Complet Completee the sete!e sete!ess "#th "#th the past s#mple s#mple or past !ot#$o$ !ot#$o$ss %orm %orm o% the the &er's # 'ra!(ets)
Last Sunday afternoon, I ___________ ______________________ ___________________ ________ (study) Spanish history when my friend ______________________ __________ ____________________ ________ (call).
Last weekend, we ___________ ______________________ ___________________ ________ (go) to the cinema and ___________ _______________________ ___________________ _______ (see) a really good lm.
Cindy ____________________________ ______________________________ __ (decide) to leae early !ecause she ______________________________ ______________________________ (not hae) a good time.
"hen I arried at the party, one of the children ______________ __________ ____ _________ ______________ _____ (cry) !ecause he ______________________ __________ ____________________ ________ (not want) to go home.
"hile I ______________________________ ______________________________ (walk) home, a thief ______________________ __________ ____________________ ________ (steal) my mum#s $ewellery $ewellery..
%ilary and &aul _________________ _____________________________ _____________ _ (not wait) outside as it _____________________ ______________________________ _________ (snow).
C# C#rr!le !le the the !or !orrre!t alte alter rat at#& #&es es))
I 1"al(e*/"as "al(#+ to school yesterday when I suddenly 2sa"/ha* see a wallet lyin on the round! "b#iously, somebody $*roppe*/ha* *roppe* it! I %
p#!(e*/"as p#!(#+ it u& and 5loo(e*/"as loo(#+ inside! There '"ere/ha* (
'ee almost 2000 euros in the wallet! I *#*,t (o"/"as,t (o"#+ what to do! It )ra#e*/"as ra##+ and the wallet *alrea*- +ot/ha* alrea*- +ot +uite
wet! nyway, I 10*e!#*e*/"as *e!#*#+ to ta-e it to school and i#e it to the headteacher! .he 11tol*/"as tell#+ me that I 12ma*e/ha* ma*e a ood decision!! I was sure I 1$*#*/ha*! ut last niht I 1%*reame*/ha* *reame* that decision I 15ha* (ept/"as (eep#+ the wallet and that the money 1''elo+e* /"as 'elo+#+ to me .
Complet Completee the sete sete!es !es "#th the the !orr !orre!t e!t %or %orm m o% the &er's &er's # 'ra!(e 'ra!(ets) ts)
"hen 'oe ______________ (lie) in Italy, he ate a lot of pia and ice cream.
artin changed the channel on the *+ after 'enny ______________ __________ ____ (leae) the room.
raham was reading a !ook when I ___________ ______________ ___ (see) him earlier.
I ______________ (isit) my aunt and uncle in -rgentina when I was a small child.
5 *he !uilder didn#t go home at e !ecause he ______________
______________ (not nish) repairing the ceiling. ______________ 6 -!!y ______________ (read) (read) the short noel !y the time the train arried in London.
Rea* Rea* the the as"er as"ers) s) The The "r#t "r#tee 0$est# 0$est#os os $s# $s#+ + the p pro romp mpts ts))
%ow long you study /nglish0 ______________________ __________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _____________ __ Since I was si1 years old.
"hen you last see a play in /nglish0 ______________________ __________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _____________ __ 2h, last year.
%ow many !ooks she write0 ______________________ __________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _____________ __ 2nly three, !ut she#s writing a new one now now..
"hich countries they isit on their round3the3world trip0 ______________________ __________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _____________ __ 'apan and -ustralia, and they hae two months to go.
"hen they pu!lish the noel0 ______________________ __________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _____________ __ * *wo wo years ago.
Re"r#te Re"r#te the the sete sete!es !es $s#+ $s#+ $se* $se* to or or "o$l*) "o$l*) Use "o$l* "o$l* at leas leastt t"#!e) t"#!e)
y grandfather lied in 4 4rance rance as a child. ______________________ __________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _____________ __
/ery morning, he got up at e o#clock. ______________________ __________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _____________ __
%e walked to school with his !rother !rother.. ______________________ __________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _____________ __
%e came home at lunch time eery day day.. ______________________ __________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _____________ __
%e was ery noisy as a child, !ut now he#s ery calm and 5uiet. ______________________ __________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _____________ __
I was staying in 6ew 7 7ork ork when I met 4lo. ______________________ __________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _____________ __
2 * *om om was listening to music while we were working.
_________________________________ ______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _____________ __ 3 I couldn#t get in !ecause I#d lost my key. key. ______________________ __________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _____________ __ 4
y mother used to lie in a small illage. ______________________ __________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _____________ __
%ae they !een to the theatre lately0 ______________________ __________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _____________ __
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