and Y Your our personal learning Learnings outcomes from this course. experience.
1. Success as three-legged stool
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Success of any project is based on three managers, which are •
Project Manager
Line Manager Senior Manager
In order to succeed in the project, project an and d li line ne mana manage gers rs shou should ld co cons nsid ider er themselves as equals sharing respo pon nsibi billities, authorit y and acc accoun ountab tabili ility ty.. Senior Senior manage managerr sho should uld provide guidelines to project managers and motivate the line managers. 2. Project e est st pl plan anne ned d pr proj ojec ects ts will will de defi fini nite tely ly 't the beginning of any project, project managers ers are provi provided ded with suff sufficien icientt ma mana nage gerr to succ succee eed. d. !o !orr th this is to ha happ ppen en,, pr proje oject ct manag budget and resources. !or the completion develop deve lop solid managers should" of the project by meeting the end quality project plan #efine tas$s • and and requ requir irem emen ents ts se sett by the the clie client nts, s, %esource allocation • project manager should be able to • &stablish milestones 1 of 4
and Y Your our personal learning Learnings outcomes from this course. experience.
• •
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mana manage ge the the bu budg dget et an and d re reso sour urce cess #efine quality and requirements (rea (reate te ba basi siss for mea measuri suring ng properly along with the schedule. performance
In my view view,, ther theree sh shou ould ld not be age age bearing for any e)ecutive to accept the project management. *hen the e)ecutive is able to understand project management, he+she will understand the goals and objectives of the project and will automatically accept the roles and authority of the project manager despite the age.
3. Age bearing for executive executive to accept project management
4. n nvo volv lveement ment of project manager
If there there are some ineff ineffici icienc encies ies in the functi functiona onall lin linee of the pro projec ject, t, pro projec jectt manager should be involved in it to get it right. In doing this, project manager should not try to over step the authority of the functional manager. In most of the projects, the role of the e)ecutive e)ecu tive level is over after developing developing
and Y Your our personal learning Learnings outcomes from this course. experience.
and planning stage of the project and they do don ntt ge gett in invo volv lved ed in th thee pr proj ojec ectt or interfere the role of project manager. !. Project Sponso Spo nsorr and n-house representativ es
-he project sponsor doesnt have any right to remov removee inhouse inhouse repr represent esentative ativess from his company. If there is any issue, it should s hould be brought before project manager to resolve it. If the issue cant be resolved and the employee is to be removed, it is the duty of line manager to do so.
". Project management and over management
In the new concept of project management, the upper level management should respect th thee aut utho hori rity ty and rol olee of pr proj ojec ectt manage man agemen ment. t. 'fter 'fter the com comple pletio tion n of planning, upper level management should let project project manage managerr to wor wor$ $ fr freel eely y by trusting them and what they do. If upper le leve vell mana manage geme ment nt int nter erfe fere ress th thee performance of project managers, it becomes over management.
3 of 4
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Set objectives and goals Strategies to achieve objectives (reate schedule &stablish budget !orecast changes 0rgani1e the system Set policies for decision ma$ing Procedure for carrying out policies Standard for performance
your Supporting documentation includ inc luding ing you your r pri prior or learnings.
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