Ngu Phap Trong Tam on Thi Toeic

September 21, 2017 | Author: Justin Webster | Category: Economies, Business
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Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC

Nội dung bao gồm: 1. Câu bị động ………………………………………..………………2 2. Đại từ……………………………………………………………….9 3. Mệnh đề quan hệ …………………………………………………13 4. So sánh tính từ và trạng từ………………………………..………18 5. Cấu trúc giả định………………………………………………….25 6. Giới từ……………………………………………….……………34 7. Sự hòa hợp giữa chủ ngữ và động từ……………………………..48 8. Các thì…………………………………………………………… 53 9. Số lƣợng…………………………………………………………..60 10. Trợ động từ ………………………………………………………63


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC

1.CÂU BỊ ĐỘNG I. CẤU TRÚC BỊ ĐỘNG hiện tại đơn quá khứ đơn hiện tại tiếp diễn quá khứ tiếp diễn hiện tại hoàn thành quá khứ hoàn thành can/could/will/would/must have to/used to/be going to

is/am/are + V3/ED was/were + V3/ED is/am/are + being + V3/ed was/were + being + V3/ed have/has + been + V3/ed had + been + V3/ed can/could/will/would/must + be + V3/ed have to/used to/be going to + be + V3/ed

EX: Tim buy the book. The book is bought by Tim. II. Một số dạng câu bị động đặc biệt

1. Những cấu trúc bị động không đƣợc sử dụng với giới từ “by” Be disappointed Be frightened + at Be surprised Ex: He was disappointed at breach of contract. Be engaged Be interested Be involved Ex: Be composed Be tired

+ in

+ of

Ex: Our team is composed of the best employees in our company Be committed Be married Be dedicated Be made Be expected

+ to


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC

Ex: Weve are supposed to hold one 45 minutes meeting once a month. Be bored Be covered Be confused Be faced Be filled Be satisfied Be (pre)occupied Be pleased

+ with

Ex: They were preoccupied with the provisions in contract. Her eyes is suddenly filled with tears. The sails were filled with the wind. 2. Động từ have S + have + O ( người) S + have + O (vật)

+ V1 + O (vật) + V3 + BY O (ngƣời)

She has Tom (wash) her car. She has her car (wash) by Tom. 3. Động từ cảm giác (perceptual verbs): see, watch, hear, observe,….. S S

+ V + O + be + p.p + to V1 Ving

+ V1/Ving + by O

My mother saw the children swimming on the water. The children were seen swimming in the lake. They saw the thief steal my purse. The thief was seen to steal my purse. PHÂN BIỆT CHỦ ĐỘNG VÀ BỊ ĐỘNG 1. The children from High School will be……..candy for their annual trip to Paris. a. sell


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC b. sold c. selling d. have sold 2. His mother was………….him to bring a present. a. allowing b. allowed c. to allow d. being allow 3. Because this is a sold-out performance, all attendees are……….. to arrive one hour. a. requested b. requesting c. be requested d. being requested 4. She ……….by him because she didn’t work effectively. a. would not be asked b. would be not asked c. would ask 5. Tom has she …….. the brochure. a. revised b. revise c. revising d. to revise 6. They ……… the specialist look after their health, today. a. had b. have c. stay d. remain 7. The customers had the company ……. money when their products defected. a. predicting b. reminding c. refunded d. refund 8. She …. cook in the kitchen. a. was made to


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC b. was made by c. made d. make 9. She ………...sing this song. a. is expected to b. expected c. expect d. expects 10. The executives...……..with the presentation. a. was satisfied b. were satisfied c. satisfied d. satisfing 11. ……… flowers, the room seems more beautifully. a. covered with b. covering c. to cover d. to have covered 12. They……..a new-member discount. a. can be received b. can received c. can receive d. can be not received 13. He …….for a promotion. a. considers b. has been considering c. has considered d. is being considered 14. Peter Kerensky…………from sale staff to assistant. a. was promoted b. was promoting c. promoted d. has promoted 15. So far, that terms …… committee, so he can not reach his purpose. a. accepted b. accepting c. have not been accepted d. have not accepted 16. Attendance records must….. to the director by next Thursday.


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC a. be submit b. submitted c. be submitted d. submission 17. The company will……. current staff by 10%. a. reduce b. be reduced c. reduced d. reduction 18. The company’s travel budge has…….significant. a. reducing b. reduce c. been reduced d. reduced 19. A survey of mobile phone use…..…the company. a. was conducted with b. was conducted by c. were conducting d. conducted 20. The job has already been…….. by her. a. finished b. finishing c. finish d. to finish 21. The outstanding balance of value customer must……… next month. a. pay b. paid c. is paid d. be paid 22. The meeting ……..on March 1, 2006 on Lion street. a. hold b. was held c. has been held d. holding 23. Please………..the windows closed. a. remain b. became c. let d. keep


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC 24. Interested applicants should…………a impressing resumé and cover letter to Mr. Pike by next Monday. a. submit b. be submitted c. submitted d. be submitting 25. They are………… application within 7 days. a. accepted b. accepting c. being accepted d. to accept e. 26. They will not be………. Financial statements. a. issued b. issuing c. having issued d. to issue 27. To apply for the position, all the requested information should be ………to the address below. a. sending b. send c. sent d. sender 28. All customers who apply and ………….for a Baltigone Furniture Card will receive free home delivery for all their purchases. a. are approved b. is approving c. approved d. approving 29. Due to the rivising cost of materials, Hirosue Manufacturing will be………….on ak of its products. a. increased b. increasing c. increase d. increasive 30. All visitors to Croke County Hospital are………… register at the reception if they wish too see patients. a. require


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC b. requiring c. required d. been required 31. This marketing position ……………at least two years of experience in a related field. a. required b. requiring c. requires d. requiriment 32. Trans Allantitc Inc. tour guides are………….to be the most knowledgeable and friendly in the tourist industry. a. considered b. considering c. consideration d. consider 33. The Palmdale Resort is……………complimentary massage to guests who stay for more than two rights. a. offered b. offering c. offer d. be offer


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC






I We They You He She It

my our their your his her its

mine ours theirs yours his hers its

me us them you him her it

myself ourselves themselves yourself/yourselves himself herself itself

Làm chủ ngữ.



