Hazardous Area Classification Basics

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Hazardous Area Classification...


TATA CONSULTING ENGINEERS LIMITED Basic Concepts on Hazardous Area Classification and Equipment Labelling Method


Basic Concepts on Hazardous Area Classification and Equipment Labelling Method

Prepared By 

 Assisted By 

Guided By 

Santanu Gain (103566)

Arun Kumar Maiti (102608)

Sugata Bandyopadhyay (102611)

Saswata Mandal (103487)

Amitava Sengupta (104138)

Date: 18-01-2011 TCE Office Code: DK


TATA CONSULTING ENGINEERS LIMITED Basic Concepts on Hazardous Area Classification and Equipment Labelling Method SECTION

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Explosive Explosive Atmosphere



Ignition Triangle



Explosive Mixture Characteristics



Ignition Temperature



Flash-point Temperature



Electrical Safety Standards, Certifying Agencies


Hazardous Locations Classification



The Classification of Hazardous Locations as per US / Canadian Standard: (NEC)



Area Classification



Material Classification



Temperature Classification



The Classification of Hazardous Locations as per European Standard: (IEC)



Area Classification



Material Classification



Temperature Classification



ATEX Summary



Equipment Labelling Method



Difference between NEC and IEC Practices



Key Installation Points













TATA CONSULTING ENGINEERS LIMITED Basic Concepts on Hazardous Area Classification and Equipment Labelling Method

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1.0 PREFACE  After World War II, the increased use of oil and its derivatives brought the construction of a great number of plants for extraction, refining, and transformation of the chemical substances needed for technological and industrial development. The treatment of dangerous substances, where there exists the risk of explosion or  fire that can be caused by an electrical spark or hot surface, requires specifically defined instrumentation, located in a hazardous location, it also require interfacing signals coming from hazardous location to be unable to create the necessary conditions to ignite and propagate an explosion. This risk of explosions or fire has been the limiting factor when using electrical instrumentation because energy levels were such that the energy limitation to the hazardous location was difficult, if not impossible, to obtain. For this reason, those parts of the process that were considered risky were controlled with pneumatic instrumentation. The introduction of semiconductor devices (transistors first and, subsequently, integrated circuits), along with the capability to reduce the working voltages and energy levels, made the energy  – limitation protection technique, called intrinsic safety, easier to apply when using electronic instrumentation in hazardous locations. Thus, a more economical and more efficient solution to the problem was created. 2.0 OBJECTIVE The purpose of this document is to explain the concepts of area classification, material classification, Temperature classification, national and International standards related to hazardous location and its application to anyone who faces the problems relative to selection, design, and installation of electrical equipments in hazardous location. 3.0 EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERE In some process industries, flammable materials such as crude oil and its derivatives, natural gas, alcohols and other hydrocarbons, synthetic, gases, metal dust, carbon dust, fibres etc. are handled/ processed. In such plants combustible gases, vapours, dusts may be released into atmosphere either during normal operation of the process or owing to any leakage, spillage or fault. This combustible material, when mixed with the air (i.e. O2) in correct proportion, produces an explosive medium and hence poses an explosion hazard.  An area which contains explosive concentration of combustible materials, gases, vapours, dusts, fibres etc either during normal operation of the process or owing to any leakage faults is called “hazardous area”. This is often referred to as “explosive atmosphere”. On other hand, safe area is a location where an ignitable concentration of any combustible material doesn„t exist under any condition. To protect both plant and personnel precaution must be taken to ensure that this explosive atmosphere can not be ignited. In order to ascertain whether an electrical


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apparatus is suitable for installation in a hazardous location (i.e. it does not act as a source of ignition) the f ollowing aspects have to be considered. (i)

Degree of hazard associated with a location. This is referred to as area classification. Area classification indicates the probability of a mixture of a combustible gas/ vapour/ dust and air being present in a particular area.

(ii) The nature of the combustible material present in the hazardous area and its ignition energy requirements. This is referred to as “Material Classification”. Material classification involves the grouping of gases and dusts based on their  ignition energy requirements. (iii) An explosive mixture can be ignited by contact with hot surface. Hence all electrical apparatus used in a hazardous area should be classified according to their maximum surface temperature. This is referred to as “Temperature Classification”. An electrical apparatus installed in a hazardous area must be so designed that its maximum surface temperature never exceeds the ignition temperature of the combustible mixture present in the hazardous area. 4.0 IGNITION TRIANGLE From a chemical point of view, oxidation, combustion, and explosion are all exothermic reactions with different reaction speeds. For such reactions to take place, it is essential that the following three components be present simultaneously in suitable proportions. 

