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: Mi& Mi& a'il a'ilit it$ $
(!m'er of P!#ils
: 1)
: *orld of elf+ ,amil$ and ,riends
: nit . / ,arm erience
,ocal ill
: Reading
ntegrated sills
: Listening and s#eaing *riting
Conten tent ta tan ndard
: 241 Liste isten n an and re res#ond a# a##ro# ro#ria riatel$ tel$ in forma rmal in inform forma atio tion sit sit! !ation ions fo for a %ariet$ of #!r#oses4
Learning tandard
: $ the end of the lesson+ #!#ils 6ill 'e 241417a89'le to recognise and artic!late initial+ medial and the final so!nds in single s$lla'le 6ords 6ithin gi%en conte&t4 i:
24142 9'le to 'lend t6o to fo!r #honemes into recognia'le 6ords and read them alo!d4 24143 9'le to segment 6ords into #honemes to s#ell4
;' to form recognia'le 6ords4 7'8 listen and cross the 6ords 6ith #honeme i: 7ea8 correctl$4 7c8 6rite 6ords 6ith #honeme ? 7ng8 correctl$4
Thining sills
: n nderstanding 9##l$ing
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