001 OFA01W00 - CloudRAN Overview

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CloudRAN Overview

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CloudRAN Overview

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CloudRAN Overview

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CloudRAN Overview

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CloudRAN Overview

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CloudRAN Overview

  Merging Boundary between IT and CT

  The development development of the Internet had influenced every industry. eg, Taobao, Taobao, Amazon to the retails industries.

  ICT convergence is widely recognized in the industry and network development trend.

  In past, the earliest changes started started from the terminal, terminal, eg computer, fixed line phone and Feature Phone. During that time, IT and CT were divided very clearly. IT was to us use e comp comput uter er ac acce cess ss Web Web Page Page s whil while e CT was was with with ph phon one e call calls s an and d SMS SMS messages. Operators can control 100% on the user’s call as all the call will go through operator network. When the smart phone is getting more common, terminal change cha nged d from from hardw hardware are to appli applica catio tion n based based (softw (software are), ), eg Skype Skype,, Whatsa Whatsapp pp,, WeChat.

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CloudRAN Overview

  Circuit switching switching is a method of implementing implementing a telecommunicatio telecommunications ns network in which two network nodes establish a dedicated communications channel (circuit) through the network before the nodes may communicate. The circuit guarantees the full bandwidth of the channel and remains connected for the duration of the communication session. The circuit functions as if the nodes were physically connected as with an electrical circuit. Circuit switching contrasts with packet switching which divides the data to be transmitted into packets transmitted through th the e ne netw twor ork k in inde depe pend nden entl tly. y. In pack packet et switc switchi hing ng,, in inste stead ad of bein being g dedi dedica cate ted d to one one communication session at a time, network links are shared by packets from multiple competing communication sessions.

  The next-generation network (NGN) is body of of key architectural changes in telecommunication core and access networks. The general idea behind the NGN is that one network transports all information and services (voice, data, and all sorts of media such as video) by encapsulating these into IP packets, similar to those used on the Internet. NGNs are commonly built around the Internet Protocol, and therefore the term all-IP is also sometimes used to describe the transformation of formerly telephone-centric networks toward NGN. In the core network, all-IP implies a consolidation of several (dedicated or overlay) transport networks each historically built for a different service into one core transport network (often based on IP and Ethernet).

  Datacenter Datacenter switchi switching ng represents a new era for IP Netwo Networking. rking. Thanks to virtualization virtualization value added features, the new generation datacenters will be implemented in distributed scenario. These scenarios will continue to guarantee high-performant services only in IP Cloud oriented infrastructures.

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CloudRAN Overview

  The 4.5G technologies have extended extended connections connections in the fields of Internet of Things (IoT)) and trunking (IoT trunking communi communicatio cations. ns. The represen representati tative ve 4.5G 4.5G technolo technologies gies include include Narrow Band Internet of Things (NB-IoT) and LTE integrated Trunked Radio (LiTRA).

  URLLC: ultra-reliable ultra-reliable and low latency communi communications cations ;

  mMTC: Massive Machine Type Communication; Communicat ion;

  eMBB: Enhanced Enhanced Mobile Broadband.

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CloudRAN Overview

 Diversified services: High bandwidth and short latency, multiple connections, high precision resources allocation based on requirements;

  Evolution of 5G, multi-layer multi-l ayer small cell network, and required a flexible network architecture for differences between high frequency coverage and low frequency coverage. (RT/NRT separation, CP/UP decoupling, decoupling, uplink/downlink uplink/downlink decoupling) decoupling)

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CloudRAN Overview

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CloudRAN Overview

  HD vo voic ice e  (high-definition

voice) refers to the use of wideband technology to

provide a deeper clarity and better audio experience in VoIP communications.

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CloudRAN Overview

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CloudRAN Overview

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CloudRAN Overview

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CloudRAN Overview

  In the digital economy era and the rise of mobile Internet, traditional telecom operators services such as voice and SMS are impacted by the OTT application. Carriers are facing great competition competition from OTT. At the same time, telecommunication telecommunication users’ requirements and behavior have changed eg, with five features REALTIME, ONDEMAND, ALLONLINE, DIY, SOCIAL.