My hair is long.

Ex: My hair is longer than hers (=her hair)

Túc từ: Làm tân ngữ

S+V+O, S + V

That is Mr. Jack, he is a effective manager.

Ex: Do you often contact him?

Đại từ phản thân: 1. S + V



Ex: She carries out herself this job. 2. S + oneself + V : dùng để nhấn mạnh Ex: She herself carries out this job. 3. By oneself = alone = on one’s own : một mình She carries out this job by herself. 1. I go for a walk by………. a. myself b. himself c. me d. him


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC

2. He requests the secretary made a appointment for….... on Monday morning. a. him b. himself c. her d. me 3. To make the staff questionnaire more effective, all company employees should fill in the answers by………. a. himself b. theirself c. themselves d. theirselves 4. Joe Jefferson, the purchasing manager, will contact each supplier…………to negotiate shipping prices. a. himself b. itself c. themselves d. him 5. This publication is mainly recommended to……….considering a move to an independent consulting career. a. their b. yourself c. anyone d. it 6. With………new line of cars and reduced prices, GQ Motors is now once again the nation’s number one automotive company. a. its b. itself c. them d. they 7. The employees waited patiently during the momentary suspension of……… accounts and security passwwords. a. them b. their c. theirs d. themselve


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC 8. Since Satun’s employees frequently travel, the president wants a system that forwards calls to them as…………travel to any of the offices in Europe. a. they b. them c. he d. him 9. Because many of the warehouse workers were out sick today, Mr.Miller had to stock the goods on the shelves……….. a. itself b. himself c. herself d. him 10. If the task is too complicated to figure out on………..own, please don’t hesitate to ask one of our representatives, who are here to help. a. you b. your c. yours d. yourself 11. After Ms.Johnes receives all the customer evaluation forms, she will begin carefully reviewing…… a. herself b. her c. them d. it 12. At this year’s orientation session, the general manager………..took the time to personally welcome all new recruits in her usual, affable manner. a. herself b. she c. her d. herselves 13. A extra customer service training session will be help before work tommorrow morning for……who were absent from Friday’s seminar. a. these b. those c. that d. him


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC 14. It seems that laborers in underdeveloped countries would rather have their children help……… work than enroll them in school. a. they b. them c. themselves d. itself 15. After Jones receives all the customers evaluation forms, she will begin carefully reviewing…….. a. them b. theirs c. himself d. it 16. Please inform Mr. Geoffrey that we couldn’t possibly thank……..enough for his excellent work in negotiation the new sales contract. a. him b. himself c. themselves d. them


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC

3.MỆNH ĐỀ QUAN HỆ I. MỆNH ĐỀ QUAN HỆ 1. WHO: đại từ quan hệ chỉ người, đứng sau danh từ chỉ người, chức năng làm chủ ngữ. Ex: He was a scientist. He received The Nobel Rize. He who received The Nobel Rize was a scientist. 2. WHOM: đại từ quan hệ chỉ người, đứng sau danh từ chỉ ngƣời, chức năng làm tân ngữ. Ex: He was a my friend. I met him a year ago. He whom I met a year ago was a my friend. 3. WHICH: đại từ quan hệ chỉ vật, đứng sau danh từ chỉ vật, chức năng làm chủ ngữ hoặc tân ngữ. Ex: The book is interesting. She bought it yesterday. The book which she bought yesterday is interesting. He often helps everyone, which makes him become friendly. ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… 4. THAT: thay cho Who/Whom/Which. Dùng That: - Trong mệnh đề quan hệ xác định (the, this, these, those, his, her… -

Luôn dùng “ that” sau: all, everything, something, anything, little, much, none và so sánh nhất.

KHÔNG DÙNG THAT: sau dấu phẩy “,” 5. WHOSE: đại từ quan hệ chỉ sở hữu, thay thế cho tính từ sở hữu trước danh từ, đứng sau danh từ chủ sở hữu. Ex: I will introduce you to the man. His knowledge is necessary for your project. I will introduce you to the man whose knowledge is necessary for your project. 6. WHEN: đứng sau danh từ chỉ thời gian. Ex: Thurdays is the day when she meet her father. at/on/in which, then when


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC

7. Where: đứng sau danh từ chỉ nơi chốn. Ex: Paris is the place where I want to come. at/in/to which, there where 8. WHY: đứng sau “the reason” chỉ lí do. That is the reason why she tries to work hard. II. GIỚI TỪ TRONG MỆNH ĐỀ QUAN HỆ The teacher whom we studies with a month is Mr. Rock. ……………………………………………………………

WHOM Giới từ + WHICH

Nếu giới từ đứng cuối mệnh đề quan hệ thuộc một cụm động từ thì không đem giới từ ra trƣớc whom, which. Ex: That is the hat which he is looking for. III. 1. 2.

1. 2.

RÚT GỌN MỆNH ĐỀ QUAN HỆ A. DẠNG CHỦ ĐỘNG : Ving The man who is playing tennis with her is a actress. The man playing tennis with her is a actress. The customers who complainted about service should see the manager. …………………………………………………………………………. B. DẠNG BỊ ĐỘNG: V3/ed The automatic system which is created by Mr. Sidney is good pratice. The automatic system created by Mr. Sidney is good pratice. She who was interviewed a days ago was entirely suitable. …………………………………………………………………………..


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC

EXERCISES 1. 2. 3. 4.

