain swagger. No matter what he’s wearing, he always looks confident. Think Brosnan wet in the hotel in Die Another Day, and Craig in the dusty suit in Quantum of Solace.

Bond’s ‘swagger’ is his excellent body language.

Body language is a symbol of power as well as one of the most important attraction switches for women.

33 Source

And look at you. You’re probably hunched over the computer, rounding your shoulders as you read this. Many researchers believe that up to 85% of communication is done through non-verbal cues. Even if you know all the right things to say, if your body language isn’t strong, it wont matter. It’ll be hard to act like a confident James Bond type if you’re standing with your hands in your pockets and your eyes looking at the ground.

You can fake confidence using these techniques. One of the best parts about learning proper body language is that it influences your subconscious brain into believing you are as confident as the movements you are making. It’s almost impossible to feel depressed when you hold your head high. Go ahead and try it.

Use confident body language, and you’ll signal your brain that you’re confident, and then your body will naturally seek to align your brain’s beliefs with your body’s actions.


Eye Contact Do’s


1. Keep eye contact when you speak. When you

1. Don't stare, gaze. You're not going to fight the

are talking it is especially important to hold eye

person you're talking to. Notice how wide open

contact. Never be the first one to leave eye contact

Bond and Le Chiffre’s eyes are when the stare at

unless it makes sense in the situation.

each other. Don't do this. Relax the eyes and gaze

2. Do stare at the bridge of the other persons

through the other person’s eyes.

forehead in-between the eyes until you get

2. Don't look down when you think. This doesn't

comfortable. Most people will not be able to tell the

convey confidence. Remember, always strive to hold


the head high.

3. Do watch a woman's eyes when you first meet

3. Don't break eye contact with someone you see

her. Notice how her pupils dilate as the conversation

on the street. Never be the first to break eye

progresses. When someone is attracted to another

contact when you see a woman or anyone else

person their eyes dilate, essentially so they can get

looking at you on the street. If she's pretty throw

a better view. If you notice a woman's eyes lighting

a smile in there, raise an eyebrow, or squint a bit,

up when you speak to her, you might be on to

and see what happens.



Neck The neck muscles control what your head does so lets talk about what your neck should and shouldn't be doing.


3. Do place the top of your computer screen at eye level. This is the optimal position to help you

1. Do keep your head up at all times. When you're

relax your neck and keep it in the proper position.

sitting look at the people you're talking to and at

As I write this, my computer is on my lap and I can

your surroundings. When you're walking keep your

already feel some strain in my neck.

head high. Unless you're on a very rocky path, your feet know what to do. There should be no reason to look down.

Don'ts 1. Don't turn your head quickly when someone

2. Do try to align your spine and neck in a

tries to get your attention. Your movements

straight line. The vertebrae in your neck are

should be slow and relaxed. What the other person

designed fall in line with your spine vertebrae. Do

is saying is not important enough for you to move

try to keep good posture. Don’t look like Mr. Burns

quickly. You don’t need to answer to anyone.

from the Simpsons.


Shoulders & Arms A lot of unconfident guys have so much trouble with hunched over and closed body posture. If you focus on nothing else, I’d say concentrate on the eyes and how you’re holding your shoulders and arms.

Do's 1. Do pull your shoulder

2. Do spread your shoulders

3. Do hold your arms to your

blades back. Strut your stuff.

out. Try to take up as much

side. When you’re relaxed the

When your shoulders are back

space as possible. Your

arms just kind of hang to the

you can’t help but push your

shoulders are the widest part


chest out. This is great,

of your body. They shouldn't

flaunting body posture. Notice

be tucked in towards your

how guys and gorillas alike

chest. They should be spread

puff up their chests around


females before a fight. It makes you look bigger.



1. Don't cross your arms.

at bars and clubs. When

Start today. Whenever you

you’re facing away

catch yourself crossing your

from people they’re

arms unfold them. Once

constantly whether or

again it signals that you're

not you’re going to

closed off. 9 times out of

stay. Once they say or

10 angry people will cross

do something

their arms.

interesting you can

2. Don’t make fast movements with your arms. Always be striving for slow and relaxed. 3. Don’t point your

fully turn your shoulders and body towards them showing them that they’ve won your attention. This takes time to master.

shoulders towards people until they’ve engaged you. This is especially important

Shoulders back even with hands


in his pockets Source

Hands Do's 1. Do hold your hands open when you talk. You always want to be showing that you’re open. Open hands have long been a sign of friendliness. Notice how people trying to befriend animals always open their hands to show peaceful intentions. 2. Do hold your beer or drink to your side. Don't cover up your heart with your beer. Notice how the cool and confident guys hold their drinks. It’s almost always to their side and it’s always relaxed. 3. Do touch people with your hands. Don't be afraid to begin contact with people as the conversation escalates. Also, lead woman around with your hands. Put your hand on the small of her back as you lead through a door. Grab her hand and pull her through the crowd. 4. Do use your hands to hammer in important points. You shouldn't constantly be moving your hands but when it might strengthen something you’re saying, use your hands to hammer it home. 5. Do use your hands to help tell a story. If you can represent certain things with your hands, it will draw your listener in. Use the salt & pepper shakers to represent two friends who got into a fight. Show them together then move them apart. Get creative.


Don't 1. Don't play or fidget with things in front of you. These type of behaviors make you look nervous and childish. Place your hands in one spot and keep them there. 2. Don't put your hands in your pockets. This often brings your shoulders forward and in and also makes you look nervous or sad. If you're going to place your hands in your pockets don't put them in too deep and make sure your shoulders are back. 3. Sit on your hands. This should be an obvious one. If you're sitting on your hands you're either 6 years old, or you're a beta male. Take your hands, put them on their corresponding legs or on the table, and don't move them unless it's necessary. 4. Don't clasp your hands together. The idea is to be as open as possible. If you're clasping your hands you don't look open. 5. Don't touch your face. Watch people playing chess. They'll inevitably touch their faces because they're thinking hard. When you're talking to a woman you do not want to come off like you're thinking a lot.


Legs & Feet Do's 1. Do walk slow. Nothing is as important as the now. 2. Do spread your legs out. Once again this has to

When seated: always try to lean back as much as possible.

do with being open and taking up space. Try to create some room between your knees when you sit. Don't worry, no one’s going to punch you down there. 3. Put your feet up on your desk. Every notice how the big CEO types lean back in their chair and put their feet up on the desk. This is perfectly OK. When you do this you can even cross your feet if you want. 4. Do workout your legs. There's nothing worse than a big upper body and skinny little chicken legs. Plus, working out your legs releases more hormones and will make the rest of your body grow bigger. Source


Don'ts 1. Don't cross your leg completely when you sit. Occasionally, it's OK to make a 90 degree angle with one leg crossed over the other. But in general, it's best to try to keep both feet flat on the floor and the legs spread out. 2. Don't wear pants that make your waist look big. There shouldn't be a ton of extra material. 3. Don't walk with only your legs. Use your arms and shoulders too. 4. Don't tap your feet or fiddle with them. This signals to others that you are either a) nervous or b) need to use the restroom. Don't be the little school boy in church who can't keep himself still.


Final Thoughts

The Alexander Technique

When you first begin working on your body

If you want to go get schooled in correct

language, don’t get discouraged. Just notice

posture, then I recommend the Alexander

what mistakes you’re making and correct them.

technique. They teach classes across the

Remember that everything takes practice in life.

country. For more information see the Mission 1 Gadgets / Resources section.

A good trick to correcting body language is to picture something great you’ve done in your mind. Notice how your body responds to the mental image. You’ll sit straighter and hold your head higher and prouder.

Great analysis of Bond’s body language in Casino Royale. If you have some time, watch it here: PUA Body Language: Casino Royale


CHAPTER 004: THE JAMES BOND BODY “Wow, you do take good care of your body Mr. Bond.” Le Chiffre

Early Bonds, don’t display a necessarily toned physique. But they are athletic, powerful, and capable of killing. I hope you don’t need to kill anyone but chances are you need to shape up. Physical activity is a must in the James Bond lifestyle. Get out there and exercise. Break a sweat everyday.


Getting In Shape Craig’s famous swimsuit scene in Casino Royale exposed us to a whole new, shredded side of James Bond. There are all types of workout programs out there that will help you develop size. Go to T-Nation.com or Bodybuilding.com and pick a routine from the hundreds available and you can’t wrong. However, through my own experimenting, I found a program that helped me build 10 pounds of new muscle in only 8 weeks (this includes a week off due to a stomach infection from bad water in Panama). So if speed is what you’re looking for check this out.


My goal was to absolutely exhaust the specific

8 Week Muscle Building Plan

muscle group in the shortest amount of time

Here is my exercise selection: Monday


possible. Friday

Wide-grip dips

I would perform first a set of reps between 8 and 12, using enough weight that by the end, I

Neck Press (wide grip bench press)

Front Squat

Military press


Side laterals

about 15 seconds to fill my body with oxygen.

Close grip bench

Gironda Perfect Curl

Skull crushers

This was done by almost hyperventilating --


Barbell wrist curl

Lat pull-down (front)

was absolutely unable to do any more reps. Once the first 8 or 12 reps were done, I took

Barbell rowing Calves (any exercise)

bending over and breathing extremely deeply.

Chestsupported incline shrug

This is a very important step, and will make you much stronger for the next portion. Then I performed between 4 and 6 more reps -basically until failure again. If I could only get out 3 reps, that was fine as well. I just went

Every exercise, aside from maybe a small warmup set or two if I needed it, was done for only one long set.

again until I could get no more reps out. Then I followed the same 15-second breathing technique.


Finally, I got out as many reps as I could. This

make sure you consult with your doctor before

was typically around 3, but sometimes I could

you try any of these strategies outlined below.

push myself to more. And that's it for each exercise. Each exercise should last about 3 or 4 minutes total. Between exercises, I rested for upwards of 3 or more minutes -- until I was ready to tackle and destroy the next body part.


Diet for losing fat quickly I have followed a modified version of what is known as the anabolic diet with great weight loss success. Rule #1 Sun-Fri Is Low Carb - Less than 30 grams Avoid all carbohydrates except spinach,

Dieting isn’t for pansies. In fact, it’s a necessary

asparagus, broccoli, and mixed vegetables. You

part of the 007 Lifestyle. If you don’t watch

can eat as much of these as you want.

what you eat you’ll end up fatter than Connery in Diamonds Are Forever - he looked terrible. I’ve experimented a lot with different weight

During the first week you’ll feel worn down and tired as your body makes the shift to using fat as energy but the pounds will melt off.

loss and weight gain programs so I’d like to share some of my knowledge here with you. But


Rule #2: Only eat these foods

Protein Sources:

Aim for 5-6 small meals a day combining the

Grass-fed beef

foods below. In the beginning, eat as much as

Organic Eggs

you’d like to keep energy levels high. As you progress, drop calories by 500 per week until

Salmon / Tilapia / Tuna

you hit the sweet spot - consistent, weekly fat

Chicken & Turkey

loss. Rule #3: Water, Green Tea, & Coffee Are The

Fat Sources:

Only Acceptable Beverages

Organic Cream

Do not drink soda, diet or otherwise. A half of

Organic Butter

one regular soda will fill your carbohydrate

Fat from Egg Yolks

requirements for the day. And diet soda has

Mixed Nuts

been shown to actually increase appetite which

Olive Oil

will be a psychological killer. Carb Sources: Veggies listed above


Rule #4 Saturday is go nuts day - pizza, beer,

or "cheating" to restore leptin to baseline while


dramatically boosting your fat burning potential.

Cheating one day a week actually helps you lose

Diet For Gaining Mass

fat because of the important hormone leptin. Leptin controls the body's starvation protection

For building mass I also suggest a low carb /


high fat / high protein approach.

