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Example of a plaint...
This plaint is drafted taking in hypothetical facts: A.B was a self published author who used to write and publish articles. Once he wrote an article on the topic “torture under International law” for a reputed legal magazine. M.N, the efendant in this case had copied his article for a !eminar conducted b" a college. #hus, the plaintiff has filed this suit for copyright infringement against the defendant.
IN #$% &O'(# O) I!#(I *'+% O) !O'#$ %$I !uit No. ---------- of /01
IN #$% MA##%( O) 2 A.B s3o &. A40, AB !treet, New elhi
........................................ ........................................ 5laintiff
M.N s3o O.5 178, 9: !treet, New elhi
.......................................... .......................................... efendant
MO!# (%!5% )': )' : !$O;%#$ 2 0. #he 5laintiff 5laintiff is a self publishe published d author, author, an award winning winning boo< writer writer and and also an accomplished blogger. $e has earlier published = articles i n >arious legal magazines and written 8 booe recei>ed a lot of acclai m. . #he 5laintiff 5laintiff is the the author author of a research research article article titled “#or “#orture ture under under Internatio International nal aw”. aw”. #he said Article was printed and published in India?s leading egal Magazine “aw"er?s 'pdate” in the "ear /07. #he sub@ect of the Article was International aw. 8. ;hen the 5lainti 5laintiff?s ff?s article article was being being published published,, the head of the the egal magazine magazine agreed agreed that that the 5laintiff would own his written worersit ", elhi elhi on
0st Ma", /01 on the topic “5eace and !ecurit" in International aw”. 5rizes el ". #he papers of the winners would also get published in one of the India?s leading AB! *ournal. 1. #he efendant wrote and presented a paper titled “#he efinition of #orture under International aw”. And thereafter won the 0 st prize in the competition, winning (s. 8/,///. ater on the 0/ th Ma", /01, his research paper was published in the AB! *ournal. #hereafter, he also got an opportunit" to represent his college at the International le>el !e minar on the same topic with some more additional research on his present article which was to be held net "ear, ie, /0D. D. On seeing the research paper written b" the efendant, published in the AB! *ournal, it is e>ident that the content of the research paper was stolen from the 5laintiff?s article. #he said article authored b" the efendant is a cop" of the article of the 5laintiff referred in 5aragraph and the publication of the said article is unauthorised. #he Act of the efendant is a flagrant infringement of &op"right of the 5laintiff. A true and correct cop" of the original and t he copied article is attached as %hibit C. E. B" going through both the articles, one could see that approimatel" D/F of the article written b" the efendant claiming to be the author of his article was pl agiarised from the 5laintiff?s article which was published in one of the leading aw Magazine in the "ear /07. =. #he 5laintiff has ne>er been ase the plagiarised material immediatel". Attached as ehibit 8C 00. #he efendant did not responded to the 5laintiff?s e4mail. )inding no alternati>e, the 5laintiff sent a notice of demand dated /0./D./01 to the efendant b" the wa" of (egd. 5ost attached as %hibit 8C.#he notice was dul" recei>ed b" the efendant. But he failed to compl" b" the notice and sent a negati>e repl" of the same, hence present suit. 0. #hat the cause of action of this suit arose against the defendants within the @urisdiction of this $onble &ourt firstl" when the defendant participated in the National !eminar at N', elhi on 0st Ma", /01 and he presented the research paper which infringed the cop"right wor< of the 5laintiff. It again arose on 0/th Ma", /01, when the efendant?s research paper was published in one of the India?s leading @ournal, AB! *ournal, authored under his name. It further arose when the efendant too< all the credit and recognition for the plagiarised article and was selected for the International !eminar for the same net "ear.
08. #he 5art of the cause of action arose at elhi. #he paper presentation at the National !eminar was held at N', elhi. #he notice sent to the efendant was at elhi. #he repl" of the notice was also recei>ed at elhi, hence this $on?ble &ourt has @urisdiction t o entertain and ad@udicate the matter. 07. #he 5laintiff has suffered irreparable in@ur" to his reputation and recognition and unless the $on?ble court restrains the efendant from further use of the infringed cop"right article, the 5laintiff will continue to suffer in@ur", the amount of which cannot be counted and which has no adeHuate remed". 01. )or purposes of court fees and @urisdiction, >alue of suit is (s. ......... on which court fees has been paid and hence this &ourt ha>e @urisdiction in allowing, tr"ing and deciding this suit.
#he plaintiff hence pra"s for2 aC 5ermanent in@unction that prohibits the efendant an" further use of the wor< that infringes his cop"right. bC An award of monetar" damages sufficient to compensate 5laintiff for the in@uries suffered as a result of efendant?s malafide conductJ cC A ecree for compensation of the profits earned b" efendant b" cop"right infringement of the 5laintiff?s worour of the 5laintiff and against the efendantJ and eC !uch other and further ordersC as this $on?ble &ourt ma" deem fit and proper in the circumstances of the case ma" also be passed.
!ignature of the 5laintiffC 5lace 2......................... ate 2.......................... 9:K Ad>ocateC 6%(I)I&A#ION I, ..............., do hereb" solemnl" >erif" that the contents from para 0 to 00 are correct and true to the best of m" ice, which I belie>e to be correct. Affirmed at Indore this 7th a" of !eptember //G.
!ignatureC 5laintiff
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