 

Fuel: flammable vapours, liquids or gases, or combustible dust or fibres in an ignitable concentration Oxidizer : generally air or oxygen; Ignition Energy: electrical or thermal.

These three ingredients necessary for an explosion to occur in the correct proportion. By eliminating those conditions an explosion is impossible. These three components are identified in the ignition triangle displayed in Figure 1.1.

Figure-1.1 : Ignition Triangle


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Once that reaction is ignited, depending on how the exothermic energy is released, the results can be a controlled combustion, flame wave, or explosion.  All protection methods used today are based on eliminating one or more of the triangle components in order to reduce the risk of explosion to an acceptable level. In a properly designed safety system, it is generally acceptable that two or more independent faults must occur, each one of low probability, before a potential explosion can occur. 5.0 EXPLOSIVE MIXTURE CHARACTERISTICS The risk of an ignition of an air/gas mixture depends on the probability of the simultaneous presence of the following two conditions: 1. Formation of flammable or explosive vapours, liquids or gases, or combustible dusts or fibres with atmosphere or accumulation of explosive or flammable material; 2. Presence of an energy source  – electrical spark, arc, or surface temperature  – that is capable of igniting the explosive atmosphere present. It is possible to draw an ignition characteristic for each type of fuel. The characteristic curves of hydrogen and propane are illustrated in f igure-1.2.

Figure-1.2: Ignition energy in relation to hydrogen and propane air/gas concentration


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CONCEPT OF MIE, LEL & UEL MIE - A minimum ignition energy (MIE) exists for every fuel that represents the ideal ratio of fuel to air. At this ratio, the mixture is most easily ignited. Below the MIE, ignition is impossible for any concentration. LEL - For a concentration lower than the one corresponding to the MIE, the quantity of  energy required to ignite the mixture increases until a concentration value is reached below which the mixture cannot be ignited due to the lower quantity of  fuel. This value is called the lower explosive limit (LEL). UEL- In the same way, when increasing the concentration the energy requirement increases, and a concentration value is identified above which ignition cannot occur due to the low quantity of an oxidizer. This value is called the upper  explosive limit (UEL). For example, the following table lists the explosive characteristics of hydrogen and propane.

Hydrogen Propane

MIE 20 micro-Joules 180 micro-Joules Table 1.1

LEL 4% 2%

UEL 75% 9.5%

For a practical point of view, LEL is more important and significant than UEL because it establishes, percentage-wise, the minimum quantity of gas needed to create an explosive mixture. This data is important when classifying hazardous locations. The MIE (minimum energy required to ignite an air/gas mixture in the most favourable concentration) is the factor upon which the intrinsic safety technique is based. With this technique, the energy released by an electrical circuit, even under fault conditions, is limited to a value lower than the MIE. 6.0 IGNITION TEMPERATURE The minimum ignition temperature of an air/gas mixture is the temperature at which the explosive atmosphere ignites without electrical energy being supplied. This parameter is important because it establishes the maximum surface temperature allowed for devices located in a hazardous location, under both normal and fault conditions. This must always be lower than the ignition temperature of the gas present. 7.0 FLASH-POINT TEMPERATURE The flash-point temperature is a characteristic of a volatile liquid, and it is defined as the lowest temperature at which the liquid releases sufficient vapors that can be ignited by an energy source. Since a liquid above its flash point constitutes a source of danger, this parameter must be considered when classifying locations.