When your food intake levels are normal, leptin

Use the above rules but instead of having an all

levels are high, metabolism is normal, and the

out cheat day on Saturday, have one HUGE carb

body's fat burning potential is also high.

meal every 4-5 days to restore glycogen.

However, go on a diet and leptin levels drop quickly and dramatically (by around 50% after

Also shoot for 2X your body weight in grams of

only one week of energy restriction),

protein per day.

metabolism slows, and the body begins to hold on to fat stores, again as a starvation protection mechanism. While the research has shown that leptin plummets by 50% or more after only one week of dieting, it only takes one day of overfeeding



Maintenance Diet

* Wild Salmon * Whole omega 3 eggs

“Room service? I'd like to order breakfast. Half a pint of orange juice, three eggs, lightly scrambled, with bacon, a double portion of café Espresso with cream. Toast.

* Full-fat yogurt (plain) * Broccoli * Spinach * Ground flax seeds * Tomatoes / natural tomato sauce

Marmalade. Got it?” Bond And if I was allowed supplements, I would add Once you’ve reached some of your fitness goals


it’s time to back off and eat a more balanced

*Fish oil

and sustainable diet.

*Protein powder (just for flavoring, not

If I was only given a handful of foods to eat every day to be lean and healthy, they would be

necessarily for protein intake) * Psyllium husks (for extra fiber)

the following: * Mixed fancy nuts (raw, no salt added) * Blueberries * 93% lean red meat (preferably grass-fed)

And that's it! I could combine all these foods a hundred different ways and live a healthy, lean life.


Every single one of these foods would be

But the truth is: if you follow a diet made up of

bought fresh -- not processed, not in a colorful

only the greatest foods in the world, and paid

box with cartoon characters on it.

very little attention to anything else, you would lose weight. Guaranteed.

These are what I, personally, consider to be the world's greatest super foods. They provide

The balanced diet, simply made up of the

your body with all the essential nutrients it

world's healthiest foods, is one that you could

needs not only to function at its best, but also

stay on for months at a time and see great

to lose weight or gain muscle.

results from.

Of course, I eat other foods. I love to have stone-ground wheat toast with butter in the mornings. I love mixing pumpkin with vanilla protein powder. Frozen blueberries help cool down a piping hot bowl of oatmeal. And if I ever mention that I have a "secret ingredient" in a dish, then I guarantee it's hummus.


A sample 2000 calorie day on a


diet like this could look like:

1/4 cup of mixed fancy nuts

Breakfast: 1 cup yogurt 1/2 cup blueberries 1 banana (mix all three together with a little bit of vanilla protein powder for flavoring) 3 whole omega 3 eggs, cooked scrambled

Dinner: 4 ounces lean red meat Ground flax seeds Tomatoes This is how I suggest eating throughout the majority of the year -- a well-balanced diet made up of the world's healthiest foods that will


keep you mentally sane

1/4 cup of mixed nuts Lunch: Broccoli and spinach salad 4 ounces lean red meat (ground or steak) Tomato sauce on top of meat


Rest & Recovery In From Russia With Love, M asks Bond whether or not he ever sleeps. Bond answers by saying “Never on the clock.” And in Quantum of Solace we see Bond downing martinis well into the night before he needs to wake up early. Although Bond appears to be a sort of superhuman machine when it comes to rest and recovery, we are not so lucky. Between 50-70 million Americans suffer from a chronic sleep disorder. The symptoms of a sleep disorder are: • Excessive daytime sleepiness • Difficulty falling asleep • Early morning awakening


In order to function at your best you need to get

Lack of sleep will also negatively effect work

at least 6.5 hours of sleep. Many, like myself, do

productivity. One study revealed that doctors

best with around 7-8, but 6.5 is the minimum

who worked long shifts - 24 hours at a time -


would make significantly more diagnosis errors

People who report sleeping between 6.5-7.5 hours a night live the longest. Anything reported over or under these numbers show increased risk of mortality.

Sleep & Brain Function Have you sacrificed sleep to try and cram for a big meeting or test? Well, several studies have shown that if you learn something important, you need a night of sleep to remember it the next day. Meaning, if you don’t sleep you’ll forget more information than if you were to sleep in between.

than doctors who worked regular 8 hour shifts. This is both scary and revealing of the power of rest and recovery on brain function.

Sleep & Muscle Recovery If you’re trying to positively change your physical appearance then sleep is absolutely necessary. When you work a muscle, you are literally damaging it so that it grows back bigger and stronger. During the night and daytime naps, your body works to repair your muscles and rejuvenate the body.



CHAPTER 005: THE ART OF WAR - JAMES BOND STYLE “I like a man who grins when he fights.” - Sir Winston Churchill

If you want to live like Bond, you are going to need your double-00 chops. Learning to protect yourself will go a long way in building your confidence and the sub-communication that you are a commanding presence. When push comes to shove, Bond knows how to throw down and you can too. In Ian Fleming's You Only Live Twice, Bond travels to Japan and comes to know a man named Tiger Tanaka, the head of Japanese Secret Service. Tanaka tells Bond that Japan has a long history of espionage and tells him about


ninjas - feudal age spies who flourished in

2. Next, as you begin your training you learn

Japan from the 1500s to the 1700s.

about yourself, your physicality, and your

Tanaka tells Bond about one particular ninja school, the Togakure. Togakure ryu ninjutsu is

determination and drive. You face fears you may not know you have.

taught today, in the year 2009, in Bujinkan Dojo

3. And lastly, because Asian martial arts are so

schools all over the world. We will return to this

closely tied with Eastern Philosophy and

topic but for now lets look at what benefits you

Metaphysics, you are exposed to centering skills

can derive from martial arts training.

like meditation and focused breathing exercises

1. First and foremost, you learn self defense and how to keep your family and friends out of harm's way. Toshitsugu Takamatsu, the 33rdgeneration grandmaster of the Togakure ryu school, wrote succinctly about it in his treatise "The Essence of Ninjutsu". He stated: "The essence of all martial arts and military strategies is self protection and the prevention of danger." Protection is a basic need and knowing that people are safe when you are around sets up an environment that is subtly rich and rewarding.

which help you keep calm and operate with a clear mind when all about you is going to hell.

Which Martial Art Should You Study? There are many martial arts from which to choose. You've heard of: karate, judo, jujutsu, tae kwon do, kung fu. The systems and schools may seem endless. Search the internet or the phone book in your area and see what is available. Watch a class or two to make sure the


environment suits you before you enroll in a school. If you can, interview the instructor and students to learn as much as possible. Some martial arts are more geared to sports or

Corded weapons

Martial strategy


aesthetics, others are more aimed towards self

The mix of various types of weapons will give


you the ability to use common household items

My personal preference is to pick the later. In

in your defense.

keeping with the 007 theme, here is brief list of

Just imagine how bigger than life you will seem

things you will want to learn:

to your golfing buddies when you use the sand trap rake to quickly subdue a drunken attacker

Punching and Kicking

Grappling, chokes, and throws

Breakfalls and rolling: how to

survive being thrown to the ground

Stretching and body conditioning


Edged weapons: knives and swords

With training, you can be ready for just about

who keeps hitting balls into your group. The burglar in your apartment will be completely baffled (and bruised and senseless) by how you managed to tie his limbs in a knot with the aid of your iPod USB cable. The possibilities are


Sticking fighting


Not in a place where you can enter training? No

(This section was written by Darryl Caldwell,

problem, at the very least get your hands on a

formerly a Black Belt magazine columnist, and

copy of The Art of War by Sun Tzu. This 2000

author of The Shadow Warrior. More information

year-old treatise has inspired warriors all

on his book can be found at: http://riposte.org/

throughout Asian history, from Shaolin monk to


Japanese samurai. Even Napoleon was said to be influenced by it. While there is no substitute for actual training, The Art of War will at least get your mind thinking about martial strategy and you will find that these insights spill over to your professional and personal life.

Take a chapter from Bond, learn from the ninja.


CHAPTER 006: YOUR HOME BASE We get occasional glimpses into the home of James Bond. In Dr. No, we see his front entrance and bedroom, although Sylvia’s scantily clad outfit makes it difficult to concentrate on the decor. In Live And Let Die we see the full interior of Bond’s house. The master bedroom - double bed with extra thick quilt, kitchen - with a coffee machine (but this is set in 1974 so you may want to update the wallpaper). One place we do get to see Bond often is in hotel rooms. Although he doesn’t own the hotel rooms he lives in, he does take ownership of them.


As a James Bond lifestyle enthusiast, you’re going to have to get used to the idea of ownership by renting. No matter where you’re calling home - be it your own apartment, a hotel, or a room in your parent’s house - strive to keep it clean and presentable. Your home should be comfortable and attractive to women. They should want to spend time in it.

James Bond House Rules • Keep your house looking clean. Do the dishes. Pick up trash. Don't be a slob. • Make your bed every single day. • Have a few nice bottles of alcohol to make good drinks • Always have some 'protection' • Learn to cook basic, delicious meals. You’ll save some cash and it can be more romantic than a traditional dinner date. • Keep conversation pieces handy. Have some pictures of yourself and your friends. Display some travel souvenirs.


Making Women Comfortable In Your Home Here's a trick to get women comfortable with the idea of being in your house or room. This is straight from David Deangelo's (author of Double Your Dating) bag of tricks. Say you're going to take a girl out or go on an adventure. Invite her over then 'accidently' forget something in your house. Run back to get it and give her a quick view of your house or room. Make sure it meets the requirements above. Then, hustle her out quickly. This familiarizes her with your place so it's not a big deal / fear of the unknown when your return. It will also make her curious about being in your apartment.

Ask yourself this question, "Would James Bond live here?" If the answer is no, you've got to make some changes.



“Shaken, not stirred” Drinking I have mixed feelings on drinking alcohol. On the one hand, drinking is pleasurable, relaxing, and very sociable. But on the other hand it can be detrimental to your health and fitness goals, and be used as a security blanket to avoid reality. In the end it comes down to your goals at the moment. If you’re trying to stick to a diet, lose weight, or accomplish something that alcohol is going to interfere with, then avoid it.


But if there are no significant drawbacks, then by all means enjoy. We know Bond indulges in the pleasure of drink more than often.

Bond is somewhat of a prolific drinker. In Ian Fleming’s novels he consumes one drink every seven pages.

Pick A Drink And Make It Your Own I suggest that you find a drink that you love and make it your own. Have a drink become something that people associate with you. Vodka martini’s are associated with Bond. If you’re a beer drinker, pick a certain brand - high quality - and drink that brand more often than others.

Learn Everything You Can About Your Drink Become an expert on your drink of choice. Women and men alike are fascinated by someone who is a perceived expert. In Diamonds are Forever, Bond knows his sherry and flaunts his knowledge to the interest of M.


Don’t flaunt it unnecessarily, but


Pairing Drinks With Food

interesting facts is...interesting. It’s just one more thing that gets people thinking about you. Also, try adding style to your drink order. “Shaken not stirred.” Try ordering your drink

“Red wine with fish...Well that should have told me something.” Bond

‘neat’ or ‘on the rocks’. Bond is a master of knowing what drink should

Experiment until you find a drink you truly love and stick to it.

go with what food. I have a friend who is famous for this. Everyone is fascinated at his skill. You can start developing this talent as

Ordering In Restaurants

well. Here’s a good free resource:

When ordering food at a restaurant, don’t stare and contemplate what you’re going to get for an hour. This communicates indecisiveness which is an unattractive quality. Make your decision and stick to it.

http://www.winewebcentral.com/winepairing/ And if you want to dive deep into the subject here’s a really cool book: What To Drink With What You Eat


MISSION 1 VILLAINS Your quest to improve yourself and your image is going to be a lonely road. At first, people will not understand why you’re doing what you’re doing - especially when it comes to dieting and working out. They will call you "crazy" and tell you that you’re a “robot” who doesn’t enjoy life - I’ve personally heard this.