The house (paint) in white is where he lives. Tom lives in a building (have) twenty storeys. He (invite) to her birthday is teacher. My friend,Jack,(that, who, whose) parents live in Glasgow, invited me to spend Christmas in Scotland. 5. This is the gun with (that, whom, which) the murder was committed. 6. The meal,(that, which, whose) wasn’t very tasty, was expensive. 7. She gives her children everything (that, what, who) they want. 8. Tell me (what, that, which) you want and I’ll have you. 9. He teaches me (how/where/what/when) to play the guitar 10. (What/Which/Who/That) he have to do before receives this job. 11. He ask her (what,when,which,that) he should do it. 12. The reason (why, that, what) I phoned him was to invite him to party 13. I don’t like people (who, whom, whose) never stops talking. 14. I don’t believe the story (that, who, whom) she told us. 15. I live in Vietnam (in which/whom/that) I was born. 16. The mother teach me (how/what/where) to cook the food. 17. ………he ask for information, we will be happy to help you with all our heart. a. Whenever b. Where c. Who d. Whatever 18. …………you send the package, just make sure it gets there before noon tomorrow. a. Wherever b. Whenever c. How d. What 19. Roaming service makes it possible to use your mobile phone…… go in France, America, China. a. what b. whatever


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC c. wherever d. whomever 20. At certain shops in populous areas, they sell imitation bags and shoes,….is illegal. a. which b. where c. but d. who 21. …….interested in the film can contact me, if you want to get a free ticket to the festival. a. Whoever b. Someone c. Anyone d. One 22. Any person……was involved in this case is advised to consult a lawyer. a. who b. whoever c. whom d. she 23. The latest company report indicates…………lower profitability is likely over the next quarter due to the increased cost of resources. a. which b. that c. when d. why 24. ……does not want to receive mailing services may call our Customer Service Center at a toll-free number. a. Anyone b. Some c. Whoever d. None 25. A Grandeur spokesperson also stated that ample parking space is available,………an underground facility. a. what includes b. which includes c. where include


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC d. who includes 26. This intimate event,……… a luxurious resort in LA, is a gathering of the industry’s most influential “thought leaders”. a. located b. locating c. location d. locate 27. We are a business strategy consulting firm……….the top management of leading corporations. a. served b. serving c. serve d. are serving 28. The head of the IT Hepartment called a meeting…………the company’s new electronic security guidelines. a. introducing b. introduced c. introduction d. to introduce 29. Any person………to donate money to non-profit organizations is supposed to complete a document afterward. a. wished b. wishing c. to wish d. wish


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC


So sánh bằng 1. Tính từ S + Linking Verbs + as + ADJ + as + S2 Ex: This printer is as effective as that one. That bedroom is twice as heavy as the one. 2. Trạng từ S1 + V + as + adv + as + S2 Ex: Fill out this form as quickly as possible 2. Danh từ S1 + as + many/few + noun

+ as


Ex: He has as many books as she does. II. So sánh không bằng tính từ

trạng từ

S1 + Linking Verbs + not + as + adj + as + S2

S1 + V + not + as + adv + as +S2

Ex: This inflation rate this year is not as high as last year


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC

So sánh hơn


1. Tính từ và trạng từ: S1 +


ADJ/ADV (ngắn) + ER + THAN + S2 MORE + ADJ/ADV (dài)

+ THAN + S2

Nhấn mạnh: THÊM FAR/ MUCH S1 + V + far/much +

ADJ/ADV (ngắn) + ER + THAN + S2

far/much + more/less +ADJ/ADV (dài)

+ THAN + S2

Ex: My book is far thicker than yours. His car is far more expensive than mine. 2. Danh từ: S +


+ more/fewer/less/ + noun + than

Ex: He has less money than she has. IV. SO SÁNH KÉP 1. càng........càng The + SSH + S + V, The + SSH + S + V Ex: The higher the sun ries, the warrner the weather is. The more difficult the test is, the bader the mark is. 2. càng ngày càng . adj/adv (ngắn) Ex: This tree is higher and higher. . adj/adv (dài)


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC She becomes more and more beautiful.

V. SO SÁNH NHẤT adj/adv (ngắn) + est S + V + THE

most + adj/adv (dài) least

+ S2

+ adj/adv (dài)

Ex: He is the tallest in this class.

Bảng so sánh tính từ, trạng từ bất quy tắc


So sánh hơn

So sánh nhất







little (amount)



little (size)



much / many



far (place + time)



far (place)




Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC late (time)



near (place)



old (people and things)



1. She works as……….money as he do. a. much b. many c. little d. a & c is correct 2. He has as……… as she do. a. few b. many c. much d. a & b is correct 3. She doesn’t have………..experince as he does. a. as much b. as many c. many d. too many 4. Let me show you a……………way to print out that report. a. more better b. best c. better d. the best 5. His dog is……….of the two. a. the prettier b. prettiest c. the prettiest


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC d. prettiest 6. Between them, she is…… a. the bigger b. bigger c. the biggest d. biggest 7. His resignation happened at the……………possible time. a. most b. worst c. worse d. terrible 8. The Springborg Hotel chain’s attention to detail and business-friendly pricing structure make our hotels……….to any others in the mid-priced hotel bracket. a. better b. most c. superior d. advanced 9. One of the…………moments of my life was the moment that I saw the – face of my new-born daughter for the first time. a. great b. greatest c. greater d. greatly 10. The budget cut made our project…………more difficult. a. many b. very c. so d. even


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC 11. Customers who join the Tracey Department Store Membership Club can get as much……..20 percent off on all items in stock. a. than b. as c. for d. with 12. Located near Kaitaia on the east coast of the North Island, 90 Mile Beach is one of New Zealand’s…………….. tourist sites. a. most attractive b. more attractive c. attractive d. more attractive than 13. Under a new law, accountants who produce false documents are subject to…………….penalties than they were a few years ago. a. harsher b. harsh c. harshly d. harshest. 14. Most employees find it……………and more convenient to go to a printing shop rather than use the photocopier on the third floor.. a. fast b. faster c. fastest d. fasten 15. Creativity and productivity can be increased if our employees are able to spend…….time doing repetitive and routine task. a. less b. least


