
May 17, 2019 | Author: lacika1960 | Category: Fuel Injection, Valve, Pump, Engines, Piston
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Engine : Characteristics






## !P $ %%00 r&'


)#* N' N' $ 1400 1400 1400 r&' r&'


4,4*- .


1/,- : 1 ar

Very clean engine In compliance with following homologations: 97/68 CE Stage 2 and E! "ier 2


#igh displacement $%&' litres( to g)arantee reser*e of tor+)e& power and low )tilisation ,ed)ced specific f)el cons)mption ,ed)ced noise le*el

Customer Service Department 

Engine : as E'issi2n

S"!-E 2 normati*e:  .90/97,1' -as emissions


Customer Service Department 

Engine : Per32r'ance Cr5es


Customer Service Department 

Engine : Main C2nce&t


Customer Service Department 

Engine : Main C2nce&t


Customer Service Department 

Engine Engine : Fe. In7ecti2n P'& Strctre In7ecti2n &'&  he pump is rotar, t,pe and it is driven b, a gear oupled /ith the amsha%t gear.

(S)4D104E - 1 Cut views

L2ngit6ina. secti2n 23 in7ecti2n &'& 1. Membrane - 2. Adjusting hub nut - 3. Feeler - 4. Control lever - 5. Speed ontroller !. "ooster pump - #. $riving sha%t - &. Cam dis' - (. )njetion adjuster 1*. $istributor piston - 11. Feed onnetion piee - 12. +,drauli head 13. Control plate - 14. Control rod - 1 5. Counterspring. WETT001304

Customer Service Department 

Engine Engine : Fe. In7ecti2n P'& O&erati2n 1 S&&.8 ste&  he distributor piston ! is plaed in the b.d.. and the slide valve & shuts the bore %or the %uel ut-o #. he %uel is %ed into the ompression hamber via %eed pipe 1 that is 'ept open b, the solenoid valve 2.

1. Fuel inta'e pipe 2. Solenoid valve 3. A0ial hub 4. Compression hamber 5. Fuel pipe bet/een pump element and injetors !. $istributor piston #. "ore %or %uel ut-o &. Slide valve (. )njetor

% Fee6 ste&  he distributor piston 5 is li%ted under inuene o% the am dis' to the .$.C. and rotates at the same time around its o/n a0is. ", means o% these t/o movements the %uel inta'e pipe 1 is losed and the %uel in the ompression hamber 2 is simultaneousl, ompressed. he inner pipe 3 o% the distributor piston is onneted to pipe 4 and ma'es the %uel %eed to the injetors ! possible.

1. Fuel inta'e pipe 2. Compression hamber 3. )nner pipe o% distributor piston 4. Fuel pipe bet/een pump element and injetors 5. $istributor piston !. )njetors


) Fee6 en6  he distributor piston ! opens the high-pressure hamber b, means o% pipe 4 during its li%t to the .$.C. b, means o% this a pressure ompensation bet/een inner hamber o% the distributor piston %eed pipe to t he injetion valves and inner hamber o% the pump housing ta'es plae.

1. Fuel inta'e pipe 2. Compression hamber 3. Feed pipe 4. ipe %or %uel ut-o 5. Slide valve !. $istributor piston.

4 St2&&ing 23 engine  he engine is stopped b, means o% disonneting the starter ontat.  he solenoid valve urrent 4 is interrupted. ", means o% the spring 3 the solenoid valve presses the moveable valve pin  2 to the stop and thus the %uel inta'e pipe 1 is interrupted.

1. Fuel inta'e pipe 2. Moveable valve pin 3. Spring 4. Solenoid valve 5. Compression hamber.

Customer Service Department 

Engine : Fe. In7ecti2n P'&  LD+ LD+ De5ice L9D9+9 M26e 23 2&erati2n  he 7$A devie adjusts the %uel throughput independent o% the air pressure in the sution mani%old. his air pressure ats upon the membrane 1 /hih is rigidl, onneted to the ontroller pin 4. he lo/er part o% the ontroller pin 4 is provided /ith a onial mounting 5 /ith a %eeler pin !. ", means o% the a0ial displaement o% the ontroller pin 4 the %eeler pin ! is also displaed and ats upon the stop lever #. he stop lever rotates on its o/n a0is & and ats upon the ontroller dis' in suh a /a, that the %uel throughput is adjusted to the air 6uantit, %ed into the ,linders.

Starting )% the solenoid valve ! is supplied /ith urrent %uel is %ed into the ompression hamber #8 in this ase the governor /eights o% the governor ollar 5 are losed and the lea% spring 2 presses the li%ter 1 and the slider 4 into the additional %eed position.  hus the /hole li%t o% the pump element is used %or the %eed to the injetion valve. 1. Starter li%ter 2. 7ea% spring 4. Slider 5. 9overnor ollar !. Solenoid valve #. Compression hamber.

Starting 6e5ice 6isc2nnecte6 A%ter starting o% the engine the governor ollar 5 moves a0iall, as a result o% the entri%ugal %ore aused b, the e0pansion o% the governor /eights # and auses the starter li%ter 1 to ontat the tension lever 3 and s6uee:es the lea % spring 2. ;nder these onditions the slider 4 is moved to idling position.

1. Starter lever 2. 7ea% spring 3. ension lever  4. Slider 5. 9overnor ollar !. Solenoid valve #. 9round.


Customer Service Department 

Engine Engine : Fe. In7ecti2n P'&  ;L9F99< $esription

Mode o% operation

 he load-dependent adjustment o% the start o% deliver, 7F" enables a blong hole in ontroller sha%t 2. Controller sha%t 3. Cross hole governor ollar 4. 9overnor ollar 5. Cross hole ontroller sha%t !. ?dge %rom ontroller entre #. Cross hole  ontroller sha%t..

1. Control spring 2. 9overnor ollar 3. ension lever 4. Starter lever 5. Slider !. $istributor piston #. Control sha%t &. 9overnor /eights. $esign o% the ontroller /ith %eed-dependent adjustment o% the start o% deliver,


Customer Service Department 

Engine : Fe. In7ecti2n P'&  ;==S<

 he @@S" devie allo/s to set the re6uired old start injetion advane.


Customer Service Department 

Engine : Fe. In7ecti2n Ti'ing Ins&ecti2n an6 a67st'ent


Customer Service Department 

Engine : Tr2charger


Customer Service Department 

Engine : Re&air =it (eari"g $)0&25 mm' (eari"g $)0&50 mm'

!i"g #it $%0&40 mm'

Pisto" assy $%0&40 mm'

(eari"g $)0&25 mm' (eari"g $)0&50 mm'


Customer Service Department 

Engine Engine : "2r>sh2& Data


Customer Service Department 

Engine Engine : "2r>sh2& Data


Customer Service Department 

Engine Engine : "2r>sh2& Data ?0haust mani%old

+eat e0hanger

 urbo ompressor= - rst step= 4-3-1-2 - seond step= 1-4-2-3

>il pan= - rst step= %rom 1 to 1! - seond step= %rom 1# to 32


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Engine Engine : "2r>sh2& Data


Customer Service Department 

Engine : Tr2.esh22ting


Customer Service Department 

Engine : Tr2.esh22ting


Customer Service Department 

Engine : Tr2.esh22ting


Customer Service Department 

Engine : Tr2.esh22ting


Customer Service Department 

Engine : Tr2.esh22ting


Customer Service Department 

Engine : Tr2.esh22ting


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