The greatest enemy of improving yourself is often other people.


villain is a person who regularly makes negative comments either consciously or subconsciously.

Villains can be your friends, co-workers, and many times your family members.

How To Recognize Your Villains A villain will not always have a scar down one side of their face or a metal set of teeth, but you still should be able to recognize them.


Not everyone who questions your lifestyle decisions or suggests you skip a workout is a villain. Look for consistent patterns of behavior. How often does a person make comments or cut you down? What strategies does the person use to do it? If someone regularly makes nasty remarks, even in a joking manner, he could be a villain. Remember, villains can be subtle about thwarting your progress. They employ the "death by a slow torture" technique. It’s not a fast death, it’s slow like the laser Goldfinger set up for Bond. The closer the person is to you, the longer it takes you to recognize, and the more painful their actions. Villains often go undetected and could be one of your trusted allies, i.e. Vesper Lynd. The actions of a villain are most often covert. And the villain is not always a person who obviously has it in for you. Common villains lie within your own family and circle of friends. Villains often disguise their sabotage as concern for you. But it’s not real concern. They’re upset that you’re disabling their operation - you’re making them feel bad about their own shortcomings. Your positive change will remind them that they are fat or miserable in their jobs and lives.


How To Deal With These Villains The best strategy for coworkers is to just ignore them. Recognize their attempts at sabotage and take it as a compliment that you’re actually achieving something. The best option for family members and friends is to confront them so they know they’re not helping. Put a stop to your villains actions as fast as possible. When they try to sabotage you, ask them directly about it: “Why do you try to keep me from going to the gym?” “Why shouldn’t I try to dress nicer?” Most villains are wrapped in a security blanket of defense mechanisms, and a reality check is what they need. Their negative behavior will be difficult to continue once you’ve called them on it. The villain is the one with the problem. Don’t take his attacks personally. Villains are insecure and jealous and force their opinions on you because you represent the opposite. Even though you don't mean it, you're a symbol of their failings and shortcomings.


Conclusion The James Bond lifestyle is all about achievement and living a full, engaged life. With a solid base, anything is possible and all aspects of life are enriched. Your villains will hate that and they’ll secretly resent you for doing what they either can't or won't. People don’t want you to be different or excellent. Villains want you to be average just like them. Given the chance, they'll drag you down and lock you up and torture you.

Spot the villains and let them know you're on to them. Then diffuse their efforts and their atomic bombs.


Mission 2 L e t h a l S e d u c t i o n


Mission 2: Lethal Seduction

CHAPTER 001: THE KEYS TO JAMES BOND CHARACTER & ATTRACTION TECHNIQUES ”That looks like a woman's gun.” Bond ”Do you know a lot about guns?” Largo “No, I know a little about women.” Bond

Embrace Your Manhood If you watch or read any James Bond material you’ll notice something interesting. Bond is rewarded for his manhood. Women are attracted to him and his male counterparts look up to him. He is masculine and makes no apologies for it. This might be startling given how male masculinity is viewed in today’s society. It sounds politically incorrect to say, but most women and men respond strongly to a masculine man. The more confident, cocky, and dominant a man acts, the more women respond emotionally and sexually. But in recent years many men have begun to think of masculinity as barbaric and unattractive to women.


I couldn’t disagree more. Certainly times have changed enough to the point where Bond slapping a girl in the butt and saying, “Run along now” is not really acceptable. But that’s not the masculinity I’m talking about. Don’t be a push over and don’t be afraid to assert your dominance over a woman. In the beginning of From Russia With Love, when Sylvia grabs the phone from him during an important business call, Bond slaps her hand away saying, “Sylvia behave.” This is the kind of calm assertiveness that women crave. They don’t want a pushover and they’ll never respect one.

Things to avoid: 1. Complaining. 2. Acting like a jerk. Being a complete jerk shows insecurity. Assert yourself calmly, not angrily. 3. Make no apologies for yourself - Be who you are don’t apologize for it. People will take you seriously when you do this. 72

Offer Women What Society Doesn’t Allow Them “Disposable Pleasures Or Meaningful Pursuits?”

procedure - is often just as enjoyable for women as it is for men. This is because many woman often feel oppressed by the role they are expected to play in society.

In Casino Royale, Vesper challenges Bond, guessing that he views women as, “disposable

Relationships and marriages take a lot of

pleasures rather than meaningful pursuits.”

emotional commitment and also can bring

Here’s a video of the lead in: Bond & Vesper

about boredom and routine. Thus, a James Bond type seducer appeals to female fantasy of

With Bond’s track record in the sack we might


assume this to be true. Many women have just been asides to his missions - something to

Brush With Danger

provide a thrill in between thwarting his enemies world domination plans. And the

Bond is the consummate bad-boy. He offers

seduction of Bond girls, such as with Pussy

women a brush with his dangerous lifestyle. You

Galore, usually aide in accomplishing his

will most likely not be able to recreate the real


danger of Bond’s life but you can still arouse a

But this is exactly what makes Bond’s persona

woman’s adrenaline.

so attractive. A one-night stand - typical Bond


The power of association is incredible. Take a

This type of behavior drives women wild.

girl skydiving, bungee jumping, or on some sort

Have the mindset that women are out trying to

of activity that gets the heart beating (just

seduce you and you are the selective one.

remember your parachute unlike Bond in Moonraker and Quantum of Solace). They’ll associate the danger and the emotions that come with it with you.

Turn The Tables On Women Turn The Tables On Women

This does two things. It conveys that you’re not needy and it also plants ideas in a woman’s head. She’ll start thinking things along the line of, “Am I trying to seduce him? Maybe I am. He must be doing something right.”

Don’t Worry About Obstacles One of Bond’s signature moves is to turn the seduction around on a woman while he’s the one being the aggressor. If your hand suddenly ends up resting on a girls thigh, look at her and

“Don’t worry you’re not my type?” Bond “Smart?” Vesper “Single.” Bond

say, “You’re good at this.” She’ll ask “What?” You say, “It’s only been 10 minutes and you’ve

Resistance and obstacles only spur desire. If

already got my hand on your leg.”

there’s something keeping you apart from your Bond girl, then play it up further. It will add to the thrill and create the ‘chase’.


Women associate Paris with romance. Take her to Paris and she’ll FOREVER associate romance with you.


Seduction is not possible without some sort of

While a barrier such as a boyfriend is usually

barrier. If there’s nothing keeping you apart,

strong, there are ways around it. It’s my opinion

then it’s too easy and the attraction will wear

that if a woman is out flirting with other men,


then her relationship is not that strong anyway.

Paradoxically, parents try to keep young lovers

Bond certainly doesn’t let a little detail, like a

away from themselves only enhancing the desire

husband, get in his way.

they feel for one another.

Keep a strong frame if a girl mentions her

Try to create subtle barriers with your Bond girl

boyfriend. Get her to talk about his negative

and she’ll be constantly thinking about you.

qualities subtly while you set yourself up as his

Barriers you can create: • Tell a woman you’d like to kiss her right in the coffee shop if people wouldn’t stare. • Tell her that her guy friends are keeping you two apart and that they might not approve. • Tell her if you weren’t gay you’d be all over her (tread very carefully with this one).

exciting opposite. A lot beautiful women are oppressed by domineering jerk-off boyfriends. Use these bad guys to your advantage. Note: a good way to tell the strength of a relationship is the amount of time it takes her to mention her boyfriend. If it has been 2 hours and she’s still laughing and flirting with you, then she drops the “my boyfriend...” line you know there might be troubles on the home front.


Play To Your Extreme Personality

This is exactly what Bond does. He exudes a sexual presence right from the beginning,

Bond’s personality is sarcastic, cocky, and he

dropping innuendos faster than Chinese

has a biting wit. He plays this role to the bitter


end with women. Have a personality and make sure it’s something other than dull.

Suggest, insinuate, and hypnotize a woman into the bedroom and she’ll love you for it.

Lead The Interaction Towards Sex

Bond constantly leads the interaction towards

Or Get Rejected

sex and either gets it, or gets rejected. If you’re not leading the interaction towards the bedroom

Never worry about going too far with women

then you’re leading it towards friendship. Do

because this is exactly what makes you

you want the woman to be your friend or your


sexual partner?

In How To Become An Alpha Male, John

A woman will respect the very fact that you

Alexander’s says that what a woman wants is:

‘went for it.’ The typical man in today’s society

“A sexual man who will create an

is so scared of rejection that he doesn’t even allow himself to fail.

opportunity for sex and will persist past barriers.” 77

Make Women Want To Reform You

unforgivable acts if you set women up as your great weakness.

Moneypenny and Bond’s relationship is an interesting one. Money knows that Bond is out


Hide Your


with other women but she still desires to be with him.

In From Russia With Love, Tatiana is chosen as a distraction for Bond because his love of women

In Diamonds Are Forever she tells Bond that he

is so well known. Even though it’s a mission,

better bring back a diamond with a ring

this doesn’t stop Tatiana from falling in love

attached to it. But she knows he wont and when

with James.

Bond suggests a tulip instead, she whispers that’d be fine too.

In fact, Bond’s reputation is precisely what is so attractive. It’s the idea of social proof at work.

Women deep down want to take a bad boy and reform him. They want him to clean up his

Social proof is the concept that if others are

act but if they’re successful, then he loses what

‘doing it’ you should probably do it too. Bond

makes him attractive in the first place.

happens to be ‘it’ in this case.

Play up your inability to control yourself around

Women are often attracted to men that other

women. Make it your weakness. Women will, like

women desire. Have you ever noticed how

Moneypenny, forgive you for seemingly

differently girls treat you when they know you


have a girlfriend. It’s proof that you know what you’re doing and that you’re a worthy mate. Do not try to hide your reputation as a charmer and seducer. James Bond embraces his sexuality and women love him for it.

Holding The Power One of the most Bond-like attitudes you can adopt is the idea that the woman only has a much power as you give them. Think of yourself as the prize and not them. You are pulling her into your exciting life and reality. If she doesn’t accept this limited time, unbeatable offer, then that’s her loss and not yours. If you let a woman intimidate you mainly with looks - then you have resigned all your power and you have lost.


Using Humor “What do you do?” Pat Fearing “I travel...a sort of ‘licensed trouble shooter.” Bond One of the most attractive qualities a person can have is a sense of humor. Laughter injects happiness into people making them feel good. James Bond is synonymous with humor. He’s the charming hit-man.

Use Word Play

Cliches One of the best ways to create humor is to rephrase old material in a fresh way. This works because of the surprise within the cliche. The easiest way to surprise people into laughter is to take the them down a familiar path and then change at the last second. The surprise is the most initial stimulant for laughter.

“He took the words right out of my pocket.” Sanchez

James Bond wouldn’t be James Bond without word play. Plays on words are twists on cliches, metaphors, popular books and movies, famous quotes, and any expression that is commonly known.


Double Entendre

Simple Truth

A lot of Bond girl’s names are double

The simple truth is the opposite of a double

entendres - an ambiguous word or phrase that

entendre. It takes explicit meaning of a key

allows for a double interpretation of words,

word and interprets it literally.

images, and associations (i.e. Plenty O’Toole and Pussy Galore)

“Sorry, that last hand nearly killed me.”

“He was a dead end.” Bond


“Shocking. Positively shocking.” Bond

“Stinging in the rain?” Bond

(After electrocuting the guy in the bathtub.)

“That's not funny, 007.” Q

“Some men just don't like to be driven.” Volpe “No, some men just don't like being taken for a ride.” Bond

Reforming alters either the word order of the cliche or the spelling of one or two words by adding or deleting letters, in effect substituting a homonym or a word that rhymes.