 Other than that, the cost of the conventional telecommunication Silo architecture, investment and operation cost are very high. Every network functions are bind with a specific hardware specific hardware.. In facing facing the new challeng challenges es like new competit competitors, ors, new user  expe experie rienc nce e and and opera operati tion ons s cost, cost, carrie carriers rs need need to make make a big chang changes es in th their  eir  business model, marketing strategy, R&D mode, operation mode and service mode.

  TTM: Time to Market Market

  API: application application platform platform interface

  NB-IoT: Narrowband Narrowband Internet of Things

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CloudRAN Overview

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CloudRAN Overview

  5G NR (5G New Radio)

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CloudRAN Overview

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CloudRAN Overview

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CloudRAN Overview

  NFV= Network Function Virtualization

virtualizati lization on techn technology ology   to consolidate consolidate m many any network equipment types into   NFV uses   IT virtua industry standard high volume servers, switches, and storage, which could be located in  data centers, network boundaries, or end user premises. premises . The network functions are implemented are implemented by software and software  and executed on physical servers. The industry standard high volume servers could be migrated, instantiated, and deployed in various positions on networks, which saves new equipment.

  The goal of NFV is to decouple decouple network functions from dedicated hardware devices and allow network services that are now being carried out by network elements and other dedicated hardware devices to be hosted on virtual machines (VMs). Once the network functions are under the control of a Cloud OS, the services that once require dedicated hardware can be performed on standard x86 servers.

  This capability is important because it means that network administrators will no longer need to purchas purc hase e ded dedica icated ted hard hardwar ware e dev device ices s in ord order er to build build a service service chain. chain. Bec Becaus ause e serv server  er  capa capaci city ty wi will ll be able able to be adde added d th thro roug ugh h softw software are,, th there ere wil willl be no need need fo forr netw networ ork k administrators to overprovision their data centers which will reduce both capital expenses (CAPex) and operating expenses (OPex). If an application running on a VM required more bandwidth, for example, the administrator could move the VM to another physical server or  provision another virtual machine on the original server to take part of the load. Having this flexibility will allow an IT department to respond in a more agile manner to changing business

goals and network service demands.   In practical terms, network functions are now enabled simply by switching on a piece of code

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CloudRAN Overview that can run on any one of the commodity servers in a giant Datacenter. Datacenter. This means a Carrier  Service Provider can switch services on and off automatically according to real-time demand far  faster than is possible with legacy infrastructure.

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CloudRAN Overview

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CloudRAN Overview

  The NFV system integrates the IT Technology Technology for Telecom networks. Thanks to the NFV, which uses Virtualization and Distributed Computing, it is possible to decouple the hardw hardware are level level from from the so softw ftware are lev level. el. The ha hardw rdware are is un unifi ified ed be becau cause se a universal hardware is used, and the resource management can be centralized.

  So the NFV permits to avoid issues of Traditional Network, where instea instead d hardware and software are strictly coupled, hardware customization costs are high and the O&M for these networks are difficult.

  This will also require transformation of internal organizational structures, networks and IT processes as well as new skillsets.

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CloudRAN Overview

  1. Open standards 

  Open standards standards are specifications specifications for hardware or software that are deve developed loped and maintained through a collaborative and consensus-driven process. The standards are freely and publicly available and facilitate interoperability between different products or  services.