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8.0 ELECTRICAL SAFETY STANDARDS, ORGANIZATIONS, TESTING AND CERTIFYING AGENCIES Over the past several decades, the increased use of electrical instrumentation in chemical plants and Refineries throughout North America & Europe has brought about an increase in the magnitude of safety problems and the need for safety standards relating to the requirements of equipments in hazardous locations. During the 1950s, there were no industry-accepted safety standards. Up until that time, rules and regulations were created by individuals (designers, engineers, government agencies etc.) trying to be saf e. However, with the increase in demand for  more and more complex electronic equipment for use in hazardous locations, a movement began toward the standardization of safety requirements. Many organizations, including BASEEFA, CENELEC, CSA, FM, IEC, ISA, NEC, NEMA, NFPA, PTB, and UL, perform different function in ensuring the safety of  industrial plants and refineries. UNITED STATES PRACTICE NEC (National Electrical Code) Electrical installation practices in the United States are based on the National Electrical Code (NEC). The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has acted as a sponsor of the NEC since 1911. The NFPA has given the authority for maintaining and revising the NEC to the National Electrical Committee. The 1993 edition of the NEC recognized the importance of the use of intrinsic safety as a protection method by the significant expansion of Article 504, intrinsically safe systems. A further expansion of the NEC occurred in 1991 when Article 505 was added. The importance of this section is based on the fact that it included the so called zone method for classifying hazardous locations. The International Society of Automation (ISA) has been very active in the development of hazardous location standards including safety. FM (Factory Mutual) and UL (Underwriters Laboratories) Both of them are famous organization and they are the two major standardization and approval authorities in the USA. They formulate their own standards which covers a wide variety of subjects including the topic of explosion prevention in hazardous locations. They also acts as a testing and certification authority i.e. they test equipment submitted by manufacturers to determine whether they meet the requirements laid down in the standard and if approved, they issue certificate of  conformity to the relevant FM/UL Standard. CANADIAN PRACTICE In Canada, the Canadian Electrical Code (CEC) is similar to the National Electrical Code and is the standard for electrical equipment installations. The Canadian Standard Association (CSA) is also recognized by OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) as a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory.


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EUROPEAN PRACTICE IEC (International Electro technical Commission) It is an international organisation responsible for electro technical standardization. It has developed standards that relate to the various aspects of the subject of explosion prevention in hazardous locations. CENELEC (In English, the form translates to “European Committee for Electro technical Standardization”) Most European countries are members of CENELEC and the CENELEC standards are given the status of national standard by its member  countries. (For example, in UK which is a member of CENELEC, the CENELEC Standards would be accepted as British Standard). BASEEFA (British approval service for Electrical Equipment in flammable areas).This is an agency which develops the British Standards that related to explosion prevention in hazardous locations and is the British national testing, approval and certifying authority for electrical equipment used in hazardous locations. This standards provides guidelines as to how equipments are to be designed so that they are safe for  installation in hazardous areas, and also gives guidance on safe installation procedures.  ATEX The two European Community (EC) regulations that fundamentally changed the hazardous location landscape in Europe are Directive 94/9/EC (ATEX 95) and Directive 1999/92/EC (ATEX 137). ATEX 95 is focused mainly at manufacturers of  electrical equipment for hazardous areas while ATEX 137 is centred primarily on operators of systems within hazardous locations. Most other countries in Europe as well as many other countries such as the USA, Canada, Japan, Australia etc have similar agencies in their countries, some of which have been listed below: Serial No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Country USA Canada Germany France UK


Finally it is to be noted that countries which do not have their own national standards and a national testing and certifying agency, accept the IEC or the American standards and accept equipments/ systems certified by European / American approval agencies.


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9.0 HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS CLASSIFICATION The identification of hazardous (classified) locations in a plant is normally carried out by experts or highly qualified personnel, such as process or chemical engineers. The possibility of presence of the hazardous atmosphere, in what condition and for how long, must be established. The most common dangerous areas are located where the possibility of a leakage of flammable gas is present. The leakage can occur during a normal or fault condition, or due to the deterioration of the components operating in the process. Depending on the type of leakage  – continuous or intermittent (if  intermittent, with what frequency)  – the classification of the hazardous location is determined. The area surrounding the location identified as hazardous is extended to a distance where the flammable substance becomes so diluted with air that ignition is no longer  possible. This distance is related to a number of factors, such as the nature and quantity of the gas, degree of ventilation, etc.  Although many areas are classified as hazardous due to the presence of gas, combustible dust hazards are equally important due to the potential for explosion. A combustible dust explosion hazard can exist in a variety of industries, including food (e.g. candy, starch, flour, feed), Plastics, wood, rubber, furniture, textiles, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, dyes, coal, metals (e.g., aluminium, chromium, iron, magnesium, and zinc), and fossil fuel power generation. 10.0 THE CLASSIFICATION OF HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS AS PER US / CANADIAN STANDARD: (NEC) In the United States, the classification of hazardous locations is based on the National Electrical Code, NFPA 70, Articles 500 through 505. In Canada, C22.1, Part I of the Canadian Electrical Code applies. Similar to the United States. In North American installations, hazardous areas are defined by divisions, classes, and groups to classify the level of safety required for equipment installed in these locations. Divisions define the probability of the presence of the hazard being present during normal or abnormal conditions. Classes define the type of hazard in terms of whether it is a gas or vapour, a combustible or conductive dust or an ignitable fibre or flying. Groups classify the exact type and nature of the hazardous substance. 10.1  AREA CLASSIFICATION FOR NEC Hazardous Area Classification identifies those areas in the premises where flammable atmospheres can be found. Flammable atmospheres are generally mixtures of air with flammable gas, Vapour, Dust or aerosol (Mist). This Area classification also provides


