004 Coal Model's Designing Handbook
September 16, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Coal Model’s Designing handbook CAD Tool’s Operation and Example to design
1 | Page
Cotet : 1. Important Keyboard’s operation order 2. Important Short-Cut on MineScape window 2.1 Open the hidden Short-Cut 2.2 Short-Cut operation order . !"amp#e to $esign .1 %e&ee 'an( $esign .2 $i&ersion $esign . $isposa# $esign .) Pit $esign .* Sett#ing pond $esign .+ ,oad $esign
1. I!"ortat #e$boar%&s #e$boar%&s o"eratio or or%er %er ' | Page
oo oomm-in in / mo& mo&e e poi point nter er to targe argett tthe hen n c#i c#ic c( 0I 0I to oom oom in in
oo oom-O m-Out ut / mo& mo&e e poi point nter er to ta targ rget et th then en c#ic c#ic( (0 0O O to to oo oom m out out
3op 3op &iew / c#ic( 03 when want to see top &iew
4 4u# 4u### scr screen een / c#i c#ic( c( 04 04 whe when n wan wantt to to see see 5u# 5u### scr screen een 5or 5or cur currrent ent ope opene ned d window 6 6ui 6uitt cur curre rent nt oper operat atio ion n order order / c#ic c#ic( ( 06 06 when when wan wantt tto o 7ni 7nish sh the the oper operat atio ion n order C Cent Center er / mo&e mo&e poin pointe terr to ta tarrget get the then n c#i c#ic( c( 0C 0C to to set setti ting ng the the cen cente terr o5 window 8
9ode 9ode mar( mar(er er / c#i c#ic( c( 08 08 to to sho show w a## a## node node ma mar( r(er ers s in wi wind ndow ow
$et $etai ai## / c#ic c#ic( ( the the targ target et #ine #ine then then c#ic c#ic( ( 0$ 0$ to see see the the e#eme e#ement nt deta detai# i#
Key Key-i -in n coo coord rdin inat ates es / a5t a5ter er se#ec se#ectt ico icon n 55or or draw draw poin pointt or or ##in ine: e: can can c c#i #ic( c( 0K to (ey in coordinate ": y:
Key Key-i -in n ang ang#e #e / a5t a5ter er se#ec se#ectt ico icon n 55or or draw draw point point or #ine #ine and and dra draw w the the 7rst 7rst point a#ready: can c#ic( 0; 0; to (ey in the ang#e 5or ne"t drawing point
Key Key-i -in n e#e& e#e&at atio ion n / a5te a5terr se# se#ec ectt ico icon n 55or or draw draw poin pointt or or ##in ine e and and mo&e mo&e the the pointer to the target then we can c#ic( 0 to (ey in e#e&ation to draw the point there
Sna Snap p to to poi point nt / a5t a5ter er se# se#ec ectt iico con n 55or or dr draw aw poin pointt or or #in #ine: e: we can can m mo& o&e e pointer near the node o5 another e#ement then c#ic( 0S to snap the drawing to that node
Sho Show w win windo dow w / mo&e mo&e poin pointe terr tto o 7rs 7rstt poi point nt then then c#ic c#ic( (0 0.C#ic( OK
1; | P a g e
1.3o 1.3o &iew the resu#t o5 ca#cu#ation c#ic(
).$oub#e C#ic( at tab#e 7#e name B the name o5 2.C#ic( 0H at
.C#ic( open 5o#der at Generic B o en to ,i ht
3ota# 4i## 4i## &o#ume to construct this #e&ee
'< | P a g e
.' . ' =i6e =i6ers rsio io %es esi4 i4
1.Create new %a er ,i ht
2.Ke i n %a er
1.C#ic( icon
2.C 2.C#ic #ic( ( sna sna to
4i" %ocation and e#e&ation then draw
).C#ic( at contour
02e6atio ?' .C#ic( at contour
02e6atio ?'/ 9ew $irection Construct %e&ee
Ri6er >1
'1 | P a g e
Ri6er >'
1.C#ic( ODset
.$oub#e c#ic( at 7rst #ine then c#ic(
2.Se#ect oDset distanc distance e B this c case ase use 2.* m to be bottom wide 5or di&ersion
9ow we got the bottom o5 di&ersion a#ready as spec 2.* m wide: upper #e&e#
'' | P a g e
9ote we 7" bottom at H2*: now pro@ect to 2F: mean bottom ditch deep m: it’s up to 1.C#ic( Pro ection
2.C#ic( ro ect to
. .K Ke in tar tar et ).Ke ).Ke in benc bench h
*.C#ic( 0 0C C;$ ;
E.$o a#so 5or another
+.$oub#e c#ic( at #ine then c#ic( 5or pro@ect
' | P a g e
1.C#ic( 1.C#ic( 3rim to boundar boundar
3 3rim rim both site o5 pro@ect #ine at e#e&ation H2F
2.$oub#e c#ic( at contour
.$oub#e c#ic( red #ine which want to ).$o 5or another
1.C#ic( ODset icon