  2. Open source software 

  Open source software software is software software whose source code is available for modification or  enhancemen enhan cementt by anyone for any purpose. Open source source softwa software re promotes promotes publ public ic collaboration collab oration and sharing sharing because because software software copyright copyright holders holders licen license se the rights to study, change, and distribute the software code. Open software examples exam ples include:

  Open source projects:OpenStack, projects:OpenStack, Open v vSwitch, Switch, OpenDaylight

  Open source project exte extension nsions/plug s/plugins:Ne ins:Neutron utron (historically (historically known as Quantum) Quantum) plugins for OpenStack

  3. APIs and SDKs 

  An application programming interface (API) is a set of routines, protocols, and tools for  building software applications, and it often specifies how software components should interact with each other. A software development kit (SDK) is a package of pre-written code that developers can use to minimize the amount of unique code they need to write themselves. Many SDKs are published APIs that anyone can write to or write into their own applications, and many control plane “standards” effectively are turning into networking APIs and SDKs.

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CloudRAN Overview

  Cloudification Cloudification Sets the Foundation Foundation for Elasticity Elasticity and HA

  CSDPU VM is in charge of message sending sending and receiving funct function. ion. There are more than one VM can do this jobs, j obs, and these VMs can support Scale In/Out function;

  CSSCU VM is in charge of service processing processing function. The There re are more than one VM can do this jobs. If one VM is faulty, the other new VM can be created base on the data from CSRDB, to take over the service;

  CSRDB VM is in charge of session database database function. There are more th than an one VM can do this jobs, and these VMs can support Scale In/Out function;

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CloudRAN Overview


  When the numb number er of users access RAN-CU RAN-CU reach the scale out/in out/in thresh threshold, old, will trigger RAN-CU scale out/ in procedures, create/ remove virtual machine (VM), at the same time start/ delete PDCP or UEM instance.


  The new connected user will will be in the latest load sharing group, to gradually balance the system load to a healthy level.


  During the scale out process, user will not aware about it and service is not affected.

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CloudRAN Overview

  As service providers move tow toward ard virtual networks and virtualized network functi functions, ons, the way they define and deliver reliability is going to change dramatically.

  The traditional five-nines of reliabili reliability ty of telecom networks -- that is, is, they are 99.999 percent reliable -assumes hardware fails an average of three to five minutes a year, and traditional purpose-built telecom hardware meets that standard. But, the shift to software-defined networks (SDN) and network function virtualization (NFV) is predicated on using commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware, not built to the same standards.

  Virtualization will require diff different erent tools to address resiliency resiliency including trouble alerts, alerts, root cause analysis analysis,, and recovery.The Service Availability requirements for NFV should at a minimum be the same as those for legacy systems for the same service. In order to fulfil the requirements, the NFV components will have to provide the same or better performance in one or more of the following aspects:failure rate, detection time, restoration time, success rate of the detection and restoration, impact per failure, etc. In order to meet the Service Availability requirements, the VNF design needs to take into account factors which include commodity-grade hardware and presence of multiple software layers (i.e. hypervisor and guest Operating System).

  Since NFV MANO component components s play an important role in maintaining service service availability funct functions ions such as rapid service creation, dynamic adaptation to load, and overload prevention, they need to be highly reliable. Overall service resiliency depends on the underlying NFVI reliability as well as VNF internal resiliency.

  Restoration of an end-to-end service in NFV in the events of failures and/ and/or or VNF or service relocation can be handled in one of three ways:at the service layer with the appropriate design mechanisms (e.g. IMS restoration procedures), at the VNF level (e.g. via legacy active/standby mechanism) or by the NFV MANO components. Network operators need to be able to adjust their solutions to Service Availability with various configurable parameters according to the situation and other criteria. For example, in a large-scale disaster situation, the network operator may decide to prioritise the voice call service over online gaming by shifting all the resources available to the voice call service; in which case, the Service  Availability for the on-line gaming w will ill be different than that in the normal situation.