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an estimate as to how often these flammable atmospheres may be found depending on the type of leakage  – continuous or intermittent (if intermittent with what frequency). The hazardous area is divided according to the level of risk present. In general, the divisions are as follows:

Division 1

Division 2

Danger can be present during normal functioning, during repair or maintenance, or where a fault may cause the simultaneous failure of electrical equipment. Combustible material is present but confined to a closed container or system, is normally vented or is in an area adjacent to a Division 1 location Table 1.3

10.2 MATERIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR NEC  A hazardous area may contain flammable gases or vapour, combustible dusts or  ignitable fibres or flying (material classification involves the grouping of combustible materials on the basic of their ignition energy requirement.) In both countries (United States and Canada), hazardous locations are categorized into the following three classes, depending on the type of flammable substances present: Class I Class II Class III

Hazardous due to the presence of flammable substances such as gases or vapours. Hazardous due to the presence of flammable substances such as dusts or powders. Hazardous due to the presence of flammable substances in a fibre or flying state. Table 1.4

Class I (Gas or Vapours) Class I hazardous locations are subdivided into the following four groups, depending on the type of flammable gases or vapours present: Group A Group B

Group C

Group D

 Atmospheres containing acetylene  Atmospheres containing hydrogen, fuel and combustible process gases containing more than 30 percent by volume, or gases or vapours of equivalent hazard such as butadiene, ethylene oxide, propelling oxide and, acrolein.  Atmosphere such as ethyl ether, ethylene, or gases or  vapours of equivalent hazard.  Atmospheres such as acetone, ammonia, benzene, butane, cyclopropane, ethanol, gasoline, hexane, methanol, methane, natural gas, naphtha, propane, or  gases or vapours of equivalent hazard. Table 1.5


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Class II (Combustible Dusts or Powders) Class II hazardous locations are subdivided into the following three groups, depending on the type of combustible dusts or powders present:

Group E

Group F

Group G

 Atmospheres containing combustible metal dusts, including aluminium, magnesium and their commercial alloys, or  other combustible dusts whose particle size, abrasiveness and conductivity present similar in the use of electrical equipment.  Atmospheres containing combustible carbonaceous dusts, including carbon black, charcoal, coke dust that have more than 8 percent total entrapped volatiles, or dusts that have been sensitized by other materials so that they present an explosion hazard.  Atmospheres containing combustible carbonaceous dusts not included in Group E or Group F, including flour, grain wood, plastic, and chemicals. Table 1.6

Class III (Easily Ignitable Fibres or Flyings) Class III hazardous locations are those that are hazardous because of the presence of  easily ignitable fibres or flyings, but in which such fibres or flyings are not likely to be in suspension in the air in quantities sufficient t o produce ignitable mixtures. Class III, Division 1 locations are those in which easily ignitable fibres materials producing combustible flyings are handled, manufactured, or used. Class III, Division 2 locations are those in which easily ignitable fibres are stored or  handled. Locations belonging in this class usually include parts of textile mills, cotton gins, flaxprocessing plants, clothing manufacturing plants, woodworking plants, etc. Easily ignitable fibres and flying include rayon, cotton, sisal, hemp, cocoa fibre, kapok, Spanish moss, excelsior, etc. Class III locations are not further subdivided. 10.3 SURFACE TEMPERATURE CLASSIFICATION FOR NEC  An apparatus directly located in a hazardous location must also be classified for the maximum surface temperature that can be generated by the instrument, either during normal functioning or under a fault condition. The maximum surface temperature must be lower than the minimum ignition temperature of the gas present.