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC c. lesser d. lessen 16. The more motivated the workers are, the……….the productivity becomes. a. high b. higher c. most high d. more higher 17. Our staff prefers to fly than to use other modoes of transportation since it is much more……….. a. convenient b. conveniently c. convenience d. the convenient 18. You should hand in the sales report to the boss as…………as possible. a. quick b. quickly c. quicker d. quickest 19. Trade journals reveal that the………computers are popular for good reason. a. most late b. most c. latest d. most latest 20. According to recent reports, the economic situation is not…..serious as most anylysist think. a. very b. as c. that d. too


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC

5.TRẠNG TỪ VÀ TÍNH TỪ I. Trạng từ 1. Cách thành lập: Trạng từ đƣợc thành lập bằng cách thêm hậu tố “ LY” vào sau tính từ. Ex: currently, effectively, reasonably, properly……………………… 2. Đảo ngữ ADV + TRỢ TỪ + S + V 1 + O. (never/only/rarely/seldom/hardly/nowhere/not only/under no circumstances…) Ex: He not only refused to help me but he also laughed at me. Not only did he refuse to help……………………………. Ex: You should not travel alone under any circumstances. Under no circumstances should you travel alone. Only twice in the last thirty years……….the company seen such low sales figures. a. has b. does c. since d. have II. Tính từ: Là những từ tận cùng có đuôi: able, al, ful, nt, tive, ious, tory, ic, ed, ing. Able: affortable, available, considerable, responsible, eligable Al: substantial, initial, local Ful: successful, useful Tive: effective, competitive, imperative, attractive, successive, consecutive, Ent: current, apparent, confident, urgent Ous: dangerous, generous, humorous BLE: responsible, flexible Less: careless, harmless Ly: frinedly, lovely, costly,


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC Y: rainy, muddy Ic: economic, specific Tory: mandatory Ed: interested, surprised, bored Ing`: interesting, surprising, boring Ex: I am interested in this book. This book is interesting. That is book interesting. Everybody was (surprised/surprising) at his successful report. He is a very (interested/interesting) person. She studies very fastly. She has made (astonishing/astonished) progress. It was a really (terrifying/terrified) experience. late (a/adv): trể lately (a/adv): gần đây hard (a/adv): chăm chỉ hardly (a/adv): hầu nhƣ không


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC

Vị trí của trạng từ và tính từ


Tính từ - Đứng trước danh từ Ex: The girl have long hair.

Trạng từ - Đứng trước tính từ Ex: She finishes quickly difficult job.

Đứng sau động từ to be, stay, remain, become, seem, feel, look, keep, make… Ex: She is a considerate person. She becomes confused when meeting me.

- Đứng trước trạng từ Ex: Mary has fulfilled the work completely well.


- Đứng sau động từ thường Ex: He speaks English fluently.

- Nhấn mạnh: trạng từ đứng trước V thường. Ex: He always deal with the mail first.


- Đứng đầu câu Ex: Unfortunately, the tickets are sold out. - Be/have + adv + V2/ed/ing Ex: This contract is successfully signed.


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC

1. The Department of Industrial Relations no longer believes that……………reiews of employee pay and conditions are necessary. a. most regularly b. more regular c. regularly d. regular 2. To make………..decisions, all team members will refer to the recent materials. a. strategic b. strateg c. stratingly d. stratetation 3. Everybody knows that it is a………… market. a. complete b. competitive c. competitively d. competition 4. A………number of people attended the conference. a. consider b. consideration c. considerate d. considerable 5. At Jack’s Kitchen, we sell top-quality knives and cooking equipment at surprisingly ….…..prices. a. affordable b. affordably c. affordability d. afford 6. Applicants are advised to fill out an application form concisely to impress potential emloyees, without being too…….or boring. a. repeat b. repeating c. repetitive


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC d. repitition 7. The members of the tour group were……….to gather together at the front entrance of the museum. a. instruct b. instructed c. instructing d. instruction 8. Although the two automobiles have greatly different prices, they are………in performance. a. comparation b. comparable c. comparate d. comparating 9. The Oblack Chamber Orchestra from Belaras will be………… week at the Lilac Theater for one night only. a. performed b. performingly c. performing d. performance 10. Payment should be…………to the accounting department at Shole Human Resources-Consulting by September 22 at the latest. a. remitted b. remitting c. remit d. remittion 11. The members of the tour group were……….to gather together at the front entrance of the museum. a. instructing b. instructed c. instruction d. instruct 12. An investigation conducted by a private group indicated that there is an…………demand for qualified employees in inner-city business. a. increase b. increasing c. increased


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC d. increasingly 13. The Federal Reserve Bank managed to keep inflation…………throughout the period that economy was in recession. a. low b. lowly c. lower d. lowing 14. It remains………….that a merger will increase profitability in the medium term because of the hight cost redundancy packages. a. doubt b. doubtful c. doubtfully d. doubted 15. The company will conduct its business in an…….. manner. a. effective b. effecting c. effected d. effection 16. Despite being a newcomer to the field of ship building, Upgrade Engineering has achieved…………..results in its first year. a. enviable b. enviably c. enviability d. Enviablen 17. The weekend program of special activities for handicapped children was a great success thanhks to those who generously………their time. a. volunteered b. volunteering c. voluntary d. voluntarily 18. Although he did not perform…………well as a student, he went on to become one of the most respected scholars in his field. a. especially b. especial c. special d. specially


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC 19. Please place your luggage in the overhead looker and ensure that the locker is closed…………. a. secure b. securely c. security d. secured 20. Earthquake damage has caused some of the communications network to shut down…………until essential repairs are carried out. a. completion b. completely c. complaint d. complaintly 21. She isn’t hard but….. she passes this test. a. fortunately b. fortunate c. fortunating d. fortunated 22. We have been meeting with them daily since the end of the month and….signed agreement. a. besides b. still c. further d. ever 23. That is the place to go for hight – quality and……priced harware and home renovation equipment. a. reasonable b. reasonably c. reasoned d. reasoning 24. He describes the harmful effects of mercury, a chemical substance……….know for its use in toy manufacturing. a. primary b. primarily c. primal d. primacy