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CloudRAN Overview

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CloudRAN Overview

  NFV Management Plane= MANO MANO

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CloudRAN Overview


  VNFM with open open interface for NFVO

  VNFM seamlessly adapt to multiple VIM from multi-vendor  multi-vendor 

  Flexibility Flexibilit y to lower impact on on the existing EMS & OSS

  VNF 

  Flexibility Scale service up or down down quickly

  Runs on different vendor NFVI with assessed performance

  NFVI-Cloud OS 

  Preferred Preferre d OpenStack based Cloud OS

  Optimized to minimize minimize performance degradation degradation

  NFVI-Hardware 

  Breed Chipset- level assisted virtualiza virtualization tion technology

  High IOPS with with High reliability at same time for stora storage ge

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Huawei Mexico Training Center 




CloudRAN Overview

  Network Network functio function n vir virtua tualiza lizatio tion n (NFV (NFV)) is a netw network ork arc archit hitect ecture ure concep conceptt that that uses uses the technologies techno logies of IT virtualization virtualization to virtualiz virtualize e entire classes of netw network ork node functions functions into building blocks that may connect, or chain together, to t o create communication services.

  The NFV framework consists of three main c components: omponents:

  Virtualized Virtualized network function functions s (VNFs) are softwa software re implementatio implementations ns of netw network ork functions that can be deployed on a network function virtualization infrastructure inf rastructure (NFVI)

  Network function virtualization infrastructure (NFVI) is the totality of all hardware and software components that build the environment where VNFs are deployed. The NFV infrastructure can span several locations. The network providing connectivity connectivit y between these locations is regarded as part of the NFV infrastructure

  Network functions virtualization management and orch orchestration estration architectural framework (NFVMANO Architectural Framework) is the collection of all functional blocks, data repositories used by these blocks, and reference points and interfaces through which these functional blocks exchange information for the purpose of managing m anaging and orchestrating NFVI and VNFs.

  The building block for both the the NFVI and the NFV-MANO is the NFV platform. In the NFVI role, it consists of both virtual and physical processing and storage resources, and virtualization software. In its NFV-MANO role it consists of VNF and NFVI managers and virtualization software softwa re operating operating on a hardware hardware controller. The NFV platform implements implements carrier-grad carrier-grade e features used to manage and monitor the platform components, recover from failures and provide effective security - all required for the public carrier network.

  Flexibility Flexibility to lower impact on the existing EMS & OSS:means that the NFV network network can be compactable with the U2000 which is not based on NFV platform.

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CloudRAN Overview

  The biggest difference between between the Legacy OSS/BSS OSS/BSS and NFV Mgmt Plane, is that: NFV adds a management and orchestration domain (MANO). MANO is responsible for the NFVI resource management. It can schedule, map and associate the resource between NFVI and the service network.

  The first level VIM: VIM: Virtualised Infrastructure Manager virtualization infrastructure management. NFVI transforms the hardware into resource pool by virtualization, and provides the ability to create cr eate and manage virtual machines. VIM controls these resources resour ces and virtual machines through NFVI, and provides the software system of virtual resource management interface and graphical interface.

  The second second level VNFM: VNFM: Virtualised Network Function Manager to complete the virtual network function (VNF) of life cycle managem management, ent, including deploy deployment ment / expansion / contraction / deletion.

  The third level NFVO NFVO:: Network Funciton Virtualised Orchestraion is in charge of network services life cycle management, the whole network service layout. It provides the ability to schedule resources across data centers, providing cross vendor service lifecycle management capabilities, including service deployment / expansion / capacity / offline.


  OSS: Operational Support System

  BSS: Business Support Sy System stem

  EMS: Element Manager S System ystem

  NMS: Network Management Sy System stem

  VNF: Virtual Network Function

  VIM: Virtualized Virtualized Infrastructure Manager 

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CloudRAN Overview

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CloudRAN Overview

  RAN-NRT: RAN RAN Non Real Time

  CloudRAN Phase I: 

  RAN functions are divided into RAN Non Real Time and and RAN Real Time.

  Implemented Implemented based on the standard I-layer, unified PaaS layer for centralized centralized and cloud-based of RAN Non Real Time services to realized the unified 4G/ 5G, macro and micro architecture.

  CloudRAN Phase 2:Wireless network functions are fully cloud-based.