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In the United States and Canada, temperature classifications are divided into six classes- T1 through T6. Classes T2, T3 and T4 are further subdivided, as shown in the following table. Maximum Temperature Degree C 450 300 280 260 230 215 200 180 165 160 135 120 100 85

North American Temperature Classification T1 T2 T2 A T2 B T2 C T2 D T3 T3 A T3 B T3 C T4 T4 A T5 T6 Table 1.7

Surface temperature classifications in North America Each gas is associated with a temperature class based on its ignition temperature. It is important to note that there is no correlation, for any specific mixture, between ignition energy and ignition temperature. For example, hydrogen has minimum ignition energy of 20 µJ and an ignition temperature of 560°C, while acetaldehyde has ignition energy greater than 180 µJ and an ignition temperature of 140°C. Maximum surface temperature, calculated or measured under the worst conditions, is not to be confused with the maximum working temperature of the apparatus. For  example, an electrical apparatus designed to work with a maximum temperature of  70°C, even under the worst conditions of the expected temperature range, must not have a temperature rise greater than the safety margin specified by the applicable standards.  An apparatus classified for a specific temperature class can be used in the presence of all gases with an ignition temperature higher than the temperature class of the specific instrument. For example, an apparatus classified as T5 can be used with the all gases having an ignition temperature greater than 100°C.  According to FM 3610 and UL 913, all temperature data shall be referred to a base ambient temperature of 40°C. Tests to be based on an ambient temperature within the range of 20-40°C. The difference between the ambient temperature at which the test was conducted and 40°C shall then be added to the temperature measured.


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11.0 THE CLASSIFICATION OF HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS AS PER EUROPEAN STANDARD: (IEC) 11.1  AREA CLASSIFICATION FOR IEC  Area classification involves the subdivision of hazardous areas on the basis of the probability of flammable mixture being present and the length of time for which it is likely to exist. In Europe as well as major portion of the rest of the world, the present practises is to categorize hazardous areas according to the relevant IEC standard (IEC-International Electrical Commission). However, USA and Canada follow a different standard for area classification as define by NEC (National Electrical Code) in the USA. In India, we follow both, possibly with a greater tilt towards the IEC standards. In Europe, the tendency is to follow the recommendation of IEC 60079-10, based on which any place where the probability of the presence of a flammable gas exists must be classified according to the subdivision in one of the following zones: Zone 0 Zone 1 Zone 2

 An area in which an explosive air/gas mixture is continuously present for long periods  An area in which an explosive air/gas mixture is likely to occur in normal operation  An area in which an explosive air/gas mixture is unlikely to occur; but, if it does, only for short periods of time Table 1.8

However, if the combustible material is in the form of a dust, no IEC standard exists for area classification. In such cases, European countries follow the CENELEC standards wherein hazardous areas containing dusts are classified into Zone 20, Zone 21 and Zone 22 Zone 20 Zone 21 Zone 22

 An area in which a combustible dust cloud is part of the air  permanently, over long periods of time or frequently  An area in which a combustible dust cloud in air is likely to occur in normal operation  An area in which a combustible dust cloud in air may occur  briefly or during abnormal operation Table 1.9

 Any other plant location that is not classified as a hazardous location is to be considered a nonhazardous location. Finally it is to be noted that the IEC/ NEC definitions merely provide guidelines for  classifying a specific hazardous location but do not specify any concise rules or a quantitative method for deciding whether a location is Zone 0, 1 or 2. Interpretation of  area classification varies and trying to categorize a specific location into one of the three Zones (or two Divisions) is a difficult job and a wide variety of factors needs to be considered such as:


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i) The probability of the presence of a combustible material in the atmosphere ii) The quantity of combustible material present iii) The degree of ventilation iv) The nature of the combustible gas (whether heavier or lighter than air) v) The topography of the site (for example – if in a particular location the wind velocity is larger, then any combustible gas/ vapour released tends to be flushed out (swept away) by air resulting in relatively lower degree of hazard. 11.2 MATERIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR IEC European standard EN60079-0:2006 requires that apparatus be subdivided into two groups: Group I

 Apparatus to be used in mines where the danger is represented by methane gas and coal dust

Group II

 Apparatus to be used in surface industries where the danger is represented by gas and vapor that has been subdivided into three groups: A,B and C. These subdivisions are based on the maximum experimental safe gap (MESG) for an explosion proof enclosure or the minimum ignition current (MIC) for intrinsically safe electrical apparatus.