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC 25. Reorganizing the entire department to create an additional work shift proved not to be as………as some had though. a. simple b. simply c. ensure d. exceptionally 26. The manager said that all applicants should fill out application……… a. promptly b. prompt c. prompting d. prompted 27. According to the staff rule, the cooking are needs to be cleaned……..every night before the restaurant closes. a. thorough b. thoroughing c. thoroughed d. thoroughly 28. Even though the finance executive didn’t personally authorize the illegal purchase, he is…………..responsible for the actions of everyone on his crew. a. indirect b. indirectly c. indirection d. indirected 29. Should anyone enter your home without your permission while you are at work, your homesure security system will……….send you email and cell phone alerts. a. automatical b. automatic c. automatically d. automating 30. The manufacturing firm, which had been search for opportunities to expand its operations, has………acquired a new factory in Newark. a. finally b. final c. finaless d. to final


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC 31. Cosda is a good mall to frequent, as it is spacious and……located with lots of free parking. a. convenient b. conveniently c. convenience d. more convenient 32. You will be routinely asked to undergo a medical exam before beginning new employment that is known to be………stressful. a. extreme b. extremely c. extremity d. extremes 33. HRF.Medical supplies is pround to have been chosen for the contract and it looks forward to a………beneficial business relationship with Gilrest Hospital. a. mutually b. mutual c. more mutual d. most mutual


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC



S1 + V


(that) +


+ (not) + V1

(ask, require, request, suggest, recommend, decrease, insist, move, propurse, urge, stipulate)


It + (be)



+ S2

+ (not)

+ V1

(essential, vital, necessary, important, mandartory,...........

1. It's essential he.............his term paper by the and of next week. a. submit b. submits c. will submit d. to submit 2. Although the doctor recommended that work for the three days, he went to work today. a. must not go b. not go c. not to go d. does not go


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC

7.GIỚI TỪ 1. at - at 9 a..m, at night, at present, at once, at night,…….. - at home/ at the station/at price/ at the the end/……… 2. on - on Monday/ on March 25th/ on New Year’s Eve - on TV/ on the second floor/ on N.DU street/ on the market/ on the Internet 3. in - in 2013 - in March - in spring - in the morning - in the office/ in Paris EX: He will present at precisely 10 p.m, on October 21th. 4. for: for 5 years/ fỏ a month/ 5. during + thời điểm, thời kì ( vacation/ the meeting/the performance…) 6. by + time Ex: He must submit the applications by Tuesday. 7. into: vào trong 8. with: với Ex: The secretary will provide us with important documents. 9. under: Ex: Under these circumtances, she must try harder. 10. of: của, về


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC Ex: Tom was aware of his action. 11. along: dọc theo 12. behind: phía sau 13. beyond: phía trƣớc 14. between…..and: ở giữa ( so sánh hai đối tƣợng) 15. among: trong số (so sánh hơn hai đối tƣợng) 16. beside: bên cạnh 17. besides: ngoài ra 18. from: từ 19. throughout:

+ +

time: xuyên suốt place: khắp nơi

Ex: throughout a year Ex: throughout country

20. within……of: trong vòng Ex: 21. for, to//////for, in Ex: The train for Hong Kong will leave in 3 minutes.


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC

GIỚI TỪ Because of, due to, owning to

LIÊN TỪ Because, since, as, seeing that, now that

NGHĨA Bởi vì

Despite, in spite of

Although, even though, even if, though So that, in order that In case: phòng khi

Mặc dù

In order to, so as to In the case of: trong trƣờng hợp Instead of According to

Moreover, further more However, nevertheless Therefore, thus, so Unless, if….not, otherwise, or While, whereas Meanwhile As if, as though Provided, as long as, providing Assuming that Not only….but also Both…..and Either….or Neitheir…nor Whether….or (not)

Để mà Bởi vì Theo nhƣ Hơn thế nữa Tuy nhiên Vì vậy nếu không Trong khi Trong khi Nhƣ thể, dƣờng nhƣ Miễn là Giả sử rằng Không những….mà còn Vừa….vừa Hoặc…hoặc Cũng…không Có….không

SINCE + (N.P/ CLAUSE/TIME): bởi vì, kể từ khi UNTIL + (N.P/CLAUSE/TIME): cho đến khi ONCE: một khi, đã từng NGUYÊN TẮC: - GIỚI TỪ + N.P (despite + N.P)


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC - KHÔNG GIỚI TỪ + CLAUSE 1. She has lived in New York (within/for/since) last year. 2. I have taught this school (for/since) 2 years. 3. The engineer has been fixing the computer for four hours. 4. She has a meeting with the manager in three hours. 5. Mary will go to Paris (in/for/before/within) ten days. 6. The secretary must forward this document to director (until/by/at/within) 10 p.m. 7. This store is open (until/by/at/within) 11p.m 8. You can get a full refund (within/by/on/for) 30 days of purchase. 9. Her project is likely (to/on/at) sucecessful. 10. A variety (about/of/to) music makes me interested. 11. He apologized to her (for/about/from) late. 12. I retained (to/of/from) my account 10$. 13. We is very happy in honor (of/about/to) organising this banquet. 14. He and I contrary (in/to/at) this problem. 15. She reminded him (of/from/to) register for the annual meeting. 16. It is important (to/about/for) him to conduct this project. 17. Special events scheduled at the resort provide guest (with/for/to) entertainment. 18. She has worked (as/with/of) a professional violinist for over 5 years. 19. He cover letter (for/in/to) his mother. 20. The children insist (in/by/on) that present. 21. John takes advantages (about/of/in) chance to be promoted. 22. The candy based (on/of/to) ancient Chinese traditional medicine. 23. This product will increase (about/of/by) 10% in next year. 24. Rice price cut down (in/on/to). 25. Jack is about (in/to/of) aboard. 26. I think you should complaint (to/about/by) the manager about the bad services.