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CloudRAN Overview

1.COTS Hardware 

  COTS: Commercial Commercial Off the Shelf  Shelf 

  Huawei supported 200+vendors, eg Huawei, Dell, IBM, HP

2.Cloud Native Architecture 

  Container based resource management

  Microservices Microservic es based APP deployment


3.Multi-RAT Convergence 


  cRRM & cSON

4.Mobile Edge Computing 

  Open API

  Co-host 3rd App

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CloudRAN Overview

Air interface protocol is divided into 2 parts, segment between PDCP-RLC to support RRC and PDCP deployed separately. With a splitting CU(Centralized Unit)and DU(Distributed Unit) architecture, non real time service of multiple sites baseband (L2 non real time and L3 message) will be processed processed in CloudRANCU while the real time servic services es (L2 real time message + L1) still processed at base station becomes the CloudRANDU

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CloudRAN Overview

  RANCU as a virtualized network function function (VNF) contains one RA RANCU_P NCU_P and multiple RANCU_E.

  RANCU_P and each RANCU_E provides independent OM channel.

  Each RANCU_E contains one eNodeBFunction. Each eNodeBFunction eNodeBFunction supports a maximum 256 cells.

  RANCU-P mainly for management functions, and and decouple the service. 

  Manage RANCU-E lifecycle

  Manage RAT service scaling policies   Manage PDCP, debugging log and crash log

  May included configuration configuration like IP add address, ress, RANCUID

  Paas Paas

platfo platform rm suppo supports rts cloud cloud-ba -based sed operat operatio ion n

deployment, application management, flexible scaling.

an and d mainte maintenan nance ce,,

au auto toma matic tic

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CloudRAN Overview

  X2 and eX2-C exchanges information inside the equipment.

  eX2-C and eX2-U are separated ;

  Itf-CuDu is the the newly introduced introduced interface; interface;

  Each RANCU and RANDU has its independent OM channel.

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CloudRAN Overview

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CloudRAN Overview

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CloudRAN Overview

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CloudRAN Overview

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CloudRAN Overview

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CloudRAN Overview

  When LTE of a MBTS MBTS evolved evolved to CloudRAN CloudRAN solution, solution, BGTS/ NodeB requested requested to remain unchanged.

  In a CloudRAN network, the O&M experience experience must be consistent consistent between multimode base stations and LTE single-mode base station.

  Theref Therefore ore,, in the separa separated ted dep deploy loymen mentt sc scen enari ario, o, BTS39 BTS3900 00 is manage managed d as an independent network element (NE)

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CloudRAN Overview

  eNBEqmRes Function= eNodeB Equipment Resource Function

  In the integrated deployment scenario, scenario, BTS3900’s O&M procedures, user interface, Northbou North bound nd interfac interfaces es (NBIs) (NBIs) and southbo southbound und interfac interfaces es are compatib compatible le with the legacy equipment.

  In separated deployment scenario: 

  BTS3900 with DU deployment still as an independent managing NE.   RANCU RANCU in the the MCE MCE becom becomes es multip multiple le in indep depen ende dent nt managi managing ng ne netwo twork rk element.   Users see a complete eNodeBFunction, eNodeBFunction, configuration, configuration, performance, alarm, and CHR/MR in RANCU_E.

  BTS390 BTS3900’s 0’s LRAT LRAT part part does does not not includ include e eNode eNodeB B logic logical al fun functi ctions ons,, only only contains the relationship between the device and resource usage.

  The northbound northbound interface compatible compatible with legacy as much as possible.

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CloudRAN Overview

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CloudRAN Overview

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CloudRAN Overview

  Alarm split into RANCU and DU two NEs. The existing equipmen equipmentt of traditional base station and electromechanical alarms reported to the DU while the wireless services alarms reported to the RANCU. Infrastructure alarms are not managed in U2000.