The Take-Off (The morning after Bond sleeps with May Day) “You slept well?” Max Zorin “A little restless but I got off eventually.”

Associations Putting together two activities that haven’t been associated in a plausible scenario. Combine two simple elements that are logical but impossible. The humor comes from the unexpected, offbeat relationship.

Bond (In bed with Christmas Jones) The take-off offers the acceptable interpretation

“I was wrong about you.” Bond

of the cliche followed by a realistic but highly

“Yeah, how so?” Christmas Jones

exaggerated commentary, frequently a double

“I thought Christmas only comes once a


year.” Bond



“Field operatives must often use every means at their disposal to achieve their objectives.” - Q First, Where to Meet Your Bond Girl What type of Bond girl do you want to meet? Do you want the intelligent Vesper Lynd type. Or do you want the airhead, Plenty O’Toole type? If you want an athletic girl, you better hang out in gyms or go running in parks (there are always beautiful girls outside exercising). If you want a party girl, then keep hitting the clubs. You can meet all different types of women throughout the course of your day, but if you’re attracted more to a specific kind of woman, then you need to go where she can be found. Bond appears to enjoy the ‘bad girl’ persona and these women tend to be found along his adventures. He’ll gladly attract other women, but for the most part he is surrounded by the bad girl type.


Leave Her Better Than How You Found Her In your interactions with women, you should be looking to improve yourself and the woman you’re with. The self-expansion model states that people naturally seek to increase their capacity and efficacy as individuals to achieve their goals. People are motivated to improve themselves in relationships. Make sure you’re not taking advantage of women along your adventures. Pull them into your exciting life, give them their thrills, and leave them better than how you found them.

Source Do you get this ‘gold’ reference? Bond certainly didn’t leave Jill Masterson better than how he found her.


Approaching & Initiating Conversation Bond is very direct in his approaches of women. This is not something I’d necessarily recommend unless you’re as good looking as the screen versions of Bond.

3 Ways To Open A Conversation

Direct Openers A direct opener is saying something that immediately telegraphs to a woman that you’re interested in her. A good example is saying something like, "Hi, my name is Bond, James Bond." In the real world, without any context, it's weird to just introduce yourself.

Imagine if another guy walked

extremely handsome guy, this

up to you and introduced

isn't going to work to your

himself. You'd think he was


trying to sell you something. It's the same feeling for the

Indirect Openers

girl. She knows instantly that

Another solution is the

you're trying to sell yourself

indirect opener. You approach

as a potential mate.

her with a question or a

Direct openers allow the woman to evaluate and make

comment directly related to the environment. 

a decision as to whether or

The indirect opener works well

not she likes you right off the

because it makes her believe

bat. So unless you're an


you are asking her a question

be used and are many times

time a simple opener is all you

by chance. She just happened


need and it will work

to be the one that you asked.  This method instantly throws her off. She'll focus on the question and wont immediately judge whether or not she's attracted to you.

Movie Star Openers Every once in awhile, it will make perfect sense to you to go in a create an incredible opener. Something so over the top, your Bond girl wont be

Note: Every approach is at

able to deny your balls or

least slightly direct, but the

laugh with you.

key is to make the interaction feel like it happened by chance - as indirect as possible. Note #2: Once you’ve successfully gotten over the fear of approaching women and have a strong confidence in yourself, direct openers can

Every woman romanticizes about how they’ll meet their future lover. They see movies where openers are incredible - they’re scripted. Let’s get one thing straight life doesn’t always work out like the movies. Most of the

perfectly. But there are times when a bit of style can go a long way. Movie star openers are by their nature very direct and risky. That’s what makes them so awesome. You may need to work yourself into a positive state before trying to pull these off. If your state isn’t calibrated (low energy, nervous) you’ll come off as a weird guy guaranteed. Some of the best movie star openers I’ve tried haven’t been of my own design. I’m


not sure where I picked these

sitting in a booth or sofa.

of women. Ask the

up but they’ve all worked.

Jump into the booth in

waitress not to disclose

dramatic fashion and just

who sent the game and

say dead-pan. “So what’s

have her bring it back to

up?” Or a favorite stolen

you discreetly after

from European Vacation,

they’ve marked it. Finish

“This isn’t where I parked

the game and walk up to

my car.”

them with a smile and

• Flipping on a towel next to a girl on the beach Grab one corner of a towel with your right hand and drape it over your right shoulder. Now grab the opposite side, opposite

• Sitting down at a random

corner with your left hand

table or booth and saying,

down by your side.

“Sorry I’m late guys, traffic

Somersault and end up

was terrible. What did I

next to your target. Don’t


forget to smile. • Jumping into a booth Locate some girls who are

begin a conversation.

• Playing tic-tack-toe Ask the waitress to anonymously hand a tictack-toe cross to a table


A Good Example Of An Opener Picture yourself in a coffee shop. You're sitting near the display case with all the coffee mugs and other junk coffee shops sell.  A beautiful woman walks in, orders a coffee, and as she's leaving, she starts perusing the display case. She's so close you can smell her perfume. She just kind of l.i.n.g.e.r.s. there. What do you say? "Excuse me, can I ask you a question? Which coffee accessory makes a better gift? This mug, or this thermos-like thing? She says, "Hmm. I'm not sure, maybe..." You say, "I want to get something for my friend. I’m pretty sure she’s a coffee addict. I find empty cups strewn all over her apartment." This works for 3 reasons: 1. It's indirect. You could have asked this question to anyone. 

Proximity • Women will position

2. It was selective because she gave you the subtle hint of proximity. 3. All girls think they're addicted to coffee so she'll probably laugh.

themselves closely to a man they would like to talk to. Most of the time they do this subconsciously.


What To Say After The Approach “Words, so innocent and powerless when standing in a dictionary, how potent for good or evil they become in the hands of one who knows how to combine them.” - Nathaniel Hawthorne

I'd like to believe I use my words for good. My goal is to attract QUALITY women. So let's talk about...

Your Words and What They Communicate


the Surface

In every interaction there is the literal meaning

going to eat this last piece of pizza but I don't

and there is the subtext. The subtext is the

want to feel like the jerk who hogged it all.”

'read between the lines stuff.' Subtext is the meaning of what is said. It's the most important aspect of a conversation. For example, imagine you're sitting around the

Everyone at the table understands what they're really trying to say. They know what the real question is, so someone will inevitably say, “It's all yours.”

dinner table with your family and someone says, “Does anyone want the last piece of pizza?” What that person really means is, “Hey, I'm


How We Can Use Subtext To Attract Bond

of words and subjects will spark attraction


switches in a woman...

Now, if we recognize that there is subtext in EVERYTHING, we need to understand what kind

...Because we're going to make sure these subjects make up our subtext. 

The Subtexts That Are Most Attractive To Women There are 2 major attraction signals that you want to communicate about yourself to women. They are:

1. I am a PROTECTOR 2. I am a LEADER


That's it! If you can communicate these 2 things in your conversations with women, you'll be hitting the most important attraction switches in her brain.


Why PROTECTORS and LEADERS Are Attractive to Women

It all comes back to our ancestry and natural

see tomorrow, they also want their babies to


have high quality genes. 

The PROTECTOR does exactly that. He protects

The LEADER projects his superior genes.

his family from danger. A successful PROTECTOR ensures that his family’s genes get

No more science, let's learn...

passed on to the next generation.  Women are very concerned with the well-being of their children (or future children). So, a man that can protect her and her offspring is going to be very attractive. He will give them a better chance to survive. The LEADER is also very attractive to women for many of the same reasons. Typically, the LEADER is the most alpha male of the group. He is the strongest or the smartest. Not only do women care about their offspring surviving to


What Words and Phrases We Can

lose. But if you say, "You're hilarious," and mean

Say To Position Ourselves As

it, she'll interpret the subtext as, "He's not


trying to impress me or anyone." Don't Ask Questions. YOU make the Plans.

Remember that we want to project these

Since you are the leader, you shouldn't be

qualities in the subtext of what we say. It would

looking to anyone for reassurance. Make

be weird to say, "I'm the leader of my friends."

decisions and statements definitively. Don't

You'd sound like an alien.

bookend your statements with the words,

HOW TO COMMUNICATE THAT YOU'RE A LEADER Be unaffected. You can communicate that you're a leader by not trying to impress people. People who try to impress others put themselves below other people. When you are on top, you don't have to impress. So what you can do is laugh along with people when they poke fun at you. Girls will often test you by making fun of you. If you act hurt you

"right?" or "is that OK?" End your statements before these questions. Say, "Let's go to the movies," not, "Let's go to the movies, OK?" Never say the words, "My boss." If you aren't the one in charge, simply refer to your boss by his/her first name. Saying, "My boss," sets you up as a follower. On the flip side, say things like, "my secretary," etc. Establish Your Identity. You need to separate yourself from your friends a bit. Don't be the follower. You can do this by saying this to a


woman: "My friends are all heading out to the

how your little sister or niece is just starting to

bars tonight, but I want to stay in and catch a

date and you have to screen every guy before

movie. Come over." Once again, the subtext is,

she gets the OK.

"I do what I want, when I want. I'm a leader."

You can also talk about the time you had to fly


back home because your mom got sick. Don't


set yourself up as a momma's boy but make it

While I suggest against pickup lines, I do think it's beneficial to memorize stories that you can

clear that you help your family when it's necessary.

tell to women. In these stories you want to

BTW - don't tell stories about family members

subtly emphasize both attraction switches, but

that don't exist.

stories are particularly effective for demonstrating that you're a PROTECTOR.

Keep your stories fun and light and make them about friends and family. You should have at

You could tell a funny story about how you were

least a couple of stories that can be easily

forced to break up a fight one night because

worked into conversations.

your friend was drunk and hit on a married woman. It shows that you help your friends.


Stories about nieces, nephews, brothers, and

Negs are something the pickup community has

sisters are extremely effective also. Talk about

developed to describe subtle putdowns you say


to women. The purpose of a neg is to lower her

On the flip side, reward a woman when she does

value in relation to you, giving the upper hand.

something you like. If she comes and sits on

If you watch any Bond movie he negs his beautiful female companions ever so subtly. Punishment & Rewards

your lap, give her a kiss. If she buys you present give her a massage. Whatever you do be consistent in rewarding good behavior and punishing bad. If a woman

Bond makes no qualms about punishing women

says “No sex tonight,” do not cuddle with her.

for bad behavior. I’m not suggesting you hit

Shrug her off and sleep contently.

women like he does. You’re not interrogating women that are trying to kill you or have you killed. Thus, hitting as a show of disapproval is not necessary. Punish women when they don’t act like you’d like them to. By punish I mean freeze them out, ignore them, or talk to other women to create jealousy. If a woman is acting cold and unresponsive, don’t be a try hard, make her pay for her bad behavior.


Canned Material

Test certain material as you begin interacting with women. Keep what works and lose what

“You are a picture of yourself, and twice as lovely in the firelight.” - Bond In On Her Majesty’s Secret Service, Bond

doesn’t. How To Escalate Meetings From The Bar/Class/ Coffee Shop Into Relationships And Sex

uses the same line two different times in the same night on two different women. It works like a charm in both cases.

OK, now let’s take it to the next level. How do you go from the approach to asking for the phone number? How do you ask for the date?

A lot of dating ‘experts’ recommend against

What's the dating process?

using canned material. I agree that you shouldn’t use someone else’s lines, but you should definitely develop your own material.

If you are confident and indirect in your approaches, you should be getting into light, flowing conversations with women. Great! This

Having a set of stories, lines, and actions that

should be fun, not nerve-racking.

are totally your own is smart and what the very best pickup artists do. Strive to develop your own style of pickup.