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC 27. Please explain the current situation (about/on/in) detail. 28. We’’ll recharge the battery for every vehicle that needs it……no extra cost. a. at b. by c. over d. from 29. If you are interested in buying discounted filght tickets, you must book them at least six months…….your trip. a. for b. former c. prior to d. to 30. This carton

should be kept………reach of children at all times because it

contains hazardous materials. a. out of b. far way c. without d. within 31. We are going to receiving a special bonus this month because sales……..the second quarter reached a record high contract. a. at b. in c. on d. to 32. Mr.Watanabe will come back to the office on April 2,…..which time he will treat all inquiries about the new downsizing policy. a.


b. at


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC c.


d. with 33. A new strategic plan………increasing productivity was introduced at the last meeting of the board of directors. a.


b. by c.




34. Wonjun Choi, chief executive officer of, briefed all his staff members…….the news about the new employee website. a. on b. at c.


d. for 35. New members……..the health club are eligible for special benefits. a.


b. with c.


d. for 36. The company succeeded in reducing costs……..investing heavily in technology. a. by b. to c.


d. for 37. In a desperate move to increase their revenues to meet their sales goal, the company is planning to offer a special discount……..its customers. a.


b. to


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC c.


d. upon 38. The Federal Reserve Bank managed to keep inflation low……the period that the economy was in recession. a. throughout b. among c.


d. for 39. All resident of the neighborhood should be cautioned not to use any water taps………the repair is in progress. a.


b. due to c.


d. because of 40. …………he has a lot of experience, he was able to get a job easily. a.

Even though

b. Because c.

Due to

d. In spite of 41. They attempted to both enlarge their business……..specialized their services, which was difficult to do. a.


b. or c.




42. Due to the renovation of the entire building, one of the highly popular restaurants, Outveck, will be closed………further notice. a. prior to


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC b. before c. within d. until 43. According to the packaing date recorded on the carton, the dairy produce nedds to be consumed on ……before the 16th of February. a. but b. from c. to d. or 44.

We have been very haappy working here and thank you for your

guidance…….our employment. a. into b. before c. during d. to 45.

We are considering operating the plant as a joint business……..your

company and ours. b. both c. either d. among e. between 46. …………the 7-day trial period has ended, customers are welcome to return all equipment for a full refund. a. Beyond b. During c. Between d. After


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC 47. Emloyees are not eligble to apply for insurance benefits until they have been employed…….a period of 30 days. a. since b. about c. for d. while 48. The research function of the company’s website doesn’t not allow people to access certain information……entering a user name and passworld first. a. how b. what c. without d. whenever 49. ……….his public speech on the new taxation plan, the governor answered nmany question from concerned citizens. a. During b. For c. Without d. By 50. Most forecasts are predicting that the stromy weather around San Bernadino will clrear up……..Tuesday at the earliests. a. between b. by c. within d. until 51. All entries for the price draw to win a fee trip for 4 to Cosmic Planet in Orlando must be submitted…………..November 23 at the latest. a. until b. by


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC c. for d. over 52. The discount chain Cut-Price Grocery has over 75 stores in towns and cities…………California. a. amid b. throughout c. under d. between 53. The tour of the production facilities in Mexico, which will take lace on Friday morning, was mistakenly amitted…….the itinerary sent to Ms. Kim. a. from b. by c. for d. To 54. Customer can receive

a 10% discount on any store purchase of 100$ or

less………filling out one of the survey forms. a. in b. as c. with d. by 55. ……’s unprecdictable economy, the law of supply and demand does not function the same as it once did. a. on b. without c. in d. to 56. The hightlight of the ceremony was the presentation………..a special award to world-renowned research er Dr.Townsend.


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC a. of b. for c. from d. by 57. An adventure story about a mountain climber’s trip to Africa will be featured…………next month’s issue. a. with b. to c. about d. in 58. On account of your poor credit rating, we will not ship the merchandise to you………we have received payment in full. a. within b. for c. by d. until 59. Gentle Electronics will repair or replace any product that has been damaged so long as it is still…..warranty. a. on b. under c. throughout d. behind 60.

Volunteers for Peace International must endure some of the harshest working conditions,……….they continue to bring help and hope to communities worldwwide. a. so as to b. for


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC c. once d. yet 61. John is a bit nervous because he will give a speech………the board members this afternoon. a. by b. on c. to d. during 62. ………..Mr.Bingham’s promotion became official, may of his colleagues have approached him to congratulate him. a. Despite b. Nevertheless c. Since d. whether 63. The prepairperson will not come…… make an appointment at least 24 hours in advance. a.








64. It is often reported in the press…….bonuses paid to chief executives are excessive and do not take actual performance into consideration. a. that b. what c. so d. whereas


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC 65. According to the company’s leave policy, employees will be paid for their sick leaves……..they submit confirmation from a physician. a. as if b. as many as c. only if d. yet 66. ……people who love their work need time to relax and enjoy themselves. a. Also b. Even c. Nevertheless d. And 67. The proceeds from the charity auction will go to the Gatling Foundation……..the Books for Tots program. a. and b. but c. so d. yet


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC


Nguyên tắc cơ bản

S (số ít) + V (số ít) + O S (số nhiều) + V (số nhiều) + O  DỰA VÀO S V 1. Enrollment in computer courses…….. increased for the past few years.











