0 - Human Design - HUMAN DESIGN SYSTEM and Your Money

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HUMAN DESIGN SYSTEM Human Design & Your Money Channel By Chetan Parkyn Money… "makes the world go round". Money… "can't buy me love." Money… "is the root of all evil." And money… is, perhaps, the single most misunderstood medium we have to play with (after relationships) while in the earth plane. Moolah, bread, cash, lucre, wampum, currency, greenbacks, are just some of the many names we give to money in an attempt to describe it and our relationship to it. Money has taken many forms, including rocks, wood, metal, bones, beads, cloth, paper and "magnetic ink". In every part of the world, whole areas of cities are set aside as "financial" districts, where, 24 hours a day money is "made," "managed," "marketed," "manipulated" and "moved." Some of the most brilliant and also some of the most confused people I have ever met include those who have more money than they have any clue what to do with it. Some of the most brilliant and also some of the most confused people I have ever met include some of the millions of impoverished people in what we call the "Third World," living sometimes with no-thing, sometimes naked and eating only when given food by others. We are coming out of an age where to be "spiritual," one had to give all one's money away. Still, in many parts of the world there is great superstition regarding wealth and spirituality. In these days, in the West certainly, one has to be able to afford the freedom for one's spiritual quest. This is a lifetime of "Meditation in the Marketplace," the age of synthesizing the material and spiritual. Where does the balance lie with money? In this article, we examine the whole arena of money in regards to Human Design. We get to see who has apparently natural and easy access to money, who is "designed" to have money, and who has to let it find them! The Heart Center plays a great role in attaining "what we want." In the last part of the article, there is a brief overview of Donald Trump's Design.

The Heart Center, (what we want,) and the "Money Channel." In the Design Body Graph, there is a channel that runs between and connects the Heart and the Throat Centers, which is called the "Money Channel," (colored purple in the diagram).

It is a manifesting channel, since it connects between a center of motivation, the Heart Center, our willfulness, and the Throat Center, our place of manifestation in the world. This "Money Channel," subtitled the "Design of a materialist," has, like all channels in the Body Graph, a gate on either end of it, the gates are the 45 and the 21. These gates are related to hexagrams in the I-Ching, the Chinese Book of Changes. The 45 is the gate of the ruler, the pasha, the king, the queen (e.g., HM Elizabeth II of England,) and in the I-Ching, it is called Gathering Together. The 21 is the gate of Control, the first minister, the "Prime Minister" (e.g., The Hon. Tony Blair of England ), in the I-Ching, it is called Biting Through, The Hunter/Huntress. As an archetype, in days of yore, the ruler owned everything and everyone and the first minister held the reins of government and controlled, particularly, how the country's resources were handled. There was never a question that one would take on the other's job, except in times of emergency, and rarely has a first minister successfully supplanted a monarch by becoming an appreciated dictator. When I give a reading for someone with this 45-21 channel defined in their chart, I always tell them that being included in the material scene during their time on earth is a prerequisite. But they have to realize that there are two different roles they get to play in the "money channel," they can see themselves looking regal, like HM Queen Elizabeth II, or... there is also the Tony Blair option, paddling like crazy to keep control. In other words, for material manifestation to take place happily in their life, they have to be able to differentiate comfortably between instances when they can relax and delegate, allowing others to carry out great works, and those times when they have to get their hands dirty. What can very often happen for someone with this channel defined is that they give away all their efforts into other people's worldly success. The Heart Center and the "Entrepreneur."

The two "entrepreneurial channels" connect from the Root Center, the Adrenaline Center, our place of internal pressure to succeed, through the Spleen Center, the Immune System, our place of instinctive, physical well-being, to the Heart Center, our place of wishes and wants.