9ow ODset this #ine + m to be sa5ety 'erm and road 5or e"ca&ator in case o5 .$oub#e c#ic( at #ine then c#ic( 5or oDset
2.Key in ODset
' | P a g e
,esu#t o5 oDset #ine
9ow ODset another side o5 di&ersion 2 m to be sa5ety berm
'/ | P a g e
,esu#t o5 oDset #ine
3rim 3rim the #ine both side to contour contour
'8 | P a g e
1.C#ic( Pro@ection
' 2.Se#ect Pro@ect to
).Key in bench *.Key in samp#e
Pr Pro o ect #ine #ine 1 and and 2 to tto o o sur5ace sur5ace
+.C #i#i c c( (C C; ;$ a
E.$oub#e c#ic( at #ine then c#ic(
'9 | P a g e
$o a#so 5or this
,esu#t o5 pro@ection to
,esu#t o5 pro@ection to
' | P a g e
9ow $raw the end side o5
1 '
2.$oub#e c#ic( at this #ine to continue
1.C#ic( 0Continue .Mo&e the pointer to node number 1:2::):* and snap to each point Bmo&e pointer near the node then use 0S
'; | P a g e
1.$o 5or another
2.Conect #ine to be 1 ob@ect then con&ert to be po#ygon
4ina# design o5
< | P a g e
Create triang#e then ca#cu#ate cut &o#ume
. =is" s"os osa a2 %es %esi4
1.,i 1.,i ht c#ic c#ic( (/
2. 2.Ke Ke in ##a a er n name ame then then c#ic( c#ic(
1 | P a g e
.I5 want to 7" ang#e to draw we can use icon 0; in (eyboard
).I5 want to 7nish 7"ed ang#e or 7"ed distance: ,ight
' | P a g e
*.4irst po#ygon boundary 5or disposa#
?.!dit e#e&ation
3 3o o se#ect e#e&ation: e#e&ation: we can consider 5rom contour that the 7rst sin sin #e bench bench shou#e shou#e not ttoo oo
F.Se#ect e#ement
| P a g e
In this case we se#ect H)> ms# because topo contour around po#ygon is H> ms#: it’s mean bench high about 1> m a5ter
1>.C#ic( 0OK
9ow pro@ect the po#ygon to
1.C#ic( 0Pro ect
2.Se#ect Pro@ect to +.$oub#e c#ic( at #ine then c#ic( 5or ro ect direction
| P a g e
*.Key in #ine density then c#ic( 0OK
.Se#ectt topo .Se#ec
).Key in ang#e to pro@ect B + degree 5or 7##ing materia# i5 Cutting about
,esu#t o5 pro@ection B pro@ect + degree 5rom e#e&ation H)> ms# ms# tto o to to o
1.=se ODset icon 9ow construct 'erm > m wide
2.Key in oDset
/ | P a g e
.$oub#e c#ic( at #ine then c#ic( 5or
).,esu#t o5 oDsetting
8 | P a g e
1.C#ic( icon pro@ect 9ow pro@ect this #ine to upper bench benc h B be bench nch h hii h 1> m
+.$oub#e c#ic( at #ine then c#ic(
.Key in high
2. se#ect Aeight
). (ey in dumping s#ope +
,esu#t: 9ow do more 5or upper one bench
9 | P a g e
?8< !s2 ?/< !s2 ?< !s2
1.=se draw #ine
2.= 2.=se se sna to
9o 9ow w desi desi n
?8< !s2 ?/< !s2 ?< !s2
.S .Sna na to 7rst 7rst
| P a g e
).,ight c#ic(/Key in
*.C#ic( to '#ue
; | P a g e
+.=se ODset icon
E.Key in ,amp wide B it’s up to $ump truc( sie/ c#ic( 0!nter
F.$oub#e c#ic( at #ine then c#ic( the
< | P a g e
9ow pro@ect #ine 01 to e#e&ation H*>
1 | P a g e
9ow e"tend #ine 2 to
' | P a g e
9ow con&ert po#ygon #ine to
9ow cut #ine at point ; and '
| P a g e
$e#ete the ye##ow #ine
$e#ete the ye##ow #ine
| P a g e
Connect #ine at point a: b: c
b a c
/ | P a g e
$o same as #ine 5or toe #ine at e#e&ation H)> ms#
$o more one ,amp 5rom H*> to
8 | P a g e
,esu#t o5 $isposa#
Create the triang#e sur5ace then ca#cu#ate
9 | P a g e
. Mie "it %e %esi4
In case o5 ha&e no contour o5 coa# oor yet: shou#d create it 7rst but i5 ha&e it a#ready: can direct to pit design step
2.3o create contour o5 coa# oor:
| P a g e
E.Se#ect smoothing 1.4i## in a##
+.Se#ect page
2.Se#ect coa#
.Se#ect oor
F.Key in annotation 5reJuency 5reJuency 5or contour B * is mean the resu#t contour wi## show e#e&ation
).Se#ectt output ).Se#ec ?.Key in contour inter&a# B 1 is mean the resu#t contour wi## show #ine e&ery 1 m *.Key in output
1>.Se#ect page
11.In case o5 want to #imit the contour on#y in site or out site boundary wi## do this this step B,ight c#ic(/Pic(/$oub#e c#ic( at po#ygon
; | P a g e
1.Se#ectt co#or 5or ma@or and minor 1.Se#ec
12.Se#ect page
1).C#ic( 0OK