2. The…………..of exercising regularly while pregnant surpass staying sedentary during pregnancy. a.








N1 +





V (N1)


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC




V (số ít)

Trừ every people V (số nhiều) 2. Hình thức số nhiều nhƣng chia số ít: news, physics, meals, the United States, ABC Industries……. 3. Danh từ không đếm đƣợc, furniture, water, traffic, knowledge, homewwork……………. 4. Thời gian, số tiền, khoảng cách, đơn vị đo lƣờng 5. Mệnh đề quan hệ bắt đầu Who, what, that,…..đóng chức năng chủ ngữ. Who What + S + V ( số ít) That Ex: That you do exercise regularly is useful for healthy. 6. Ving/ To V1 làm chủ ngữ V (số ít) Ex: Writting many letters makes her happy. III. ĐỘNG TỪ CHIA SỐ NHIỀU 1. Danh từ tập hợp + Tính từ

.Ex: The poor are hard.


V (số nhiều) + People, poplice


IV. 1.

along with N1


as well as together with




V (chia theo N1)

Ex: He, as well as, his friends studies hard.


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC 2. Eitheir


Neither + N1 + NOR + N2 + V (chia theo N2) Not only BUT ALSO 3. The number of + N (số nhiều) + V (số nhiều) A number of

+ N (số nhiều)

+ V (số ít)

Excercise 1.

Certification of compliance with international standards ………a requirment of all pharmaceutical companies wishing to operate in New Zealand.







to be



The……… for the conference room is posted on the bullentin board at the Help Desk. a.








3. Reducing the costs……… more difficult than we had expected.










The sales reports from the regional branches………. a.

has been reviewed.


have been reviewed.


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC c.




The ………….for the vacant position are advised to submit required


documents prior to the deadline. a.








6. The Palmdale resort is offering a complimentary massage to guests who…… for more than two nights. a. stays b. stay c. to stay d. stayed 7. The results of recent tests ………..that further changes are needed. a. indicate b. indicates c. indicate d. indicated 8. The decision regarding the merger of the two companies……….to the public yesterday. a. was announced b. announced c. were announced d. announcing 9. The regulations governing animal research……..many provisions to safeguard animal welfare. a. contains b. contain c. have been contained d. is containing


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC 10. Travel Trends…… of America’s most popular international travel magazines, with subscribers in more than sixty different countries. worldwide. a. are b. been c. is d. being 11. Houses in the exclusive Watershed Community usually……. on the market for no more than one or two months before they are sold. a. stay b. stays c. staying d. stayed 12. HRF Medical Supplies………proud to have been chosen for the contract and it looks forward to a mutually beneficial business relationship with Gilcrest Hospital. a. has b. have c. are d. is 13. Benson Steel’s profits next year ……..expected to surpass last year’s profits by at least 22 percent. a. are b. is c. been d. being 14. PebeKids plans ti investigate numerous……..about the technical problems related to its new infant carrier. a. complain b. complaints c. complaining d. complainer


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC

9.THÌ I.



S + IS/AM/ARE V1/V(s/es)



+ O

PĐ: S + IS/AM/ARE + NOT +VING + O PĐ: S + IS/AM/ARE NOT + O NV: IS/AM/ARE + S + VING + O? S + DON’T/DOESN’T + V (nguyên mẫu) + O NV:(Wh)DO/DOES + S+ V(nguyên mẫu) + O ? 2. CÁCH DÙNG - Diễn tả một thói quen Ex: I constantly go to bed at 11 p.m. - Diễn tả một chân lí, một sự thật hiển nhiên Ex:The sun gets in the West. - Diễn tả một lịch trình có sẵn Ex: The plane takes off at 6 p.m tommorrow morning. - Dùng trong mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian: When, whenever, as soon as, until, before Ex: Lina will go until he comes. He will go as soon as she agrees with him. Dấu hiệu: Always, constantly: luôn luôn Ex: He constantly arrives on time for the meeting. Often/ usually/ frequently: thƣờng Ex: She frequently studies English. Sometimes/occcasionally/from time to time: thỉnh thoảng Ex: She occasionally complaints about their service. Seldom/rarely: ít khi Ex: She rarely drinks beers. Every day/ week/month Ex: I do exercise every day

2. Cách dùng - Diễn tả một hành động đang xảy ra ở hiện tại. Ex: He is currently installing a new program computer. - Dùng để diễn tả một hành động ngay lúc nói - Ex: The experts are discussing the matter in detail now. - KHÔNG dùng thì HTTD với các động từ cảm giác tri giác: see, hear, want, smell, love, believe, understand,…….. 3. Dấu hiệu Now right now at the present at the moment currently 3 p.m yesterday


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC






Cách dung - Diễn tả một hành động xảy ra ở quá khứ và kéo dài đến hiện tại. I have lived in Vietnam for 25 years. - Diễn tả một hành động xảy ra ở trong quá khứ không xác định thời điểm. I have lost your book. Dấu hiệu: - FOR/SINCE For + khoảng thời gian .Ex: for 10 years Since + mốc thời gian .Ex: since 1989 She has waited for him (since/for) 6 o’clock. - Already, yet, just, recently, lately, - up to now, up to the present, so far: cho đến bây giờ - It is the first time/ It is the second time - In/over/during/for + the last/past + time Ex: She hasn’t seen him over the last 2 years. - S + HTHT + SINCE + S + QKĐ. Ex: I have taught for 2 years since I graduated from university. 2. HIỆN TẠI HOÀN THÀNH TIẾP DIỄN


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC


- Nhấn Ex: He III.

Cách dùng: mạnh hành động (study) English for 7 years



V2/ED + O.

Cách dùng : Diễn tả một hành động xảy ra ở quá khứ và chấm dứt

hoàn toàn ở quá. Ex: She went to Ha Noi last year. - Dấu hiệu Last night/month/year Yesterday, ago In + year Last, today, this morning Ex: She often wears shirt but today she wore ao – dai.

2. Quá khứ tiếp diễn

S + was/were + Ving + O


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC


Cách dùng Diễn tả hành động xảy ra tại một thời điểm xác định trong quá khứ. Ex: He was reading book at 8p.m yesterday.


Diễn tả hành động đang xảy ra ở quá khứ, hành động khác xem vào Ex: When he came yesterday, she was still sleeping. - Hai hành động xảy ra song song trong quá khứ Ex: While Tom was studying, his mother was cooking. Dấu hiệu At this time last night While She usually (cry) when she was sad. When he (be) ten, his parents (die).