Group II A

Propane, Carbon di Sulphide

Group II B


Group II C

Acetylene, Hydrogen Table 1.10

The groups indicate the types of danger for which the apparatus has been designed. Since Group I is intended for mines. The apparatus in Group II can be used in an area where gases or vapours are present (Class I hazardous location). 11.3 SURFACE TEMPERATURE CLASSIFICATION FOR IEC  An explosive mixture may be ignited by contact with hot surfaces (whose temperature is greater than or equal to the ignition temperature of the mixture). Hence all electrical apparatus installed in the hazardous area must be classified according to its maximum surface temperature classification indicates the maximum surface temperature of an electrical apparatus (both under normal operating condition as well as fault conditions). European standard EN60079-0:2006 requires that the maximum surface temperature be subdivided into six classes from T1 to T6, assuming a reference ambient temperature of 40°C.


TATA CONSULTING ENGINEERS LIMITED Basic Concepts on Hazardous Area Classification and Equipment Labelling Method

Maximum Surface Temperature (Deg C)

European Temperature Classification (IEC)













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Better Apparatus

Table 1.11 Surface temperature classification in Europe Note that the maximum temperature of an electrical apparatus produced as a consequence of power dissipation within the device, depends on the ambient temperature. When electrical power is dissipated within an apparatus heat is generated which caused the temperature of the device to rise relative to its surrounding [Heat generated (owing to power dissipated in the device) = Mass X Specific heat X (T device – Tambient)]. Large the amount of power dissipated; greater is the temperature rise of the device. For a given dissipation, the surface temperature produce depends on the ambient temperature. T device = [Heat / (Mass X Specific Heat)] + Tambient. Hence it is important to specify the ambient temperature, while indicating the temperature classification of an electrical apparatus. For higher ambient temperature (>40°C) the temperature classification given above should be regarded as a “temperature rise” assessment. Thus if an apparatus has a temperature classification of T6 (i.e. maximum surface temperature = 85°C) corresponding to an ambient temperature of 40°C (i.e. a temperature rise of 45°C= (85°C - 40°C) over ambient), then for ambient temperature of 55°C and 80°C the maximum surface temperature may be assume to be (55°C ambient + 45°C temperature rise) = 100°C and (80°C+ 45°C) = 135°C respectively. Hence a device which has a temperature classification of  T6 (40°C ambient) would have a temperature classification T5 and T6 at ambient temperature of 55°C and 80°C. 12.0 ATEX SUMMARY With the introduction of the ATEX requirements, a new marking program took affect on all products for use within the EC. The intent of the marking requirements is based on uniformity. The CE conformity mark on the product is an indication that all relevant directives (i.e., ATEX, Low Voltage-2006/95/EC, Machinery-2006/42/EC) have been satisfied and that the product is suitable for use according to the manufactures instructions. For hazardous area products, the following chart applies:


TATA CONSULTING ENGINEERS LIMITED Basic Concepts on Hazardous Area Classification and Equipment Labelling Method Device Group

Device Category

Type of  Atmosphere


II (all areas except mining)

Protection to Hazardous Area Zone be Ensured Characteristics Comparison

Very High

I (mining)




Very High

G (gas, vapour, mist)



D (dust)


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Present continuously – equipment cannot be deenergized Present continuously – equipment can be deenergized Present continuously, for long periods or frequently Likely to occur  in normal operation and for short periods of time Not likely to occur in normal operation or  infrequently



Zone 0 Zone 20

Zone 1 Zone 21

Zone 2 Zone 22

Table 1.12 13.0 EQUIPMENT LABELLING METHOD  All equipment certified for use in hazardous areas must be labelled to show the type and level of protection applied. The following example identifies the key elements of  the equipment marking: II (1) G D [Ex ia] IIC PTB 00 ATEX 2080


Symbol identifies the product for hazardous locations


Device Group – Non-mining application


Device Category- Can be used in Zone 0 and/or  Zone 20-(…) indicates only part of the device meets the requirements of the category



 Atmosphere Type – Can be used in/for areas with flammable gas



 Atmosphere Type – Can be used in/for areas with flammable dust



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 Associated apparatus that supplies safety into the hazardous area.