Isolating At some point after the approach you should feel a vibe between yourself and your Bond girl. You’ll feel a connection. This is when you should isolate your target. Isolating your Bond girl allows you two to get to know each other without the interruption of other people. This creates comfort and builds the attraction. Notice how Bond is usually alone with the women when he really starts to put on his charm. This should be your goal. How to Isolate Isolating is simple but many men simply don’t do it or make a big deal out of it. All you have to do is ask a woman to go with you somewhere away from where others might interrupt. • Outside of a club so you can hear each other. • Outside of a pub for fresh air. • Down the beach for a walk.

• To a separate booth to show her or tell her ‘something’. • Up to the bar to get drinks. • Over to the dance floor.

Isolating • Read her body language to make sure she’s comfortable with you before trying to isolate.


Social Penetration Theory The social penetration theory states that the development of a relationship is associated with the kind of personal information that partners exchange with each other. Research into the theory has shown that people tend to like others who disclose personal information to us. Mutual disclosure usually breeds liking. On the flip side, people are liked less if they give the appearance that they disclose their personal information to anyone. One way to overcome this is to say something along the lines of, “I don’t really tell this to a lot of people but...” “I’ve been attracted to big butts.” or “Martha Stewart is kinda hot.” Use your own ‘weird’ confessions here or copy mine if you’re a little different yourself.


Cold Reads Reading people’s thoughts and intentions can be very beneficial to the modern James Bond. In Casino Royale, we see a brilliant interaction between Bond and Vesper where they both guess each other’s history. They’re doing (somewhat) cold reads of each other’s life history. In our case, the cold read is very helpful in attracting our Bond girl. Women love things like palmistry, astrology, and cold reads.

Memorize and adapt these cold reads: • You have a need for other people to like and admire you, and yet you tend to be critical of yourself. • While you have some personality weaknesses you are generally able to compensate for them. • You have considerable unused capacity that you have not turned to your advantage. • Disciplined and self-controlled on the outside, you tend to be worrisome and insecure on the inside.

Nearly every girl I’ve asked knows something about astrology and many of them believe that it’s true. Even the ones who know it’s just general statements and not based on reality are

• At times you have serious doubts as to whether you have made the right decision or done the right thing.

still curious about it and will admit that they like checking their horoscope.


• You prefer a certain amount of change and

Don’t take this stuff too seriously. Unless you’ve

variety and become dissatisfied when

been trained to read people by the MI6 you’re

hemmed in by restrictions and limitations.

really doing little more than making high

• You also pride yourself as an independent

probability guesses.

thinker, and do not accept others'

The Bond girl will usually be fascinated with this

statements without satisfactory proof.

for a short while. After you’ve built significant

• But you have found it unwise to be too frank in revealing yourself to others.

attraction, then you might benefit from revealing to her that you’ve actually just done a cold read. Test to see what results that brings.

• At times you are extroverted, affable, and sociable, while at other times you are introverted, wary, and reserved. • Some of your aspirations tend to be rather unrealistic. More here: http://therealsavoy.blogspot.com/ 2008/03/cold-reads.html


Getting The Phone Number This is an area Bond usually doesn’t get involved in. The women he is attracting come into his adventures and out as they please. Real life isn’t always like this. You need a way to follow up with women you’ve attracted.



The area where most guys crash and burn is

their phone number. An email address works

asking for the phone number. The problem is,

well because she's much more willing to give

they ask for the phone number before they've


built any attraction what-so-ever. You must look for clues from the woman that she is attracted.

...and she's much more willing to respond to your email when you write. It is less personal and she wont be stuck on the phone with you. 

Some things that should tip you off are: prolonged eye contact, touching you, touching

A lot of people now have internet on their

herself, laughing and smiling a lot, etc. 

phones so they’re constantly checking their

If she's not giving you any signs that she's


interested, don't go for the phone number.  And, you can still attract women electronically. Only ask for her phone number if you have good

MySpace and Facebook are now great tools that

feeling she might be attracted. Otherwise, she'll

even Bond would use for pickup.

either blow you off, give you a fake number, or never answer your call. Why Getting An Email Address Is Good Some girls are extremely hesitant to hand a stranger, even one they feel some attraction to,


After You've Made Contact

going to have to give up a weekend night she could be spending with friends. That's a lot to

When you're first making contact with a girl, don't ask her on a typical, dinner date. THIS IS A BIG NO, NO!

ask and it’s typical and boring!

'Adventure Dates'

Bond rarely if ever takes a woman on a

I like to call these first few interactions you have

traditional date - most of the time there’s some

with a woman 'adventure dates.' They're not real

action involved when he meets a woman.

dates. So, when you ask a girl to accompany you

Ask her to join you on an adventure: take her with you shopping, tell her about a cool band

on one, she doesn't feel forced. She'll be much more likely to say 'yes.'

you're going to check out and that she should

AND, the best part is, if she can't make it, then

tag along, or invite her to a party. 

you can always ask her again. With a traditional

This is a much better strategy because it allows you to interact in a fun, care-free, and maybe even dangerous environment.  Think about it: on a traditional date, a girl has

dinner invite, you've only got one shot. She says 'yes,' or she says 'no' and that's it.  You can ask for several 'adventure dates' before it's awkward.

to commit to spending at least 3-4 hours with a guy she hardly knows. And, she probably is


'Adventure Date' To Traditional

to ‘consummate’ the relationship. It all depends

Date To The Bedroom

on the girl and how fast you want to move. You

Most often, it will only take a couple of

relationship physically.

should be constantly progressing the

adventure dates until you'll have an opportunity


If you'd like to initiate a sexual relationship and it hasn’t happened after 2-3 'adventure dates' tell her you're going to take her out for dinner. By this point you guys will be comfortable with each other, so the night wont feel forced. She's very likely to agree if you've been flipping the right attraction switches. Order a bottle of wine, keep it relaxed, and take the evening from there.  Sexual relationships happen when there is either a lot of alcohol involved, or a lot of comfort involved. Build comfort and you will build lasting, sexual relationships.


MISSION 2: VILLAINS “It's very important to have a positive, mental, attitude” - XXX “Nothing is more practical than that” - Bond


Exercises To Eliminate the Fear of the Approach

The only way to get over your fears is to face them. Make your fear of approaching women, confronting problems in the relationship, kissing or making love to a women, or whatever is holding you up the villain that you have to crush. It might beat you up, embarrass you, and

James Bond is fearless in his approaches and interactions with women because he simply is detached from outcomes. He’s confident in himself and if the girl chooses against his company then that’s her loss.

stretch your patience and courage, but ask

If you’re setting yourself up as interesting

yourself if it’s worth it.

individual then it certainly will be the woman’s

Bond seems to lose just about every fight he’s in


until the last second when his wits are able to overcome his villain’s might, or Jaws’s bite.


The only way I’ve found to break the fear of

Make your physical limitation an identifying

approaching women is to force yourself to talk

characteristic of yourself. Le Chiffre bleeds from

to everyone.

his eye. Emilio Largo doesn’t have an eye.

I conducted an experiment where I would say hi

Some ‘limitations’ can make you unique and

to everyone I passed on the street for one week.

interesting. If you have some sort of perceived

The next week I had to try to get into random

defect but remain confident and unfazed when

conversations with at least 3 people a day.

people mention it, then it identifies you and it is

Eventually, I was challenging myself to talk to 5

no longer a set back.

different groups of women a night.

For other limitations that you don’t necessarily

Start small and work your way up the sociable

want to associate yourself with, do your best to


mentally set them aside.

Physical Limitations

Confidence can outshine a limitation in many scenarios.

In the Bond novels, James is described as having a 3 inch vertical scar on his cheek. Does this physical limitation hold him back? Never.


Mission 3 M o n e y & T r a v e l


CHAPTER 001: J.O.B.’S AND THE JAMES BOND LIFESTYLE Mission 3: Money & Travel

This will not be a popular thing for me write

no less than a decade of grunt work to get



I am a firm believer that most ‘careers’ will

Why No Career?

destroy any ambition of living the 007 Lifestyle. Unless your accounting firm is consistently flying you all over the world and giving you

Careers are so 20th century. Even if you embark on a career path it will most likely change. The average person changes their career five times during their life.

plenty of vacation time, a career will only limit

The reason why careers don’t work is because

your mobility and hinder your development as a

we change over time. What was once exciting to


us loses its flavor.

There are notable exceptions to the rule of course. Having worked in the music industry I can say that several of the A&R people above me were living fairly jet-set lives. But it took them

If you love your career...or you have liberal free time... • Then skip to the next section. • You are in the small minority. • Warning: you should still be seeking to diversify your income streams and create new ones.


Losing Track Of Your Dreams

It’s Not About The Money

Most careers are dream killers. When you were

One of the things that makes James Bond so

young did you want to grow up to work a

impervious to the influence of his powerful

corporate job? Maybe you did but most of us

enemies is his disinterest in money.

wanted something more fulfilling.

In License to Kill, Bond throws a case of money

Why do people tell us to “be realistic,” or

filled with 2 million dollars at a crooked cop and

“grow up”? It’s really never too late to become

says, “If you want it so much, you keep it.” In

whatever you want to become.

Octopussy Bond throws money into a street of

You don’t live twice. Why would you waste it doing something you don’t want to do? I wanted to be a writer. And now I officially am one. A job should just be a jumping off point, a way to make your dreams come true. Not an end all

people to get them to block the path while he is being chased. Bond works for Queen and country not the money. He’s out to complete the mission and he never deviates from his principles.

be all. The goal shouldn’t be to hold on to your

People often choose careers and jobs with

job for life.

one thing in mind: money. Don’t let the dollar

Your goal should be to leverage your job so that you are free to pursue your dreams.

signs influence you. Let the lifestyle that comes along with your job influence you.


Note: The people who do what they want are

When you’re holding a 9-5 job, the main

often the ones who make the most money in

objective you should have should be to save.

the long run anyway. Bond always finds

Your goal should be to escape the job.

himself with more than enough cash to pop off to the Bahamas for a holiday.

(See Chapter 3 for detailed instructions on how to save. If you save properly and use a concept known as ‘geoarbitrage’, you will have more than enough money to live comfortably and

How To Use A Job

have an interesting lifestyle.)

All this being said, jobs will be necessary along

If it’s a part-time job, you should be working

your road to the 007 Lifestyle and there is no

towards your current mission and the job is just

shame in holding one.

something to support you along the way.

The only requirement when choosing a job is to

How to deal with M

make sure you’ll be able to develop as a person. If the job does little to stimulate your

If you’re working a J.O.B. you’re most likely

mind or challenge you, it might be time to look

going to have a superior. The best way to deal


with a superior is to make them your equal.


You do this by befriending them. Get your job

place you in a foreign culture where you’ll more

done but also seek to become close friends with

quickly be able to develop skills - language for

your boss. This should be a relatively easy task.


You’ll most likely have at least partial access to

This is a highly recommended start to living

their personal lives and you’ll be spending a

your 007 Lifestyle.

great deal of time with them. Get to know their intricacies. Get to know what they like, their

Here are some great resources:

passions. Then talk about those things.


Reminder: When talking to women, refer to your

- Dave’s ESL Cafe

boss by his/her first name. Don’t say “my boss” say, “M.” This communicates equality and doesn’t place you below someone.

For the young Bonds: Working

Books: Work Your Way Around The World (13th Edition) Teaching English Abroad

Abroad A great way to earn travel money and your freedom is to find work overseas. This kind of work will not only fund your travels, but will also


CHAPTER 002: MOBILE SMALL BUSINESS (Author Note: These are not ‘get rich fast’ businesses. These are legitimate business models that I’ve used...they just happen to be run completely online - taking advantage of the freedom the internet is providing us these days. There’s nothing fast or easy about making an income doing this stuff. Period. It will take work.)

