-Dolorina v Valecira Case Digest

July 17, 2019 | Author: Leopoldo, Jr. Blanco | Category: Restraining Order, Lawsuit, Politics, Government, Justice
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2) Trieste vs. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 70332-43...



search OCT 5 CASE DIGEST CHERRYL B. DOLINA vs. GLENN D. VALLECERA G.R. N. !"#$%&. Dece'(er !5) #*!*.

+ACTS, I- +e(rary #**" Cherryl B. Dli-a /le0 a pe11- 2ith prayer 3r the issa-ce 3 a te'prary prtec1r0er a4ai-st resp-0e-t Gle-- D. Vallecera (e3re the Re4i-al Trial Crt 3 Tacl(a- City 3r alle4e0 2'a- a-0 chil0 a(se -0er Rep(lic Act R.A.6 7#%#. I- /lli-4 t the (la-8s i- the pr93r'a c'plai-t) Dli-a a00e0 a ha-02ri:e- prayer 3r /-a-cial spprt 3r' Vallecera 3r their sppse0 chil0. She (ase0 her prayer - the la:er;s Cer1/cate 3 Live Birth 2hich liste0 Vallecera as the chil0;s 3ather. The pe11- als as8e0 the RTC t r0er arch !$) #**" the RTC 0is'isse0 the pe11- a?er heari-4 si-ce - prir @04'e-t eists esta(lishi-4 the /lia1- 3 Dli-a;s s- a-0 4ra-1-4 hi' the ri4ht t spprt as (asis 3r a- r0er t c'pel the 4ivi-4 3  sch spprt. Dli-a /le0 a '1- 3r rec-si0era1rec-si0era1- (t the RTC 0e-ie0 it i- its April ) #**" Or0er) 2ith a- a0'-i1- that she /rst /le a pe11- 3r c'plsry rec4-i1- 3 her chil0 as a prereisite 3r spprt. -sa1s/e0) Dli-a /le0 the prese-t pe11- 3r revie2. revie2.

ISSE, hether r -t the RTC crrectly 0is'isse0 Dli-a;s ac1- 3r te'prary prtec1- a-0 0e-ie0 her applica1- 3r te'prary spprt 3r her chil0.

HELD, Dli-a evi0e-tly /le0 the 2r-4 ac1- t (tai- spprt 3r her chil0. The (@ect 3 R.A. 7#%# -0er 2hich she /le0 the case is the prtec1- a-0 sa3ety 3 2'e- a-0 chil0re- 2h are vic1's 3 a(se r vile-ce. Alth4h the issa-ce 3 a prtec1- r0er a4ai-st the resp-0e-t i- the case ca- i-cl0e the 4ra-t 3 le4al spprt 3r the 2i3e a-0 the chil0) this ass'es that (th are e -1tle0 t a prtec1- r0er a-0 t le4al spprt. T (e e-1tle0 t le4al spprt) pe11-er 'st) i- prper ac1-) /rst esta(lish the /lia1- 3 the chil0) i3 the sa'e is -t a0'i:e0 r ac8-2le04e0. Si-ce Dli-a;s 0e'a-0 3r spprt 3r her s- is (ase0 - her clai' that he is Vallecera;s ille4i1'ate chil0) the la:er is -t e-1tle0 t sch spprt i3 he ha0 -t ac8-2le04e0 hi') -1l Dli-a shall have prve0 his rela1- t hi'. The chil0;s re'e0y is t /le thr4h her 'ther a @0icial ac1- a4ai-st Vallecera 3r c'plsry rec4-i1-. I3 /lia1- is (ey-0 es1-) spprt 3ll2s as 'a:er 3 (li4a1-. I- shrt) ille4i1'ate chil0re- are e-1tle0 t spprt a-0 sccessi-al ri4hts (t their /lia1- 'st (e 0ly prve0.

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