Product Type – Explosion protection



Protection Type – Intrinsic safety


Equipment Group – IIC is most hazardous area


Certifying Test Agency



Test Year 



Compliance with Directive 94/9/EC


Running Number  Table 1.13

The following badge represents a typical example of equipment labelling

Figure-1.3: Typical example of equipment labelling


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14.0 DIFFERENCE BETWEEN NEC AND IEC PRACTICES The following table shows the differences between the North American (NEC) and Europe (IEC) practices, regarding the classification of hazardous locations.







Continuous Hazard

Intermittent Hazard

Division 1 Zone 0/20

Zone 1/21

Abnormalcondition Hazard Division 2 Zone 2/22

Table 1.14 It is evident from the above table that Zone 2/22 (IEC/EUROPE) and Division 2 (North  America) are most equivalent, while Division 1 includes the corresponding Zone 0/20 and Zone 1/21. An instrument designed for Zone 1/21 cannot necessarily be directly used in Division 1. In the stated definition from the cited standard, no quantification of  the expressions “long period time” for Zone 0/20, “can be present” for Zone 1/21 and Division 1, and “not normally present” for Zone 2/22, is given. The main difference between the North American and the European classification of  hazardous locations is that there is currently no direct equivalent to the European Zone 0 in the North American system. Zone 0 is, therefore, the most dangerous. An instrument designed for Zone 0 must be incapable of generating or accumulating sufficient energy to ignite t he fuel mixture. In Europe, the apparatus are certified on the basis of design and construction characteristics. From a practical point of view, the two systems are equivalent even if  there are minor differences, as shown in the following table: Hazard Categories

Apparatus Classification Europe (IEC)

Ignition Energy

North America (NEC)


Group I (mines)

Class I, Group D


Group IIC

Class I, Group A

> 20 µJoules


Group IIC

Class I, Group B

> 20 µJoules


Group IIB

Class I, Group C

> 60 µJoules


Group IIA

Class I, Group D

>180 µJoules


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Conductive (Metal) Dust

Group IIIC

Class II, Group E

Nonconductive (Coal) Dust

Group IIIB

Class II, Group F

Grain Dust

Group IIIA

Class II, Group G

Combustible Flying

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↑ More easily


Class III Table 1.15

 Apparatus classification in North America and Europe Each subgroup of Group II and of Class I is associated with a certain number of gases having an ignition energy included in the value reported and is represented by the gas reference in the above table that is used in certification tests. Group IIC and Class I, Group A and B are the most dangerous because they require the lowest level of ignition energy. An apparatus designed for these groups must be incapable of igniting, by electrical means, any potentially explosive air/gas mixture. The current IEC 60079-0 standard now contains dust protection requirements and defines dust atmospheres as Group IIIC, IIIB, and IIIA. 15.0 KEY INSTALLATION POINTS: 1. The nature of the hazardous atmosphere: Classification(Material Classification))


on Gas / Liquid / Dust

2. Ignition Temperature (Material Classification) 3. The probability that the hazardous atmosphere will be present(based on Area Classification) 4. The maximum spark energy it can produce (Apparatus Group) 16.0 CONCLUSION In order to avoid hazard in a chemical process plant it is important to know the nature of chemical being handled and depending upon the nature of chemical, the type of  electrical items to be used in that area of plant is determined. Finally to make the matter more clear, various sections of process plant and storage are classified depending upon the severity of hazard in taking decision regarding type of electrical items to be provided. This document is helpful in general for hazardous classification and selection of electrical items suitable for use in process industries (Chemical, Petrochemical, fertiliser etc.)


TATA CONSULTING ENGINEERS LIMITED Basic Concepts on Hazardous Area Classification and Equipment Labelling Method

SHEET : 19 OF 19


(TCE.M10-PCS-01): Guide for Hazardous Area Classification for Chemical and Industrial Plants.

 Interface Technology Engineer‟s Guide (PEPPERL&FUCHS) 



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