If you truly want to live like James Bond, I suggest starting a business. Entrepreneurs have more opportunity for financial freedom and time freedom. Initially there will be risk, but the rewards are well worth it.


A great option for starting your own business is

(Note: It’d be unfair for me not to

to create an information product. The fact that

mention that I’m channeling a bit

you’re reading this ebook package right now is a testament that it’s possible to create an

of Tim Ferriss & Kevin Wilke in the

information product and sell it online.

following pages. I learned a

Technology Allows You To Live

tremendous amount from them.)

Like Bond “Remember, if it hadn’t been for Q Branch, you’d have been dead long ago.” Q

* I will use the 007 Lifestyle as an example in the pages to follow, but I’ve been involved in publishing information products in several different niches:

The internet and text ads by Google and Yahoo have made it extremely easy to test ideas and create products. You can literally do this in a matter of days.

• Muscle gain & diet • Body language • Self-improvement

I'm going to get you started on the path towards creating and developing your own information product online*.


Creating An Information Product An information product is any piece of knowledge that has been recorded and passed

• Videotapes and DVDs • Tele-seminars • Subscription-based web sites

on to others. It can be in print, audio, or video format. The main idea is that you’re taking something intangible - ie. the knowledge in your head and turning it into something that’s beneficial for others. Some of the most common information products are: • Print e-books • Special reports • Manuals and workbooks • Audio cassettes, CDs, or downloadable audio files


Finding The Idea Leverage what you know. Start kicking around ideas that you might have for products or services that could be profitable. The idea for this product came to me before I left on a trip through South America. I knew I wanted the Bond lifestyle, I just had no clue how to make it possible - until I started researching heavily and actually living it. When I figured out how to make my James Bond lifestyle a reality, I decided to create this ebook

What kinds of groups or niches do you belong to where people spend money? (I know for a fact that you are interested in James Bond.) Are you weightlifter? Play video games? What kinds of information do these people pay for? What forums do you currently belong to? Forums are places where people within a certain niche get together to talk and spread ideas. What information of value could you provide people in your niche? Don't think long-term.

package. It’s something I know very well at this

Think about products you could make and sell

point so it didn’t take that much effort to

right now that could fund you for the next 2-6


months. This doesn't need to be a life long

It’s much easier to create a product or service


when you know a lot about it, however, there is one caveat. The product must be something that people want to buy and will buy.


Scout The Market & Competition The number one requirement of your product is that people must be willing to buy it. There has to be market for it. When I did search for other products on living like James Bond I came across Paul Kyriazi’s James Bond lifestyle seminar. It was fairly similar to what I wanted to do but focused more on the mental aspects of Bond’s character. It’s also an 8 hour audio seminar.

you’re not clear on what your product actually is, then you wont be able to properly sell people on it. If it’s an ebook, write the whole table of contents and chapter summaries. Doing this will save you a ton of time later when you write the sales pitch. Write your sales letter. Writing the sales copy is probably the most difficult part of testing your idea. It's especially

Find your competition and figure out how you

difficult if you're testing the creation of a

can best them - a better offer, more credibility,

product that doesn't exist in the market.

a better guarantee, faster shipping, etc. Test To See If It Will Sell Fully develop the product but on paper. I wanted to intimately know my product so I could effectively write a sales letter for it. If

The easiest method for writing up a sales page is to check out your competitors, copy their format, but make it better. The best advice I've heard is to constantly focus on the benefit of the customer. Put yourself in


the shoes of your customer and always ask yourself, "How will this benefit me?" Free resources for learning how to write good sales copy:

Create a 1 to 3 Page Website Create, or outsource the creation of, a sales page with these four components: 1. A large header graphic that describes why

Make Your Words Sell - A terrific free eBook that

your product is different (known as the ‘unique

I reference time and time again (click the link for

selling proposition’ - download Make Your

instant download)

Words Sell).

Copyblogger.com - It's a site designed for

2. An email sign up. Write a short report (5-12

bloggers who want to write better copy but it

pgs.) on a subject related to your product. It

still applies in many ways.

took me under 30 minutes to create the report I

Influence: Science & Practice - Find out the exact triggers that make people buy.

used on http://livinglikejamesbond.com/ example.

Clickbank.com - Cruise around the 'marketplace' in Clickbank for an hour and you'll see dozens of perfect sales page examples. Many of these pages sell like crazy as hard as it is to believe from the looks of them.


3. Testimonials. 4. Sales copy. How do you get testimonials for a product that doesn't exist? Here's a little trick I used.

Make sure you don’t use your testimonials out of context. The people who wrote them wont forgive you. Your first sales letter wont have any testimonials at all, but hopefully it’s a good enough product

After people have downloaded the short report

or there’s a high enough demand that it wont

ask for a testimonial in exchange for a discount


when/if the product is ever developed. I collected a bunch of emails while in the process of developing my product. And, I’ve received several testimonials that I’ve now placed in my sales letter.

Split Testing The Sales Letter To Maximize Results After you've made the initial sales page it's time to make a second page to test further. Try switching up header graphics, sales copy, and

The testimonials were related to free report but

price point. Basically you want to find the best

in many cases they still work because people

possible combination of images, words, and

write in something like this: “Well I can say that

price that will sell best.

even the free report has helped me tremendously.”

Use Google's Website Optimizer free tool for this.


Drive targeted traffic to the site.

Calculate Your Profit

You can do this in 3 ways: a) submit articles to

Next, I added up my profit. I sold 5 products at

article databases like EzineArticles.com b) use

a price point of $19.97 (introductory price). For

some Pay Per Click advertising with Google or

Google Adwords I paid $23.07. So that's $76.78

Yahoo c) forum marketing - post on related

in profits for a half day Google Adwords


campaign (I’ll need to take into account credit

Monitor your results. “Theoretical” Sales

card processing fees from Clickbank and EJunkie as well). Since the cost of production is $0 for me (it's an

You're obviously not going to be making any

ebook package and I can create everything on

real sales - you don't have a real product. To

my Mac), the results definitely indicated a

measure sales I set up an order page where


people came after they clicked on the 'add to cart' button. On this page I told the customer that the product was being updated, but that they

Start Developing The Product After analyzing the results I went forward with writing the 007 Lifestyle.

should sign up for the newsletter in the

The potential profits justify the work for me in

meantime. I counted those who entered their

this case. These results also fail to take into

email in as sales.

account the lifetime value of each customer.


I spent hours researching - mainly in Barnes N'

To see another real-life example visit:

Noble - and of course drawing from my own


experiences to write the product.

A Highly Recommended Online Business

Get The Real Testimonials


Getting real testimonials was easy. I just sent it

A program that I highly, highly recommend is

off to my contacts, friends, and family members.

the Nitro Blueprint System developed by Kevin

You can also send your product to highly


regarded posters in forums. Try sending a free copy to website owners as well. People are usually willing to accept free gifts and will likely give you a testimonial in return. Finally, Move Forward

This system shares much in common with what I’ve described above. Author note: Don’t quit your day job if you don’t have sufficient cash! Don’t buy this if you’re lazy.

After you've gathered some testimonials, redesign your website and bring your product to the marketplace.


CHAPTER 003: AFFILIATE MARKETING Affiliate marketing is a faster and easier money

As an affiliate, you make money when you refer

making solution than creating your own

someone to a product page and they buy the

product. BUT, that doesn’t mean it’s a cake



What Is Affiliate Marketing? Here’s a nice little description and chart taken from Wikipedia.org:

“Affiliate marketing is an internet-based marketing practice in which a business rewards one or more affiliates (website owners) for each visitor or customer brought about by the affiliate's marketing efforts.”


The best example of a website that makes use

Where To Get Started

of affiliate marketing is Amazon.com. They allow customers to find the products they want

There are a ton of different systems that you

quickly and easily, and then they take a small

can employ to become an affiliate marketer. Just

commission of the sale.

type ‘affiliate marketing system’ into Google and you’ll see what I mean.

What Are The Benefits of Affiliate Marketing? • You can make money without having your own product • You don’t need employees • You don’t have to answer customer

Introducing The 007 Lifestyle Affiliate Marketing Video Bootcamp If you’re interested in getting started making money online, but don’t have a ton of cash to invest, then you’re going to want to check out The 007 Lifestyle Affiliate Marketing Video Bootcamp.

questions & complaints • Often you don’t need a specially designed website (although it can help) • All you have to do is refer people to the product and hope they buy!

We realized that money was unfortunately an issue that was holding people back from actually getting started so we created a system that teaches you an entire affiliate marketing system without having to invest a dime.


You can watch the first video here:

successful online without having to invest


anything at all.

affiliatebootcamp/index2.html We take you from market research to setting up

Ok, there’s my product pitch for the day, let’s move on.

a free website to even marketing the website using powerful free online marketing techniques. 007 Lifestyle team member Joshua has put together nearly 5 hours of step by step video content that shows you how to set up an affiliate campaign right before your eyes. Once we mastered this system we wanted to make sure we presented the materials in an easy to follow formula so you can actually follow along. We have compiled a total of 30 powerful videos that show you every step of the way how to be


CHAPTER 004: MOBILE WRITING JOBS Free Lance Work I open my laptop at 6 PM in the bedroom of my hostel. I just spent several hours walking through Buenos Aires and shared a midafternoon liter of Quilmes (Argentine beer) with some friends. I check my email and get a message from GetAFreeLancer.com that says I’ve won a project I bid on. I open the PDF file explaining the project in detail. I have a week to set-up a simple website and write a few articles that can easily be researched online. I immediately get to work.


By 10:30 PM, my friends at the hostel get sick of

Two good places to find work are

browsing Facebook aimlessly, and ask me to

GetAFreeLancer.com & Elance.com. All you have

come join them for dinner and more Quilmes

to do is set up an account, browse the available

(things get started late in Argentina!). I oblige.

projects, and start bidding on them.

My project is off the ground without a hitch.

I prefer GetAFreeLancer.com because you’re

GetAFreeLancer.com & Elance.com

able to see what others are bidding on projects.

Projects like the one described above can be

the best chance to win.

found on a host of different websites. Thousands of businesses and independent Internet Marketers are always looking for writers, web-designers, and personal assistants that can help them take their business to the next level. Outsourcing is HOT right now. When you call Dell because your PC crapped out again, you get a call center in India. Business is starting to move out the office and into cyberspace.

This way, you can tailor your bids, giving you

Web & Graphic Design Jobs Do you have experience with graphic and/or web design? Everyday more and more businesses are taking their services online. They need quality freelance graphic designers to take their website layout to the next level. I learned HTML & some CSS in under 2 months. And this was using all free online resources, and devoting maybe 2-3 hours a week to it.


If you’re interested in graphic design but have no experience, you can easily acquire the necessary skills to complete a lot of projects on GetAFreeLancer.com in a couple months. To get started with a great free resource and tons of tutorials on web design check out W3 Schools.

Article Writing Jobs If you’re not graphically inclined, no worries. You can make some money by writing articles, blog posts, and product reviews. If you can write in complete sentences, and use the Google search function, then you’re over-qualified to do this.