Cách dùng: Diễn tả hành động xảy ra trƣớc một thời gian trong quá khứ

Ex: Mary had gone to Paris before 2012. - Diễn tả một hành động xảy ra trƣớc một hành động khác trong quá khứ Ex: When she found picture, he had gone. 2. Quá khứ hoàn thành tiếp diễn

S +




Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC Dùng để nhấn mạnh tiếp diễn Ex: She had been doing this job for 3 years before you came. Ex: By the end of last August, He had been working for this company for 10 years. He said yesterday that he had gone to HCM city. He said yesterday that he went to HCM city in 2012. V. TƢƠNG LAI 1. TƢƠNG LAI ĐƠN S +




Ex: She will stay here until he comes. DẤU HIỆU I think, I’m afraid,probaly………… Ex: He thinks he will sign this contract. 2. TƢƠNG LAI GẦN S + BE GOING TO + V1




Cách dùng: diễn tả hành động sẽ hoàn tất trƣớc một thời điểm hoặc một hành động khác ở tƣơng lai. Ex: By next August, He will have worked for this company. By + thời gian ở tƣơng lai: chia thì HTHT



5. S





Cách dùng: Dùng để nhấn mạnh thời gian Ex: By next August, He will have been working for this company for 10 years. Exercise

1. The committee………..the proposal at the moment. a. was reviewing b. is reviewing c. reviews d. reviewed 2. This morning, he…………the report. a. submitted b. submitts c. submits d. submission 3. Pam International……….its workforce by 10 percent over the last two years. a. increase b. decrease a. has increased b. increases 4. By the end of last March, I……English for 5 years. a. had been studying b. had studied


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC c. studied d. have studied 5. By the time you come there, she……….a big cake. a. will made b. will have made c. makes d. made 6. Extreme










SkateExtreme……..on March 1, a month earlier than anticipated. a. have been starting b. are being started c. are started d. will be starting 7. All the company’s data………when the computer room caught on fire. a. is lost b. loses c. losing d. was lost


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC

10.SỐ LƯỢNG 1. SOME: dùng trong câu khẳng định và câu đề nghị lịch sự. Ex: Would you like.......? 2. ANY: dùng trong câu phủ định hoặc nghi vấn và trong dùng trong câu khẳng định khi nhấn mạnh, trong mệnh đề IF EX: Anybody who stole my purse. If anyone phones for me, you must tell I went out. 3. NO + N Ex: She is no money. 4. MOST + N Most students have to study English. 5. SOME/MOST/NONE + OF + the this, that, these, those, my, his, her, our, their them, us, him, her, me Ex: Most of the experts is good knowledge. 6. Much, many: dùng trong câu phủ định. câu hỏi (dùng trong câu xác định khi có very, too, so, as). Ex: She reads book so much. 7. A lot of: dùng trong câu khẳng định 8. Many, few: dùng với danh từ đếm đuợc số nhiều. 9. Much, little: dùng với danh từ không đếm đuợc. 10. A lot of, lots of, plenty of: dùng với danh từ đếm đuợc số nhiều và danh từ không đếm đƣợc. 11. a few, a little: một ít, một vài few, little: hầu nhƣ không có Ex: He 's lucky. She has few problems. She has little time to look after her children. Have you got any money? Yes, a little. A few of these children will go to work at a garage. 12. many = a large number 13. much = a great deal of, a large amount of. 14. She has 2 hats, one is black, the other is white.


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC She has 4 hats, one is black, another blue, the others are white. Some people eat durian while others don't. Those trousers are dirty. you'd better wear your other pair. This film is terrifying. I want see another. * another: một cái khác * the other: nguời/vật còn lại * the others: những ngƣời/vật còn lại * others: những ngƣời/vật khác (không xác định) * other: khác Neither/eitheir/none/any I and she like playing but (eitheir/neitheir) of us can play very well. We like playing but (any/none) of us can play very well. Excercise 1. Let's wait for...............fifteen minutes. a. more b. another c. an amount of d. every 2. A large............ of rice was stocked. a. amount b. number c. plenty d. many 3. ...........parties were satisfied with the contrat terms. a. One b. Any c. Eitheir d. Both 4. Sorry to say, contains anything that you have had.


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC a. eitheir b. neitheir c. many d. much 5. .........two months, she go on a vacation. a. Every b. All c. Any d. Each 6. It is important but only...............staffs are invited the meeting. a. few b. little c. many d. a few 7. ………the assets of Acme Equipment have been seized and will be auctioned off by Auction Services on Saturday, April 1, 2008, at 2:00 p.m. a. Almost b. Most c. Most of d. Mostly 8. This item has been approved by many testers, who have carried out various experiments on it for……..7 years. a. ever b. much more c. much d. more than 9. Stacy Hall’s Persuasion Skills Seminar should be……….more informative and beneficial for our sales representatives than any other seminar. a. much b. such c. too d. many


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC

11.AUXILIARY VERBS (TRỢ ĐỘNG TỪ) 1. TRỢ ĐỘNG TỪ + VING/VED/V3 EX: Tom was playing tennis at 3 o’a.m yesterday 2. Modal Verbs (can, could, will, would,…..) + V1 EX: She can solve this problem. Cách dùng: Can Could May Might EX: I can do that job. 3. Should/ought to/had better (not) + V1 : NÊN You should go to bed early. 4. Must/have to: phải Cream must be kept cool. They have to go now. Phủ định: Must + not + V1 Do/does/did + not + have to + V1 He must not park here. 5. Suy luận căn cứ Hiện tại: Must + be Must + be + Ving Ex: It is cloudy. It must be rainy. Phủ định: Must not + be Cannot + be Qúa khứ Must + have + V3 She passed a university, she must have been very happy.


Ngữ pháp trọng tâm TOEIC


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