The lower channel, is the channel that includes the gates of Ambition (54) connected to Change, (32) and is called the channel of 'Transformation," "a design of being driven." The drive is to succeed through associating with the helpers who can assist in steering or pushing one through the changes that life can bring. The Transformation channel provides the drive to succeed by any means, including anyone who can assist in furthering one's cause. The medium of sensitivity here is smell, and we have many expressions relating to this, for example, something "smells like success," or something "smells fishy." Certain people have the knack of "smelling" a good deal, and of "following their nose." The upper channel, is the combination of the gates of Instinctive (literally "smell" ) Memory (44) connected to the gate of the Egotist (26). The 44-26 is called the channel of "Surrender," "the design of a Transmitter." The Surrender channel is a channel of peacemaking, in that this channel bridges the energy between ego (willfulness) and the Spleen (health and feeling good). The peacemaking comes about when the person with this channel defined in their Design provides the means for everyone to agree. When agreement takes place, then a "transmission" is possible, and those involved feel well, included and complete. In this moment the

Entrepreneur can quickly and easily assert his or her will to take advantage of the situation, if they so wish. The Entrepreneurial channels can have a great deal to do with sales, selling and reenvisioning what we already have, providing "exactly" what a customer might feel they wish in that moment, even though it is something they might already have in an older version. The Heart Center and the Communal Channels The two "Communal Channels" connect from the Root Center through the Emotional, Solar-Plexus Center to the Heart Center. The lower channel is the 19-49, the channel of "Synthesis," a design of Sensitivity. The upper channel is the 37-40, the "Community Channel," the Design of "Being a Part seeking the Whole."

The 19 is the gate corresponding to the Hexagram called Approach, one of the 4 "movement" hexagrams in the I-Ching, and relates to reaching out to be included in partnerships, groups and gatherings. The 49 is called Revolution and is the gate of feeling out whether the Approach is right or not for the partnership, group or gathering. Here, the medium of feeling is touch. Clearly, many deals are made and sealed with a handshake, and perhaps the passing of a token or a signed document, to show everyone involved of an agreement. (This communal approach mirrors the Entrepreneurial means of ambition (54) meeting change (32) and whereas the 32 "smells" if transformation is possible, the 49 has a sensitivity of "touch" to feel if an approach fits or not.) In the Community Channel, the 37 is the gate corresponding to the Family, in which everyone has their place, seniority and clear responsibilities within their group, and the 40 is called Deliverance, the hexagram of aloneness, which can either collude

with the Family or be an outsider. When a bargain is "struck" between the Family and the outsider, a communion takes place and everyone feels included. On this Communal side, the bargain contributes to the "will" of the group at the Heart Center and so the energy of the group can proceed to manifest through the 21-45, the Money Channel. The Communal Channels have contributed energy to all the great combined material religious accomplishments like temples, cathedrals and pyramids and the works of wealth and arts which have filled them, where many people have bonded together in a concerted approach. The underlying feature of community is touch. The Design of Donald Trump Donald Trump has the Design of a Manifesting Generator, which, in simplistic terms, means that if he feels clear in his response to something, he can follow through and "make it happen."

He has a logical mind which can make reason for anything in any way it sees fit, an emotional drive which is hungry for every conceivable experience, driven by a life force energy, which, once engaged in intimate pursuit, cannot be dissuaded by anything other than a pure frustration of not appearing to get anywhere. Full of ideas, which come to him in moments of reflection, Donald very often senses change where no one else is looking, and has an uncanny knack of appearing in exactly the right place at the right time.

People and experiences will come and go in Donald's life but his will and drive to succeed remain constant. He has the Money Channel defined in his design, which gives him the option of overseeing his empire (45) or micro-managing it (21). He also has the 26 gate of the great salesperson who can convince anyone they are getting something really special which no one else has. He also has the 32, the gate of Continuity and Change in which he can "smell" the possibility of a great deal or "smell a rat." Also in Donald's chart, he has 4 undefined centers, two of which are "open," implying that there is no personal agenda in that center at all. The Crown Center at the top of the design is open, and Donald is open to being inspired by literally anything, including art, music, architecture, landscaping, wildlife, machinery, politics, sciences and other things. He has an open Self Center, which implies he can at times feel adrift in a world which has its sights firmly set, or he can completely take over the energy of a place and everyone in it. He has an undefined Root Center from which he can at times provide impetus to set projects in motion, many of which will never come to completion, and an undefined Spleen Center, in which, despite all his best efforts, a feeling of contentment about his life and achievements continues to elude him. If he can ever get beyond whatever it is he thinks his mother and the women in his life have wanted of him he will begin to find his happiness. When Donald laughs for no great reason, the world laughs with him, and in that great laughter he can begin to find his contentment. Next month: Spirituality and Design. After a look at the worldly, next month's article will look at the Spiritual and how we connect within it from the viewpoint of Human Design. © Chetan Parkyn, April 2001


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