How To Write Articles

For example: when you typed, “how to live like James Bond” or even “James Bond” into Google’s

The majority of project managers will lay out exactly what you need to do and give you examples to boot. At that point it’s as simple as going to Google, researching your topic for a few minutes, and writing up the article. Go to Ezinearticles.com and peruse the articles there. There are hundreds of thousands of articles in their database that you can look at for

search box, that phrase is the keyword. Most managers will give you instructions on how to use a particular keyword in an article. They’ll probably want it in the title of the article, in the first paragraph, somewhere with in the body, and once in the final paragraph. EASY. Titles

examples. And, you can even use a lot of the

Titles are the most important part of an article -

articles for your own research.

seriously. If you can’t spark attention in the title

Keywords Most of the time, you’ll be provided with a ‘keyword’ that your project manager will want you to write the article around. A ‘keyword’ is simply a search term that a lot of people plug into Google to try to find information or a product.

and get people to click on it, there’s not point in writing the rest. Some providers will ask you to write the title. Besides including the keyword, here’s a list of words and phrases that have been proven to work well: 10 Sure-Fire Headlines Formulas That Work - Copyblogger.com


How Much To Charge Per Article The typical going rate for a *quality* 250-300 word article is about $7-10. A lot of outsourcers in India and elsewhere charge ridiculously low rates of $2 per article. Don’t put yourself in their league. I know from experience how bad these articles are. When I outsourced some articles of my own, I had to spend all night rewriting 20 articles I got from a provider in Mumbai. When I was writing, I could pop out 5, 250 word articles in an hour ($35/hr). Don’t expect this type of speed right away, but as you become more familiar with the subjects you’ll be writing about, you can start writing articles with enormous speed.3



Let’s talk about how to properly get a hold of

Track Every Expense

your spending. Saving money will allow you to take time off from working to immerse yourself

Begin by tracking every penny that comes into

in developing new skills and creating a lifestyle

your life and then goes out. Many times there

full of travel or whatever you deem worthy.

will be a disconnect between what you think

(In the next chapter we’ll talk about how you can utilize the new skills you’ve developed to fund future travels and business opportunities.) I was able to embark on my mission through Central and South America because I did several things in relation to my spending and saving. Here’s how to save and handle your finances like Bond would.

you’re spending and what you’re actually spending. Your method for tracking your spending is not as important as just doing it. There are several ways you can do it: • Use a simple excel spreadsheet • Use an online tool like Mint • Use a software program like Quicken.


Pick a method and stick to it. Record your

% Of Take Home Pay

transactions as soon as possible. View this as an exercise in data collection. Fixed Costs




I used the first method when I was saving. I saved all receipts and entered them into a spreadsheet before I went to bed. For things that didn’t involve receipts, I wrote myself a note. Savings


Develop A Budget After you’ve tracked your spending for a few weeks or a month, analyze the data and develop a budget. The best long-term formula I’ve found is Ramit Sethi’s Conscious Spending Plan from his popular book, I Will Teach You To Be Rich.

Guilt Free Spending Money


Description - Rent, utilities, debt, bills, etc. - 401(k), Roth IRA - Vacations, gifts, house down payment, unexpected expenses - Dining out, drinking, movies, clothes, shoes. - If you’re saving for a travel adventure, try adding more of this category to savings.


Optimize your accounts

generally pay between 1% and 3%, depending on your balance.

Try and make the most of your bank accounts. You can save a ton of service charges

Use a rewards credit card.

and get higher interest rates by making some switches.

If you have problems controlling your spending, avoid credit cards. But if you can use credit

Open an online high-yield savings account. The money in your savings account should be

responsibly, be sure to choose a credit card that pays you.

collecting interest. Rates are low right now, but

Avoid cards that carry an annual fee and find a

they should increase in the months and years

rewards program that matches your lifestyle


(airline miles, hotel comps, etc). Don’t choose a

ING Direct Emigrant Direct

card just because it offers a signup bonus or because it gives you a discount at your favorite store.

Choose a rewards checking

Remember: your goal is to find a useful tool.


Look for a long-term relationship you can live with.

It’s possible to find checking accounts that pay interest as well. Online checking accounts


Start an emergency fund

mission is to start launching a full-scale attack on your debts.

No Bond wanna be should be living paycheckto-paycheck. You can do this until something goes wrong. A car accident or medical bill will pop up and force you into debt. After you’ve optimized your accounts, make it a priority to save for emergencies - like when a Bond villain has his thugs ram your car. Use your online high-yield savings account and add $20 or $50 (or much more) to your account

Pay off your debts starting with the smallest balance first. Here’s how: 1. Order your debts from lowest balance to highest balance. 2. Designate a certain amount of money to pay toward debts each month. 3. Pay the minimum payment on all debts except the one with the lowest balance.

every time you get paid. Never let your emergency fund dip below $1000.

4. Throw every other penny at the debt with the lowest balance.

Get out of debt Bond should never go into debt in the first place but many of us don’t have a ‘restart’ button for our lives. Are you struggling under a heavy debt

5. When that debt is gone, do not alter the monthly amount used to pay debts, but throw all you can at the debt with the next-lowest balance.

load from credit cards or student loans? Your


This system is not mathematically ideal, but it

I prefer to live now rather than delaying my life

works well on a phycological level. Whatever

until I’m 65 when I’m not in peak physical shape

method you chose to pay down debts stick with

anymore. Plus, with life expectancy increasing,

it. Debt is a form of slavery that will destroy

you could be facing a 30 year retirement. Do

your ambition.

you have enough money to pay for that?

Fund your retirement (worse-case

That being said, it’s a good idea to max out

scenario) I don’t believe in retirement. My thoughts on this issue tend to mirror Tim Ferriss’ from the 4 Hour Work Week. Retirement is the worst case scenario. It’s me not being able to function as

your Roth IRA and 401(k) if only for tax reasons. If history is any indication, now is a great time to be buying stocks (everything is cheap!). If you’re employed, take advantage of any employer-matched opportunities, such as a 401(k).

human being due to a crippling disease or Odd

If you’re young, you probably don’t think you

Job throwing me into a bank vault wall.

need to start one of these accounts. You’re

Do you think Bond could just retire and lay on a beach all day? That’d be just about the most boring life possible.

wrong. No matter how old you are, now is the time to begin saving. The extraordinary power of compound interest favors the young.


Automate your finances

have left over to spend at the end of each month!

While you’re out taking on the world, mingling with rich and powerful, and wooing your Bond girl, your last thought should be whether or not you’ve payed your bills. Learn the value of automating routine transactions. When you make things automatic, you remove the human element, making it more difficult for you to mess things up. The classic example is overdraft protection. By tying your checking account to your savings account, you have a safety net if you bounce a check. But there are other ways this can work for you. One terrific advantage to automation: when pay your bills and do your saving and investing automatically, it’s easy to tell how much you


136 Source


Ok, I’ve touched on it, but let’s talk a little bit more about how traveling fits into the James Bond lifestyle.

Geoarbitrage Geoarbitrage is the idea that you can make money in one currency (for instance the US dollar) and then live in another country enjoying the exchange rate. If you’re from the UK, your pound is going to go a lot further in South America. The non-westernized world is cheap and you can have a significantly higher standard of living there. I was able to travel through Central and South America and live like a king - high-rise apartments, expensive clubs, etc. - for a fraction of the price that a similar lifestyle would cost me in the USA. If you can make money & save money in your stronger currency, you’ll have more at your disposal to shape your James Bond lifestyle.


Travel To Develop As A Person &

won’t be tempted to constantly spend money on

Gain A Skill

things to pass the time (like alcohol).

If you want to have travel become a part of your permanent lifestyle, then traveling to develop skills (that you can market in the future) should be part of your M.O. Traveling should be about letting loose and relaxing, yes, but also, about personal development and learning new skills. When you take a holiday to work on a skill-set and not just drinking margaritas by the pool, your costs will be significantly reduced. Most of the skills that you’re likely interested in learning probably won’t cost that much to attain. For example: Spanish classes or salsa lessons are very inexpensive in nearly every Latin-

When you return home from a holiday you are in the same position as when you left, but with less money. When you return home from a skill based holiday you come back with something marketable and maybe break even financially. In addition, your future money-making potential will dramatically increase. The new skill that you acquired can be channeled into a moneymaking opportunity which can use to further fuel subsequent travels. For example, a friend of mine traveled to Ecuador so that he could work on learning Spanish. He documented his progress, set up a small website to help others learn Spanish, and now his site is drawing great traffic and creating advertising revenue.

speaking country. While focusing on a skill you


Finding Cheap Travel

Once you’ve arrived in your desired location,


spend a day or two searching for the best deals.

For James Bond - having luxury accommodations is a must and with a little hard work securing it really is not that difficult. Bond is usually staying in hotels on someone else’s dime. We’re going to have to get a little more creative. I’ve found that many smaller resorts and hotels will offer their rooms at severely discounted rates if you agree to stay a month or longer.

Many hotels and resorts that you can’t find on the internet are cheaper but not necessarily lower quality. Also, you’ll be able to approach the managers and negotiate a price for a long term stay. If you book online you’re going to ‘get gringo’ prices and could get stuck in a place you’re not too happy with. In Panama, my friend and I were able to secure a cabana at a hotel/resort in the mountain town of Boquete for $18 per night. The cabana included a full kitchen, laundry services, maid-

The best strategy for finding cheap

service, WiFi, and access to organic fruit on the

accommodations in hotels or resorts is to hold

property. The normal prices were $80 per

off on booking a place until you get to your

night, but since we agreed to stay for 2 months,

destination. In Central and South America I’ve

we got more than a 75% discount!

been shocked by the quantity and quality of hotels and resorts that simply aren’t making themselves visible on the internet.

You don’t have to stay in hostels and you don’t have to live like a poor backpacker to take


cheap vacations. It’s extremely possible to live like James Bond on a tight budget. You’re just going to need to:

Re-think the what, where, when, and why of your holiday.


CHAPTER 007: HOW TO TIP LIKE JAMES BOND Tipping properly is essential for living the James Bond lifestyle. Tipping shows you’re a gentleman but also serves an important function in social dynamics. He who tips holds power. In the beginning of the movie Dr. No, Bond is seen playing baccarat. After winning and leaving the table he casually tips the dealer. Then, as

Tipping & Social Dynamics

he’s exiting the casino, he slips the doorman a bill.

In a study done in 1976, a university professor sent Christmas cards to a sample of strangers.

In nearly every movie James Bond is shown

The response he received was amazing—holiday

tipping very casually. Master this art and people

cards addressed to him came pouring back from

will notice and respect you.

people who had never met nor heard of him. The great majority of those who returned cards never inquired into the identity of the unknown professor. They received his holiday greeting


card, they automatically sent cards in return

Tipping Rule: Always Have Small

(Kunz & Woolcott, 1976).

Bills At Hand

This study demonstrates the power of reciprocity. If someone gives you something, you feel a strong urge to repay the favor. Tipping will spur reciprocity. You'll command the respect of people if you tip

Small bills aren’t just for strippers. (and by the way, the best strategy for attracting strippers if you’re into it, is not to give them any money at all and tell them from the beginning - but I digress).

well. You should especially pay attention to this if you frequent certain places - i.e. restaurants,

Always keep small bills on hand easily

grocery stores, hotels.

accessible when you are out on the town. There

Service workers will automatically think highly of you. And, in the future, if you bring a date or friends around, the people you've tipped will

are countless opportunities to tip and everyone who receives a tip will not only be grateful, but also feel differently about you.

treat you well and raise your social value.

Tipping is a symbol of high status.


Tipping Guide - How Much To Give To Whom Remember that this is only a guide. Tipping is dependent on the service. If the service is horrible you’re not obligated to tip a great amount. Use your discretion. Just know people are always judging. Restaurants Tip at least 20% in restaurants. Don't think about it, don't take out a calculator, just divide the bill by 5 and tip that amount.

