ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Packag Packages es Limite Limited d is a learni learning ng organi organizat zation ion where where eer! eer! "erson "erson whom whom # interacted d$ring m! internshi" contri%$tes to making this internshi" re"ort& # wo$ld like to acknowledge the e''orts o' the 'ollowing "ersons&
(irst o' all) # wo$ld like to mention the generosit! and kind %ehaior o' #* Manager) Mr& M$hammad Akram Cha$dhr! who gae me a chance to work in
his o$tstanding organization $nder his kind control& #n maki making ng this this re"o re"ort rt)) # can can nee neerr 'org 'orget et the the e''o e''ort rts s o' whol whole e o' the the #* de"artment) which let me) learn the internal working o' de"artments with s$ch
an ease and 'reedom& # wo$ld like to thank Mr& +$l'i,ar) incharge and m! immediate -$"erisor) who alwa!s %een kind eno$gh to lend me a hel"ing hand in gathering in'ormation
'rom all de"artments& A s"ecial thanks to Mr& -arwar Khan) whose gracio$s e''orts let me learn
hiring) $"dating and maintenance o' data& #n Pa!rol Pa!rolll -ectio -ection) n) Mr& Mr& Gha'' Gha''ar ar let me $nder $ndersta stand nd the -alar! -alar! calc$l calc$lati ation on
"rocess& #n #ncentie section) Mr& Tari,) in Esta%lishment section) Mr& Wasi' and Mr& #mtiaz made me learn the incentie calc$lation and internal comm$nication
network thro$gh doc$mentation& Mr& *aees and Mr& Khalid g$ided me a%o$t making "ro"osal on attendance
s!stem o' Packages& # wo$ld like to thank Mr& -ohail who held a isit to the "rod$ction areas o' Packages .$siness /nits and ta$ght me the *$les 0 *eg$lations o' La%or
wel'are& # wo$ld also like to "a! s"ecial thanks to Ms Asma& 1*D Manager who holds
a ma2or contri%$tion in making the detail 1*P "rocess "art o' this re"ort& # wo$ld also like to acknowledge the e''orts o' managers and sta'' o' all other de"artments) who coo"erated in gathering the releant in'ormation a%o$t the working o' Organization&
At the end) nothing can lessen the im"ortance o' Mr& Mr& Atta) whose re'reshments ke"t me alwa!s alie and kicking and d!namic thro$gh o$t m!
sta! in Packages& And last %$t not the least) -ir -hakeel -hakeel Aslam Aslam whose g$idance alwa!s alwa!s was there wheneer # needed&
TA.LE O( CONTENTExecutive Executi ve Summary……………………………………………………..
! #e$t.…………………………………………………………............. …… *ecr$itment and -election 333333333333&&
Per'ormance A""raisal33333333333333&&
Training and Deelo"ment3333333333333
&onc'usions ( !ecommendations………………………………………
*earning as a Student Internee………………………………………….
A$$endix…………………………………………………………………. …
1. E-E&/I0E SMMA!
#) 1amza 1assan st$dent o' ..A 1ON- 'rom COM-AT- #nstit$te o' #n'ormation Technolog! Lahore $ndertook the internshi" with Packages Limited which stands $nrialled in the %$siness o' "ackaging "rod$cts& The $ltimate motie %ehind choosing a man$'act$ring %$siness sector was a large n$m%er o' "ersonnel management actiities which gies a %roader wa! and o$tlook regarding 1$man *eso$rce Management& There'ore) # "ro$dl! 'elt satis'action while working with Packages Limited& The sheer interest and concern o' higher management) e@cellent working conditions and 'easi%le atmos"here with tremendo$s coo"eration o' the sta'' o' all de"artments made the learning "rocess so m$ch eas! and "rod$ctie in all res"ects& As "er re,$irement) the time s"an was too short to coer all o' the as"ects o' een a single area o' s$ch a h$ge "ro2ect& There'ore) the d$ration o' si@ weeks was diided in s$ch a wa! that # can get access and s$''icient in'ormation o' each section o' 1* and in #nd$strial *elations #*B as well& 1oweer) it is essentiall! to %e noted that here #* and 1* work colla%oratiel!& # s"ent almost all si@ weeks in #* and 'or the rest o' two da!s # got an o""ort$nit! to work with 1* de"artment& #t is also worth to %e mentioned that rest o' the de"artments like Marketing) *0D) Acco$nts) and #nd$strial Per'ormance etc also "roed to %e hel"'$l in com"letion o' the tasks assigned&
2. Introducon vervie o t5e rgani6ation7 .rie' histor! Packages Limited is the o$tcome o' an idea to deelo" and %$ild local skill and com"etence in so"histicated "ackaging ind$str! %ased $"on indigeno$s raw material and talent& #t started its %$siness"rod$ction in Ma! 6
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