Tender Requirements

May 12, 2018 | Author: Paul Uwaya | Category: Specification (Technical Standard), Technology, Business, Economies, Science
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Tender Requirements...




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 Type ype an  and d Place Place of Incorporation Certifcate of Registration/Incorporation Complete name of the Legal entity Company Share Value. Company Asset last year a!aila"le#. Tender Requirements  Turno! urno!er er last year a!aila"le#  TA$  T A$ CL%ARA&C%C%R CL%ARA&C%C%RTI'ICA TI'ICAT% T% Access Now CAPITAL CAPIT AL S(AR% STR)CT)R% STR)CT)R% * C+,PL%T%C+&TR C+,PL%T%C+&TR+LC(AI& +LC(AI& )P T+ T(% )LTI,AT% +-&%RS# No thanks, I don't want my exclusive trial &um"er of registered employees Company oard mem"ers &ame/Tittle &ame/Tittle## Copy of the nancial accounts 'ull "alance sheet/prot and loss accounts and assets#* years 'orm of Ac0no1ledgment and Condentiality )nderstanding 'orm of tender signed "y authori2ed signatory Compliance 'orm singed "y authori2ed signatory &ame and Tittle of the person including the rele!ant po1er of attorney3 proposed to sign the contract. Commercial e4ceptions5 %4ceptions %4ceptions/6e!iations /6e!iations

 PART 25

Technical Tender

COMPANY  • • • • • • • •

Company organisation structure  Company (S% management structure structure Corporate (S% manual  Corporate 7A structure Corporate 7A manual 'inancial information ,ost recent three years accounts Pro8ect reference list for similar scopes

Projec E!ec"ion Sched"le Le#el $ Projec Or%ani&aion Char Projec E!ec"ion Plan Man'o(er Plan S")conracin% S")conracin% Plan

P"rcha*in% Plan Proc"re+en Plan

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Lo%i*ic* Plan

Exclusive 30 Iner,ace Mana%e+en Day Trial Iner,ace +ile*one Sched"le Projec Conrol and Plannin%

Tender Requirements

De+o)ili&aion Plan

Ri*- and O''or"ni. Mana%e+en Plan Access Now ICT 'roced"re Per+i and Con*en Plan

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/SE Polic.0 /SE MS Man"al andor /SE Proced"re* and (or- in*r"cion* • • • • • •

Pro8ect (S% Plan3 (S% performances Pre*Tender (S% 9uestionnaire (S% pro8ect organi2ation  Training matri4 (S% Philosophy

Projec Q"ali. Mana%e+en S.*e+* doc"+en* S")conracin% Re3"e* ,or S")conracin% a"hori&aion ,or+4 Projec Q"ali. Or%ani&aion doc"+en* • • • • • • • •

A.: 7uality Policy and +"8ecti!es A.; Applica"le 6ocuments A. Pro8ect +rgani2ation A.< %4perience3 %4pertise and Training A.= Procurement A.> Special Processes A.? Pro8ect ,onitoring A.@ Re9uirements Re!ie1

MILL doc"+en* • • • •

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+rgani2ation Chart/C! of 0ey personnel and s0ills Clarication and 7ualication List ,anpo1er Plan 'a"rication 6ata oo0'6# manufacturing procedures specication/1or0 instructions Inspection and test Plan ITP# Current -or0 Load

• • • • • • •

• •

List for similar products supplied Preliminary 'a"rication schedule Su"*!endor/su"contracts list Unlock Access to An 7uality ,anual (S% ,anual  Transportation3 (andling and storage procedures Suppliers information3 rochures3 reference3 description of plants and fa"rication methods3 ra1 materials used. Capacity and potential +ce accommodation Space Tender Requirements Supplier 7,S and material certication

Exclusive 30 Day Trial

PART $ 5 NCD Technical Tender •

• • • •

• • • • •

• • • • •

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thanks, I don't want including my exclusive trial 6etailed appro!ed planNofor compliance Pro8ect +rgani2ation Chart indicating responsi"ility and 9ualications. +rgani2ation Structure +rganogram polluted 1ith names and nationalities#. 6etailed e4perience and s0ills of 0ey management personnel List of personnel CV# "eing proposed for e4ecution of the 1or0. %!idence of past training conducted for their &igerian StaB 1ith ,an*hour3 dates3 location3 certicates a1arded. &igerian content e4ecution strategy.  Technology Transfer Plan In*country Spend %mployment and Training Plan Su"mit full description of material3 ser!ices3 la"or and e9uipment in all acti!ities calculated that are planned to "e utili2ed. -or0*share ratio as "asis for computing and arri!ing at the minimum ,an* hour. %9uipment material and other ser!ice spend plan for the pro8ect compliance 1ith the ACT  Training and (uman Capital 6e!elopment  'ill the ta"le in Appendi4 D. In*country procurement ,anagement Plan 'ill 6amagi4 section of the &C6 Appendi4 : 'orm#. 6PR certicate 'orm C+; and C+?.

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