Washroom attendant Give him a $1. Most guys scurry out of the bathroom with their heads down trying to avoid contact. Don’t do this. Make some small talk, check yourself out, spray some cologne, take a piece of gum and tip the man. Bartenders Bartenders should get at least $1 per drink. If you want to make friends with the bartenders fast - which is a good idea if you frequent the place - then tip big. A bartender who likes you is a very powerful indicator of social proof to a woman because the bartender is the most

Coat Check $1 or 100% of the bill. Valet -

popular person in the room. Start making friends with the service. Club Bouncers -

$5 depending on the car and your bill. If you tell

Here’s a trick I learned from a friend of mine. As

him to take special care of it, obviously tip a bit

you enter a club for the first time ask the


bouncer if he wants a drink. This will create a


relationship you can exploit to skip big lines on

actually seem like they enjoy life and talk to me.

other nights. I’ve seen my friend do this

Happy people are rewarded with happiness.

countless times. If the bouncer declines a beer on entry, try to chat him up as you leave, and

The point - just start tipping everyone well.

then slip him a $5 thanking him for everything.

Your wallet might be a little bit lighter as a

Coffee Shop Baristas -

result but your perceived status will go through the roof.

When you pick up your morning coffee make sure to leave a $1 tip in their jar. Make it

The money you spend tipping will come back to

discreet but noticeable so they’ll remember you

you in time. Generous people receive

in the future.


Hairstylists Go to a good hairstylist and give them at least $5 or 20% if the bill is over $25. The person working with your hair is always someone you want to keep happy. Make sure you talk about something interesting with your hairstylist. Cab drivers Cab drivers get $1 if the bill is under $10. 15% if over $10. I always tip bigger to cab drivers who


CHAPTER 8: YOUR BOND CAR "If there was one thing that set James Bond really moving in life, with the exception of gun-play, it was being passed at speed by a pretty girl; and it was his experience that girls who drove competitively like that were always pretty - and exciting."

Bond gets his Aston Martin DB5 from M.


Having a James Bond car does not have to be nearly as expensive as you might think. Interest and novelty come and go. Thus, if you really want to have Bond-like cars consider renting or leasing for short periods. There are several advantages I can see to renting or leasing: • When getting a loan, leasing interest rates are cheaper than buying interest rates • Leasing a car means you’ll always have newer models and thus not as many service issues. • Many people buy expensive cars and leave

• When you travel, you’re not going to need a car. • Buying is not always cheaper - look at the housing bubble. You might need to have the same car for 30 years before it’s worth it.

Putting Q-Touches In Your Car In Goldeneye, Bond has champagne on ice in his center consul. I can’t really recommend you have a bar in your car, but these kind of touches are the things that will make your car interesting. Consider buying, or creating, some gadgets for

them in the garage, only driving them once

your car. Get an iPod connector. Get a license

a month. If you’re going to do that - just

plate cover that blocks red light cameras. Tint

rent it. It might be a $1,000 for one day but

your windows. Get a GPS unit and set the voice

it’ll be cheaper than the other option.

to have a British accent.


Keep Your Car Clean

awesome car I used to drive and how much I missed it. I came off as try-hard and of course

Whatever type of car you have, keep it clean. Even if you have a piece of junk 1992 Toyota Camry, make sure you vacuum and dust frequently. Don’t leave trash in it.

Don’t Apologize For Your Car The worst thing you can do is apologize for your car. Even if you wish you had a different car don’t mention it to people.

insecure - I didn’t get another date. This is always the wrong move. Don’t make excuses for your vehicle or social status in general for that matter. Just be the same confident guy. In Quantum of Solace, Bond walks into a ritzy hotel after dragging himself through the Bolivian desert. He looks horrible and dirty. He doesn’t say a word about his disheveled

In college I had the Toyota Camry mentioned

appearance. He’s confident and doesn’t care

above. I once had a date with a girl who lived in

what the others are thinking. Take on the same

the Hollywood Hills - her next door neighbor

attitude with your car.

was Adam Levigne of the band Maroon 5.

Other Bond Car Options

As I rolled through the upscale neighborhood I started feeling really insecure about my car.

There are several car makes and models out

When she hopped in ready for the date I started

there that are very Bond-like without the price

making excuses and telling her about the

tag of an Aston Martin.


The Lotus is one of the coolest cars I’ve driven. The Mini Cooper is a great option as well. Even a Volkswagen Golf can get the job done. A really cheap option is getting an older car, like the Datsun Z cars, and fixing them up how you want it. I bought an old 280 Z when I was in high school and for under 10 grand I was able to create an awesome, Bond-like car, that was fast and handled well. Be creative and don’t settle for the Camry unless you absolutely have to!


MISSION 3: VILLAINS Procrastination The longer you sit and wait for the perfect opportunity to come along the more you’ll believe it will never come. Let me tell you this, the perfect opportunity will never fall in your lap. It will fall somewhere close to you and you’ve got to make the effort to go get it. Your days on this earth are very limited. If you live to the average age of 77 that’s only 28,251 days on earth. How of many of those days have you used? Putting off things until tomorrow is not the James Bond way to live. It’s difficult for many people to start a business or even get on the path that way

149 Time is ticking

because of fear. Fear causes you to procrastinate. Your knowledge base grows very slowly - I know it doesn’t sound like I’m helping. If you don’t start immersing yourself in the things you want to do with your life, you’ll never acquire the knowledge base to succeed at them.

“It's not luck, it's experience.” Bouvie

So if you keep procrastinating, you’ll absolutely never get started. And if you keep telling yourself you’re going to wait until you have a little more knowledge, you might be out of time. Just start doing it. Decide today what you want to do with your life and take baby steps towards it. Free up some time everyday to do what you want. Start small, finish big.




Conclusion by Paul Kyriazi "Life is a game of inches. So is football. In either game the margin of error is small. One half a step too late or too early and you don't quite make it. But the inches we need are everywhere around us. In every minute of our lives. We have to go for every inch. Because we know that when we add up those inches, that will make the difference between winning and losing. And I know that if I'm gonna have any life anymore, it's because I'm still willing to go for that inch. And that's what living is. The six inches in front of your face. Now what are you going to do?" Al Pacino - Any Given Sunday

What are you going to do after finishing this ebook? You're probably sitting at your computer thinking, "What comes next?" or perhaps, "What do I do first in my quest for the James Bond Lifestyle.”  I know one thing that will happen. You will have to proceed on your own for awhile. Self-transition is exactly that. Doing it yourself. And for awhile, by yourself. And even when you start accomplishing changes in your life don't expect immediate attention or congratulations. Especially amongst your immediate friends or even your family. 


Here's what I mean. I heard Pierce Brosnan tell this story on TV: Pierce took his son to the filming of Die Another Day. It was the big shoot out and escape to the

"Yes, they're okay. How did you like the scene?" "Can we see the cars again now?" "Ah.....sure....okay."

hovercraft day. His son really liked the cool cars

The Bible states that, "A profit in his own town is

that were lined up.

never believed."  So I guess "A Bond in his own

Then Brosnan shot the big scene with 5 cameras running, explosions and stunts all in one take. It ended with him jumping on a hovercraft and knocking out the bad guy. And then racing off amid gun fire and explosions. “Die Another Day” Hovercraft Chase  ”How did you like that?" he asked his son after the take was over. "Are the cars okay?" his son

family is not appreciated." This is why Robert Ringer wrote it is good in business to be "an expert from a far." Doing business out of town gives you that special aura. So if your great accomplishments are not appreciated by your own group, don't fret. Don't let that be a reason to give up. They'll be appreciated elsewhere. And in time in your own circle of influence. In the meantime, just show the kid the cars.



You know, the above action scene would not

If you don't bet on yourself, you'll never be your

mean anything to you if you're not interested in

favorite character in the movie of life. You'll

Bond. If you don't care if he wins or loses.   

have to let James Bond be your favorite.

Horse races are no fun unless you make a bet.

Sure there's risk of failure. But if you win that

No point in watching the horses run if you can't

beats saving the gold in Fort Knox from

cheer for your favorite. Movie producers know

Goldfinger. You'll be a bigger hero to yourself

this. That's why they pay big sums of money to

than Bond is for you.

popular actors so that the audience will have a hero (an emotional investment) to cheer for.     Life is more exciting if you have a bet on something you can watch daily. No, not casino gambling. Not the lottery. Have a bet on

Then go to the next Bond movie with a big smile on your face.  (Read more about Paul Kyriazi on his site PaulKyriazi.com)

a piece of gold, or a hundred shares of some stock. Or better still, bet on yourself. Bet on yourself to go to that place you always wanted to go to. To get that college degree, to write that book, to get that new apartment, get that new job.


Gadgets & Resources MISSION 1 Socializing / Mental Attitude / Philosophy How To Win Friends & Influence People Think And Grow Rich The 48 Laws Of Power - This book is great if even just for the incredible stories that come along with it. Atlas Shrugged - Gigantic novel that sums up Ayn Rand’s life philosophy. The characters are worthy of study. Unlimited Power - Incredible ‘self-help’ book by Anthony Robbins. Seduction Technique The Mystery Method - Buy this book today. It’s a complete step-by-step system for pickup. It’s mindless, just plug in your own stories, follow the design for pickup, and watch your dating skyrocket.


Bad Boy Formula - Carlos Xuma deconstructed what makes the ‘bad-boy’ so attractive to women. He might as well be talking about James Bond. How To Become An Alpha Male - John Alexander’s classic book. Gain more insight to Bond’s attitude here. Travel Seduction Real Man Travel Guides - Roosh V has started the Lonely Planet for guys looking to attract women abroad. Highly recommended. Miscellaneous Condoms - always be prepared (I forget this advice a lot of times and lose opportunities!) Gum - you’re not going to get a make-out with bad breath Cell phone or pen & paper - to collect numbers Interesting prop - I met a Colombian guy that had a lighter/flashlight. When you shined the flashlight against the wall there was an image of naked girl. It was hilarious and got a conversation started every time.


MISSION 2 Style GQ.com Esquire.com Durable & Fashionable Travel Gear ExOfficio Underwear ExOfficio Travel Pants Icebreaker Shirts Nixon Watches Diets The Anabolic Diet - Use this diet to both lose fat and gain muscle effectively. The Cheat To Lose Diet - Another great diet for fat loss. Precision Nutrition - For year around healthy/delicious eating, there’s not a better program.


Muscle Building Programs The Hollywood Physique for Men - A great workout for putting on muscle in the correct places. T-Nation.com - The definitive online resource for workout programs and diets. Choose a free workout program by contributor Christian Thibaudeau and you can’t go wrong. Martial Arts Study Shadow Warrior Better Sleep Ear plugs Eye masks Better Posture & Body Language The Alexander Technique - Search local listings for classes near you. The Definitive Guide To Body Language


MISSION 3 Free Lance Work GetAFreeLancer.com Elance.com WarriorForum.com Best Online Business/Saving Books Four Hour Work Week I Will Teach You To Be Rich Best Business Lifestyle/Design Websites Muselife.com JetSetLife.tv


Best International Cell Phone Skype.com - Cheap phone service anywhere there’s an internet connection (free if the both callers use it). Tynan.net - Incredible article on setting up an international phone system Starting/Testing/Developing Websites Sample Pages http://livinglikejamesbond.com/example http://audiomixologist.net Pay Per Click Advertising Google Adwords Yahoo Small Business Definitive Guide To Google Adwords - Adwords can be pretty confusing and that means you might spend unnecessary money learning. I suggest signing up for the 5 day e-course to get a good feel for


the program. It’s helped me out tremendously and definitely paid for itself in savings. (It’s also a good example of an information product) Web Hosting Host Gator - I’ve used Host gator for awhile now. No major problems to report. Domain Names Dynadot.com GoDaddy.com Driving Traffic Ezine Articles Tracking Website Visitors Google Analytics Split Testing Your Sales Page Google Website Optimizer


Email Marketing Aweber - Required for managing your customer emails and promotion. Credit Card Processing Google Checkout Paypal Business (Standard or Pro) Shopping Cart & Digital Delivery E-junkie 1 Shopping Cart


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