  Included the alarm correlation correlation between RANCU and DU, alarm correlation between RANCU and infrastructure through alarm alarm tr trouble ouble ticket (Optional U2000 Features)

  Tracing is split into RANCU, and DU, some user-level trace through through U2000 end-toend View traced messages.

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CloudRAN Overview

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CloudRAN Overview

  OpenStack OM is named as OpenStack OM in the latest version.

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CloudRAN Overview

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CloudRAN Overview

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CloudRAN Overview

  The E9000 is positioned as a high-end computing platform.

  The E9000 E9000 is a high-pe high-perfor rformanc mance, e, high-end high-end enterp enterprise rise server designe designed d for elastic elastic computing and telecom computing. The server converges computing, storage, and network resources to support support operator operator and enterprise high-end core applications. The E9000 has industry-leading competitiveness competitiveness as a hardware computing platform for its re reli liab abil ilit ity, y,

av avai aila labi bilit lity, y,

an and d

serv servic icea eabi bili lity ty

(R (RAS AS), ),

comp comput utin ing g

de dens nsit ity, y,

en ener ergy gy

conservation, emissions reduction, midplane bandwidth, intelligent management and service, elastic configuration and flexible expansion for computing and storage, short network latency, and acceleration. Its advantages are as follows: 

  Enhance Enhances s competi competitive tiveness ness for telecom telecom operat operator or services services and enterpri enterprise se software software services by providing equivalent quality and service capability of midrange computers.

  Provides the same competitiveness competitiveness as cost-effective cost-effective servers for operators' universal services and Internet services.

  Provides the switching switching capability of high bandwidth and shor shortt latency for services that require the convergence of computing and data or media.

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CloudRAN Overview

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CloudRAN Overview

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CloudRAN Overview

  Full-width slot slo t numbering varies according to compute node types as follows: 

  The CH240 , CH242, and CH242 V3 full-width compute nodes nodes are installed in slots 1 to 8.   The CH220, CH221, CH222 full-width full-wi dth compute nodes are installed in slots 9 to 16. Those full-width compute nodes are expanded from the CH121

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CloudRAN Overview

  The E9000 supports supports a maximum of six PSUs in N+N or N+1 redundanc redundancy y mode. The actual actu al E9000 E9000 system system power power varies varies dependin depending g on server server configu configurati rations. ons. You can configure PSUs based on the power supply mode in the equipment room and the system syst em power power requireme requirements. nts. PSUs support support hot swap swap and redundancy. redundancy. You can choose three types of PSUs: 3000 W AC PSU, 2000 W AC PSU, and 2500 W DC PSU.

  The E9000 heat dissipation dissipation system conta contains ins 14 fan modules modules that that are divided divided into three zones. Each fan module has two fans. Each fan module zone supports the N+1 redundancy mode, that is, heat dissipation for the entire system is not affected if one fan or fan module fails. The E9000 adopts the forced air-cooling technology and frontto-rear airflow paths. That is, the E9000 draws air in on the front and exhausts air on the rear. Based on the operating temperature of compute nodes in the chassis, the fan modules automatically adjust the fan speed or the fan speed is controlled by the MM. Figure 1-23 shows the slot numbers of the fan modules.

  The E900 E9000 0 suppo supports rts a maximu maximum m of 4 switc switch h module modules s which which provid provide e switch switching ing functions for compute nodes within a chassis or in different chassis and provides ports for connecting to an external network. As the rare view show, the switch module No. from left to right are 1E 2X 3X 3X 4E.

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CloudRAN Overview

  The OceanStor 5300 V3/5500 V3/5600 V3/5800 V3/6800 V3 are mid-range and high-end storage products newly developed by Huawei.

  Product features: 

  Unified Storage 

  Support for SAN and NAS unified storage technologies

  High Performance   High Availability   Dual redundancy redundancy and Active/Active Active/Active working working mode 

  RAID 2.0+ virtualization technology

  High System Security

  Flexible Scalability

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CloudRAN Overview

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CloudRAN Overview

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CloudRAN Overview

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