ADR | ATTY. GOROSPE DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS AFFAIRS vs. BCA INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION G.R. No. 210858; June 29, 2016 FACTS: In an Amene !u"#$O%e&a'e$T&an()e& A*&eemen', %e'"'"one& D+A aa&e '-e a/-"ne Reaa#e Pa((%o&' an "(a P&oe/' 3RPN P&oe/'4 'o !A In'e&na'"ona# o&%o&a'"on 3!A4 Du&"n Du&"n* * '-e "m%#e "m%#eme men'a n'a'"o '"on n o) '-e '-e RPN RPN P&oe P&oe/', /', D+A D+A (ou*(ou*-'' 'o 'e&m" 'e&m"na' na'e e '-e A*&eem A*&eemen' en'.. oe7e&, !A o%%o(e '-e 'e&m"na'"on an #e a Reue(' )o& A&"'&a'"on "n #"eu o) '-e"& a*&eemen' '-a':
Section 19. 02. Failure to Settle Amicably - If the Dispute cannot be settled amicably within ninety (90) days by mutual discussion as contemplated under Section 19.01 herein, the Dispute shall be settled settled with nality nality by an arbitra! arbitra!e e tribunal tribunal operatin! operatin! " under under Internati International onal #aw, hereinafte hereinafter r referred to as the $%ribunal$, under the &'I%*# *rbitration ules contained in esolution +19 adopted by the &nited 'ations eneral *ssembly on December 1/, 19, and entitled $*rbitration ules on the &nited 'ations ommission on the International %rade #aw$. %he D2* and the 3* underta4e to abide by and implement the arbitration award. %he place of arbitration shall be 5asay ity, 5hilippines, or such other place as may be mutually a!reed upon by both parties. %he arbitration proceedin! shall shall be conducted conducted in the 6n!lish 6n!lish lan!ua!e. lan!ua!e. •
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