2.Se#ect $esign 7#e 1.C#ic( 0attach icon
3o 3o attach 7#e 5r 5rom om another
.Se#ect $esign 7#e
/< | P a g e
).Mo&e the target #ayer to right hand
1.,ight c#ic(/Create Start $esigning step by create new #ayer
2.Key in new #ayer
/1 | P a g e
1.Se#ect target 2.C#ic( !dit/
Copy attached e#ement to operation
.C#ic( 0OK then un-attached the
/' | P a g e
4i" the deepest e#e&ation then de#ete the #ower contour Se#ect > ms#/de#ete contour #ower than > ms#
2.Change window to be Opencut mode BPage/Change
1.,esu#t a5ter
/ | P a g e
Se#ect #ocation o5 deepest o5 pit desi n then d draw raw the ttoe oe #ine #ine at 1.$raw deepest toe #ine at e#e&ation > ms# B ma(e sure the e#e&ati e#e&ation on b use 0!# 0!#eme ement nt edit
2.!#ement edit
.Pro@ect he toe #ine to e#e&ation H1> ms# B 'ench height 1> m and sing#e bench s#ope E> degree
/ | P a g e
*.!"tend to boundary
' ).;d@ust the b#ue #ine ; 0' BH1> ms# to seam contour at H1> ms# by 0!"tend
+.=se the 0Continue icon to continue drawing 5rom toe #ine to the b#ue #ine
E.Continue icon c#ic( icon/doub#e c#ic( toe #ine/snap to b#ue #ine node
// | P a g e
F.3rim the seam contour as
?.3rim to boundary c#ic( icon/doub#e c#ic( boundary
1>.$o 5or both
/8 | P a g e
,esu#t 5or deepest one
!"tend *m to this side 5or end wa##
!"tend *>m to this side 5or ad&ancing area
!"tend 1*> m to this side which enough to construct mine ramp
/9 | P a g e
12.oin #ine ; and ' together B to be
,esu#t: toe #ine o5 e#e&ation
/ | P a g e
1+.Pro@ect this toe #ine to e#e&ation 1).Continue
1*.!#ement edit
1.=se continue icon to draw more 5or this side then edit e#e&ation to H1> ms# 5or a## node o5 this #ine
1E.;d@ust b#ue #ine to seam contour
/; | P a g e
1F.3rim the contour #ine
!"tend *m to this side 5or end wa##
!"tend *>m to this side 5or ad&ancing area
!"tend 1*> m to this side which enough to construct mine ramp
8< | P a g e
1?.P@o@ect to e#e&ation
2>.;d@ust the b#ue #ine to seam contour then trim the seam
81 | P a g e
!"tend *m to this side 5or end wa##
!"tend *>m to this side 5or ad&ancing area
!"tend 1*> m to this side which enough to construct mine ramp
8' | P a g e
$ue to e#e&ation H> ms# a#ready c#ose to origina# e#e&ation as topo: so: now we pro@ect to
21.Pro@ect toe #ine to topo sur5ace
8 | P a g e
Pro@ected #ine #ower than toe #ine: its mean 7##ing @ob: shou#d not be in pit
Pro@ected #ine higher than toe Pro@ected #ine: it’s a cutting @ob: a#ready
22.Pro@ect more 5or toe #ine H2> ms# unti# get the right #ine a## to
2.Conect a## pro@ect to sur5ace #ine then con&ert to po#ygon
8 | P a g e
2).Se#ect a##
2*.Se 2*.Se#ec #ectt c#i
2E 2E.$ .$oub oub#e #e c# c#ic( ic( at o#
2+.se#ect de#ete
8/ | P a g e
?< !s2.
?'< !s2.
?1< !s2.
?< !s2.
1.=se $raw #ine
9ow construct mine
2. 2.Sna Sna to node node at
88 | P a g e
.4i" distance to draw #ine
).Sna ).Sn a to toe toe #i #ine ne at at
89 | P a g e
*.ODset #ine to draw mine
8 | P a g e
+.Pro ect #ine 0; to e#e&ation
8; | P a g e
a E.Cut toe #ine H2> ms# at
F.Connect a## toe H2>
9< | P a g e
?.$raw more 5or another
1>. 1>.$raw $raw trian trian #e sur5ace sur5ace then
91 | P a g e
./ . / Sett Sett2i 2i4 4 "o "o% % %es %esi4 i4
9' | P a g e
9 | P a g e
9 | P a g e
9/ | P a g e
98 | P a g e
98 | P a g e
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9 | P a g e
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< | P a g e
1 | P a g e
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| P a g e
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/ | P a g e
8 | P a g e
9 | P a g e
.8 Roa% %esi4
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; | P a g e
;< | P a g e
;1 | P a g e
;' | P a g e
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; | P a g e
;/ | P a g e
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